Cylindria or cylinders in the urine: types of formations, rules for the preparation and delivery of analysis, decoding the results. Cylinders were found in the urine: what does this mean and is there a reason for panic? What do the presence of cylinders in urine analysis

Urine analysis is a rather informative study that helps to identify violations by the urinary system. The sediment microscopy provides information on the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, flat epithelium, and it helps to identify the salt.

Cylinders in the urine is a sedimentary liquid that has a cylindrical shape. Cylinders in the urine can be of a variety of species. By their particular variety, you can recognize the disease. The presence of these elements in the urine always has a renal origin.

Consider more detailed what it means. What if children suffer?

These elements are formed in renal tissue and may differ in their composition. Their components can be:

  • erythrocytes,
  • protein,
  • renal cells.

Depending on the appearance, they are:

  • grainy (mainly consist of red blood cells and renal cells);
  • hyaline (protein and renal cells);
  • erythrocyte (the basis is the basis of erythrocytes).

Pathological forms appear due to renal pathology. Consider the true reasons why cylinders in Urine can be elevated.

Causes of raising

Hyalin cylinders in the urine can be elevated as a result of the following factors:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency of a stagnant nature;
  • physical overvoltage;
  • application of diuretic agents;
  • arterial hypertension.

Grain cylinders in the urine are always pathology, and it is connected with the presence of the following diseases:

  • intoxication lead;
  • infectious process of viral origin;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • diabetic nephropathy;
  • fever;
  • pyelonephritis.

Winning cylinders in the urine can talk about the presence of the following diseases:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • amyloidosis kidneys;
  • nephild syndrome.

Elevated level erythrocytetype associated with such pathological processes in the body:

  • hypertension of malignant type;
  • kidney infarction;
  • renal thrombosis;
  • glomerulonephritis of acute flow.

Availability cylindrical epithelium May be due to the following:

  • necrosis of the tubules;
  • viral infection;
  • intoxication by nephrotoxic substances;
  • overdose by salicylate that can have toxic effects on the kidneys.

The epithelial type formed by peeling the epithelium may appear in such cases:

  • rejection of the implant of the kidney;
  • acute canalic necrosis;
  • viral infection;
  • heavy metals poisoning;
  • amyloidosis.

Factors that speed up the process of formation of pathological elements:

  • albumen;
  • concentrated urine;
  • cells in the urine;
  • high acidity;
  • low filtration speed of gloms.

The appearance of cylinders in the urine in a child is a reason to urgently conduct a comprehensive examination

Types of cylinders

Allocate the following types of cylinders in the urine:

  • hyalin cylinders. This is the most common type. It is colorless, transparent and homogeneous. As a rule, he has a rounded end. Consists of protein. It can appear in concentrated urine, as well as after enhanced physical exertion - this is the norm;
  • epithelial. Obtained due to renewal of the epithelium of the renal tubules;
  • erythrocyte. Their appearance is associated with violation of the permeability of the vascular wall of the renal glove. As a result of this pathological process, the erythrocytes penetrate the renal channel;
  • waxy. This name was due to the fact that it looks like a wax ball. Long stay of hyaline and grainy type and forms the appearance of a wax cylinder;
  • grainy. If the cells that linse the inner surface of the renal tubules are destroyed, then this type is formed;
  • leukocyte. They consist of leukocytes and protein. Their appearance is a rather rare phenomenon that is associated with the presence of pyelonephritis;
  • cylindroids. This formation consists of mucus and has a cylindrical shape. If we talk about isolated cases, this may be an indicator of the norm, a significant amount may indicate inflammatory process of the urinary system.

True and false cylinders

True cylinders can be attributed to:

  • hyaline;
  • epithelial;
  • grainy;
  • comatous. As a rule, they are found in diabetic coma. Most often they are short and wide, but sometimes are long and narrow. Refers comatose type to mixed forms;
  • wax;
  • hemoglobin. They are also called pigment. Usually they have yellow-brown or brown color. They are easy to confuse with a grainy shape;
  • erythrocyte;
  • cylindroids.

