Breastfeeding with encoded milk. Feeding with milk - equivalent replacement of GW

Sometimes it happens that the mother cannot feed the baby with breasts. Of course, there is nothing better than the situation when the children are "mined" milk from the chest. But what to do if, for a number of reasons, a woman cannot allow him such a luxury. You can feed the baby with a natural product, or an adapted mixture, which can become a culprit of allergies.

Of course, every caring mommy will choose the best option for his crumbs, namely feeding with a reclining milk from a bottle. This material will tell you how to properly organize the process of feeding, so that you can feed the crumb as possible and delicious delicious delicate.

Feeding a child with a bottle milk is quite common among modern women. Some of them deliberately choose this option, others are forced to act in view of certain reasons. In the article, we will talk about what cases this measure justifies itself, as well as how to properly write the chest and prepare a milk to feed. What needs to be done so that the child does not torment the gaze?

Before you tell how to establish a feeding product, it is necessary to determine the main situations in which such liberty is allowed.

When you can feed

You can feed the child with recreational milk in the following cases:

  • The newborn was born prematurely, so it can not suck the chest.
  • Nursing woman comes out of the decree to work until the six-nine month old child. In this case, you can not translate the baby to the mixture, but to enter into its diet adults in the form of the first children's feeding and continue to feed the crumbling of infringement milk. Make it can both grandmother and dad.
  • Freshing with recreational milk can be practiced in the case of a child separation from the mother. For example, if a newborn has serious health problems and is in intensive care. Most maternity hospitals are allowed to grind milk to which the baby will feed from the bottle of health workers.
  • The problem of drawn nipples, which significantly complicates the process of breast feeding. Also a frequent reason for the transition to the released milk are cracked and bleeding nipples. In this case, it is important to remember that it is possible to use only manual plumbing or popular in Europe "warm bottle" in Europe. Do not forget to lubricate your nipples with a special cream. After they are healing, and you will learn how to properly apply the firstborn to the chest, we recommend returning to the traditional breastfeeding option.
  • Also, the croche can and independently refuse the chest. Usually, this is preceded by the fact that someone from family members gave him a boiler or a useful morse from a bottle. After that, the kid understands that the nipple to eat milk is much easier. If this is your situation, you should not panic. Try the first time to specifically apply the baby to the chest as much as possible. But be prepared for what he can bite the chest. Especially acute it manifests itself when Karapuz has already cut their teeth.

How to feed with reclining milk? Many mothers that are fed not breasts, but from the bottle, believe that you need to adhere to the principles that work in artificial feeding. In this regard, there are several factors that can harm newborns or infants and your emotional calmness. We will talk about them now, answering the most common questions of young mothers.

  • How often should the baby feed from the bottle? If pediatricians are recommended when feeding artificials, pediatricians are recommended to stick to a three-hour interval, then in your case it does not work, because the natural product from the mother breast is absorbed much faster than the gentle stomach of the child than the dairy adapted mixture. Therefore, it is worth sticking to feeding with writing milk on demand. It is much more convenient for both the mother and for crumbs to eat in small portions with an interval of 1-2 hours.
  • How to determine which volume of milk is needed to see the baby widowed? It is quite difficult to answer this question, because when the child sucks the chest, mom does not know how much he sucked. But approximately you can navigate the norms for artificial feeding. At the same time, do not forget that breast milk is more nutritious and easier is assimilated by the organism of the newborn. Therefore, if 100 ml is needed for the full feeding of the artificial. An adapted mixture, then in the case of a closed product, 70-80 ml is sufficient. It is not recommended to give more milk because the child can overeat that he will strengthen the problem of intestinal colic. Start with 70 ml. If it seems to you that the baby is not eaten, spend the next day the wet diaper test (in order to determine the amount of urination per day). If their number is less than 12, increase the amount of portion by 10 ml. Or simply add 1-2 feeding from the bottle per day.
  • Do you feed at night? If you are feeding with writing milk, you should not underestimate night feedings. Of course, they are not so comfortable, how to just give a crumb chest, but still without them can not do. Women who do not feed directly chest must stimulate the production of prolactin hormone, so it is necessary to make and feed the child. And best of all at least two times per night. At the same time, we recommend not to be lazy and constrained every portion of milk separately. So you will strengthen the development of the necessary hormones, which will allow you to maintain lactation for a long time.
  • When should not feed the newborn? We also do not advise you to feed a child with a sacrifice milk when you are in irritated. The same applies to the most kid. Before giving him food, make sure he stays in a good mood. If he sobs or cry - calm it before bringing the bottle to the mouth. Otherwise, the crumb is incident to the air, and his tummy will disturb him.

