That pregnant women with their heads. Headache treatment. Possible causes of headaches

If the pain is unbearable, but you do not know what to do if you can take medicines from headaches during pregnancy, this article is for you.

The causes of headaches in the early periods of pregnancy can be very different - from hormonal changes and changes in blood flow to hunger, stress, excess caffeine and lack of sleep. During pregnancy, read on. On the most common causes of headaches during pregnancy and about the ways to eliminate it tells Alipova Nataliya Fedorovna, the doctor an obstetrician gynecologist ISIDA clinic.

Alipova Natalia Fedorovna
obstetrician gynecologist clinic isida

Headache for pregnancy can have a wide variety of reasons: a decrease or increase in blood pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and many others. Let's deal with the order.

Why is the headache in pregnant women in the first trimester

In the first trimester, pregnant women most often headaches arise against a reduced blood pressure. To make sure that it is necessary to measure blood pressure.

If the pressure is really low, you can drink (preferably green), relax.

If headaches were present before pregnancy and with the onset of pregnancy are repeated or even intensified, a neurologist is needed.

Headache in the second trimester of pregnancy

The probability of frequent headache attacks in the second trimester of pregnancy is much less likely. If it is still happening, it is necessary, as in the first trimester, measure blood pressure.

In the second trimester, pregnant women can hurt a head as against the background of decline in blood pressure and against the background of its increase. If the future mother is meteo-sensitive, it can feel headaches when changing the weather.

What if a pregnant woman has a headache.You can help yourself the same ways as in the first trimester: sweet tea, rest.

If headache in the third trimester of pregnancy

Headache in the third trimester is a dangerous symptom.

In the third trimester, the headache may be a sign of an increase in blood pressure and one of the symptoms - a life-threatening state of the state. Therefore, feeling the headache, it is necessary to immediately measure blood pressure. And in the event that it is above 130 \\ 90 mm.T., you need to immediately turn to the Akuster-Gynecologist and therapist.

If a pregnant woman hurts due to weather change

Headache in pregnant women may appear due to a sharp change of weather, it is also called meteo-sensitivity. It may appear at any stage of pregnancy due to the hormonal restructuring of the body.

What if a pregnant woman has a headache due to weather changes. No medicine is worth noting. It is enough to take a warm shower, drink faded black, fruit or green tea, lie to relax or sleep.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a headache

On any period of pregnancy, it should be borne in mind that a headache during pregnancy may indicate a violation of brain activity, especially if it is of a painful nature and is accompanied by such symptoms as violation of vision, hearing, limbs, dizziness. Such states require immediate appeal to the doctor.

What to do if a pregnant woman hurts without other frightening symptoms. First, it is necessary to clearly understand the cause of the headache, so:

  1. We measure pressure.
  2. If blood pressure is reduced, raise it with green tea (or drugs that raise pressure and which the doctor recommends an individual order).
  3. If the pressure is raised, the doctor can prescribe drugs that reduce it. But do not forget that without a consultation with a doctor, taking any medicinal drugs should not even be out of pregnancy! For future mothers, any self-proof - under the strict ban! Refer to the doctor.
  4. If the blood pressure is normal, but the headache occurs quite often, it is necessary to consult a doctor and to find the cause of its occurrence and, accordingly, to determine the drugs that will help get rid of pain.

    If the survey shows that the head hurts because of the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it will be one treatment. If there is a violation of brain activity, drugs will be performed by others. Do not self-medicate, contact a neurologist.

What medicines can be taken when headaches pregnant

Remove the attack of headaches during pregnancy will help paracetamol 500 mg. But the algorithm of actions described above will be more correct: to find out the cause of the headache, and then act in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Safe funds from headaches during pregnancy

Before taking medicines from headaches during pregnancy, try applying the following secure means. They will help to prevent the appearance of headaches during pregnancy.

Movement works wonders: Hiking and fresh air are a simple but proven tool from headaches during pregnancy.

Relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation help cope with headaches during pregnancy and prevent them.