You can attribute to false:

  • leukocyte;
  • uranty. They are very easy to confuse with a grainy shape. As for the differences, they are inclined to dissolve when heated. Most often, they appear in concentrated urine. Uraban cylinders can withstand acids, and alkalis;
  • mucus. They are long and pale. Have a linto shape. Have a small split at the end.

The appearance of cylinders in the urine during pregnancy can be associated with the presence of proteinuria

Even if a person is healthy, some cylinders may be present in the urine. Only holding a microscopic urine study will help identify pathology. Urine is collected in the morning, the entire portion of Urin is needed. The analysis must be collected correctly. Up to collecting urines, hygienic procedures are carried out, and the container must be clean, even sterile. Treatment of cylindria is carried out on the background of the main disease, which caused a change in the overall analysis of urine.

For the diagnosis of various diseases, urine analysis is one of the important and informative studies that allows Urin's composition to identify deviations indicating the development of pathological processes.

The presence of cylinders in the urine indicates pathology in the kidneys and the urinary system. What does the presence of cylinders in the urine mean, what violations is evidenced by the detection of some kind of varieties? Let's tell you in more detail in this article.

Often, the analysis of urine detects a precipitate with a cylindrical particles, which should not be normal. The appearance of cylinders in the urine is called cylinder.

But what does it mean? In general, these particles fall into the urine from the renal epithelium, and their presence indicates the pathology of this particular organ.

Often, such a deviation is found when a person appeals to the doctor for the passage of vulture or when concrete complaints. For more accurate data relative to sizes, shapes and quantities of cylinders are carried out:

  • urine study in Nechiphenko;
  • sample in Zimnitsy (allows you to estimate the excretory function of the kidneys);
  • collection of diuresis for a day;
  • research according to the rherier-tareyev method (the filtration rate is determined);
  • analysis of urin on the protein.

Norms analyzes

Watering is a liquid with a weakly acidic reaction (pH 5.5-7.0). The presence of pathological cylinders in the urine indicates the increased acidity of urine, as well as proteinuria (the appearance of protein).

Normal cylindrical hyaline microparticles (1 or 2) may appear normal. The identification of a plurality of cylinders in Urin (Hyalin and other species) In the course of the general analysis of urine, signals the pathological processes occurring in the kidneys and urinary tract.

In general, the appearance of cylindrical microparticles already indicates a pathological process that develops in the renal tubules.

Therefore, after their detection it is necessary to conduct a survey of the kidneys. There are different types of cylinders, each separate type indicates a particular disease, with the exception of the hyaline, a small number of which appears in the urine of healthy people as a result of physical overvoltage, fast walking and running.

The appearance of cylinders in the urine in pregnant women, permissible indicators for them - 1-2 hyaline bodies in sight are especially dangerous.

More importantly, it happens with nephropathy and toxicosis or at nervous and physical overvoltage. In the urine, cylindroids are sometimes detected - cylindrical particles consisting of mucus.

In general, distinguish cylinders true and false. The first group includes sedimentary elements of the hyaline, granular, epithelial, comatose, hemoglobin, as well as a wax, erythrocytic type and cylindroids. The category of false belongs: leukocyte, mucus, urate particles.

Hyalin cylinders

In general, hyaline cylinders in the urine are also in healthy people, due to the physical activity or nervous overvoltage.

But their high rates are already talking about various ailments in the body. They are formed only in an acidic environment. Under alkaline conditions, the cylinders are not formed or dissolved. However, this does not mean that there is no disease.

Hyaline cylinders consist exclusively of proteins that are emitted in the kidneys from blood plasma. The latter after passing through the distal tubule canals receive a cylindrical shape.

The factor in such a phenomenon can be a violation of kidney functions, but it is observed with other diseases. The presence of similar sedimentary particles in a patient urine indicates such pathological phenomena as:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency of a stagnant nature;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • interstitial nephritis and other diseases for which the elevated content of proteins in the urine is characterized.

