Pain with swelling of the legs in pregnant women. Local preparations for getting rid of edema. Removal of edema at home

The fact that during the period of bearing a child, legs, arms, face can swell, many newly-made pregnant women know. And it seems to be considered normal, because this happens often. But why then do doctors watch so diligently and certainly pay attention to whether their ward is edematous? Can "pregnant" edema be something dangerous?

Puffiness is a condition when excess fluid collects in the tissues. We notice this in the form of swelling, which primarily appears on the face and legs, but also during pregnancy, the arms, abdomen, and lower back may swell.

In fact, swelling during pregnancy is a common phenomenon and has its own explanations. Firstly, the body's needs for fluid are constantly increasing, so the further, the more a woman wants to drink. A significant part of the weight gained during pregnancy is just liquid. Secondly, sodium accumulates in the woman's body - in the vessels and in all tissues except bone. And sodium, as you know, attracts to itself and, thus, retains water in the body. This is how edema appears.

Swollen nose during pregnancy

First of all, fluid retention in the tissues manifests itself on the face of a woman: it is rounded, the eyelids swell and visually the eyes become narrower and smaller. Often, with swelling on the face, renal edema begins, requiring treatment, which is a little lower.

Among other things, the nose swells. But it is not at all excluded that such a symptom has a different nature. Problems with nasal breathing are a fairly common phenomenon among pregnant women. Often we are talking about the "runny nose of pregnant women", which is caused by hormonal changes. At the same time, the nasal mucosa swells, breathing through the nose becomes difficult, itching and dryness in the nose appear - the woman experiences severe discomfort.

Pregnancy rhinitis can occur at different times of the day (for example, only in the evening and at night or throughout the day), at different times, and in some cases accompany the entire pregnancy. But after childbirth, this unpleasant companion will disappear. Now the main thing is to find an effective safe remedy for a runny nose and nasal congestion. By itself, the runny nose of pregnant women is not dangerous, but it can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, which is very undesirable.

Swelling of the nose during pregnancy may well be an allergic manifestation. Analyze all your recent activities and assess the following: perhaps you need to find the source of the allergen (new washing powder, flowering plants, etc.)

Sometimes swelling of the nose and lips appears already from the first weeks of pregnancy as the earliest sign, although much more often such nasal swelling occurs already in the last weeks of pregnancy. In general, everything is quite individual: many expectant mothers do not experience anything like this at all.

Hands and fingers swell during pregnancy

Hands and fingers swell more often during pregnancy. The woman feels tingling in the fingers, burning in the wrists, numbness of the hands. A clear sign of puffiness can be considered swelling of the fingers to the point that it becomes impossible to remove the ring. Another way to check for swelling is to press your finger on the skin of your hand: if there is a dent, then you can talk about swelling.

The formation of swelling of the hands during pregnancy is more prone to women who work a lot with a computer mouse and keyboard or do other things that require repeated repetition of the same actions, for example, knitting or modeling. In this case, the so-called tunnel syndrome develops: the fluid accumulating in the wrist puts pressure on the nerve passing here, which causes pain.

Gymnastics for the hands and more rest will not interfere with you at all.

If the swelling of the hands and fingers during pregnancy is combined with other swelling - back, sacrum, lower abdomen - then you should notify your doctor about this.

swollen legs during pregnancy

However, most often the legs swell during pregnancy. They noticeably swell, it becomes incredibly difficult to put on the old shoes, especially if you walked a lot and took off your shoes before. The first sign of swelling of the legs may be a mark on the ankle from the gum of the socks.

In most cases, swelling of the legs during pregnancy appears in the third trimester and is not dangerous. Almost every pregnant woman experiences swelling of the legs of varying degrees, so you should not worry too much about this. But they can also be one of the signs of late toxicosis - a condition that is definitely dangerous for both the child and the woman. Therefore, this fact should not be left without attention either, and in no case. Talk to your doctor about how to prevent and treat swollen feet - it's really easy to do at home.

If by morning the swelling of the legs does not go away, and the hands, face, stomach and lower back swell along with the legs, then a visit to the doctor should be made immediately.

Edema during pregnancy: folk remedies

Usually, if the cause of edema in a pregnant woman is eliminated, they disappear on their own within a few days. To do this, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of table salt, not overwork, ensure normal rest and exclude exposure to the sun.

It is a mistake to think that you need to drink as little as possible. Today, doctors no longer advise pregnant women to reduce fluid intake in case of swelling. After all, now it’s impossible to live without liquid, it is simply necessary for the normal development of pregnancy, besides, a sharp reduction in its amount will lead to the opposite effect: the body will begin to accumulate water in reserve. So you still have to drink enough - at least one and a half liters, excluding soups and fruits. It is best to drink clean water, you can add lemon, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are also very useful (they have a diuretic effect). Now give up coffee.

Eliminate all provoking factors. Eat less salty foods (first of all, exclude sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, herring, black bread, salted nuts, olives), spices, carbonated drinks, foods high in sodium (tomatoes, seeds, nuts), give up fried , smoked. Instead, increase the amount of protein in your diet. Once a week, you can spend a fasting day on apples and juice.

