How to make jeans hard. How to make a fabric softer

Long wearing rigid materials causes discomfort and skin irritation. In order to avoid unpleasant sensations, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the methods of mitigating tissue, which have proven their effectiveness in practice. The method of processing products depends on the variety of material.


High stiffness cotton fabric is due to the treatment of threads using a special glue. To soften the material, it is necessary to extend the wardrobe item several times with a regular powder, and when rinsed to use air conditioning. Already after 2-3 such procedures, textiles becomes softer.

Note: Cotton clothes can not be erased at temperatures above +60 degrees, as this can lead to a narrowing of the product.


Jeans will make a soft alkaline solution. For cooking, you need to dilute 3-4 tablespoons in one glass of water. The resulting liquid should be pouring the washing machine into the compartment and perform washing at a water temperature of +40 degrees. Rinse jeans needed using air conditioner for linen.

Note: This method is not suitable for treating dark things, because under the influence of soda, such clothes can be brought.


To mitigate the tissues of the linen group, it is necessary to soak products in 5-7 liters of water, diluted with 3-5 tablespoons of the table salt. Leave clothes in a vessel with water at night and stretch in the morning.

Alternative ways:

    Divide the two doses of the air conditioner in the pelvis with heat water and immerse things there for a day. After 24 hours should rinse clothing or stretch using air conditioning.

    Pour in a pelvis with water acetic acid to a two-percent solution and soak in the tank of clothing for several hours. Next, you should rinse a thing several times. If an ardent smell remains after the set procedure, you can wash.

More information about clothing care can be found from manufacturerVulkana.

Make high-quality classic jeans softer is quite simple. First of all, they need to wrap them with a large amount of washing powder, about 2 times more than the usual norm. Washing Mode Choose the longest, after the washing will be finished, do not remove jeans out of the typewriter, and put the machine to the rinsing mode.

After that, the thing needs to be soaked in a basin with warm water and with the addition of two tablespoons of soda. To worry about the action of soda on denim fabric is not worth it, it will not bring any harm. After a couple of hours, after soaking, you can proceed to re-washing, but already with the usual portion of the washing powder. After the washing will be finished, jeans need to additionally rinse, adding a large dose of a softening air conditioner and a dining room soda. Then they can be dried, but not completely, but to a slightly wet state.

Now they are left to stroke the iron through the gauze. In the seams area, the product can remain slightly wet, but it is easy to fix, hanging them to dry in the bathroom. The first time to wear new jeans is better lying, as they are not yet diverse. The feeling of comfort will not come immediately, so, putting jeans, try to make a few movements: squat, bend the legs in the knees, lean into different moans several times. Even the toughest denim cloth is a bit different in one day, and a week later, jeans will be completely "obedient" and perfectly sit down.

For a modern man, the purchase of jeans has become a ritual, so each of us has any special preferences, for example, planting height. Do not buy jeans that looked freely on the figure. With the meaning that the fabric will dyate a little over time, they will become simply great, ugly folds will appear in some places, gradually jeans will acquire a "baggy look".

How to make jeans soft

Denim fabric is dense, and sometimes quite hard material. Jeans can irritate gentle and sensitive skin, especially in kids. But the stiffness is more often connected with the material itself, but with a color fixer, which causes such an unpleasant feeling. Of course, you can immediately pay attention to this, but not always a person thinks, enjoying the new clothes. If you are discomfort due to tissue stiffness, try it a little soften.

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Put the first time using the usual powder, but put a little more than the norm. Thoroughly rinse jeans. But you should not dry yet, they still need to be processed several times. From the first washing, you remove only a part of the substance that was used in the manufacturing process.

Now put the thing once again, but at a higher temperature and with the addition of 1 tbsp. Spoons of soda on 5 liters of water. Washing machine takes a maximum of 10 liters on washing, the amount of water consumption you can look in the documents for it. Soda will not spoil the color even the brightest fabric, so you should not worry about the safety of the material.