The reason for the appearance of hyaline sediment can also be the use of diuretic drugs. In men, excessive use of meat products can lead to an increase in urine acidity. As a result, physiological proteinuria is developing, which is manifested by the presence of hyaline cylinders.

In pregnant women, the increased number of hyaline cylinders in the urine signals the glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis in the hidden form. But such a violation in the last trimester of pregnancy speaks of a violation of the kidney functions.

The detection of wax cylinders in Urin is a sign of serious diseases caused by a violation of the kidney function. Winning cylinders look in the urine by a shapeless mass, like wax. They have a yellowish tint, they are opaque, a little shorter than hyaline.

These particles are formed from hyaline and granular protein formations, delayed and denaturing (collapsed under the influence of various factors) in the kidney channels.

The reason for their formation is stagnant or hindered urine outflow. At first, the hyaline cylinders, staying in the renal tubules, collect lipids and turn into grainy, and then they settle on an increasing amount of destroyed epithelium cells.

The presence of such a precipitate in the patient's urine indicates serious diseases, such as:

  • malignant glomerulonephritis;
  • amyloidosis;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • chronic kidney diseases (late stages);
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • chronic renal failure.

The presence of wax particles in the urine of children and pregnant women is especially dangerous, it requires an immediate detection of the source of the pathological process for further therapy.

Particles of this type found in urine sediment are highlighted with clear contours and opacity. Grain cylinders are formed from yellow mass consisting of damaged kidney epithelium cells.

They have an uneven surface, the graininess is due to the light of fat on these particles in these particles.

The presence of such proteins in the urine is found when analyzing with osphic acid. The presence of granular (granular) cylinders in Urin signals the pathological phenomena in the kidneys.

They are formed in kidney channels as a result of glomerulonephritis (any form). The cause of their appearance can be both amyloidosis, pyelonephritis and viral diseases that are accompanied by the defeat of the kidneys.

The presence of granular proteins in a sedimentary liquid also shows about such problems as diabetic nephropathy, they are detected during fever, lead poisoning.

Erethrocyte cylinders appear due to severe diseases. Food from proteins and red blood cells, the latter fall into the renal tubules due to the violation of the walls of the renal gloms. These are very fragile connections, therefore, as a result of general analysis, sometimes they may not be detected.

These particles have a yellow-brown shade, differ in smooth circuits. The appearance of this type of cylinders is associated with such renal diseases, as glomerulonephritis, kidney tumors of different nature, kidney infarction, renal vein thrombosis, etc.

The presence of epithelial cylinders in the urine indicates a serious kidney damage, which is accompanied by the degeneration of glomers. They are formed from proteins and epithelial cells that appeared in the tubules as a result of the elimination of the epithelial layer.

Particles are formed as a result:

  • nephrosis;
  • acute jade;
  • canalse necrosis in acute form;
  • amyloidosis.

After the kidney transplantation, the appearance of epithelial cylinders signals a transplant rejection. This type of precipitate is also detected in poisoning with acetylsalicylic acid preparations, as well as heavy metals (mercury).

This type of precipitate is formed from proteins and leukocytes, it is found quite rare, most often their appearance is due to pyelonephritis. The identification of leukocyte cylinders is talking about the development of inflammatory or infectious diseases in the kidneys.

They detect them and with allergic jade, as well as an acute postprephotococcal glomerulonephritis. Particles of this type of precipitate are similar to the cells of the epithelium so as not to confuse them, urine analysis is carried out by using staining.

Pigmented cylinders

By texture, these elements are similar to granular cylinders, highlighted yellow-brown or brown tint due to the presence in their blood composition.

The reason for the appearance of these microparticles may be hemoglobinuria, which develops due to the transfusion of the plasma patient of the unsuitable group. The formation of this type of sediment is sometimes associated with diseases accompanied by intoxicating the body.