Warm showerit will help to relax and remove headaches during pregnancy.

Food and water. To prevent headaches to keep and eat and regularly eat.

Relax. Treat yourself, make sure you are hung out.

Quite often of these simple means is enough to reduce the likelihood of headaches to a minimum. If the headache continues to disturb, talk to your doctor and in case it will write to you analgeal means, strictly follow its recommendations.

Headaches during pregnancy - a typical problem with which it is hard to cope alone. Before, only one tablet could cope with the tormenting migraine, but now the same tablet is able to apply even more damage not only to you, but also developing the fetus. What to do in this case, when the pain is unbearable, and the health of the baby is more expensive?

Frequent headaches in ordinary life, often, a sign of hidden impairment of the nervous system. However, during your interesting position, it may be a manifestation of your predisposition to a particular disease, which, by virtue of your undermined immunity, is able to fully manifest itself.

At the moment, the headache belongs to the general nonspecific symptoms. It arises due to the defeats of the vessels of the brain, his shells, periosteum, soft tissues of the head.

Separate several basic types of headaches:

- muscle tension pain


- Combining.

In cases where it is not possible to detect involvement in a specific type, they talk about psychological reasons.

Causes of headaches during pregnancy

Headaches in pregnant women can be a sign of not only the disease in the brain, but also noted with many infectious and viral diseases, as well as with vascular dystonia, hypertensive disease, spinal diseases and many others.

During pregnancy, the head often hurts, first of all, by virtue of hormonal changes occurring in the body of the future mother. Pain usually concern those women who were originally prone to hypotension, that is, reduced arterial pressure. Problems can begin already in the first trimester against the background of toxicosis.

Hypertension (Increased pressure) - another scenario for the appearance of unpleasant sensations. True, usually this phenomenon occurs in the third trimester. In this case, headaches may be a symptom of a dangerous complication - gestowhich threatens well-being both women and her baby.

Very often, problems can appear on the profogol or irregular nutrition.


Chicken liver,
- citrus
- Marinada,
- spicy dishes,
- Tea coffee,
- Sausages, cheeses, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to eat fractionally, that is, often and gradually.

Headaches, as a rule, appear in working pregnant women, especially those who have to be in an uncomfortable position for a long time, for example, to sit in front of the computer. Then problems will be caused voltage muscles neck.

If the cause of headaches is migraineShe is accompanied by other symptoms - violation of vision, nausea, vomiting.

Problems may occur on the background osteochondroseWhen the spasm of the vessels leads to a reduction in the amount of oxygen entering the woman's brain.

Treatment of headaches during pregnancy

Headache with pregnancy requires a doctor's advice. Only a specialist can designate a woman anesthetic, especially at the stage of up to 16 weeks of pregnancy. But most often, future mothers get rid of unpleasant sensations, putting a reasonable sleep mode, proper nutrition, calming down and rested.

Very often found in women so-called headache stress. They appear on the background of overwork Stressand felt like "hoop" or "helmet" compressing head. The reason for this phenomenon is the tension of the muscles of the neck. During pregnancy, this condition is better to eliminate without the help of drugs.

It is advisable to lie down to rest, make a relaxing neck and temple massage, put the heating on the neck or cold compress on the forehead.

If you are concerned about the constant pain in the same area of \u200b\u200bthe head, which is combined with other symptoms: worsening hearing, vision, appearance of dizziness, an increase in blood pressure, call "ambulance". This condition may be a sign of the development of gestosis.

The reasons causing headaches, dozens, and accurately determine what provoked it in your case, only a doctor can. Remember that there are types of headaches with which you can and should be cope with during pregnancy without drugs. But, if you feel that the headache is combined with an increase in blood pressure, only the doctor will help you.

If a pregnant woman has a headache, what to do, how to help in this case so as not to harm? When this happens with a woman who does not wear a child, or a headache is tormented by a man, you can take any means of anesthetic action, which for half an hour returns to everyday matters. For pregnant women, everything is different. It is necessary to take measures to get rid of this malaise without harm to her and the future child. It is very important to consult with a gynecologist. Oplain in this position can not be engaged. It can be dangerous, both for a woman who is being prepared to become a mother and the fetus itself.

