Frequent shinking in infant cause. How abundant jumping is different from vomiting? How to reduce child jerking with breastfeeding

Jumping is a very frequent cause of discomfort in young children. Jumping in children of the first year of life is functional and organic. The main reason for tugging the newborn is air, swallowed together with milk hurrying during sucking.

In most cases, tightening - the process is natural, with the help of jugs, the baby is released from excess air. The reason for joining the child can be rapid sucking breasts, too fat milk mother.

Jumping is the most common reason for appeal to pediatrician parents of infants. About 67% of 4 month old children make it at least once a day.

Joining a child after feeding (Jumping in newborns) is a passive throwing of a small amount of stomach food through the esophagus and a throat into the oral cavity. Typically, the volume of food is small and does not worry the baby, which cannot be said about his parents. Note immediately: most often this phenomenon is quite natural. So from the stomach of the baby is overweight, and the body makes it clear that the digestive organs work well.

Causes of tightening in children

The reasons for tightening the newborn are completely different and rarely related to any disease. We will talk about it now.

The main reasons for tightening in newborns and infants are:

  • Overflow of stomach food and air. Quite often, tightening in children occurs immediately after meals, simultaneously with the air outlet (belching). The cause of jeeping becomes stubble (increasing the multiplicity or feeding volume), especially in active sucking newborns. In such a situation, "extra" food is ejected from the stomach of the child.
  • The weakness of the valve muscles, overlapping the transition from the esophagus in the stomach. In adults, the transition from the esophagus in the stomach is blocked by a muscular valve that misses food from the esophagus in the stomach, but does not pass it back from the stomach in the esophagus. In children, the valve, the overlapping transition of the esophagus in the stomach is poorly developed and begins to work normally only by the end of the first year of the child's life. For this reason, food can flow from the stomach into the child's esophagus, from where it is thrown out in the form of jerking.
  • In rare cases, the cause of persistent and abundant joins can be allergic to food and some congenital malformations of digestive organs (for example, the narrowing of the transition of the stomach in the intestine).

How to distinguish vomiting from flashing

For parents it is important to establish what the child worries:

  • permissible and natural jumping
  • or vomiting, testifying to pathology.

When jeeping - Food follows without effort, cutting the abdominal muscles does not occur. It may appear with a sharp change in the child's position and, often, occurs immediately after feeding.

In vomiting - The child is disturbed and the fuse. The selection of food is often accompanied by spasms, the number of rifle masses usually exceeds the amount of dedicated fluid when tightening. Vomiting is a complex reflex act. In this case, there is an active reduction in the muscles of the abdominal cavity, the diaphragm, the press. There is a spontaneous allocation of the contents of the stomach outside (through the esophagus, a throat, oral cavity). Vomiting is preceded by the attack of nausea, the pallor of the skin, sweating, separation of saliva and dizziness. With the appearance of vomiting, infants need urgent medical care.

It is not difficult to determine the vomiting in the baby or tightening. The latter sometimes happens 1 time after feeding immediately or after a maximum of an hour, while water or milk is released. The vomit is usually repeated and besides milk and water to content, bile is joined, therefore the vomit is yellowish.

Help the child when tuging

In most cases, the problem of frequent joins in a child can be solved without contacting the doctor, by complying with simple rules related to child feeding:

  • The most important rule: After feeding, always keep the child in a vertical position ("Stage") at least 5-10 minutes or until you hear how the child jumped the air. Breasts are comfortable to keep in a vertical position to put "on the shoulder".
  • Before feeding, you can also hold a child for a few minutes in a vertical position so that it can be released from the stomach, the air swallowed up to that time.
  • Try not to overflow a child. It is better to feed the child gradually, but more often.
  • Try not to feed the child when he cries.
  • During feeding, keep the child in the maximum vertical position. If you feed the baby with breasts, just make sure that the child's head is higher than the stomach.
  • If you feed the baby from the bottle - make sure that the hole in the nipple is not too big and not too small, as well as that when feeding the bottle is in this position that the nipple is always completely filled with a mixture.
  • Try to refrain from active games with children (do not throw up, do not turn it out, do not press the legs on the stomach, etc.) within 15-30 minutes after feeding.

When should I consult a doctor?