Well rinse the powder, water should not be foaming during the penultimate rinse. And in the last rinse, add a double dose of air conditioner. In the next few styrices also add soda and do not forget about air conditioning. Already after 3-4 such procedures, jeans will become softer cotton.

Iron not yet barking pants and do not put too high the heating temperature of the iron. The heat also makes a denim tight tight. In principle, they can not be ironed at all, if they are not very crumpled.

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How to make jeans soft at home?

Jeans can be confidently called the most popular part of any wardrobe. There is no more comfortable, stylish and durable clothes than things made of high-quality denim fabric. Real classic jeans are very tough and coarse, they do not allow foot to bend freely, but it is just at first. If you are constantly carrying them, then very soon they completely take the shapes of the figure of their mistress or host. In principle, the problem with rigidity is quite solvable, and no special skills need to be necessary. In this exciting article we will tell how to make jeans soft at home.

How to recognize real jeans?

Classic jeans, as a rule, have five pockets, during their socks do not add them, and worn either on the belt either on the hips. To understand how high-quality them and did not slip fake, you need to carefully examine their sections.

Remember that all of them must be smoothly shifted and closed. This also applies to the internal and stepper seams. If they are original, then it should be absolutely, without any defects and minor shortcomings.

Fixing the color of new denim trousers

Before softening jeans at home, you should take care of the consolidation of their color, otherwise you risk them to spoil them. Before the first washing, the trousers must have some time to hold them into a slightly salted solution of water with the addition of vinegar.

Important! Remember that not all jeans that can be purchased today on the market or in the corporate boutique, allowed to wash in a machine machine. And the products, decorated with applications or rhinestones, is generally elected only manually.

How to make jeans softer?

Now details on how hard jeans make soft. To achieve results, you need to act according to the instructions given:

  1. Put the pants with the addition of a large amount of powder, about two times more than with normal washing. Mode can choose the longest. As soon as it is completed, you need to turn on the rinse function again.
  2. Get them out of the machine and soak in a bowl with hot water, in which you need to add a couple of soda spoons. Do not worry - the soda will not harm the denim. Hold jeans in a solution for several hours, and then post again, but only the powder add no more than standard portion.
  3. After the cycle is completed, they need to rinse them again with the addition of a shock dose of a softening air conditioner and one tablespoon of soda.
  4. Now they can be dried, but not completely, and so that they become slightly wet.
  5. Bind jeans through the gauze well heated iron.
  6. Most likely, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seams they will be wet, so you can send them to dry in the bathroom.

Important! For the first time after the manipulations have done, the pants should be better lying, due to the fact that they are not yet diverse. Most likely, at first, you will experience discomfort, but there is nothing terrible in it - you need to look like a little in them, to pectinate, bend ten times in your knees, and everything will come to normal. So that they become finally obedient, you will have to wait about a week.

How often do you need to wash jeans?

As we already know, jeans are made of pretty durable and at the same time hostess, so they are so popular. They have excellent wear resistance, so it is recommended to erase them after the fourth or fifth socks, with the condition of daily use. In practice, they clean them much less often.

Sometimes they become stringent after the tenth and even twentieth washing, and this problem, in principle, can decide. You can try them to soften with simple stretching and shaking the product.

Important! If jeans seem too starchy, then you can get rid of this effect using a sweeping or ironing.

Alternative methods of cleaning jeans

If you are against the washing of such clothes in a washing machine, and you are afraid that they will lose their original shape, color or texture, then use other methods of care, alternative standard processing. Namely:

  • With the help of an ordinary kitchen sponge, you can remove minor contamination.
  • During the taking of the soul, hang jeans in the bathroom so that they move away a little.
  • You can also wash them in the bathroom, but it is important that the water was cool, and the detergent is not too aggressive.
  • So that the dark color of the trousers remained as long as possible use white vinegar to save it. It is simply added to the water when washing.