Causes of headaches for future mothers

Hurt a head during pregnancy in almost four out of five cases in women in this important period of her life. It happens more often when a woman over 30 years old.

The first and last trimesters of the baby tooling are characteristic of the frequency of this unpleasant phenomenon. At the beginning of pregnancy in the female body there are a number of changes prepare it for future motherhood. In the second trimester, headaches in pregnant women disappear.

Important! The reasons for this state may have different sources, but the exact response has not yet been found. If a headache is hurting during pregnancy, the doctor suggests all versions in which the changes occurring during the child's dentition period

To changes that are characteristic of the period of pregnancy flow can be attributed:

  1. Change of hormonal background in the body of a woman during a baby tool. The occurrence of headaches in this case is frequent phenomenon. Various concentration of biological substances affects the well-being and mood of man. In the first trimester of pregnancy, an imbalance of hormonal substances is possible, followed by their stabilization in the second trimester.
  2. Hormonal interruptions are capable of changing blood circulation and its pressure in vessels. Often, blood pressure is reduced in the second trimester, regardless of the increase in blood volume, so hypotension is accompanied by weakness and headache.
  3. In the last trimension of pregnancy, gestational arterial hypertension may occur with the subsequent development of the late toxicosis, preeclampsia (pathological condition characterized by symptomatomy, of varying severity of the flow: a resistant increase in blood pressure, protein detection in the urine, strong swelling, changes in blood indicators and other). Preeclampsia proceeds against the background of increased blood pressure with the corresponding symptomatics of this state, among which there is pain in the head. Maybe, in the absence of adequate therapeutic intervention, go to the next step (eclampsia) accompanied by convulsions. What is a great risk to the health or life of mother and fetus.
  4. Headache for pregnancy may occur in chronic lack of sleep. If a woman works at the enterprise to the night shift, it can be the main cause of this unpleasant phenomenon.
  5. Excessive fatigue at work and at home for pregnant women is not acceptable. The fragile organism of a woman who is carrying a child needs rest more often than usual. Any overwork affect her well-being.
  6. Stressful states for a woman in an interesting position, as well as emotional and mental overloads, can output the nervous system, increase or lower the pressure in the vessels, which turns poor well-being, lethargy, apathy and headache.
  7. Changing the usual routine, adaptation to other conditions of the day mode, first time gives an overloading woman to the body that provoke changes in health status.

Irritant factors causing headache during pregnancy

Important! The child's harassment should be held in a quiet, relaxed atmosphere, surrounded by positive emotions. They can be obtained, listening to calm, beautiful music, doing the usual affairs

The various severity and nature of the flow of pain during pregnancy can be purchased, being among annoying factors:

  • loud sound of music;
  • bright light;
  • reduction of coffee;
  • changing diet in nutrition;
  • change climate.

Caffeine is addictive, refusal or reduction of its use can cause headache due to the narrowing of vessels in the brain. When the daily use of caffener-containing beverages occurs, adenosine receptors are blocked in the body, the substances of the rising blood during headaches occur.

Food with the onset of an interesting position in a woman is changing. She has various taste addiction. Sometimes pregnant uses non-compatible products in food. Often there is a eating of inedible substances and the development of piccicism (taste perversion). Changing the diet causes a headache in a pregnant woman due to the use of food products causing a blood pressure drop, for example, chocolate. Or products of violating the production of enzymes acting on the digestive tract, the normal functioning of which affects the well-being of a woman who is carrying a child.

Changing climatic conditions can manifest itself a headache in a pregnant woman, it can happen when changing the poles, moving off the coast to a mountainous area or vice versa. Even at home because of the change of atmospheric pressure, the meteo-sensitive female organism will react to such differences.

