Ideal heels. Recipe compress from hydrogen peroxide. PREVENTION OF NATOPES, COLOES AND Rough Skin Stop

If the beauty and the youth of his face and the body of women are trying to watch, pay a lot of time, money, for some kind of skin heels, not all look at the skin.

But in the footsteps there is a large number of nerve endings. And on how well we will care for their legs, our appearance and health depends.

Many women have such a problem as flapped skin on the heels, some even have a natopath, corns and cracks.

If you do not want your feet to become sandpaper, then more like how to quickly make heels with soft and smooth at home, without resorting to expensive salon procedures.

In addition, making a pedicure in some not proven salon, no one guarantees you security, you will not be sure that after the pedicure, you will not have fungus.

There may be several reasons for this:

At home, help cope with roughness and dry heels will help such ways:

  1. Baths for foot - They soften skin perfectly.
  2. Scrub - Effectively exfoliate the upper dead layer of the skin.
  3. Masks - Nourish the skin, saturate it with useful elements, make it soft and beautiful.

Baths for fracturing heels

If the skin on the feet has become a rough, then help returning her smoothness and tenderness can be a feet bath. Consider the 5-ki most effective recipes for heels.

Contrast baths

Dial hot water into one bowl, and in another cold. Alternately rearrange the feet into one, then in another container.

The contrasting baths are perfectly tone, improve blood circulation, remove fatigue with legs, feeling heat with heels, reduce swelling.

In the basin to dial 3 l of water, add 5 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar, lower the feet into the container, sit 15 minutes.

Clean the skin, slip, wipe dry, apply nutrient cream on the skin.

Apple vinegar perfectly softens the heels, fights mycosis and onychomicosis, prevents the appearance of cracks and peeling.

Baths with sea salt

On 2 liters of hot water to take 200 g of sea salt, when it is dissolved, you can add some cold water. Lower the legs by the ankle, sit in the bath for 15 minutes. Then the standard procedure: the operation of pumice, the application of the nutritional cream.

Salt Paths for the legs are well softened by the skin on the heels, improve blood circulation, remove the unpleasant smell, prevent sweat selection.

Sea salt is also useful for nails - it strengthens the plate, prevents its fragility and bundle.

Take an equal amount and brew dry herbs: chamomile, rosemary, mint.

Pour the decoction to the basin, add warm water for volume. Immerse the feet, the duration of such a bath can be 20 minutes.

Do not know how to make the skin of the heels with soft? Only with regular care can be achieved smooth, pink skin stop, like a baby.

Boric Acid Bath

What to do if there were cracks on the flabberbheel skin? First you need to fall in hot water, so the skin will become softer, the local blood supply will improve.

Then the boric acid should be added to warm water (5 g per 1 liter). And you can wash the feet with a decoction from the Hypericum.

After the foot bath and before applying the mask it is recommended to use a scrub for heels. It will help to quickly remove the upper burner layer of the skin, make heels smoother, give them a beautiful pink shade.

Any scrub needs to be applied to pre-sparkled skin. Now consider which folk remedies will help conduct perfect skin peeling:

  1. Coffee. Take 1 tbsp. l. Ground coffee, 1 tsp. Sea salts and 2 tbsp. l. Olive or sunflower oil. Mix all the ingredients before the formation of thick casis. Apply a mixture on the heels, thoroughly rubbing it.
  2. Sea salt with honey. Mix 2 h. Salts with 1 tbsp. l. Honey. Praise this mixture of the foot. Such a scrub perfectly exfoliates the skin, removes flaws, relieves inflammation.
  3. Orange peel. It should be pre-dried, and then with the help of a blender or other kitchen adaptation to turn into a powder. Add a little olive oil to orange powder. Apply a thick mixture on the heels, massage them for 10 minutes.

What to process your heels so that they were smooth and soft? No less effective than the baths are masks for legs. It is advisable to do them immediately after the bath.

Foot masks need to do from fresh products, do not store the cooked tool in the refrigerator, otherwise it will lose its healing properties. Foot masks perfectly soften the skin, saturated with vitamins, help get rid of cracks and corns.

To make the skin on the heels quickly do not grown, let's often rest with your legs. Massage, remove the socks, lie on the sofa with the trapped legs.