How to correctly iron and dry jeans?

You already know how to make jeans soft at home. But it should also be sorted out how to keep this softness for a long time:

  • It is necessary to dry them only on horizontal surfaces or joining the bottom of the plywood on the rope.
  • It is better to abandon the use of a special floor dryer.
  • Immediately after they snap, do not hurry to turn them out, because the ironing should occur on the wrong side. Ideally, if they are slightly wet at this moment.

Important! In order for dirt completely from them, you can put them for several hours in the freezer. In principle, such an unusual cleaning method can be replaced with standard washing.

In this article, we told you how to make jeans soft at home. We hope you will wear only high-quality things that will be very convenient and will not deliver you any discomfort.

Denim fabric is dense, and sometimes quite hard material. Jeans Can irritate gentle and sensitive skin, especially in kids. But the stiffness is more often connected with the material itself, but with a color fixer, which causes such an unpleasant feeling. Of course, you can immediately pay attention to this, but not always a person thinks, enjoying the new clothes. If you are discomfort due to tissue stiffness, try it a little soften.


Put the first time using the usual powder, but put a little more than the norm. Thoroughly rinse jeans. But you should not dry yet, they still need to be processed several times. From the first washing, you remove only a part of the substance that was used in the manufacturing process.

Now put the thing once again, but at a higher temperature and with the addition of 1 tbsp. Spoons of soda on 5 liters of water. Washing machine takes a maximum of 10 liters on washing, the amount of water consumption you can look in the documents for it. Soda will not spoil the color even the brightest fabric, so you should not worry about the safety of the material.

Well rinse the powder, water should not be foaming during the penultimate rinse. And in the last rinse, add a double dose of air conditioner. In the next few styrices also add soda and do not forget about air conditioning. Already after 3-4 such procedures, jeans will become softer cotton.

Iron not yet barking pants and do not put too high the heating temperature of the iron. The heat is also a rigid denim fabric. In principle, they can not be ironed at all, if they are not very crumpled.

You have old favorite jeans with which you have been fire and water. They are so comfortable, but ... already tired of the order. How to breathe in the old thing a new life or even change it to be unrecognizable? Want to know?

You will need

  • rhinestones with flat bottom (hot fixation), scissors or nodovka, thread, needle, buttons, lemon acid or bleach.


There are many options how to revive old annoying jeans. The easiest - slightly change their color. You can achieve this by posting them with a bleach. Take your jeans, put in the basin for washing and pouring means for bleaching. If you want the fabric to brighten up uneven, it is possible to tie the nodes or threads from threads in different places (these areas will remain brighter). You can make a beautiful pattern with a solution of citric acid. Divide it in a glass and use how paint, causing the picture you need to the tissue fabric. Let dry. After washing, the drawing will manifest itself and will be much lighter.

Take rhinestones on an adhesive basis for fabric, place jeans on a flat surface and lay out you need, drawing. If you wish, you can sew a numbling of buttons or beads so that your applique is exclusive. Rhinestones fasten the iron before paving the layer of thin tissue. In the same way, the adhesive appliques on the adhesive basis can be accompanied, which are sold in the store in the finished form.

They are often softer. Too tough new jeans work. A variety of methods of how to make jeans softer, great. Considered will be available, in everyday life, "softening" methods. The easiest, of course, the way to make jeans is softer, it's just for several months to wear them ... but this is a board from the category, "do the steps twice as long," to the question how to reduce jeans wear.

Eminent manufacturers of foam tubes, for their finishing, deliver these. Dunchill gives its smoking pipes by the sailors who go into the world seabed. Upon returning the tube from the journey, it is transmitted to the final customer. In the case of jeans, you can act like a way;). Give them to cowboy for rodeo ...
Some instructions on how to make jeans soft, probably may not seem quite typical. But, first of all, no one is guvorritis that everything needs to be done. Information about the technology of doing jeans is mildly broken into paragraphs. Listed separately, that is. Everything you need, as a rule, there is in the house. Nevertheless, iron is hot, chemicals, again ... Negregate caution is not worth it.

