Define the concept of physical education. What is physical education? Fundamentals, principles and methods. The concept and importance of physical education

Physical education acquires special significance in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. It allows you to strengthen bodily health, as well as the spiritual qualities of a growing person. That is why physical education is one of the sections of pedagogy.

It is based on methods that are inextricably linked with the necessary means, as well as the principles governing this process.

A bit of history

What is physical education? This is nothing more than a pedagogical process that is aimed at improving the functions and form of the human body, during which motor skills and knowledge are established. All this leads to the development of physical qualities.

The origins of this direction in education are rooted in the earliest stage in the development of human society. Its elements existed even during the primitive system. In those days, people built their own housing and obtained food by hunting wild animals. Such activities, which were necessary for existence, contributed to the improvement of the physical abilities of a person. He became stronger, more resilient and faster.

Gradually, people began to pay attention to the fact that those representatives of the tribe, who were more active and mobile, were distinguished by a particularly high efficiency. This contributed to the realization that a person needs to perform exercises, that is, the repetition of actions. This is what formed the basis of physical education.

A person who realized the effect of exercise, began to imitate the movements that were necessary for him in his labor activity. Moreover, he began to do this in his spare time from performing his work duties. So, hunters threw darts, exercising on the image of an animal.

After various motor actions began to be applied outside of labor processes, their meaning changed. Gradually they became nothing more than exercise. This made it possible to significantly expand the sphere of their influence on humans. And first of all, such actions began to relate to his physical improvement.

Subsequently, evolutionary development showed that physical training achieves its best effect when a person begins to engage in it, starting from childhood. That is, in the case of the implementation of the learning process that prepares the child for life and work. All this served as the source of the emergence of physical education in the sense in which we understand it at the present time.

Organized forms of this process existed in ancient Greece. They were used in the form of training youth in sports and military exercises. However, until the times of modern history, such studies continued to be the property of representatives of only the privileged classes, or did not go beyond the training of future warriors.

Concept definition

What is physical education? This is nothing more than movement training. In addition, it means the formation of physical qualities, which are combined with the development of a conscious need for sports knowledge. There are two aspects to this type of education. One of them is physical education. The second is inextricably linked with the improvement of sports skills.

Based on this, you can get a more specific answer to the question "What is physical education?". This is a process necessary to solve some educational and educational problems. Moreover, this direction has all the features that the pedagogical process has. The distinctive ability of such upbringing lies in the systemic formation of motor skills and abilities, which together has a direct impact on the physical capacity of a person.

Methodological principles

Physical education and development becomes possible only with a systematic impact on the human body. The exercises performed in this case can be maximally successful only when the entire system of methods and means (methodology) is in full accordance with the basic rules and patterns of this direction of the pedagogical process.

The existing patterns and rules are called the principles of physical education. Their knowledge, as well as compliance, allows a person to master a specific motor skill. At the same time, a certain physical quality develops in him. It can be flexibility, endurance, strength, etc. And vice versa. A gap in the knowledge of the principles and methods of physical education or their inept application significantly hinder progress in learning movement. At the same time, the formation of much-needed motor qualities is much more difficult.

The main principles of physical education methods, which teachers should be guided by when building classes, are:








Let's take a closer look at the above principles.

Consciousness and activity

The application of such principles in the process of physical education makes it possible to form the meaningfulness of relationships and the steady interest of children in classes. This becomes possible only when there is creative cooperation between the teacher and pupils. The professionalism of the teacher lies in his ability to convey to the children the specific meaning and significance of the exercises they perform. At the same time, it should be explained not only what and how to perform, but also why the teacher suggested this particular movement, and not another, and how it will affect certain functions of the body.

Also, the system of physical education provides for a joint analysis of the successful or unsuccessful performance of certain exercises. At the same time, a search should be made for errors made in the technique of movements, and the reasons for their occurrence. Further, it is necessary to consider ways to eliminate such errors, which will contribute to the conscious and active attitude of children to the learning process, accustom them to introspection, self-assessment, as well as self-control of the ongoing motor activity. This, in turn, will allow students to develop the desire and interest in self-improvement. Such a path is not easy. Passing it involves a lot of hard work.

