How to celebrate Palm Sunday What to do. The church recalls that Palm Sunday is the time of the Great Post, therefore it is worth refraining from active entertainment, alcohol abuse and entertainment activities. Signs and customs in ve

Today, April 1, 2018, Orthodox celebrates a big holiday - Palm Resurrection. The willow became a symbol that replaced the palm branches, which Christ threw under his feet when he entered Jerusalem.
The holiday is celebrated a week before Easter, that is, he still falls on the great post. If you believe legend, then it was on this day that Christ joined Jerusalem, and people threw palm branches under their feet. So they thanked him for raising Lazarus and believed that he was the Son of God.
The day before the vernal resurrection of the temples sprinkle the holy water of the Willow branches. Then this will drive the cattle in the field. And then these branches store all year, after which they burn.
There are different signs for Palm Resurrection. If it rains, it means you need to wait for a good crop. If the rain is not, but overcast - the crop will be not bad, but not very good. And sunny weather talks about a bad crop. Actually very diverse. But we have already remembered them in another article.

Palm Sunday 2018: What can not be done?

Of course, it is impossible to deal with sinful affairs. There is a forbidden food, too, it is impossible, because the great post lasts.

Palm Sunday: What can I do at home?

Do not engage in sewing and other home affairs. Just this day is better having fun. Try to prepare at a minimum. Although it is allowed to drink wine and eat fish, it is better to cook it in advance or make a minimum of manipulations in the kitchen with it.
There is a funny sign on the account of the willow. Want good luck in business - Eat the willow. It is said that it also helps those who want children. But do not get drunk, more than three kidneys are not desirable.
You can read in detail about, and find ideas that can be prepared today. But do not get carried away, this day should be devoted to the Lord and rest, and not homemaking. Including cooking you need to lead to the background.
Do not forget to also be sure to go to church and devote the willow. After all, this holiday is the main thing that needs to be done.
Now you know what you can not do on this day?

Holiday Palm Sunday All Orthodox celebrate a week before Easter. This day is marked by such an important event as the entrance of the Lord Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. A great post ends at Verbal Resurrection, and from Monday there is already a passionate week. What are the Orthodox on this day do, why not do it? What signs exist in Palm Sunday?

When Jesus created a real miracle, which is difficult to believe not only in those times, but today, "Rassed his hand of Lazar. This event made the Israelites believe that he could free them and solve problems. It was Jesus Israelis who saw Israel's king, wanting to put him on three.

When Jesus Christ entered the young Izhak to the city, the people were happy, glorified him with a laudatory oodas, on his way flowers were rude, and the inhabitants of Israel were welcomed by palm branches as a symbol of approaching God. Such honors were awarded only the kingdoms.

Jesus Christ knew that he had the kingdom of heaven, as the salvation of the soul, and not just a kingdom on earth. He also knew that the price for it would be high.

Why is Palm Sunday? The answer to this question is simple: we do not grow palm trees, and the willow is the first tree that bloom in the spring. It is the verbal twigs of Orthodox believers carry in the church to consecrate them.

What can you do in Palm Sunday?

On the day of the Palm Resurrection, Veliba carry the Verq's temple to consecrate the father. These branches then need to bring home, where you need to "beat" each other with sprigs, saying such words "I'm not Bewing, the willow beats." People sincerely believed that this would give a person who was rushed by Voz, strength, wealth, health. Part of the one you need to use for swimming in pure Thursday, saying "Spread on the Pop, I'm watching you, happiness and good luck want to wish!". The remaining twigs must be stored until the next Palm Sunday. It was believed that such twigs have not only magical, but also healing properties.

Often with verbal branches decorate the icons, which should be a fabric of the house for a whole year, attract well-being and health.

Little kids in Palm Sunday need to wake off with consecrated verbal branches.