Do not walk in the heat, do not overwork, do not sit for a long time in one position, do physical education (if there are no contraindications, of course). Of great importance is a good rest and walks in the fresh air. Keep your feet elevated while you sleep. To alleviate the condition will help the adoption of the knee-elbow position for 5-10 minutes.

In folk medicine, there are many different recipes for combating edema:

  • Diuretic herbs help well - bear ears, bearberry or lingonberry leaves, horsetail, cherry stalks, hawthorn flowers and berries, kidney fees - no more than one glass of decoction or infusion per day and no more than 1 month.
  • A decoction of dried apricots: pour boiling water over dried apricots and leave overnight, and in the morning drink this compote 30-40 minutes before meals.

There are many other folk recipes against puffiness. Just do not resort to the treatment of edema with medications, for example, diuretic tablets. However, any action should be coordinated with a doctor, and phytotherapy is no exception.

Cool foot baths also help: the water should not be icy, but not warm either. Hold your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then lie on your left side and rest a little, lifting your legs above the level of your heart. Try not to lie on your back at all. If there is someone to give you a foot massage, then generally wonderful! After the procedures done, the swelling should go away.

In this case, we are talking about physiological, that is, “normal” edema for pregnant women, which affects approximately 75-80% of expectant mothers. They do not pose a threat to the fetus, although such manifestations should be eliminated. But swelling during pregnancy is not always so harmless. If you do not pay attention to them in time and do not take the necessary measures, then problems will begin.

Edema with gestosis

In general, edema during pregnancy is one of the three most striking symptoms (late toxicosis). Therefore, most often they appear in the third trimester. The more you run puffiness, the greater the risks will await you and the unborn baby.

There are 4 degrees of preeclampsia, in which puffiness manifests itself in different ways:

  • I - dropsy of pregnant women. In addition to edema, there is a general weight gain, weakness, fatigue.
  • II - nephropathy of pregnant women. In addition to edema, protein in the urine or increased blood pressure may also appear. If all three symptoms are noted at the same time, the condition is considered as threatening for the woman.
  • III - preeclampsia. In this case, changes in the fundus and brain adjoin nephropathy.
  • IV - eclampsia. Convulsions begin - the condition itself is extremely dangerous for both the woman and the child.

However, this is not all. In addition to gestational edema, cardiac and renal edema can also develop during pregnancy, which often appear earlier than in the third trimester.

Cardiac edema can occur if a woman has heart problems. Moreover, they are always located below: from the waist and below. On physical examination, the liver is found to be enlarged. And before the appearance of edema, a woman has shortness of breath and an increased heartbeat, her lips may turn blue.

Unlike cardiac, renal edema begins with the face, bags under the eyes are characteristic, and later hands and feet may swell. The reason is the kidney disease of a woman in the past or developed now, against the background of pregnancy, which must be treated.

When is edema a threat?

If you are dealing with physiological edema that disappears after the elimination of the provoking factor, as we wrote about above, there is no reason to worry. But as soon as you notice that the edema does not go away on its own (you wake up edematous in the morning), and also that, in addition to the legs, the arms, legs, hips, abdomen, lower back also swell, then immediately tell your gynecologist about this.

A serious cause for concern is also rapid weight gain (over 20 kg in general or over 300 g per week), so you need to weigh yourself regularly.

The degree of swelling at home can be checked as follows: press your finger in the shin area, where the bone is covered only by skin (without muscles) - in front of the bottom of the leg. If the skin immediately returns to its place, everything is in order. If a dent remains there for a while, swelling is evident, or rather on the leg.

On an outpatient basis, you may be given the necessary tests or a McClure-Aldrich test to determine puffiness.

What is the danger of swelling during pregnancy?

In most cases, it is physiological swelling that is observed in pregnant women. It does not pose a threat, in fact, like dropsy of pregnant women. But such manifestations should not be left without attention.

If there is a problem, that is, we are talking about the second and further degree of preeclampsia, then it must be solved. Even if at the same time the pregnant woman feels normal, puffiness, along with other symptoms, is an alarm signal. Ignoring threatens you with a violation of communication in the "mother - placenta - fetus" system. This primarily promises oxygen starvation of the child with all the ensuing consequences. In the event of serious complications, it may even be necessary to terminate the pregnancy.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Treatment of edema during pregnancy, as a rule, begins with the above recommendations, mainly with the normalization of sleep and rest and diet. The attending physician will certainly monitor weight gain, and will also recommend that you monitor the amount of fluid consumed and excreted by the body.

Much will depend on the results of the analysis. If protein is found in the urine, especially against the background of high blood pressure and shortness of breath, then the woman will be offered inpatient treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the cause of the formation of edema, improving the functioning of the kidneys and heart, and uteroplacental blood flow. Vitamin preparations are usually prescribed - magnesium, vitamin E, lipoic acid.

Drug treatment of edema during pregnancy is required only when they are accompanied by a violation of the functions of important organs (liver, kidneys, heart), since diuretics during pregnancy can only be used in extreme cases due to the large number of contraindications and side effects, as well as the likely toxic effects to the fruit.

In each individual case, the appointments will be different, so the treatment of edema during pregnancy can and should be prescribed only by a specialist and only based on the results of a complete examination! Do not worry about the appointments, because the treatment necessarily compares the potential risk and the likely benefit.

