How to bleach yellowed plastic: the most effective folk methods. Methods and recommendations for removing stains from plastic

Plastic is a very popular material. It is used in the production of windows, furniture and household goods, computer components, finishing materials and in many other areas. Plastic has one significant drawback - it turns yellow over time. There are several ways to solve this problem and not come back to it in the future.

Why does plastic turn yellow?

There are several possible reasons for the yellowing of plastic:
  • Oxidation. Plastic is a synthetic polymer that enters into a chemical reaction when interacting with oxygen, however, this process lasts for a long time. Oxygen is inevitably present in the air, so sooner or later the results of this chemical process appear as a change in color.
  • UV exposure. Conscientious manufacturers use light stabilizers - special additives that absorb active ultraviolet rays. These additives include benzophenone and benzotriazole.
  • Temperature fluctuations during operation.
  • Fat plaque.
  • Wrong care. Plastic is a material that is easy to clean, but not all products are good for caring for it. The use of caustic chemicals and abrasive materials in the care of plastic will damage its surface, resulting in discoloration.
  • Poor quality material. Plastic waste through recycling takes on a second life - it is again used in the production of various items and structures. If certain additives are not used in the secondary production of plastic, it will quickly lose its original appearance.
  • Features of operation. It matters how plastic products are used. If the room is constantly smoked (exposure to nicotine resins) or there is an open source of fire (soot), then even with a good extract, the material will turn yellow.
If low-quality plastic has turned yellow, then most likely it will not be possible to bleach it. In other cases, you can return the color using some tricks.

All ways to bleach yellowed plastic

There are several ways to bleach yellowed plastic.

Ready funds

In many household stores with a decent assortment, you can buy special products for plastic surfaces. They are designed for heavy pollution and perfectly whiten the material.

Effective representatives of such special equipment are Cosmoklar cleaning milk (Weiss Chemie) and its analogue Bauset cleaner, Bon budget sprayer.

Universal products are well suited for cleaning and bleaching, for example, Cif or Domestos, Garden sprays, Prosept, Meine Liebe, Grass.

You can also buy a universal plastic cleaner in automotive stores. Profoam, Mafra, Doctor Wax, Liqui Moly are popular.

Laundry soap

One of the gentle ways to clean yellowed plastic is ordinary laundry soap. It works best when the plastic has turned yellow due to greasy deposits.

It is necessary to dissolve half a piece of laundry soap in a small amount of warm water (it is better to grind it on a grater first). Yellowed surfaces must be treated with a sponge dipped in the resulting solution. After half an hour, the composition can be washed off.

It is better to take a product with a high content of fatty acids - it is indicated on the soap itself or on the package as a percentage.

Alcohol and solvents

Alcohol (ethanol) works well with yellowed plastic. Processing should be carried out with gloves and with open windows. It is enough to wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in alcohol. The smell will dissipate over time, but you can use some kind of mild scented cleaner.

For cleaning, it is better to use a technical product, but ordinary ammonia is also perfect.

Alcohol can be replaced with a solvent such as acetone. The processing process is similar. If the color changes are minor or not too old, then nail polish remover (with acetone) can cope with them.


Vinegar is also a gentle bleaching agent, but the fumes from this agent require certain precautions. Be sure to open the window and carry out processing in tight rubber gloves.

You can make a fairly aggressive cleaner by mixing baking soda, liquid soap, and acetic acid. It is better to dilute such a tool with a little water.

It should be borne in mind that the smell of vinegar is quite persistent, so this remedy is not always appropriate.

Technical soda and bleaches

Such components are best used for removable plastic elements. It is necessary to make a solution of these products and soak the yellowed parts in it.

A mixture of technical soda and washing powder for white things helps well - for 1 liter of water you need to take a tablespoon of each component. After 10-15 hours of soaking, the effect will be excellent.

To clean yellowed plastic, various bleaches work well, especially those based on chlorine. One of the most affordable means is ordinary whiteness. Sometimes it is much better than funds that are many times more expensive.

Hydrogen peroxide

This tool works well even in advanced cases. Before processing, the surface must be cleaned of dust and grease. Processing of one place must be done at least 3-4 times.

Hydrogen peroxide gives a greater effect in tandem with a hair lightener. It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of funds in half a liter of water and treat the yellowed surface with the resulting solution.