Water in which the vine will stand also has healing properties. It is used for bathing children who got sick, after which the sores pass. Prayers and verbal vines are capable of creating real wonders. It was believed that if you spend a vine on the body of a sick person in Palm Sunday, he healed.

In Palm Sunday, you need to please our households, especially small, goodies, but, at the same time, do not forget that the great post has not ended yet. Meat and dairy, everything remains banned. But the fish and a little high-quality red wine - exactly what you need.

What can not be done on Palm Sunday?

In Palm Sunday, you need to refrain from home work, on your site and in the garden. Quarrels, Rugan and insults are also unacceptable on this day.

Domestic cattle on this day is not expelled to graze.

Hot dishes in Palm Sunday are better not to cook.

Traditions and signs in Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday has magic power. On this day, young girls did a spell on the will. To do this, it was necessary to break a small twig from the young Willow and put for the icon, saying such words "while the willow be behind the icon will, until then, the husband does not blur for me."

Folk magic has a strongest conspiracy conspiracy that needs to be done in Palm Sunday. It helps to get rid of migraine to people suffering from this disease. In the morning of the Palm Sunday, you need to thoroughly comb your hair, hair, which remained on the comb, remove and put into the water. Pour water under the willow, seniting such words: "pain along with water go to the ground."

As already mentioned above, Vozbanna, consecrated in Palm Sunday, had healing properties. They slightly "beat" the children and set the head of the patients.

On this day, ragners and powders were prepared from the subsidence, which were used in the treatment of various diseases throughout the year.

Young girls wore the kidneys of the willow as a mascot, sincerely believing that it would help them to conceive a long-awaited child.

It has long been believed that what the wind will be in Palm Sunday, so there will be summer.

If the cloth is frying and clear weather, then the harvest of fruit this year will be rich. And with frost on this day, to a good yarre crop.

Thinking at the Palm Sunday about the dear man's heart - he will not make himself wait with a visit.

Wealth to the house can be attracted if a room plant is planted at the Palm Sunday.

Just a week stayed before the Easter holiday, but for now, all Orthodox celebrates Palm Sunday, whose symbol is a verbal vine.

On April 1, Orthodox believers celebrate the Great Holiday - Palm Sunday. From this celebration begins the last passionate week, which will end the Great Easter. It tells about the main traditions and the prohibitions of this day.

Palm Sunday 2018: Holiday History

Palm Sunday is also called - the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. According to ancient history, it was on this day Jesus Christ came riding a downtown in Jerusalem. Residents glorified and rejoiced by the coming of the Savior, a stripped road palm leaves.

Palm Sunday 2018: Main Traditions

Due to the fact that palm trees are not growing in Ukraine, Christians decided to replace the symbol of the holiday by the branches of willow. People believe that the willow carries healing power. The main tradition of the holiday is to consecrate the branches of the Willow in the temple. After the morning service, the plant needs to bring home and put in a prominent place. It is believed that this will bring home happiness, well-being and comfort.

In addition, there is another tradition on Palm Sunday. People rustily beat each other with branches, saying: I'm not Bew - the willache beats! Verba His - hits tears! " According to beliefs, it protects against the evil eye and damage.

Our ancestors believed that the kidneys of the Willow helps to cope with various ailments. So, if you wear them in the abdomen, it will help get pregnant faster. And the decoction from this plant helps to remove the heat.

Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem 2018: what to do

On April 1, it is necessary to go to the temple on the solemn liturgy. As already mentioned, on this day, you should shield the sprigs of the Willow, so that in the house the whole next year was happiness and wealth. Pruts need to put from the icon and store the whole year.

In the evening you should arrange a festive dinner on which the whole family is going. But it is not necessary to forget that the post is still available on Sunday, so all the dishes must comply with the rules. However, it is possible to add fish and red wine into the diet.

Palm Sunday 2018: What you can not do

As for the prohibitions, then on Palm Sunday, they are the same as other Orthodox holidays. On this day it is impossible to clean, wash, knit, sew or make repairs.