What to smear heels to be soft? Products from the refrigerator will come to the rescue:

If there are deep cracks on the heels, then use homemade masks is prohibited.

In this case, it should be resorted to the help of special healing ointments and creams that contribute to skin healing. And only after tightening cracks, you can proceed to mitigating the skin of the stop using masks.

Quickly improve the condition of the skin on the heels only in the event that you did not greatly launch the problem.

If the skin has become very coarse, Natoptyshi and Corn appeared, then it is necessary to try to try to make heels smooth and soft.

We looked at the most popular recipes for the beauty of your legs. The main thing is that you need to remember - to care for the footsteps should be regularly, only so you can achieve tender and healthy skin. And to help you can house masks, scrubs and foot baths.

The main reasons for the coarse leather and cracks on the heels

In addition to the natural causes of skin intimidation, there are a number of diseases that knock down this process and interfere with cells to damp and regenerate. If you are worried about the problem of the rough skin of the foot, then it is necessary to be examined for the presence of the following diseases.

  1. Skin fungus. It can manifest itself and other symptoms, for example: itching or changing the color of the nail plate.
  2. Skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.
  3. Skin peeling syndrome.
  4. Scarlet fever.
  5. Big content of vitamin A in the body.
  6. Diabetes. This disease prevents skin restoration. There are non-healing wounds and cracks. Pay attention to other signs, for example: dry mouth, frequent urination, sharp changes in weight.
  7. Problems with digestion.
  8. Failure of exchange processes.
  9. Frostbite.
  10. Rash.
  11. Iron-deficiency anemia.
  12. Violations of hormonal background and other.

But, even among quite healthy people, this problem occurs periodically. The reason lies in incorrect daily care and other factors.

  1. Lack of regular proper skin care.
  2. Reaction to medicines.
  3. Synthetic socks, stockings, tights.
  4. Walking barefoot, or constant use of open shoes in the summer.
  5. Lack of vitamins A and E.
  6. Incorrectly selected soap. You can not use soap that is too dry skin, for example - antibacterial.
  7. Insufficient humidity level in the room.
  8. Shoes are too narrow and uncomfortable.
  9. Synthetic footwear.
  10. The body responds to a sharp change of climate.
  11. The deficit of minerals in the body.
  12. High chlorkin content in water.
  13. Abuse of sunbathing and solarium.
  14. Reaction to constant stress and depression.
  15. Insufficient use of water.

If you find any of these factors, then try to reduce its impact as much as possible.

How to make heels smooth, soft, gentle - at home

Apply several funds, and, as a rule, in the complex.

Cleaning the heels from ero-digitated cells with a mechanical way is not more than once in a couple of weeks.

Scrubs and softening masks are permissible once or twice in 7 days.

Moisturizing and feeding masks use as far as possible, but at least once in 7 days.

Baths should be done as often as possible, it is advisable to make them a "ritual" of each evening.

Pads for heels - Simple recipes

This procedure is to combine with a foot massage. You can just make massage with your hands. And also, as far as possible, use either a soft brush or special massage devices.

The purpose of the massage: improve blood circulation in the foot so that the skin receives the necessary elements in sufficient quantity, the volume. And also, it is simply quite pleasant relaxing, and even - will help improve health, because there are many reflexogenic points on the feet.

Contrast baths

The easiest and most affordable way is contrasting baths. At first immerse the feet in hot water, and then in the cool. Temperature should be within reasonable limits.

Apple vinegar baths

Run 30 milliliters of apple vinegar in warm water. Place the feet for 20 minutes. After - use a bath with clean cool water. Apple vinegar softens the skin.

Baths with herbs

Prepare a bath with the addition of a beam from chamomile, hop, rosemary, mint. You can buy a collection in the pharmacy.

Sea Salt for Bath

Milk bath with sea salt. Immerse the feet into the bath content for half an hour.

Foot Wine Bath

Once a week you can pamper your feet with blades with wine. Suitable and white and red. Divide 500 milliliters of wine with 2 liters of warm water. The bath is calculated for 20 minutes.

Infusion of linen seed for bath

Linen seeds (in the amount of 60 grams) fill 250 milliliters boiling water. The mixture should be boiled 10 minutes. After - let it stand for an hour. Perfect. Then - add 400 milliliters of a solution of solutions and 3 liters of warm water. Bath is ready. Immerse the feet for 20 minutes.