With pathological changes in the work of brain vessels, migraine pain develops. Due to overwork and overvoltage, it will be hurting in the cervical and in the scalp. When it is released into the blood of hormonal substances, serotonin or histamine, cluster arises (short-term one-sided, affecting, as a rule, the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye, attack of the strongest headache) view of pain. She is one-sided and brief.

Head injuries, neuralgia, infection, as well as other pathological deviations cause the secondary causes of headaches in pregnant women.

How can you get rid of these sensations

What to do if the headache is hurt during pregnancy? First you need to visit the female consultation, where experienced qualified doctors will help find out the cause of headaches. For this, a specialist needs to calm down and detail to ask the future mother, as often it happens, what changes in its lifestyle could affect well-being. Finding out the cause of the severity and nature of unpleasant sensations, you can help pregnant with headaches.

Without the appointment of a doctor, the reception of drugs is prohibited, there are many other non-drug methods.

  1. To remove this unpleasant feeling, the use of warm compress on the front of the head is effective. It is more often a domain over the abnormal arcs or the top of the nose. The occipital region is anesthetically compressed.
  2. The adoption of a moderately cool soul often turns out to be an effective means for removing the vascular spasm. As a result of facilitated relief from extending vessels, a decrease in such an unpleasant phenomenon as a headache.
  3. When a headache has a pregnant woman who will be prompted in women's consultation, where massage sessions or gentle manual therapy are prescribed, will also explain how to perform simple physical exercises for muscle relaxation.
  4. The use of aromatherapy for pregnant women can significantly facilitate this life period. Lavender oils, melons, mint, rosemary effectively help with migraines. They can be rubbed into the temporal area, inhale, apply a pair of droplets on the handkerchief. For the flavoring of the whole room, you can use the aroma. However, it should be noted that with the use of aromamacete, the development of individual allergic reactions to any substances is possible. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to test the test for the determination of the body's hypersensitivity to them. Among others distinguish: olfactory and skin samples. The first is carried out by mixing 1: 5 essential oil with the basic, then the resulting mixture is applied to paper or a cotton disk, bring to the nose at a distance of 10-15 cm and make several test breaths. In the absence of negative reactions - bronchospasm, cough, pronounced swings, the tool can be used. The method of obtaining a test mixture with a skin sample is similar to the previous one. It can be applied to various places: on the wrist, the inner part of the elbow bend, behind the ear, in the sternum area. The result is checked for 12 hours, in the absence of allergic reactions on the skin at the place of application, the means is allowed to use. In any case, women in pregnancy should be used to use various means and pre-consult that either in one use with the attending physician.

Important! If the headache is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness and violation of violation, you need to urgently consult a doctor, such a symptomatics may be present in arterial hypertension

Starting a new stage in his life, the future mother should show care, above all about himself. It is important to revise your lifestyle, food and work schedule.

  1. If the work is associated with physical exertion and night shifts, you need to translate into light work. Do not bring your body to overwork, rest should be at the first signs of fatigue. It is necessary to learn to relax, it helps to strengthen the nervous system, it is easier to cope with stressful situations.
  2. Power control for a pregnant woman is the extremely necessary lesson. The myth that you need to eat for two, leads to the weight of the weight and development of pathological obesity. This affects the well-being and manifestation of headaches during pregnancy. It is necessary to eat in small portions more often than before the occurrence of pregnancy. It is important not to be hungry, it helps to control the appetite.
  3. Moderate physical exertion can improve the state of the woman during the baby tooling period. It serves as prevention in the fight against obesity, problems with heart, pressure and elevated blood sugar levels. And it will also simply help to support vitality and stay in great shape.

Headache during the period of tooling the baby is frequent and unpredictable phenomenon. About 80% of women note the attacks of pain throughout the pregnancy. Moreover, the headache may occur for various reasons and wear a different character. It is not always possible to delete the next attack, and the woman has to be saved with the help of analgesics, which can greatly harm yet born baby. Let's get together why the headache is hurting during pregnancy and what methods of anesthesia are acceptable in this delicate position.

