Abstract Effect of physical exercises on human health. The influence of physical exercises per person.

The fact of the close relationship of physical performance and health status with the lifestyle, character and volume of daily Motor activity Generally accepted. Studies show that human body Programmed on intense and systematic motor activity.

But today there is a huge destructive impact on the human body a sharp decrease motor activitywhich is caused by the comfort of living conditions and other consequences of scientific and technological progress.

Only purposeful and intensive use of physical culture tools can prevent this in order to satisfy the natural need of a person's body in motion. On the efficiency exercise as well as their exclusively favorable effect Another famous French doctor of the 18th century pointed Simon Andre Tiso..

It belongs to him amazing statement: « movement can replace any means in its action, but all medical agents Peace cannot replace the effect of movement". Now, in conditions of increasing hypodynamine and the spread of previously unknown diseases and epidemics, these words sound most convincingly.

The reaction of the body into exercise

The usual reaction of the body on - increase the total tone functional state organism, i.e. Improving the livelihoods of the body, directly determines the degree of its resistance to any disease or states preceding diseases.

The main role in B. this process Playing nervous systemThis is primarily a toning influence of physical exercises: the processes of both the excitation and braking in the central nervous system are balanced, vegetative functions are normalized, the mental performance increases, various brake conditions in the brain are being disturbed. various organs, It goes to improve its guideline and coordinating activities.

Accordingly, the function of individual organs and systems comes to normal. For example, the main reason violations of posture in children It is not anatomical defects and pathological rebirth of tissues, and the absence of a nervous stereotype is the skills to maintain the correct posture.

Under the influence of the relevant physical exercises, the usual, permanent communication is consistent: from the brain - to the nervous conductors-muscles. This connection (stereotype) and causes the desired tension of the muscles providing correct posture. Exercise simultaneously increase the endurance and muscle strength, which support the correct interjection of the human skeleton bones, without which it is also impossible to constantly maintain the right posture.

The influence of physical exercises On the cardiovascular system is due, on the one hand, training and strengthening the heart muscle, and on the other - the normalization of the complex mechanism for regulating activities this organ And the whole circulatory system, as a result of:

  • Improved coronary blood circulation and metabolic processes in the heart;
  • Improved venous hemodynamics, which contributes to the influx of blood to the heart;
  • The efficiency of systole increases;
  • The amount of cholesterol in the blood is reduced. During the fulfillment of exercise, do not postpone subcutaneous tissue or vessels, and spent by the body.
  • It improves the provision of blood muscles with blood, the intensity of general blood flow and blood pressure are normalized;

Cardiovascular system interacts very closely with respiratory systemsoh.

The response of the respiratory system on regular exercise is

  • Increase the elasticity of intercostal cartilage, thereby increasing the aperture of the diaphragm;
  • Strengthening respiratory muscles (diaphragms, intercostal muscles);
  • Increasing the life capacity of the lungs;
  • Formation proper breathing (slow down in-depth exhalation with muscle involvement abdominal press);
  • Improvement of pulmonary ventilation;
  • External respiratory economy;
  • Improving the gas exchange process in the lungs (improving saturation arterial blood oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide).

Specially selected exercises can be improved performance gastrointestinal tract (eg motor function), and influence gastric secretion.

Thus, the intensification of nervous processes, improving the function of the lungs and of cardio-vascular systemNormalization of digestion improves the provision of all tissues of the body with substances that regulate, activate the exchange processes, which in turn activates the body's protective forces, the body, increases the resistance of civilization diseases, strengthens health and improves the quality of life. In other words, exercise have a significant recreation and prophylactic effect on the human body.

Systematic exercise classes In order to reduce the likelihood of exacerbation chronic diseaseDelays Development pathological state Or the correction of the existing disorders is called health and prophylactic.

The wellness effect of permanent exercise classes is that:

  • performing exercise improves the function of the pancreas, which produces insulin - a hormone, which cleaves glucose. As a result, the conditions of accumulation and rational costs of the body's energy are improved;
  • physical activity slows down the development of coronary atherosclerosis and thus prevents the occurrence large number heart disease;
  • strengthen different groups muscles (including torso), which improves posture and increases physical fitness and efficiency;
  • the functioning of the liver is improving - the most important biochemical laboratory in the human body. The development of enzymes and other equally important and necessary biologically active substances, the rate of cleansing the body from slags generated during a person's life is increasing;

All the human activity from ancient times is associated with exercise, and even the achievements of modern civilization do not save humanity from this need.

At all times, in all historical civilizations, physical culture was given a large role, and in some it became a cult, for example in ancient Sparta. A largest sports holiday The modern and Olympic games came to us from ancient Greece.

The effect of physical exercises on the human body has long been known. Already in ancient times there were complexes of physical exercises, the cult of a healthy, harmoniously developed body was very high. On the modern stagewhen for a number of reasons physical health youth fell on pretty low level, physical education, its impact on the human body acquire especially great importance.

The very name of the topic says that physical exercises affect the main, vital systems of the child's body. My choice of this topic is due to the fact that issues related to sports physiology, and to some extent, sports medicine cause elevated interest.

If the process of physical education is designed to strengthen human health, then knowledge of the impact on the body, its system, proper dosage The physical activity is simply necessary. And ignorance in this matter, the wrong conduct of the educational or training process will be given only negative result. Moreover, irreparable harm can be affected by the health of the body, especially children's child. Unfortunately, such cases are not uncommon. On the contrary, with the help of correctly selected physical exercises, you can adjust the disadvantages of the physical development or physical development, such as disorders of posture, flatfoot, etc.

It is impossible to leave ignore and medical aspects this question, because Students in their physical development, health status can be attributed to different medical groups. Therefore, the approach to schoolchildren who are not related to the main medical group should be qualified. It is necessary to know what physical exercises and with which intensity should be carried out, what influence they have a child on the body.

Consider the mechanism of exposure to physical exercises on the body.

P.1 When performing exercise, the human body mobilizes all available reserves. Different exercise in different ways affect the work of the muscles, hearts, lungs; on vascular and nervous systems, on the organs of feelings, etc.

By the nature of the impact of the exercise are divided into four main types:

Speed-force exercises.

Endurance exercises.

Exercises for agility.

Exercises of mixed effects with variable effort.

In addition, the urgent and remote training effects of physical exercises on the body are distinguished.

Impact affecting immediately at the end of the performance of physical exercises is called urgent. After stopping the fulfillment of physical exercises, the body continues to respond to them, up to the restoration of the body before a preloading state and even increase the functions of the body to a higher level. But this is only the urgent effect of one classes.

To achieve a remote effect, a long impact on the body is required, i.e. The results of workouts are affected only after a long time (several months).

Therefore, to achieve positive results Requires a competently organized, continuous process of training, and unsystematic, episodic classes of any notable results will not bring.

P.2 during exercise in the body, biological processes occur. There is a decay energy resourcescarlevires, fats and proteins. As a result of decay, the energy is released, which is used by the body to perform work. And the work is longer and more intense, the more energy resources are spent. Therefore, immediately after stopping the load, the health capacity is reduced, but gradually it is restored. And the recovery will occur faster when performing more intensive work.

I would like to pay attention to one of the key moments, which reveals the main meaning of the training process:

After stopping the load, reaching the initial level, the performance continues to grow, because The body restores resources in quantities exceeding spent. As a result of such an over-conditioning, the phase of high performance occurs.

With a gradual increase in the load and systematic classes, the work capacity of the body rises.

It must be remembered that the basic dosing principle physical LoadsPrinciples of graduality must be observed strictly. Since excessive load and the desire to quickly achieve high results can apply the body, nototype to superload, irreparable harm.

It is necessary to take into account that the performance of various organism systems is not restored simultaneously. After the reinforced load, the respiratory frequency comes to the norm after 10 minutes; oxygen consumption-after 20 minutes; blood sugar level-in 30 minutes; Pulse frequency-in 50 minutes; And the composition of the blood is only after 4 hours. Hence, full recovery The body occurs only after the restoration of all functions. It is deeply erroneous that the body is restored if the respiratory frequency and heart rate came to normal. With short-term speed and power exercises, the super-standardization occurs faster, but this effect is short. And with intensive load, the recovery period is quite significant, but also a period of high performance is quite large.

