What can you give a child 5 years old girl. Copies of "adult" things. Gifts for bright impressions

Children are very fond of gifts. And anyone who comes to a house where there are kids remembers this and always brings something tasty or interesting. But birthday is a special case. Especially if the little man is five years old. Anniversary, in a way.

By the age of five, the child is already well aware of himself as a separate person. He has certain interests, not the same as those of a neighboring child, for example. But on the other hand, the five-year-old baby still does not have clearly established preferences. Today he is happy with one thing, tomorrow with another.

If the birthday girl is a five-year-old girl

The vast majority by the age of five become terrible fashionistas. They no longer agree to wear the dress that their mother offers them. The girl wants to choose the outfit herself. It is already important for her that the costume is good enough from her point of view. The girl is interested in what her girlfriends will come to the kindergarten, although more attention is still paid to her own appearance.

If the birthday girl is the same as described above, a fashionista, then a good gift for her would be Nice dress or some other clothing item. You can donate some accessories. It is perhaps important to consider two points here. First - what are the preferences of herself and her parents. And secondly, it is important to present a thing that will not be bad taste, because the formation of aesthetic taste begins with early childhood.

Another gift option is a toy. Trite, but there is no denying the fact that girls love toys. And most of all - dolls, bears and all kinds of paraphernalia associated with them.

It's as simple as going to the store and buying a doll. But if a girl already has a dozen dolls, then a new one will only arouse interest at first. Such a gift is unlikely to be remembered and will be appreciated.

But, perhaps, it is the birthday girl who dreams about the doll, and about a particular doll. Then, of course, it will be a very expensive gift for her, even if the price turns out to be trifling.

All kinds of educational games, books, chosen by the donor with love and awe, often do not cause the expected delight in the girl. This moment greatly upsets adults. But you need to understand that now there is no book shortage that I felt at one time older generation. Perhaps a wonderful expensive board game or a book with great pictures is in, you are already familiar with them.

However, adults often want the gift to be useful for the child. This is quite normal and even commendable. There are cases when a present received in early age, guided the lives of people in the following time. Chess can arouse interest in this intellectual game. And five years is exactly the age when you can start getting acquainted with chess. Little pointe shoes or a beautiful ballet book might wake up a future ballerina.

Here, perhaps, the main thing is the dedication of the donor himself, his ability to convey his interest to the child.

A little about "live" gifts

Sometimes children are given animals for their birthday: a puppy, a kitten, a hamster, guinea pig. The animals are so cute, and the child plays with them so touchingly! Such a gift, of course, will be met with the most joyful exclamations.

But giving an animal just because it's "cool" is unwise. After all, the animal will require attention not only on the birthday of the child, but also at all subsequent times. A child at five is too young to take full responsibility for an animal. Are parents ready to take a cat, dog or some other creature into the house? All these points need to be weighed and considered. And - of course - to consult with the parents of the birthday girl.

If the parents agree that the animal settled in the apartment, then why not give the child a furry friend. In fact, communication with an animal, caring for it has a very beneficial effect on children.

Options to please a five-year-old birthday girl - the sea. Each person is unique, and children are no exception. It is important to find a gift that will become not just another little thing, but something more. And for this you just need to know and love a particular child.

Your daughter's fifth birthday is no joke. The little princess has her first birthday! This means that both the celebration and the gifts should be special. The situation is complicated by the fact that at this age the baby is already hard to surprise. The girl has toys for every taste, a lot of outfits. In addition, modern children very quickly get used to the world around them, so there are more than enough impressions in their lives. But let's not panic. There are tricks that will help you please the birthday girl and choose an original gift for a girl for 5 years.

At the age of five, a girl receives new status. You can't call her "baby" anymore. Before us is a preschooler. This Young lady who knows how to behave in society, competently answers questions, writes letters, reads syllables and can even solve simple mathematical exercises. In general, preparation for school goes full swing.

What gifts are needed for the fifth anniversary

But not only the foundation of knowledge is laid by the girl during this period. From five to seven years, according to psychologists, the character, qualities and habits of the baby are finally formed. Therefore, now parents should be especially attentive to the girl, spend more time together and set a good example.