Headache often overtakes women after conception. Preferably, such discomfort is disturbing women in the first weeks of pregnancy under the influence of hormonal changes, and soon it is eliminated. It does not bear any danger to health and is a specific response of the body for pregnancy. But, often repetitive headaches have more disturbing reasons for the appearance.

On a note! Most often, the attack of pain is migned. This is a stable pulsating pain, which is localized in the zone of the temples. Concomitant symptoms can be: impairment of vision, nausea, sharp reaction to bright light and any noise, dizziness.

Women may have a head during pregnancy for such reasons:

  • Change the level of hormones. After conception in the body, the active synthesis of female hormones begins and their quantitative relationship is strongly changed. At the expiration of the first three months of gestation, the body is fully adapted to its new position and the pain subsides. This state of treatment does not require, but if a woman has a bad headache during pregnancy, an obstetrician gynecologist must advise a suitable painkillers. It is not categorically not to endure unquest pain, because strong psycho-emotional stress can complicate pregnancy.
  • Hypertension. Increased pressure is more often observed in the last trimester. The physiological factor of such a state is a strongly enlarged blood flux. Pathological provocateurs for increasing pressure and headaches belong: Gestosis, kidney disease, improper nutrition, stress, pathological gain in weight, excessive physical exertion. For the treatment of hypertension, the means lowering the pressure are prescribed, and the reasons for its increase are applied in parallel.
  • Hypotension. In the first half of pregnancy, progesterone affects the tone of all muscle cells. He provokes relaxation not only the uterus, but also vessels. In this situation, they expand and blood pressure drops. In this case, the brain begins to raise the desired volume of oxygen, and the woman begins to hurt and spin the head. For this reason, the head is most often hurting during pregnancy in early terms. How to eliminate the problem occurred - solves a gynecologist, but very often normalize the condition helps the reception of caffery-containing products: mugs of hot and necessarily sweet tea or a piece of black chocolate.
  • Starvation. If a woman feeds poorly, with big breaks between meals, it can appear "hungry" headaches from a sharp drop in glucose levels. To prevent a re-attack of pain, it is necessary regularly throughout the day, avoiding overeating.
  • Anemia. Low hemoglobin is a provocateur of pain attacks during pregnancy. The lack of oxygen strongly affects the tone of the vessels in the head and causes severe pain.
  • Gestosis. This is a critical condition for pregnancy, requiring solid treatment. A sharp narrowing of the vessels disrupts blood circulation in the body, which is accompanied by a pulsating pain in the head. The woman appears "flies" before their eyes, protein is diagnosed in the urine, pressure rises.
  • The aggravation of chronic diseases. Pregnancy serves as a provocateur to exacerbate old diseases. Problems with spine may be marked. The increase in the mass of the fetus creates a load on the skeleton, which causes an oxochondrosis attack. Pumping the nerves and overlapping a full blood circulation in the spine and will cause a headache. Another cause of pain may be a vegantous dystonia, which is accompanied by a sharp spasm of vessels in the head and pain.
  • The emergence of new diseases. Choise the head during pregnancy can and in the occurrence of dangerous infectious diseases: meningitis, sinusitis, front, encephalitis, pyelonephritis, eye diseases. Headache with such diseases is quite strong and long, and passes after the start of treatment of the underlying disease.
  • Stress factor and overvoltage. Pregnant women react more pronounced on conflict or dangerous situations. The strong reaction of the nervous system can end the attack of migraine. To the same result can cause severe overwork at work or insufficient sleep. Such factors are very dangerous because they can provoke the threat of miscarriage except the headache. Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, if the head hurts and pain in the region of the uterus, you need to calm down and seek advice from the doctor.
  • Weather. Many women react sharply to the oscillation of atmospheric pressure. They may have a headache, to decline efficiency, disappear appetite. As a rule, if there was such high meteo sensitivity before pregnancy, then in the period of the child's rings, the woman will suffer from headaches when changing the weather.
  • Food. Experts have long noticed the relationship between the diet of a pregnant woman and headache. If you often have a headache without visible reasons, make sure that you ate before another attack. Most often, the cause of marinades, chocolate, citrus, smoked fish, products with glutamate sodium, nitrites, sulfites and synthetic sweeteners are becoming the use of chocolate.