Special wipes

In specialized stores you can buy wipes for the care of monitors and keyboards. They are impregnated with a special composition that effectively cleans the surface and eliminates yellowness.


If the white color of the surface cannot be returned, then you can resort to a cardinal measure - painting it. Spray paints work best for this. The main thing is to protect the surface that does not need to be painted, otherwise the spray can ruin it.

Baking soda and powder products

Plastic surfaces are not recommended for cleaning with abrasive particles, but if other methods are ineffective, you can resort to such measures.

It helps to wash yellowed plastic with baking soda or powder products like Pemolux.

How to care for plastic so that it does not turn yellow

Proper care of plastic surfaces will prevent them from yellowing. It is important to follow a few simple rules:
  • Regular cleaning with soapy water. After that, wipe the surface with a clean cloth and wipe dry. You can use various detergents to care for plastic, for example, for laundry or dishes. The main thing is that they be in liquid or gel form.
  • Do not use abrasive products. The use of various powders scratches the plastic, even if it is imperceptible at first glance. Dirt accumulates in these lesions, which penetrates deeper and deeper over time.
  • Do not smoke near plastic surfaces - this invariably leads to yellowness.
  • Clean up regularly. Plastic surfaces may turn yellow if left uncleaned. This often manifests itself on window sills with flower pots - the surface under them often turns yellow. Learn more about how to clean your window sill.
  • Use polishes. Such products create a film invisible to the eye on the surface - it protects from external influences.
If you use some tricks, timely and properly care for plastic surfaces, then they will delight you with an ideal appearance for a long time. Subject to certain rules, plastic items will last a very long time and will not turn yellow.

Although plastic is a versatile material, it will yellow over time when exposed to the sun. Grease and dust, absorbed into the surface of the plastic, can also change its color. That is why it is important to know how to bleach plastic. Here are some easy ways to get your fridge in order.

How to bleach plastic on the refrigerator

What to prepare for cleaning plastic

Before starting the bleaching process, it is necessary to prepare the plastic. With the help of a detergent, dirt and grease are removed from it. To do this, use a soft sponge so as not to scratch the refrigerator. To clean, ready-made wipes soaked in a special detergent solution are also suitable. As a rule, the surface of the plastic becomes a couple of tones lighter only after such cleaning. If the refrigerator has removable plastic parts, then it is better to remove them first. Prepare a sponge, a few rags, detergents, laundry soap, a couple of solvents (alcohol, acetone) and soda for the bleaching process.

How to bleach yellowed plastic

After cleaning the plastic, you can start the process of bleaching it using one of the proposed methods:

- The most gentle method is cleaning with laundry soap. However, it will help if the plastic has yellowed as a result of the accumulation of fat. To do this, the soap is rubbed on a fine grater, dissolved in water and the contaminated surface is treated with a solution.

- The easiest way is to apply any detergent containing chlorine to the plastic overnight. In the morning it is washed off with water.

- In equal proportions, technical soda is mixed with washing powder. The mixture is dissolved in a liter of water. The resulting solution is applied to plastic or removable parts are soaked in it. After a few hours, the bleached parts of the refrigerator are washed with water.

- A solution of perhydrol applied to plastic helps to remove unsightly yellowness. This is the most aggressive cleaning method.

- No less effective is the use of acetone to clean the yellowness. However, you should be careful, as this substance can dissolve some types of plastic. If the material has passed the test in a small area, lightly dampen the cloth and wipe the plastic with a quick motion. Avoid leaks.

Plastic is a material that is often used in the manufacture of household appliances, as well as in the manufacture of windows and other products. Easily washable, resistant to acids and alkalis, it is not afraid of water. However, plastic has one unpleasant quality - the ability to turn yellow.

There are several reasons why plastic turns yellow. The most basic:

  • exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet leads to partial disintegration of the plastic surface);
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • additives that are part of the plastic.

That is why window sills on plastic windows, surfaces of refrigerators and microwave ovens turn yellow.

How quickly yellowness will appear on the plastic cannot be guessed. Because it depends not only on the above three factors, but also on the handling of plastic.

So, the substances that make up the detergents often used by housewives to clean plastic surfaces can also have a negative effect on the material and lead to yellowness.

However, do not despair if the plastic has turned yellow. It is not easy to remove yellowness, but it is possible using improvised means.

There are several ways to clean the plastic from the yellowness that has appeared.