In addition, according to ancient traditions, treatments should be prepared in advance, since cooking is also not recommended on this day.

Also Christians believe that it is forbidden to comb her hair on Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday 2018 is celebrated on April 1, a week before Easter. The main tradition of the holiday is the consecration of the twigs of the Willow

Palm Sunday is one of the most important Christian holidays with ancient traditions and customs. How to note it correctly, what holiday signs should pay attention to what it is possible, and what is forbidden to do on Palm Sunday 2018 - in the material.

Traditions of the holiday Palm Sunday

On April 1, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Entrance of the Main in Jerusalem, or Palm Sunday 2018. Every year the date of the holiday varies depending on the number of Easter. However, always is Sunday the sixth week of the Great Post.

Customs of the Palm Sunday are closely related to the biblical history about the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem. The Son of God arrived in the city riding on the donkey, and they met his people with palm branches in their hands, which were considered a symbol of healing. Holiday in honor of this event and in our days, Catholics are named Palm Sunday. In the Orthodox faith, the palm changed the willow, but the symbolism was preserved, because the Slavs always attributed healing properties to this tree.

Photo: Palm Sunday 2018 - April 1 (

Consecration of the Spirits of Willow is the main tradition of the holiday Palm Sunday. After the morning service, the twigs should be brought to the house to protect it from the troubles, poverty and maintain family well-being.

There is another folk custom with a verbal branch. Sanctified twigs beat each other with words: "I'm not Bew - the willow beats! Verba His - beats to tears!" By accepting, shutders are defended from the evil eye and damage.

The kidney of the consecrated willow is the proximity of the centuries used in folk medicine. It was believed that talisman from verbal kidneys to men adds physical strength, women helps become pregnant and treat infertility. In the brave from the winds of the Willow bathed children to remove the heat. Also Verva treated pets.

Palm Sunday 2018: What to do in the holiday

Festive day must be held in a family circle. In the service of Verbal Sunday should be sanctified willow sprigs. According to traditions, rods must be torn on the same day before sunrise. Sanctified verbal branches need to be put in the house of the icon and store during the year to protect the family from the troubles and diseases.

Since the holiday accounted for a great post, treats must comply with its rules. However, it is possible to add dishes from fish and red wine into the diet. Children can bake sweet cookies from lean dough with nuts and dried fruits.

In Palm Sunday, you can deal with the transfer of indoor plants. For popular beliefs, if the flower transplanted on the holiday will grow well, the family is waiting for financial well-being. If it turns out - it is worth waiting for material difficulties.

Photo: Traditions on Palm Sunday are associated with windows and kidney windows (

What is prohibited in Palm Sunday

On holiday Sunday, you should not fulfill physical work, it is also forbidden to sew, knit, embroider, clean and washing.

The treats for the celebration of the Palm Sunday should be prepared in advance, because on this day, kitchen worries are prohibited. This is especially true of cooking hot dishes.

On a holiday, you can not think about bad and quarrel.

Verbal Sunday can not comb hair. However, there is a ritual with a loose, which can be spent the day before the holiday. To get rid of headaches, you need to comb your hair, then lower a few hair loss in water. On a festive day, you should pour the willer to this water and say: "Water, if on Earth with a headache."

Signs on Palm Sunday

For folk observations, the weather on the day of the holiday can tell about the future summer and harvest. At Palm Sunday, 2018 you can pay attention to such signs:

  • Warm and sunny weather on Palm Sunday - to a good fruit crop.
  • On Palm Sunday there is frost - to a rich crop of springtresses.
  • Rain on Palm Sunday - to the yield fly.
  • Who will eat the kidney of the Holy Willow - the most important thing will be decided.
  • What a wind on Palm Sunday - will blow like that and in summer.
  • Sunny weather for a holiday - to warm summer.

Differences in the celebration of Easter in Orthodox and Catholics (Video.Syt)