Sour head during pregnancy. When you need to seemingly emergency medical care

Many pregnant women wonder if the head is sick with a result of any dangerous violations during pregnancy? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is positive. Although most of the bouts of the headache besides discomfort, no longer threaten anything, there are cases when the doctor's help is urgently needed.

It is necessary to immediately contact the doctor if the headache is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Convulsions, problems with consciousness, violation of speech, panic attacks.
  • Excessive weight gain in combination with the advent of extensive edema limbs and urine release delay.
  • Dyspnea without cause and pain, localizing "under the spoon".
  • Strong nausea and / or indomitable vomiting.
  • Stiffness of movements (muscle rigidity) and high temperature (this is symptoms of meningitis).
  • Rinith, pain in the forehead and eyebrows (symptoms of purulent sinusitis or front).
  • The pain after hitting the head (as a result of the fall).
  • Intense pain syndrome, which is impossible to stop independently.

Tip! An ambulance worker will find out the cause of the pain and how dangerous it is in your delicate position, and will also help remove pain syndrome and say whether urgent hospitalization is needed.

Basic ways to eliminate headaches during pregnancy without medicines

Before taking an anesthetic tablet, try more harmless ways to eliminate pain.

On a note! If you have a headache during pregnancy, and what to do you do not know, you can call an ambulance and you will definitely advise in a telephone conversation mode that you can take in your situation.

Massage. Easy head massaging helps to stabilize the condition at the next bout. Avoid such a procedure is needed in the presence of inflammation of the scalp, strong loss of hair and hypertension.

You can make a massage yourself or you need to ask someone from loved ones. Massage provides for the vigorous compressing of the entire surface of the head for 10 minutes.

Basic head massage techniques:

  • Tightly hook the skin fold between eyebrows, a little to massage it, and then slowly move towards the temples.
  • Smoothly massage the temples zone.
  • Palms make strokes from eyebrows to the backbone.
  • Thumb breaking your hair.
  • Make probes and massage them strongly.
  • Strongly compress your head with a brush over the entire surface.
  • Grasp the head on both sides, synchronously move the skin towards the direction from the ears to the theme, and then push it out.
  • Scroll with light movements.

If the well-being during massage is only worsening, you need to stop massaging your head.

Shower . If a headache is hurting during pregnancy, the first thing you can do is calm down and take a shower. Warm or cool souls greatly facilitates headaches. The warm shower contributes to the general relaxation of the woman and the extension of the vessels. Such a procedure is suitable for hypertension and strong overvoltage. Cold souls greatly burst, helps a woman to gain strength, narrows the vessels. Such a shower can be taken to lift the pressure.

Important! Contrast souls in gestation is contraindicated, since a sharp narrowing and extension of blood vessels can cause complications.

Compresses. Get rid of thunder pain (overstrain pain) helps warm / cold compresses. They should be applied to the frontal and occipital zone twice a day. To enhance efficiency, you can heat the cloth for the compress with a slight solution of vinegar.

An alternative version of the compress is the use of Balzam "Star". The remedy should be applied to the forehead and whiskey.

Permitted preparations from headaches during pregnancy

If the headache is not going to retreat, nothing else remains how to resort to the help of painkillers. Not all means can be taken to be ladies in a delicate position, so if you have a headache during pregnancy, what can be taken from pain - only a gynecologist solves with your term of gestation.

In the first trimester, almost all drugs are potentially dangerous for the fetus, so pain syndrome is eliminated by completely safe methods:

  • Rest or daytime sleep.
  • Sustful herbal teas, for example, with chamomile, Melissa, Lipoy.
  • Sweet tea or 20-30 g of chocolate, the pain arose due to the fault of the reduced pressure.
  • Walk, if there is a strong deficiency of oxygen.
  • Broth or pills Valerian.
  • Relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation).

