How to wash the baby's baby's newborn. What if the child does not like to wash and shout? Place for swimming a newborn baby

Remember how the kids are having fun on the beach or in the pool, and with what pleasure they plunge in water. Children really love to swim. But the incorrect behavior of parents during the first "swim" can lead to chronic dislike kid to this procedure. Do you need daily tears and screams instead of Merry Bulkani? Then remember the 6 main rules how to bathe newborn baby!

The first bathing of the kid usually happens not on the day of discharge from the hospital. Do not hurry to dip it in the bathroom until the umbilical wound will be heal. The immunity of the child is not yet ready to meet with the "inhabitants" of water supply (even boiled) water, and the open umbilical wound will become a gate for infection. For the baby's hygiene during the first two weeks, use wet wipes or moistened with cotton swab tampons.

Useful tips, how to bathe newborn baby

In order for the first acquaintance with water treatments to be successful, prepare for it in advance.

  • Use a special children's bath. It has compact dimensions, which allows you to always contain it clean. And cost a small amount of water for swimming.
  • Boil water. During the first month of life, the baby is preferably bathing him in boiled water. Most microorganisms that live in a plumbing (it can be salmonella, an intestinal wand, legionella and even deadly sysegnaya), die when water heated to 80-100 ° C. So, water procedures will be safe.
  • The most comfortable water temperature for bathing newborns is 37 ° C. In the future, you can slightly reduce it (up to 36.6 ° C), if noted that the child in it is uncomfortable. In any case, determine at what temperature a newborn, the thermometer should help you, and not palm or elbow.
  • Use a hill or a children's hammock. Previously, moms and dads were forced to stand above the bathroom with a baby in a bent state of 20-30 minutes. And then - with difficulty infrmed. The slide for swimming a newborn provides its correct position in the water, while your hands remain free.
  • Limit the use of detergents. Despite the fact that the kid is recommended daily, bath procedures with soap and shampoo are desirable only every 7-10 days. Under the prohibition of antibacterial agents that have an aggressive impact on the skin, and soap with sharp spuns. Stop your choice on a special shampoo, gels and soaps for children.
  • Be careful with additives. It is believed that newborns should be bathed in water with the addition of manganese or chamomile decoction. However, today pediatricians do not recommend this, since both means are too actively dried by the gentle skin of the child. If the baby has diameters, add a black chart to the water or. And if everything is in order, bathe in ordinary water.

How to bathe newborn baby - an algorithm of action

  1. Fill the bath with water.
  2. Gently immerse the child into it. In order not to frighten the crumb, finish it in the diaper. She will get wet gradually, as well as the baby's taurus, adapting it to an unfamiliar environment.
  3. If you do not use a hill or a hammock, hold the crumb on your left hand. Clamp him for the far from you the shoulder and fix the palm in the axillary depression. At the same time, the head of the child should be over your wrist. Hold the second hand for the ass. So you will prevent possible slipping of the crumbs in the bathroom.
  4. Carefully laid a child, moving from the neck to the legs, wash the foam. Last but wash your head.
  5. After bathing, rinse with crumb water, the temperature of which is 1 ° C lower than in the bath.
  6. Wrap the baby in the towel and only slightly dry by the Taurus. Do not rub the child, better attach a dry diaper that will absorb moisture. Before putting the diaper, make sure that all the folds are well dried.

Swimming and hardening

Do you know how to bathe a newborn baby to safely temper it, normalize appetite and sleep? To do this, you will need:

  • Big bath. The water temperature of the first procedure should be 37 ° C, with each subsequent can be reduced to 26 ° C. Note that this is possible only if the baby is actively moving, and not lying on the hands of the dad.
  • Inflatable circle for neck. You can buy this in a children's store. He puts on the neck of the kid and supports his head over the water. In such a circle, the child can move freely with his hands and legs, swim without risk to choke.

Swimming time can be from 5 to 40 minutes. Do you think after such water procedures? At least 6 hours, which will allow all family members also to relax and sleep!

In any case, listen to your crumbs. I'll tell you exactly to you, whether the water treatments like him, with his cry or a fun smile!