Be healthy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From a guest

I had terrible edema from 6 months of pregnancy. All arms, legs, stomach, face swelled. Gained 2-3kg in 1-2 weeks. The doctor answered only one thing "eat and drink less." Even though I ate and drank so little. My legs hurt terribly, I went to bed and woke up with pain. Walking was hard and painful. I read a lot of information about swelling, I came across an interesting article about the benefits of lemons. I started drinking water with lemon. I completely refused plain water, I drink it only with the addition of lemon. After a while, the swelling went away, the legs do not hurt. I advise everyone.

From a guest

I also used Venolgon 911 gel, after work, when I simply didn’t feel my legs, I took a contrast shower and smeared it with this gel, such a pleasant chill goes down my legs. Puffiness and fatigue disappear very quickly.

From a guest

I’ve been saving myself from edema for more than a year now with the venolgon 911 pharmacy balm, it relieves puffiness in 25 minutes, improves blood circulation, I feel light in my legs, I used to take baths, they helped, but usually in such situations there is no time, and the gel quickly applied, rested a little and legs came in order. And during pregnancy she smeared them in the last months.

Pregnancy completely changes the outlook and habitual way of life of every woman. Sometimes, the happiness of anticipation of becoming a mother is overshadowed by complications, such as, for example, swelling during pregnancy.

Edema is characterized by excessive fluid retention in the body: in a separate part of it or in general.

Excessive water retention can be caused by an inflammatory process, a consequence of insect bites, and various kinds of injuries. In addition, various kinds of drinks are able to retain excess liquid, for example, mineral water, sparkling water.

Edema often accompanies various diseases. So, those suffering from kidney disease, heart disease, diabetics meet them more often than people who are unfamiliar with such problems.

Causes of edema during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease, however, the body of a woman, being in this state, is transformed and differs significantly from its former appearance. The retention of more fluid in the body of the expectant mother is normal, of course, and this process begins almost from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Starting from about the eighth week, fluid accumulates, the total volume of which for the entire period reaches an average of 6-8 liters. Part of this strategic supply of water is required for the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid. The second half is needed to increase the mother's blood volume, for the growth of the mammary glands and uterus.

However, it often happens that the body makes reserves of a much larger volume than there is a real need for. It is then that edema occurs during pregnancy, in the later lines which can harm the health of both mother and baby.

Varieties of edema during pregnancy

Water-salt metabolism in pregnant women undergoes physiological changes, as a result of which pathologies in the form of edema are likely. There are four types of severity:

  1. The first is characterized by swelling on the legs.
  2. The second - stop, lower abdomen.
  3. The third is swelling of the hands and face.
  4. The fourth - generalized edema, otherwise referred to as "dropsy".

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

When the legs swell during pregnancy, while there are no other symptoms, this is the first bell indicating a lack of fluid. Excessive thirst confirms this.

Methods for determining edema

The swelling may be barely noticeable. In the morning, there may not be any problems, and by the evening, comfortable shoes begin to press, there is a feeling of discomfort in the legs.

The first sign of puffiness is uneven weight gain, as well as a weekly plus on the scales over 300 grams.

To find out if there is swelling, you should press the skin a little with your finger. If, after removing your finger, the skin does not immediately level out, this is the first wake-up call.

Puffiness from 20 weeks is not normal. Its presence is a signal to draw the attention of a doctor to this.

Causes of puffiness

A little swelling is not always dangerous. Another thing is that the condition is aggravated due to the abuse of salty, fried, fatty. In summer, the heat is unbearable. Additional irritants are capable of creating a pathology requiring treatment from a natural process for the physiology of a pregnant woman. That is why the diet and lifestyle of the expectant mother should be treated responsibly.

There are several main causes of swelling:

  • Violation of water-salt metabolism.
  • Deficiency in protein intake.
  • The burden on the kidneys, constantly increasing with the growth of the fetus.
  • Compression of the renal vessels.

What is gestosis during pregnancy

Swollen legs can be a sign of significant pathology. Too fast weight gain is observed next to edema. Puffiness spreads to other parts of the body and becomes the first source of concern for a woman, not leaving her alone for a minute. With gestosis, heaviness is felt when walking, pressure rises, protein comes out with urine, blood circulation slows down, and the first organs that suffer from this are the kidneys, liver, and brain.

At an early stage, gestosis reveals itself as the presence of edema, often hidden.

Not all edema is already preeclampsia, not always edema during pregnancy is dangerous. The task of doctors is to determine the severity of edema, the task of pregnant women is to draw the attention of attending physicians to changes in their body, even, at first glance, seemingly insignificant and harmless.

There can be no self-activity in the treatment of such edema during pregnancy. In the presence of the disease, expectant mothers are hospitalized, since such edema during pregnancy is extremely dangerous.

Swelling of the hands during pregnancy

Excess fluid can accumulate in the wrists and fingers. The volume of fluid gradually increases, as a result of which the hands swell during pregnancy.

The expectant mother is subject to modifications at the hormonal level. This is associated with excessive sensitivity, irritability, illogical mood swings. The hormone progesterone affects not only mood, it can cause fluid stagnation.

Numbness of the hands, discomfort in the fingers and wrists are all the first signs of swelling of the hands.

Mechanical work, such as knitting, computer work, can also aggravate severe swelling during pregnancy. Therefore, doing monotonous work, you should do exercises for your hands, warm up your fingers.