Step 1: Iron, Starch

what will take:

  1. net pair of jeans
  2. iron
  3. ironing board
  4. spray starch

There are procedures necessary in any case. Preparation procedures. Of course, jeans that should be softer must be clean. They are generally easier to work with them in this case. Also softened jeans preferably rejuvenate. Pre-punched them. Starch is convenient to use in the form of spray. Such is in household chemicals. The accumulated jeans will become even harder, and will be stronger to expose to mitigation.

Jeans are wrapped in, starched, deposited. Whenironing ends, jeans turn inside out.

Step 2: how to make jeans softer sandpaper

what may need:

  1. nazcachka
  2. pumice
  3. scissors

Small sandpaper is used fine. It is called even zero. You can use PEMZU. Among other things, the use of scissors has met on the expanses of the global network. But it takes too much time. Uncomfortable wrist scissors.Such a peculiar grinding jeans gives a good effect that is also quickly achieved. Color enough front halves in the hip area. Before burlap pockets. Well, the crotch area, of course.

Literally through several reciprocating movements, it will be possible to notice the effect in the form of a handful of gathered cotton fibers. When grindingcompleted softened jeans you can simply violentlyshake. This will make rid of most excess cotton.

Step 3: How to make jeans softer, stretching fabric

necessary materials:

  1. jeans
  2. hands
After jeans were polished, the fabric from which they are sewn, it should be stretched. In fact, one stretch is enough to make jeans softer. But this is only if Denim is not very rude. Then the grinding only helps.

Twist them, fold them, unscrew, as if squeeze the rag, capture and pull in all directions. They will all endure. This is a denim fabric, it was invented to counteract similar loads. And more fun and extreme entertainment like rodeo on bulls. ;)))

In addition to twisting and stretch marks, jeans can be collapsed and beat them about the edge of the table. Also embrace this roller on the surface. The effect of softening jeans is manifested immediately.

Step 4: What to make jeans softer, beat them bat, and go on them on an SUV

what may be needed:

  1. baseball bits
  2. russian hockey
  3. sUV
  4. jeans

No jokes. Tightly rolled jeans, after lining them with reservoirs, immediately become softer. They are in the plant generally erased with stones (Stonewash technology). It's like unscrewing them and stretching. And there are practically suitable sticks for everyone. Recently, baseball bits are generally accepted to shake with them when traveling by endless expanses of the Motherland. On jeans can be at the same time and practice in mastery of possession of such a bat.

Remember the film "Case was in Penkov"? There, the main character laid on the road was removed Len, in order for the cars passing along it, it was disheveled. Made softer. So jeans can be thrown under the wheels of the car. Better if it is a truck ... it's just fun ...;)))

Step 5: Shampoo and Air Conditioning


Put the first time using the usual powder, but put a little more than the norm. Rinse carefully. But you should not dry yet, they still need to be processed several times. From the first washing, you remove only a part of the substance that was used in the manufacturing process.

Now put the thing once again, but at a higher temperature and with the addition of 1 tbsp. Spoons of soda on 5 liters of water. The washing maximum of 10 liters on the washing, the amount of water consumption of technology you can look in the documents for it. Soda will not spoil the color even bright fabric, so you should not worry about the safety of the material.

Well rinse the powder, water should not be foaming during the penultimate rinse. And in the last rinse, add a double dose of air conditioner. In the next few styrices also add soda and do not forget about air conditioning. Already after 3-4 such procedures, jeans will become.

Helpful advice

If you want to buy soft jeans, visit any brand store. But on the usual bazaar, you can find soft jeans that you like to do.

You have old favorite jeans with which you have been fire and water. They are so comfortable, but ... already tired of the order. How to breathe in the old thing a new life or even change it to be unrecognizable? Want to know?