In the system of physical education, the use of both tiring exercises and "boring" tasks is inevitable. Their implementation becomes possible if children realize the importance of such actions and their necessity for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.


This principle in the physical education of children can be provided with the complex use of a variety of forms. Thus, visibility occurs when:

Motor actions of a teacher or a trained pupil;

Watching educational videos;

Demonstrations of visual aids, as well as diagrams, drawings;

The presence of auditory and visual landmarks, etc.

The use of a wide variety of means and forms of visualization contribute to the most effective solution of the problem of physical education, which consists in the formation of an accurate model of motor activity.

Accessibility and customization

Compliance with these principles provides for strict consideration of the age characteristics, the gender of the pupil, the level of his preparedness, as well as the existing differences in mental and motor abilities. At the same time, the availability of the exercises performed does not mean the complete absence of difficulties in their implementation. It implies a consistent and constant overcoming of them, which is possible with the mobilization of not only the physical, but also the spiritual forces of children. The measure of accessibility must be determined by the teacher. At the same time, he must proceed from the degree of functional, physical and technical readiness of the pupil. After all, what is impossible at the initial stage of training becomes feasible in the future. At the same time, the requirements set by the teacher are subject to constant revision.


This principle is understood as nothing more than the regularity of the classes, as well as the rational distribution of workload and rest. If during the physical education of children after an educational or training session there is an excessively long break, then such a distribution of time can lead to a decrease in the level of working capacity of students.

Systematicity, that is, the continuity of the process of comprehension of motor activity, consists in layering the positive effect of each previous lesson on the next one, which makes it possible to deepen its positive effect. As a result, the results of a number of trainings are summed up in a certain way. There is a kind of cumulative effect of the entire learning system.


This principle provides for a constant increase in the existing requirements for the motor actions of children. This should be achieved by updating, as well as by complicating the exercises used, the conditions of employment, teaching methods and the magnitude of the existing workload. Only this will lead to the development of volitional and physical qualities of a person, to the development of new forms of motor skills and abilities, which, in turn, will affect the improvement of the work of all body systems.

According to the theory of physical education, all the principles discussed above should constitute a unity of methodological provisions and mutually complement each other. A teacher's retreat from even one of them will fail in establishing the learning process and will make all the efforts of the children futile.


What is physical education? It's a certain learning process. In its course, physical exercises and healing natural forces, as well as hygienic factors, are used. All of them are nothing but means of physical education. The main one is exercise. Auxiliaries include natural forces and hygiene procedures.

Physical exercises are understood as motor actions that are designed to solve the problems of this direction in education. At the same time, the number of movements developed and used in sports activities is quite large. These are exercises of cyclic and acyclic, static and dynamic, aerobic and anaerobic directions and many others. All of them differ from each other in their form, direction and content.

Comprehension of the basics of physical education is also impossible without explaining to pupils the need to comply with hygiene rules. This allows you to enhance the effect of the exercises. Such means of physical education as hygienic requirements are imposed on the regime of applied loads and rest, as well as on nutrition. Their implementation is also necessary when applied to the external conditions of training, that is, to the cleanliness and illumination of the room and its ventilation.

Methods of physical development

Ways of this direction of education can be very different. Of the methods of physical development, we can distinguish:

General pedagogical, which are used in all cases of the educational process;

Specific, used only in the conduct of sports activities.

General pedagogical methods are often used in preschool physical education. Of these, verbal influence stands out in particular. The teacher in this case gives the task and manages its implementation, and also controls the behavior of students. The verbal method is considered to be the presentation of an oral assessment, explanation, order, instruction, command, remark, etc. The use of one or another factor of influence directly depends on the age of the trainee and the stage at which the process of learning motor actions is located. The teacher should also take into account the level of intellectual and physical fitness of children, especially when it comes to the physical education of preschoolers.