Be sure to consult a doctor if:

  • Against the background of frequent joins, the child cries greatly and strifted by the arc (often during feeding) - this may mean that jerking caused irritation of the esophagus and that the child may need more complex treatment
  • The child has very frequent and abundant jumping (fountaining, after each feeding), the cause of which you are not known
  • After abundant tightening, the child shows signs of hunger and eating greedily
  • Against the background of frequent joins, you noticed that the child appeared signs of dehydration
  • Jumping for the first time appeared in a child after 6 months
  • Jumping do not pass in a child over 10-12 months
  • Against the background of abundant joins, the child rose
  • You noticed that the child began to lose weight
  • You suspect that a child does not jump, but vomiting

Immediately show the child to the doctor or call an ambulance if:

After tightening, the child does not breathe, lost consciousness or blue
If a child jumps into a green or brown mass - it may be a sign of intestinal obstruction.

Fountaining in infants

What to do parents if the newborn child often joins the fountain?

This may indicate a serious brain pathology or problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. This may be a symptom of serious poisoning. With this process, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician immediately. Since it threatens to a child with dehydration and loss of body weight, which can lead to very formidable consequences.

It is important to note if the child has abundant tightening or fountain, that is, a big risk that in a dream, in a position lying on the back, the baby can choke. Therefore, even with single jerks, it is necessary to sleep only on the side and fix the position of the rollers.

If the child suffering from pathological joins is on artificial feeding, then it is necessary to choose a special mixture (antirefluxus mixture). It is impossible to give a mixture of children in breastfeeding.

The newly-made parents are asked about what the main reasons for tightening in newborns after feeding. Doctors, taking into account their constant load and limited reception time, are not able to answer this question. Let's try to figure out why the state arises and how to warn it.

Jumping or vomiting: where is the line

The breast child does not know how to talk and explain that he bothers him. Its negative emotions, discomfort and pain he transfers through crying. And if it is accompanied, the inexperienced mom is ready to cause an ambulance. And it is not always correct.

Jumping is a natural reflex process in an infant who does not bring to him sufferingAnd in some situations facilitates states. Its basis is partial emptying of the stomach. At the same time, the brain bark is not involved in the process, there is no abdominal muscle tension.

Ideally will be if the newborn immediately after feeding will fall asleep, then the food will be better absorbed

This condition is not accompanied by pathological symptomatics - the poverty of the skin, sweating, twitching the legs.

The volume of content does not exceed 3 tablespoons. After feeding after feeding in the infants immediately, or within an hour.

Vomiting is a multi-reflector process, due to the activation of the center in the cerebral cortex, accompanied by the full empty of the stomach. It serves as a symptom of many pathologies and deviations in children of the first year of life.

If the child jumped over 30 ml of milk or mixture, it serves as suspicion. Also marked anxiety or lethargy of the child, crying, stitching with legs. In case of repeated repetition, the ambulance is caused.

Crying in infants is observed when jeeping due to fright or chill.

Distinctive features imagine in the table.

Signs Vomot Physiological swolling
Volume of separatedMore than 30 mlLess than 30 ml
MealKid often refuses breast or bottleWith pleasure sucks breast milk or mixture
WeightTendency to decreasePOSSIBILAR IN REGIONED
UrinationRareMore than 10 times a day
TemperatureMay be elevatedNormal
ClinicSkin pallor, cold sweat, abdominal muscle tension, crying, sleep disorderAbsent
When arisesAnytime, regardless of mealsWithin an hour after feeding

Thus, you need to carefully follow the child's well-being, so as not to miss the disease. There should be a doctor and parents joining in newborns after feeding the fountain. This is a consequence of pathology.

Shava M.R., Consultant for breastfeeding, St. Petersburg

The prevention of many intestinal ailments in children of the first year of life serves rational breastfeeding. The capture of the baby's toddler with AREOLAS. Sponges are twisted. You need to feed on demand within reasonable.

In case of incomplete capture and frequent applying to the chest, jamming occurs. It will help to avoid this breastfeeding specialist. Many cities are departing to the house. He will explain and show how to properly establish the process.

If the child jumps, but he feels well, gaining in weight, there is no lag in physical and mental development, there is no reasons for concern. This is due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract and does not carry a threat to life.

The reasons

The leading factors leading to physiological burdens, are considered:

  1. Incorrect feeding technique (how to properly feed the newborn baby):
  1. Anxiety or increased infancy of infants leading to greedy sucking movements and additional ingestion of air (Aerofagi).
  2. Lad out on the stomach after meals.
  3. Various manipulations with the baby immediately after feeding -, shift, games ,.
  4. Lack of exhaust air.
  5. Meful Frequent Applying Breast. This is the main reason for overeating.
  6. The intolerance of the mixture used.
  7. Chronic.

We offer to watch a video that will complement our article if you have any questions on joining:

To vomiting and pathological joinds in newborns after feeding lead:

  1. Child cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy).
  2. Encephalopathy on the background of jaundice. About the jaundice in newborns there is a separate one.
  3. Infectious inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, brain.
  4. Fever.
  5. Anomalies of the structure of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Enzymatic insufficiency with damage to the liver and pancreas.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Renal failure.
  9. Heavy congenital heart defects.