Bath with peroxide

Baths for legs with hydrogen peroxide. There are several recipes. The result is visible immediately after the first procedure, as it has a very good effect.

Method first. Mix 6 pieces of warm water with 1 part of the peroxide. Wash your wool in the solution, and wipe the foot skin about 4 minutes. After - spend cleaning with pimples.

The method of the second. Run 60 milliliters peroxide in one and a half liters of hot water. Pour your feet for 5 minutes. After - draw a brush processing.

The third way. Add in 4 liters of warm water 60 grams of salt. Lower the foot in the bath for 7 minutes. Then - add 30 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. Retrieve for another five minutes. Demanding skin will receive a white shade. Then spend peeling.

Such baths should be made no more than once in 7 days. After the bath, be sure to treat the skin with cream. Such baths not only help bring the skin to normal, but also capable of normalizing sweating processes.

Soda Food and Soap

Sattail on a large grater soap. Take 20 grams of soap and dissolve in 2 liters of warm water. Add 35 grams of soda. Place the feet in the bath for 20 minutes, and if there is a problem of corns and a holopal, then for 40 minutes. After - use Pembia, and complete the procedure - the skin moisturizing with a nutrient cream.

Treatment of cracks on heels - masks, compresses, folk remedies

Do not everyone know how to make heels with soft, gentle, smooth like a baby, and help in this proven folk remedies, which can use that each.

Compress with peroxide and lemon

This is an excellent tool for combating natopes. Introduce gauze with one part of a hydrogen peroxide solution mixed with five parts of water. Attach the compress on Natoptysh. Keep 120 minutes. After - impose a slice of lemon on the problem area and fix it with socks. Retain another 120 minutes. After spending cleaning with pumice, and moisturize the skin with the cream.


Grind the roots of nine. Fill 30 grams with water liter of water. The mixture should boil. Insist the answer all night. Daily compresses contribute to the healing of cracks.

After the bath, you can make a compress from olive or linseed oil. Grate the feet, dress on top of the sock and leave all night.

Compress from oatmeal and linen oil

Cook oatmeal or flakes on the water. Generously add flaxseed oil. Place the mixture in cellophane packages. Put them on your feet. Top to lock the socks. Leave the compress for 120 minutes. After - rinse the legs with warm water. Spread the feet with bold cream. Repeat the procedure for another 3 times.

Compress Honey + Cabbage

After the bath, stick in the cracks honey. Cover the heel with a cabbage sheet. Secure the bandage and socks. Leave compress all night. Dimte the morning.

Compress - Milk + Coltsfoot

Finely cut the leaves of mother-and-stepmother. Fill 250 milliliters of hot milk. Give a mixture of 60 minutes in a water bath. Cool the mixture, impose on the gauze. Attach the feet for 30 minutes.

Essential Ointment

Children's cream, or vaseline, in the amount of 15 milliliters, mix with 2 drops of lavender essential oil and chamomile. Apply for cracks three times a day. Storage capacity should close tightly.

Ointment of yolk

Wake up one egg yolk. Add 5 milliliters of vinegar and 15 milliliters of vegetable oil. After the bath or sprinkling - apply ointment on cracks. Wrap the foot of the food film, put on the sock. Leave all night.

Mix egg yolk with 5 milliliters of lemon juice. Add a pinch of starch. Apply to the foot. Wait for a crust formation. Rock warm water.

Compress from Lukovitz

A couple of lows are finely cut and mix with 15 milliliters of oil and 15 milliliters of honey. Mix everything thoroughly, and the resulting composition should be put on the skin of the feet, fasten the food film, and wear cotton socks. If the first procedure, then leave the compress for 40 minutes. If there are no discomfort, then the compress can be kept all night.

Herbracks - Herbal Compresses

Bath with nettle. Fill 30 grams of chopped nettle with one liter of boiling water. Put the tank towel. Let cool. After signify the infusion. Add it to the foot bath. This will help heal cracks.

Compress from aloe leaves or cabbage

Cut the leaves of the plant, impose compress overnight. It will not only soften the skin, but also will help healing, in the presence of a wound.