Swimming is very important for newborns. This is not just a hygienic procedure, but also hardening the baby, familiarizing it with the outside world. We like to like almost all children, they are glad to go into the water. However, if you have an unpleasant feeling at the first acquaintance with water, it will be frightened, then in the future it will be forced to swim it will not be so simple. That is why the first in life water procedures is important to spend, after reading how to bathe a newborn baby correctly.


When to conduct first bathing

Regarding when it is worth the first time to bathe a child, a lot of disputes. Some insist that it is necessary to wait for the full healing of the umbilical wound, others say that you can take the bath immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital. As a rule, it happens on the third or fifth day of the baby's life. In this question, it is better to rely on the opinion of a pediatrician who, as a general condition of the newborn, will give recommendations for the care and conduct of daily hygienic procedures.

Bathing a newborn better at one time, preferably every day before the last feeding. If the child is capricious, it is clear that he is tired, then swimming is desirable to cancel, restricted by wiping with wet napkins or moistened in warm water with a soft towel.

Important! Wash or wipe the baby folds, to handle them with children's cream, butter or talc is necessary daily. It is in these places that the skin is most susceptible to the occurrence of diamets.

Video: Toddler fold treatment for preventing diameters

Preparation for bathing

Before water procedures, you should prepare all the necessary accessories in advance, put it so that they are at hand. This is especially important if my mother bathes alone, without helpers. For the adoption of the bath you will need:

  • special children's bath and slide;
  • antiseptic solutions;
  • bucket for watering water and rinsing baby;
  • children's detergents - soap, shampoo;
  • soft towel.

Children's cream for folds or powder, clean clothes, in which the child will sleep, should also be prepared in advance.

Children's bath.

Bathing a newborn better in a special bath. It is convenient because the compact does not require a large volume of water. The first time when water for the newborn has to boil, it is a big plus. It is advisable for the bath to install so that my mother does not have to be touched.

Bath washed before each bathing. Do not use chlorine-containing agents for these purposes, to carry out thorough disinfection just once every 1-2 weeks. Before each bathing, it is washed with soda or economic soap, carefully rinse with water. You can quote boiling water, but it is optional.

Antiseptic means

While the umbilical box did not heal, bathe a child in pre-boiled water. In this case, add additionally disinfectants is not necessary. The procedure is to wash the baby, washing the folds. After swimming, the umbilical wreck should be treated as the pediatrician recommended (usually the green is used for these purposes).

When the umbilical wound will heal well, water can not be boiled, but it is advisable to skip it through the filter, at least homemade. In some water, it is recommended to add tools that have disinfectant properties.

Permanganate potassium (manganese)

More recently, pediatricians persistently recommended to add a weak solution of manganese into water. Today, this method is increasingly refused. And not without reason. The fact is that the solution allowed for bathing, when water becomes only slightly pink, is not able to fully disinfect. The longer solution will burn the gentle of the baby. Manganesey is strongly dried, which negatively affects the state of the skin of the newborn, leads to the appearance of rash, peeling, dermatitis and other problems.

If it is still decided to bathe a newborn in a solution of manganese, it is necessary to dissolve it in a separate capacity of a small volume. To do this, first pour potassium permanganate (at the knife tip) to the cooked clean dishes, then pour with warm boiled water. Capacity close and thoroughly shake the resulting solution so that all particles dissolve.

The remedy should be poured into the water prepared for bathing very carefully, controlling the amount. Then, mix the water and trace so that there are no insoluble particles, which, when entering the skin, can leave the burn, and when entering the eye and lead to blindness. The color of water should turn out to be weakly pink.

Herbal infusions

It is preferable to use champs and grasses: daisies pharmacy, sage, calendula, turn and others. These herbs have antiseptic, soothing skin by action, relieve irritation, inflammation and peeling.

For the preparation of infusion 2 art. l. Pledged herbs pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover with a lid and bite. Let it stand for 1-2 hours, strain. Warm infusion pour into the prepared bath (for 30-50 liters), mix. Do not do too strong infusion. The listed herbs have a drying effect and with too much their concentrations can cause peeling. In addition, some newborns have an allergic reaction.

