What to give to a tank lover online. What to give to a World of Tanks player: how to give a gift to a tanker? Souvenirs with symbols

Is your boyfriend an avid World of Tanks player? Does this “tanker” spend his days and nights behind a computer screen? Don't be upset. Now we will tell you how to turn his hobby to your advantage. Namely, how to give him the right gift! And it doesn’t matter at all how old your “tanker” is - 14 or 44. These gifts will be accepted with equal delight by both young and old.

16:43 16.07.2015

To not just please your loved one, but to surprise him and take your relationship to a new level, follow our simple instructions.
Find out the email address to which he is registered in World of Tanks. This can be done like this:

⇒ Ask. To the question “Why do you need it?” - smile mysteriously.

⇒ Launch the game in his absence - in the window that opens, click the “Play” button.

After a short screensaver, the game login screen will open.

There will be an email address. Copy or rewrite it. It is important - even if a password is entered there - resist the temptation to enter the game under his account. This is unethical and even prohibited.

Once you know the treasured address, giving him a really cool gift is as easy as shelling pears!

1. On the way to your favorite cafe, to work or to the cinema, you will definitely come across an IBox. Map of terminals.

2. On the terminal screen, select the World of Tanks service.

3. Enter the e-mail (“tanker” you want to please, see step 1) and enter the top-up amount.

How much to spend?

Please note that the hryvnias that you put into the bill acceptor are converted into the so-called. “game gold” or, as the “tankers” say, “goldu”. In itself, it is also a great gift, believe me. But, most likely, he will buy something for himself with it. What exactly is not so important, the main thing for you is to understand which amounts can be converted into a small gift, and which into a royal present. Please note that the money spent will be immediately credited to your man’s gaming account.

Good gift:

Premium account for 7 days. “Prem Week” is a good gift for a tanker of any level. And don’t be afraid that you won’t see him this week.

On the contrary, a short-term “prem” - 1-2 days - will chain him to the monitor for all these 24-48 hours. But a week is just what we need.

Price - approximately 130 UAH.

Luxurious gift:

Premium tank. Believe me, you definitely wouldn’t bother figuring out which of the premium tanks is better and what to choose.

And if it did, you wouldn’t need these instructions.

“Prem-tank” is a truly universal gift. We recommend focusing on the cost of Tier 5 tanks - they are in demand among both experienced and novice players.

Price - approximately 320 UAH.

Elite gift:

If you decide to top up your man’s gaming account with more than 2,000 hryvnia, believe me, you gave him a very, very cool gift.

After all, with this amount he will be able to buy himself a high-level premium tank, equip it with maximum additional equipment, apply his favorite camouflage to it (yes, they paint tanks there), put a trained crew on it and... win fame and honor in the fields virtual battles and all victories - dedicate to you!

Price - approximately 2000 UAH.

And finally: why is all this?!

What is all this for? It's simple. A man's hobby and your positive attention to it is a great way to do several things at once:

  • motivate or thank him for doing the right thing (washed the dishes, went to college)
  • show him that all of him is important to you (including those “Tanks” of yours)
  • free up some time for yourself - believe me, when you see your gift on your gaming account, it will provide you with several hours of peace.

We offer ideas for non-trivial gifts for those in the tank)

Sometimes choosing a gift becomes a real challenge. What to give to your husband, brother, friend if he is... a tanker?

Where can you find time for hiking and shopping? How can you find THAT gift among a pile of trinkets that will hit the target, hitting the tanker with an explosive wave of joy? Revealing the secrets of military operation “Y”

How to choose a gift for a tanker?

To please a tanker, you need to think like a tanker. So, the object is at gunpoint. We study hobbies and inclinations. We arm ourselves with pen and paper and write:

Sweet tooth,
- bath lover,
- don’t mind having a drink with your friends,
- playing sports,
- an avid fisherman,
- hunter,
- gardener, etc.

Have you recorded it? Now, opposite each line of your list, write a gift option, focusing on our tips. The nature of the offering can be practical or thematic. The height of mastery is when a thing combines both categories.

For what reasons do they give gifts to a tanker?

Come up with something, “give some fire.” Moreover, battles for gift ideas are not fought often: New Year, February 23, birthdays and, of course, Tankman's Day, which is celebrated on the second Sunday of September.

Gifts for Tankman's Day

On Tankman's Day, you can give something light and budget-friendly.

