Drainage massage at home. Proper technology of lymphatic drainage at home. Limpodrenage massage of the lower extremities

Cosmetic salons and clinics are widely advertised the procedure of lymphatic laminating foot massage. The article describes in detail the testimony of the procedure, as it may be performed at home, without resorting to the help of expensive cosmetology clinics and cabinets.

The human body for the chemical structure consists of two-thirds liquid. The fluid is inside the cell cells and in the intercellular space. Blood tolerates nutrient elements to the cells and tissues of the body, cleaning from toxins and slags is carried out by means of lymphatic ducts. Under the elected diseases and features of the body, the lymphatic fluid is capable of staring, leading to the development of cellulite and serious diseases: varicose disease or arterial hypertension is quite likely.

To provide the body to eliminate toxins, it is necessary to drink daily 2 liters of pure water. If the body cleansing gives a failure, stagnation affects appearance - edema appear, swelling on the face and other unpleasant moments. The lower limbs react to the lymphatic congestion of gravity, edema, the development of cellulite on the hips and the heads. Vienna on the legs swell, hurt, especially after a long stay in a vertical position.

The trendy type of massage is a lymphodnaya, aims to eliminate the described difficulties. In addition to the outflow of lymphatic fluid, the lymphatic drainage contributes to the stimulation of blood circulation in the lower limbs. In combination with other procedures, it produces a wonderful cosmetology effect - allows you to cure from cellulite, eliminate the edema, make a shape slim and tightened. Making a lymphatic price is quite possible at the beautician and at home.

Handmade lymphatic drainage at home is considered a variety of massage, the technique detects a number of contraindications. Massage is contraindicated in hacking pregnancy, chronic skin diseases, kidney or liver, acute thrombophlebitis, acute infectious diseases and malignant neoplasms. The technique of performing lymphatic drainage independently at home provides handmade massage and the use of special devices.

Hardware procedures are more likely made in the walls of a cosmetic salon by qualified cosmetologists. Divided by varieties. The degree of intensity depends on the applied technology.

The procedure for lymphatic legs manually is quite realistic to do at home. Effectiveness primarily depends on the efforts and efforts. It is convenient to combine two, massage to each other.

Important conditions for the procedure

To make a massage to reach the maximum result, it is important to remember about the selected conditions, it is unquestioned to stick to them:

People who have decided to conduct a healing course at home will have to be persistent and consistent. The duration of the course is 15 procedures. Perform it is recommended every other day.

How to properly carry out a lymphatic drain massage

In medicine, the lymphatic landscape massage of the legs along with other means is considered a remarkable preventive measure against the development of vascular varicose disease. The first signs of the disease becomes the appearance on the skin of the heads of vascular stars, the ethony of stop, caviar, heaviness and pain in the legs after walking or exercise. The technique of lymphatic drainage massage eliminates the solidity, normalizes blood circulation in the legs.

To carry out the drainage, it is recommended to sit down on a low comfortable chair or the ottoman, leg to lift and put on a high stand. The stop should be located no higher than the level of the pelvic region, providing optimal circulation of liquids over the vascular bed. Blood with great difficulty moves along the veins from top to bottom, and venous valves are becoming pledged, which prevent the reverse current of the blood.

The drainage of the lower limb begins from the knee area, towards the hip joint. Then it is prescribed to move to the lower leftovers, ankle and ankle, reinforcing blood outflow from the bottom of the leg. It is required to get on the chair or the chair is extremely convenient, relax, apply a cream or massage balm with soft circular movements of the palms, moving along the leg. The movement warms the limb, stimulating the movement of lymphs by drives.

The edge of the palm slowly slides on the hip area, the impact force gradually increases. After heating of the tissues of the lower limb, slapped on the surface of the thigh from the bottom up to stimulate blood flow. The next step is the intensive stroking of the finiteness from the fingers up. Then it is recommended to clashes the shin's legs with both hands and spend the movement type of squeeze below. For each limb, the duration of the session does not exceed 7 minutes.

Those who often complain about the puppiness in the footsteps, recommended by intensive rubbing and pressure towards the ankle. Pressing is carried out by the soft movements of the pillows of the fingers, gradually moving up the leg.

Varieties of manual drainage massage

Limphoded massage manually is done in two different ways.

When conducting a surface massage, hearing muscles and skin by way of stroking movements, restoring the current of the lymphatic fluid on the corresponding capillaries. Surface drainage unlocks blood flow in small vessels. The lymphatic fluid flows at an accelerated pace into lymph nodes, from there is returned to the purified one. Movement helps to improve the trophic skin processes and subcutaneous fiber, eliminating cellulite symptoms. The procedure is relaxing, should not cause painful sensations.

Deep lymphatic drainage is aimed at deep layers of tissue, affects the nodes and lymphatic channels of the groin area. Massage movements must be carried out in the direction of the outflow of lymphatic fluid. There is an expansion of blood vessels, and the tide of blood to the tissues is enhanced. It turns out the breakdown of fat savings, removal of toxins through lymphatic channels.

Lymphatic drainage massage with the addition of oil and honey

If a desire has arisen that the lymphatic lamp in the home preins the maximum effect, use the auxiliary means: honey and various essential oils. For massage on the legs, two teaspoons of the bee honey will be needed with the addition of several drops of therapeutic aromatic oils. It will be necessary to put this mixture on the palm of hand. They must be tightly pressed against the surfaces of the lower extremities, after which it is sharply tearing. Honey is evenly distributed over the skin of the lower extremities and at the same time partially absorbed into the skin.