The girl continues to grow. And now the child is stretching, adding well in growth. This is due to the development of the skeleton and muscles. So that in the future she will be in good physical form now it's important to moving image life, sports.

At the age of five, you need to instill in the girl the right eating habits. But healthy eating and a strong body is not all that adults should take care of. It also depends on the parents what conditions are created for the intellectual, creative development child.

Given the above age features, you can narrow down the range of things that are suitable for a gift for a five-year-old girl. So, the girl needs interesting educational "gadgets", shells for exercise, joint leisure with parents and assistance in disclosure creativity. Well, we must not forget that we are dealing with a young fashionista who is rapidly changing size. So, new items in the wardrobe or in the jewelry box will be very useful.

Useful for preparing for school

Now the girl is easily given knowledge. If you are not lazy and engage with your child, you will be surprised how smart your daughter is growing beyond her years. When choosing a gift for a 5-year-old girl in this category, the main thing is not to overdo it.

A stack of boring notebooks will only scare the girl away. And our task is to strengthen the craving for knowledge. You can do this in game form and with the help bright objects relevant direction. Plus, the fact that such birthday gifts are inexpensive.

  • This is a kind of training correct writing girls. This device is in the form of animals, birds or fish, which is worn on a pencil. So the girl is easier and more interesting to write. In addition, you can buy a children's picture book from the "Write beautifully" series.
  • This is a mini-laboratory of knowledge for a girl. The set contains puzzles and cards that will help the girl consolidate knowledge about letters, numbers, words, concepts, shapes and colors.
  • Set of cards for reading. Allows a girl to learn to read while playing. There are sets of different difficulty levels. For a five-year-old girl, you need to take a set not for syllables, but already with words.
  • Double-sided magnetic board. On such a surface, you can write with chalk on one side, and on the other, you can collect drawings, words from magnets. So, the girl will have a personal attribute, without which not a single lesson can do at school.
  • Accounts. Better than this toy for teaching mathematics has not yet been invented. And if you choose a fun design, you definitely won’t go wrong.
  • Game set "First desk". This is not just a study table. The kit includes a whole arsenal of useful things for a preschooler. And the board, and the alphabet, and pictures of animals, and magnetic letters, a marker, crayons, a sponge.
  • Board game for the whole family. This is a word-building team competition that will help the girl improve her grammar and vocabulary.

Is the girl always trying to occupy her father's computer or take away her mother's tablet? Great! Give her a children's laptop with a set of learning cards. Such a thing will help the girl gain new general knowledge, as well as in the field of arithmetic, grammar, music, etc. Plus, the “gadget” will check how the student learned the lesson and help correct mistakes.

Gifts that make you move

At the age of five, some girls already take part in beauty contests. Even if your baby does not dream of a modeling future, you need to follow the figure in any case. Because the baby food balanced and, as a rule, high-calorie, it is necessary to create conditions under which the child will spend energy with pleasure and benefit. Sporting goods- a gift that will be good for an anniversary, and for New Year girl at 5 years old.

  • Today, there are improved versions of this projectile on sale. For example, with an electronic counter of revolutions and calories. The girl will be able to practice on it both in the yard and indoors. And with girlfriends you can compete in speed jumps, teach various exercises on a skipping rope.
  • If the little lady doesn't have a hoop yet, it's time to give one. Useful thing for the waist and good mood.
  • balancing disk. Spinning while standing on a moving circle is both useful and fun. Such a projectile contributes to the formation of the correct posture of the girl, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, strengthens the heart and increases the endurance of the body.
  • Roller Skates. And protective equipment for them. If the girl still doesn't love active games outdoors, then rollers are the most suitable gift for a 5-year-old girl.
  • Beautiful bathing suit. The set should also include a hat and glasses. The girl will definitely want to demonstrate such new clothes in the classroom in the pool.
  • A device on which a girl can jump like a kangaroo. Made in the form of a cane with a footrest and a "jumping" base.
  • Twister. Great game simulator for the whole family. To position yourself in accordance with the color marks on the playing canvas, you need to be dexterous and quick-witted.

Bowling, frisbee, boomerang, children's croquet and tennis, fitness ball - all these are also good gifts for a five-year-old girl. If parents fail to interest the baby in sports, think about the spectacle as a gift. For example, tickets to a circus, a basketball tournament, dance and gymnastic reporting concerts, and figure skating may come in handy.