Starting from the second trimester, the arsenal of painkillers expands slightly, since the fruit is more resistant to the development of pathologies. A woman can already have a headache with the help of analgesics, but they are selected after determining the level of blood pressure, the presence of concomitant symptoms and individual characteristics of the female organism.

Mostly pregnant women prescribe such drugs:

  • Paracetamol is the kind of anesthetizing type most favorable during pregnancy. The composition of the drug does not affect the state of the fetus while complying with the safe dosage. A day is allowed to take 2-3 tablets, but the course of treatment should not last more than three days.
  • But-shpa is an effective antispasmodic, reducing headache and normalizing pressure. On a day without fears, it is allowed to take up to 6 capsules. The drug is allowed at all times of gestation.
  • Analgine - analgesic with low concentration of the main substance. The tool relieves the pain of different etiology, but when abuse can cause congenital pathologies in the baby. Analgin is allowed as a disposable tool from pain.
  • Ibuprofen is an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent. Appointed only up to 30 gestational week. After this period, the drug has a teratogenic effect on the fruit, hitting the heart and lungs.
  • Citramon - caffener-containing analgesic. Helps remove headache against the background of hypotension. You can take 1/2 tablets twice a day. The dosage excess has fallen on the development of the fetus.

The third trimester also has certain requirements for the selection of painkillers. More efficient and safe are considered tools based on paracetamol or caffeine (if there is no gestosis). Such drugs do not affect the well-being of the fetus and do not provoke premature childbirth:

  • Salpadeev Forte - removes not only the head, but also toothache, makes it easier for fever and neuralgia. The drug can cause a disturbance of the respiratory function, so it is permissible to accept no more than 1 tablets.
  • Panadol is an analgesic and antipyretic drug. Conditionally harmless tool, the daily dose of which is equal to 4 tablets.
  • Sedalgin - non-Arcotic analgesic. During pregnancy, it is accepted with caution of 1/2 tablets per day.

What pharmaceutical agents are contraindicated with headaches during pregnancy

Even if the woman is tormented by unbearable headaches, it is strictly forbidden to take such drugs:

  • Tript - has a teratogenic effect on the fruit.
  • Ergotamine - provokes a miscarriage and bleeding.
  • Motin - a frequent cause of congenital heart defects.
  • Depair - breaks the bookmark of the nervous tube.
  • Aspirin - diluted blood and provokes bleeding.

To tolerate the headache during pregnancy, of course, is not worth it, but it is necessary to get rid of it with caution. Before accepting some tablet without a doctor's council, think many times about the consequences. If you often have a headache that you can drink during pregnancy you should advise a gynecologist or a neuropathologist, not a friend or pharmacist in a pharmacy. Pregnancy - a period for which only you are in response, therefore, with concern to medication treatment.

Video "Headache: What to do during pregnancy?"

Women in position - the creation of tender. Perestroika body causes serious health problems. Future mothers can feel unpleasant symptoms. So, they are often tormented by nausea, and a headache. What can be enjoyed during pregnancy, so as not to harm the fetus in the womb and take pain? There are no options too much, but they still have. Let's talk about how you can deal with unpleasant sensations and are alternatives to drugs.

Internal factors provoking pain

If the treatment is often needed to choose a special, ordinary tablets in this case will be contraindicated. To determine any methods of facilitate unpleasant sensations will be required with a gynecologist who is responsible for the state of the future mother and fetus.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that with a similar phenomenon, migraine) faces a significant number of women awaiting a child. There may be many factors such a state of such a state, among which the change in physiological parameters and great susceptibility to external stimuli. The main reasons that migraine can cause are:

  • hormonal bursts;
  • an increase in blood volume;
  • stressful situations and depression;
  • dehydration.

The unpleasant sensations are the most characteristic for the first trimester if they do not leave you and in the future, be sure to pass a detailed examination.