After some time, it will be obvious that the hands began to adhere to the skin hollows and the legs are much stronger. The honey then becomes dark and begins to roll from the body in the form of rods. After Honey acquires such a consistency and color, go to the next body area.

Initially, sessions may be painful, with time there is an adaptation of the body. After the session is completed, it is recommended to apply anti-cellulite cream or gel on the skin, reinforcing the result of a drainage massage.

Of course, modern cosmetology has an extensive arsenal of funds for body care and the return of youth and beauty. However, it is not necessary to neglect simple things: the correct way of life, physical activity and full-fledged balanced nutrition. Only in the complex the effect of cosmetic procedures will be maximal.

Lymph - tissue fluid, the main task of which is the transportation of water and proteins into the blood from the intercellular spaces, as well as the withdrawal of toxins and harmful substances. Slow circulation of it on a certain site in the human body on a special vessels and capillaries is called lymphotok.

There are situations when the flow rate of lymphs is even more slowed down, it is formed. This leads to the fact that the cell regeneration ceases, they cease to be saturated with oxygen, accumulate toxins, are prematurely age.

Lymphatic laminating foot massage (lymphomassage) is a healing procedure that contributes to the resumption of normal lymphotok, to improve the metabolism that has a rejuvenating effect on the skin and improving the overall health.

Conduct limb (hips, ankles, ankle), face and whole body.

The lymphatic indica method is used not only as a method of treatment, but also for the organism rejuvenation.

Causes of deceleration of lymphotoka

Reasons Slowing current of lymphatic fluid called:

  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • work associated with a long-term seat in one place;
  • long flights and trips to transport;
  • bad habits (inclination to smoking);
  • receiving some medicines;
  • overwork and stress, emotional shocks;
  • age;
  • we carry uncomfortable or incorrectly selected, cramped linen.

As a result of this violation of the normal speed of the tissue fluid, the following changes occur:

  • weaken the walls of the vessels, the tone is reduced, elasticity is lost;
  • headaches appear and chronic diseases are complicated, new (cellulite) appear;
  • there are edema;
  • overweight is gaining;
  • the skin becomes a flabby;
  • immunity is weakened, the person becomes more susceptible to viruses, cold.

Important conditions for passing the procedure

Relevant conditions for holding lymphatic drainage are:

  • lack of painful sensations;
  • use for the procedure of special oils and creams;
  • acceptance of a relaxing bath in front of a massage (using esters);
  • abundant drink during the treatment period (they recommend to use at least two liters of water per day, it is forbidden to drink within a few hours after the session);
  • combination of massage with physical education.

Varieties of draining massage

Allocate the following varieties of lymphatic drainage;

  • manual - is carried out by performing lung pressure and smooth slides of the hands in the direction of lymphotok, special massage mixtures are used;
  • hardware - performed using various devices.

Manual lymphatic drain massage

This type of manipulation is attractive in that it can be performed independently.

Indications and contraindications

Lymphomassage can be started if observed:

  • overweight;
  • swelling;
  • varicose disease;
  • outsurance of the body toxins.

Limmphodnage of the lower extremities is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, sharp bacterial infections, hepatitis, pneumothorax, osteoporosis, oncology, diabetes, skin diseases, herpes (in the active phase);
  • in the presence of skin defects (burns, wounds);
  • in the postoperative period.

Technique implementation

Manual lymphomassage is performed by several technicians. In accordance with them, his subspecies allocate:

  • surface (muscles and skin heated by stroking, which contributes to the resumption of blood flow in small vessels);
  • deep (it makes it possible to affect deep tissues, contributes to the outflow of lymphs from internal organs);
  • internal (acts on lymphatic nodes).

Before starting to perform a massage, you need to take the right position (sitting on a low chair, the foot is on a high stand), with soft circular motions to apply cream or balm. Then go directly to the procedure. Moves begins from the knee and head to the thigh. Then one should go down below (ankle, ankle and ankle joint, stop) are massaged.

The first stage of the drainage lies in the product of light slides (edge \u200b\u200bof the palm), gradually the strength of their exposure increases, they are carried out from the bottom up. Then conduct intense stroking movements (from finite fingers up). The shin is wrapped with both hands, extruding from the bottom upwards. The entire drainage procedure for each leg takes no more than seven minutes.

To carry out a lymphatic laminating foot massage at home, practice the use of a mixture of two teaspoons of honey and several droplets of essential oil.

It is triturated in the palms and tightly pressed to the surface of the legs. Then they cut the hands sharply and apply again. The procedure is made until the mixture starts to roll from the skin in the form of rollers. After self-massage make on another part of the body.

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage

The hardware lymphatic labeled foot massage is aimed at improving the passage of metabolic processes in the body.

With it, it takes place from many diseases, weight loss and changes in the appearance of the skin (rejuvenation).

The price of hardware lymphatic lamp depends on the region and the type of procedure and varies from 500 to 3000 rubles.


  • press therapy;
  • evacuation;
  • mostimulation.

Press therapy

The procedure that implies use during a special costume massage. It alternately serves a certain amount of air alternately, alternately different areas of the skin are massaged.


During massage, special vacuum tubes are used. They move through the body and stimulate a more intense movement of lymphotok.


Mostimulation is a lymphatic drainage massage conducted by exposure to current pulses on tissues and human organs. The muscles are actively reduced by electrical exposure, which contributes to their update, allows to improve blood circulation and the movement of lymphatic fluid.

Use of massage

The positive effect of lymphatic drainage is as follows:

  • immune system is strengthened;
  • improves psychological and emotional state;
  • stress and internal stress are removed;
  • restored lymphotok, it takes place from the varicose
  • leaves over the intercellular fluid.