Cylinders in the urine in children

The selection of cylinders in the urine in a child is a serious signal of the development of various kidney diseases. Increased level of hyaline microparticles may indicate diseases that are not related to the kidneys. These include Kor, vapotitis, cough, poliomyelitis, windmill and rubella.

The provoking factor in the appearance of a cylinder of a hyaline type in Urine can be a high temperature. With subfebrile temperature (37-38), the removal of the protein is enhanced, and during febrile marks (38.5-39) and under conditions of insufficient fluid intake, will lead to dehydration.

The presence of grainy microparticles in the urine of the child is a symptom of such a disease as glomerulonephritis in a hidden form. At the same time, the balls of kidneys are affected, responsible for the formation of primary urine, blood filtering and for reverse osmosis.

Symptom-threatening children - appearance in the urine of a cylindrical sediment of a wax type.

It indicates the destruction of the epithelial layer of the tubules and is accompanied by the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome. Detection of these particles requires urgent child examination to determine the root causes and treatment of kidneys.

The appearance of small children of pigment type cylinders in Urine is sometimes a symptom of a very rare disease - paroxysmal night hemoglobinuria Markiafa-Mikekee, at which the destruction of red blood cells occurs.


In general, the detection of cylinders in the urine, regardless of their type, indicates the presence of a pathological process, since they should not be at all.

The presence of epithelial, leukocyte, grainy, wax, erythrocyte and other types of cylindrical microparticles is an important indicator for a doctor, since for the most part they point to the kidney disease.

Especially dangerous, the presence of these particles in the urine in pregnant women, small children and elderly people.

Therefore, after discovering in Urin sedimentary particles of any type, it is necessary to carry out a full examination and diagnosis of the disease for the establishment of the root causes, the development stage of the disease and the development of the treatment plan.

The overall analysis of urine gives enough information for an experienced physician, allowing you to identify various renal diseases, severe detection. Due to the hidden inflammatory processes occurring in the renal tubules, the accumulated protein, fat particles, epithelial cells, erythrocytes and leukocytes, form blinds that are found as pathological cylinders in the urine. The main cause of education, as well as the component of these casts, is protein, since it acts as a bonding material.

What are the cylinders in the urine?

Depending on which pathological processes occur in the urinary human system, different pathological cylinders appear in the urine. Therefore, a laboratory and indicates which cylinders in general analysis of urine detected, namely:

  • hyaline or grainy;
  • leukocyte or erythrocyte;
  • pigment;
  • epithelial or waxing.

Considering the form of the detected pathological cylinder, the external symptoms of the disease, the doctor of the ultrasound determines the degree of lesion, chronic or acute process proceeds in the body.

The norm of cylinders in the urine involves the identification of only 1-2 hyaline cylinders.

What do cylinders indicate in the urine?

Depending on what kind of type, the cylinder is detected when analyzing urine, the doctor has the ability to determine the presence of a number of diseases, namely:

  1. Hyalin cylinders, which consist only of proteins, are found in pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, interstitial jade. Since insignificant proteinuria is possible even in a healthy person (with physical exertion, stress, in pregnant women), the established norm of cylinders in the urine involves the presence of only this species.
  2. Granular cylinders - the reason for the appearance of cylinders in the urine of this species is due to the presence of acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, kidney amyloidosis, a number of viral diseases with fever.
  3. Sky - indicate a serious kidney disease (malignant glomerulonephritis).
  4. Erythrocyte cylinders - will allow a specialist to identify changes in kidney cells (kidney infarction), kidney tumor, renal vein thrombosis. The presence of this type of cylinders often makes it possible to establish the cause of blood appearance in the urine.
  5. Leukocyte cylinders - occur during pyelonephritis.
  6. Epithelial - help determine the renewal of the renal graft, acute jade or nephrisosis.
  7. Pigment cylinders - with hemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria.