Vomiting is accompanied by a violation of a general condition, dehydration and a decrease in body weight. In pathological joinds, additions are noted inappropriate to age norms. What else are the factors of weight gain in newborns look.

Treatment of small patients in such cases occurs inpatient due to the risk of severe complications.

Karnukhov S.I., Children's Gastroenterologist, Tver

Jumping an hour after feeding arises due to lactase insufficiency. It develops in most due to overeating!

Gastric enzymes in children are not enough, they do not have time to completely breed a mixture / milk in a short time. And with the next feeding, the body gets rid of excess by joining.

It helps only the selection of feeding mode with equal intervals. Enzyme preparations are prescribed with diagnosed pathology!

12 effective preventive measures

To prevent jeeping in newborns after feeding, proving provoking factors. These activities include:

A large percentage of the reasons why the newborn joins after feeding, is given to overeating and incorrectly organized breastfeeding. By eliminating these factors, parents forget about such a state.

Oleg Evgenievich advises first of all to apply to the doctor. Among the reasons for joining the newborns after feeding, Komarovsky, a major role assigns overeating.

Reducing the time of sucking or a decrease in the volume of the mixture used will help relieve parents from a variety of concerns. Komarovsky proposes to calculate the approximate volume that the child can eat for one feeding and not to jump. This portion is given a newborn, and not based on recommendations.

Even swelling after each feeding is not a deviation from the norm if the baby is active, sleep well and adds in weight. However, it is always worth talking about the situation of the doctor. It will appoint an additional examination to exclude pathology.

What to do when tuging and vomiting

After feeding, the child is kept in a vertical position (column) until the air will come out. If at the same time the baby began to jump off, then you should not panic.

Actions are reduced to prevent chilling or aspiration (hit in the respiratory tract of vomit).

This is achieved by holding a child with a tilt of the housing forward (on the shoulder). Then put the baby on the side by, fixing the position of the pillows. This will provide free respiratory tracts and the oral cavity when repetition of the process.

Malyukova E.S., Moscow, Pediatrician

With tightening after feeding, all parents face. There are different reasons for tightening in newborns after feeding. And parents try to relieve the condition of the baby with medicines (bobotic,), which do not affect the process.

The result becomes an abundance of allergic reactions, with which they appeal to the clinic. It is important for primary patronage to explain that physiological burdation is not a disease. It is not treated with drugs.


Numerous reasons for tightening in newborns after feeding scare parents. Most of them are eliminated without the help of drugs. And the main way to prevent its occurrence is a properly organized feeding process.

The baby, who appeared on the light, would be faced with numerous difficulties, especially in the first stages of life, because the world is so huge, and all of its charms will understand since the first breath. At this time, the internal infant organs are configured on vital activity and full functioning. The article will consider such a process as jumping in newborns after feeding the cause and features.

Parents often scares this phenomenon, since it has numerous similarities with vomiting, and this process does not like anyone. In fact, the reasons for which newborns are jumping are related to other processes that will be discussed in the article.

Pathology or norm, understand why a newborn baby jumps after feeding

Jumping is the output of a small amount of food outward through the mouth. Traditionally, if the amount of food is small and does not cause anxiety in the baby, the parents should not disturb this phenomenon. Most often it is due to the fact that the digestive system of infants functions well.

According to statistics, 70% of the children who have reached the age of 3 months, are jumping not only during feeding, but after him. Upon reaching the nine-month-old age, this problem does not show itself. Considering the question of why a newborn baby jumps after feeding, This process can be associated with early childbirth, premature pregnancy or with intrauterine pathologies.

In such kids, the ripening occurs longer than that of born babies in time, and by 9 months all the processes adapt. If the baby suits everything, he behaves as usual - fun and socially, so the parents should not worry. If tightening is a fountain, you need to contact the pediatrician. This condition may carry a danger to the baby.

Often jumps after feeding a newborn or the difference of vomiting from jerking

If a often jumps after feeding a newborn Child, parents must establish that it is actually: vomiting or a small way out.


Food follows from the oral cavity completely easily, without cutting muscles and any effort from the baby. Such a phenomenon may be observed if the position of the child changes.


If there is a given phenomenon, the child usually behaves restlessly and is distinguished by federation. Spasms are manifested, and the number of emitted vomit is large enough. Abdominal muscles are reduced, the press, the selection occurs spontaneously. The vomiting proceeds is preceded by nausea, skin cover changes their color, sweating and circulation of the head are manifested.