The full course of lymphatic massage includes 15 sessions.

Prevention measures

To avoid slowing the Lymph Current in the body, it should be remembered about certain rules for preventing the disease and steadily perform them.

For prevention, it is necessary:

  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • to regularly visit the bath or sauna (arteries and veins are expanded, blood flow and lymphotok improves);
  • perform exercise (jumping on a trampoline or with a rope);
  • make small walks through a certain period of time (5-10 minutes, especially with sedentary work);
  • engage in yin yoga (in each specific pose, the body under its own severity presses on certain areas of the lymphatic system, thereby contributing to the elimination of Lymph Castoev);
  • implement body lifts (lying on the back, both legs to raise up, and to maintain a waist for 2-3 minutes);
  • apply hydrotherapy (impact on the body alternately hot and cold water);
  • conduct peeling skin (get rid of dead cells using a special brush);
  • practice deep breathing (you need to perform daily).

The lymphatic drainage massage of the lower extremities is the method of treatment that contributes to the restoration of the normal movement of Lymph, has a beneficial effect on the entire human body.

To spend it yourself, it is necessary to own special medical knowledge (to understand the principle of movement of lymphs, correctly determine the direction of lymphotok). Otherwise, the specialist will cope with the performance.

The lymphatic system is responsible for the elimination of harmful substances formed in the process of human vital activity. The deterioration in the lymphosystem leads to the fact that the waste products are not removed, but they accumulate, therefore, the body's intoxication occurs. Everything else the lymph nodes contribute to the destruction of microbes. To stimulate the work of the lymphatic system and facilitating the movement of fluid in the body, a lymphatic drainage massage is necessary.

What is a lymphatic drain massage?

This is a physiotherapeutic procedure that derives toxic formations and excessive fluid from the body. The main effect of lymphatic drainage is contained in increasing the speed of lymphotok. It helps organs faster to get rid of decay products and get more nutrients and oxygen.

The basis of the lymphatic session is the knowledge of the arrangement of lymph nodes and the directions of the Lymph movement. This is an absolutely painless process based on stroking and pressing.

Specialists in cosmetology and medical workers strongly advise this simple, but the effective procedure is at least once a week, which will help without interference surgeons look young.

Indications and contraindications

The foundation for the purpose of the course can serve the following problems of the body:

  • skin swelling;
  • varicose limbs;
  • excess fat deposits;
  • reduced turgor skin;
  • violation of metabolism;
  • the presence of postoperative and burn scars and stretch marks;
  • weakening of lymphotok with cellulite;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • blood impairment in the limbs.

Like any therapeutic procedure, lymphaticenage has contraindications:

  • acute stage of thrombophlebitis;
  • increased vessel fragility;
  • various skin diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • disease lymph nodes;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • benign tumors prone to growth;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • frequent headaches of unclear etymology;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus of any form;
  • menstruation;
  • infectious diseases.

Zones for lymphodroenaga

Excess fluids can accumulate in different parts of the body, especially the face and legs suffer from this:

  • The lymphatic drainage massage of the face removes swelling, redness, lethargy of the skin, change the complexion. It is also prescribed with acne rash, in the presence of mimic wrinkles. It helps with postoperative skin restoration.
  • Lymphatic lands under the eyes are performed during the face massage. This procedure relieves swelling under the eyes, returns the elasticity of the skin, gives a healthy, fresh look. The lymphatic design for the face and the area around the eyes should be a specially trained cosmetologist or massage therapist in the salon conditions, since unqualified appeal in this case can harm health. It is impossible to conduct it in the presence of glasses on the skin, neuralgia of the facial nerve, onco-scabers.
  • Limphoded body massage is used in anti-cellulite programs and for modeling the body. It stimulates the exchange processes, accelerates the movement of blood and lymph, which helps reduce the volume and weight of the body.
  • Lymphatic laminating legs will help those who suffer edema and feeling of gravity in the limbs. A session can be carried out separately or enter the common body massage. A serious contraindication in this case is thrombophlebitis.

Techniques of lymphatic drainage massage

According to the degree of impact on the body, three techniques can be noted:

  1. Surface lymphatic drainage has a positive effect on small vessels. The massage therapist makes circular movements with a slight press on the fabric, which facilitates the promotion of lymph to the nodes, relieves the spasms of the vessels. To enhance the effect, it is preloaded using relaxing techniques to remove muscle tension.
  2. Deep technique accordingly stimulates muscle layers of fabrics. In this case, the most intensive impact of the massage therapist on the patient's body is assumed. In-depths enhance the blood flow, improve the tone in the muscles, expand the vessels that helps the fluid to actively move through the intercellular spaces. This technique perfectly reduces the volumes of buttocks and hips.
  3. The point or projection lymphatic modeling is working as the area of \u200b\u200bprojections of the main lymph nodes. This involves the use of microclasting therapy, pressotherapy or LPG massage.