To train the intellect and imagination

At the age of five, a girl can already play alone for a long time, but this should not be abused. Yes, she must have things for individual lessons. But it is better that the nursery also has a variety of devices for joint games.

These can be desktop options to work with mom and dad. Or attributes for "role playing" with friends. Suitable various designers and puzzles, which also allow for collective participation in the process.

  • Big game book for girls. This is a whole encyclopedia of developmental tasks that are "packed" on colored cardboard pages. Includes tokens and markers. Opening a book, you can play tic-tac-toe, checkers, sea battle. Also, the girl will face many interesting puzzles and crossword puzzles.
  • Set for making jewelry. For example, for hair ornaments: a hoop or hairpins. Such sets include beads and paints, decorative inserts.
  • Perfume laboratory. The instructions say that this set is more suitable for older girls. However, according to parents, it is also interesting for five-year-old fashionistas to mess around with different odorous tubes and create their own perfumes. Just during the "production" of flavors you need to be close to the child. Such laboratories include fruit bases for perfumes, dried flowers, tools for creating and storing compositions, as well as a book on fragrances and instructions.
  • Mannequin for creating hairstyles. As a rule, this is the head of a doll - the prototype of the heroine of popular cartoons for girls. At the mannequin long hair, and the kit has everything to make different hairstyles and even dye your hair.
  • rare girl does not dream of becoming an artist, therefore main attribute scenes will be a good gift. This toy has the functions of a real microphone. With it, the girl will be able to sing to the music, and even receive applause in gratitude for her performance.
  • Figurines of popular cartoon characters. For example, Peppa Pig's family. Or pony Sweetie Drops. Or the Little Mermaid. Or Masha and the Bear.
  • Puzzle mat. For example, with the image of the characters of your favorite cartoons. On the rug after assembly, you can do exercises or take it with you to nature.
  • Teaching piano. Such an instrument will teach your girl music, poetry and singing.
  • Doll travel van. Wow, such a toy costs decently, but it will become a highlight in a doll collection. On the van, baby dolls will be able to travel. Inside, everything is equipped for comfortable trips: both kitchen and sleeping area, and a bathroom and even a pool!
  • This is a set with which the birthday girl can create outfits for her dolls without a needle and thread.
  • Mosaic clutch. This is such a fashionable evening bag, like my mother. Only better, because the girl will make the decor of the accessory with her own hands. The set contains rhinestones or beads that you need to attach to the bag yourself.
  • Hallie Gallie. A team competition that will show who is the smartest and most dexterous in the family. As soon as five cards are gathered in the layout identical elements, you need to instantly ring the bell. Who gets there first?
  • Surprises. Memory training game. This is also a competition. Players will find themselves in an elven pantry. According to legend, chaos reigned here, and the task of the players is to eliminate the chaos and sort everything new Year gifts by category.
  • Jenga. Game for good coordination of movements and fine motor skills. First, the participants build a multi-storey building from game elements. Further - each of the players takes out the lower link and shifts it to the upper tier.

At the age of five, a girl will be happy with fashionable dolls and baby dolls like Monster High, Moxie, Steffi or Bratz. And even more, the baby will be delighted with the magic. Come up for her and about her unusual story. For example, give a flower in a pot. If the birthday girl knows that he was raised in a secret fairy garden specially in her honor, then learn how to care, and quickly get used to the role of a princess.

For decoration and mood

What else to give a daughter for 5 years? Of course, clothes and jewelry. Now this gesture will be appreciated not only by parents, but also by the birthday girl herself. Her new dress is a dream. Especially if it's big. And gold earrings, the first precious bracelet, chain or nice watch- a real treasure. This is an example of solid gifts that are usually given from godparents.

When choosing what to give a girl at 5 years old, remember that the birthday girl is a little owner. She definitely needs her own set of dishes for dolls, her own play kitchen, Vet clinic And sewing machine. And many, many more. But most importantly, she needs her big and happy anniversary. With surprises, surprises and happy parents near.


