How to show a man that you are interested in him: practical advice for women. How to unobtrusively show a man that you like him

You are subdued by the talent, character, intellect, appearance of a man, you like him, but he does not notice your feelings. A familiar situation, isn't it? The dilemma is whether to act or not. How to delicately and unobtrusively let him know that he is not indifferent to you, without being imposed? In this article, we will list the most proven ways to hint to a guy that a relationship is possible between you.

Even the most courageous girl cannot always openly declare her love. And it's not about courage. Confessing her love first, she deprives herself of the most reverent moment of the relationship - courtship. How nice male attention and indifference. You feel at this moment a real beautiful lady. But the girl decides to take the first step, trying on the male role for herself. It is not the man who becomes the hunter and conqueror, but the woman. Will we not have to continue to play this role and take on all the problems that arise?

Let's try to go the other way. Unobtrusively win the attention of a lover.

Do you like a man

Look closely at the man and his gestures. Perhaps, for a long time, at the sight of you, his heart begins to beat faster. Modesty and timidity prevent him from showing attraction, and you are too unavailable.

  • Appearance. A man in your presence straightens his jacket, tie, straightens up, pulls in his stomach, straightens his shoulders. He tries to look his best. Believe me, it is unlikely that he will preen for a stranger.
  • Smile. The interlocutor meets your gaze, openly and sincerely smiles. This is a good sign.
  • Comfort zone. The object of worship is not afraid to let you into your personal zone, does not repel you from yourself. He involuntarily turns his face and body towards you.
  • Gestures. Gestures will tell you about a sincere attitude. If the arms and legs are not crossed, the young man is open to communication.
  • Touch. Whenever possible, he touches you. Touches are short, but caring.
  • Sight. A man often looks at you. Looking for support, advice, as if asking: how do you like me? Or he is just pleased to look at the girl, exchanging glances with her.

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Watching a man, you will understand whether he likes or not. If yes, then it remains only to make it clear that you care about him. If not, don't despair. Step by step we bring the long-awaited moment of reciprocity closer.

How to show him that he cares

Before choosing a seduction tactic, get to know the man better. Someone loves fatal beauties, and someone prefers cordiality and warmth. Try to get the information you need through mutual friends. But there is nothing better than personal communication. Position the man. Now you can let him know that you want more:

  1. Be open, don't close your partner. He will read your gestures on a subconscious level. Do not cross your arms and legs - these are the poses of opponents. Open your palms - show that you trust a man.
  2. Use the law of mirroring. Psychologists say that it acts magically on men. Time to check. During a conversation, repeat gestures imperceptibly behind him.
  3. Touch the man as if by chance. The movements are short and light. Feel these moments.
  4. Smile sincerely. Add some admiration to the radiant look.
  5. Flirt, but unobtrusively. Look closely at the interlocutor, then lower your embarrassed look.
  6. Admire the man. Do not be afraid to show the joy of communicating with him. You are sincerely surprised by his mind, erudition, strength. Feel free to praise your partner, laugh at his jokes. Make it clear that he is the only one - talented and interesting. This is a great way to let him know that he is dear to you. But don't overdo it. Here's a good article on that.
  7. Be interested in him, talk about him. A man will be flattered by the attention to his affairs and hobbies, which are important to share. If he talks about himself, then he trusts.
  8. Ask for help. Just be sure that your desire is in his power to fulfill. But even an assignment that is too easy will not let him feel like a hero.
  9. Take care of yourself. Choose non-aggressive makeup and attire. Make up, straighten your hair, dress. Let him know that this is all for him.

Fear insincerity, obsession and vulgarity.

You decide to confess to a guy

The girl used all the tricks, but there is no result. Feelings overwhelm her, and she decided to tell him about it directly. Such an act can lead a man into confusion, he does not see her as a companion. Being rejected is hard. It is even harder after confession to meet a lover at work or with friends. Prepare for any outcome. We already know how to make a confession correctly.

But tune in to the best - thoughts are material, and each person and each situation is individual. Rely on your feelings and intuition.

Photo: Scanpix

Men are bold and assertive, and there are timid ones who cannot take the first step. In this case, it is important to make it clear to the guy that you are not indifferent to him, writes

Fate brought you together for a short time, and you are already crazy about him. Only now your alleged admirer does not suspect anything yet. How to show a man that you like him?