Among the specific methods are those that recommend strictly regulating the exercises performed. Among them are gaming and competitive. The essence of such methods lies in the fact that they provide for the performance of all physical exercises only in a strictly specified form with a precisely determined load. Conducting such classes has great pedagogical opportunities. Indeed, in this case:

The load is strictly regulated in terms of its intensity and volume, which allows you to vary its dynamics and apply it depending on the psychophysical state of the pupils;

There is the possibility of accurate dosing of rest intervals, which is arranged during a break in the training process and allows you to avoid overstrain of the body's functional systems;

Physical qualities are selectively brought up;

The technique of movements is effectively mastered.

Fundamentals of sports development

The process of physical education is impossible without training. This allows a person to systematically master the most rational ways to control their movements, as well as to acquire motor skills, knowledge and skills necessary for life.

What happens in the case of mastering the technique of a particular exercise? First comes the skill in its implementation. Further, as the movements are learned, a stable skill is gradually acquired. It differs from skill in the degree of mastery, that is, the ability to control the body from the side of human consciousness.

With motor skill, the technique of action is characterized by instability and instability of execution. With further improvement of this process, as well as with repeated repetition of movements, their correction and repetition, a skill is gradually acquired. The result of this is the stability and unity of movements, and, most importantly, the automatism of their control is acquired.

It is possible to train a person in motor actions only if a long, consistent and multi-stage process is carried out. At the first stage (initial learning), the technique of a new movement is formed, which makes it possible to achieve its implementation only in general terms. The training begins with an explanation and a story, as well as a demonstration of the exercise by the teacher. In this case, posters, drawings and other visual aids can be used. At the end of the creation of the initial representation, trial attempts to perform motor actions are made. When it is difficult for the pupil, he learns them in parts. If the motor action is simple enough, then it is mastered as a whole.

When performing movements, there may be no errors. But sometimes they do exist. When passing through the stage of initial learning of exercises, the teacher points out the most common mistakes. They, as a rule, are unnecessary and superfluous movements, enslavement of the body, disturbances in rhythm, as well as consistency in the performance of the necessary action.

The second stage of training is a deep learning of exercises. At the same time, the pupil improves his motor skills. At this stage, he masters the details of movements, performing them separately at first, and only then as a whole. How effectively the task will be completed depends on the correct selection by the teacher of the methods, means and techniques involved in the pedagogical process. In-depth learning of motor actions is preferably carried out with their holistic performance.

At the third stage of training, the formation and improvement of motor skills takes place. It arises due to repeated repetitions of exercises, the implementation of which becomes more familiar, reaching the automation of coordination mechanisms. The main task of this stage is to bring the technique to the required degree of perfection and give it individual features.

Physical improvement of the individual

What gives such an upbringing to a person? It develops his physical qualities. This is the main task of sports education. By physical qualities it is customary to understand:

  1. strength. It is the ability to overcome or counteract external resistances through muscular tension. With the development of strength, thickening and growth of muscle fibers occurs.
  2. Speed. It is a whole complex of properties of the body, which determine the speed characteristics of not only movements, but also reactions.
  3. Endurance. It is understood as the ability to resist fatigue resulting from the ongoing muscular activity.
  4. Agility. A person possessing it can quite accurately and quickly solve the motor tasks assigned to him.
  5. Flexibility. It represents the ability of a person to perform exercises with a large amplitude. Flexibility depends on the elasticity of ligaments and muscles, as well as articular bags. It is influenced by heredity, age, regularity of physical exercises.

The most important task in any family is to raise a healthy child. If children develop physically, a foundation is created on which the framework of a person's personality can be built. Unfortunately, modern statistics show that the physical development, as well as the health of children and adolescents, today leaves much to be desired. Ten years ago, children showed higher rates of physical development than they do now.