Therefore, when planning a training process, it is necessary to take into account that in the phase of superiority, the body is well prepared for re-voltage. It is advisable to plan each subsequent training in this time. Only then the level of training will grow. And vice versa if the body has not fully recovered, then during re-work, the prerequisites for chronic fatigue, passing into overwork, which is accompanied not only by change general status and the performance of an athlete, but also disorders of a number of functions of its body. Letness appear, apathy, sleep disorder, instability arterial pressure and heart Rhythm And others. The feeling of fatigue after the load lasts longer than usual.

To eliminate overwork, you need to change the workout mode: reduce the volume and intensity of the load, increase the intervals of rest between exercise activities, change the conditions of classes, etc. Otherwise, more serious disorders can develop in the state of an athlete, accompanied by pathological manifestations in the activities of various organs and systems of its body.

Of all the above, it follows that when planning a training process, it is necessary to take into account not only the duration, the intensity of the proposed load, but also a properly selected time for exercise. You also need to know and take into account the individual features of each student. Only under the observance of all these conditions can be achieved positive results.

P.3, under the influence of physical exercises, changes occur in the main systems of the human body. As a result of workouts, the volume and mass of the muscles increase, the capillary network naturally expands and the blood supply to the body is improved, which, of course, has a positive effect on its performance.

At the athletes muscle mass It reaches 50% and more of its total mass, power grows, coordination is improved. Also, under the influence of physical exercises, an increase in myocardial-hearted muscles occurs, cavities are increasing, the walls are thickened. At the trained person, with a reduction, the heart throws up to 150 cm3 of blood, and at an incredited no more than 70 cm3. Therefore, the heart of the athlete makes a smaller number of abbreviations per minute than the heart of a person who is not engaged in sports. Consequently, wear and fatigue, finally, the aging of the heart of the athlete comes later, which significantly prolongs the life of a person.

Under the influence of physical exercises, positive changes occur in the respiratory organs and the composition of human blood.

In the blood, the number of erythrocytes increases and the hemoglobin content increases. With regular physical exertion, the capacitance of the lungs may increase by 70% and reach 7 liters. Respiratory frequency is reduced, because Inhale becomes deeper.

Changes in the human nervous system occur. The equilibiousness and mobility of nerve processes increases, the rate of education conditional reflexes. The fatigue is reduced.

All this positively affects the trainee of children, because physical education and sports are positively influenced not only on physical, but also on general development Pupils.

P.4 In addition to the influence of physical exercises on the internal organs of a person, you can talk about the effect on appearance, a figure, a physique.

The type of physique is influenced by such factors as the degree of muscle development, grease, form chest and the abdomen, the ratio of the length and mass of the body, its proportion. The physique type itself is inherited. But with the help of exercise, it changes to a certain extent: some parties are enhanced, others are weakened.

So, students high heightThe following exercises are recommended with a narrow and flattened torso and weak muscles:

Power and speed-force

Moderate long-term running with short-term accelerations at maximum speed

Exercises for flexibility, accuracy, coordination and equilibrium

As a result of these exercises, the volume of muscles increases, the capacity of cardiovascular and respiratory systems is developing.

Schoolchildren, the peculiarity of the physique of which are relatively narrow shoulder and wide pelvic girdle, excessive weight and soft muscles, it is necessary to get rid of excess weight. For them, it is advisable to use the following exercises:

Exercises activating the activities of blood circulation and respiration organs that cause increased energy

Exercises that improve high-speed strength qualities

Exercises that strengthen belly muscles

Of particular importance for schoolchildren, predisposed to obesity, has a long, uniform, moderate running. With this run, the energy produces occur mainly due to fatty substances.

Exercise helps to correct and have individual deficiencies of physical development in many schoolchildren: disorders of posture, flatfoot. Only 15-20% of schoolchildren have quite normal posture, various defects are detected.

Osanka is a familiar person's pose, a manner holding standing and sitting. With the right posture of the head and the body are on one vertical, the shoulders are deployed, slightly omitted and are located on the same level, the blades are pressed. The physiological curvatures of the spine are normally pronounced, the chest is slightly convex, the belly is drawn, the legs are dispersed in the knee and hip joints. Posture examine from head to feet.

The position of the head is estimated in relation to the position of the body. It is noted whether the head is on one vertical with the torso, or it is submitted forward, is tilted to the right, left. Then the shoulder belt is estimated: whether there are shoulders at one level, whether the width of the right and left shoulder is the same, there is no "walled" of the blades.

Much attention is paid to inspection of the spine.

Change of posture caused by violation proper combination and the severity of the physiological bends of the spine: flat, round, round-cooled, planed spin.

A physical culture teacher must constantly pay attention to his students to maintain the right posture during classes. Unilateral training, the use of monotonous movements and body positions may adversely affect the posture: There are no posture disorders as a round spin, the asymmetry of the shoulder belt and others.

Bad posture is reflected not only on appearance man. Violation of posture can affect and in state internal organs: Cause from the shift of the heart and large vessels, and hence the deterioration of the functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body.

To correct posts, primarily apply overall gymnastic exercises. Moreover, part of the exercises is performed in the lying position, part-standing on all fours to unload the spine. Also very useful exercises in the seeers. In addition to the class, exercises are used to increase the mobility of the spine, the shoulder joints, the articulation of the foot. We must teach schoolchildren to follow their posture.

Breathing exercises and exercises for preservation of body equilibrium in various positions are useful. The following breathing exercises can be recommended:

Learn to breast and abdominal breathing, as well as their combination.

Perform deep breathing movements.

Force breathing.

Perform short-term breathing delays on the breath and exhale.

All these recommendations may assist in adjusting certain deficiencies in the physique and physical development of children. It is proved that as a rule, indicators of the physical development of individuals engaged in physical exercises and sports are much higher than that of non-impressive.

There is a double dependence between classrooms in one way or another sport, on the one hand, and physical development and body features-with other. The features of the physique may contribute to the achievement of success in certain sports. At the same time, long-term classes defined species Sports causes a specific change in the physical development and physique of an athlete.

Based on this, the study of the physical development of schoolchildren pursues the following objectives:

Evaluation of the impact of systematic practical exercise on the level of physical development engaged in the identification of positive or negative influences To the physique in order to determine the means and methods of physical education aimed at the correction of its shortcomings.

Selection of children, teenagers, boys and girls for classes various species Sports, on the basis of so-called model morphological characteristics.

This will contribute not only to improving the physical development of students, but will bring moral satisfaction from exercise classes will increase overall performance.

P.5 of the students need to be accustomed to the performance of physical exercises by the lesson of physical culture, morning gymnastics, sectional work.

Human performance depends on the hereditary properties of the body and the training. The training is determined by the health status of the body, the level of mastering engine skills, the development of physical and volitional qualities.

Training is the improvement of the ability of the body to adapt to unusual activities and high loads. The means of improving performance is the systematic use of exercises with a gradual increase in load on the body.

Improving the level of physical development, health promotion contributes not only to physical, but also mental performance Schoolchildren. There is evidence that the current student performance in all subjects is higher in actively engaged in wellness physical culture and sports. On the contrary, among poor schoolchildren, a significant number of students have low figures of physical development.

Great influence active motor mode It provides on the stability of the mental performance of students during the school day, weeks, quarters, school year.

Short-term exercise in the course of the lesson (physical attacks) contribute to maintaining active attention and increase the productivity of the schoolchildren in the lesson. Of course, it should not be given to students after tiring mental work too high physical exertion, because The layering of these two loads can lead to overwork. As a result, it will be reduced both physical and mental student performance.

P.6 for the correct formulation of physical education at school is needed well organized medical control. Whose tasks consist in broad use of fixed assets and methods of physical education to strengthen the health of children and controls for their proper use. As well as in creating appropriate conditions for work on physical education.

Schoolchildren at least once a year pass medical examination and are distributed through medical groups. Given this, the physical culture teacher carries out a differentiated approach to students in classrooms, including in section classes.

Systematic classes conducted in accordance with the data medical inspection And with account individual features Children contribute to improved health and indicators of the physical development of schoolchildren.