By ways of action on the body there are two main techniques: manual and hardware, which often complement each other:

  1. Manual assumes the exact, gentle, measured impact of the hands of a massage therapist on the lymphatic area of \u200b\u200bthe body, so the qualification of the master and his experience is very important. The delicacy of the procedure improves its quality, which leads to excellent results. The impact intensity increases gradually by the middle of the session. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly follow the direction of movement from the lower part of the body to the top, which allows liquids to smoothly change the direction and the pace of movement.
  2. Massage using equipment is based on the use of electrical pulses, which, when influencing the tissue, stimulate the removal of the accumulated lymphatic fluid. It happens the following types:
    • Galvanization. The exchange processes in the skin are activated by the current of low voltage, which eliminates it from the excess fluid.
    • Electrioionophoresis. In the skin with the help of electrodes, substances are introduced, which stimulate the removal of toxic formations from the pore of the skin at the same time moisturizing it.
    • Process machine. A special suit, attached to the client, and two connected microprocessor create pressure onto the whole body, which accelerates the circulation of the liquid and its elimination naturally. This is the most efficient method, the action of which is similar to the work of the hands of the massage therapist.
    • Vacuum massage. The increase in the drainage of the lymphatic fluid causes the effect of negative pressure. This method is quite complicated, requires perfect knowledge, and entrust its holding a better professional who can control the strength of action, otherwise you can damage the tissues of the epidermis.
    • Lymphatic in microtoks. Very low electric pulses aimed at the top layer of the skin, relax the muscles of the face. This contributes to the smoothing of wrinkles on the forehead and near the lips.

Each method of conducting lymphatic drainage has its specific effect on the human body. Depending on the problematic zones of the patient's body, the following techniques are used:

  • Lymphatic equipment will be applied in anti-easture correction of the figure. Masseur uses smooth and sliding rubbing, soft rhythmic movements and stroking. In-depth equipment involves affecting the tissue of the muscles, the techniques in this case are performed intensively. The same method is effective to prevent complications in varicose veins and in the anti-cellulite program, has a soothing effect.
  • Anti-cellulite technique removes fatty sediment hypertrophy, the so-called orange crust. Relaxation of soft tissues, removal of excess fluid and toxins, breaking the connective and adipose tissues restores blood circulation in places affected by cellulite. It is done locally, on the ground with violations detected. If there are many such areas, they alternate. The main purpose of this technique is the resumption of microcirculation in certain problem places, as this is the main thing in the treatment of cellulite.
  • Lipolytic technique focuses on a decrease in subcutaneous fatty fiber. It is perfect only in the case of local cosmetic body defects in combination with cellulite. The main condition at the same time is the lack of stagnation of fluid, so this technique is used after the elimination of stagnation of lymphs and anti-cellulite sessions. The essence of the methodology consists in a smooth transition from superficial to deeper effects exclusively on subcutaneous fat tissue, so special techniques are used here that allow you to control the penetration depth.
  • Modeling technique at the moment the most famous method of correction of the figure. All attention when using this species is paid to the best action on specific zones. The impact intensity is signed personally for each patient. This technique is very comfortable, there are no painful techniques in it, and the fat layer is significantly reduced, the fluid yield is facilitated, the skin becomes easier to breathe.
  • The lifting technique is used in acute impaired skin condition, for example, after sharp weight loss, pregnancy and childbirth. The technique enhances the metabolism, stimulates the production of collagen, which warns the fading of the skin.

Procedure - Step-by-step instructions

The lymphatic massage session includes three main stages:

  1. Preparation. The course is selected personally for each client depending on the problem. As a rule, preventive courses are 6 - 12 sessions held every other day. To achieve the best result in front of the session, the patient must have enough fluid. The client undresses and stacked on the couch. Cleansing gel massage therapist removes pollution from skin, then applies cream or oil. If the use of hardware is assumed, it is recommended to preheat the skin with a manual massage, and then apply a special composition. At the time of holding, all conditions are created for the complete relaxation of the patient, the comfortable room temperature is necessarily maintained.
  2. Performance. Principles of lymphatic drainage are based on the rules of classical massage. The procedure always begins with impact on lymph nodes. All further techniques are carried out strictly by the flow of lymph to the nearest lymph nodes. Stroking should be gentle, wave, performed slowly and soft enough. The duration of the session depending on the size of the problem areas ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  3. Completion. At the end of the session, the skin in the processing zone is cleared from the residues of the massage cream or oils (with dry skin it can not be done), after which the moisturizing milk or cream is applied.

This procedure does not need to prepare specifically. There are only a few conditions, the execution of which will make it more efficient:

  • throughout the course it is unwanted to smoke and drink alcohol;
  • in the evening it is unwanted to take a large amount of food and liquid;
  • conduct it better in the evening, a few hours after meals.

Before a session you need:

  • clear body carefully, having taken a shower;
  • it is advisable to comprehend to improve the penetration of a massage therapist to the skin.
  • ten minutes to stay at rest, better lying;
  • it is necessary to drink, preferably simply warm water;
  • apply lymphatic wrapping to extend the outflow of lymph.


The course of the lymphatic drainage is an effective means of relaxation and strengthening the body. After the first procedure in the body, there is ease, a decrease in swelling, and after a full course of 6 - 12 procedures, the following positive changes are noted:

  • the body's mass is significantly reduced, especially edema origin;
  • headaches disappear;
  • chronic fatigue passes;
  • the skin becomes smooth, elastic, acquires a healthy color;
  • improved mood;
  • immunity strengthened;
  • improve exchange processes in tissues;
  • increases the elasticity of skin cover;
  • correct flaws of the figure.

Lymphatic drainage massage - before and after the procedure

Possible complications and side effects

The lymphatic drainage massage is a physiological procedure, so in the absence of contraindications, it practically does not cause complications and unwanted effects. Sometimes after a session spent using the apparatus, light bruises appear. The reason for this is the increased fragility of the vessels, which is most often found in smoking patients. As a rule, these cosmetic defects do not deliver anxiety to the patient and quickly pass.

Lymphatic drainage massage at home

Not every woman due to the workload of business or financial problems can afford a full course of a lymphatic drainage massage. But if you give him literally a few minutes a day at home, then the campaign to the masseur can be postponed.