Infusion for healing cracks

Stir 30 grams of the Hypericum and 15 grams of calendula, add 1 liter of boiling water to the composition, then cool to an acceptable temperature and take the baths for 15 minutes. Give your feet to absorb completely liquid. Do not wipe the towel. After secure the result by applying a fat cream or ointment.

Prepare a decoction from chamomile, a hunter, calendula and sage. You can use both all herbs and separately. Fill 40 grams of grass 2 liters of boiling water. Let half an hour stand. Perfoliate infusion, and add to the bath.

Treatment of heels glycerin (bath and mask)

As a rule, it has a good softening and healing effect.

Bath. Bath for stop with glycerin helps the healing of the wound and cracks. You need to mix 15 milliliters of glycerol, 5 milliliters of ammonia alcohol. Add 2 liters of hot water. Keep your legs in the bath for 15 minutes.

Mask. Pre-clean the foot. Buy in the pharmacy bubble glycerin. As a rule, it is not filled to the end. Differently in the bubble to the top acetic essence to the sorry itself. Shake the bubble.

With a cotton swab, apply a mixture to the foot. Wrap on top of the food film. Lock with socks. During the day, the compress time can be 40 minutes.

Ointment for the treatment of cracks on heels

Treatment of cracks on heels can be carried out by applying ointments, oils, fat and other means that can be applied at home and make heels soft and smooth, like a baby. One of the most wonderful healing means that can be purchased at the pharmacy and apply for heels.

Wax and vegetable oil ointment

Farm on the vegetable oil finely chopped onion. After sending the oil. Add 100 grams of wax to 250 milliliters, and one piece of propolis. Let's boil on a slow flame. Wait for the wax dissolution, and let you leave a couple more minutes. Drain in a jar. Ointment should be thick.

Ointment from wax

Melt 10 grams of wax on a water bath. Add 5 millilitres of cocoa oil and Shea oil. Additionally add 5 milliliters of calendula oil, sea buckthorn.

Barcuccia fat ointment

Three tablespoons of fat put on a water bath for 10 minutes. Add one teaspoon of calendula colors, and one spoon cleanly. Previously, lower the grass for 60 seconds in boiling water. Weganize the entire mixture of half an hour. Do not allow boiling. After allow the composition to cool. Store in the refrigerator, and apply before bedtime.

Aloe Mask

Mix 100 milliliters aloe juice with 150 milliliters of castor oil. Add 50 milliliters of eucalyptus oil. Mix and apply on the feet several times a day.

When skin care stops, mass errors are allowed. In order for the skin to be smooth and healthy, follow the rules:

  1. Clean the skin of heels from dried skin with the help of special pylons. Clean only dry skin. Pre-steplay leather is processed only by pembia. Do not use a razor.
  2. Do not use too often ointments and a high acid cream.
  3. Before processing skin with cracks with cream, you need to carry out peroxide.
  4. Clean the heels of the pilot only in one direction.
  5. Do not remove with cleansing procedures.

Treatment should be comprehensive. Initially, see the absence of diseases.

If you have overweight, it is worthwhile to do its correction. After all, it is precisely it leads to a violation of metabolism and increases the load on the foot.

Recycle diet. Increase the consumption of products saturated with vitamins A and E, minerals. Reduce the use of sweet and flour.

Make sure that the amount of water consumed during the day was sufficient for your body. Exercise. This will help improve blood circulation in the footsteps.

During treatment, we carry shoes and underwear from natural materials. Try to increase the humidity of the room indoors.

Remember, only regular care leads to good results. Regularly moisturize the feet with bold cream, make a massage.

If you plan for a long time to be in the sun, you should protect your feet from drying out. Instead of cream, you can use natural coconut oil.

For making masks and ointments, use natural components. In the event of uncomfortable sensations from mask or ointment, stop using it.

If the treatment does not bring the necessary results, please consult a doctor for a dermatologist.

Smooth feet is a task that requires a regular approach and effort, but it is quite feasible.

I propose a wonderful recipe for your heels. All ingenious just! These words are still one hundred percent relate to this recipe. After processing the legs in this way, your soles and heels are becoming smooth and gentle, natopyshi disappear. If the soles are hardly running, you need to repeat the procedure several times. Nothing will be, except for the benefit! And there you will look at your feet themselves.