The main form of medical examination-medical examinations:




In addition, everyone engaged in physical exercises should be able to control himself and observe the physical condition of its body. Even the most minor diseases and violations of training regime that have not been identified during, can lead to severe consequences, and even to the so-called sports disability. Therefore, in the first suspicion of the disease, it is necessary to contact medical help. After severe diseases It is necessary to undergo an additional medical examination. It is possible that children belonged to the disease to the main medical group, after recovery, will be engaged in the preparatory, or even in special honey. group. Any period should be known to the physical culture teacher for implementation. individual approach To the student.

The attention of the teacher is directed to very moderate extension of physical activity, on the gradual adaptation of the child's body to this building.

Usually as a result of such classes, students from special medical group It is translated into the preparatory, and from the preparatory-in the main one.

The teacher must strive as the health of students and their physical preparedness Together to transfer children from one medical group to another. To do this, you need to send children to a doctor for an additional medical examination.

Unjustified restriction in the classes of physical culture prevents full development growing organism and proper training for schoolchildren labor activity, social adaptation in society.

All of the foregoing about the effect of physical exercises on the human body can be summarized as follows:

Exercise affects all organism systems, increasing their capacity.

Systematic training increases strength, equilibrium and mobility of nerve processes, the rate of formation of conditional reflexes.

Specialized exercise can largely influence the physique and adjust the existing children, the shortcomings of physical development.

Improving the level of physical development, health promotion, help improve not only the physical, but also mental performance of students.

Systematic sports contributes to an increase in the volume of body working bodies and increasing the reserves of energy substances. All major organs work more economically, the body is less tired when performing physical exertion.

When working with schoolchildren, it should be used as fully as possible to use all available capabilities of physical culture. Pedagogically and methodically leading educational process, apply a differentiated learning method for more complete work with children.

Physical culture - powerful tool contributing to improving and improving the performance of each individual, of the whole society.

The influence of physical exercises on human health.

1. Introduction.................... ........................... ... .............................. ................. ............. ................ 3.
2. I. Movement ...................... .............................. .............................. .............................. ......... 4

3. II. Types of movement ...................... .......................... .... .............................. ................ .............four
a) walking ......................... ....................... ....... .............................. ............. ................. ................four
b) running ........................... .................... .......... .............................. .......... .................... ...................five
c) gymnastics and bodybuilding .................... ......................... ..... ................................................. .... 6.

4 III. Effect of physical exercises on the human body...................... ... ..................7
a) the influence of physical exertion on various organ systems ..... .............................. ..9
b) the effect of physical exertion on metabolism and energy ....... .............................. ... 10
c) the effect of physical exertion on blood system........... .............................. .....10

5. Transcue .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. 11
6. List of references .............................................. .... .............................. ................ ...........12

Health is the harmonious unity of the physical, mental, social functions of a person who contribute to the realization of its capabilities.
Health is a state of the body, when the functions of all organs and systems of organs are balanced with the external environment and there are no pathogenic changes.
Human health depends on:
- Medicine states - by 10%
- Effects of environmental factors - 20-25%
- genetic factors - by 20%
- lifestyle, physical exertion - by 50%
Working muscles, muscles form the flow of impulses, constantly stimulating the metabolism, activity of the nervous system and all organs, which improves the use of oxygen tissues, excess fat is not postponed, the protective properties of the body increase.
Systematic training makes muscles stronger, and the body is generally more adapted to the conditions external environment. Under the influence of muscle loads, the frequency of heartbeats increases, the muscles of the heart are reduced stronger, blood pressure increases. This leads to the functional improvement of the blood supply system. During muscle work, the respiratory frequency increases, breathing deepened, exhalation is enhanced, the ventilation capacity of the lungs is improved. Permanent exercises contribute to an increase in the mass of skeletal muscles, strengthening bundles, joints, growth and development of bones. People performing the necessary volume of motor activity, look better, healthy is mentally, less susceptible to stress and tension, they sleep better, they have fewer health problems.