Find out the man's attitude towards you

Before you go on the attack first, find out how a man treats you?

Come closer to the man (up to half a meter) and evaluate his behavior. If a man does not move away, does not leave and continues to behave as if nothing had happened, there is obvious sympathy on his face.

As soon as you approach the man, evaluate his gestures. Look at how his posture has changed. If he straightened his shoulders, pulled up his stomach, straightened his tie, straightened his shirt, began to fiddle with the watch strap, the mobile phone - in front of us - is a subconscious gesture of preening. A man wants to be more attractive to you.

When talking to you, a man's hands should not be crossed and hidden behind his back. If he puts his thumbs in his pockets or in his belt, it means that he is intrigued by you and wants to court you.

Check out the man's look. Moving eyes, a sad and confused expression, slightly closed eyes indicate that the man is uncomfortable, he is not ready for contact and does not know how to politely get rid of you. And, on the contrary, a "undressing", attentive look speaks of the highest interest.

Use non-verbal communication methods

Poses. Many girls, even with obvious sympathy, close themselves from a partner - they cross their legs, keep their hands in their pockets, and hide behind their purse. This is understandable - the person in front of you is unfamiliar, and the tension makes itself felt. But just imagine how difficult it is to talk to a person who puts up barriers. Subconsciously, we perceive such a person as incredulous, aggressive or insecure. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, if you want to win a man, give up closed gestures. A man should feel your positive.

touch. Find reasons to casually touch a man. Pass the plate by accidentally hitting his hand, casually touch his knee under the table, lightly pat on the shoulder when you both laugh at a good joke. There are also more explicit ways of touching - for example, adjusting any element of his clothing in the area above the chest.

Important! Such touches should be light and short.

Preening gestures. Also, don't forget about female preening gestures - sensually throwing hair off the face, straightening the hairstyle, demonstrating the wrists, swaying the hips while walking.

Important! Hair, hands, nails and clothing must be impeccable. Few people will be attracted by a girl’s soft cat walk if her skirt is wrinkled and the buckle comes off her sandals.

Smile with eyes. When meeting a man, smile, even if you are very embarrassed or you subconsciously want to hide your sympathy. Do you know the difference between a sincere smile and a fake one? A sincere smile is accompanied by the radiance of the eyes. Try to smile with your eyes. Rehearse at home. It's simple. And then the man will definitely feel the positive energy emanating from you.

Peeping. Look at the man with a short, but attentive look. As soon as he looks up at you, immediately look away and smile embarrassedly. The psyche of a man will receive a signal to excitement: "They are spying on me! We need to find out what's the matter!"

Important! Do not get carried away by peeping, so as not to look stupid. In addition, a man may mistake persistent looks for aggressiveness or easy accessibility. Look softly and unobtrusively.

Compliments. We have already written more about this in the article "How to Compliment Men". A compliment addressed to the object of your adoration should be realistic, specific and sincere. If your man is a shy person, direct compliments can make him feel embarrassed. Therefore, give compliments as if by the way: “Do you also love this?”, “I appreciate people with a sense of taste”, “Tell me, where did you get such stylish glasses?”.

We think you can easily find how else to praise your man. The main thing is to do it skillfully and not overdo it. Otherwise, a man may think that you are making fun of him.

Talk about him

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To show your sympathy to a man, it is important to be sincerely interested in everything that is important to him. Ask the man to tell you something about himself. If he doesn't know where to start, tell him that you're interested in everything about him. Ask about your favorite hobby, friends, childhood, dreams that he wants to make a reality. Ask about everything positive, and then communication with you will be associated with positive.

It is important for a person with any self-esteem - low, adequate or overestimated, to be appreciated. And unfamiliar people achieve appreciation with the help of humor and jokes. Sincerely laugh at those jokes that you like - this will let the man know that you noted his wit. You can answer jokes that you don't like with a polite smile.

Be confident and relaxed

To accomplish all of the above, a positive attitude and a desire to enjoy communication are important. Be yourself, don't worry about how you look, and don't play other people's roles, otherwise you will get confused in them. In addition, the person who plays the role seems unnatural, ridiculous and insecure to others.

speak directly

If none of the above helps, say about your sympathy directly. This can be done in three ways:

Give your phone number, email address, address of the page in the social network. This option is suitable for shy women. You can give a man your business card as if by chance, communicating on professional topics or discussing common interests.