Physical education is the foundation for a child to develop harmoniously. Its importance is also great in all-round aspects. It is this kind of upbringing that creates the ground for it to be possible to fully work mentally. In order to work intellectually, you need to spend enough physical strength. If a child is sick, not tempered, then the efficiency of his mental activity is noticeably reduced, while it is easier for a physically healthy person to prove himself in productive work, it is much easier to overcome heavy loads, and overwork in such people is much less common.

Proper physical education contributes to the formation in the child of a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, demanding of himself. This is an excellent tool for strengthening the will. Good physical development is the result of physical education. Due to the fact that it is organized at the proper level, the physical strength of the child can not only be strengthened, but also improved.

Physical education in the family is a multifaceted process that covers the physical education and health activities of the child. It is desirable that he is engaged not only in physical education, but also in some kind of sport - this will help him develop strength and endurance. If we talk about the internal structure and content of physical education, then from this point of view, an important place is given to such a process as the formation of a child's real need for physical education, which can significantly improve health. If a person develops the habit of exercising, then it will be possible to improve his physical strength and overall performance, strengthen his will.

Physical education carries knowledge that will enrich the child's ideas about the essence and significance of physical culture and sports, about how they affect the development of the individual. Thanks to such knowledge, the horizons of children will be significantly expanded both mentally and morally. In addition, this way you can increase their overall culture.

Physical education implies the ability of the child, the desire for sports activities. It can be light or sports games or swimming. When a child does exercises, hardens, he, of course, becomes healthier and more resilient. In addition, daily physical education helps to be alert and energetic all day long, makes the figure toned.

The use of various physical exercises is nothing but the methods of physical education. They are divided into specific and general pedagogical. Their first group is characteristic exclusively for the process of physical education, and the second is used in all cases of training and education. In order to solve specific problems that are associated with teaching the technique of performing physical exercises, the game method, strictly regulated exercises and the competitive method are used.

The generally accepted methods include verbal, as well as methods of visual influence. It is very important that in the methodology of physical education there is no method that could be considered the best. For the successful implementation of the complex of tasks of physical education, it is necessary to optimally combine various methods, based on methodological principles.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION is one of the components of the general system of education, aimed at strengthening human health and its correct physical development. In unity with education, moral and aesthetic education and polytechnic education, physical education ensures the comprehensive development of a person's personality as a full-fledged member of society.

The great importance of physical education for the all-round development of the human personality was pointed out by the classics of Marxism. Leading Russian teachers and public figures have always paid great attention to the issues of physical education of children. V. G. Belinsky called for the correct formulation of physical education from early childhood, pointing out that up to 7 years of age, the upbringing of a child should be predominantly physical, ensuring his health. The great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky associated physical education with labor, considering it a necessary condition for the mental, moral and physical development of a person. He pointed out the need to introduce physical exercises into the school curriculum, as they help fight mental fatigue, refresh the attention and strengthen the memory of students. The original system of physical education was created by the outstanding Russian anatomist and teacher P.F. Lesgaft. He saw the goal of education in the harmonious, all-round development of the child, which can be achieved only through moral, mental and physical education in their unity and interconnection.

The main tasks of physical education are: health promotion and hardening of the body, proper physical development, the formation of the younger generation of the necessary motor skills and abilities, the improvement of physical abilities, the promotion of the creation of the most important moral and volitional qualities (courage, courage, determination, initiative, resourcefulness, willpower ), collective action, organization, conscious discipline, feelings of friendship and camaraderie, clarity in work, habits of order, and others.

Strengthening the health and hardening of the body of young people are achieved in the process of systematic physical exercise, subject to appropriate hygienic conditions. Of particular importance for health promotion are such physical exercises that help to enhance the processes of respiration, blood circulation and metabolism, as well as hardening procedures used in conjunction with physical exercises - air and sun baths, dousing and wiping the body with water, and so on.