  1. Anyone with a sweet tooth will love a cake in the shape of a tank, painted gingerbread cookies, or a composition of sweets and chocolate in the shape of a combat vehicle. You can make such a surprise yourself or turn to needlewomen for help.

  2. Among the representatives of the tank forces there are many fans of the bathhouse, because it is hot there, like in a tank)) Felt hats for the steam room, mittens and towels are suitable for them. Or you can take it to a workshop, where thematic embroidery will be applied to the products.

  3. Active summer residents, athletes, fishermen and hunters will appreciate a thermos, a thermal mug, and a flask. Symbolic engraving is welcome.

  4. Is your gift recipient an advanced computer user? Then look in specialized stores for a flash drive in the form of a tank or a personalized medallion.

  5. A good option is to order a T-shirt with the image of your favorite armored vehicle model. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the size.

  6. Do you feel that there is still an inquisitive child inside the tanker? Then run to the children's store for a controllable tank or military construction set.

Gifts for a tanker's birthday

  1. To prevent the tower from being demolished, we are developing a plan to conquer the birthday boy. The best birthday gift for a tanker is a tank! Difficult to buy? Then order his balloon prototype.

  2. Does the hero of the occasion love jewelry? Order him cufflinks, a ring or a pendant in a given theme. Can't find something "combat"? Buy something that suits a man’s style, and put the right emphasis on the packaging.

  3. Products made of genuine leather with skillful engraving or embossing can be a useful and status gift: a belt, a wallet, a cover for a passport, a driver’s license, a military ID.

  4. Do you believe that “the best gift is the one made by hand”? Order hand made tank slippers made of felt or crocheted. And remember, size matters. Felt ones shrink over time, but knitted ones wear out. Before purchasing, make sure you know your foot length. The ruler will help you.

  5. Do all gifts seem banal? Give impressions. Let it be a horse ride (sometimes you have to change the caterpillar horse for a regular one). A parachute jump or scuba diving is also appropriate, because the views there are no worse than from a triplex tank.

Gifts for “virtual tankers”

Aggro, one-shot, gold, splash... If these words are not an empty phrase for you, then a wonderful tanker has settled in your house. Not simple, but virtual, for which “World of Tanks” is a real outlet. Let's try to kill - buy a disc with the game of tanks offline. And now you have the opportunity to become known as a level 80 gift master. After all, the Internet is not always and not everywhere, but you want to play a tank arcade even at the dacha, even after another fierce battle for the harvest.

Headphones, a joystick, a keyboard, speakers, a cooling pad for a laptop and a headset are also an option for complete immersion in the atmosphere of a tank battle. If you set a goal, you can find a mouse in the shape of a tank.

Or maybe in your city you can purchase a certificate for a real tank driving lesson? Find out.

When choosing a gift for a tanker, be sure to consider:

  1. You need to take care of purchasing a gift in advance. Otherwise, you risk buying nonsense in a hurry.

  2. Tank crews are serious guys, so save romantic things in the form of hearts, plush toys and porcelain figurines for others.

  3. Make sure that the person you are going to gift does not have. Giving a fifth mug with a tank is not good... Although, when there are six of them, it’s already a service))

  4. Give gifts with your soul and everything will work out for you.

In mid-September every year, our country celebrates Tankman Day - a holiday of people whose work strengthens the country's defensive power.

Relatives, friends, loved ones will congratulate people dear to them on this important date. The event brings us back to glorious history, honoring the memory of those who did not spare their lives and strength for victory during the war.

All sorts of activities have been prepared that will allow you to have a great time. Let Tankman's Day be remembered by people as a peaceful and bright holiday.

Tank troops belong to the ground forces, being their most important part. They accompany the infantry, providing fire support.

With their help, military operations are carried out: offensive and defensive. A tank is a powerful military vehicle with unique tactical and technical characteristics.

history of the holiday

The holiday was established back in Soviet times, in 1946. Immediately after the end of the war, on this day they paid tribute to the tankers who took part in the Great Patriotic War, as well as to all those who produced excellent quality vehicles at the factories.

For a long period, the event was celebrated on a certain date - September 11.

On this day, the extremely intense Military-Carpathian operation was completed, Western Ukraine and Moldova were liberated.

The date of celebration that exists today was introduced in 1980, when, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the holiday became official.

In a number of large cities, parades of troops were held, accompanied by military equipment, which has survived in Russia to this day.

In Russia, the official holiday Tankman Day was established in 2006, after the publication of a special Decree signed by V. Putin.