Puffiness of the face during pregnancy

Blood cells the farther away, the less they contain salts and protein compared to other tissues. Water actively leaves the blood, which leads to its dehydration. In addition, edema during late pregnancy occurs due to squeezing by the rapidly growing uterus of the lymphatic vessels and veins.

In appearance, the face becomes unnaturally rounded. What to do when edema during pregnancy in the last stages manifest itself with renewed vigor - to focus the attention of a specialist on this.

Treatment and prevention of swelling during pregnancy

Light exercise, exercise, being in the fresh air, an active life together with a full diet is the best prevention against the appearance of deviations, including swelling.

Comfortable shoes and comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics, evening foot massages and baths, a special cream will come to the aid of expectant mothers and make their condition as pleasant and painless as possible.

Diet and drinking regimen for edema

Salty is removed from the diet, including salty mineral water, which it is desirable to exclude completely, as well as various sodas, the detrimental effect of which does not at all justify the desire to quench your thirst. Ordinary water, teas, juices, compotes are able to cope with the restoration of water balance and do no harm.

It is important to drink 1-1.2 liters of fluid daily. In addition to water, this volume includes food containing water (fruits, borscht, broths, soups, etc.). With edema, it is advised to drink water with a slice of lemon, tea with lemon (preferably without sugar), lingonberry compote.

Kidney and other herbal preparations should never be drunk without a doctor's recommendation. Diuretic pills are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

How to relieve swelling of the legs during pregnancy

With swelling of the legs during pregnancy, the question is “what to do?” asked millions of times to doctors. Often there is no need to be treated with medication - small edema can be easily avoided by following simple rules.

When the legs swell slightly during pregnancy, expectant mothers should lie on their side more often.

Several times a day, experts advise lying or sitting with legs raised to the top for 10-15 minutes. For large swelling, this procedure should be repeated every two to three hours. The best effect will be if you first lower the legs in a bowl of cool water for 20 minutes.

With slight swelling, you can lie down with a low roller under your feet. You can sleep in this position.

Foot massage is useful for preventing swelling - you can rub it with your hands or use a washcloth. After the procedure, anoint the legs with a special gel for swelling - the doctor will help you choose the most effective one.

What to do when hands and face swell

The legs usually swell first. But already these swellings are a signal to remove jewelry from your hands, especially rings, including a wedding ring.

A glass of hot milk before going to bed helps to remove puffiness and the face will be lighter in the morning.

Drinks from vegetables, fruits and berries, which have a natural diuretic effect, relieve swelling well.

Folk remedies for removing edema

For centuries, mothers have been collecting folk recipes on how to relieve swelling during pregnancy. When deciding to try one of them, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

Folk recipes:

  1. Dried apricots are a reliable assistant in the fight against edema. Recipe: at night, a handful of dried apricots is poured with boiling water. In the morning, before eating, you should drink liquid, after which it is advisable to refrain from eating for half an hour.
  2. Carrot juice with pulp. Freshly prepared half a glass of juice to drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Pumpkin also has diuretic properties and does not harm pregnant women. Half a glass of juice 1 time per day will be a delicious salvation from puffiness.
  4. Birch sap - drink ½ cup twice a day.
  5. Kalina with honey. Recipe: grind fresh viburnum berries. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 250 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath, without boiling, for 20 minutes. After cooling to room temperature, squeeze the filtered liquid 2-3 times a day for a third of a glass. Before taking the broth, add a little honey (on the tip of a spoon).
  6. Cranberries with honey. Recipe: grind the berries with honey (can be with sugar). Eat 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals.
  7. Oat grains. Recipe: Pour 1 tablespoon of seed oats with 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3 ½ hours over low heat, stirring regularly. Rub the cooled mass through a sieve. Eat the resulting porridge 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.

Do not use multiple products on the same day. You can alternate every other day or every week. After trying different options, you can choose the most suitable for yourself.

It is impossible to exclude the individuality of each individual organism. Some products can cause different reactions, with sensitivity to a particular product. For example, viburnum in some contributes to indigestion.

When it is not possible to remove swelling with folk remedies, doctors prescribe medications, mainly on a plant basis. Among them, the most frequently prescribed are:

  • Kanefron. Having lovage root, centaury herb, rosemary leaves in its composition, it does not harm the baby and is approved for use in any trimester. The only thing is that it is better to choose tablets than drops, since the latter contain alcohol.
  • Phytolysin is an effective remedy based on extracts of parsley roots, pyreus, herbs "Highlander bird", "Horsetail", as well as pine, sage, mint and orange oils. Its disadvantage is that it is dangerous in case of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, therefore it is prescribed only after a thorough examination.
  • Eufilin, with a high content of aminophylline, also has a powerful diuretic effect. Contraindicated in heart disease, pregnant women with low blood pressure, as well as breastfeeding. Therefore, it should be discontinued before childbirth. In addition, you can not use the drug on an empty stomach, as this is more likely to lead to side effects: dizziness, headaches, intestinal disorders.

It is dangerous for expectant mothers to resort to self-medication without consulting a doctor, and even more so, with severe swelling.