Water temperature for swimming

To measure the water temperature, it is convenient to use a children's water thermometer. Comfortable for the first bathing is the temperature of 37 ° C. As you cool, you should pour hot water from the bucket cautiously on the wall of the bath side of the baby, carefully then stirring it.

When the baby becomes accustomed to water and love to swim, at the request of parents it will be possible to reduce the temperature. Some parents for hardening are bumping a child in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 32 ° C. This is a good hardening measure, but it's not worth starting to start with cool water.

General rules for swimming newborn

When everything is prepared, you can proceed to water procedures:

  1. For bathing a newborn, a special urine is used. Replace it can a small piece of pure soft fabric. Many parents wash the kid with their shoes.
  2. Each time it is impossible to use soap, wash the newborn with soap or special foam is not more than once a week. Even if the kid sweated, kneading with ordinary water (possible with the addition of herbs) will be enough. Wash your head with the use of detergents also need no more than once a week. If a newborn has yellow crusts on the head, they are removed during the bathing process when the skin is sparkled. To do this, use special shampoos for removing crusts or baby cosmetic oil, as well as soft brushes with a natural pile.
  3. It is convenient to have a special slide for kids to six months until they learn to sit on your own. If there are no slides, then the newborn should be kept with your left hand (provided that Mom is right-handed) so that the head lay on the bent elbow, gently wrapped his left hand with an armpit: so the child will not slip away and will be securely fixed.
  4. Bathtub newborn baby needs, following from above, from the neck of the baby, down, to the legs. Much attention is paid to folds. It is necessary to wash each of them with soft moving movements: on the neck, the axillary depressures, handles, inguinal folds, folds on the legs.
  5. Wash the baby's head from the Lobik to the back of the head, rinse the folds thoroughly behind the ears. Wash the face, avoiding the eye area. The eyes of a child of the first month of life is better after bathing, wipe apart by a gauze tampon, moistened in the chamomile decoction.
  6. When washed with soap, it is better not to use. It will be enough to rinse the genital organs with a cotton disk, abundantly moistened with water. Long to rub, try to remove the film or the protective white flare in girls can not, otherwise the risk of enhancing infection will increase.
  7. After swimming a child, get from the bath and rinse with clean water from the bucket. It is desirable that the rinsing water be on the degree below the one in which the child was bought.

For the first water procedures, 5-7 minutes is enough. The child meets water, gets used to her. No need to use soap and shampoo in the first bathing, it is better to acquaint the baby with them through a week-other. Subsequent swims are increased by 1-2 minutes each time, if it likes the child, he is pleased, does not capricious. By the month, the duration of the procedure takes 15-20 minutes, and by 6 months before half an hour.

It should be remembered: The risk of injury in the bath is very large, so the baby can not be left one for a minute. The kid can fully immerse themselves in the water and choke.

Bathing with inflatable circle

Many mothers use an inflatable circle for the neck almost from the first days of the child's life. In fact, it is a very useful attribute, but it is desirable to use it no earlier than 1-2 months old, when he is already stronger, confidently holds the head, used to the water and is not afraid to swim in a large bath.

The correctly chosen circle is absolutely safe. He fixes the head of the baby and does not allow the water to penetrate the mouth and the nose of the baby, which eliminates the opportunity to choke. In addition to the fun bathing, it is also a great charge for a child.

After bathing

Get a baby from the bath should be very careful, holding the head. It is desirable that someone threw a towel on the child and took him out of mother's hands. If you help some, then put a newborn on a bent hand, turning down the stomach so that the head lay down on the palm, thump the towel on top and then neatly turn it onto the back.

Some moms spread the towel on the washing machine or the changing table installed in the bathroom, put the baby bought on it and wrap. It can really become a way out if the first time is hard to adapt to get a baby from the bath. However, it is worth remembering that under no circumstances should you leave a child at the height: even newborn children, actively moving with handles and legs, can approach the edge and fall. Such cases, unfortunately, a lot.