To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to carefully prepare, having studied the location of lymphatic zones, the principles of the Lymph movement, which will allow to get rid of unpleasant consequences with the incorrect execution methodology.

At the first stage, it is necessary to warm up the body by taking a bath or shower. For massage, special lymphatic or anti-cellulite creams are used, essential oils, and the use of honey will make it even more efficiently, since Honey enhances the removal of toxic formations.

Workout at homemade lymphatic drainage is not required. The movements of the hands for the start should be free, stroking, gradually turning into the spring and patting, going to the direction of lymphotocks. These movements should not be kneading and hurt.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to relax over several hours, so it is best to perform it in the evening. The duration of the home session is no more than 30 minutes.

Masseurs and cosmetologists ultimately do not recommend spending at home lymphatic in the face. In any case, the doctor's advice is necessary for this procedure to avoid undesirable consequences.

Cost of procedure

The price of a single lymphatic massage session is relatively small. The cost depends on the value of the area, on the duration of the procedure and on the qualification of the wizard. For example, the lymphatic lands in the cabin costs from 600 to 900 rubles. Massage of other parts of the body is a bit more expensive - from 1000 rubles. The cost of lymphatication of the whole body begins from 2000 rubles. and higher. As a rule, a discount is provided for a course of 10-15 procedures in all salons and clinics.

Impact on fabric aimed at strengthening the outflow of lymph, has many advantages. This is the removal of edema, and the treatment of veins diseases, and eliminate other health problems. But in addition, the lymphodine body massage helps to simulate its outlines, eliminating excess fat and tightening the skin.

Read in this article

Lymphatic drain massage: what it is

The lymphatic drainage massage is a special method of manual or hardware effect on lymph nodes and lymphotok, which allows to normalize the movement of lymphs in the body. It accelerates, as a result, the manipulation eliminates the excess fluid (it goes through the pores along with the sweat), contributes to the elimination of toxic substances together with it, improves overall well-being.

The main components of the procedures are stroking and pressing according to a specific scheme that should not cause pain and discomfort. Already after a single session, the organs receive more oxygen, nutrients.

Essence of the procedure

Stagnation in the work of the lymphatic system leads to intoxication due to the accumulation of slags. A massage provides such an impact on the fabric that stimulates the rate of removal of fluid, it means that of harmful substances. Obtaining oxygen cells and useful components also increases.

Thanks to a regular procedure based on stroking and pressing in the localization areas of lymph nodes and promoting the outflow of lymph, it will be possible not only to feel better, but also look younger.

What is the lymphatic drain massage

The lymphatic drainage massage normalizes the circulation of biological fluids in the body, so needed for:

  • elimination of edema, including postoperative;
  • reduction of body volumes due to a reduction in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer and removing excess fluid;
  • smoothing and skin rejuvenation due to improving the nutrition of its cells, with oxygen supply;
  • enhancing immunity, improving overall well-being, strengthening the nervous system;
  • prevention of varicose and control against it at the initial stages of the disease.

Depending on the spectrum and the degree of development of problems, superficial or deep impact is selected.

Indications and benefits

Many would like to know how to make lymphatic brand massage. But the procedure, if applied in cosmetology, has certain readings:

  • cellulite;
  • local fat deposition;
  • swelling at different parts of the body;
  • dry skin;
  • weakening and sagging of soft tissues.

Simultaneously with the elimination of purely external flaws, the result is the following positive changes:

  • amplification of skin cell regeneration;
  • strengthening general immunity;
  • removing the nervous voltage;
  • normalization of lymph outflow;
  • strengthening venous walls;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body.

The right technique of lymphatic drainage body massage leads to a general rejuvenation of the body, weight loss, improving overall well-being, and also warns the abnormal development of adipose tissue, that is, the formation of cellulite.

Lymphatic drain massage: for and against

The lymphatic drainage massage causes an opinion among specialists for conducting the procedure and against, but the first is more likely if the patient is at the same time:

  • there are indications for the execution of manipulation, that is, excess weight, flabby, buggy skin, weak muscles;
  • there are no serious heart and vessel pathology, tuberculosis, kidney problems, thrombophlebitis, infections, pregnancy, oncoabolic;
  • no skin problems in the exposure zone;
  • there is a good specialist for performing the procedure.

The opinion against the implementation of the lymphatic drain massage is justified when the patient:

  • many moles on the skin, there are scratches, eczema, other damage;
  • there are other pathologies in which the impact is prohibited;
  • there is poor well-being present, and the reason for him is not clarified;
  • after the session there were unpleasant sensations, weakness, signs of unhealthy.

The latter may mean that the massage is incorrect, or a person has contraindications to him, which he does not know, or hid them from a specialist.

Do not also make manipulation too often. This can cause changes in the work of the lymphatic system, it will stop independently adjusting the fluid outflow.

Features of technology

Methods of massage effects on the lymphatic system are several. But each of them is a soft and smooth stroking, pressure, sliding in the direction of Lymph current. There should be no visible traces on the skin after the procedure.

First of all, it is necessary to warm up the problem zone using strokes on the Lymph movement lines. There are several movements in one place with movement to neighboring sites. Lymphotok lines are located like this:

  • neck - chest;
  • wrist - shoulder;
  • belly is a hip joint;
  • leg - thigh.