"Exercise should
firmly log in everyday life
everyone who wants to keep health
performance, full-fledged
and joyful life. "
I. Movement
Movement is the most powerful stimulator of catabolic processes in the body, which in the period of rest activate biosynthetic - anabolic processes.
The child would never have grown in an adult, not committing a huge number of movements. In general, in the process of evolution, our body was created as adapted to move and fully could have existed only to various vibrations, shakements, compressions, stretching and other, physical and gravitational effects.
And this is not surprising if you know that our body is a huge size of the surface, concluded (compressed) into a relatively small volume.
Now it becomes clear to us that 35 liters of liquid of our body should be constantly circulated by the body, delivering all the necessary cells and removing all unnecessary. In turn, the "service personnel" of cells: liver, lungs, leather, kidneys and intestines - should be clean and healthy to remove fatigue toxins on time.
And here is the movement: walking, running, exercise and so on - allow you to repeatedly increase the circulation of liquids in the body. While muscle movement is reduced, squeezing fluid into the bloodstream, help the promotion of venous blood to the heart.
Highly increased blood circulation, breathing oxidize, wash and throw out fatigue toxins. As a result, the whole human body can function on more high level- The quality of life increases.
II. Types of Movement
a) Walking
Walking is the simplest and affordable agent acceptable to people of all ages. The percentage of injuries while walking the smallest compared to more intense movements, and the pleasure is no less. It is necessary to walk intensively, but in well-being.
To achieve lightly sprouls and maintain it in the process of walking. The increased circuit of fluid and breathing will effectively remove the slags of fatigue from the body, healing the extracellular medium.
While walking there are several specific impacts: from muscle contractions to inertial efforts of liquids, food, feet, and so on. When driving around the capillars, venous blood loses almost all pressure arising from heart abbreviations.
The blood movement on the veins effectively affects the sublicas that occurs when the aperture ("venous heart") during breathing. But this turns out to be very little in order to raise the blood up against the strength of gravity.
Therefore, nature created on the inner surfaces of the veins from the fingers of the hands to the shoulder and from the fingers to the thigh, through the gaps of about 4 cm, the special valves are pockets. These valves allow you to skip blood only in one direction - up to heart. They are 22 on the veins of the legs and 17 in the hands.
With each contraction of the muscles of the legs or hands arising when walking, the veins are compressed from the muscle contraction, and the blood pushes up.
When relaxing the blood under the action of gravity rushes down, but the valves are pockets closed and do not give it to flow down. This is how the muscle pump acts, pushing the blood to the heart and helping the second venous heart - the diaphragm.
The role of inertial efforts is well illustrated by opening the bottle - the plug can knock out the bottom of the bottom of the ground bottle. It happens when walking (even stronger when running) with venous blood. The same inertial efforts allow to blame food in the stomach and intestines, bile - in the bustling bubble, without letting it thicken and fall into the sediment.
The rhythmic pressure of the food and roam masses on the intestinal walls reflexively excites them and causes a reduction, as a result of which their promotion goes normally.
Internal organs: liver, kidneys, bladder, gallbladder, pancreas - all content abdominal cavity During intensive walking, it shakes, rattles, washed with blood and is saturated with energy.
"Toxins of fatigue" is actively removed, and a person after a good walk feels health and peace in the whole body.
Inertial efforts play a huge role in massage of intervertebral disks, ligaments and all connective tissue.
No massage is healing so intervertebral discs like walking and running. Rhythmic compression and relaxation allows you to feed the pulp nucleus, cartilage tissue and tendon spine bundles.
After all, the lack of motion leads to the fact that there is no sufficient massage to the above-mentioned tissues of the body. Therefore, they gradually gradually from sticking and bad nutrition, but it is true, they are cut, cease to fully fulfill their functions, compressible, tightened.
b) run.
Ordinary running has an even greater effect on the body than walking. Much increases blood flow - hence the energy intake; Breathing - hence the removal of slags, is overhauled all the body with clean blood, and inertial efforts achieve much more values \u200b\u200bthan when walking.
If the run is sufficiently durable, the respiratory acidosis occurs, therefore biosynthesis in cells is improved. Repeatedly increases health effect.
Effect of running on endocrine and nervous system Obviously. Run allows you to establish the rhythmic work of these systems. To give a load on these systems, a long cyclic anti-government work is necessary.
Long-term leather run is perfect for this. Most of the blood vessels in the body are located vertically, and the capillary blood flow is alone per 1 square meter. MM Muscle cross section is open for about 30-80 capillaries. During run, when a person constantly overcomes the earthly gravity, jumping and dropping up in a vertical position, the bloodstream in the vessels also "swing", enters the resonance with running.
At the same time, early "sleeping" capillaries are gradually open. Such microcirculation activates the activities of the organs internal secretion. The flow of hormones increases and is now capable of reaching the most remote cells and to work out their work, coordinate the activity of systems. As a result, this leads to the fact that the activity of all organism systems becomes more coordinated and balanced.
As a rule, after a long run (30 or more minutes) there is a feeling of euphoria. This is the result of the strengthened pituitary operation, which produces special hormones - endorphins. With different doses, they are 200 times more efficient morphia! Endorphins cause a natural feeling of bliss, have an opposite effect and continue their effect within 0.5-1 hours after running.
In the process of running training, the amount of heart abbreviations is reduced, the heart becomes more powerful and works more economically. Adrenal hormones produced in the process of physical activity are beneficial on the heart.
As a result, a person with a rare pulse is much easier to control his emotions, and elevated portions of adrenaline do not have harmful influences on its body, as it happens at sedentary people.
Due to the fact that with a long rhythmic rhythmic, the pulse becomes 120-130 shots per minute, and the peripheral blood vessels are expanding, their resistance is reduced, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. With reduced it, on the contrary, it rises.
Also, the run contributes to the normalization of the acidity of the gastric juice. If you briefly summarize the healing effects of running, then it is particularly effective in hypertension and hypotension, vegetative dystonia, angina, ischemic heart disease, rheumatism, lack of mitral valve heart, osteochondrosis, ulcer of stomach.
In addition, running the processes of aging, because the intracellular biosynthesis activates, normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, activates and regulates the activities of the endocrine glands, strengthens the immune system - increases the body's protective forces, infects the body with energy and perfectly helps to fight against excessive and uncontrolled food eating.
c) gymnastics and bodybuilding.
Modern aerobics child dance and gymnastic exercises. Complexes of specially selected exercises make it possible to combine the useful effects of cyclic exercises on endurance with exercises for flexibility, coordination and strength.
The influence of musical rhythm, emotions makes such a workout even more fascinating and the person gets a wonderful load as if, by the way.
Since the exercises affect alternately on various muscle groups, it is washing the blood of the whole body. In these exercises, the effects of washing the blood of the organism, inertial efforts, the development of flexibility, moderate acidosis, high emotional saturation is implemented.
Various exercises performed with external burden are called athletic workout. With strong muscle stresses, the protoplasm of cells occurs, the consumption of intracellular materials, which ultimately strongly activates biosynthetic processes.
With muscular reduction with a sufficiently strong effort, the best exchange of extracellular fluid with blood is occurring, the bloodstream is very increased in working muscles, which allows you to quickly restore injured ligaments, muscles.
It should be emphasized that no other methods can compare with an increase in blood flow when working with burdens. Moreover, powerful blood flow can be created in isolated in various muscle groups, achieving focused impact.
Long-term and fairly intensive exercise with burdens also contributes to the development of endorphins, which emphasize many leading bodybuilders. The lack of these training is that they give little inertial efforts, resulting in no vibration effect on the body. In general, it is very strong tool To restore health, improve biosynthesis and increasing energy.
There is another type of athletic training - arbitrary tension of muscles, as a result of which there is no external movement. This is called statistical or isometric effort. Such training also perfectly affect the human body and allow you to improve the nervous-muscular organism, as a result of which a person without hypertrophized muscles is enormous.
III. The effect of physical exercises on the human body.
Physical exercises include any physical activity: physical work, athletic gymnastics, physical education, etc. Even, for example, when swinging on a swing, harmful substances are prepared for removal from the body. We give a few examples of the positive effect of physical exercises on the health of the human body. Ride in the transport of the back forward is useful when weakness or turbidity. Skating on boats and ships near the shore helps for leprosy, water, swinging stomach. With the help of physical exercises, the main quality of living matter is manifested - the ability to adapt; The trained person can make much more than untrained. The physical exertion is also useful in the fact that as a result of the delay of breathing in the body, carbon dioxide necessary for its livelihoods is accumulated. The performance of physical exercises improves human mental abilities, stimulates the production of endorphins by the organism - natural opiates that can produce our brain. Removing the voltage in the muscles affects the brain and gives him a rest. But also the removal of mental tension affects the body and gives him a rest.
Some people are far from sports, there is an opinion that physically developed people are usually stupid. On this occasion, even the saying was composed: "There is a strength - the mind is not necessary." But this is far from that. If the athletes are stupid, it is, of course, not because of their sports, without sports they would be much more stupid. The reason for the limitations of all people is the same - reluctance to develop their mental abilities. And then, is it never stupid among people who are never engaged in physical education or sports? .. Scientists have proven that physical exercises are positively affecting human mental abilities, stimulate them. Regular physical education classes contribute to maintaining the stability of intelligence. The need for cerebral tissue is 15-20 times higher than that of muscles, and it is better satisfied when practicing physical labor or exercise in the fresh air.
W. ordinary person Heart works with a frequency of 60-70 beats per minute. At the same time, it consumes a certain amount of nutrients and with a certain speed is wearing (as well as the body as a whole). The person has a completely undetected heart makes a longer amount of abbreviations, also more consumes nutrients and, of course, makes faster. In well-trained people, the number of blows per minute can be 50, 40 or less. The economy of the heart muscle is significantly higher than usual. Consequently, such a heart is extended much slower.
During the fulfillment of physical exercises, the metabolism is significantly accelerated, but after them - it starts to slow down and finally decreases to the level below the usual one. In general, at the trained person, the metabolism is slower than ordinary, the body works more economically, and the life expectancy increases. Casual loads on the trained organism have a noticeably less destructive effect. A person engaged in physical exercises is better sleeping and restored after sleep, it increases the number of rich compounds of compounds, and thanks to this, almost all possibilities and abilities increase. Including mental, physical, sexy.
To achieve a maximum of developing your mental, physical, sexual and other possibilities, they need to be designed to do, but there will be no strong effect on classes if your body is not ready for them. Not ready in terms of health, so the first step towards self-development is a complete complex improvement of the body, with the restoration of the normal operation of all parts of the human body and organs, in this will help you mailing, which is designed for the complex restoration of health from any person.
In the occurrence of hypodynamine (lack of movement), as well as age, negative changes in the respiratory organs appear. The amplitude of respiratory movements is reduced. Especially reduced ability to deep exhalation. In this regard, the volume of residual air increases, which adversely affects gas exchange in the lungs. Lung life capacity is also reduced. All this leads to oxygen starvation. In the trained organism, on the contrary, the amount of oxygen is higher (despite the fact that the need is reduced), and this is very important, since the oxygen deficiency generates a huge number of metabolic disorders. Exercise increases the immunobiological properties of blood and skin, as well as resistance to some infectious diseases. In addition to the above, there is an improvement in a number of indicators: the speed of movements may increase 1.5-2 times, endurance - several times, force - by 1.5-3 times, minute volume of blood during operation 2-3 times, absorption oxygen in 1 minute during operation - 1.5-2 times, etc.
The great importance of exercise is that they increase the stability of the body with respect to the action of a number of different adverse factors. For example, such as reduced atmospheric pressure, overheating, some poisons, radiation, etc. Exercise contributes to preservation of cheerfulness and cheerfulness. Physical activity has a strong anti-stress action.
a) the influence of physical exertion on various organ systems.
One of the dominant features of our time is to limit the motor activity of the modern person. One hundred years ago, 96% of employment operations were performed due to muscle efforts. Currently - 99% with the help of various mechanisms. Compensation of the shortage of motor activity is necessary, otherwise the disorder occurs, the disharmony of the complex system of the human body.
The human body consists of individual organs that have fun characteristic of them. There are groups of organs performing shared functions - organs of organs. From the external environment, the body receives all the substances necessary for the life and development of the substance, at the same time, it receives the flow of stimuli (temperature, humidity, solar radiation, industrial harmful effects, etc.), which seeks to disrupt the constancy of the inner environment of the body.
The normal existence of a person under these conditions is possible only if the body responds in a timely manner to the effects of the external environment with relevant adaptive reactions.
Exercise are becoming a kind of regulator that ensures the management of life processes and the preservation of the constancy of the interior. So, exercise should be considered not only like entertainment and rest, but also as a means of preserving health.
Insufficient physical activity Creates special unnatural conditions for human life, negatively affects the structure and functions of all tissues of the human body. As a result, there is a decrease in the common protective forces of the body, the risk of disease is increasing.
The progress of science and technology presents a high demand for its physical condition and increases the burden on a mental, mental and emotional sphere.
Along with a reasonable combination of labor and recreation, normalization of sleep and nutrition, the refusal of bad habits. Systematic muscular activity increases mental, mental and emotional stability of the body.
Man, lead movable image Life systematically engaged in physical exercises, can perform significantly more work than a person leading a sedentary lifestyle. This is due to the reserve capabilities of a person.
b) the effect of physical exertion on metabolism and energy.
The metabolism and energy in the human body is characterized by complex biochemical reactions. Nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) entering the inner medium of the body with food, split in the digestive tract. Splitting products are transferred to the cells to the cells and are absorbed by them. Oxygen penetrating the air through the lungs into the blood takes part in the oxidation process occurring in cells.
Substances resulting from biochemical metabolic reactions are derived from the body through light, kidneys, skin.
The metabolism is the source of energy for all the vital processes and the functions of the body. In the splitting of complex organic substances, the energy contained in them turns into other types of energy (thermal, mechanical, etc.)
Classes of exercise or sports increase the activity of exchange processes, trains and maintains at a high level mechanisms exercising in the body of metabolism and energy.
c) the effect of physical exertion on the blood system.
The heart is the main center of the circulatory system, using the type of pump,
due to which blood is moving in the body. As a result of physical training, the sizes and weight of the heart increase due to the thickening of the walls of the heart muscle and an increase in its volume, which increases the power and performance of the heart muscle.
Blood in the human body performs the following functions:
- transport;
- regulatory;
- protective;
- heat exchange.
With regular exercise or sports activities:
The amount of erythrocytes and the amount of hemoglobin in them increases, as a result of which the oxygen capacity of blood increases;
the organism resistance to colds and infectious diseases increases, due to the increase in leukocyte activity;
The processes of recovery are accelerated after a significant loss of blood.