Thus, if the newborn is jumping after feeding the fountain, Most likely, we are talking about vomiting that requires immediate treatment. Therefore, the optimal solution is to contact a specialist. If the selection occurs without tension and are natural - it is not worth worrying, for several months they will be held by themselves.

The main reasons why the newborn jerks after feeding with breast milk

There are several reasons why a newborn jerks after feeding with breast milk. Consider the main factors.

  1. The main culprit of jeeping is not enough for a well-developed kid digestion. At an early age, the digestive tract is imperfect: it works not well enough, and it takes time to normalize it. Jumping at this stage is a natural process.
  2. An overeating of a child - even after full saturation, the infant body can continue to eat food. Jumping in such a situation acts as the simplest way to get rid of excess foods so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If a often fading newborn after feedingThis may be accompanied by swallowing a large amount of air during meals. For example, due to an uncomfortable position, excess of food, improper seizure of the nipple, baby's excitation with nutrition.
  4. Frequent gas formation is another reason for joining, especially if we are talking about GW. Breastfeeding child often leads to an increase in pressure inside the abdominal area. In order to avoid phenomena, it is worth changing the diet of the mother.
  5. Popps, regular stool delays - these factors often provoke regular jeeping. It is also accompanied by a significant increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, and the speed with which food is moving on the stomach is significantly reduced.
After each feeding, the newborn joins why

So, if after each feeding, the newborn jerksThis may be several reasons. Therefore, if parents observe this phenomenon quite often, it is necessary to revise the diet of the mother and comply with the basic rules of infant and artificial feeding.

How to prevent phenomenon

If you do not want to worry about this once again, it is necessary to accept proper prevention measures, good, they are in large quantities. Attentive mommy, holding an observation of his baby, will be able to easily establish the reasons why jumps a newborn through the noseor through the mouth, and will also eliminate all negative factors, one way or another affecting the process of digestion kid. To help young parents are presented the most effective and common methods of prophylactic action.

  • Compliance with the state of calm and baby is the main factor of feeding.
  • Carefully make sure that during the use of the child's food his head was not too strongly trapped. Also note that the nose of the child breathe, because, otherwise, he will have to inhale oxygen with his mouth, which is fraught with its getting into the stomach and rapid shinking.
  • If the baby is on breastfeeding, it is important to ensure that he brightens his chest lips correctly. The kid must capture the nipple along with a circle near the nipple.
  • If the kid feeds with special food, it is important to use the neck bottles of the right shape that prevent the air in the stomach. It is important to ensure the correct retention of the bottle when feeding.
  • After receiving food, give the child to relax, do not disturb it, the most important thing is not a wave tight. So that the tightness was lightweight, you can easily pat the baby on the back.
  • If a frequent joining in newborns It is in large numbers of consumed food, it is necessary to reduce the duration of feeding. And to determine the number of eaten food, you can weigh a child before and after feeding.

In this way, if the newborn is jumping a lot And it does with constancy, you need to seek help from a specialist. If the baby feels confidently and gains proper kilograms in weight, you should not worry your parents.

When you need help, if the newborn joins a lot
  • When jeeping over 2 times a day
  • With the dehydration of the child
  • With the "fountain" shinking
  • When refusing food eating
  • With rare intestinal defker
  • In case of drowsiness and chronic fatigue
  • If there is a fever
  • In the absence of weight gain
  • With an acidic smell of vomit masses.

So, if constantly jershits newbornsAnd at least one of the above symptoms is observed - this is a reason to appeal to doctors.

Jumping in newborns after feeding Komarovsky video

Consider in the video what kind of feeding mode for the newborn is the best. How to feed a child to avoid jeeping.

Did you have any cases when the newborn shook? Did you understand the reasons? Share on the forum!

Jumping is a process in which after breastfeeding or from a bottle, the child almost immediately "returns" some, very small amount of milk obtained. Most often, moms consider that the baby is simply "overwhelming" or that it is sucking the "heated air". Indeed, tightening does not look like a painful or pathological condition: the child does not hurt anything, he does not make grimensions, not crying. Jumping does not prevent him from falling asleep or fat.

Explifting syndrome criteria:

  • age more than 3 weeks and less than 12 months;
  • 2 and more episodes of tightening per day;
  • for 3 weeks and more;
  • lack of nausea or vomiting (eliminate Var Gastrointestinal tract), apnea, cough attacks (exclude GER), increased excitability, difficulty during feeding and swallowing, krivoshei (eliminate perinatal pathology of the CNS), changes from the skin and respiratory tract.

Causes of frequent joining:

  • severe air during feeding;
  • evacuation delay from stomach;
  • the predominance of palm oil in a children's mixture;
  • liquid power consistency;
  • food allergies, etc.