Swelling in the last months of pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy is one of the most common phenomena, therefore, often, expectant mothers simply do not pay attention to them, not realizing how dangerous they are and nonchalantly thinking that they do not threaten any consequences. In fact, everything is far from the case, because the accumulation of excess fluid affects both the activity of the entire female body (the kidneys are disrupted, blood circulation problems appear), and the functions of the placenta (it is through it that your baby receives nutrients, water, oxygen) . But the most important thing is that in late pregnancy, edema is the very first sign of such a pathology as gestosis (formerly referred to as "late toxicosis"), which endangers the life of the expectant mother and her baby.

Hearing the word "toxicosis", many women will think that nothing needs to be done, and the problem is simply exaggerated, because every second woman faces morning sickness and other unpleasant phenomena during the first ten weeks. But it should be borne in mind that in the first trimester this condition is caused by a restructuring of the body and is considered normal, and after 32-33 weeks it can be the beginning of a dangerous complication of pregnancy.

Edemas are most often obvious, in this case they are easily noticed by both the woman and her doctor, and can be hidden, appearing due to fluid retention in the body. A hidden pathological deviation can be suspected by uneven or too large weight gain.

How to get rid of them, the attending physician should suggest, because. The treatment program depends on the degree of pathology. With a mild form, a number of recommendations are given to relieve the symptoms at home, these are:

  • diet (reducing the amount of salt consumed, increasing fiber, protein and vitamins);
  • weekly curd-apple "unloading" days;
  • control of drinking balance (daily fluid intake of 1.5 liters);
  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • possibly drugs.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy and why they appear

Swelling of the legs in pregnant women is almost inevitable, the causes of this phenomenon most often lie in weight gain and in violation of metabolic processes (especially the removal of fluid from the body). Extra pounds lead to an increased load on the lower extremities, circulatory disorders and, as a result, to varicose veins. In the later stages, vein expansions are often visible in women, and expectant mothers themselves complain of heaviness and severe pain in the legs, increased fatigue.

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The sooner you pay attention to the deviation, the easier it is to stop its development. If the problem is fluid retention in the body, then the first signs of swelling can be noticed when your favorite shoes of the right size suddenly become small. What to do in this case? The first is to limit the use of table salt, sodium attracts water and prevents its exit. In addition, it is necessary to exclude fried, pickled and smoked dishes, as well as give up coffee and black tea. You can alleviate the condition by resting and placing a roller under your feet (it is easy to do by twisting any blanket). The measures taken should give a visible result within five days, if this does not happen, then the doctor will prescribe medications.

What causes swelling of the hands during pregnancy and how to eliminate them

Often, expectant mothers complain of swelling of the fingers. The deviation may manifest itself in the inability to remove the ring, and may be accompanied by soreness, tingling or numbness, burning in the wrist area.

In the early stages, this phenomenon is often not dangerous, it is observed in women who work a lot on the computer and actively use the keyboard and mouse, as well as those who are fond of knitting, modeling, and handmade. It is explained by the so-called "tunnel" syndrome, in which fluid accumulates in the wrist and presses on the passing nerve, which leads to pain. You can fix the problem with the help of gymnastics for the hands and fingers, as well as rest.

If puffiness began to appear in the later stages, and the expectant mother notices similar problems with her legs, then this may be a sign of "dropsy of pregnancy", i.e. the first stage of gestosis. What to do in this case?

  1. First, it is urgent to reduce the consumption of salt, it retains fluid in the body.
  2. Secondly, consult a doctor, he will prescribe medications or recommend herbal teas.
  3. Thirdly, do not forget about the activity and benefits of movement (in particular, gymnastics).

If the measures taken did not help, a course of therapy in a hospital is necessary.

Swelling of the nose during pregnancy - what can it be?

Swelling of the nasal mucosa is also observed quite often. A specific phenomenon called "runny nose of pregnant women" can appear for a number of reasons, for example:

  • due to hormonal changes;
  • due to an allergic reaction (to plant pollen, pet hair, new washing powder, etc.). Even if there was no allergy before, then an “interesting” situation can become an impetus for an unpleasant reaction of the body.

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Swelling of the nasal mucosa does not harm the mother directly, but it can affect the flow of oxygen into the body and to the fetus. Therefore, you need to worry about how to relieve a runny nose faster, but do not forget that not all medicines are allowed to be taken by expectant mothers.

Why does the face often swell during pregnancy

Changed facial features, its roundness and swelling, swelling of the eyelids (which visually narrows the eyes) - all this also often worries pregnant women, and such signs may indicate a problem in the kidneys. In this case, special treatment is prescribed under the supervision of a nephrologist. But we can also talk about physiological swelling, in this case, try to reduce the intake of salt, as well as smoked and sour, adjust the daily volume of fluid consumed (optimally - 1.5 liters per day), minimize the amount of alcohol you drink at night, try to sleep on your left side - all this will relieve the symptoms and help "unload" the kidneys.

If, along with the face, the expectant mother feels swelling of the lower and upper limbs, abdomen, hips, vagina, this may indicate a more serious pathological process. In the last weeks, edema is often the first sign of preeclampsia, a disease that threatens with serious consequences, up to placental abruption, bleeding, premature birth, fetal fading.