After bathing, give the baby to lie down 5-10 minutes. At the same time, it is not necessary to preliminarily heated the air in the room, otherwise there will be no point in hardening. Pediatricians believe that 22-25 ° C is the optimal temperature for such procedures. After the child is fully Okrug, handle folds with children's cream, butter or powder to avoid diaper areas.

Important! The talc should only be applied to absolutely dry skin, otherwise under the action of moisture, it rolls up and will be thrown into the folds than it will cause even greater irritation.

After all the toddler procedures wear dry clean clothes, feed and put sleep. Most likely, full, satisfied and tired, he will quickly fall asleep.

Parents-novice who are just waiting for the baby, care for the child seems simple and easy class. They gladly buy a carriage and bath, bottles and cute little things. And now the moment comes when the newborn is discharged home, and then mom and dad understand that this tiny creation is scary to take hands, and can not be on swimming and speech. Without panic! All parents pass the course of a young fighter, so you need to listen not only to the advice, but also to our own intuition.

We buy bathing bath

Immunity newborn babies is weak and vulnerable, so they can not be bathed in an ordinary adult bath. Even if the caring dad cleaned her several times and disinfected, dangerous infections and microbes may remain inside.

Children's store sell special plastic baths intended for babies. They are classic and anatomical. The first variety is a reduced copy of the adult bath, which is also suitable for both the infant and a one-year-old child. Classic options have different sizes and forms, but mom will have to constantly maintain a newborn head during bathing.

In anatomical baths there is a special slide with a rubber coating, thanks to which small children are not slipped into the water. The head remains on the surface, so parents may not worry that the baby will drink soap fluid or choose.

There are also baths resembling a basin with high sidelights. Manufacturers argue that it is in such models that the newborn is easier to get used to water procedures, because they imitate the shape of a mother's abdomen. It is difficult to find such varieties, and a few months later you will have to buy a larger bath.

About material
Accessories for bathing can be made of conventional plastic or antibacterial. The latter type is covered with a layer of a special substance that destroys microbes and bacteria. Parents do not have to wash the walls and bottom cleaning means after each bathing. Antibacterial baths recommend buying for newborns, from the first days dermatological diseases appear as an allergy or rash.

In the first days after discharge, parents advise to wipe the baby with wet rags or soft sponges. While the child is not at least 2 weeks, it can not be put into the water, because the umbilical wound may not be tightened enough and soften during swimming. For 14-15 days, if a new family member feels good, allow to show newborn and dip in it for 5-7 minutes.

Babies that have emerged in the warm season, recommend to bathe daily. Late in the spring and summer, the kids are very sweat, so they are clogged and the skin appears on the skin. In winter, there are 2-4 water procedures per week, and the rest of the babies are wiping with wet rags and are waited if necessary.

It is important that the first bathing does not stress for the newborn. The child can not be sharply lowered into the water so that it is not frightened. How goodly the hygienic procedure will also be depends on the mood of the mother, therefore it is recommended to prepare towels, buckets, children's clothing and other accessories in advance so as not to fuss and just enjoy communication with the child.

Tip: Pediatricians recommend bathing a child in the evening. Warm water relaxes and soothes, so the kid will sleep at night longer and better. Conduct hygienic procedures on an empty stomach, and after wiping and drying a newborn should be fed with a mixture or breast.

We recruit the bath

Water will definitely boil so that it is as sterile as possible. It is desirable to highlight a separate large saucepan for the needs of a child, which is well wash. A new bath to clean soda, because it is unknown, after which number of hands it had to go before getting to the store shelf.

Pour water into plastic container and try. If too hot, wait until it cools up to the desired temperature. It is impossible to pour a cold "raw" liquid in which bacteria live. The only exception is the cooled herbal decoction, but before using any plant it should be advised with a pediatrician observing the newborn. The optimal water temperature for swimming is 37-38 degrees, no more.

If a:

  1. The skin of the child reddened, and the baby himself begins to cry, he is hot and you need to wait until the bath is cool.
  2. The body of the newborn was covered with pupils, and the kid whimshes, it is cold and the degree should be enhanced.