The consequences of very frequent joining:

  • severe concern of parents (primary intervention target);
  • reduction of intensive body weight set;
  • aesthetic discomfort in the family;
  • the development of reflux-esophagitis due to the constant cast of hydrochloric acid.

In order to reduce tightening, it is enough to keep the head of the child higher when you feed it, every time after feeding to put the baby "Stage", i.e., to raise a vertical position for a few minutes (the head falls on your shoulder, so you will undress the napkin If you do not want to stain clothes). When too fragmented, you can advise to use more thick food (for example, condensed milk, if the feeding is artificial).

Abundant and frequent jumping, which arises not immediately after eating, and after a long time and starting as a belching, should bring to the idea of \u200b\u200bneed to check whether the baby does not have a gastrointestinal reflux.

Sometimes it means that the child ate more than shelters his stomach. Sometimes observed when leaving or saliva. Jumping clothes clothes, but usually no reasons for anxiety leaves. It is almost never accompanied by coughing or discomfort and does not represent any danger to the child even in a dream.

In some children, shooking happens more often than others, but most of this stage passes when the child will learn to sit. The few "most persistent" joining continues until they start walking or do not go from breastfeeding to nutrition from a cup. And some tightening can be observed throughout the first year of life.

You will easily notice the difference between the usual shinking and vomiting. Unlike jerking, which the majority do not even notice, vomiting is distinguished by tension and usually causes discomfort and ailment. It usually begins shortly after feeding, and the amount of vomit is larger than the volume of the meal. If your child regularly observes the attacks of vomiting (one or more or more day) for advice to the pediatrician.

It is almost impossible to completely prevent jeeping, but our recommendations will help you reduce the frequency of such episodes and reduce the volume of disgregated.

  1. Each feeding should be calm, quiet and leisurely.
  2. During feeding, avoid extraneous interventions, unexpected noise, bright lighting and other distracting factors.
  3. During the feeding, call the child to the belch at least every three to five minutes.
  4. Avoid feeding the child in a lying position.
  5. Immediately after feeding, put a child in a vertical position in the children's seat or stroller.
  6. Do not play vigorously with the child immediately after feeding.
  7. Try to feed it before it gets hungry.
  8. When feeding from the bottle, the hole in the nipple should not be too large (otherwise the milk mixture will flow over quickly), nor too small (which will irritate the child and promote air swallowing). The size of the opening is considered normal if when the bottle is turned up upwards, several drops of milk or mixture flow out of it, and then the drip stops ..
  9. Lift the headboard with a stand and put a baby to sleep on your back (but do not raise his head with a pillow). As a result, the head of the child will be above the stomach, which will not give it to be suppressed in case of joining in a dream.

Jumping milk in infants

Some children can jump out some of the dried milk after feeding. As a rule, it does not create problems for children. But if your child is constantly gaining more than 240 g of weight every week, maybe he drinks too much. With artificial feeding, this problem is easy to solve, you see how much a child drinks, and you can gradually reduce the amount of nutrition on feeding, after which it joins a lot of milk. When breastfeeding is hard to determine how much the child eats. But if you write records, with what feeding it jumps more milk, and it is less to keep it in the chest, you can reduce shinking.

If your child jumps a lot of milk and does not gain weight, he may suffer from a problem called "Reflux". If a child jumps up milk, try to keep it as much as possible after feeding.

If the child twice in a row tightens all that ate, consult a doctor immediately.

If you are lucky and you are rewarded with a child who since birth has the ability to politely keep everything that he drank, in himself and understands that it is not worth sharing with everyone, then the following information will be not so important for you, as for those young Parents who quickly came to understand that some portion with each feeding will inevitably rise up and outward. If you have already had to sit with a whirlwind on my shoulder (shoulders) and lay out protective covers on most of your furniture, then you, no doubt, can feel this part of the chapter - part that we could call "what you are with so hard They stuck inside, always seemingly coming out, despite your efforts to keep it. "

For most children, tightening is simply the result not yet fully completed the development of the muscle, which should serve as a gatekeeper in the upper part of the stomach, allowing food (liquids in this case) to get into the stomach, and then hold it there. For those of you who seek to know the name of the muscle, which is most often to blame for your problems with tightening, we inform that this is the lower esophagus sphincter. For a clearer picture, imagine a minute of your child's stomach like an air ball filled with a narrow hole at the top. In the case of a jigging child, this ball is poorly fixed. It is easy to imagine that even a slight pressure is an easy pressure or push - or the position change can cause its contents to pour, especially at a time when the ball is relatively filled. For some newborn, a simple bubble of gas or pressing on the stomach is often enough to overload a new sphincter muscle and allow the child to jump. Most of the time, the jumping of children does not bother. For parents of these so-called happy swung children, a weakened sphincter simply means the task to be more attentive in terms of belching, accumulate stacks of napkins and whirls and spend on a bottle (or three) stain removers.