The correct physical development of children is achieved by strengthening and improving in the process of physical exercises, primarily the heart and lungs, nervous and muscular systems, the development of correct posture and the development of body forms, which are given the necessary harmony and beauty in the process of physical education. This task is mainly solved by the use of exercises that influence the formation of the skeleton and the strengthening of the skeletal muscles, especially the abdominal and back muscles. In the absence of properly set physical exercises in the physical development of children, there are often shortcomings in the form of stoop, curvature of the spine (scoliosis, lordosis), poor development of the muscular system, and others.

The development and improvement of motor skills and abilities in the process of physical education is achieved through systematic, systematic and purposeful educational and training sessions, which are the most important part of the process of physical education. Special skills in various sports are also of great importance in physical education, since the assimilation of sports equipment allows those involved in certain sports to most fully develop and reveal their physical abilities - muscle strength, physical endurance, agility, speed of movement, and so on.

Physical education starts from early childhood. The main elements of physical education for children aged 1 to 3 years are hygienic care for the child and proper, regular nutrition. It is important to accustom the child to cleanliness, regular bathing, prolonged exposure to clean air, and normal sleep. At this age, children begin to sit down, stand up, walk, run, jump, and so on. All this requires the coordinated work of many muscles. If the child at the same time is left without guidance from adults, he often learns irregular and ugly forms of movements, habits of postures that are harmful to health and physical development. Already at this age, it is necessary to strengthen the muscular system of the child. The best means for this are games related to walking, running, rolling balls, toy carts, carrying various objects, stacking them, and so on. Of great importance for the development of movements are games on a pile of sand, wooden slides with steps and a ramp, “bridges” made of boards, climbing fences, balls and balls for skating, and others.

Physical education of preschool children (from 3 to 7 years old) is becoming more complicated. Along with the care to improve the health and further physical development of children, measures are taken to develop physical endurance and increase the child's body resistance to harmful environmental influences, the formation of the correct skills of basic movements appropriate for age, the development of speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, the education of initiative in children. , discipline, activity in the children's team. All these tasks are solved in mutual connection. Their implementation is facilitated by: the correct regimen, ensuring a hygienic environment in the family and in kindergarten and educating children in cultural and hygienic skills and habits, hardening the child's body, specially selected physical exercises and games. The games of younger preschoolers are distinguished by the simplicity of the plot, they include movements that children already own, in most cases they are built on performing tasks that are accessible to the child and interesting for him (find his “home”, bring an object, etc.). In the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten, the movements in games become more diverse (running, throwing, climbing) and require the manifestation of dexterity, courage, as well as coordinated actions with other children. In the older group, games are used that require stricter implementation of the rules, including elements of competition. With children of middle and older groups of preschool age in kindergarten, compulsory classes are held once a week with specially selected physical exercises, with a total duration of 20-25 minutes for the middle and 25-30 minutes for the older group. An important means of physical education for children of middle and older groups of preschool age is also the daily morning exercises lasting 4-8 minutes.

The main means of physical education at school are , [[sport]], . Physical education of schoolchildren is carried out both during physical education lessons conducted according to a special program at school, and during extracurricular activities. It is important to pay attention to the form in which the student is. Special sports suits for teenagers do not constrain movements, allow the child to feel comfortable during physical education.

Physical education in higher educational institutions is carried out in the form of training sessions (a mandatory course of general physical training and an optional course of sports improvement) and mass sports work (classes in sports sections, participation in sports competitions). Physical education in higher educational institutions aims to improve the health and comprehensive physical development of students based on the complex " [[Ready for labor and defense of the USSR]] ”, educating them in the habit of everyday physical exercises and sports, imparting to them knowledge and skills in the field of physical education methods. The course of general physical training includes gymnastics, sports games, athletics, swimming, skiing. Classes on the optional course of sports improvement are held in sections for individual sports. Mass sports work in higher educational institutions is carried out by higher education teams of physical culture and sports clubs.