After the preparatory stage, the main one, which consists in active movement of the edge of the palm to lymph nodes. The latter are located:

  • under the lower jaw on the right and left;
  • on the sides of the neck;
  • armpits;
  • on the bends of the elbow;
  • in the middle of the chest;
  • kneeling;
  • in groin.
Manual lymphatic drainage body massage technique

Types of massage

The procedure is made manual or using different devices. In accordance with this, there are its types:

  • Hardware Lymphatic Body Massage Produce using several types of equipment. It is a pressure on different parts of the body using compressed air supplied to the cuff. Microcurrents ensure the same drainage effect on lymph due to the effects of pulses sent through the electrodes. The vacuum procedure is made with the help of cans that provide pressure on the skin surface.
  • Lympagative Hand Massage Body It is divided into several subspecies. Surfaces are made to expand capillaries, pushing the exchange processes in the skin and below layers. The deep impact stimulates the removal of fluid from the internal organs due to more intensive influence on the vascular system. Internal massage is the development of lymphatic nodes.

About how hardware lymphatic drainage massage is carried out, see this video:

Lymphatic drainage hardware massage

Limphoded hardware anti-cellulite and healing massage is distributed in the following types:

  • Press therapy. This is the use of special cuffs worn on different areas of the body. In the compartments with the help of the device alternately fed air, as a result of which the problem areas are pressure. It pushes lymph in the right direction.
  • . This method is used mainly for a person who is pre-applied by a conductive gel. They are watering by nozzles from which an electrical impact proceeds. It reaches sufficient depth to force lymph to move faster in the right direction. Microcles massage and body. Specialist puts on gloves that are connected to the apparatus. The impact is carried out simultaneously by microcles and hands of a massage therapist.

Microcurrent therapy
  • Endermology, or LPG. It uses a nozzle with rollers, which capture and knead the skin, simultaneously moving in the direction of lymphotok. Not only mechanical, but also vacuum and wave impact. The patient is pre-equipped a special suit.

How made vacuum lymphatic massage

Vacuum professional lymphatic drainage massage can be performed manually using a device for pressotherapy or instrument with special nozzles. In the first case, the specialist uses silicone banks, which effects not only on the skin, but also fat fiber, muscles according to the scheme. The gliding gel or oil is pre-applied to the surface.

Similarly, a hardware vacuum manipulation is carried out. Only the intensity of the impact can be adjusted by setting the program to the device. By the body on which the oil is applied, they water the nozzle sucking the skin fold. The direction of movement is the same as in other cases, that is, in the current of Lymph.

What is a lymphatic drainage body massage for weight loss

Limphoded body massage, prescribed for weight loss, is primarily a deep effect on fat fiber, but also acceleration of lymph movement. Therefore, it is best to use hardware manipulation, it will ensure the destruction of fat cells and removing the fluid for a shorter session duration.

The effect is achieved by simultaneously using vacuum, mechanical impact and influence on the functioning of the lymphatic system as a whole. Due to the normalization of intracellular processes, external changes occur:

  • the thickness of the fat layer decreases;
  • reduced volume of fluid in tissues;
  • muscles and leather are tightened.

Before and after lymphatic massage

Usually prescribed a course of 10 procedures, 2 sessions are performed a week. It is important to supplement the lymphodenage with the right nutrition, reasonable physical activity and consumption of sufficient water.

What is a trunk lymphatic drain massage

A trunk special lymphatic drainage massage involves enhanced effect on lymphatic centers, not vessels and capillaries. This, as well as the presence of special techniques and intensity, it differs from tissue. The main manipulation requires pre-warming of the skin. Only then work with large and deeper vessels is allowed.

Impact strength It is important to dispense to ensure not only fluid outflow, but also further movement of lymphs into the bloodstream system.

During and after the procedure there should be no pain and bruises. Therefore, the main massage makes only a specialist, while the lightweight version of the tissue can be performed independently using the brush.


The procedure and in a lightweight variant gives a strong impact on the body. Therefore, the lymphatic robust massage of the bodies of contraindications has with any of his form:

  • problems with vessels (thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, last degree of varicose);
  • heavy heart pathology;
  • skin diseases;
  • lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • acute stage of the inflammatory process;
  • oncological disease;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

How to spend at home

One of the conditions for the success of the lymphatic drainage is a professional approach. It is best to make it from a specialist in the cabin. The procedure can be done at home, but only pre-learning the right manipulations and scheme.

The most affordable and efficient option is the Japanese lymphatic drainage body massage. It is an impact not on all its sites, but only on those on whom health and appearance depend. Massage is done by "speeding", and not in stages (from the back and down to the legs). The following sections are being worked out in this order:

  • zone of clavicle;
  • groin area;
  • knee;
  • ionic muscles;
  • feet on bending;
  • heel area;
  • buttocks;
  • small of the back;
  • stomach;
  • brushes;
  • elbows;
  • armpits zone;
  • head;
  • chest area;
  • legs.

The impact on each zone is not single, after several manipulations it should be repeated. In general, the procedure lasts 15 - 30 minutes. As a result, the lymphatic drainage massage of the Yukuko Body Tanaka stimulates blood circulation, improves the functions of the muscular system and nerves. The effect of such impacts becomes a decrease in the volume of problem areas, the disappearance of cellulite, rejuvenation and tightening soft tissues.

The diagram of body lymphatic massage for self-use can be more narrow:

  • Neat pressing on lymph nodes (above the clavicle, in the zone of the abdominal cavity, abdomen, groin). It repeats several times and is carried out on top of bottom.
  • Soft wave-like motions from the bottom up (at different depths of exposure), activating vessels and nervous receptors. Additionally, lymph nodes are worked out: popling, in groin, intra-abdominal, above the clavicle.