Edema at 38 weeks of gestation: dangerous or not

The reasons for the appearance of edema in a future mother at the 38th week of pregnancy can be caused by various reasons and be both physiological and pathological in nature. Unfortunately, most often this is a pathology (preeclampsia), although doctors at this time are already calm about the life of the baby, because at 37 weeks the little man is already fully formed and ready to be born, without even waiting for 40 weeks. In principle, he needs the 38th and 39th weeks only in order to gain weight and grow a little more.

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Preeclampsia in most pregnant women develops at 32-34 weeks, swelling is only the first stage of this pathology, and it is reversible. It is important to take the doctor's recommendations with full responsibility, and most often the problem can be eliminated within 6-7 days. If a deviation is found at week 25, then this indicates a complex course of the pathological process, so the expectant mother falls under the close attention of doctors until the 38th week, at which labor can be stimulated.

The content of the article:

When a woman bears a child, the amount of fluid in her body doubles. In this regard, a woman may suffer from swelling of the legs during pregnancy. This phenomenon in itself is not very good for a woman's body, and if swelling is accompanied by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine, then doctors begin to sound the alarm. What should pregnant women do if they experience swelling? What recommendations should be followed and what is the danger of this pathology? This article will answer these questions.

What is puffiness and its causes?

Puffiness is one of the most common pathologies during the period of bearing a child. They are caused by a high load on the body and a significant decrease in the activity of the expectant mother. In expectant mothers, the need for fluid doubles. If it is slowly excreted from the body and accumulates in the vessels and tissues of a woman, then swelling of the face, arms, legs or other parts of the body occurs. Outwardly, this manifests itself as a swelling of one or another part of the body. In late pregnancy, swelling becomes very noticeable visually, and in the first two trimesters, they may go unnoticed. Therefore, every expectant mother should know the signs of swelling during pregnancy:

Rapid weight gain. Excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of a woman and can increase her weight by a kilogram or more in a week;

Changing the contours of the face. Fluid can accumulate in the muscles of the lips, nose, cheeks, which leads to a rounding of the face;

Numbness, tingling and burning in the fingers of the upper and lower extremities. It is difficult for a woman to bend her fingers and step on her toes. These actions are accompanied by pain;

On the ankles there are traces of gum socks;

The rings are not removed from the fingers, and the shoes begin to press or even become small.

If one or more symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary studies and prescribe treatment.

Swelling of the legs occurs in almost every pregnant woman, especially in the last months. The cause of swelling of the legs during pregnancy is a large load on the lower limbs. If the legs are swollen after a long walk or a hard day, then this is normal. But if the swelling does not subside overnight by morning, then you need to consult with specialists.

Swelling of the hands and fingers is often found in pregnant women who spend a lot of time at the computer. Monotonous movements on the keyboard and computer mouse lead to stagnation of fluid in the tissues. An excellent prevention of swelling of the hands and fingers is a gymnastic warm-up for the fingers.

With swelling of the nose, expectant mothers have difficulty breathing, which reduces the flow of oxygen to the fetus. This phenomenon negatively affects the development of the baby, therefore, with swelling of the nose, you should immediately contact the doctors.

Danger of swelling of the legs during pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy can be signs of preeclampsia - late toxicosis. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of a woman in the third trimester - during this period, edema appears most often. Many women think that swelling is just uncomfortable and ugly.

What is the danger of swelling during pregnancy for both the baby and the mother herself? Due to swelling, the child develops oxygen starvation, the mother may suffer from swelling of the internal organs and disruption of their work. In severe cases, pregnancy even has to be interrupted, so it is very important to notice and relieve swelling during pregnancy in time.

Puffiness treatment

Therapy of edema during childbearing depends on the place of their localization. It is strictly forbidden to independently select drugs to eliminate puffiness. In most cases, gynecologists prefer to eliminate swelling of the legs with the help of herbal preparations - a sedative that improves kidney function and normalizes the tone of blood vessels.

How to relieve swelling of the legs during pregnancy with the help of medications? In some cases, doctors prescribe medications such as Cyston or Canephron. During pregnancy, a short course of therapy with these medications is allowed and they do not affect the development of the fetus.

Also, the attending physician may prescribe lipoic acid or Curantil, which activate the uteroplacental circulation.

How to deal with swelling of the legs during pregnancy can be found in the video:

Folk remedies for the treatment of swelling of the legs

In the last stages of pregnancy, the uterus grows rapidly, which increases the load on the blood vessels. Swelling of the legs at the 35th week of pregnancy occurs in most women, but not all of them agree to drug therapy. By agreement with the attending physician in such cases, you can use parsley infusion.

The fruits of parsley garden (sometimes roots) in the form of powder or infusion are taken orally with renal origin. Fruit powder is taken 0.5-1.0 g 3-5 times a day before meals with warm boiled water. Infusion of roots or fruits: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials insist 8-10 hours in 2 tbsp. boiling water and drink Art. spoons throughout the day.

Compression stockings for swelling

The development of edema can be prevented by wearing compression stockings for pregnant women. Such products are produced on the basis of a special elastic fabric, due to which the pressure on the vessels is evenly distributed.

Thanks to this, tights and other types of compression underwear allow you to achieve the following effects:

Protect veins from varicose veins;

Normalize blood circulation;

Remove the feeling of fatigue in the legs;

Saturate the skin with oxygen;

Prevent swelling, thrombosis and convulsions.

