How to behave during an interview. Preparing for an interview. Appearance: how to choose the right clothes for an interview

Everyone has to go through an interview at least once in their life. If earlier not all companies conducted interviews, now interviews are conducted almost everywhere. However, despite the importance of the interview, not all people know how to properly behave in an interview. An insecure employee who does not know how to present himself competently is unlikely to successfully pass this stage of hiring. In order to get the job you want and make a good impression at the interview, check out a few tips and tricks.

Preparing for an interview

In order for the interview to go smoothly and without problems, it is advisable to prepare for it.

  • Prepare in advance for the most common questions such as: “Why did you choose our company?”, “How do you imagine your life in a few years?”, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, as well as questions about education and previous jobs. Consider in advance the answer to the question: “Why did you leave your previous job?”.

  • Think over your image. You should not wear too bright and catchy clothes, but it will not hurt to emphasize your individuality with interesting items of clothing or accessories. It is customary to come to the interview in neutral colors, such as: white, black, gray and beige. It is better to choose clothes that are simple, but elegant, and in no case pretentious.

  • Find out as much information as you can about the company you will be working for. A good employer will always appreciate a person who familiarizes himself with the activities of the organization before the interview. Thanks to this, you will be able to make a favorable impression on the future boss.

  • Get in a good mood. In the morning before the interview, listen to your favorite music, drink your favorite tea or coffee. Stay positive and calm. If you are overly nervous, then drink a calming herbal tea or do some breathing exercises. A person who is too stiff and nervous during an interview makes a negative impression.

  • If you have forgotten some information related to your specialty, then refresh your knowledge. First of all, any employer wants to see a competent good specialist in his company. Everything is important: your work experience, place of education, participation in any conferences and forums. But do not forget that if you are clamped and behave insecurely, then your knowledge may not be able to help you. Therefore, do not neglect the tips outlined above.

How to behave during an interview?

  • Smile and sincerity. Don't be afraid to smile. A smile always wins people over. Answer questions sincerely and do not lie, because sooner or later the truth will come out.

  • Show off your skills. No need to be modest. It is very important to be able to adequately evaluate yourself. Show off your best projects, share your experience, and don't think it's insignificant. Even the smallest things can be interesting to talk about.

  • Ask questions. They choose not only you, but you. Do not feel like a subordinate at the interview, you still do not owe this company anything. Therefore, ask everything that interests you. So you can understand if this job is right for you or not.

  • Do not be nervous. You don't have to fiddle with the buttons on your blouse, fiddle with a pen in your hands, or run your eyes around the space. Take a few deep breaths and calm down. A calm person makes a more favorable impression. And excessive unevenness will only harm you, as you will be tense: your voice may tremble, your palms may sweat and your thoughts may be confused. No more nervousness.

  • Speak with sense, feeling and arrangement. No need to rant. Speak calmly, pause in your speech and watch your voice. Also, do not actively gesticulate during a conversation.

What to do if you are not hired?

Don't despair. Rejection at an interview is not the end of life. Go to another interview, analyze the past and take into account all the mistakes. Despite the fact that the interview is always a nervous process, and we want to get a positive result, not everything always goes positively. You should not look for flaws in yourself after the first refusal. It’s worth thinking about when you went to a lot of interviews, but never got a positive answer anywhere.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to behave at an interview - you will learn all the necessary information and even more: how to please a recruiter, what to wear for an interview, why some interviews take place over the phone and what to do if the conversation takes place via Skype, as well as: what you are most likely to be asked, what tricky questions HR specialists ask and much more.

How to please and make a good impression

The impression of a person is created within the first 15 seconds after the meeting. This is both good and bad news at the same time. You must immediately take the bull by the horns, or rather yourself. It is very important to arrive on time, and even better 5-10 minutes before the start of the interview. Appearance is of great importance, but we will talk about this separately.

Now it is important to mention attitude. It depends on him whether the first impression is good or not. Self-confidence is what matters. Not everyone has it, and in a stressful situation it is quite difficult to pull yourself together. Everyone understands this, including the employer, so there is a slight discount here, but still, it is in your interest to create the appearance of maximum peace of mind. How to achieve this?

It’s good if you are fond of yoga and know how to pull yourself together, but if not?

Scroll through your mind that you are just as interested in a good job as an HR manager is in a great employee. Don't try to sell yourself. If you have a responsible approach to work, you have all the necessary qualities, the employee will definitely notice this.

Remember that before finding a suitable vacancy, according to statistics, a person attends about 3-5 interviews. This employer might not be lucky enough to get you!

Even if this is your first interview, you have every chance to please. Almost every job seeker goes to look for a job, having some shortcomings and concerns: is everything in the document in order, and how they will react to the lack of a file or whether they will agree to certain conditions.

For example, one of my friends did not want to work after 18:00, but she was ready to come an hour earlier. At first she was very embarrassed because of this fact, but then she began to boldly declare her demands. In her position, adjustments in the schedule were possible and employers, seeing that the employee was really suitable, were ready to move closer.

Self-confidence is noticeable immediately. You automatically begin to trust a person, you see that he is reliable and responsible. All this happens on a subconscious level. That's why calmness and self-confidence are so important for creating a good impression.