Tip: Thermometer for water seemed excessive money? Not trouble, our grandmothers accounted for and without this device. In the bath you need to immerse the bare elbow. I did not feel anything? Wonderful, it's time to get a kid. If hot, then wait, and it is cold - add boiling water.

For the first time, you do not need to add manganese or herbal decoctions. The baby gets used to a new setting, why scare it with strange smells? In addition, the disinfecting solution may be too aggressive for the delicate skin of the infant. Instead of mangartee, it used to use pure silver coins or spoons. Immerse the product from the precious metal in the bath and leave for 10-15 minutes, after removing and bathe the child. Silver destroys bacteria no worse than manganese, but much safer for the newborn.

Decorations: cook or not cook
When the first baptism takes place and the child will get used to the bath, herbal decoction can be added to the water for swimming. Use plants preferably 2-3 times a week, not daily. First, hold a small test and lubricate the skin on the handle or leg with a small amount of racc. Is there no rash or redness? The children's body reacts normally to a new additive.

What are herbs to use? It depends on the nature of the infant and the state of his health:

  • restless and capricious infants are recommended Valerian or Lavender root;
  • tabs with seborrhea, shorts and rashes are suitable for a series, but a child should be bathed in it no more than once a week, otherwise the skin will become dry and starts to peel;
  • newborn girls advised to add a chamomile decoction to the bath, which soothes and protects against gynecological diseases;
  • differermal and the Pader treats the bark of oak;
  • the peppermint is shown in gold and irritation;
  • nettle will help strengthen immunity and improve the condition of the scalp;
  • baths with a beast are prescribed during staphylococcal infections and dietene case.
  • It is impossible to bathe a child in the brave from:
  • pijmas and celandine;
  • wormwood and rocket
  • citrus.

Buying grass for decoctions is better in pharmacies. It is impossible to combine more than 4 components, and in the first time it is to use one plant. Decorations are not combined with shampoo or gel, and after bathing, the baby is carefully rinsed with clean water from a pan or other capacity.

The plastic bath can be put on a table or several stable chairs, so that parents can be comfortably washing a child. Nearby to put a washcloth or a piece of soft fabric, diapers and a terry towel. For kids, sew special models with hoods to protect the head of a newborn from cold and drafts.

Plastic carpent is easier to gain water and wash off the baby foam. They advise you to choose lungs and bright models that attract the attention of the baby and cheerful it. After water procedures, it is easier to clean the dirt out of the nose and the baby's ears, to remove crusts from his head, so mom should have cotton discs or flagelts, scallops with small cloth.

We buy the right cosmetics
Cannot be used for bathing adult gels or antibacterial soap. Children's cosmetics are softer and safe, with a minimum amount of chemical additives. What should be in the arsenal of young parents?

  • gel or liquid soap can be replaced by foam;
  • shampoo marked "Without tears";
  • fat cream or oil to moisturize the skin of a newborn after hygienic procedures.

Proper children's cosmetics has a weakly pronounced fragrance or does not smell at all, and its composition includes herbs that soothe and warn allergies and irritation.

They advise you to add a little gel or soap into the water, beat to the formation of foam, and after immersing the baby there. It is not necessary to apply the detergent to the skin of the baby, it is too gentle for direct contact with such compositions.

Battery for the first time: how it happens

The newborn can be frightened or start to capricious, so all the movements of parents should be slow and confident. At first it is stripped and pressed for a minute to soothe and relax. Further wrap in a thin diaper, in which the baby is lowered in the bath. So it will be warmer and more cozy.

When the baby becomes accompanied by the water, the diaper unfold, freeing the handles and the legs of the baby. Let him touch the foam, a little sticks in the bath. The next stage is bathing.

  1. While the water is clean, the infants carefully wash. Eyes, ears and spout remain dry.
  2. Wet washbasin wipe the neck and handles, carefully clean from sweat and mud arma and chest with the tummy. Slesh to the legs and the groin zone.
  3. Girls genitally rub with cotton swab, moistened with soapy water. Move from the navel to the rear pass. If on the contrary, then in the urinary channel and the genitals may fall infection. The boys wipe the fold under the extreme flesh, but the skin itself is not very tightened so as not to injure her.
  4. It remains to turn the baby and wash the back and ass, slip legs and heels.