It does not matter how "Curved" or "spoiled" looks like a child, you can assure yourself that it really does not matter. "Curled" species simply confirms the idea that your child's stomach has already begun to process food before she managed to slip out, and nothing more.

Methods for treating jeaning in infants

Therapeutic tactics in the syndrome syndrome:

  • psychological support for parents: learning conversation about the need to comply with the technique and feeding regime;
  • ensure the elevated position of the child after feeding at least 20-30 minutes (postural therapy);
  • eliminate the cause of jeeping (stubble, aerophagia, lackers, etc.);
  • use thickeners (10-15 ml) before breastfeeding;
  • in case of artificial feeding, use antireflux mixtures with thickeners: "Nutrilon Antiref-Lux", "Frisov with prebiotics", "Human-AR", "Babushkino Lukoshko Antireflyux Bio", "Nutrilak AR" (with a gum with a leaning to constipation), "Nan Antirefluorux "(with potato starch)," SEMPER-Lemolak "," Enfamil AR "(with rice starch); The advantage has a mixture without palm oil with rice starch and prebiotics (state) - "Simsosek Antirefluux". When the sustainable clinical effect is reached, go to a normal standard adapted mixture;
  • in the absence of the effect of the above events - the use of prokinetics: Domperidon (Motilium) suspension to feeding;
  • when constructing jagging - re-diagnostic search of GER, ABKM, eosinophilic esophagitis, variety of gastrointestinal tract, etc., consultation of the children's gastroenterologist.

Newborn fishing and tightening often go hand in hand. The air in the child's stomach decides to go out, and the contents of the stomach often accompanies it. This trend is an explanation why you find a lot of intersection between the technique of preventing rings and how to avoid joining. If you find that your newborn is jumping quite a bit, there are several ways that can be tried to correct the situation.

  • When feeding, placing the baby's head higher than the rest of his body.
  • Make Changes to your efforts by calling. You can either apply more efforts, seeking good belching after each feeding, or even trying more often to cause belch in the feeding process, every 5 minutes of breastfeeding or every 30 ml of feeding from the bottle. Only you and your child can decide whether the breaking will give good results.
  • Keep or place your child relative to upright 20-30 minutes after feeding.
  • Although some parents believe that simple switching to another brand of a children's mixture or a refusal of certain products in the mother's nutrition during breastfeeding can reduce the number of joins, it is always better to discuss the situation with your doctor before taking such solutions. Although sometimes such changes can help, for many newborns and their parents are unnecessary concern.

Many parents are worried when the liquid flows out of their child's nose, but let you assure that it is anatomically normal (although partly unexpectedly and / or unpleasant). If you do not understand this yet, we inform you that we have a direct connection between the back of the throat and the nose. The contents of the stomach, emitted outside when joins or vomiting, passes along the path of the smallest resistance, so depending on the circumstances - the position of your child and the emission force - the liquid can flow both from the mouth and from the baby's nose.

Evaluation of your loss

Very rarely, children jerk so much that it becomes the cause of concern and adversely affects their nutrition in general and weight gain. It is impossible to say that the amount of food, joined in general a healthy child, does not look impressive in terms of parents. If you look at the stains from joining the child's clothes (and your own), it is very easy to overestimate the number of really lost lunch. If you do not want to simply believe us for the word and aimed to get more accurate information about the true volume, you can try to shed, measuring, a bit of milk or water on a clean towel or tissue diaper. You will see that the liquid on dry tissue will spread quite a bit. Compare the size of the spots obtained from 1 teaspoon, 1 tablespoon or 30 ml of liquid with a stain from joining or vomiting your child, and you can make sure that not everything is eaten, it was lost. Remember: a blinking child who continues to eat well and is well gaining weight, does not require large (or at all) intervention. On the other hand, if the newborn eats badly, does not gain weight as it should be, or more and more and more often is a significant amount of eaten and / or greater force, it needs to show a doctor.

GER is just an abbreviation of gastroesophageal reflux. Simply put, this can be considered an option of heartburn in children as a result of the fact that the contents of the stomach fall back to the esophagus (Ezophagus), sometimes causing discomfort or in rare cases leading to possible complications. This diagnosis is made by children who often jump out so much that it requires discussion, assessment and potentially medical treatment. This diagnosis cannot be delivered by reading the book, but you need to know about its existence. If you have any doubts, check the child about this from the doctor.