Pay attention to a psychological aspect. Despite the fact that crumb drinks breast milk from the bottle, he can feel the lack of maternal caress. In this case, the joint night and day dream is that the doctor attributed. Tight tactile contact with mom will make the baby more calm and will help him develop correctly.

How to give a baby bottle

Moms who feed the kids with writing milk, should know how to give a bottle to the child, so that he does not feel discomfort.

  1. First, select a convenient pose for feeding not only for baby, but also for you. For example, if you prefer a sedental position, you can rely on the pillow so that your back does not sleep after 15-20 minutes after being in the same position.
  2. In no case, the feeding parent should not have a child lying in milk (there is a risk to choke). We draw your attention to the fact that the head of the newborn should be slightly higher than the case. It is recommended to bend a hand in the elbow and put on the bend the head so that it forms it with the spine straight line.
  3. The nipple of the bottle must be pressed to the lower lip of the baby so that it is widely opened the mouth. Please note that during feeding the tongue, the baby must be above the nipple. Make sure that the child holds it correctly, you can watch him. If his lips are closed around a wide part of the nipple - it means everything is in order.
  4. So that the newborn swallowed as little air as possible during the milk absorption process, keep the bottle under the tilt. Try to keep it in such a way that the oblong part of the nipple all the time was filled with milk. Thus, most of the oxygen will be on the bottom of the bottle.
  5. During feeding with recreational breast milk, like natural feeding, body contact is very important. Do not forget to constantly stroke the newborn, keep it for the handle. Such manipulations will calm the crumb and will contribute to a good appetite. It is advisable to feed it in such a posture so that his cheek touches the mother's breast.
  6. Remember that if the baby's asleep can continue to suck the chest, then leave a bottle in the mouth with a recreational milk is strictly prohibited!

Never rush to the baby and do not try to make him eat if he stubbornly refuses the bottle (if only he has not fallen into the tummy by air). Believe me, the child knows better how much he needs to drink breast milk.

How to feed from a bottle: video

Is it possible to take breaks in the feeding process

Such a question interests parents quite often. Not only can be, but also necessary. Remember that in the process of absorption of milk from the chest, the child has the ability to independently adjust the speed of fluid movement. And during feeding from a bottle of such an opportunity he has no.

During feeding the Karapuz, along with milk, the air swallows, which often leads to a false saturation sense. It is for this reason that small pauses should be made during feeding from a bottle with recreational milk. You can hold the child in a vertical position or put it on your knees.

Quite often helps gently pat on the back. The same manipulations must be carried out immediately after feeding. Usually moms wear kids "Stumpy" from 5 to 10 minutes, until all air will be released. If the kid has been frankly moved, then the oxygen accumulated in the ventricular ventricular can take up to 15-20 minutes.

If this is not done, then a newborn can begin an intestinal colic attack or soda will be tormented. An even more terrible situation - the child may be suppressed during crying. Therefore, use any methods and means to calm it.

How to store a video product properly

Many mothers occur concern about how to give breast milk in a recreation of a bottle. Do I need to warm it? Is it possible to store at room temperature, and how much natural milk product will live in the freezer? These nuances need to know every mom, which grows milk.

  • The product given by the child must have body temperature. If you want to feed it from "stocks", then the portion of milk needs to be heated, but not in the microwave, but in a water bath. The most gentle option is under the jet of hot water. Also, do not forget that it is impossible to boil it in any case, otherwise the delicacy will lose all its useful properties.
  • If you want to send freshly rested milk to the refrigerator or freezer, leave it for half an hour at room temperature. Be sure to store milk with individual portions, and try not to freeze the remnants.
  • As a container for storage, choose special sterilized plastic bags - they are most comfortable. Or glass or plastic cans with hermetic covers.