At the same time, tell him: "You can call / write to me and just like that", "I really liked you", "You are a wonderful conversationalist." It is important to convey this information without much emotion so that the man does not think that you are dragging him into your networks. If you do everything right, the man will definitely call or write.

Many women often face a difficult situation when they seem to like a man, but natural modesty and shyness do not allow them to take the first step and start a relationship with him. And besides, it is not customary for a girl to take the first step, even in relation to a man whom she has known for a long time. However, no one forces you to take this very first step; you can hint to a man in another way that he is attractive to you. And do it gracefully and not depravedly. And our seduction lessons will help you with this.

If you are already well acquainted with a man, but he still does not dare to start some kind of serious relationship with you, and you are tired of waiting, then you can try the following effective methods of seduction:

Men also love with their ears

The first rule of seduction of any person is, of course, beautiful words. They are loved not only by the fairer sex, but also by many men. Therefore, before moving on to a more serious weapon, try to verbally show a man that you care about him. It can be both compliments and “flirting”, as well as direct or indirect hints. If a man does not understand this, well, let's move on to heavier artillery.

Be always there

If a woman is always next to a man, then sooner or later he begins to feel sympathy for her, and this can develop into another stage of the relationship, where you will no longer be just friends. However, being always next to a man, there is a risk of either getting bored with him completely, or becoming his “bro”, with whom, of course, there can be no question of a relationship. But it all depends on the man.

Help the man

And both in domestic affairs and in the heart. Become his true friend, to whom he can always come and receive not only useful advice, but also affection and care. Over time, a man will stop seeing you as only a friend, and will begin to look at you in a completely different way. Well, this is what you were after.

Tactile contacts

If nothing helps, and the man still sees you as only a friend, then you can try tactile contacts that will bring you closer. It can be "accidental" touches with the hand, and deliberately taking him by the arm or by the hand, or even hugging. Usually a man understands such hints immediately. And if not, well, you've got a bad case.


If all the above methods do not help, then just talk to the man and tell him everything as it is. It’s better that way, to overcome your pride and talk than to wait for who knows what and suffer. And even if he does not reciprocate, then at least you will not continue to suffer because of the unknown.

These are the lessons of seduction that will help every woman show a man that she likes him. And do not be afraid to be the first to do it - if a man is really not indifferent to you, then seek him! And there is nothing wrong with that. Good luck!

It turns out that specialists have dissected this magical spark for a long time. And they found out that it's all about the four basic natural male needs that they need to satisfy before they feel in love. And no, it's not a basic instinct. Ok, not only him.

When a man realizes that you fit all of the following parameters, then there will be a spark and bubbles in a glass of champagne.

Need one: to protect

You know this from kindergarten: today he didn’t give you offense to other boys or helped to remove a kitten from a tree, and tomorrow you already hold your hands in mittens, and he carries your briefcase.

The strong sex is so tailored to protect, in spite of the fashion for women's independence. This does not mean that you need to play the helpless fool, but letting him see that you have weaknesses means turning on his instinct for caring. Just give him a chance to take charge of you and thank him when he does. Let him feel like a superman, and let this pleasant sensation in his mind be associated with you.

For example:

Get him something

Ask him to fix or build something. If he succeeds by completing your task, then the feeling of success will gradually affect his feeling of affection for you.

Ask what computer program he considers the best or what phone he recommends to buy - this will show that you value his brains as much as muscles.

Wear soft fabrics

Delicate, soft materials - silks and furs - attract men. These fabrics will emphasize your soft, feminine character, which will spur his amorous instincts.

Try on his clothes. This will show that of all the guys you think he is the sexiest one. (But don't overdo it: no one likes to have his headdress ripped off to put on himself, or the floors washed in his Darth Vader dress pajamas).

Need two: Freedom

Even emotionally healthy men want to be sure that their identity remains intact after they become part of a happy couple. Let him know that you are not going to try to change him, and he will feel that nothing threatens his "I" and he will still have enough personal space. Your man should not perceive you as a cast iron ball chained to his ankle.

Let him breathe

Men hate to feel socially unfree. So remember that you must have your own plans, in which he is not obliged to participate. He will not only breathe freely, realizing that you are not hanging around his neck 24 × 7, but he will also be interested in what you are doing.