I feed the baby from the bottle, and he often joins. It should be?

The problem of swelling milk

This should not cause special concern: the child after sucking jars unnecessary milk. If the child jumps immediately after a bottle or chest, you can not worry.

  • If the child jumps a little and does not cry, it means that he drank a lot and quickly. Try to reduce milk sucking speed or take a break on half the bottles.
  • If a child jumps regularly and a lot, cries, spinning and behaves so after each meal, consult a doctor. We can talk about the reflux of the esophagus, the cause of which is in the poor functioning of the opening connecting the esophagus with the stomach. It can go closer to 1 year.
  • If a child eats with difficulty and immediately jumps away, perhaps he has inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth (mycosis). Contact your doctor, let him look, if the child does not have white spots in the mouth.

Jumping in newborns, sometimes called physiological or uncomplicated reflux, distributed in babies and usually (but not always) is the norm.

Most small children sometimes jump out, as their digestive systems are immature, which contributes to the return of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus.

Many newborn and chest children jerg up a little maternal milk or mixture during feeding or shortly after that. Some crumbs are just occasionally occasionally, and others - after each feeding.

As long as the child grows, gaining a good body weight, and jumping is not accompanied by pain or discomfort, there is no reason for anxiety.

The child often joins after feeding when it gets a lot of milk in a short period of time. This happens when the baby sucks very quickly and energetically or when the mother's chest is overflowing.

When a child is often distracted (pulls out the chest to look around) or fussing in the chest, it swallows the air and therefore it will fade more often. Some children jump more when teeth are dispersed, they begin to crawl or eat hard food.

  • the child jershits the rolled milk immediately after eating. But it happens that the baby jumps over and in an hour after feeding;
  • half of all children under 3 months are tightened at least once a day;
  • jumping usually reaches a peak at 2 - 4 months;
  • many children will develop this condition by 7 - 8 months;
  • most children cease to jump off at 12 months.

When a child jumps into milk, this is not a reason for concern. The fact that the crumb is touched by the cottage mass is explained by the action of the enzyme, which is contained in the stomach juice. The enzyme is responsible for preparing food to the following stages of digestion.

Why does a child often jumps off?

This is a frequent reason why the chest baby jumps out. Mother's milk during feeding is changing in its consistency and composition.

Initially, milk is watery and saturated with lactose. Later, milk becomes greasy and nutritious. In accordance with this, while the baby eats, the amount of fat in female milk increases.

It is possible that the child constantly jumps out, as it gets more than the front milk.

This may happen if a nursing mother makes too long a break between feeding and in the dairy glands the number of front milk increases.

Too rapid flow of milk

Children's stomachs are small and quickly filled. If the maternal milk goes too fast, the baby needs to be taken away from the breast almost every 5 minutes to get rid of the air absorbed during the hasty sucking.

Unripe digestive system

The newborn often jumps out because the esophagus sphincter is not completely closed after the stomach is filled. This is due to the immature digestive system of the baby. Because of this, the child jumps away.

Allergic reaction

If the child often joins, perhaps the infant allergic reaction to the presence of wheat or cow protein in the mother's milk. The kid will also have such symptoms as diarrhea, bloating, frequent gases, rash around anus.

Features of the nature of the kid

A fussy baby in the chest swallows a lot of air, that's why the child jumps into breast milk.

Development periods

In certain periods, for example, when teeth rubbed, children learn to crawl or begin to eat solid food, the child jershoot after feeding.

Incorrectly chosen mixture

This is a possible reason why the child jumps after feeding the mixture. It happens that the selected artificial mixture is not suitable for your baby.

Why does a child jumps off the fountain?

If a child often joins a fountain, he can have the following states that require medical control.

If a child jumps into a fountain, then he may have a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


  • frequent joining or vomiting;
  • discomfort when tuging.

It happens that the child does not jump in the full sense of the word, but a quiet reflux occurs. This is a phenomenon at which the contents of the stomach only reaches the esophagus, and then it is swallowed again, causing pain.

Signs of heavy reflux:

  • the child crying greatly during feeding, it is impossible to calm it;
  • bad gain or loss of body weight;
  • failure to eat;
  • difficult swallowing, fucking voice, chronic nasal congestion, chronic ear infections;
  • jumping with a yellow or admixture of blood.

Studies have proven that breastfeeding babies have less heavy episodes of reflux than children gaining a mixture. The baby jershits the mixture more often than mother's milk, since the female milk is easier to digest and leaves the toddler's stomach twice as fast. The less time the milk is spent in the stomach, the less opportunity to get back to the esophagus. Any delay in the liberation of the stomach can be aggravated by reflux.