Now you know the basic rules and nuances that relate to the question of how to properly feed the child's milk, how to keep freshness of maternal milk in the refrigerator, and whether it is possible to freeze it. We wish you to enjoy communication with Croha and not worry about what you give him a release milk.

In the former times, when the children were breastfeeding by the clock, the mothers had after each feeding to push the chest to the last drop. This procedure is needed to maintain lactation and prevention of lactostasis in a woman. Modern pediatrics recommends on demand, then milk will arrive as much as the child needs, and the need to join disappears. But there are cases in which you have to feed the child with recreational milk, for example:

1. Mom goes to workAnd the child's day will feed the nanny or grandmother with a writing milk. This will allow the mother to continue breastfeeding and, despite the early way out of the decree, feed the child with breasts as long as possible.

2. Mom and the child are separated, for example, the blocke fell into intensive care, or Mom leaves for a few days. Nursing mom to preserve lactation and not to translate the baby on artificial nutrition, it grips and transmits bottles with milk to the hospital. In the case of beams from the house, you can pre-put in advance and freeze the milk, on the trip to join the ponded chest, and at this time the clock is fed up with frostal milk.

3. Due to the drawn nipples, it fails to establish the right applying, then mom to feed the baby with useful dogs and not to translate it to the mixture, chooses the option to constantly join and feed the baby from the bottle.

4. The child refuses the breast at an early age, and mom has a sufficient amount of milk to continue to feed the child.

5. Due to physical disadvantages, for example,, the child cannot suck the chest correctly. In order to provide a baby with a full healthy nutrition, the mother feeds it with a milk.

6. Premature, weakened children like no one need breast milkBut at the same time often can not learn how to suck the chest.

can either manually or with the help of breasts. Of course, this procedure is not pleasant, but that will not make a loving mother for his baby. Now let's talk about how it is better to give a crumb of Enjoyed Milk.

Enchant milk can be given more often than the mixture, i.e. Not every 3 hours, and every 2-1.5 hours, as it is quickly absorbed by the body than the mixture. The amount of milk can also be less than the mixture, as it is better absorbed by the body and you give it more often. Those. When the mixture rate for the child is 100 gr. In one feed, then milk you can give 80 gr. To determine whether the milk crumb is enough, spend the test for wet diapers if there are more than 12 pcs. A day, he is fought. And of course do not forget about the rate of weight gain.

Be sure to first 6 months, when breast milk is the only food for the child, feed it at night 1-2 times and join the chest. After the introduction of the attachment, you can feed the baby in porridge overnight and give milk in the morning, at the same time. Remember that hormone prolactin is produced most actively at night, so night feedings are so important to maintain lactation. It would also be nice to establish a joint dream with the baby, because the crumb need your warmth and caress, it will be good to influence the lactation, and there is an option - trying to give at night instead of the breast, suddenly not waking up, the crumb will take it.

If you do not feed the breast because of the child's refusal from her, then every day periodically in 1-2 feedings still offer a rough chest. Sometimes it happens that even after the kid 4-7 months fed with a reclining milk from a bottle, he suddenly begins to take his breasts himself, but she is actively eating her, that then after the year mom grabs her head, as now to wean him. The same applies to weakened and premature babies, as they begin to fix it, they learn to suck and for 3-5 months of life, they begin to get milk from the chest.

If you have breastfeeding, and feeding with writing milk is required as a temporary solution to the problem, so as not to spoil the correct seizure of the nipple by a child, ask for a nanny or grandmother to feed it with a writing milk from a cup or spoon. Do not let the child suck a pacifier, for an infant baby she is superfluous. Sometimes kids are successfully sucking and mother, and a bottle. For the restraining, you can choose a modern anatomical (anticolique) bottle with one small hole. After all, the baby refuses the breast due to the breast, milk must be mined, apply effort to suck. And from the bottle of milk pours itself.