Having studied the results of the tests, the specialist begins the treatment of cylinders in the urine, involving the use of therapy aimed at eliminating the infection that causes, for the most part, inflammatory kidney processes.

With suspected malignant neoplasms - additional research is carried out.

The cylinders in the patient's urine are special particles of the sediment, which have a peculiar form, characteristic, are formed in the renal tubules. Several types of formations are distinguished, each differs in size, composition at the cellular level. The name of the particles is formed against the background of their shape (cylindrical).

The process of formation of cylinders in human urine is called cylindrian. What does the presence of cylinders in the urine? What kinds indicate serious kidney pathologies and how to deal with them? Answers to questions are described in detail in the following material.

general information

Kidney disease is characterized by a protein accumulation in the renal tubules. Erythrocytes, particles of fat, leukocytes, epithelial cells can also be detected. All elements are able to shove the kidney tube from the inside, forming them "cast", simply speaking, cylinders. Education is formed only in the presence of protein, it acts as glue, without it the cylinders cannot appear.

Cylinders in urine sediment are well preserved only in the presence of an acidic medium, in alkaline urin they will quickly dissolve or are not formed at all. For this reason, a small number of cylinders in the urine cannot display the actual state of affairs. Education can be of different shape and composition. For this reason, the analysis indicates not only the number of formations, but also their type.

There are several types of cylindrical formations, only hyaline cylinders (1-2 in the preparation) can be detected in a healthy person. Other types of education should not be found normally. It is important to properly collect urine analysis, prepare for the procedure.

Types of formations

Depending on the type of cylinders in the patient's urine, doctors can determine the course of specific pathology, the condition of the patient's body.

Experts allocate the following types of cylinders in Urin:

  • hyalin. They are formed only from the protein, they can be easily detected in the urine only in the presence of proteinuria (there is protein in Urin), even if pathology is not related to kidney diseases, also with all deaths of the paired organ (nephritis, and other diseases that are accompanied by an increased amount of protein) ;
  • grainy. They are protein casts of the renal tubules to which the reborn cells of the epithelium joined. Against the background of this process, a grainy appearance is acquired. This type of formations appear in the patient urine against the background of diseases, accompanied by the lesion of the renal tubules, the presence of a protein in the patient's urine (diabetic nephropathy, pyelonephritis, viral diseases with fever, glomerunephritis in acute and chronic form);
  • wax. Consist of grainy and hyaline formations, which were detained in the kidney channels. Wax cylinders have a shapeless mass, wax resemble. The presence of these formations in urin of the patient indicate the course of serious kidney diseases (malignant glomerulonephritis, the late stages of the painful organ disease);
  • erythrocyte. Formed from the protein and small clusters of red blood cells. The urine analysis will not show them due to the fragility of formations. The cylinders of this species point to the renal origin, appear in Urin against the background of the flow of kidney infarction, tumors in the organ, renal vein thrombosis and other serious diseases;
  • leukocyte. It is clear from the name that the formation is formed from protein and leukocytes, such cylinders are very rare, often against the background of pyelonephritis of various etiology;
  • epithelial. Formed from the detached cells of the epithelium of the kidney tubules, observed against the background of acute jade or nephrosis. The detection of this type of cylinders in Urin always indicates serious kidney disease. If epithelial formations appear in the urine after transplantation, this indicates its rejection;
  • cylindroids are formations from mucus, single formations sometimes appear in a healthy person, a large number of formations indicate the flow of inflammatory processes;
  • pigmented Appear as a result of myoglobinuria, hemoglobinuria.

In what cases is assigned analysis

A total urine analysis is carried out in almost all diseases, in preventive purposes or to control the results of treatment. In addition to the detection of cylinders, the clinical study of urines give the characteristic of transparency, acidity, the specific weight of the fluid. Also, the analysis helps determine the presence in the urine of the patient of biliary pigments, red blood cells, leukocytes, glucose, hemoglobin, protein.