Take a small bowl (this size, so that only the legs fit in it), pour a 1.5 liter of water to be hot, but not very. We add 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide into the water. We put legs into the water and sit.

After a few minutes, it seems that you walked legs at least half an hour. If the soles are very launched, sit longer. You yourself will feel the effect when we swell the leg of the leg, how they will "creak" from cleanliness. Here I immediately do the soles and heels with a special grater or pemp.

After that, I rub a mixture of glycerin with vinegar (bought a bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy and added to the complete ordinary table vinegar). And in general, I do it every day. And the baths with peroxide - once a week. The effect is awesome !!! Try and see for yourself!

After such a procedure, the heel becomes smooth, pink, soften, rough places are easily removed, literally from several movements of Pumise. For the steps of the average degree of nestness, this procedure gives an excellent result.

To do this, cook: half a cup of kefir, (better fatty and proceed), plastic bags, terry socks, fat cream.

How to do it:

This procedure is best done in the evening, two hours before sleep.

♦ Heat kefir up to 36 degrees.

♦ Pour kefir packages. Put them on your feet, pull the socks from above. You can still stretch an anchor with a hair band, it will most closely fix this compress.

♦ Leave packets on the feet for one and a half hours.

You can move in this device, but dangerous - slippery, so, sit down and watch TV.

♦ After the specified time, wash the kefir from the legs. You can slightly clean Pembia, but if you will make this procedure once a week, it is not necessary.

♦ At the end, lubricate a slightly wet feet with bold cream. Put the socks and go to sleep in them.

Wonderful agent for heels and elbows

For heels, elbows and hands - better than all cosmetics, simple recipes tested for years. Therefore, I offer you two of those with which you can cook a wonderful agent for heels and elbows and make their skin very tender. Two recipes with glycerin, and they both "work."

Take glycerin, buy 5 bubbles at once in a pharmacy. In the first case, you can with vinegar, in the second with the ammonia alcohol.

1 way.

The pharmaceutical bubble with glycerin is not fully filled, so it is 6% vinegar into it, shake.

2 way.

With ammonia alcohol. The ammonia alcohol is mixed with glycerin in proportion 1: 1.

You can rub these mixtures as in the morning, and in the evening, for the night of the heels, soles, fingers. In a few days you will see a stunning result. Your heels are posed, nails will get a beautiful and brilliant color. You can also lubricate your hands. The mixture is cheap, affordable, faithful.

3 way

It will take:
♦ 10 aspirin tablets
♦ 250 g vodka

Aspirin is confused into powder, and pour vodka. Put in a dark place for 1-2 days. Take marlu, wet in the infusion obtained and attach to heels. Wrap polyethylene and wear socks. The procedure is desirable to spend on the night. In the morning it is all removed, and rinse the legs with warm water, wipe and lubricate with a nutritious cream.

Recipes for smooth heels

Dry heels are really a problem with which you need to fight, with what constantly. But this struggle does not bring trouble. All means presented in this review make the heel care procedure nicely.

In the cold time, the skin on the heels becomes very dry, griste and hardens. But it can be softened and moistened thanks to the available recipes. Ingredients for them will be in the house for everyone. And if there is no something - then be sure to purchase in the pharmacy! As a result, you will always have smooth heels worthy of admiration!

Pink water with glycerin

A mixture of pink water with glycerin is very effective during the treatment of dry heels. Glycerin has amazing softening properties, and pink water contains vitamins - C, A, E, D, and also has excellent antiseptic properties.

Apply the resulting mixture of glycerol with pink water on the skin of the heels before bedtime. Put the cotton socks. So, the tool will act all night.

Lemon juice

Lemons are perfectly softened by coarse skin. If there are five coarse and with the calls, the lemon will help you! Lubricate the heels of lemon juice. For this procedure, use a cotton swab, rudely moistened in the fresh lemon juice. It is advisable before lubricating to make a footbath. Pour warm water in a bowl and place the feet for 15 minutes. Make peeling with pumice, lightweight massage with a dry towel, and then lubricate the feet with lemon juice.