If you did not succeed for some reason, the full breastfeeding is not blaming yourself in anything, try to find a positive way out of the situation. Think primarily about your baby, and that you torment yourself with daily plots for his health.

The child's chest milk is fed when for any reason it is impossible to directly apply it to his mother's chest (mother's disease, generic injury, deep prematurity of the child, etc.). There are situations where mom just physically cannot feed the baby with breasts (urgent departure from the house, day work, etc.).

How to fix breast milk? "?

Grind milk from the chest is best hand, not a breast pump that can injure the nipple. It is most convenient to do it in a position when the breast hangs down. At the same time, grab the chest with your hand so that the thumb is located on Areole over the nipple, and the index and medium under the nipple.

Make a few lightweight massaging movements with your fingers from the base of the chest towards the arole (movements should be soft and intermittent, as when rubbing the cream into the skin; if necessary, you can knead the milk passages, pressing the pads of the fingers, and produce vibration). Heading the milk to Aregole, capture a deeply near-shy area and push toward the nipple. First, the milk will flow by drops, and then the trickle. It is necessary to massage all the breasts and grind the milk to its full emptying.

Sometimes use the method of "warm bottle". This method of complaining of breast milk is considered even less injured. It is especially recommended when breast loading and tight nipples, when the layout is manually caused pain.

Pour hot water into a sterilized bottle, let it stand a little to get the glass. Pouring water, cool the neck of the bottle and attach it tightly to the nearby region so that the bottle is hermetically closed. As the bottle is cooling, the nipple will be drawn into its neck and starts separating milk. When the milk stream weakens, the bottle is removed, the milk is transferred to the cooked clean capacity. The bottle is heated again and repeat the entire procedure until the milk is completely compressed.

How to store and use encircled breast milk?

In order for all the healing breast milk to save all healing properties, it is necessary to hold it in a closed dish at room temperature. When the milk cools a little, it is placed in the refrigerator. Each portion of re-enrolled milk is collected and stored in a separate dish. If necessary, two or more portions of breast-sized milk can be mixed before feeding a child.

Typically, experts recommend to store enclosed milk in the refrigerator no longer than a day. Not all moms know that milk can freeze and store much longer. Currently, milk freezing is widely used abroad. There are even special freezing bags for breast milk.

Before giving a child, enjoyed milk, warm it in a water bath to the body temperature. You can check the temperature by drunking it on the skin of the back of the brush.

The stock of your milk will be a real salvation if you need to take a medicine, go somewhere, and also if the baby refuses to suck the chest. In addition, frozen milk is less susceptible to the reproduction of bacteria than milk, simply stored in the refrigerator. It can be recommended to all mothers to create such a stock from the very beginning when milk is usually a lot. Very often, when the kid sucks one breast, milk from another breast happens. Substitute a sterilized container under this jet. You can also freeze the portions of milk, thus collected.

Is there a child maternal milk?

To answer this question you need to conduct control feeding. True, for this you have at home should be scales. You weigh a child before feeding, and then, feeding, weigh again. And in the same diapers. The resulting difference is the amount of milk suggested by the child. True, the amount of milk suddenly does not always respond to the question: whether the child's child grabs. If the child calms down after feeding, withstands the usual intervals between feedings, adds in weight and grows, and he has a chair or after each feeding or, in any case, at least two or three times a day, you can assume that it feeds normally.

For the first month, the child must add about 600 g to the initial mass (birth weight). But the fact is that in the first 3-4 days there is a so-called physiological loss of mass. This is due to the fact that in the first days the child can not eat more than 10 g - the stomach is too small! And this quantity, naturally, is missing. And the child begins to use its own stocks. Typically, physiological loss of the mass does not exceed 150-200 g. Thus, for the first month of life, the child adds about 800 g, but if you find a physiological loss of mass, then it turns out about 600. In the future, the child adds about 700-800 for each month to six months. r, and in the second half a year - at 400-500, each separately taken child can be different. Do not be surprised if your child adds 1 kg to any of the months. Usually the average values \u200b\u200bfor six months remain stable.