The newborn's head is embedded with their hands, and the foam is washed off with a thin weaving water from the bucket, which moves from his forehead to the back of the head so that the shampoo does not hit the eye. Pure baby wrap in a large terry towel. Wash the child dry, not forgetting about the folds, genitals and armpits. In the inguinal zone and the ass handle the powder, put on the diapers and smear the children's skin with cream or butter.

Tip: If the baby begins to hit during wiping, he can give his chest. When the newborn calms down, continue hygienic procedures.

Get out of the bath: What's next

The baby is dressed in warm pajamas, the hair is thoroughly cleaned and the cap stretch over the top so that the baby is not blown. Eyes wipe with cotton swabs moistened in boiled water. The ears and nose carefully clean the flavors.

Brush on the head to lubricate with greasy cream and carefully comb. If her pieces are separated without problems, it means that it "matured" and well splashed. Skin after the procedure to handle peroxide. Cork is bad, redness or minor wounds appear? You need to stop and wait a few more days.

You must not forget about the umbilical wound, which is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each bathing. How to handle this part of the body, Mama must tell and show a pediatrician.

  1. When a child lies on his back while swimming, his head needs to be kept elbow or put a special stand under it. The back of the newborn and chin can be in the water, the main thing is that the liquid does not fall into the mouth and ears. Baby, inverted up, put a belly on hand, and palm hold the head.
  2. In order for the baby to have fun and calmly, the parents with him are constantly talking, they tell the poems or sing the songs.
  3. Foam must be flush very carefully so that it does not remain on the skin and did not score pores.
  4. When the umbilical wound will delay and the baby will strengthen, mom can swim with him in a large bath. The woman undresses, leaving only underwear, falls into the water, and on top of the belly puts a naked child.

The bathing of the newborn will become a pleasant and cheerful occupation, if the parents teach the crumb to the water and the washcloth. And so that he liked the hygienic procedures, he did not cry and did not capricious in the bath, adults should do everything well and confidently, not doubting and trusting to their child.

Video: The first bathing of the newborn

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Questions about bathing the baby in front of the parents get up immediately after the hospital. Leather crumbs are more tender and, accordingly, more susceptible to the appearance of diameters, various injuries and penetration of microbes through wounds. Therefore, it is better to know in advance - which temperature should be water, how often the baby bathe, and how to choose a bath to swim to bring the child only positive emotions. It has its important features - young parents should know about it. The next bathing of the baby can be performed easily, learning the secrets of this parent science.

Is it possible to bathe a child of the first year of life daily?

By itself, water is not able to cause annoyance of children's skin. And the frequency of balls of crumbs up to a year depends, first of all, from those tools and devices that are used by their parents. And also, naturally, from the wellness of the baby. Ideally, kid to six months you can bathe every day . After - every other day.

Video: Bathing Newborn - Basic Rules

What do you need to remember the battery of a child up to a year?

  • Manganese who often add mothers for disinfection of water, drying children's delicate skin . And its illiterate breeding can cause skin burns. Therefore, it should be careful with it, and it is not recommended for daily use.
  • To mitigate water, you can apply herbracks (Series, chamomile, etc.).
  • After bathing follows be sure to dry the skin of the baby and lubricate with special oil - The skin of the crumbs up to three months is very gentle.
  • Daily bathing also depends on the health of the infant. If you are allergic or damage to the skin, it is better to consult with a doctor . But at elevated temperatures, it is categorically impossible.
  • Cutty baby Experts recommend to bathe with the addition of plant fees to water . But, again - in the absence of temperature.

Baby bathing bath - What to choose?

In the first year of life, the bathroom is mandatory. It is quite difficult to maintain a shared bath in perfect cleanliness. In addition, herriazes spoil the color of the enamel bath, and it is much easier to disinfect the children's bath. Another point in favor of the bath is easier to fill it. What are the types of baths?