Five years - wonderful age, this is the time when girls look like dolls or little fairies. I want to give gifts not only for a birthday, but to pamper little princesses literally every day. As a result, the girls have everything she could wish for. In this situation, the question is quite natural - what to give a 5-year-old girl for her birthday, what gift to choose to please the birthday girl. You always want that the gift was not only interesting, but also useful, especially if you take into account all the nuances of this age.

If we talk about the features of the age of five in children, then at this time children begin to actively prepare for school, so choosing a gift, you can focus on the development of perseverance and concentration. Also, children learn about the world through role playing, That's why good option there will be gifts in the form of sets for games in beauty salons, a hairdresser, a shop, mothers and daughters.

You should not limit yourself to ordinary soft toys and dolls. Girls grow up, and like any representatives fair half humanity, their demands are growing, their desires are changing. Pleasant and useful gift can be Dollhouse, which will help develop the appropriate skills and abilities in the future hostess. Usually such sets contain many interesting things, including furniture, dishes. The girl will be pleased to equip a doll house, cook food, receive guests.

As a present for a five-year-old girl, you can consider children's computers, such toys usually include several educational games, which will be useful for inquisitive kids. Even the most simple models such computers, as a rule, include games for the development of counting, spelling, development logical thinking. Using a computer in a playful way, you can start learning English language, which will make the child more intellectually developed and will help later in school. Often such toys have voice accompaniment, which will greatly facilitate the process of assimilation of this or that information.

Shouldn't be overlooked board and outdoor games. Such gifts will not only be of interest to children, but will also bring certain benefits. Such a game plan develops perseverance, teaches to work in a team, develops the ability to build logical chains, and solve intellectual problems. As gifts from this category, you can consider a twister, puzzles, children's bowling, musical rugs and many other equally interesting sets.

For girls at the age of five, needlework kits are already quite affordable. fine motor skills the child is in a state of formation and needs regular active classes. a good gift for little birthday girls, embroidery kits, kits patchwork, needlework kits designed for making jewelry, thanks to which girls will be able to turn their fantasies into reality. Such activities will contribute to the development of accuracy, will help develop a sense of beauty.

We must not forget that a gift for a girl for five years is a question of a gift for a future lady. Already at this age, many little charmers begin to actively manifest inclinations towards many adult hobbies. Gifts for a real little lady can be very different. For example, a girl will be delighted with a gift in the form of items for hair care and creating hairstyles - sets of hairbrushes, beautiful hairpins. Even if for now, her mother is doing her hair, but even she herself will be pleased to do it with the help of brand new rubber bands, beautiful bows and hairpin.

Children's cosmetics- the dream of many girls, and speech in this case it's not about giving lipsticks and powders as gifts. This category of presents includes hair and body care products - shampoos, soft gels, bath foam, hygienic lipsticks, antiseptic soap, fragrant water. How nice bonus- the main "weapon" of all ladies is a small pocket mirror. You can please a little coquette by giving her a beautiful birthday present. bright clothes, summer hat, handbag, umbrella, interesting children's jewelry.

Despite the fact that dolls in most cases are written in the “banal” category of gifts, they are still the most favorite toys for girls. Thanks to dolls, little ladies learn to take care of themselves, so this gift can also be classified as useful. Such toys teach to take care of others, develop a sense of taste and aesthetics. Today you can buy and give not just a doll, but sets where the “favorite” of girls will be along with all the relevant attributes. If the girls already have such dolls, then you can give additional sets of clothes for the doll, dishes, jewelry and other interesting things.

As a gift for a five-year-old girl, sports attributes can be presented, these can be roller skates with all the necessary equipment, a bicycle, beautiful skates, badminton rackets, because the future lady should not only spend time playing games and activities, but also develop physically. It is to accustom the child to sports, to a healthy and active image life, which is important.

Presenting a gift correctly is also a skill, it must be done so that the girl is interested. Along with the main gift, you can order a delicious cake, buy an armful of balloons and go congratulate the young birthday girl. Most importantly, you must always remember that each child is individual, so it is impossible to come up with universal gift, which would be suitable for each of them. Before sending shopping in search of a present for a girl's birthday, you should carefully ask her herself - what she would like to receive most of all.

On the eve of the child's birthday, some parents begin frantically flipping through the pages of Internet sites in search of suitable gift, others call acquaintances to find out what they gave their five-year-old children.