Method number 1. With laundry soap. Half a piece of laundry soap should be grated on a coarse grater and pour a glass of warm water. Wait until a mushy substance is obtained from the prepared solution. Apply it on yellowed surfaces and leave for 30 minutes, then rub the contaminated areas with a hard sponge and rinse with warm water. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times.

Method number 2. Apply a small amount of ethyl alcohol to a soft cloth and wipe problem areas. Ethyl alcohol is especially good at reducing the appearance of yellowness from sunlight.

Alcohol should be tested on an inconspicuous area prior to use, as the chemical composition of alcohol can damage the surface.

Method number 3. Windows can be perfectly cleaned with a mixture of washing powder and baking soda. Mix both components in equal proportions (one tablespoon each) and pour 0.5 liters of warm water. Dissolve the powder and soda crystals in water, apply the solution with a sponge on window frames and window sills, leave for a long time (6-8 hours), rinse with clean water. This method is also suitable for removing yellow plaque on the refrigerator.

Method number 4. Car cosmetics sold in car dealerships can whiten yellowed plastic well and quickly. She will not only wash the plastic, but also refresh it. Sprays will help to restore plastic, and polishes and cleaners of plastic products will preserve its original appearance for a long time.

Method number 5. It is possible to whiten yellowed areas with the help of napkins used to care for computer equipment. Soaked in a special solution, they will not harm the surfaces.

Method number 6. Hydrogen peroxide can remove yellowness. It is enough to pour a small amount of it on the sponge and wipe all the yellow areas. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times. The effect will be sure!

Method number 7. Some housewives use acetone to remove yellowness from plastic. However, this method is very aggressive. Therefore, it is imperative to test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the plastic.

There are many secrets to help whiten yellowed plastic. It is important to approach the cleaning process responsibly so as not to harm the products. It is better to start with the use of less harmful and more gentle means.

Washing a plastic product without streaks is quite difficult. However, there are no secrets to plastic care.

The safest method of daily cleaning is to wipe plastic surfaces with soapy water. You just need to moisten a soft cloth in it, wring it out well and wipe all areas of the plastic. After the procedure, wipe all products dry.

Scouring powders and other substances that can scratch the surface should not be used, as dirt can easily enter into the cracks that have appeared.

Dishwashing liquids, liquid soaps, glass cleaners (without alcohol), shower gels, shampoos, polishes that do not have wax in their composition are perfect for the daily care of plastic products.

Do not rush to throw away the thing if the plastic has undergone irreversible changes. In any hardware store you can find aerosols that are suitable for painting plastic surfaces. Then the product will find a "new life"!

In rooms where there are plastic products, you should not smoke and, if possible, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible.

The process of daily maintenance of plastic surfaces is quite simple. The main thing is to follow the rules and act without excessive fanaticism, then household appliances, windows and other plastic items will delight you with their whiteness for a long time!

One of the most unpretentious, lightweight and common materials used in the manufacture of household appliances, kitchen utensils and many other household products is plastic. Unfortunately, over time, white plastic parts take on a noticeable yellow tint. To easily restore the products to their former whiteness, we recommend that you read a few tips on how to bleach yellowed plastic.

soap solution

Very often, the phenomenon is the result of ordinary dust, dirt or soot settling on the surface. In this case, it will be easy to solve the problem of cleaning the product - just wash it in ordinary soapy water, armed with a sponge or brush with soft bristles.


To whiten plastic, you can also soak the item in a solution of baking soda and washing powder. In a liter of water, 20 grams of each of these substances must be dissolved, after which plastic should be placed there and left for at least six hours.


Alcohol can slightly dissolve the surface of plastic parts, so careful use of this method will clean surfaces that have lost their whiteness for almost any reason.

It is best to use a lint-free cloth dampened with alcohol for cleaning. Before you begin to process the entire part, try to clean some inconspicuous area. If alcohol has not spoiled the surface, you can safely wipe the entire product.


Instead of alcohol, you can clean yellowed plastic with acetone. Soak a dry, clean cloth or tissue in the liquid and gently wipe the desired areas. Make sure that no excess moisture or stains remain on the surface during processing. And in this case, be sure to make sure that acetone will not cause harm by first wiping a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

Cleaning products for monitors and PCs

To carefully whiten the plastic, wipes designed for the care of computer equipment, sold in specialized stores, help. According to experts, after cleaning with such a napkin, a battered computer looks almost like new. Along with PC, you can also use this product to clean other plastic items.