The prophylactic effect of physical exercises can be explained by improving the overall circulation of liquids, normalization of the oxygen regime, the supply to the cells of bioregulators - hormones. All this contributes to the normal flow of cell life and thereby prevents the emergence of various diseases.
In order for a person to do not hurt so that the body absorbs the energy from the environment and the biosynthesis of cells is well involved, it is necessary to move much.
According to the hypothesis of Professor Andrievsky, in the body of mammals and humans, blood is formed only during a tense physical effort. It is in motion that, when running, intensive work in the fresh air, there are powerful oxidation-reducing reactions, and a strong, young high quality blood is formed.


1. Dubrovsky V.I. Valeology. Healthy image Life. - M.: Retorika, 2001
2. Polyakov V.A. Healthy lifestyle. Tutorial - Krasnodar, 1995
3. Tel L.Z. Valeology: the doctrine of health, illness and recovery. - M.: LLC "AST Publishing"; "Astrel", 2001
4. "Physical Culture" Yu.I. Essayev Rostov - on the Don "Phoenix" 2003.
5. "Heart and exercise" N.M. Amosov, I.V. Muravov Moscow 1985


It is well known that in the process of human evolution, changes in the body functions touched into a greater or lesser extent of all human systems. The most significant changes have undergone a psyche of a person and the processes of its impact on the regulators of the vital functions of the body. Scientific and technical progress in the process of human evolution constantly increased volume necessary information, that is, the load on the mind, at the same time, the mandatory physical activity decreased. This led to a violation of the equilibrium system, which was in the human body.

The human body for millennia has developed the ability to meet an external stimulus by mobilizing physical reserves. Currently, the power of stimuli is constantly increasing, physical power They are prepared for action, and they are not possible to implement it. Most of the physical exertion is performed for man mechanisms.

An increase in emotional loads is inevitable (the flow of information is constantly growing), and physical exertion is constantly reduced. To create conditions for maintaining their health at the required level, a physical activity is needed. A person must work out in itself a constant habit of exercising to provide a harmonious equilibrium between mental and physical exertion. This is one of the main parts of an individual healthy lifestyle system.

The training attached to a person confidence. It is possible to remove fatigue in several ways: firstly long passive recreation; secondly, the use of special medicines or coffee, tea, which, as it were, "spur" cerebral cells, which ultimately leads to their exhaustion; Thirdly, it is physical voltage. People constantly engaged in physical culture are less susceptible to stress, they better cope with concern, anxiety, depression, anger and fear. They are not only capable of relaxing easier, but also know how to remove emotional stress using certain exercises.

It is known that the movement is the main stimulator of the human body. With a lack of movements, it is observed, as a rule, the weakening of physiological functions, the tone and vital activity of the body decreases.

Exercises strengthen the functional restructuring of all links of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and other systems, improve tissue exchange processes. Under the influence of moderate loads, the health of the heart increases, the hemoglobin content and the number of erythrocytes. The functions and structure of the organs themselves are improved.

It is proved that systematic exercise classes also provide positive impact for mental functions, form mental and emotional resistance to tense intellectual activity [

Physical exertion have a versatile effect on the human body, increase its resistance to adverse environmental impacts.

When using physical exercises, the adaptability of recovering to climatic factors is restored, the sustainability of the person is increasing various diseases and stress.

Under the influence of physical exercises, the structure and activities of all organs and human body systems are improved, health improves and health is strengthened.

A sharp decrease in physical exertion, the weakening of muscles adversely affect the heart and other organs and systems. Detrality of thermal control reflexes, reducing the body resistance to various aids and unfavorable external factorscaused by the increase in household comfort, the bodies of the body, entails the vascular and other "the diseases of the century".

Scientifically proven facts of influence of physical exercises on the body:

1. Longevity. People who pay attention to physical exercises live longer. For 20 years, scientists have conducted a number of studies that confirmed that regular moderate physical exertion significantly reduce the risk of premature death.

2. Healing of the brain. The development of new cells of the central nervous system. In turn, it contributes to growth intellectual abilities and improved memory. Scientists have discovered the direct effect of physical exercises on the brain sites responsible for memory and training.

3. Regular sports has a wellness effect on sexy feature Men and women.

4. Exercise helps to cope with depression and every time they can raise the mood. During training, the motor activity stimulates the allocation of so-called hormones of happiness. Scientists argue that in their strength the antidepressive effect of physical exercises can be compared with potent antidepressants. In addition, workouts have a sedative effect on the central nervous system.

5. Strengthening the health of the cardiovascular system. Physical activity during training increases the frequency of the pulse, contributes to the expansion of the vessels and the formation of the network of new capillaries. Today, thanks to numerous studies, no one has doubts that regular exercise significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and reduce the rate of the pulse at rest, which allows the heart to save their resources, and this extends his life.

6. Reducing cholesterol. Exercise helps to regulate blood cholesterol.

7. LED blood pressure

8. Physical education stimulates the metabolism.

9. Improving the body's resistance to colds.

10. Exercise promotes bone strengthening.

Recently, a group of scientists from the University of Tasmania found out that people who most of their working time were sitting, much more often suffer from depression than those who work "on the legs". Experts attracted to participate in their research 3367 employees of various government agencies. They were asked to answer if they were experiencing during last month Symptoms of anxiety and depression. They also asked questions about their level physical activity, about the degree of satisfaction with work, as well as how they spend free time. It turned out that those volunteers who more than six hours a day were forced to conduct in the service sitting, the level of anxiety and depression was significantly higher than those who sat less than three hours a day. As for the average indicators, the men "sitting" work occupied about five hours a day, and in women - four hours a day. Moreover, representatives of an excellent sex, the relationship between the nature of the work and the presence of a distress was noticeable. At the same time, the number of physical activity outside the work did not affect the level of the distress. Even those who, after the working day, visited the gym or had to move a lot in connection with personal and domestic affairs, this level did not fall ... Apparently, assessed at work of five hours, it was enough to form negative consequences and the formation of depression.

Previously, studies have already been conducted, which proved the connection of a sedentary lifestyle with the development of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteochondrosis, problems with vision ... With depression and stress, everything is not so simple. After all, it would seem, they can not arise from scratch. For many, the cause of the Distracy is the troubles at work, in the family, personal life. Often, depression causes an elementary lack of time: a person for short term obliged to perform many urgent cases, which creates a strong nervous tension. As a result, he either begins to panic, which will not cope, or flows into depression, depressed due to the fact that it does not have time to do everything intended ...