You will need

  • rhinestones with flat bottom (hot fixation), scissors or nodovka, thread, needle, buttons, lemon acid or bleach.


There are many options how to revive boring. The easiest - slightly change their color. You can achieve this by posting them with a bleach. Take your jeans, put in the basin for washing and pouring means for bleaching. If you want the fabric to brighten up unevenly, you can nodes or hallers in different places (these areas will remain brighter). You can make a beautiful solution of citric acid. Divide it in a glass and use how paint, causing the picture you need to the tissue fabric. Let dry. After washing, the drawing will manifest itself and will be much lighter.

Take rhinestones on an adhesive basis for fabric, place jeans on a flat surface and lay out you need, drawing. If you wish, you can sew near or beads so that your application is exclusive. Rhinestones fasten the iron, having previously paving the layer of fabric. In the same way, special adhesive appliques can be accompanied, which are sold in ready.

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when working with a bleach and lemon acid, we rinse well after processing.

Helpful advice

When sticking rhizes, it is best to use an iron mode with steam. Appliques for adhesive basis, if the reverse is not specified in the instructions, are glued under normal mode through the fabric.

Unstable weight leads to unexpected surprises: blouses become short and narrow, beloved - small, and the outerwear is worn with difficulty. But everything is not so bad, because jeans You can expand and they will quickly fall on your shape. Non-good sewing skills and the same jeansBut on the size more, will appear in your updated wardrobe. But if you just bought pants and they slightly hise you, wait at first: maybe they will stretch themselves to the desired size.


Purge the straight line fixed by the phlizelin section of jeans diagonally. Then, without removing the needle from the fabric, lift the sewing machine foot and expand the operation in the opposite direction. Return from the previous line of 1-2 millimeters and place a straight line, parallel to the previous one. Delive work, and, similarly, place another line.

Fill in straight machine lines the entire area of \u200b\u200bdamage to, limiting it with the dimensions of the adhesive fliesline, which locks the irons. Try to make lines parallel to each other. Such a way to darken damage on any plots of jeans.

If over time the bottom edge of the trousers was worn out, they can also be recovered. To do this, gently cut the lapse (follow). In the edge of a trick on the sewing machine in the trouser tape. Unscrew it on the wrong side, leaving 1-2 millimeters of Lena from the front side. This ledge will prevent re-cut jeans. Find a hot iron from the resulting lapse. Sew it on the typewriter.

Fashionable over the past years, the tight denim emphasizes the advantages of an accurate figure. However, the denim tissue is tested, because of which pants are not so tight after a while. There are several ways to return them to the former form.


Erase jeans not as pollution, but as they lose shape. Denim is tested with a sock and slightly sit down after washing - this is the structure of this tissue. There is a direct connection between the magnitude of the shrinkage and the water temperature: the higher it is, the stronger jeans sit down. However, on the labels of most of the models sold today, the designation is 30 or 40 ° C.

Remember the experience of past generations, because fashion for very narrow jeans is not Nova. In the past years, there was a whole system of shrinkage of Denim to the state of the second skin: it was recommended to put the pants, sit in them in the bath with water, and then move to the horizontal surface and lie until completely dry. However, manufacturers assure that nothing to go to such victims. It is enough to soak jeans in cold water overnight, then wrap at 30-40 degrees, after which, without squeezing, hang drying (preferably at room temperature, since the heating devices and frosty street air can damage the structure of the fabric). Keep in mind that with such a wash, denim sits not only in width, but also in length. Therefore, you should not customize jeans in length before carrying out at least the first 10 washes.

If the washing does not help, and the pants are too good to stop them, give them to the east. Remove a couple of centimeters in the waist will not be difficult for a good wizard. Jeans will be able to sit in the studio and along the entire length, reducing one or two sizes while preserving the characteristic seam of the mustache. For this, they are reproduced by external seam. Denim stroke on the inside, but in this case the pants become below for several centimeters, and for models with on the hips, it may be critical.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Given the ability of Denim to stretch, try to acquire denim on the size, or even two, less. Not trouble, if the new pair is barely buttoned in the store. In jeans you need to walk and sit so that they stretch slightly and "adapted" to your figure.