See this video about the execution of the Japanese lymphatic drainage massage:

Lee is useful to lymphatic self-resistant

The lymphatic regulatory self-massage, made in all rules, does not compare with professional, but still with it can be improved by health and appearance. It is performed on dry skin using a brush with a natural pile. Before the procedure, you need to drink a glass of slightly warm water. Move you need to do this:

  • "Draw" straight lines on the soles of the feet from the fingers to the heel;
  • on the outer side of the stop in the same direction;
  • from the lower part of the shin to the knee, from it to the hip;
  • the same on the back of the legs;
  • circular motions on the buttocks;
  • on the back from the thoracic spine to the neck and shoulders;
  • in front of the bottom of the face to the upper edge of the mammary glands to the center;
  • belly circular passes clockwise.

Manipulations are performed with a soft pressure, slowly. You should start with a 3-5-minute impact. As you get acquainted, you can increase the duration of the procedure up to 10-15 minutes. After it, it is necessary to take a contrasting shower and apply a moisturizing body for the body. You should also drink 200 ml of water with lemon juice. If the result was the feeling of heat and comfort, it means that the massage is made true.

Hands should not be touched, the axillary zone and inguinal, where lymph nodes are located. The inner part of the hips is also better not to expose.

Lymphatic pants: Contraindications

Lymphatic pants are used to eliminate cellulite on legs, fighting the initial stage of varicose disease and disease prevention, so they have the following contraindications, in addition to general:

  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis;
  • varicose knots;
  • neoplasms in the field of exposure;
  • damage and infections of the skin on the legs, hips;
  • limb injuries;
  • the presence of metal implants in the zone of influence.

It is impossible to perform a procedure for pregnancy, elevated temperature, heart disease, epilepsy. Always before appointing the procedure should be reported by a specialist about all available diagnoses.

Is it possible to make a lymphatic drain massage to a child

Lymphatic drainage massage to a small child is prescribed during overweight, to restore after injury, eliminated due to damage to the swelling. He should only do a specialist in the prescription of a pediatrician or traumaologist. It is always a manual impact, the hardware procedure for children is not needed. Usually prescribe it to patients older than 1 year.

How much should the course of the lymphatic drainage massage

The course of professional lymphatic drainage massage consists of 7-15 sessions. More precisely, this will determine the specialist, meaning the type and severity of the problems that caused its use.

Homemassage can be done 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 months. Then you should forget about it for 30-40 days and you can repeat the course again.

How often can a lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage with a prophylactic and community goal
Make 2 times a year. If there are already problems eliminated by this type of impact (varicose veins, swelling, etc.), permissible passage of 4 courses during the same period.

The frequency of the procedure is similar to the facial rejuvenation and correction of body contours.

The number of sessions during the course is 1-2 per week. If we are talking about superficial effects, you can make a massage every 2 days with good tolerability.

The lymphatic drainage massage of the body gives pronounced changes if you compare what was before and after the procedure is the elimination of edema, a decrease in body volumes and others. But it is necessary to prepare to it and execute certain recommendations upon completion to strengthen the result:

  • before manipulation, water should be drinked, but you can not nourdies;
  • during the course it is extremely desirable not to overload the body by an abundance of heavy food, smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • water should be used 1.5-2 liters per day;
  • the skin after the procedure is cleaned if it was carried out on the oil or gel, be sure to moisturize;
  • at the end of the session, it is better not to get up immediately from the couch, but to relax 10 minutes.

What is the difference between the lymphatic drainage massage from the classic

The lymphatic drain massage in many respects is different from the classic:

  • implies the use of a smaller reception;
  • the impact is mainly on the lymphatic system, not the muscles, bundles, joints, as with the "classic";
  • the intensity of pressure on the fabric is lower, but this does not reduce efficiency.

In general, the classical procedure is a more general impact on the body, and the lymphatic drainage is narrow-directional.

Lymphatic Body Massage: Effect After Course

The lymphatic drainage body massage provides the following effect:

  • elimination of edema;
  • reduction of body weight and volumes in the exposure zone;
  • tightening and improving skin elasticity, more recent color;
  • termination of headaches;
  • the patient has contraindications to the procedure.

Sometimes swelling is caused by cardiovascular pathologies. And here the lymphatic drainage can aggravate the situation, and not to fix.

What are the lymphatic regulatory procedures for the body

There are the following lymphatic procedures for improving body contours and general condition:

In addition, there are procedures for individual parts of the body. For them, cuffs are used with pressure, for example, on the hand, the bottom of the body to the waist, the feet, at the same time belly, sides and lower back.

For each type of massage, oil or cream is used. After exposure, if it is correct, there are sensations of heat and ease. And the pronounced positive changes appearance will appear at the end of the course out of 10 - 20 weekly procedures.

Useful video

See this video about how the lymphatic drain massage with honey and its benefits are performed:

Now every patient can conduct lymphatic laminating at home, using special banks or apparatus for this. This is a procedure that should affect the stagnant lymph by massage the zone of the vessels and the lymph nodes themselves.


In some cases, such drainage can harm the body. Patients should know all contraindications when the treatment should not be carried out:

  • the lymphatic lamp is not done if there is inflammation or impairment of its integrity on the skin;
  • under swelling of the heart muscle (heart failure, myocarditis);
  • various fungal diseases (keratomicosis, candidis, etc.);
  • oncology or tumor presence;
  • tuberculosis (lung disease);
  • diabetes mellitus (lack of insulin in blood);
  • the lymphatic lamp is prohibited by patients with asthma (seizures of suffocation);
  • in cardiovascular diseases in the third stage;
  • after the Wagotomy (surgery for the treatment of stomach ulcers);
  • with renal failure;
  • with increased lymph nodes;
  • in the presence of thrombov;
  • for fractures;
  • during pregnancy and during lactation (breastfeeding);
  • lymphatic drainage is contraindicated, if the patient has thin and sensitive vessels;
  • with epilepsy (nervous disease);
  • with the sharp form of herpes.

