How large companies celebrate Halloween

This pagan festival is known since time immemorial pagan times. He was present in a particular form in many cultures. This is a kind of "stone in the garden" of all who scream about the Americanization of compatriots through such holidays. In Russian villages, you still have young people on the old new year and the Christmas Eve dressed up with unclean strength and walks around the houses, collecting "tribute" with pie and sweets.

Halloween at least a cheerful youth holiday. The essence of this event has two hypostasis: scare the negative impact on the side of the unclean force, by vestments in the appropriate outfits and costumes, do not give dark forces to know themselves, as well as how to scare their friends and acquaintances. After all, according to believe, the stronger the person is being scared, the happier and luckier it will be the whole next year.

All our customers are our best friends, and for friends we do not feel sorry. To friends, we never feel sorry to present a portion of horror and nightmares. After all, it will give them a lot of happiness in the future. We will help you fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a gloomy holiday in its best traditions and with a well-known share of creativity. When ordering the holiday "Helloween" in our company awaits you:

  • Stylized design and holiday.
  • Thematic musical accompaniment.
  • A wide selection of festive costumes and the opportunity to order professional actors and artists.
  • An unforgettable show program with an original scenario created individually under the circumstances and customer needs.
  • Mass of friendly terrible jokes, merry nightmares and hellish competitions.
  • Any scale of the event: from the "apartment" to the club party in the style of Helouin.

Halloween organization

Order a holiday in the company, and you will get your personal horror holiday without borders and stops. Independent drive, which gives Halloween now comes to every home. And all this madness you will receive at reasonable prices and with consistently high quality and professionalism.

  • Animators - 3000 / hour 1 person.
  • - 2500 / h.
  • - 15,000/30 min.
  • Registration - from 3000 rubles.
  • Mime - 3000/1 hour.

Masks, characters from horror films and up to horror Merry show program ... No, this is not the scenario of the next movie category "older than 16" - this is October 31, Halloween from the VIP-Stars agency. Do you want your holiday to be this? Then welcome to "VIP-Stars" - we are easily organizing the worst and fun holidays.

And in order for you are confident as an event done, we suggest familiarizing yourself with specially developed show programs and a common "menu" of your holiday.

What Halloween can we organize?

  • Halloween for the smallest lovers of holidays - Your children. A distinctive feature of this type of holiday is the minimum of frightening elements and maximum entertainment programs.
  • Halloween for adults. Parties with the "taste of" horror films, in the best European traditions, as well as theatrical programs - everything you need for a successful holiday.

As you can see, we have experience in holding Halloween any scale and for any audience. And now, we think it's time to talk about what a holiday will consist of and what it is different.

Halloween Menu

In order for your Halloween as successful as possible, we have many options and holiday concepts. The list of services for the organization Halloween includes our classic services: selection, rental and decoration of premises, show programs, other entertainment.

Also on this holiday, we prepared something special - not alone, and three special show programs, which are a mixture of a theatrical presentation and simply entertainment program. You can choose any program:

  • Unusual tournament - Night Pumpkin.
  • Masquerade, Masquerade or Night of Surprises.
  • Horror bloody Mary.

And if the proposed programs do not fit you, we will gladly develop a new concept of your holiday.

To order presented show programs or developing an individual scenario, you suffer from contact us using a special form below. And we will do everything to make your holiday to the horror cheerful.

If your boss ignored the holiday, show him this article.

Costumes, contests and treatments are a great way to diversify working weekdays. In addition, their own festive traditions will help strengthen the team spirit and develop corporate culture. Halloween is the time to connect creative thinking to surprise colleagues funny and unexpected ideas. This is what is happening on the eve of the day of all saints in ten large companies.

1. Etsy

It is not surprising that on the most creative trading platform of Brooklyn Halloween passes with a scope. All October State Etsy Masters the most incredible suits from priest materials. There are sewing machines, typographic printing machines and 3D printers. For the brightest and inventive images are provided for gifts.

Employees are constantly immersed in the atmosphere of creativity. Here in the order of things to take a break and give the will of fantasy - for example, she sew a fun festive bag for candy or a suit for a domestic pet.


Employees of this network of coworkins prefer group costumes. Carly Vienuto, the head of the organization of business events and holidays, says that the WEWORK team adores a festive vanity, because it means communication with each other and the creative atmosphere. She remembered that once the human frames were inspired by the Day of the Dead and prepared the thematic group suit, and the legal department was all the composition at work in the form of minions.

"Halloween, like other holidays, is primarily a space for creativity," says Venuo.

3. Hubspot.

Boston marketing startups always celebrated Halloween with a scope. The program is the traditional extortion of sweets at colleagues, matinees for children of employees and contests for the most creative suit.

"This is the best thing that you can come up with Hubspot culture: our employees show themselves from the creative side, share joy with loved ones, inviting me to holiday friends and family members," says Laura Moran, senior press manager.