➣ The first month and a half the volume of the milk eaten should be 1/5 of the weight of the child, from 1.5 months to 4 months - 1/6.

Do I need to dope with a child with water?

The breast child gets everything you need with maternal milk, and ideally, up to 5-6 months, it is not necessary to give anything to 5-6 months. However, the number of fluid needs is determined by how much fluid it loses. The main paths of the body of water are moisturizing inhaled air and sweating.

If you have a temperature in the children's room, the temperature is maintained at 20 ° C, then the baby is no additional water, but already at 24 ° C, the need for water is equal, approximately 30 ml per 1 kg of weight per day, that is, for a newborn, about 100 ml.

➣ The warmer and land in the room and the warmer dressed the child, the more fluid he loses, the more urgent to drink it.

You can give to suck water from the bottle of the baby between feedings, you can at night - instead of feeding. It is better not to be boiled water, or either a water specially acquired in the pharmacy for children or a decoction of Izyum.

Before eating to give water it is undesirable because it can "smother" the child appetite. You can also give a child a walled decoction of rosehip. But, as always, will make a reservation - children are different, and not everyone wants to drink water.

➣ Unlike the milk mixtures, the temperature of which should be 36-37 degrees, water can be cooler - 26-30 degrees in the first one or two months of life and about 20 degrees - older children.

Decoration of Izyuma

A well-washed in cold water Raisin makes the tea, those in the thermos - on 1 tablespoon of raisins - 1 cup. An hour later, the drink comes to room temperature.

Why does the child jerks?

After feeding, children are often observed. They need to be distinguished from vomiting, which occurs in children significantly less and may be associated with the spasm of the gastric gatekeeper or being a symptom of a starting disease.

Jumping is associated with a baby swallowing during sucking a small amount of air. Once in the stomach, the air increases pressure in it. When it becomes sufficient to reveal the muscular sphincter at the entrance to the stomach, the air will go away. As the air bubble "pops up" above the milk, the child after feeding you need to hold a few minutes in a vertical position. Then the air located on top of milk will come out, and there will be no joining. If you put a child, then the air, leaving the stomach, will push a small portion of milk lying on top. At the same time, milk can get into the respiratory tract of the child.

If there is very frequent jumping, even after you have held a child with a "column", the child is poorly gaining weight, you need to consult a doctor.

Jumping - Emission from the stomach of milk (fresh or already curled) for a short distance. Usually pass to three months old.

Vomot- Milk release under high pressure (fountain). If vomiting is repeated, the child rises the temperature, it means it is sick and you need to consult a doctor.

Hello, a daughter for almost 4 months, fed a breast for about a month, there were big non-healing cracks. It could not stand for a break, about a week he jumped up and gave me a bottle. However, the chest almost healed, one gave, the other jammed. I liked the feeding I took a bottle of fed, and continued to walk. She was still her daughter, chest or bottle, then just stopped taking chest. The doctor said, nothing, weight is good, I'm not afraid to lose weight, just do not let the bottle, sleep and gets hungry and take it. Calm at all, but the hungry shouted for 4 hours, surrendered, Sketch and fed. The mold is enough, but problems began, frequent crises, for 2-3 days Cherez constantly, to collect the right amount, then again comes back to normal. I'm trying to offer my chest, screaming, does not even take, before night it turned out to feed, now it does not come out, as if I don't know how to take it. Tell me how long I can maintain lactation using breasts, why such frequent crises and is it possible to return 4 months on the chest? And does the composition and usefulness of the milk of the enclosed?

Very often, young mothers practice feeding newborns with writing breast milk. This technique is used in the absence of the possibility of applying to the breast with a standard way. If a nursing woman was forced to resort to this method, it is recommended to familiarize themselves with the key rules for polling the milk and the toddler feeding technique from the bottle.


  • prematurity and low weight of the child at birth;
  • situations when a young mother is not able to make a timely attachment to the chest;
  • generic injury in infants;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the mother who do not allow breastfeeding;
  • heavy flow of childbirth.