Study of urine is considered a simple study, but for its decryption requires a lot of specific knowledge. The composition of Urin is affected not only the work of the kidneys, but also the functioning of other organs, metabolism. Also, specific components of urins determine the operation of the sexual system, but in any case, the study shows the condition of the kidney and the patient's excretory system.

On a note! In preventive purposes and for timely diagnosis of medical diseases, the urine analysis is recommended once a year.

Give reliable results will help the correct implementation of the research itself and the collection of biomaterial. Urine collection rules include several important aspects.

  • Forget about mayonnaise jars and other "homely" utility storage tanks. Only special sterile containers are suitable for collecting material. Thus, it is reduced to a minimum of foreign substances in the patient's urine, which can distort the results of the analysis. Also compliance with this rule increases the shelf life of the biomaterial, helps to keep it during transport;
  • Hygienic procedures are a mandatory aspect. Urin should not get the salted discharge, sweat. Antibacterial agents cannot be applied, otherwise the results of the study may distort;
  • Do not use specific medicines, foods that can distort the results of the study. A specific list of substances is indicated by the doctor. On the eve of the evening, give up the use of coloring products (beets, carrots). Remember, urine color is also important during analysis;
  • Before conducting urine research, do not drink alcohol, it is also impossible to change the water regime (drink water in the usual mode). It is not recommended to live sex life 12 hours before the study, collect urinus during menstruation.

The appearance of cylindrical bodies in Urine of the patient testifies to the presence of renal pathology. An increase in the norm is over 20 in 1 ml of fluid. Each type of cylinders indicates a specific type of disease, which facilitates the diagnosis of the disease in the patient.

Learn about the reasons for the treatment of pathology using a special diet.

The list and rules for the use of antibiotics during acute pyelonephritis can be seen page.

Go to and read about the benefits of chamomile and the application of the plant for the treatment of kidneys and urinary tract.

Cylinders in the urine in a child

The presence of formations in Urine is a bad signal, which indicates the course of the diseases of the excretory system. Children rarely diagnose serious illness of the kidneys due to age, so the excess of the cylinder rate in the urine should attract the attention of the physician and parents. Often this situation is due to improper biomaterial collection.

To warn the trouble will help compliance with the rules that are used to collect urine in children:

  • collect the material not from the pot, such urine has many impurities, which distorts the result of the study;
  • pre-terminate the child, in most cases the emptying of the bladder occurs reflexively;
  • it is important to prevent urine mixing with hiding masses (for children these two processes usually occur simultaneously). To warn the unpleasant situation will help the closure of the anal hole with a napkin or a clean cloth. If you failed to collect "clean" urine sample, repeat the manipulation later.

Most of the "bad" tests are due to a violation of the rules for the collection of urin from a child. Therefore, when cylinders are detected in the urine, do not panic, pass the analysis again, follow the recommendations described above.

Cylindrical formations in the patient urine indicate the unpleasant pathologies of the excretory system, the patient's kidney. Sometimes the result of the study indicates other diseases. It is important to turn to the doctor in time when discomfort, immediately begin treatment to avoid sharp negative consequences. Take care of health, because to prevent any diseases are easier than then to deal with their treatment.

Cylinders were found in the urine: is it dangerous and how much? The answer will give a specialist in the next video:

Cylinders are called clusters in the urine of various substances: proteins and their derivatives. In a healthy person, these substances in the urine should not be: they appear there when the kidneys work incorrectly, and is unable to filter the blood so that only the exchange products are in the urine, and the necessary organisms of substances returned to blood.

Cylinders are different, depending on which substances are seeping out of the blood in the urine. It may be wax, granular, leuko- and erythrocyte, epithelial cylinders and so on. As can be seen from the names, some cylinders are formed when entering into urine and decomposition there of blood elements (erythrocytes and leukocytes).

But the hyaline cylinders consist exclusively of the protein. Unlike other types of cylinders, they can come across in the urine both with healthy kidneys and in various diseases, ranging from infections and ending with mechanical injuries.