Rice flour

With rice flour, you can make exfoliating procedures. So, dry areas of the skin and heels will become smooth. Prepare a scrub: Mix honey, rice flour and apple vinegar in proportions taken on the eye. Hold the feet in a warm water of about 10 minutes, then apply a thick paste-scrub on your heels. Pass the feet and rinse with warm water.

It comes autumn and ladies with relief sigh. After all, now closed shoes hides all the imperfections of the legs. Quietly go all winter, and with the arrival of spring they are enough for the head. Soon it is necessary to shove open sandals or sandals, and the heels are like baked potatoes. Of course, you can contact the salon. But with the modern rhythm of life there is no time, then money, then opportunities.

How to soften your heels at home? Make it easy enough. The most ordinary baths, masks and pums are always guarded by charming legs.

Those who say that there is no other recipes to unsuccessfully, did not take into account one circumstance. Regularity. A little to make one procedure a week and hope that the heels will become pink and soft. Caring for the legs should be permanent, all year round. Then you don't have to throw in the spring to find a miracle.


The principle of any bath is reduced to one. In hot water, certain substances are breed. Then dip the feet for 30-40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the legs are clutch with a rigid brush, a piece of pumice or a special saw. Then rinsed, wipe dry. And necessarily cause bold nutritious cream.

The compositions for such baths are a great set. The most effective and affordable are described below.

  1. Baking soda. 1 liter of water is enough 1 tbsp. l. With a little riding.
  2. Lemon and salt. On 3 liters of water 3 tbsp. l. Sea salts and juice of one lemon.
  3. Blue clay. 100 g per 1 liter of water.
  4. Green tea and linden flowers. On 2 liters of water 2 tbsp. l. raw.
  5. Milk and liquid soap. 200 ml on 2 liters of water.

For the greatest efficiency every 10 minutes, the heels slightly clutch the rigid washbasin.

The apparent simplicity of recipes may seem ineffective. But if you apply them regularly, alternating with other procedures, the result will be noticeable in a week.

Some sources advise to make any bath twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Well, if there is time for it. In the evening, it is quite possible, especially after a hard work day. But in the morning how to be? We must have time to go to work, cook homemade breakfast, collect children ... Do not be discouraged if there is no strength to get up for an hour early to make the morning procedure. The bath is quite possible to replace the scrub and cream. And even in the evening, before bedtime, you can enjoy the well-deserved bath with a relaxed soul.


In nature, there are a lot of herbs, vegetables and fruits, which perfectly soften the coarse skin on the heels. For each of them, its exposure time. It is not worth an increase. Because instead of soft skin, you can get damage to the epidermis. It is better to make masks regularly and at the recommended time, than once a month try to soften the crust on the heels of five-hour procedure.

  1. Apple. The most ordinary green apple must be ease. The grizzle finely cut together with partitions and bones. Pour 250 ml of milk and boil for 7 minutes. The resulting mixture is fork for a fork and apply on the heel. After 15 minutes, washed away.
  2. Zucchini. Young green vegetable rubbing on a shallow grater. Add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil. Apply to the skin, close by polyethylene. After half an hour, it is gently washed with warm water.
  3. Onion. Ripe bulb cut in half, applied to heels. To climb a bandage or cloth, then go to bed. In order not to smell the onion smell all night, you can keep the feet of the food film. In the morning you will definitely bore the skin, then smear with moisturizing cream.
  4. Apricot. Ripe flesh of two fruits to stretch for a fork and add 1 tbsp. l. rye flour. Folded to smear the heel and leave for half an hour. Can be covered with a film. After washing.

In general, almost all fruits and vegetables containing acid are very well suited to mitigate the skin of the heels. After such masks, it is good to use any soft scrub. For example, based on ground coffee or sugar. Scrubs of industrial production also cope with gross heels. And use your favorite cream once! Always.


For a collection at all, it is not necessary to use completely natural products. Some chemicals also have a softening effect on the skin. The meaning of the stamps is to apply the skin on the skin several times in a row with a certain interval. Then wash, clean the heels with pimples and lubricate the cream.