Distress can be connected with the character of work itself. Employees of "sitting labor" - scientists, programmers, teachers, managers - have to make an order of more complex intellectual tasks than those whose professional activity associated with the movement. And this in itself leads to loads that are not useful to any ...

By the way, for the sake of fairness it should be noted that the extreme level of anxiety and depression associated exclusively with the "sedentary" activities was still not fixed. But this, of course, does not mean that the pattern can be reset from accounts. How to avoid the destructive consequences of depression during sedentary work for the psyche? After all, changing the activity for most of us is simply unreal. And do you need?

There is always a way out. For example, specialists in medicine advise every 15 minutes to get up from their own place, and every one and a half or two hours to take a break and perform simple exercise. Try to move more at every opportunity. With visitors, customers and colleagues, it is better not to sit down, but standing. Let such behavior go into the habit. Do not forget the saying: "Movement is life."

What happens in the body under the action of physical exertion

Physical exertion stimulate the activities of all organism systems. - First of all, they affect musculina. Under the influence of physical exertion, exchange processes in muscles, bundles and tendons are activated, which ensures the prevention of rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis and other degenerative changes In all links providing a motor function.

18 Nazarenko LD "Wellness Fundamentals of Exercise." Vlados- Press, 2003.

19.Frolov V.G., Lapshin O.S., Serov A.N. "Healthy lifestyle and causes leading to physical and mental degradation of personality." MMTU "Mami", 2007

20.Belorusova V.V. "Education in Sport" M., 1993.

21. Patrase R.S., Lapshin O.S., Serov A.N. "The simplest methods for assessing the health, fatigue, fatigue and the use of physical culture tools for their directional correction". MMTU "Mami", 2008

22.K.I. Nail " Simple exercises To strengthen the spine. " MMTU "Mami" 2007

Chapter Fifth. Effect of physical exercises on the human body

"Nothing is so depleting and does not destroy a person as long-term physical inaction."


There is no such age in which it could not be used by exercise. FROM youth years To a deep old age, a person is able to carry out exercises capable of providing a variety of impact on any organs and systems of the human body.

From youthful years to a deep old age, our body can perform movements, reinforcing, refreshing and renewable organs and tissues; Exercises, as a result of which a feeling of bodily satisfaction, cheerfulness and special joy, familiar to everyone who is systematically engaged in any sport.

Physical exercises act comprehensively on the human body and leave no cells alone, which would be out of the influence of movements appointed for the purpose of training. This is equally related to any cage, to any tissue, including bone. Bone tissue is also subject to the positive impact of exercise, as well as muscular.

Such a fact is confirmed interesting experience With the cut of nerves, innervating individual muscle groups, followed by the cutting of the muscles. After several months of such a state at the opening and study of bones were installed the following changes. The bones of animals that muscles were attached with cut nerves, stopped their growth in length and thickness, as the muscles were in a state of paralysis and could not move the bones. These bones due to lack of movements were fragile and brittle. The bones of the control animals with normally working muscles and preserved nerves developed correctly in length and thickness.

Anatomas have long noted that those protrusions and bays on the bones, which are attached muscle tendons, are especially developed in people of labor, athletes that have long been involved in physical exercises. Only people of labor and sports X-rays upper and lower extremities There are clear visibility of bugro and protrusions, testifying to the development, growth and fortress of places exposed to the strength of the cutting muscles. In people leading a sedentary lifestyle, not engaged in sports, these protrusions are designated almost noticeable.

Significant changes under the influence of physical exercises occur in muscles. Each of us knows that if the muscles of the body are doomed to a long peace, they begin to weaken, become flabby, decrease in volume. Taxa The state of the muscles can be observed in the cabinet workers or in patients with injuries of limbs enclosed in plaster.

Systematic sports activities, the constant impact on the muscular system of physical exercises contribute to its strengthening, development and increase in volume. And if sports goes on to another ageT. external forms The bodies retain their beauty and do not produce that sad impression that the body produces a 50-60-year-old person who does not engage in sports.

So, for example, the muscular system of 55-year-old I. Poddubny, 60-year-old K. Bul, A. Bukharov and many others in terms of the volume and muscle fortress have little inferior to the muscular system of significantly younger in the age of athletes.

And, on the contrary, sometime prominent athletes, finally abandoned sports, to 40-45 years old were swimming fat and often had an exorbitantly enlarged belly. These once famous fighters, boxers, gymnasts, as well as in those who engaged in youth, intense physical labor and sports, and then transferred to a sedentary lifestyle, muscle tissue is usually atrophy and replaced with a fatty tissue.

Systematic exercises contribute to muscle growth without increasing their length, but due to the thickening of muscle fibers. An increase in muscles in volume often achieves huge sizes.

The strength of the muscles depends not only on their thickness, but also on the strength of the nerve impulses entering the muscles from the central nervous system. At the training, constantly dealing with human exercises, the nerve impulses coming from the central nervous system into the muscles make them shrink with more power than the untouched.

Another property of muscles arising under the influence of physical exercises is the strengthening of their extensibility. This is especially important for the elderly people who lose the mobility of their joints and the torso in connection with the peculiarities of work, long and forced stay in one fixed pose, for example, for a writing desk, in Easel, etc. This forced position leads to the loss of the right posture of the body , By loss of flexibility in your hands and legs. Limiting mobility in the joints and the robbery, a stubborn figure - phenomena, very frequent in our lives. And they occur as a result of the loss of tensions of individual muscle groups. As opposed to bundles that stretch very slightly, the muscles stretch very well and can be stretched even in the middle and old age.

Under the influence of physical exercise, the muscles are not only stretched, but also become solid. The muscle hardness is explained, on the one hand, the growth of the protoplasm of muscle cells and the intercellular junction tissue, on the other hand, the state of the muscle tone.

Each muscle has a known voltage, or a tone, which can be determined by simply feeling muscles: people who are not engaged in sports, muscles of soft and deryabli, the tone has sharply lowered, and meanwhile, the tone prepares the muscle to work; The muscle tone in people engaged in physical exercises is somewhat increased and plays a large role in maintaining the right posture of the body.

When the nervous system is excited, especially after exercise, an increase in the overall tone occurs. With fatigue, muscular tone drops. As regulation muscular tone It is carried out by the central nervous system, then any decrease in the tone indicates on its fatigue. This fatigue can be removed by physical exercises and sports.

Under the influence of physical exercises, muscle nutrition increases, their blood supply. It is known that when physically tension not only expands the prosperity of countless the smallest vessels (capillaries), penetrating muscles, but also increase their number.

In the muscles of people engaged in physical culture and sports, the number of capillaries is much larger than that of untranslated, and therefore also blood circulation in the tissues, in the brain is better than in the untrained.

More than Sechenov pointed to the importance of muscular movements for the development of brain activity. The muscles listed in the motion of physical exercises as a result of the most complex chemical transformations in the influence of the central nervous system and create a feeling of cheerfulness, ease and satisfaction.

When performing physical exercises, the need for oxygen increases sharply, so the more the muscle system works, the energetic and the heart and the heart, named by the Great Scientific Harvele, who opened the laws of blood circulation, "the sun of our body, the source of his life."

The activities of a person who is not engaged in physical labor or sports, which is in peace, is expressed in that each time the left ventricle is reduced from the left ventricle in the aorta 50-60 grams of blood. During the day, the heart has to shrink about a hundred thousand times. If it pumped the blood in some reservoir, then the heart would be pumped out about 6,000 liters. With each blow, the heart performs such work that is required to raise the cargo in 1 kilogram to the height of 20 centimeters. If the heart could be forced to work, like a motor on a lifting machine, it could raise a person for 12 meters in an hour, that is, about the fourth floor.

With systematic training, the heart adapts to a very large load. Even in the rest of the heart of the trained person pushes in the aorta with one reduction from 80 to 100 grams of blood. With the same strengthened work, the heart of a good athlete throws into the aorta with each reduction to 200 grams of blood, at the same time, with the same intense work, the heart of a person who does not engage in physical exercises, hardly pushes into the aorta with its reduction of 100 grams of blood.