  • Anatomical.
    The ideal option for the newborn. He has an anatomical hill, deepening for priests and armpits, stop between the legs.
  • Classic.
    In such a bath, there is more places than in the previous one - the baby is where to turn around. Minus - you need to buy a hill or keep your baby on your hand.
  • Bath with stand.
    The main criterion selection is stability and maximum safety.
  • Bath for shower (or "mother's tummy").
    Traditionally - round shape. The bath is convenient for a cottage or a tiny apartment, but you can only sit in it.
  • Bath, built into a changing table.
    This design is combined with a stand for bath accessories and with a changing mattress. Water with a hose, separate models are equipped with wheels with retainers.
  • Dresser combined with a bath.
    The principle of operation, as in the previous version.
  • Inflatable.
    Convenient on trips, at the cottage, on the beach - they poured, they fought, blurred, removed.
  • Antibacterial.

What to pay attention to when choosing a bath?

The best time for swimming a child, the duration of the battery of the child up to the year

As practice shows, the perfect time for swimming the kid - about 8-9 pm, before feeding. , very restless, then you can use with special fifts or sedative herbs. True, there is one nuance: if the kid after bathing, on the contrary, is excited and sleep does not want to sleep, then it is better to postpone this procedure for the afternoon. Concerning the duration of the procedure is different for each age:

  • About 4-5 minutes - after birth and up to 3 months.
  • About 12-15 minutes - from 3 to 6 months.
  • About 30 minutes - from 6 to 12 months.
  • Since year- up to 40 minutes.

Of course, it all depends on the state of the kid. To keep it in the water, even 15 minutes does not make sense, if the child cries, it categorically does not want to swim or sick.

Convenient Baby Bathing Devices Before a year - Circle, hammock, hill, seating, visor

In order to facilitate the swimming process for mom and make it more comfortable for the baby, you can use modern bathing devices kids up to year.

  • Hill.
    Helps insure crumb when bathing.
  • Bath hammock.
    Created from fine mesh. The bottom of the bath is tensioned with hooks.
  • Circle on the neck.
    Promotes the development of the muscular system of the baby, stimulates the swimming reflex.
  • Seat.
    Boots on the bottom with the help of suckers, has safety limiters, reliably holds from falling and slipping.
  • Anti-slip rugs.
    An indispensable thing when bathing a child. There are even models with temperature indicators - a color change says that water cools.
  • Protective visor.
    Convenient for washing the head. With such a visor, water will not fall into the ears, nose and eyes.

Bathing in a large bath - the first classes of your baby swimming

The main advantage of bathing crumbs in a large bathroom is the freedom of movement, the ability to move the head, legs and hands, without restrictions. Also pluses swimming in such a bath are:

  • A longer cooling water.
  • Fragrance of the lungs of the child and their cleansing , increase the strength of the respiratory muscles.
  • Improving appetite and quality of sleep.
  • Training heart and muscles.

Video: Proper Battle Battle

At birth, the kid retains the swimming skills in the intrauterine fluid, and if there is a big bath at its disposal, then you will not have to go to float again at 5-6 years. Swimming classes contribute to both physical, and intellectual development, muscle tone restoration and colic decrease. But before you do with the baby with such exercises, it follows consult with a specialist on the subject of contraindications, and, regardless of the exercises, the first procedures should be carried out only in the presence of an instructor.

The attitude of the baby to water depends on the behavior of parents during the very first bathing of the child. If you do everything wrong and rudely, then the little man may remain injury and even fear of water. So it is important to know how to bathe newborn. Especially for the first time.

Many kids love to splash together, remember how fun playing and laughing with the children in the pool and on the beach, and with what joy they run to splash.

Parents must prepare in advance. After all, this is a responsible event for all: infants, moms and dads.

And in order to avoid daily tears before every wash, you need to remember several important rules that we will tell now.

Fundamental rules

Bathtub on the first day after discharge from the hospital should not. Parents do not have something to hurry to teach a child to water, and even more so wash often.

The first bathing of the newborn must be postponed until the nasal box is delayed on the tummy.

Until those under the organism of the newborn simply not ready to meet with bacteria and microbes that live in water, even boiled. Bacteria will constantly fall into the wound on the navel, and it can not heal for a long time.