Plastic cleaners and restorers

Another special care product for plastic surfaces are various cleaners and restorers sold in auto parts stores. With the help of these sprays, you can not only bleach the plastic, but also cover it with a thin protective film.

For bleaching, you can wash, and if possible, soak the products that have lost their original color for several hours in any of the detergents containing chlorine.

Hydrogen peroxide

Many housewives successfully return the whiteness of kitchen utensils with the help of ordinary hydrogen peroxide, sold in pharmacies. Dampen the sponge with the solution and wipe the parts thoroughly.

Peroxide not only helps to remove soot and grease from the surface of products, but it can even whiten plastic windows that have turned yellow from tobacco smoke.

To enhance the result, you can also mix peroxide with any stain remover, dissolve this mixture in water and place plastic parts there for several hours. About 40 grams of this product must be added per liter of water.

If none of the proposed methods brought you the desired result, it remains to use the last effective remedy, namely, paint your products white, for example, using an aerosol can.

When the warm springtime comes, many housewives massively begin to start a general cleaning. When it comes to window cleaning, many people wonder how to clean plastic window sill. Street dust and smudges from watering indoor plants form strong pollution on the windowsills. The flowing water gradually forms yellow spots on the windowsill.

If the main pollution occurs due to flowers, then you can buy beautiful napkins for a pot or a wicker planter. Thanks to this, the window sill will always look elegant and well-groomed, and most importantly, clean.

In the arsenal of every housewife there is a huge amount of tools that can be used to wash a plastic window sill, but it is not so easy to put it in order, returning its former cleanliness. Many manufacturers use different textures for the production of plastic windows and window sills, some textures may be porous, others rough, so in each case, different methods of cleaning plastic on windows are used.

Often, companies that install metal-plastic windows warn the customer about what the window sill is made of and what means can be used to clean its components. With proper care and the correct use of cleaning products, stains from the window material can be easily removed.

To remove fresh stains, you can use a soft sponge and light soapy water solution. They wash off easily. If you cannot remove this stain from the windowsill using this method, then use dish detergent, however it will take a long time to wash off the plastic.

Cleaning powders Perfect for removing stains from laminated window sills.

Cleaning products that can be applied to the surface with a sprayer are ideal. In this case, surfactants will not get on the delicate skin of the hands.

However, these atomizers have a pronounced odor and instantly fall on the mucous membrane due to fine atomization of particles, therefore This product is not suitable for people with allergies..

The most polluted place on the windowsill is the gap, which is located under the frame. In this place there is an accumulation of a huge mass of dust, so washing with a sponge is not suitable. Perfect for cleaning this area on the windowsill old toothbrush: its bristles will easily penetrate into "the most inaccessible places".

An important point is the choice of all kinds of rags and accessories. For example, a soft porous sponge, fiber or cotton fabric is perfect for the smooth surface of a plastic window sill. If the window sill has a rough surface, then you can deal with dirt with hard brushes, but in no case do not use a metal scraper, since it will scratch even the most durable material from which window sills are made.

How to wash stains and rust?

In order to quickly and effectively wash the window sill from stains and rust, you just need to take a walk to any household chemicals store, since the choice of products for effective cleaning of plastic surfaces is extremely large.

So, let's start exploring the arsenal of the most effective means for cleaning your windowsill:

In addition to these powerful drugs, you can also use glass and mirror cleaners, washing powder, antibacterial wipes, or a soapy solution from laundry soap to clean plastic window sills.

How to wash after repair?

Many housewives think how to wash a plastic window sill after repair when there is a lot of dirt on it (from paint, primer, etc.). To deal with this problem is quite easy if you use the following recommendations for cleaning the surface:

  1. First of all, we remove all the plugs, since it is in these places that a huge amount of construction dust will accumulate, after which we sweep away all the dust from the windowsill with a fiber cloth or a broom. Next, you need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth or napkin.
  2. If particles of primer or plaster remain on the windowsill, they must be removed using cleaners that contain abrasives. With this cream or gel, you need to treat the surface and leave the product for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with a soft rubber spatula or a hard sponge with plenty of water.
  3. The mounting foam can be washed with a brush with hard bristles, if it is thoroughly scraped off the contaminated surface.
  4. After removing all the remaining dirt from the repair work, the window sill should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, to which you can add a little laundry soap, then wipe the plastic dry with paper towels.