4. LittleBits.

The New York company produces electronic modular designers for inventors of any age. Casey Coppelson Public Relations Manager says that with the help of Littebits tools, a variety of companies are organized by interactive festive scenery like a terrible doorbell or spiders.

On fully equipped production sites of the company, all conditions have been created to create original costumes for an annual competition. People get gifts and drink the witch potions (they are also branded cocktails) from the barman-robot DrinkerBot on the LittleBits project.

5. Porch

Startup from Seattle helps customers find repairmen and select the best ideas for repair. And on Halloween, employees cut out and paint pumpkins, and then choose the best. At the annual competition of costumes, they come to work already in the dresses and often lead members of their families. Children go on the floors and collect sweets with a scream "Wallet or Life!", Atmosphere of the holiday reigns in the office.

"I think it is good for us," says Ronnie Castro, the co-founder of Porch and Vice President on the success of working with clients. - People are having fun, communicate and find a common language. No one forces them, and everyone is doing well. "

6. Klick.

Employees of the marketing company from Toronto every year are looking forward to Halloween and are being promoted to it: decorate the office, make a contest for the most beautiful carved pumpkin and organize a party. Many employees approach such a cheerful case seriously and think over their costumes in a few months.

The co-founder of Klick and the Director General of Lir Segal remembers that one department copied costumes, and at the same time the dance with the Michael Jackson clip Thriller. He says: "We are both hands for everything that can motivate the team and are willing to give time to what our people like. When employees are happy, work boils and the company flourishes. "

7. Taskus.

California support service and outsourcing company organizes suits contest not only for employees, but also for local office dogs. Employees themselves prepare snacks and bring them to a party, where everyone votes for the dish favorite.

"It seems to me that there should be a corporate culture to which you need to strive," says Lauren Miller's recruitment manager. She also adds that festive traditions is an important element of a healthy atmosphere in a team that contributes to the development of a "general sense of gratitude and appreciation to each other."


Arlington Web Design Development Company has been holding contests for more than 10 years. Materials for creativity are distributed two weeks before Halloween, and team has time to cut and decorate their pumpkin, surrounding competitors in originality. Then post photos on Facebook, and the winner team dinner at the expense of the company and goes to the virtual board of honor on the Matrix Group website.

"Halloween is a chance to disperse, do something together (moreover, something that is not related to work) and manifest creative abilities in reality, and not in the world of IT," says Joanna Pinteda CEO.

9. Integrate.

The Houston PR Agency is suitable for an office decoration with real fanaticism. During the first week of October, each employee goes to the supermarket from $ 10 - it is given 10 minutes to purchase everything you need to decorate its working area. Then there are two weeks to finally arrange everything - it is allowed to use all the materials in the office, but nothing can be brought with you. The results are evaluated by customers of the company, and the winner receives a well-deserved prize.

"We store all crafts from previous years - so, perhaps, we are the only company in the whole city that has started a separate warehouse for Halloween," says the founder of Integrate Ellie Dancyger. - October - it is always the most uploaded month a year, so our decorative and applied competition is a real extension for employees. This holiday helps our hardworking workers not just not be afraid of October, but even look forward to him. "

10. Signal

The organization and holding of the thematic party "Halloween" in Moscow. Scenario Halloween

Halloween is a holiday of ancient Celts, which has become distributed and has become very popular and in the modern English-language world, and for some times it is also noted in many other countries. This deliberately fun holiday, coming overnight on the eve of all saints - from October 31 to November 1, is steadily associated with supernatural forces and an overwhelming world. Children on this day are dressing in costumes and masks and go from the door to the door, leaking sweets, reading lines from poems or playing scenes, frightening owners. Pi of this refuse to treat these small representatives of supernatural forces.

The traditional symbol of the holiday is the lamp of Jack - pumpkin with carved eyes and mouth and a candle inside.

There are many legends and customs with this holiday. According to one of them, the girls cleaned an apple, trying to make the cut sliced \u200b\u200bpeel as longer as possible. After that, they moved her over her shoulder, and she had to take the outlines of the first letter of the surname surname. The candle rose to the last floor of an abandoned old house and in the mirror tried to see the image of the groom. At the venues organized attractions, the purpose of which was to scare visitors. Such traditions can be based on festive competitions and thematic entertainment at a party.

Usually characters at Halloween parties are famous heroes of horror films and vintage fairy tales. Variants of images and costumes can be the most different and limited to the fantasy of the participants. One of the newest festive events in Moscow is the "mode parade" at such a party. How it happens, you can look in the clips after the text.