To prevent the development of puffiness and to cope with them as efficiently as possible, a set of measures is prescribed. Only the use of special stockings will not be able to protect the expectant mother from edema.

Edema prevention

Significantly reduce the intake of salt and salty foods. Salt contains sodium, which retains fluid in the body. That is, the more salt, the more fluid in the body. A woman should remove salted fish, pickled vegetables, sausage, black bread and such “harmful” foods as chips, crackers, etc. from her diet. Even ordinary dishes can be cooked without adding salt. Some women wonder if not consuming salt will cause a lack of sodium in the body. You should not be afraid of this, since this microelement is contained in sufficient quantities in other products;

Diet for swelling of the legs in pregnant women. To prevent swelling of the legs during pregnancy, a woman needs not only to give up salt, but also to introduce only wholesome food into her diet. You need to cook dishes for a couple or just boil food, but in no case fry them. You should also limit foods with a pronounced taste (spicy, sweet, sour). Instead of fatty and high-calorie meals, you need to eat cereals, vegetables and fruits every day. Do not abuse drinks such as tea (black and green) and coffee. They contain a high level of caffeine, so you should not drink more than two cups of these drinks during pregnancy. It is better to replace them with mineral non-carbonated water or freshly squeezed juice. It is important not to exceed the daily calorie intake (2800-3500 calories);

Compliance with the drinking regime. Insufficient water intake leads to the fact that the body accumulates fluid in itself "in reserve". And this worsens the condition of the venous walls, blood clotting and affects its qualitative and quantitative indicators. When carrying a child, the amount of blood in the female body increases, so if you do not maintain a drinking regimen, then the likelihood of blood clots and other health problems increases. To avoid this, a pregnant woman should drink at least 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day (this includes not only water, but also liquid from first courses, drinks, vegetables and fruits). However, the body of the expectant mother should receive at least one and a half liters of water per day. At the same time, you need to drink non-carbonated water and not in one gulp, but in small sips, but often. It is worth noting that patients with preeclampsia should drink tea with milk instead of water in order to avoid leaching salts and beneficial trace elements from the body;

Do not use uncontrolled diuretics. Self-medication during pregnancy can harm not only the woman herself, but also her baby. Therefore, the intake of any drug should be agreed with the doctor. Diuretic drugs remove fluid from the body, which further leads to its excessive accumulation and edema;

Rest your legs more often, as this reduces the likelihood of developing varicose veins and the swelling that accompanies it. Before you give your legs a rest, you need to apply an ointment for swelling of the legs for pregnant women. This will relieve fatigue from the legs and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

If a woman has noticed signs of swelling (for example, the rings have become small or her legs do not fit into shoes), then you should not do self-diagnosis, and even more so self-medicate. First of all, you need to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, who will develop recommendations taking into account the individual physiological characteristics of the patient and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. However, do not wait until swelling occurs. There are many methods for preventing edema during childbearing, which are available to all expectant mothers.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

More than a third of pregnant women experience swelling, which can be localized on the face or hands, but most suffer from swelling of the legs. Women rarely take this problem seriously, perceiving it as a normal condition. However, this may indicate diseases that threaten the normal course of pregnancy, and sometimes the health of the mother and fetus. That is why it is necessary to be able to distinguish physiological swelling of the legs during pregnancy from pathological ones.

  1. Habitual shoes become narrow. It's not at all about the pounds gained, because the feet are a part of the body that is rarely prone to fat accumulation. But the accumulation of liquid is quite capable of making small boots or shoes that were just right yesterday.
  2. The appearance of long non-absorbable dents at the site of pressure. If you press on the lower leg, you can see how a hole from the finger is formed. In the normal state, it passes within a second. If the hole remains for a long time, we are talking about edema. They can also be recognized by the way a depressed mark from the gum of the sock remains, which does not pass for a long time.
  3. Pale and tight skin. Stretching under the action of accumulated fluid, the skin becomes thin and appears shiny.
  4. Rapid weight gain. Rising once again on the scales, the pregnant woman is surprised by the kilograms gained, while the diet is adjusted.
  5. The amount of liquid released is less than the amount consumed. If during pregnancy the prescribed liter and a half of water is drunk per day, and much less is excreted, this indicates a delay in the body. To verify the correctness of the assumptions, it is enough to calculate the daily fluid intake (which includes drinks, broths, gravies, etc.) and daily diuresis.

In most cases, edema can be treated, but for this it is necessary to identify the cause that caused them.

Causes of edema

The legs swell during pregnancy quite often, since it is they who have a large load. Edema, as a rule, causes a large amount of fluid accumulated in the tissues of the body. Often this condition is associated with physiological changes during pregnancy. In most cases, edema occurs after 28-30 weeks, it is during this period that the intensive development of the fetus occurs. The enlarged uterus presses on the great vena cava and pelvic veins, which interferes with the flow of blood from the legs to the upper body and to the heart.

There are other reasons caused by lifestyle or external factors:

  • long journey;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • high temperatures;
  • being in a stuffy room;
  • improper nutrition.

Nicotine is also capable of provoking the formation of edema, because it has an extremely negative effect on blood vessels. Therefore, it is better to get rid of the bad habit as soon as the woman found out about the pregnancy.