The condition in which the muscles on the bottom of the stomach are compacted and prevent the passage of food into the small intestine. Fountain jumping in newborns in conjunction with disadvantage is obvious signs of pyloric stenosis.

And it affects more boys than girls. This is usually happening in the infants about 1 month. Pylorostenosis requires surgical correction.

Intestinal obstruction

If there is an impurity of green yellow in the blurred masses of the child, this is one of the signs of blocking in the intestine, which will require visits to the emergency room, scan and, possibly, emergency operation.

Violations of the CNS

Violations of the CNS are also a response to the question of why the newborn joins the fountain.

Rotaviruses are the main cause of fountain jumping in babies and young children, whose symptoms often progress to diarrhea and fever.

Rotavirus is one of the viral causes of gastroenteritis, but other types of viruses, such as noroviruses, enteroviruses and adenoviruses, can also cause this condition.

Sometimes infections outside the gastrointestinal tract cause fountain jumping. These are infections of the respiratory system, the ear infection, the urinary system.

Some of these states require immediate medical treatment. Therefore, be alert, regardless of the age of your child and call your pediatrician, If you appear:

  • blood or throat in the vomit and swelling masses;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • stubborn repeated fountain jumping;
  • swollen or visually enlarged belly;
  • lethargy or severe baby irritability;
  • convulsions;
  • symptoms or symptoms of dehydration - dry mouth, lack of tears, springs and reducing the number of urination;
  • long vomiting for more than 24 hours in a row.

Sometimes a fountain jumping does not mean the presence of pathology, but if a child from day to day after feedings once or two jershits fountain, you should contact a specialist.

What if the child jumps away?

  1. If the baby jumps often, change the position when feeding the child to the more vertical. Gravity will play its role in the launch of milk in the stomach, if you hold the baby in a vertical position of about half an hour after feeding.
  2. Avoid any active activity immediately after eating. This may lead to the fact that the baby will jump.
  3. Ensure a calm and relaxed atmosphere at the feeding time. Do not leave the child very hungry before you start feeding it. Hungry and concerned kid can swallow a lot of air, increasing the chances of reflux breast milk.
  4. Cake a child with small portions, but more often to avoid the overflow of the tummy.
  5. Avoid breaking the child.
  6. Let the child tighten as often as possible to get rid of the air, which can be absorbed along with food. If you do not see the belch in a few minutes, do not worry. Perhaps your baby is not needed.
  7. The child should be laid to sleep on a barrel or back, and not on the belly. If the baby jumps off during sleep, ensure the raised head position.
  8. Do not press on the stomach. Loosen any dense clothing, do not put a child with belly to your shoulder so that he can bother.
  9. Eliminate certain products from your diet to check whether the problem of frequent joins was resolved.

When does a child cease to jump off?

Parents are often interested in the question, how many months does the child jumps? When all the elements of the digestive system are developing and become stronger, the crumb will be able to keep food in the stomach, shudding will stop.

Most children cease to jump off about 6 or 7 months or when they learn to sit on their own. But some of them swollen will continue until the year.

If the child jumps greatly, but in general feels good, no special treatment is required, in addition to the methods of feeding methods.

Frequent joining in newborns is the process with which almost any mother will cope. But in some cases treatment is necessary.

If the child constantly jumps out or the amount, the smell and color of the blurred changed, contact the specialists. First of all, visit the pediatrician. Then he can send to the gastroenterologist, neurologist, surgeon.

Do not tighten with a visit to the doctor, if the child jumps greatly, and then shouts or wriggling. This behavior may mean that the kid is irritated by the walls of the esophagus.

Increased attention is required, if the jumping looks like a fountain, occurs after each feeding or it looks like vomiting and after it increases the body temperature.

Do not risk in vain, show the child by a specialist.

Jumping after a year - alarming signal. At this time, this unpleasant process should already stop. Otherwise, this indicates the pathology in the body of a child whose character can only be determined by doctors.

Sometimes there is so frequent that the child does not pick up, as it should, body weight. It is much more important and may require special tests and more active treatment. If testing confirms the gastroesophageal reflux, treatment may include careful feeding methods and possibly drugs.

Some medications, such as Ranitidine, help neutralize gastric acids and protect the sensitive mucosa of the esophagus wall, which is exposed to the stomach acid due to jerking. Others, such as omeprazole or Lansoprazole, stimulate the stomach faster to promote food into the intestines.

Jumping from the child is one of the most important and sometimes confusing problems with which you will come across as a parent. Recommendations in the article are common and apply to babies in general. Remember that your child is unique and he can have special needs. If you have questions, ask the pediatrician to help find answers that are specifically to your baby.