  • jeans to wash at what temperature in 2019

Resting in the summer visiting the beloved grandmother, you surprised to find that all jeans in the closet during this time decreased at least size. And vacation only ended, and money is expected no earlier than in a month. Do not hide in panic. You can increase jeans and at the same time turn them into the original author's model.

You will need

  • Jeans, scissors, lace tape, needle, thread, sewing machine.


First find out which width you need to arrange jeans. To do this, measure the circumference of your hips in the widest place with a centimeter tape. The measurement line passes from behind through the most convex parts of the buttocks and on the sides through the widest place of the hips. Try not to pull the tape. To the result, add a couple of centimeters to free folk, so that you do not have to fasten jeans Lying.

In the absence of centimeter tape, use any non-branching tape and ruler. Wrap the strip around the thighs, mark or do more superfluous. And then measure the length of the braid.

Next, find out the width of jeans. To do this, place them on the floor, the front side up. Find the widest place, measure it with a centimeter ribbon or a long ruler. Multiply the result received by two.

Now deduct the result of measuring jeans out of the measurement results. The difference received to you and you need to fill. Based on this difference, determine the width of the lace braid. To do this, divide the found missing value for two and add 2-3 centimeters (stamps on the seams).

Prepare jeans. To do this, first work, cut the top seams of all loops, and then completely expand the belt. Next, sip the bottom bending and write the side stitches of the piano.

Cut two slices of lace tape equal to the length of the height of the product. Sew them into the side seams. To do this, reflect jeans inside out. Attach the edges to one of the sides of the open side suture with the help of a pin or explosion. The second edge of the tape is connected to the second side of the seam. Similarly, process the second pant.

Substitute lower jeans sections. Choose for this one of the following ways: - Send the edge back and step up; - Cut the lace along the sections: - Distract the bottom edge, for which you pull out several transverse threads.

Treat the top edge of the pants. Loose ends loops for a belt Bend book and set. As a result, the lower bumps will become the upper. Upper cut can be, like the bottom, fasten or tinker.

Because the button with a button is no longer, carefully sung in the top of the fastener hook and loop.

To complete the image, instead of the belt, hold the lace tape in the loop and tie a bow.


Before giving up a lace braid in the side seams, notify it. Enter sour cream jeans to make sure your calculations are correct.

Helpful advice

Try to choose not too transparent lace, otherwise you will have to wear underwear only corporal color.

Any modern fashion connoisseur is familiar with jeans. These dense cotton pants are very comfortable and practical, so enjoy popular among men and women of all age. A few centuries ago, Italian sailors wore such pants made of dense cans. But the inventor of modern jeans is the American industrialist Levi Strauss.

In the middle of the XIX century, Belgian Labez Strears arrived in America, whom the sailors immediately dubbed Levi Strauss (this name sounds like Lay Strauss). The son of the poor, he had completely a bit of the property, including a solid roll of a canasic matter, from which he began to sew tents on the orders of gold killers on the American land, so that at least somehow appeal.

Once a friend complained to Strauss, that if he had good pants, he could do without a tent, just overwhelmingly under the tree. An enterprising Istrass recalled the skills of the tailor skill, transferred to him by the Father, and very soon sewed the Savalous Pants from the sails, who immediately sold the gold defector for with a small one.

The product was successful, so that soon the Strauss had new customers.

Jeans: simplicity, convenience and practicality

In 1853, a successful tailor founded his own workshop in the city of San Francisco, which began to sew pants for gold miners and other workers. Straudi personally visited the villages of the gold kits, finding out the wishes of future customers and improving their products. Workers were satisfied with the way Strauss served orders.