With one or more testimony, a woman has to regularly grind breast milk, which can be stored in the refrigerator and use if necessary.

Charge rules

In order for the complapation process does not cause discomfort and painful sensations from a woman, it needs to be familiar with the key rules for this manipulation:

  • This procedure can be carried out both in manual mode and with the help of breasts. Specialized fixing devices simplify this manipulation and make it as comfortable as possible. On how to choose the right milk pump, read in our article by reference.
  • If the woman preferred a manual plumbing, then during the process, the milk iron should be directed down, while the thumb should be located above the nipple, and the index.
  • Before starting the penalty, it is recommended to perform several smooth (kneading) movements that contribute to the expansion of breast ducts.
  • Next, it is necessary to perform neat stroking breast towards the nipple.
  • After the injection of milk should be gently pressing on the area around the nipple and the nipple itself. If all manipulations were completed correctly, the young mother will notice the drop-shaped, and then the inkjet allocation of milk from the breast.

After complaining, the dairy glands wipe dry with a soft towel. For the storage of milk it is recommended to choose sterile containers made of glass. From the point of view of convenience, you can use sterile disposable packages for frosting breast milk.

Features of the storage of milk

The maximum beneficial properties of maternal milk are preserved in it for half an hour from the moment of complaining. Before putting the milk in the refrigerator, it must be kept in a closed dish under room conditions.

Other storage rules such a valuable product include:

  • The duration of the storage of freshly resistant product in the refrigerator is no more than 24 hours. If we are talking about longer storage, then mom should be freezing milk. To get acquainted with the method of frost will help a pediatrician or an infection specialist.
  • Before feeding, breasts milk need to warm in a water bath. The meal temperature should not exceed the body temperature of the mother. To estimate the temperature indicators of milk, you can drop 2-3 drops to the back surface of the brush.
  • Before freezing the product, specify the date and time of complacing.
  • Milk is not used to feed the baby subject to the end of the storage period.
  • Each portion of freshly durable milk should be stored in an individual capacity. Mixing individual portions is strictly prohibited.

How to fed with recreational milk

Practice feeding with recreation milk makes some changes to the lactation process. When a woman applies a baby to the chest, the baby independently regulates the food volume. For these volumes, the maternal organism is adjusted, which does not produce milk more than the child requires.

In order to not provoke the oppression of lactation, in the first 2-3 weeks after childbirth, the young mother should be plugged every hour in small portions. Special value picked up pressure at night. Many women are concerned about what the feeding frequency should be that the kid does not have a nutritional deficit.

The guide for a young mother is the behavior of a child. The optimal feeding frequency of maternal milk is every 2-3 hours during the daytime and twice per night. Feeding from the bottle will be equally comfortable both for the mother and for the baby, subject to the following rules:

  • First of all, mom should choose a convenient position for itself and infants.
  • The nipple of the bottle should be pressed to the lower lip of the baby so that the child can open the mouth and capture it entirely.
  • The baby's language should be under the nipple.
  • In the case of the proper seizure of the nipple of the child's lips climbs around its base (wide part).
  • During feeding, the mother must hold the bottle under the tilt.
  • If the baby did not eat all the portion, then in no case should it be forced to eat it.

When feeding it is important to establish tactile contact with the newborn. The young mother is recommended to gently stroke the baby, hold for the handle. Emotional well-being is a decisive factor in successful feeding.

After the child he atheel, for 7-10 minutes a woman needs to keep it in a vertical position. This manipulation will allow the baby to free themselves from an excessive air that has fallen into the stomach during feeding.

In order to ensure food sufficiency, a woman should pay attention to the behavior of a child. On the satiety of a newborn, his balanced state speaks, the absence of whims, good sleep and a normal chair.

A sufficient nutritional capacity of a newborn to 1.5 months is 1/5 part of the weight of the baby. From 1.5 months to six months, this quantity is 1/6 of the weight part.

The lack of opportunity to feed the child with breasts is not the reason for the transition to. Preservation of lactation under any conditions - the main goal of each young mother.