How to celebrate Tankman Day

When tanks drove the enemy throughout the vast territory of the country during the war, not a single tanker thought about where he was born - in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine.

There was a single tank crew in the country. Preserving the memory of those heroic days, this event is regularly celebrated.

Immediately after the victory over the enemy, when the front-line exploits of the tank crews were still widely known, many knew and remembered them.

On the day of celebration, the city of the Soviet Union fired fireworks from all guns in honor of the heroes.

Later, Tankman's Day was celebrated more modestly, parades were organized only in large cities, taking place on major holidays. But tankers were just as revered by the people as before.

A tank driver is one of the most dangerous professions. If the enemy uses ultra-precise weapons, the tank will be able to “survive” if no more than 2 shots hit it.

Otherwise, it will be destroyed. The tank is considered an easy target, pursued by aircraft and even infantry.

Today, Tankman's Day is one of the important events in the life of the military. Even 60 years ago, the holiday was treated in a special way, celebrating it on a grand scale.

In the cities, parades of tank columns marched with a rhythmic pace. In honor of the tankers, the evening sky was lit up with fireworks.

Today on this day we congratulate everyone who served and is serving in the tank forces, as well as workers in the tank building industry.

After all, without designers who implement their innovative ideas, the Russian army would not be able to have powerful combat vehicles.

Many of the modern domestic tanks are superior in quality to the tanks of the developed countries of the world.

In Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, ceremonial events are held in which cadets, officers, employees and teachers of the relevant profile participate.

Those who were involved in the event in the past, for example, soldiers who served in tank forces, also celebrate.

Soldiers who have been demobilized for a long time put on helmets dear to their hearts and celebrate an important date for them with joy and nostalgia.

The tank forces hold ceremonial events dedicated to the holiday.

This is a celebration not only of the military, but also of employees of research institutes and factory workers related to armored vehicles.

Their loved ones, relatives, and friends do not remain indifferent to the event, sharing everyone’s joy and gathering at the festive table.

To the clink of glasses, toasts are made, warm words are said, wishes for peace, happiness, and health.

The high command promotes military personnel in ranks and positions. Management rewards distinguished tank crews with awards, medals, gifts, and certificates.

Every year, for 5 years, the historical and cultural complex “Stalin Line” organizes the celebration of Tankman Day.

It is expected that guests from various countries will come to the celebration - about 20 thousand people.

Spectators will be able to see the parade of military equipment. A tank battle from the Great Patriotic War, as well as a battle from the Afghan War, was staged.

Those present will enjoy performances by musical groups from Belarus. There will be fun attractions for adults and children.

Those interested will be able to attend master classes: inflatable rides, giant volleyball, trampolines.

Paintings of clay tanks, battles of valiant knights, competitions, quizzes, and game rooms will be presented.

Those who wish will take part in an intellectual sports game, which includes tasks for physical fitness, the ability to think logically, be attentive, and know history.

The game involves the participation of 100 people, several people each.

When is the holiday celebrated?

Tankman Day is celebrated annually on the 2nd Sunday of September. It is not a day off.

Along with Russia, on the same day, the event is celebrated in Ukraine and Belarus.

Concerts will be held in the cultural premises of the Ministry of Defense.

Those present will listen to songs on relevant topics and see musical performances by creative groups.

On this day, films and programs will be broadcast in which military personnel will take part.

They will talk about the history of the development of tank forces, as well as events taking place in the Russian army.

The tank was first developed by English designers. During the First World War, Russian specialists created the Porokhovshchikov tank and the Tsar Tank, which did not take part in the battles.

A Russian tank capable of fighting was assembled in 1920. It resembled a model released by the French, but all the parts for it were made in Russia.

At first, tank forces were called motorized mechanized units, and later they were renamed to armored vehicles.

After that, their name was changed more than once, until in 1960 they were called tank ones.

The T-34 tank left a tangible mark on the history of the war. Legends were made about him in the battles of Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge.

What gift to choose and not make a mistake

A military man is strong-willed and disciplined. Therefore, the gift must correspond to this type of person and be strict.

But the military, despite their strong masculine character, are not averse to laughing. They will be able to appreciate cool gifts.

Such a gift can be given if you know the person well and he is endowed with a sense of humor. You can present, for example, general's shoulder straps.

A present that will not offend and will definitely bring a smile - it could be, for example, a bathhouse cap “It’s hot as a tank.”

You can give a collectible souvenir weapon, a painting of a tank or a disc containing a documentary about achievements in the field of tank building.