Hyalin cylinders usually accumulate with renal failure. It is formed from protein particles, on which other substances can pour from above, for example, fats.

The protein, passing out of the blood into the kidney nephron, is collapsed under the influence of an aggressive medium, and it does not matter whether the composition of the urine is normal at the same time, or there are any deviations - the protein will come in any case.

So a small bunch of protein is formed, which some time can stay on the wall of the tube, and then worn with the stream of urine and outward.

Increased protein content and infections: pyelonephritis, and with urolithiasis, and with many other disorders. Therefore, determine the disease only by the presence of hyaline cylinders It is impossible.

There is an elevated protein content and a healthy person. Typically, the amount of protein increases after exercise, when the blood flow and the content of metabolic products in it is increasing, which is why the kidneys begin to work more intense.

In order to find out what caused the increase in the number of hyaline cylinders in the urine in this particular case, you need to know what other substances or structures are detected in the urine.

What does it mean?

Since the reasons for the increase in hyaline cylinders are a great set, it cannot be said that it happens with the body, based only on knowledge of these protein bunches. To determine the diagnosis will have to take into account the impurities of other substances in the urine, including other cylinders.

For example, the abundance of wax cylinders indicates renal diseases, chronic insufficiency, grainies are mixed with jade or diabetes, red blood cells (red "blood cells") may fall into the urine in mechanical injuries, urolithiasis, etc.

The general condition of the body is also taken into account. If the increase in the hyaline cylinders on time coincided with increasing temperature, the appearance of a runny nose, losses in the joints, headaches and weakness, perhaps the reason was the flu or paragripp, if you experienced heavy exercise before passing the analysis, the reason may be poured in this .

Norm for a healthy person

Cylinders are found in human urine using a conventional light microscope. Their number is calculated in the field of view of the microscope, after which it is concluded about the normal content of these elements or on the content of elevated.

1-2 The hyaline cylinder, randomly discovered in the field of view of the microscope, is considered the norm for a healthy person, and should not cause concerns.

If you express their number in quantity per liter, then the norm will be about 20 pieces / l of urine.

Hyalin cylinders in the urine of a child

The children's body is always more vulnerable to various diseases than an adult organism. Therefore, the appearance of hyaline cylinders in the urine above the norm from your children should make you alert.

There are a number of diseases in which the number of cylinders increases:

  • Chickenpox- ordinary diseases in childhood, usually affecting children up to three years. Fortunately, this disease to the children is transferred easier than adults, and immunity at the victims usually remains for life;
  • Flu- Also all the well-known disease, dangerous and for children, and for adults. The complications of this disease are especially dangerous, which may affect the kidneys;
  • Paragripp. - sickness with influenza, but caused by another type of viruses;
  • Rubella - Traditionally, "children's" disease, which is less frequently affecting adults;
  • Scarlet fever - bacterial infection, also often affecting children;
  • Polio.

As can be seen, the increase in the content of hyaline cylinders in children is not necessarily associated with kidney diseases - it can be any infectious diseases leading to an increase in temperature and intoxication of the body.

In addition, cylinders can increase in children, as in adults, after long and intense physical exertion. In children, this can, for example, moving games or homework, which was too heavy for the child.

During pregnancy

The norms of the content of hyaline cylinders in pregnant women are the same as everyone else - up to 20 pieces per liter of urine or single cylinders in the field of view of the microscope. But the probability to detect the excess of the norm in pregnant womenUnfortunately, above.

This is due to a high vulnerability during pregnancy, and hormonal restructuring that the body is experiencing at this time. Therefore, it is possible that in the first trimester the number of cylinders will be higher than the norm, and later normalizes.


So, hyaline cylinders are the only type of cylinderswhich can exist in the urine of a healthy person. At the same time, the number of them should be negligible.

Increasing the concentration of cylinders in the urine can be caused by various reasons, and therefore it is impossible to establish a diagnosis based on the increased concentration of hyaline cylinders.