Video: Obstetrician-gynecologist about the causes and prevention of edema during pregnancy

Dangerous states

If all factors are eliminated, but the pregnant woman continues to be worried about excessive fluid accumulation, it is worth visiting a doctor who will prescribe an examination to check the work of all organs and systems:

  1. In most cases, swelling of the legs during pregnancy is caused by improper functioning of the kidneys, which during this period experience a double load: while performing their previous functions, they are also responsible for the excretion of waste products of the fetus.
  2. Violation of blood flow caused by squeezing of large vessels leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system, which is also fraught with the appearance of severe swelling.
  3. If swelling appears on one leg, while there is pain, redness, most likely the cause is blockage of the vessel, or thrombosis.

These conditions during pregnancy pose a health hazard, therefore, when the first symptoms appear, a woman is placed in a hospital for observation.

When to sound the alarm

Edema is not always a cause for concern. If they appeared after a long stay on their feet in a stuffy room or after a large amount of liquid drunk, they disappear after rest, while the state of health remains normal, then you should not panic. It is enough to establish a regimen of rest and nutrition so that everything returns to normal.

With prolonged edema and in the presence of other alarming symptoms, you should not delay a visit to the doctor: edema can be not only external. Finding no way out, the fluid begins to accumulate in the muscles of the internal organs, including the muscles of the uterus, which makes it difficult to deliver oxygen to the fetus.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy often indicates the onset of such a serious disease as preeclampsia, or late toxicosis. This condition leads to an increase in blood pressure, which causes a violation of placental blood flow and fetal hypoxia. With preeclampsia, not only swelling of the legs is observed, the hands and face also swell, protein appears in the urine. Preeclampsia in its severe manifestations is an indication for the treatment of pregnant women in a hospital.

Video: Signs, prevention and treatment of preeclampsia

How to prevent swelling during pregnancy

When it comes to preeclampsia, then self-medication is not worth it, since the consequences can be quite sad. Physiological edema can be prevented.

Nutrition during pregnancy plays a huge role: it is it that prevents you from gaining extra pounds, which aggravate pressure on the lower extremities. In addition, proper nutrition can improve the functioning of the urinary system. The diet must necessarily include foods with a sufficient content of vitamin C, vegetables and fruits, among which preference is given to oranges and lemons, greens - celery and parsley, green onions. The menu includes garlic, it has a positive effect on the circulatory system. But it is better to refuse fatty, spicy, sweet and salty foods: such foods retain fluid.

Particular attention is paid to the drinking regime. Many pregnant women suffering from edema try to reduce their water intake. And this is a serious mistake. The fact is that from a lack of fluid, the body experiences stress, starting to store it for the future, which leads to the formation of even greater edema. Pregnant women are advised to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day, and it is better if it is purified water without gas.

We must not forget about special vitamin complexes that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve microcirculation. These are medicines, so they should be taken only after consultation with the doctor. In addition, doctors will recommend wearing compression stockings. They greatly facilitate the condition during pregnancy, removing part of the load from the legs, thereby reducing swelling.

Folk remedies for swelling of the legs

Folk remedies against swelling of the legs during pregnancy are no less effective. Often even doctors recommend them to women:

1. Cabbage leaf has excellent anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. The upper, dark green sheets are well cooled, slightly beaten off so that the juice appears, and applied to the swollen area. When the sheet heats up, it is replaced with another, more chilled one.

2. Herbal preparations recommended during pregnancy have a mild diuretic effect and allow you to remove excess fluid. Synthetic preparations with a pronounced diuretic effect should not be used, since microelements, especially potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for the functioning of the heart, are excreted from the body along with urine. The lack of these or other substances can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

3. Infusion of dried apricots will not only make up for the lack of vitamins, but also remove excess fluid. To prepare it, a handful of dried fruits is poured over half a liter of hot boiled water (not boiling water, so that the vitamins contained in the product do not disintegrate) and infused for 2-3 hours. After that, the infusion is divided into 4 doses and drunk per day.

4. Foot massage with peach oil will help improve blood circulation. It is better not to use essential oils, since a pungent odor can cause severe allergies, even if such a reaction was not observed before pregnancy. Massage improves blood circulation and relieves tension.

During pregnancy, the legs swell and from an uncomfortable posture. It is unacceptable to cross your legs, as this position prevents the normal circulation of blood in the pelvis and legs.

On the contrary, the correct position of the body can not only relieve fatigue, relax tense muscles, but also restore the outflow of fluid from the lower extremities. After a long walk, it is desirable to raise the legs up so that the feet are above the level of the hips. You can lie on the bed and put a voluminous pillow.

The so-called knee-elbow pose helps. To do this, you need to get on all fours, leaning on your arms bent at the elbows and legs bent at the knees. It is recommended to stand like this for 10-15 minutes several times a day. In this position, the pregnant woman provides rest to the kidneys, which are released from the heaviness of the fetus, their blood circulation and work are improved.

Sleeping in late pregnancy is only allowed on the side to unload the inferior vena cava. Rest on the back is highly undesirable: this way the fetus will pinch the large arteries even more.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy brings a lot of worries to the expectant mother, especially if they do not go away while following all the recommendations. After childbirth, the work of the kidneys, other organs and systems is restored, and edema, as a rule, no longer bothers.