In the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, special importance is attached to physical education, which is based on knowledge about the age, individual and psychophysical characteristics of a preschooler.

The physical education of a child in institutions for children of early and preschool age is an important and responsible task of public education, because. all children, from the earliest age, should grow up healthy, strong, harmoniously developed and that they learn well. It is in preschool childhood that health, general endurance, working capacity, active life, and other qualities are formed that are necessary for the all-round harmonious development of the individual. This age is most favorable for hardening the body, mastering elementary vital motor skills and abilities.

By the time they enter school, children must master a certain amount of motor skills that will allow them to adapt to new conditions and requirements for educational activities, help them more successfully master the school curriculum not only at the first, but also at subsequent stages of learning., manifestations interest in independent physical exercises and, in particular, all physical culture and sports activities.

To study the scientific and methodological literature on the research topic.

To characterize the means and methods of physical education for preschool children.

Characteristics of the concepts of physical education

Definitions of concepts: "physical culture", "physical education"

The broadest concept, of all the concepts of the theory of physical education, is physical culture. It includes the content of all the concepts discussed below.

Physical culture is a part of the general culture, a set of achievements of society in the field of physical improvement of a person, accumulated in the process of socio-historical practice (AV Keneman). Material assets include: sports facilities (stadiums, gyms, swimming pools, etc.), inventory (special clothing, shoes, etc.). Spiritual values ​​include: science, works of art.

Physical education is a type of education, the specific content of which is movement training, education of physical qualities, mastery of special physical culture knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education (Fig. 1). Thus, physical education is the science of the general laws governing the process of physical improvement of a person.

Physical development is the process of changing the forms and functions of the human body during an individual life.

Physical training - an applied orientation of physical education in relation to labor or other activities that require physical fitness.

Physical fitness is the level of development of motor skills, abilities, physical qualities.

Physical perfection is a historically determined level of physical development and a high degree of health (AV Keneman).

Rice. one.

When teaching movements that have a semantic meaning, motor actions important for life or sports, students acquire the ability to rationally and fully demonstrate their physical qualities. At the same time, they learn the patterns of movements of their body.

Education of physical qualities is no less significant aspect of physical education. Purposeful management of the progressive development of strength, speed, endurance and other physical qualities affects the complex of natural properties of the body and thereby causes quantitative changes in its functional capabilities.

All physical qualities are innate; given to man in the form of natural inclinations that need to be developed and improved.

In the process of physical education, a wide range of physical culture and sports knowledge of sociological, hygienic, medical-biological and methodological content is also acquired. Knowledge makes the process of physical exercises more meaningful and the power of this more effective.

The theory of physical education of preschool children has a single content and subject of study with the general theory of physical education, at the same time it specifically studies the patterns of physical education of a child in all his age periods (from birth to seven years)

Physical education of preschool children - the science of the general patterns of physical education of the child. In accordance with this, the theory of physical education of young children learns the general laws governing the development of the child in the process of education and training.

The theory of physical education of children defines the tasks of physical education, reveals their essence, the most effective means, methods, forms of organization of the entire press of physical education.

Knowing and taking into account the regularities of the potential abilities of the child, the theory of physical education of children provides for the requirements of a scientifically based program for the entire educational complex of physical education, the assimilation of which provides children with the necessary level of physical fitness.

Physical education of children is a very important indicator in the comprehensive development of the individual. It forms important qualities in the child, such as will, diligence, collectivism.

It is very important that physical education is carried out correctly. And for this it is necessary to understand its role and importance in the development of personality.

The concept and importance of physical education

Physical education is the basis for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual. It is inextricably linked with the intellect: in order to work mentally, you need to expend a certain amount of physical strength. A child who is properly brought up physically is more demanding of himself, he develops a sense of camaraderie and belonging to a team. Physical development is not only strengthening the will, but also improving the strength of a small person.