So that the parents of the birthday boy do not rack their brains, Letidor shares valuable advice What is the best gift for a 5 year old girl?

Dolls and accessories

The first place in the puppet rating is occupied by baby dolls, which in size and appearance resemble real babies. They sell sets of clothes and even diapers. The highest quality baby dolls are produced by German and spanish brands but they cost more.

Separately, I would like to mention the so-called "reborns" - baby dolls self made, which are not just one-on-one similar to newborns, but are often manually molded from photographs of real children. But not everyone can buy such a toy, the point is not so much in the relatively high cost, but in the sensations that they cause. Creepy sometimes.

For those who do not like to play mother-daughters, we can offer Barbie beauties, fairies from popular cartoons and a series of dolls - daughters of fairy tale characters in exquisite outfits and many others. For almost all dolls, accessories are additionally sold. For baby dolls, these are strollers, cribs, car carriers, kangaroo - in a word, everything that is supposed to be bought for a real baby. For beauty dolls, there are sets of clothes, shoes and even jewelry and, of course, houses or themed rooms: studio, boudoir, bathroom, bedroom, stage, etc.

Letidor's advice: the main thing when buying dolls, especially like Barbie, is to make right choice, that is, choose the one that the child definitely does not have, otherwise it will be very disappointing. So get clear instructions from the birthday girl, what character she dreams of this time.


At this age, girls prefer not just to stack cubes, but to build castles for princesses and heroes of various cartoons. Therefore, thematic designers will go with a bang. They not only help to come up with scenarios for games, but are also good for developing motor skills. Especially popular today magnetic constructors. They consist mainly of flat geometric parts that are connected to each other using built-in magnets. The result is three-dimensional construction. Building from such constructors is very useful for developing 3D representation. The prices for the kits are quite high, but thanks to high quality justified.

Letidor's advice: in the case of constructors, you need to trust the reviews of other parents. The designer, whose details are poorly matched, the edges are not processed, when one brick is not inserted into another, will discourage the girl from playing for a long time. So choose brands that have stood the test of time or are recommended by parents.

Houses with furniture

This is every girl's dream. A house with furniture, where, in addition to beds, cabinets and other interior items, there is even dishes! They can live in different families- not only "people", but also animals. In addition, there are restaurant houses, playgrounds, a school and even shops with pastries, clothes, ice cream and jewelry. The price depends on the brand and the number of items in the set.

Letidor's advice: it is impossible to buy everything. Therefore, specify which structures are most interesting to the girl. Such houses are good because, firstly, you can always buy additional parts to expand the town, and secondly, girls play such games for quite a long time, up to 9-10 years.

Sets for games in the profession

The most popular profession is a doctor. Here the choice is wide: from the smallest suitcase with tools to a design on wheels, on which you can even “do an X-ray”.

The second most popular set is a hairdressing salon. Combs, hair dryer, iron, curlers, hairpins - everything that can turn a doll or even a mother into real beauties.

The seller's set is less popular at this age. Still, they start playing in the store a little earlier, but suddenly the girl already has everything, but there were no cash registers, banknotes and coins, as well as a basket or cart with groceries. So, then such a set will be very useful. Moreover, it will help to master the basics of counting.

Letidor's advice: remember that profession sets fade into the background at this age, so do not buy them in large quantities.

Stuffed Toys

The most cute gift, and he is the most useless. The advantage is that soft toy can be carried in a stroller instead of a doll, and it is also a great spy toy that soothes the child before going to bed. There are more minuses than pluses: firstly, the dust collector, secondly, it serves more to decorate the nursery than for a real game, and thirdly, it usually just sits on a shelf and, which follows from the first and second, serves for nothing.

But! Children often cherish such toys long years and even take with them adulthood as a reminder of childhood.

Letidor's advice: think 20 times if the birthday girl needs such a gift. Indeed, sometimes this is a dream, and then it makes sense to give a soft toy. If not, please suggest other options. And for children with allergies, this toy is generally harmful.


ABOUT! These wonderful accessories are the dream of any fashionista from early childhood! There are not many of them. And girls also love backpacks: they are more practical and you can put a lot of necessary things in them. Moreover, today they offer backpacks with a panel on the outside, where you can lay out a drawing using special parts (included in the kit) - it turns out something like a designer.