As an entertainment at such a party, you can arrange small theatrical setting of scenes from the famous film sedellas, "protection" of costumes and images, female (from the heroine of Salma Hayek in the film "From Sunset to Dawn") and Male (from Van Helsing from Bladid) Striptease , a room with a boa, etc. If you find it difficult for you on your own, then we will offer:

The design of the festive platform requires some fantasy and creative approach and can be quite complicated. As a scenery, a boutoform coffin, Jack lamps at different angles, black and white pictures with a picture of famous characters, skeletons, masks, screens, showing episodes from vampire films, etc.

We thank everyone who visited our parties on the eve of the day of all saints, and hope for new meetings!
In this album, we placed the most successful photos and stylish videos about these nights! We look and remember!

Organize Halloween with us!
Collective of the company "Ocean of Holidays".

Fashion trends in parties in a certain style did not bypasses and the topic of horror stories, horror, mystics. Of course, a better case than halloween is hard to come up with such terrible sites. Of course, the evening in the style of vamp can be devoted to the birthday, a simple party or corporate. But much more symbolic will be a holiday evening on the eve of the day of all saints.

Thematic evening is always an unusual and fun holiday. Participants break her head over makeup, hairstyles, gifts. Waiting for interesting competitions and unusual photo sessions.

But much more responsibilities and responsibilities lie on the shoulders of the party organizer. A little to come up with an idea, the name of the party on Halloween and invite guests, you need to think over the whole concept and do not miss any little things. We will try to decompose on the shelves all the stages of preparing parties in honor of Halloween at home.

Halloween: Party Topics, Ideas for the Holiday House

In principle, the entire further concept of the holiday will depend on the selected style. Theme Halloween and is absolutely not limited to pumpkins and ghosts. Of course, you can inform guests about the general theme of the parties, without limiting their fantasy.

At such a holiday, witches with Peter foam, bringing with Cheshire cats and snow-white with leprechauns. Halloween places are enough for everyone. But you can come up with a narrower topic, from which the party will become even more intriguing.

Zombies come. Unknown to the world the disease struck everyone alive, turning into terrible creatures. The goal of their life is food and fun. And Zombie Party will become a survival lesson.

Where the lead is a real crazy scientist who puts experiments on a visit.

Yes, and all as a selection. Here and the "beautiful" super-model, and an important president, and a dashing cowboy, and a mysterious artist.

Consider with invited roles or prepare the props that guests can take advantage. Wigs, ties, ribbon shirts and, of course, make up the wigs.

As prizes for winners of contests, prepare small brains. A participant - the winning scientist necessarily resurrect. Well, of course, he will be eaten by his fellow.

Vampire party. Invite friends to Dracula Castle. Invitation decorate blood traces and tanning mark.

And for sophisticated and power bloodsuckers, prepare the same measured entertainment.

The original will be a photo session in an improvised coffin, which can be made from the cabinet-foam. Decorate such an attribute with a bright cloth and bouquet of dry flowers. Guests will have to try to match the image.

House with the ghosts. An interesting and popular party for the party. Large work will not turn a dwelling in the ghosts.

Create various frightening attributes that need to decorate the house. Mysteriousness will give a web, raised in the corridors. And the horror will cause wet creatures made from a sponge.

Vgges and screams will confirm that such a harmless creature listed guests - it is such sensations with random touch.

Outdoor theme should be present in the competitive program. It may be not only contests for films, but also a ghostly fashion show.

Witify Sabbath. An ideal option for the theme of the bachelides on the eve of Halloween a. Although the guys are pleased to take part in Shabash as sorcerers and shamans. The sorcerers, witches, psychics and magicians must necessarily comply with the dress code.

For negligent witches and sorcerers, prepare a small supply of hats, curses and magic chopsticks. Do not forget to put the stand for the broom. And, of course, prepare a place for mysterious.

Each participant must submit his image, inventing not only the original name, but also a mysterious story.

There will be an interesting competition with reincarnation in objects or animals that participants must portray without words. Be sure to spend several. The theme of witches is great to this.

It is also interesting that you can beat the plot of a particular movie or a cartoon.

For example, Harry Raised, Leprechauns, a family of Adams, Supernatural, Alice in Wonderland, will suit the plot.

Fix interesting ideas for Halloween

Little to hold a brainstorming and deccture on the concept of the holiday.

All the ideas that have appeared on paper or electronically. So you do not miss important trifles, and the holiday will turn out to be fame.

Do not forget to make a separate list of necessary purchases. And only after that go to the store.

What should be in the list of ideas for a party to Halloween:

  • options for decorations of the room in line with the topics of the holiday;
  • attributes for costumes and makeups that can be promptly apply for guests who do not take care of specific outfits;
  • a selection of music and movies;
  • scenario Party with games and quiz;
  • competitions at the Halloween Party;
  • prizes for contests;
  • table setting tables;

Such a plan will help organize a holiday in the style of Halloween, taking into account all the details.

We invite guests: Invitations for Halloween

It is from the number of guests will depend on the holiday scenario, and the menu. Think up how many people will optimally take in your home.