  • Bathtub the baby follows in a special bath, which has small size and will always be clean.
  • Water must be boiled. This should be done at least during the first month of the life of the newborn. Many bacteria that are in tap water die if the temperature rises to 80-100 degrees, so the washing will become more secure for your child.
  • To wash the baby, water should be heated by 37 degrees. This temperature is considered comfortable. If you notice that the crumb is uncomfortable, you can reduce degrees to 36.6. In order to determine the temperature, it is advisable to use a thermometer. Although the babushkin, the folk method with the elbow also works.
  • When taking a bath, it is convenient to use a special slide or a small children's hammock. This beneficial device allows parents not to stand for 20-30 minutes in a bent state and frees their hands.
  • Daily washing should not use detergents. Bathing a newborn with soap and shampoo should be only once every 7-10 days.

It is forbidden soap with an adhesive and aggressive antibacterial agents. The special shampoo, gel and soap are ideal, useful to use a hat for swimming babies.

  • Additives should be used with caution and not often. Our mothers and grandmothers are confident: newborns need to be washed in water with the addition of chamomile beam or manganese. However, pediatricians do not advise anything to add, as such additives are strongly dried by children's skin. If everything is in order with the skin of a newborn, then it is recommended to bathe in conventional boiled water. And in the event of the appearance of diameters, it is better to add a little nine, the brazing turn.

The advice is quite simple, and as a result, your child will not only be afraid of water, but also will love bath procedures very quickly, and the first bathing of the newborn will be easily.

Objects that are necessary

Each parent must prepare a list of objects that need to have for a successful washness of the baby.

  • Bath;
  • Thermometer;
  • Small bucket, a container with a handle to water the newborn during swimming;
  • Baby soap. That, which is not a pinch when entering the eye;
  • Hood;
  • Soft cotton disk, napkin for the purpose of wiping the face of a newborn;
  • Comb, soft hairbrush;
  • Baby powder;
  • Scissors: nail haircuts Baby is an important process;
  • Cotton swabs in a box, separate pieces of gauze;
  • A small rubber pear, with which it is convenient to suck the mucus from the nose of the newborn;
  • Pre-prepared mittens made of linen fabric, which are pleasant to the body during the washing of newborns. Such mittens should be boiled, at least after the first water procedures.

Basic actions

Often repeating these actions, parents will quickly remember their sequence. However, when the first bathing of a newborn is planned, each mother is worried and it can even be advised to tell what and when to do.

  1. Fill the children's bath with warm, boiled water.
  2. Take the newborn in the hands and gently put in the bath. It is important to do it slowly, so that the baby was not frightened. For the very first bathing, the baby must be wrapped in a light diaper, it will start gradually wet, and the caller adapts to an unusual environment.
  3. In the absence of a hammock or roller, keep the baby with your left hand. Cook the calf so that the hand keeps behind the player, the far from you and the palm are kept for the axillary cavity. Your wrist should be under the back. Hold the baby with the second hand for the ass. So the baby will definitely not slip out of the hands.
  4. If this is not daily washing, then you can wash the baby. It is necessary to start from the neck and gradually move towards the legs. Then wash the foam and only at the end, wash your head. The cap will prevent the ingress of soap and shampoo in the eyes.
  5. When washing is over, the child can be rinsed with warm clean water, which is 1 degree below the water in the bath.
  6. After bath procedures, wrap the baby in a soft towel and light movements to dry the caller. Do not rub a child. In order to moisture absorbed, you can use a well absorbent towel or a diaper.
  7. Before putting on the diaper, first dry all the folds and sprinkle them a little talc so that there are no diarmors.

Hardening kid

In addition, the baby becomes easier to love water, get a charge of joy, improve health and get close to his parents.

It is equally important to bathe a newborn in order to handle it.

It will be necessary to have several items:

  • An ordinary, large bath.
  • A small inflatable circle around the neck neck.
  • Thermometer.

A special inflatable circle can be purchased in a children's store. This device is put on the neck and supports the head during washing above the water.