Share your fears

Guys are often in no hurry to build a serious relationship, because they perceive most women as greedy hunters for wedding rings. So if you, too, are nervous about how ready you are to start a family, share your doubts with him. Let him know that you are not a predator that lures him into a trap, and that you are in the same boat.

Be varied

Do not forget to make minor changes to your appearance every now and then: today show yourself to him with loose hair, tomorrow - collect them in a high ponytail ... Let him feel that you are able to change (read: that you are not in danger of a routine).

Respect his personal space

Own physical space is the most powerful symbol of human independence. Show respect for him: for example, do not look into his desk drawers without asking and do not listen to the answering machine.

Need three: Bask in the rays

Even a person who carries himself arrogantly can actually be quite insecure. Men need to know that they are respected and appreciated. Of course, a guy will want to be around if he feels more significant with you.

make him happier

Make jokes about awkward situations. Go see wacky comedies together. Try to stir up and calm him down when he is moping or irritated. If with you he sees a ray of light even in difficult times, you will become irreplaceable.

Be social

Guys can be strong in business and sports, but get lost when it comes to socializing. Take the lead and charm whoever you two have to interact with, and he will be grateful to you.

Play logic games

If you are strong in those activities that require certain intellectual abilities - Scrabble, chess, all kinds of puzzles - this can awaken his passion. Being able to solve problems subconsciously shows him that your potential child deserves to carry his genes.

Let him know that you are the main prize

In order not to forget how special you are, it is useful for him to look at you through the eyes of others. Invite him to an event where you can show off your talents, or to a party where you will amaze everyone with your beauty. Make sure you are admired.

Need Four: Comfort

“Falling in love is a process of strengthening attachment, which happens when oxytocin floods our brain,” scientists contribute their unromantic mite to the formula of love.

Don't know how to tell him about your sympathy? The best psychologists are ready to give effective advice on how to express your sympathy without words.

Are you dreaming about the guy you've been liking for so long, but not sure how to let him know? Or are you afraid of rejection and embarrassment? Not worth it! Today, relationship psychologists offer seven tips on how to express your sincere feelings and achieve the best result.

Use non-verbal communication

Insinuate that you like him using non-verbal communication and observe his behavior to see if the feeling is mutual. If mutually, then it will be much easier for you to say in words about your interest. The eyes are the best way to tell what we think and feel. Active eye contact at short intervals will let you know that you are interested in him. If his eyes sparkle when looking at you, or if he glances at you and immediately looks down, this is often an indication that he is attracted to you. Eyes are an amazing way to tell a lot without saying a word.

Take the lead. Play it with humor

Take matters into your own hands and be brave. For example, wink at him with a cheeky smile and say something like, “Okay, I'm on a date! Where shall we go?" If he's not interested, you can both pull off the joke. But if you're attracted to him, his body language will change and he'll ask you out on the first date you just initiated.

Be bold and outspoken

Tell him everything directly and specify why you like him. Genuine flattery will work with a bang, but insincere flattery can make you look like an unreliable player. Sincere sentimentality will awaken pleasant feelings in him, and even if he does not answer you in the same way, most likely he will gently refuse without offending you.


Start a casual conversation about what he likes the most in a relationship. If after that your interest in him does not disappear, either immediately or after a couple of days, say something like: “Do you remember, you once said that ...? I wish I could meet someone who thinks the same way." If the hint is not transparent enough, add: “Can you advise someone?”.

Prove why he should date you

Thoughts are playful, adventurous and out of the box. For example, organize a treasure hunt with a couple of puzzles to solve in order to reach the final goal. As a treasure, leave tickets to the cinema or somewhere else, or just an invitation to a date at a certain place and at a certain time. Thus, by your actions you will show that you are not indifferent to him and that you can add emotions and colors to his life and do everything possible and impossible for him.

Constantly invade his personal space when you meet. If he doesn't try to move away from you, you have every chance that he likes you. Your behavior will tell him the same. Now you know that your offer to be more than friends will not be rejected. If you have been friends for a long time, judge for yourself how much you invaded each other's personal space and take the next step, exceeding this space ...

Lightly touch the object of your sympathy when you ask him out on a date. A light touch can enhance a positive response, in part because it releases the brain hormone oxytocin. Back in 2007, an experiment was conducted that proved that men are more likely to get a positive response from a woman by inviting her to a dance or asking for a phone number if he lightly touches her hand.

Good luck and courage!