The child's endurance will be formed in the process of physical education. You can also do some kind of sport. This will help to develop not only physically, but also to improve the whole body. The kid may prefer sports games, or he may plunge into weightlifting or swimming. The child needs to develop the need to engage in physical education and sports. Only such an approach in physical education will strengthen the will of the baby, develop working capacity and make his physical condition more perfect.

Physical education and hardening of children exist inseparably from each other. Hardening the body of a child every day, we make it more resistant to temperature changes in the environment. This procedure also allows you to be cheerful and filled with energy during the day.

Methods of raising a healthy personality

There are general pedagogical and specific methods of physical education. The first category includes play, exercises and competitions. Common methods include visual and verbal influence.

To achieve the desired result, it is not enough to use only one method of physical education. As a rule, they exist in a complex. This allows for a more correct and comprehensive development of personality.

How to organize the conditions for physical education at home

Physical education of the child in the family should be carried out in a complex with classes in kindergarten or nursery. This will make the baby more prepared for work and life, resistant to various kinds of diseases, more interested in physical education. The joint development of the child in the family and preschool will improve his motor skills.

The child's body needs not only physical exercises, but also the influence of the natural forces of nature. That is why they need to be used in combination. Water will cleanse the skin of impurities, the air will supply oxygen and destroy germs, and the sun will contribute to the enrichment of the body with vitamin D. These three natural components can also be used as a separate hardening agent.

Children of early and preschool age need certain mode . They need to eat right, go out into the fresh air, sleep day and night. Another part of the wellness procedures does not require a strict regimen.

In order for the child to sleep peacefully at home, he must be fed no later than an hour before bedtime. Do not yell at your child or disturb him before going to bed. It is advisable to take a warm bath. Put your baby to bed at the same time. Do not make the bed too warm and soft. Do not place the pillow too high.

hardening a child at home also needs to be carried out wisely. First, you should consult with a pediatrician about whether the child can carry out such procedures. If the doctor allows, then you need to start by gargling with cool water, reducing its temperature by 1 degree every three days. Only after the improvement in health becomes noticeable, you can move on to other hardening methods, such as rubbing, dousing the body and legs.

Dress the child is at home and needs to go for a walk according to the weather. Clothing should not overheat the baby's body and hamper his movements. If the child is dressed correctly, he will experience a slight chill while not moving.

It has been proven that children feel more comfortable at room temperature no higher than 20 degrees. This is due to the fact that the thermoregulation of the child's body does not develop at higher temperatures. This situation, in turn, leads to the spread of respiratory diseases.

The child must learn to do everything independently hygiene procedures without adult reminder by 4–5 years of age. By this time, he can already take care of clothes, brush his teeth, wash his hands, use a fork and spoon correctly, put away toys, and make his bed. In addition, the child is already able to independently use toilet paper and a handkerchief.

And of course, no physical education can do without morning exercises . It is best to use the exercises, accompanying them with verses. The child is so much easier and more interesting. At first, only an adult can recite poetry. Then, at the request of the child, he can do it himself.

Doing physical education with kids

At an early age, a more intensive development of the child's body occurs, the necessary skills are formed. This period is characterized by the development of specific behavior of the baby. Physical education of young children can be carried out using sleds, balls, bicycles and other props.

The motor behavior of young children is characterized by the beginning of walking and mastering the coordination of movements. Also at this age, babies begin to run, and for some, running is much better than walking. This is due to the fact that excitation in a child prevails over inhibition. That's why he wants to move.

The motor processes of early age do not end only with walking and running. Many kids are active climb . They strive to overcome obstacles from pillows, boxes, boxes, benches and other things that get in their way. Therefore, they need to organize games with similar obstacles. So, you can use the game "Overcome the obstacle." It consists in laying out various items that are at home on the carpet. These can be sofa cushions, chairs, etc. The child should be encouraged to overcome these obstacles.

Outdoor play together with the baby will also contribute to his physical development. The better the subject-developing environment is created in the family, the greater will be the motor activity of young children. Therefore, advice to parents: find a free place in the apartment and organize it as a play space for children.