It's not very pleasant when a man is interpreted in a one-room apartment 30, pretending that the holiday they really like. Take into account thematic zones, the age of guests and their tastes.

Definitely, all responsibility, as for the progress, and for misses falls on the owner of the house.

You will also have to distribute roles if the party is dedicated to a specific plot. Be sure to notify guests about them, so that the holiday does not have a dozen Harry losses.

In line with the subjects are preparing and invitation. Be sure to specify the date and time of the celebration. If necessary, we prescribe the role of a guest at the thematic party, as well as the necessary trivia for the holiday.

In the shabby invitation can be made in the form of a black witch hat. Figurines of black cats, twinkling, images of a tombstone, an ancient castle are suitable.

The invitation to the Halloween party, written by the marker on real small towns, will look original.

Actions before party

Direct preparation for the Halloween style party takes a lot of time and strength. Therefore, it is desirable to attract assistants to this process.

It may be relatives, and someone from the invited. Preparation will have to start not on the day of the holiday, but a little earlier, making decorations for the room, trivia for the table and costumes.

Ideas of scenery and decorations for Halloween

Think up to small scenery. You will have to decorate not only the room where the feast will go, but also entrance, kitchen, bath.

Special attention is paid to the yard if the holiday passes in his home. The ideas of the decor on Halloween are terrible and intruder.

Web. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made web in the souvenir shop. It looks very believable, and the guests will think that for the holiday you specifically transferred cage from the sheds and basements.

But without costs, such decorations from ordinary threads, syntheps or cotton can be made.

Pumpkins. The topic of pumpkins occupies a special place when preparing Halloween a. They can easily be used for decorating at home itself, and for the courtyard. Pumpkins on the windowsill, on the tables. From this vegetable, original and unique faces and figures are obtained. And when in the evening you will challenge the candles in them, it will be an unforgettable spectacle.

For the manufacture of a lamp Jack from ripe pumpkin, the whole pulp and seeds are removed. And in the peel itself, holes are done to get a wonderful face. And of course prepare.

You can use our samples to learn ideas for your masterpieces.

Dolls. Suitable rag homemakes and old toys.

Purify them with the help of the colors of the frightening type. Split clothes on them or wrap bandages.

Mini-ghost. They are easy to do from old sheets. In the center, place a piece of watts and secure a torn fabric.

It is interesting to look ghosts in balloons. Color such ghosts in front of the entrance door, in the rooms.

Skeletons. In antiquity, there was a ritual with the installation of animal skeletons, which were frightened by evil.

The "human skeletons" are now popular. Where to get such a "decoration"? We use ready-made or made from papier-mache paper.

It is possible to purchase bones of animals on the market and after processing cheating in rooms on the walls.

Glasses and mirrors decorate a special varnish or spray. Or make appliques from paper. They are perfectly held on the usual soap, after which the glass is easily clean.

Table setting

The table occupies a special place on any party. Therefore, he will have to pay a lot of time.

The main colors applied in the serving, of course, will be black, orange, red and white. You can make a tablecloth from a disposable plastic, having painted it with a gouache.

It will be interesting to look and a black fabric, with a web applied to it. There is a place on the table for vintage lamps, candles, bouquets of autumn leaves and dry flowers.

You can decorate the table with animals-starch. Spiders, worms, small animals, teeth - everything goes into the most terrible holiday.

And be sure to work on decoration of dishes. You can not only consider an intriguing menu with cocktails for Halloween and, but also unusually decorate the dishes.

The edges of glasses dip in sugar, tinted with a red dye. Tilting the glass, allow improvised blood stroke on the glass.

Place the glowing lights on the bottom of Salads or bowls. And in Chan with the punch, which well, just should be on such a holiday, place dry ice with smoke. Smoke clubs that wrapped the Chan look fascinating.


The atmosphere of terrible fun, of course, depends on the mood of the guests. Therefore, take care to create it directly from the threshold.

Meet invited to terrifying music.

Do not forget about little surprises in the form of skeletons popping out of the door of the cabinets and the dumping ash from suddenly torn bags.

Screws and screams not to the place at this holiday just will be appropriate.

Let during the holiday, the rich waiters are spreading glasses with "blood". It will be red wine, cherry or grenade juice.

And Madame Taro presents guests unusual cards with intriguing predictions.

Spend. Especially interesting vintage fortune-law and rites have a large fire.

And, of course, turn on the original games on Halloween in the script. Winners reward medal or small prizes. If you have children on an adult holiday in honor of Halloween, take care of game places for them, as well as where they can relax and sleep.

Such ideas for Halloween for children will allow parents to walk a little longer on the holiday.

Prepare and spend the thematic party in the style of Halloween - the point is responsible and not easy. But believe me, impressions and memorable photos are worth.