Systematic exercise classes affect the frequency of the pulse, that is, the heart rate. If at the rest of the heart of the untrained man shrinks about 70 times a minute, then at the athletes and trained people, the pulse frequency ranges between 50 and 60, and some athletes who train for many years on long distances In run, swimming, skiing, pulse reaches up to 40 shots per minute. For famous runners of the Znamensky brothers, he was 40-45 impacts.

Whatever alarm the doctor raised if his patient had a pulse to 35-40 shots! Such a decrease in the pulse at the untouched, and even middle years, a person would say about the disease of the vessels that feed the heart.

The heart of a person engaged in physical exercises works (reduced) economically. Reduction of its deeper, and with each reduction in the trained person in the aorta, a larger amount of blood is received than in the untrained.

Trained heart during large physical stresses maybe in considerable degree To participate your abbreviations without any harm and soon come to your normal amount. During the competition, the number of heart abbreviations at the athlete sometimes reaches 240-280 per minute! This voltage is not able to withstand. Physiological data prove that with reinforced work, the trained heart is capable of throwing into the aorta with each reduction in ventricles and powerful artery Two glasses of blood. With two hundred contractions, this will be 80 liters. The work performed by the heart in this case corresponds to work, which is necessary for lifting a person weighing 65 kilograms to a height of 1 meter. And such a huge work makes a small body weighing some 300-400 grams!

Whether poets and writers who apoetized the hearts are known whether young dreamers who sighs about the close hopes born in young hearts know whether they finally know the heart of Nicotin's heart, alcohol, deprive His lively effects of physical exercises and, therefore, properly and sufficient food of the heart muscle?

Maybe the impassive numbers will say a little to these people - they will dismiss them from them and, by replacing one cigarette after another, the Abell of another Abell, will lead the body to persistent and irreversible diseases and will reduce their lives.

We give a few numbers characterizing the wisdom of nature, which gave a powerful body who is capable of careful attitude to work long and long yearsWe will show that the heart has truly inexhaustible possibilities that are often not even an approximate accounting.

When observing the winner of the high-kilometer skiing race Andrei Novikov, who passed this distance in 8 hours 22 minutes, it was calculated that his heart worked with a capacity of over 60 kilogramsometers per minute throughout the distance.

The work performed by the heart during the competition would be enough to raise about 25 people to the height of the five-story house, and the amount of blood, which was hammered by both skier's ventricle during this time, was 35 tons - the weight of a large railway tank with cargo.

Such is the power of the heart of the trained person. Boldly it can be argued that hidden forces Hearts are not always able to consider not only in people engaged in sports.

but those who have never engaged in sports or only started sports activities.

If we exclude severe cases organic lesions Hearts progressive muscle weakness on the basis of incurable chronic ailments, then even a sick heart with reasonable use medical physical education able to surprise more successful restoration of its functional activity than it does after applying tested medicines official medicine.

Another famous doctor S. P. Botkin attached great importance to exercise in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and reflected this value in their lectures. Currently, the training of heart patients in the clinic has become a recognized means. The allegations of the Great Russian Surgeon N. I. Pirogov are fully justified that "fresh air and body movement, at least passive, constitute the living conditions and success in treatment."

The heart under the influence of physical exercises appointed in accordance with age and sports preparation, not only not weakening, but, on the contrary, even in old age acquires amazing performance and endurance. We give a few examples of such performance.

Honored Master of Sports Colonel M. P. Godina Currently 65 years. It is a member of eight marathon races (running at a distance of 42 kilometers of 195 meters). Another 5 years ago, that is, in 60 years, he successfully passed the last time the entire marathon distance. For the first time he ran her, when he was 48 years old, for 3 hours 11 minutes. In his youth, he had a pulmonary tuberculosis and got rid of the disease, starting to engage athletics. M. P. Godin and 65 years old continues to train, and for him run 30 km is the usual norm.

The well-known mountaineer Vitaly Abalakov 52 years old this year with a group of youth committed a first place to the second top Soviet Union - Peak Victory - 7439 meters high above sea level.

Institute's duty officer. Sklifasovsky A. D. Asicridov 66 years each holiday makes 50-kilometer hikes in the suburbs. 64-year-old N. A. Sardanovsky last year received the GTO I stage icon.

Among the participants of last year's sports from the Peoples of the USSR, we see the 42-year-old Marathonca P. Sokolov, Brestrsov I. Kotkas and A. Mekokishvili, having 41 years, jumper from M. Esin's tower 43 years, cyclist R. Tamma 45 years old, N. Kernel Lukashevich 46 years old and other "sports old men."

We meet such "old men" throughout the Union. The USSR champion in the marathon run in 1952 was the 42-year-old Ukrainian collective farm Vasily Davydov. The oldest runner, 80-year-old F. A. Zabelin, over 40 years old athletics, participated in mileage on a distance of 25 kilometers. M. S. Sveshnikov, who died in the 92nd age, took part in competitions on academic rowing for a single Scythian, when he was 84 years old. Konkezhezz V. A. Ippolitov, in 56 years, successfully performed in competitions. Figure skater 84-year-old N. A. Panin-Kolomeikin, Winner on IV Olympic Games, Five-page champion of Russia in figure skating, did not leave the skates to death. The famous skater skewers Ya. Melnikov won in 43 the title of country champion in skating on 10,000 meters. One of the strongest Russian cyclists M. I. Dyakov, who established the Four World Record, the winner of the National Championship of England on cycling, now, at the age of 82, does not throw its steel horse. At ski competitions you can find 55-year-old N. M. Vasilyeva, a tenfold record posormeman for long distances, easily running 50 and more kilometers. F. P. Shurygin on the eighth decade was the champion of the city of Jambul on Motocross. The oldest cyclist I. N. Sheetov, despite his 63 years, in 1949 he participated in a 100-kilometer race, and 53-year-old A. A. Clezeko in republican competitions on a bike in 1953 set a new record of the republic in a race by 125 kilometers . Recently, the 42-year-old Swimmer I. Faizullin made a surveillance on the Amur for a distance of 200 kilometers, having kept on the water for 26 hours of 8 minutes.

It is possible to bring an example of an outstanding fencer, the winner of international fencing tournaments in Budapest and Paris, P. A. Zakovorota, who in 80 years continued to teach fencing, 86-year-old community trainer for boxing and struggle V. M. Makhnitsky, 73-year-old Trainer on the skates V. F. Andreeva.

In winter, every Sunday on the ski base of the Moscow House of Scientists at Olock Station for skiing 150-160 people are going, most of which have age 45-70 years old.

It must be said that the hearts of the athletes of middle and old ages due to regular muscular work and systematic training shows high samples of amazing performance, endurance and strength.

Strengthening the heart muscle under the influence of physical exercises and sports is subject to the general physiological law, by virtue of which the muscle or body that produces enhanced work increases in the amount and is more powerful. A hare, a leading mobile life, the weight of the heart is 7.8% of the body weight, and the rabbit living at home, it is only 2.4%. In the wild duck, the weight of the heart is 11% of the body weight, and at home - only 7%. The same inconsistency exists between the hearts of wild boar and home pig, race and home horses, etc. So and the heart of an athlete or a person systematically engaged in physical exercises, little seems to the heart of the cabinet worker or a person who avoiding movements, performing exercise.

The heart of the athlete has thicker walls capable of reducing more blood than a debriteness of a man who does not engage in physical exercises. It is known that if a person does not engage in sports or does almost no muscle work, then his heart does not develop and remains weak.

The trained heart with several enlarged borders and deaf tones is sometimes the cause of the wrong and erroneous conclusions of doctors who are accustomed to the sluggish heart of the untrained people.

The question is whether it is possible to play sports that have reached the 40-50-year-old age, should be resolved after attentive and comprehensive surveys and a thorough check of the functions of the cardiovascular system. It must be remembered that the correct and systematic physical training leads first to the fact that the heart adapts to such an increased activity, as a result of which, together about the slowdown of cardiac activity, the sizes of the heart begin to increase, that is, its muscular weight. Such a "sports heart" has a lot of power and power, which are capable of maintaining its performance for many years.

No less important Have exercise for respiratory organs. If the pulmonary bubbles are located near the same plane, they will take a surface equal to 64 square meters. meters. This is a sail big yacht!