This procedure can be repeated a few more times until your plastic window sill is completely clean.

How to remove dirt from a white window sill?

White PVC window sills look very presentable and can remain so for almost an eternity if you follow simple rules for caring for them. But it happens that the snow-white surface has acquired pollution of various types, and then several recommendations should be followed on how to remove pollution from the white window sill.

Using cleaning products that say they are suitable for plastic surfaces on the packaging, you can remove fresh stains and smudges on the windowsill. Also glass cleaners are great as many of them contain alcohol. With the help of such a tool and a fiber rag, you can effectively remove stains from a white window sill.

You can return the former snow-white look to the window sill with the help of laundry detergent for whites. To do this, you need to make a slurry of a thick consistency, apply it to the surface, rub it with the hard side of the sponge, you can leave it for ten minutes if the dirt is old. After that, rinse with plenty of warm water and wipe with a porous sponge so that it absorbs excess moisture, then wipe dry with paper towels.

Almost every hostess has small pieces of remnants. It's not worth throwing them away. Fill a half-liter jar with such remnants halfway and add a glass of hot water so that they dissolve thoroughly. The prepared gruel can also be used to clean the white window sill from dirt. A very good and economical option as you don't spend a dime on cleaning products.

An effective and proven remedy is to use chalk and tooth powder in order to remove dirt from the white plastic window sill. Since these products are the most delicate abrasive, it is impossible to spoil the surface. Preparing this mixture for cleaning is very simple: mix a tablespoon of powder or chalk with a tablespoon of warm water, if necessary, you can add a little more liquid to make the gruel look like thick sour cream. We apply this composition on the windowsill and rub it with a dry sponge, you can leave it for 15 minutes for more effective whitening of the plastic. After drying, remove the remnants of the powder and dust with a damp fiber cloth and wipe the window sill dry with napkins or a rag.

If you stick a self-adhesive film on the surface of the window sill, then you will not have such a problem as returning the window sill to its former whiteness.

This film can be transparent or have a different color. It is lacquered and is very washable. It will protect your white window sill from dirt, and will help you easily cope with the problem of dust and kitchen soot.

An excellent and proven over the years cleaner for cleaning a white window sill from old dirt is the well-known baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) and 9% table vinegar (or vinegar essence). This procedure must be done with rubber gloves, since vinegar can damage the skin of the hands. Sprinkle baking soda on stained areas of a white window sill, or apply it all over the surface to whiten it. In the meantime, it is necessary to soak the sponge with table vinegar and carefully treat the contaminated surface. The reaction between baking soda and vinegar will perfectly destroy old stains or a thick layer of greasy soot and effectively clean a white plastic window sill.

In order to clean the white window sill from dirt, do not use products that may contain acids and alkalis because they destroy the PVC structure. It is not recommended to use products that contain aggressive abrasive particles, in order to avoid damaging the surface. The best is to use a soft sponge or fiber cloth.

Removing the primer

After the completion of the repair work, you noticed that deep penetration primer stains remained on the windowsill or window. At first, you were not particularly upset, but when you could not wash it, you had a global question: "How can I remove the primer from a plastic window sill?"

The primer is very difficult to remove from surfaces for which it is not intended, so it is best to protect these places with a thick film before starting repairs, the joints are glued with adhesive tape.

But, if trouble has already happened, and the primer has got on the plastic window sill, we will consider the most common methods for its removal. It is best to remove it immediately with a damp cloth, as the primer dries in almost 25 minutes, and after two weeks it gains maximum strength.

So, consider the most effective methods for removing the primer from a plastic window sill:

Do not forget that it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it, therefore, before starting repair work, it is better to carefully protect all surfaces that may get dirty with a primer.

How to clean at home?

Many housewives trust the cleaning of a plastic window sill to household products and believe that it is possible to achieve its cleanliness at home.

In addition to the slurry of chalk (or tooth powder) on water and soda with vinegar essence, which we have already described, which perfectly clean white surfaces, an excellent tool for cleaning the window sill at home is It is made from melamine resin, which acquires abrasive properties over time. Therefore, cleaning with this sponge will be as effective as possible, even if you use a regular soap solution.

It should be remembered that purchased substances for cleaning plastic window sills cannot always be used, since they negatively affect human health, especially children and people with allergies. Therefore, cleaning any surfaces at home with the help of folk remedies is the most favorable for your family.