A person whose work is aimed at producing tanks will be pleased to receive a military-themed gift.

Although he is not directly related to the military, he will be flattered that someone saw his contribution to strengthening Russia’s combat power.

Present any functional item, such as a book, made in the shape of a tank. Order a cup for him with the inscription “For achievements in tank building.”

If you want to give an unusual gift, then give a certificate that provides a trip to the BMP-1, which includes an overview of the armored vehicles museum.

A military person will be pleased to receive detailed miniature models of tanks as a gift.

If you need an inexpensive gift for a friend or employee, then a keychain made in the shape of a tank and containing a screwdriver is suitable.

Bottom line

Tankers are especially revered by the people. Brave, strong and courageous people have always enjoyed special favor.

How touchingly in companies they sing the songs “The tanks rumbled on the field” or “Three tankmen”, which are still popular today.

Celebrating Tankman's Day increases the prestige of service in the Armed Forces and contributes to the revival, development and strengthening of domestic military traditions.

On this day, congratulations are received by that part of the country's population whose task is to ensure the defense and security of the state.

Every year, on the second Sunday of September, Tankman Day is celebrated in Russia. Few people know this holiday, but if you have the honor of communicating, being friends or being related to one of the tankers, then you are familiar with it.

And also, you know the feeling of hopelessness that comes a few days before this solemn date, because choosing a gift for a military man for this or any other holiday is not an easy task.

You will learn from our article what gifts you can give to a military man or a fan of the World of Tank game.

For a military man

A person who serves or has experience serving as a tanker needs to choose a more or less serious gift. This does not mean at all that you need to run to the store for gold cufflinks and, in principle, you can give almost any thing, with the exception of comic gifts.

Of course, it’s good if your offering has a connection with the work of the birthday person, but this is not necessary. Below are successful examples of gifts for the military:

For world of tanks player

For several years now, the game world of tanks has been a leader among online games. It is played by everyone from schoolchildren to mature men.

Of course, they cannot be called real tankers, but in the gaming world they have no equal, so they can also be given military gifts and, unlike gifts for military personnel, you can afford comic gifts. We suggest considering the following ideas:

Having chosen your ideal present for the tanker, do not forget to add a themed card to it, which, by the way, you can make with your own hands.

And if an offering is being prepared for a loved one, then it would be nice to prepare it for him. Use our advice and rest assured, the birthday boy will be pleased.

Gift ideas for military personnel serving in tank forces on Tankman's Day.

website. Navigator in the world of gifts and souvenirs.

Do you know what holiday Russians celebrate annually on the second Sunday of September? Most likely not, because this date is considered quite specific, because Tankman Day is remembered mainly by the wives, children and parents of those who, with their daily work, provide for all of us a blue sky above our heads, a calm peaceful sleep and the confidence that tomorrow will definitely come.

These real guys, who know their tracked friend down to the last detail, have to work in rather cramped conditions, literally feeling the “elbow of a comrade.” They are not afraid of heat and cold, all kinds of inconveniences and hardships that would shock the “office plankton”, but no one will ever say to them: “What kind of tanker are you?”, because you can safely rely on these representatives of the strong half of humanity for the most difficult life situation.

Gift ideas for a tanker

Grenade for a loved one. No, no, we do not urge you at all to go to the “black” market on the eve of your beloved’s professional holiday to look for a brand new machine gun or a glamorous shell for a military gun. If you want a present given to someone dear to you on a significant day for him, to somehow remind him of the difficult but favorite thing of his life, present an alarm clock-grenade that can be thrown against the wall countless times, and this will make him will not deteriorate like its other brothers.

Perhaps there are tankers who do not respect Bacchus, but the majority still will not refuse to “take on board” a portion of strong drinks, and therefore beer helmets of various colors - from camouflage to patriotic, a “Canister” flask and a damask “will be an excellent gift for them.” Grenade".

And when in the evening the inseparable crew wants to fight with a virtual enemy inhabiting the World Wide Web, your present - an original flash drive in the shape of a bullet - will come in handy.

Let's try on... an apron.“What kind of nonsense is this,” some will object. - Why does a real man need a piece of women's kitchen equipment? But don’t rush to conclusions, because this apron is not a simple one, but an army one. In addition, if you have planned a romantic dinner with your loved one, then you can start having a great time in the kitchen, and preparing festive dishes together will smoothly turn into an absolutely incredible evening for two. Try it - you won't regret it!