In the lungs there are about 3 million pulmonary bubbles, braided with the finest tubes with blood. If you deploy the walls of all bubbles and fold them nearby, they will cover the surface of 100 square meters. meters.

For comparison, it can be said that all human skin, if they straighten and smooth it, takes only 2 square meters. meter.

Deep and rhythmic respiratory movements help proper blood circulation. Therefore, when the phenomena of fatigue occurs during exercise, for example, when running, somewhat deep breaths and exhale can improve the well-being of the running.

Under the influence of physical exercises, the life capacity of the lungs increases, becoming more elastic root cartilage, respiratory muscles are strengthened and their tone is enhanced. All this can not not affect the work of the breathing apparatus, especially in workers mental labor.

For one day, the lungs are absorbed and treated with 16 cubic meters. Meters of air. This is almost the amount of average room size.

An increase in air volumes such as inhaled and exhaled, per unit of time can only be achieved by increasing the frequency and depth of breathing.

And, indeed, if a person is in a state of rest inhales 6-7 liters per minute, then with fast and tense running or swimming, this quantity increases almost 20 times - that is, it reaches 120-140 liters per minute.

Running, swimming, walking on skis contribute to the increase in the life capacity of the lungs, that is, the total number of air that a person can breathe and exhale during the deepest breath. Life container often characterizes general physical development. In men with secondary physical development, the living capacity is 3000-3500 cu. Santimeters, and athletes it comes to 4500-6000 cu. Santimeters. Light rowers, swimmers, skiers, runners and boxers are distinguished the highest life capacity.

The physical exercises also increase the tour of the chest, that is, the difference between the busty circumference, measured in the state of inhalation and the state of complete exhalation. In non-physical exercises, this difference is equal to an average of 5-7 centimeters, and in well-trained athletes it comes to 10-15 centimeters.

Breathing exercises, or, as they are sometimes called, breathing exercisesare of great importance for the body. Once the Hindus and other nations of the East attached to breathing exercises more important in treating diseases than others medical events. Ancient Indians argued that the air contains in itself vitality "Right" (it is necessary to think, oxygen), and in the interests of long life, respiratory movements have been done during the day.

Performance breathing exercises I did not lose your value today. In the hospital and clinic of surgical patients force to make respiratory movements to prevent postoperative lung inflammation or to reduce blood pressure.

The runner soothes the excited heart with a measured breath and exhale. Take a look, as greedy and forced to breathe a boxer during the rest between the rounds, to introduce as much as possible into the organism of oxygen.

Updating lungs clean, fresh airlessly affects all organs and systems in the body.

Kiev professor V. K. Kramarenko, who is now 93 years old, explains his longevity by the fact that it is already 50 years in the morning and in the evening for 5 minutes makes breathing movements in the fresh air.

The physical exercises for the operation of the gastrointestinal tract are greatly influence: they eliminate constipation and congestive phenomena in the pelvic cavity, causing hemorrhoids, which we often observe in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. The movements are provided positive influence All the processes of metabolism and the work of the allocation bodies. Exercise improves arterial and venous blood circulation in tissues, the metabolism increases, the functions of the blood and lymphatic systems. Exercise - the enemy of sclerotic changes, often leading people of mental labor to disability and premature death.

Physical education exercise has a great influence on the human psyche. Under the influence of exercises, the tone of the nervous system increases, the work of the internal secretion glands is stimulated. Effecting the endocrine-vegetative system through the central nervous system, exercise contributes to the birth of emotions, which is certainly relevant to the quality of mental labor.

Isn't it influenced by the desire of mental labor people to exercise, to physical work during their rest?

Pavlov attached great importance emotional state The body, supported this condition in his labor life, resorting for this purpose to the game in the townships, skiing and cycling hikes. The emotional lift of Pavlov called "passion in work." Back in 1899, he said in speech involved in the memory of Botkin, he said: "Joy, making you sensitive to each life of life, to each impression of being, indifferent both to physical and moral, develops, strengthens the body."

Exercise, sport, sport gamesFavorite work causes creative emotional ascent, improving overall performance, a sense of joy and pleasure, so necessary in the lives of people.

The power of exposure to emotions on the physical state The body is diverse. It is manifested not only in various exercise, especially in games, but also in labor activity.

Exercise and sports are equally source of health and beauty for both men and women.

As often we admire the statues of women created by the cutters of the brilliant masters of Greece and Rome, in which physical education All young people were covered.

Each product of an ancient sculptor depicting the female body was a kind of anthem harmonic body development, the physical perfection of any organ.

Similar combination of beauty forms and training female body We often observe our sports Competitions, in theaters during ballet, on youth dance sites, on bathing beaches. But often we encounter and overly filling young women. Their figures lost their beautiful lines, the bodies were poured fat, accepted ugly outlines that could not hide the most fashionable and elegant dressesshched with hands skillful tailor.

Having been engaged in physical exercises, a woman can preserve his health and beauty of the shapes of her body to deep old age. Visual example This can serve as an ethistian ballet of old age, older athletes and everyone who throughout their lives left exercises.

Engaged in physical exercises, sports, women should strictly take into account features female organismwhich is anatomical structure And according to the functionalities, it is largely different from male. Woman has smaller dimensions body, smaller growth, more rounded shapes, thin, elastic and smooth skin, smoothness in movements, less and weight of internal organs (with the exception of the abdominal organs).

Comparative data of the physical development of men and women show that the weight of the common muscles in women does not exceed 32% of the entire body weight, and men reach 40-45%. Fat fabric Women is about 28% of body weight, and men are equal to 18%.

For women, the condition of the abdominal muscles and pelvic dna. To strengthen their every woman should pay the most serious attention from young years.

For proper current Pregnancy and childbirth and to fully ensure the satisfactory location of the internal genitals, it is necessary to develop muscles of the back, abdominal press and pelvic bottom with systematic exercises. The weak muscles of the abdominal press in women are the reason for the omission of the indoors, the appearance of the hernial protrusion, the development of constipation, weakness birth fence and tightening the generic act.

The loss of the elasticity and strength of the pelvic dna muscles, which is observed in women leading a sedentary lifestyle, weak, ramp or patients, changes the position of the internal genitals (uterus, ovaries, pipes) and even leads to the fraud.

During the birth of the pelvic bottom muscle, they are very stretched and form a channel through which the fruit passes. If the muscles of the pelvic bottom are not elastic and weakened, then the breakdowns and even the discrepancy between the muscles and other complications occur during childbirth.

Notes interesting fact. Women engaged in physical exercises, athletes are extremely easy to give birth, or, as they say, "do not notice" childbirth, and do not have postpartum complications.

Especially important exercises and sports for women with a weak physical development (infantile, often having underdeveloped internal genital organs.

There is a known distinction between the heart of a woman and a man. If men have a heart on average weigh 300- 400 grams, then in women it does not exceed 220 grams. The smaller volume and the magnitude of the heart of women leads to the fact that the volume of blood in women ejected by the heart in the aorta with each reduction, less than in men, but with a more rapid rhythm of heart abbreviations.

Some differences are observed by the breathing apparatus. Breathing Frequency B. calm state There are more women than men, but with a reduced depth of inhalation and exhalation. If men have a lung life capacity reaches an average of 3000-3500 cubic meters. Santimeters, then women it is equal to 2000-2500 cubic meters. centimeters; If 4-5 liters of air passes through the lightweight women with a number of absorbed oxygen equal to 170-180 cubic meters. Sitameters, then in men these numbers are 5-7 liters, and the volume of absorbed oxygen comes to 200 cu. Santimeters.

Such a difference functionality From the side of the heart and lungs, women cause them during the fulfillment of physical exercises a more rapid rhythm of pulse and respiration, a slight increase in blood pressure and a slow transition of the body (the work of the heart, lungs) to the initial state.

Our brief information about the influence of "physical exercises on the human body show how great and varied is influence on all organs and body tissues.

Physical exercises with prolonged and systematic use contribute to the preservation of working capacity to a deep old age due to the activation of nerve processes, an increase in the functional mobility of the cerebral cortex and improving the functions of all our bodies and systems. Exercise strengthen the redox processes, the metabolism, the weakening of which accelerates the offensive of aging. That is why physical culture and sport are an eternal source of health, vigor and beauty.