And if you are traveling great gift there will be a travel bag. In it, girls carry toys, balls and even some personal items.

Letidor's advice: handbag and backpack should be practical. Remember that an attractive adult handbag is not suitable for girls you have to cut the belt.

Jewelry and cosmetics

The most daring gift! Cosmetics can be given only if the girl does not have allergies. But jewelry can be a gift for many years. If cosmetics, then only hypoallergenic. If jewelry (most likely it will be earrings), then only from natural materials And noble metals.

You should not give jewelry with stones: it is too early and impractical. If a ring, then the simplest, but made of precious metals. If earrings, then a very simple shape (leaf, hedgehog, turtle, flower), something small and flat so as not to scratch behind the ear.

Original gifts for girls. Choosing a gift is certainly not an easy task, but you don’t need to approach this issue with burdens, the main thing is to enjoy the process itself.

When choosing a gift, put yourself in the shoes of the person you want to give the gift to. So, if you are choosing a gift for a girl, then you should mentally go back in time and remember what you most dreamed of in young age.

Do not forget that the moment of surprise is always important, if you just give a doll, you will not see the desired delight of the child.

Modern children are not like those that were a few years ago, so it is best to choose original gifts for girls. Girls are little princesses who always dream of a fairy tale. Why not give them this story. Buy an outfit real princess and book a celebration children's cafe. It seems too banal, it is important to beat everything here, it is best to follow the scenario of the Cinderella fairy tale. The dress is given by a good fairy (invited actors), they are taken to the cafe in a carriage with a coachman, and there the butler and other invited guests are already greeted.

Another original gift for girls is karaoke, as you know, all girls love to sing, moreover, such a gift is suitable for a girl of any age.

Also original gifts for girls, music boxes are considered. Such a little thing will delight her at a young age, and later will be an excellent interior decoration.

An unusual gift for a girl When choosing a gift for a girl or a boy, remember that you must please the child, and this is not at all an easy task. You can, of course, buy another doll, but is it interesting and original? Let's think about how to surprise a girl and pick up unusual gift.

An unusual gift for a girl, in my opinion, can be a ticket to a concert of your favorite singer, to a movie, leading role in which your favorite actor performs, to an amusement park, etc. Of course, if you have sufficient funds, you can surprise your child with a trip, for example, to Disneyland. Definitely it will be the most an unforgettable gift. But in any case, joyful memories and a lot of impressions from a gift in the form of a ticket to some event are provided.

Another unusual gift for a girl is a shopping trip with her beloved mother, aunt, grandmother, etc. You can spend the whole day chatting with each other and choosing a beautiful dress, hairpins, handbag and even cosmetics. And then you can sit in a cozy cafe and try many, many different cakes. The young beauty will then tell her friends about this wonderful day for a long time.

Whatever gift you choose for a girl, remember that every child is a well-established personality that has its own interests and preferences. If you take this into account, think a little, you will undoubtedly be able to please and surprise.

Children's gifts for girls What, what are our girls made of?...

When choosing children's gifts for girls, consider the age of your little fairy.

For very little babies, soft ones are suitable talking toys, play mats And soft books with pictures.

The dream of every older girl is, of course, a doll! It's great that today the choice of dolls is simply huge. From baby dolls to young top models like the coveted Barbie, with outfits, accessories, houses, pets and a toy household appliances. Playing with these dolls, your princess will be able to try on any look: there are housewife dolls and dolls Hollywood stars, For example.

Each girl is a future hostess, so a toy will be a good children's gift for a girl. washing machine, vacuum cleaner or toy stove.

Over time, girls are determined with their favorite pastime. One loves to draw, for example, and for her the best gift for a child would be a drawing set with an easel. Another loves to collect puzzles, and the third dreams of becoming a doctor.

Children's gifts for girls are a huge layer interesting gifts different orientation. In addition to material gifts, these are also adventure gifts.

A pony ride, a visit to a water park or lessons at a children's modeling school, we have listed only a small part of such impressions as a gift that will delight girls.

Rejoice and amuse your little princesses and fashionistas, little robbers and mother's helpers with gifts! Fortunately, the choice of gifts is incredibly large and varied! Dare!