In any case, the consultation of a specialist is required before holding a home massage, since a number of contraindications can not be guessed. The attending physician will be able to advise and adjust the right technique.


Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to find out if there is a need for this. Lymphatic drainage can be carried out in such cases: with age, the skin has lost elasticity and elasticity;

  • for one reason or another was lost healthy, natural skin color;
  • the body is disturbed by water balance;
  • cellulite appeared on the skin;
  • limphodroenage is needed if the skin swells in different places;
  • there was intoxication of the body;
  • there is a need to make contours of the figure and faces more perfect;
  • the skin on the face or elsewhere covers the angry rash;
  • varicose varicose (extension of veins) was found at an early stage;
  • in the future, the surgical surgery on the face or body is to be presented, so it is necessary to prepare the body for it;
  • lymphatic drainage is prescribed as a complex leaving during the treatment of obesity;
  • for diseases associated with metabolism;
  • with low immunite, fatigue, drowsiness and deficiency of energy.

Lymphatic drainage is permissible as a disease prevention to improve blood circulation. This is especially useful to those patients who lead a low-wear lifestyle.

Hardware massage at home

This type of massage can be held at home with banks (they can be made of silicone, rubber or glass) or special devices. Depending on the purpose of the procedure, the containers will have different sizes and shapes. Before buying, consult with a specialist or seller.

Glass cans, for example, by numerous reviews cause discomfort during use. Much more efficient are rubber and silicone.

The second is somewhat more expensive, since they are easier, and a special massage cream is easier to wash off.

The hardware lymphatic drainage is performed in several ways: static and kinetic. During the first manipulation, the bank or apparatus is installed on the necessary portion of the body in the direction of the movement of lymphotok (lymph - liquid, washing all the tissues of the body). Then one press is created additional pressure. So should be made 4-7 times, after which the bank is moved to another place. During the procedure, it is not necessary to prescribe too much, since bruises may appear.

Kinetic lymphatic design provides for the installation of the bank, followed by pressing it. This should be done 2-3 times, after which there is a move on another area. In any case, a person must see the technology 1 time and only then to carry out manipulation at home.

Hardware lymphatic drainage using a specialized device is performed according to such a scheme:

  • take a contrasting shower to heat the skin;
  • before starting the procedure, you must apply cream or oil. You can purchase a finished product in a pharmacy or make it yourself from various cosmetic oils;
  • lymphodrenage starts with a back with circular motions, slightly pressed. The first action should last a maximum of 5 minutes;
  • move the device to the upper part of the body and shoulders, fiberances and forearm. Carry out the procedure until the patient feel warm;
  • the device move to the lower back, and then on the back surface of the legs. Belly and other parts of the body massage at will. Lymphodenage should last a maximum of 20 minutes;
  • pain, bruises or hematomas should not be;
  • if necessary, reduce the pressure of banks. Any skin damage slows up the getting on cellulite.

Manual technique

You can make a lymphatic model at any parts of the body, if you understand the actions algorithm and remember all movements. We will analyze different zones and technology of work with them.


Make about 1 time per week. During the procedure use cream. Work technology:

  • before you start, peeling skin, rubbing it (start from the forehead);
  • put the palm at whiskey, smoothly moving them to the middle of the forehead, then you need to wait 5 seconds and return your hands back. Repeat lymphaticenage 3 times;
  • put your fingers on the inner corners of the eyes and spend to the outside. Repeat 5 times;
  • to gently pressed on the middle of the chin with your fingers, to carry them out to the nasolabial fold. Repeat the lymphodenge 5 times;
  • stopping the nasolabial fold and, continuing to prescribe, to count to 3, then move your fingers to the wings of the nose.


Surface lymphatic legs requires circular movements, during which it is necessary to stroke the skin. Such a massage is effective if a person has edema feet and fatigue. With deep technique, the movement will be more active. This massage and varicose veins.

Technology of the procedure:

  • take 2 chairs;
  • to sit down 1, and the second to use as a footrest;
  • relax leg;
  • stroke her from the knee to the thigh from two sides;
  • slowly to hold the edge of the palm of the thigh, gradually enhancing patches;
  • after heating, alternate stroking and patting;
  • the edge of the palm from the hip to the knee;
  • end the procedure with a foot massage.


Lymphodenage should last about 10 minutes. Algorithm of work with hands:

  • pull the hand forward, and the second lightly stroke from the elbow to the shoulder;
  • array for a minute, after which change hands. Repeat 2 times;
  • make stroking movements from wrists to the armpits. Change direction;
  • thumb rubber brushes from fingers to wrist;
  • finish lymphatic label to the hand of finger tips.

Massage with a brush

For this procedure, you will need a dry wooden brush.

To properly make lymphatic drainage, a mixture of oils should be applied to the skin (you can buy in a pharmacy or do yourself). Then, ranging from the limbs (bottom up), slowly move to the heart area. Pressing at the same time should not be strong.

It is allowed to use a brush from natural bristles, and the procedure must be performed before taking the shower. It is advisable to start lymphenage from 3 minutes, gradually increasing the exposure time to avoid inflammation on the skin. After massage you need to drink a glass of water or a cup of green tea. This will restore the water-salt balance.

Lymphatic Body Massage: Benefits, Technique ...

How to make lymphatic drainage.

Lymphatic string face massage. Margarita Levchenko.