Soon, pants were equipped with belt loops, as well as spacious front and rear pockets. For greater strength, all stuffing staudes did double. After a few years, the joints of the seams on the pockets were strengthened with metal rivets. Patented in 1873 a new type of working clothing, Strauss began to pick up more suitable material for its products. The choice fell on a dense cotton fabric having a diagonal weaving. So modern jeans appeared.

Hidden patch

Standard patches, as a rule, look not very beautiful and aesthetic, so modern seamstres have developed a way to make hidden patch, which do not "give out" damage to the tissue and completely imitate the escaped piece.

So, in order to make a hidden patch, pick up a piece of tissue of a larger diameter than a hole on your jeans. The color does not have to be exactly exactly as repaired clothing, but it is better to choose the most similar color. If the hole is in an uncomfortable place, for example, in the corner of pockets, then the interfering details better fracture and temporarily shoot the remaining portion of jeans.

Take the prepared patch, attach it from the wrong side and notice.

Pick up the threads that exactly repeat the color of the denim, and start sewing the straight line along the hole. The small lines should begin a little earlier borders of the hole and end a little later than the opposite borders. Try to repeat the stitch fabric and go in the same direction in which the drawing is on jeans. Do not be lazy and make a stitch as small as possible - it will be less noticeable.

After you go throughout the hole diameter, secure the node carefully and cut the thread. Then cut the excess fabric from the wrong side and send to the place of reputable parts.


If you have broken jeans on which there are no pockets, or the hole is on the side part, you can hide it with a patch pocket. To do this, take old jeans and reflect a pocket from them, which you liked more than others. It is desirable that the color coincides with the thing being repaired, however, if you build a blue jeans with red pocket, it will turn out a new original thing. Threads pick up the same color as a line on your product. Sceress pocket, closing the hole. You can make it a "deceiving", shadow from all sides, and decorate buttons or rhinestones.

Receiving stylist

If you have broken jeans in the place below the level of the hips, then in order to hide the resulting hole, it is not necessary to sew it or hide with piping. You can make it part of your own style, expanding in a horizontal direction and adding some similar cuts or on the same shed, or symmetrically on the opposite side. In order for your cuts not "diverged", process them with fine stitch on the diameter of the holes.

Artistically and rubbed jeans were and remain stylish and universal wardrobe subject. Small cuts and wipes attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. Ripped jeans can be bought, but you can do yourself by applying a little fantasy.

If you like losses and minor holes on jeans, you can use pembia. To do this, put a solid record under the desired place, wet jeans with ordinary water and start rubbing. You need to closely monitor so that the loss is uniform, use PEMMU carefully, it is better to perform this procedure in several goals, so you can achieve a more interesting effect.

You can use manicure scissors or dispenser to create holes. Sharp the tip, pull the threads from the place of your jeans, where you want to get an art hole. You can pull out the threads along or across the pantian. Scissors and dispairs are easy to control, so you can get a rather complicated pattern of holes and rush. After washing, the jeans cut in this way will look even more effectively.

It should be borne in mind that cuts and gaps on jeans look especially effectively if their cloth surrounds is a bit low. You can handle the desired area of \u200b\u200bjeans with chlorine or bleach with it before you start cutting and tear them. It is enough to apply a solution to the necessary areas for a while. More convenient to do it with the help of a sponge, so you can control the number of bleach, after that jeans need to be wrapped. As a result, you will get beautiful "scuffs" in which you can make interesting cuts.

Think about how you can decorate jeans, combining several techniques. You can make cuts and gaps not only on the pants, but also on your pockets, on the belt. Add scuffs to the lower edge of the jeans and the edges of the pockets, so they will look much harmonious.

Helpful advice

Do not cut and do not process jeans on yourself, better use the appropriate stand. This will avoid injury and other troubles. If you have a tendency to allergic reactions, apply a bleach for jeans, putting special gloves.

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