As an example, another entertaining game can be cited. It's called "Collecting Balls". To do this, stock up on colorful balls and a large box or basket. Several game options are possible. You can scatter the balls and create barriers to collect them. If the child already distinguishes balls, then ask him to collect balls of any one color. Thus, the child will develop not only physically, but also mentally.

You can play with the baby in "Drive - do not hurt." To do this, you need to hold a wheelchair toy. In a room specially designated for games, you need to put cubes, boxes, skittles, sofa cushions and more. They will act as barriers. First, the adult must show the child what to do. The main objective of this game is to roll the wheelchair toy along a trajectory lined with obstacles. Objects must not be affected. After the adult has shown what the task of the baby is, the child himself must do the same.

"Roll the ball into the gate" is another option for playing with young children. To carry it out, you will need cubes, a ball and a gate, which can be built from improvised materials (other toys). The task of the baby is to roll the ball to the target - cubes or skittles, which are placed in the goal. You need to knock them down.

Working with preschoolers

If at an early age climbing, running and walking only developed, then in the preschool period they begin to improve. Children can already work out on simulators and perform exercises with objects. Their abilities should be developed and the conditions for this should be organized.

In the preschool period, children are already available balance exercises . They can throw light objects or balls. Preschoolers are capable throw and catch . Therefore, with them you can play games where exactly such actions are actively used.

Physical education for preschool children may include running, climbing on simulators, throwing and catching a ball from a short distance. Preschoolers can jump over obstacles, jump on one or two legs. They are also able to climb onto low objects and jump off them.

Throwing skills at preschool age are formed most intensively. If the child is faced with the task of throwing the ball at the target, then he does not control the range and direction of the throw. The child simply releases the ball from his hands. Catching items is also not yet sufficiently developed.

In order for a preschooler to develop physically not only in a special institution, but also at home, it is necessary to organize suitable conditions for this. It is necessary to allocate a separate room for games, cover the floors with a carpet, equip it with simulators and toys. The most important item in the life of a preschooler is a ball. It trains speed of reaction, coordination of movements and accuracy.

Summing up

In conclusion, I would like to give some advice to parents.

  1. For proper physical education, it is necessary to stimulate the need for physical exercises in children. Here an example and attitude to the physical culture of an adult plays a significant role. Parents should know and take into account the needs and interests of their child. No need to forbid him to run or jump. Remember how parents will relate to physical education, the same attitude will be formed in the child himself.
  2. It is necessary to encourage any achievement of the baby, then normal self-esteem will be maintained in it. Having received praise, the child will try even harder to perform one or another useful action. The opinions of both parents about what to do to the child should not diverge, otherwise the baby will not have a positive attitude towards physical education.
  3. It is necessary to monitor his condition during exercise. Parents are not always able to understand why the child does not want to perform simple exercises and is naughty. The point may be that he is tired or wants to watch some interesting cartoon. Parents must learn to understand their baby in order to establish spiritual contact with him.
  4. If the child does not want to train anymore, do not force him to do it. First find out the reason for this behavior. You can continue the lesson only if the problem has been fixed.
  5. No need to punish and scold the child for his failures. They are temporary, as the child only learns a new world for him. Young children react very painfully to their failures and censure of their parents. It is necessary to let the child understand that parents respect his personality and his desires.
  6. It is important to take into account the desires of the child when doing physical education. If some children like running, others may be interested in jumping. Sometimes kids try to imitate their favorite cartoon characters and ask to buy them what their idol does. This should not be surprising. You need to listen to the needs of the child.
  7. Frequent change of physical exercises will not lead to the desired result. If the child is satisfied with the movements that he is performing now, leave everything as it is. This will help you quickly master a particular skill.

All physical exercises should be done seriously, but do not overload the child. When performing charging, it is necessary to take into account the age of the baby. No need to force him to do the exercises if he does not want to. In everything, patience, love and understanding should be manifested.

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