  1. Glycerol. Sold in the pharmacy, worth a penny. The bubble is not under the neck. Add apple vinegar to the top. Before use, shackle. Apply for heels three times with an interval of 5 minutes. Then wash off. Be ready for acetic ambit. But you need to suffer because the result is visible almost after the first application.
  2. Peppermint and cornflower flowers. Take 1 tbsp. l. Each and weave 100 g of boiling water. They give a little cool and apply to heels. Close for 30 minutes by polyethylene or food film. Wash this tool is not needed.
  3. Corn oil. Applied to soften the skin of heels overnight. In order not to stain the bed, you can close the legs with a film and wear socks. In the morning, washed off and apply a light moisturizing cream.
  4. Egg yolk and potato starch. Yolk from home eggs to be confused with 1 tsp. Starch. Blend on the heels, wait for drying. Then another layer and dried again. So repeat until the mixture is over. After washed, rub the brush and apply a nutrient cream.

  1. Why after each item mentioned pumice or brush? Why is not written about cutting a thick layer of dense skin? Never use the blade as it is customary to do in pedicure salons. They are needed as a permanent client. And cutting up the top layer of the epidermis, the growth of new cells is provoked. As a result, the skin on the heels thickens and grisges even more.
  2. In the summer, when you come to sunbathing, you probably use sunscreen. But about the feet forget. Be sure to lubricate them. And of course, after sunbathing, apply a moisturizer.
  3. Now the industry offers special disposable socks. They are put on the feet, hold a certain time. Then the legs are rinsed. Three days later, the top layer of the skin begins to peel and pork with pieces, and below it remains smooth and soft. The action is due to the presence of lactic acid in the composition of impregnation. Reviews are completely different, from the most enthusiast to cursing to the seventh knee. Therefore, we will not recommend that they will not call the manufacturer. If you wish, all the information can be freely found on the network.
  4. The only thing to mention is the impossibility of using such socks with any skin damage. Because the wounds or cuts are even more rebound with acid.
  5. After reaching the desired results, it is impossible to throw the procedure at all. The frequency can be reduced and used more in preventive purposes. But necessarily make a light foot massage with a nutritious cream. It will protect the heels from shorting.

How to soften your heels at home? Do not forget to care for them. Hands are always in sight, their holling and cherish. And about the legs periodically forget. Just regularly pay due attention to them, indulge masks and baths. And then about your legs will decide the poems as it was before.

Video: how to care for the heels of legs

People begin to remember the form of heels closer to spring and by summer, but that they look beautiful, they need to take care of constantly. Especially ugly look rough heels. In addition, they bring unpleasant sensations when walking. This is faced with both women and men. From this and other problems you can easily get rid of home conditions. The shorts are constantly in shoes and for a long time in socks. During walking, rough skin is formed. It entails dryness, roughness, cracks and other unpleasant defects on the heels. Naturally, the quality of shoes is of great importance. But problems of this type may arise regardless of this. The main thing is the correct care.

One of the most effective folk remedies are foot baths. The most popular recipe for heels.

Bath with soda

In the bath, pour a small amount of warm water to approximately so as to cover the ankles. Then in the water to wash 20 grams of economic soap, add 50 grams of food soda and as much sea salt. Soda perfectly moisturizes the skin. It is also used to mitigate dry stop. Baths from soda for heels can be done daily. Keep your legs in such a solution about 40 minutes.

The result will be obvious immediately after receiving the bath. Furged heels after such a procedure will be soft and smooth. To achieve a better effect, after such a bath, you can smear the heels with olive oil on the night and put thin socks on your feet.

In the morning the feet will be very beautiful. Oil helps soften the skin and gives it a healthy look. It is used not only in cooking and cosmetology, but also in the care of the body at home.

Herbal decoctions

Folk remedies in most cases implies the treatment of herbs. Excellent in care of heels are suitable: chamomile, a series, calendula, lavender, sage, nettle.

Cuts from these herbs can be used as foot baths. Such a procedure helps to get rid of leg fatigue, soften the skin, improve blood circulation, effective for cleaning the skin. Herbal decrains are very easy to prepare at home.

Masks for stop

You can soften solid heels using different masks.

Mask with household soap

Economic oil soften to consistency thick paste. On clean legs to apply the resulting pasta to the entire foot and wrap in the clarity or wrap the food film, and on top of this wear thin socks. Make such a mask follows the night. In the morning, the legs should be washed with warm water, and to clean the remnants of the soap to use pums or stone. Soda can replace PEMZ in this case. Such a mask can be used no more than two times a week.