It must be remembered if you have a tendency to such sensations, then, most likely, they will significantly intensify and will repeat repeatedly.

External factors provoking pain

Dull pain in the temples can be provoked by a number of external factors. Eliminate such an irritant - it means to get rid of his negative consequences. So, if a headache is hurting during pregnancy, the reasons for this may be due to:

  • tobacco smoke;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • strong noise;
  • overly high or low air temperatures, as well as their drops;
  • outbreaks and twinkling of bright light;
  • too active flavors, unpleasant odors.

Oddly enough, it can also provoke unpleasant sensations. Carefully learn their list below and try to exclude them from your diet. To potentially hazardous food can be attributed:

The simplest first-aid measures

After you revealed all possible reasons, it is time to eliminate them. Let's talk about how to take measures if you have a headache when pregnant in early time. What to do in the current situation. First of all, create for yourself the most comfortable conditions. What they will be known only to you! Limit out-in noises, muffle the light, get in touch with comfortable clothes that does not argue movements. Provide the influx of fresh air into the room, and if necessary, go to a short walk. To remove the possible voltage and load, do not forget to eat right, eat more often, but limit the size of the portion, drink clean, not sweet water.

Now you know what you can do if a headache during early pregnancy. In the event that the specified measures do not help, but I don't want to drink tablets, try to implement the following recipes:

Medicines for the ban

What to do if the specified manipulations do not help and you still have a headache. What can be enjoyed during pregnancy from special medication drugs? Before determining the list of permitted means, will make a certain list of taboos, then what to use is categorically impossible. At this list got:

Your main helpers among drugs

Now, you know that you should not take if you have a headache. What can you drink during pregnancy? Most likely, the doctor will appoint you the means "paracetamol" or "but-shpu". Talk about them a little more.

Paracetamol, or Panadol, is suitable for both women in the position and young children. Its use in reasonable quantities is permissible immediately after the moment of conception and to the birth. The allowed dose of such tablets is usually determined after consulting with the doctor. The general rule, it sounds as follows, not more than 3 grams of the drug in 24 hours. In terms of tablets, the daily dose will be equal to 6 pieces. Take similar painful for more than three days in a row is prohibited.

Gynecologists are quite often recommended to take and "but-shlu." The main purpose of such tablets is to reduce the spasm of the vessels. Additional properties of the drug include the possibility of reducing pressure, muscle relaxation. The daily dose is also equal to six things.

Conditionally allowed medicines

If you have a headache during pregnancy, than to treat it, the question is quite urgent. A number of tablets that remove unpleasant sensations can be attributed to the group of conditionally allowed drugs. The thing is that their use is permissible only on a certain period of expectancy. These include the means "Nurofen" and "Pentalgin". After the thirtieth week, pregnancy such funds can provoke the complexity of the work of the heart in the fetus, as well as the early closure of the arterial flow. The properties of these drugs include a negative impact on the development of light child.

In the first and second trimester, after consulting with the doctor, it is allowed to use such pills in the dosage of no more than 3 grams per day.

Pain in late terms

Hear your head during pregnancy in late terms? Be sure to consult such a complaint to your gynecologist. An unpleasant feeling may well be a symptom of something much more serious. Pay attention to the frequency and power of pain, as well as possible additional manifestations. A detailed body examination is required if the regular migraine is accompanied by the following factors:

  • Issues for vomiting and nausea.
  • Significant extra weight set.
  • Short-term loss of vision
  • Increase body temperature.
  • Significant sensitivity (feelings do not give you to eat, sleep, engage in familiar business).

A few words in conclusion

What can be affected? If you have a headache during early pregnancy, in the middle or in the last trimester, do not tolerate the discomfort. They are just as negative for the child, as well as made medicines. Be sure to consult a doctor and get qualified assistance (surveys and destination). Independent treatment should be started with the simplest procedures (massage, compress, shower). Of course, it happens that they do not help and you still have a headache. What you can drink and "No-Shpu", remember these two names, as well as the dosage of their reception, it will help you cope with the migraine.