Mask with bow

Treatment onion in this case is very effective. Mask prepare very simple.

The usual onion should be pouring boiling water and grind it into porridge. At clean feet, apply the resulting mass and wrap the food film. Wash the legs in the morning with water, wipe dry and lubricate with moisturizing cream. You can add lemon into water. Any vegetable oil can be suitable. Such a mask will help soften the tight areas of the skin and give the footsteps a beautiful view.

Mask with milk and apple

This remedy is perfect for cleaning dry cracked skin on the heels. Prepared quickly and easily at home.

In a saucepan, pour 200 ml of milk, one small green apple should lose there and bring this mixture to a boil. After the resulting liquid will be cooled into it add lemon. You can 20 ml of fresh juice or 10 drops of lemon essential oil. All must be mixed and put on the heels. The feet should be wrapped with a warm towel made of simple natural tissue. After about 40-50 minutes, you need to wash your legs and lubricate the skin with a moisturizing agent. With regular use of such a means, coarse areas of the skin will disappear on the heels. This is one of the best feet masks.

Mask with lemon and egg yolk

Folk recipes of cosmetics are always popular. As it is cheap and efficient.

For the preparation of this mask, the following ingredients will be needed: lemon, soda, olive oil, egg yolk. All components must be mixed to homogeneous mass. Lemon should be crushed. Apply to the legs by massaging movements. Leave half an hour and then wash off with water. It is known a folk remedy for legs that quickly moisturizes the skin. There are no restrictions in use.

Mask with honey and lemon

This mask is one of the most expensive. The composition includes honey, lemon, olive oil. Doing this tool for heels is a pleasure, especially at home. Lemon should be rinsed and skipped through a meat grinder. All ingredients mix and apply to clean legs. This tool moisturizes the skin and prepares it to clean. After the mask, the heel should be well lost to pembia and the skin of the feet will look perfect.

Mask with soda and lemon

For this, the agent will need soda, lemon, water. All ingredients are mixed to consistency thick sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the legs. Keep a mask need about 40 minutes. Then wash off with water and dry the skin. Soda is an excellent antiseptic, and also contributes to the elimination of the unpleasant smell of the legs.

After the mask, you should warm up the olive oil to room temperature and carefully rub the feet. Lemon can be used with nail use on the legs. After the mask, graze nails and leave the lemon for a lemon and leave until it is dried. These are excellent folk components that are used for the prevention of fungi and skin cleaning. With regular use, a person will forget what rough heels are. You can make such a mask at least every day to soften the skin.

Cleaning tools for stop

When after all the procedures, it will be possible to achieve the desired result, it will be necessary to constantly care for heels. Impeccable species can be achieved only by constant care and care. It is very important to properly clean the skin on the heels. To do this, there are all known pempes, a brush for grinding rough parts of the skin and a special scraper that cuts it. The scraper should be used very carefully, otherwise you can hurt the skin. Stop tools should be individual individual.


Most people believe that masks and other procedures are a purely female business. It's not like that at all. Men also need to know how care about their feet, and do it regularly. Moreover, precisely among men such problems are more common. If it does not care about your heels, then the skin can crack. In turn, it causes severe pain in walking and brings discomfort. To care for legs, it does not need much time and money. Especially all the procedures are recommended to do before bed at home.

Funds are the most diverse for heels and their healthy species. There are also expensive cosmetics for the treatment of skin on the heels, but people are no worse. In addition, the means homemade for heels is much cheaper and more useful. In cosmetology salons, they offer the same procedures as masks, cleaning and baths with various components for legs. All these procedures and masks can be prepared independently and do at home. Especially not always enough time to beauty salons. For example, a tool of sea salt for heels, removes the fatigue of the legs.


Problems of infectious nature with heels and leg skin may occur unexpectedly. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully care and follow them. For the prevention it is worth buying shoes from natural fabrics and skin, with a sole that breathes.
It is not worth buying too synthetic socks and constantly use the bypass products. They may have problems with heels, they lead to excessive sweat outcome of the legs, which causes a bad smell of legs. This may occur fungal or infectious diseases of the skin.