Staying focused in any situation is the best quality of an employee.

If you can't believe in yourself, sign up for a Skype consultation with me. By doing so, you will make a significant contribution to your future.

Self-confidence brings significant benefits both in your career and in your personal life. you stop worrying, getting nervous and, as they like to call it, selling yourself. Sell ​​themselves you know who and you know where. It is important for you to present yourself, come, and then the employer will see everything himself.

In addition to confidence and calmness, a positive attitude is also important. Start the morning before the interview as calmly as possible. Wake up early so you don't rush anywhere. Turn on your favorite music, walk around the house and sing along, try to laugh with your loved ones, drink delicious coffee.

Do you think this is all nonsense? Well, then you can stand in the hero's pose, smile for 20 seconds in front of the mirror and jump on one leg to consolidate the success. Perhaps this method will help someone relieve tension, cheer up and make you smile sincerely in order to make a good impression on the future boss.

Your good mood is in your hands.

Unfortunately, there is no secret technique or universal pose in which some people immediately begin to like others. I’ll tell you more about all the “secrets” from the Internet, personnel officers have long known, and as soon as they see that you are trying to apply them, they immediately draw their conclusions: “Yeah, this person is very interested in work and is trying to manipulate. Interesting".

The main thing at the interview is to behave naturally, confidently, calmly and have a positive attitude. In this case, you have every chance to please. Read also and

How to look for an interview

How to look at the interview is a very serious issue for many. Today, everyone can afford to dress beautifully and look spectacular. It doesn't take hundreds of thousands. If 5 years ago no one paid such serious attention to this moment, now the situation has changed dramatically.

What to go

When creating their image, many people make mistakes and do not get the desired vacancy. Some dress formally where it is not needed and give the impression of an overly interested employee - this is alarming. Others, on the contrary, prefer the Casual style when it is completely inappropriate.

Don't overdo it with seduction, if a recruiter succumbs to temptation, what will you do?

What is the best way to go for an interview? You need to proceed from the place of work and the position for which you are applying. You can go to the address where the company is located in advance and see what the employees of this company are wearing.

If this is a bank, then you must adhere to the dress code already at the interview - a formal formal suit and classic flat shoes, a tie is required.

For women, it is better to wear a plain shirt or a light-colored business blouse, a pencil skirt just below the knee and strict low-heeled shoes. With all your appearance, you should shout about reliability and conscientiousness.

If the work is creative, then the appearance may indicate the creativity of its “carrier”. You will have to work hard to work out your image. It is difficult to give any specific instructions here. The only thing, do not forget about accessories. In your case, they will be welcome - neckerchiefs, bracelets and other little things that complement, emphasize and complete the image.

If you want to look your best, I advise you to watch some modern films or look through magazines where there will be photos of successful people from your field. If the company is very cool, and the position is top class, it might make sense to talk to a stylist.

What not to wear

I would not like to write platitudes, but, apparently, I will have to, since it is difficult to describe images and specific things that you should not wear. Everything depends on the position. Somewhere some things are out of place, but in another position the same outfit will come in handy.

The rule of what not to wear is the same for everyone: dirty and unironed things at the interview are inappropriate.

How to introduce yourself and present yourself

Here I would like to repeat myself, because I think it is very important: do not seek to sell yourself. Once, a very smart person told me: if the product is good, it is enough to know about it, and if it is bad, then no advertising will help.

If you don't want to be a slave, don't sell yourself in an interview.

This is very true. Once you start campaigning, your value is lost. The employer just needs to learn about your strengths. Talk about them calmly and with dignity.

What to tell about yourself

As a rule, at interviews from the threshold they are asked to tell about themselves. What to say to the interviewer, and what is better to keep silent about? There is a mandatory regulation: introduce yourself, tell us about your education, name previous places of work, you can describe some projects you have worked on. In general, the history of your professional life is required here.

It will be nice if you mention your goals, what you want to achieve. You should not run ahead of the locomotive and predict the interlocutor, answering banal questions that will be asked one way or another.

The personnel officer should ask you something, and if you do not leave banal questions, you risk running into a large number of tricky ones.

Remember everything you know about deduction. Play Sherlock.

Pay attention to the table and objects that lie in front of the interviewer. Well, if you are in his office. If there are no extraneous, personal items nearby, and all things are stacked in a strict order, most likely the person takes the matter responsibly and requires the same approach from others.

Some advise using such things to find common interests with a person. For example, you see a photo of a cat and start talking about your Barsik. You know, you have to be very careful with these things. You are not the first in this office, and such methods have long been known to the HR specialist. Draw conclusions, use this information, but I would not advise voicing it.

Leave the humor, irony and everything about professional topics for the time when you have already received a position.

How to answer questions

Everyone lies in interviews. It is necessary to know at what point a lie will be useful, and when it is better to tell the truth.

For example, if you left your previous job with a scandal, it is better to talk about it. If you like it, then perhaps your management or colleagues will call and everyone will know. Do not try to blame the employer or the team for all the troubles, find your mistakes, point them out and show how you cope with them.

At my last job, I constantly stole pencils, but I already paid for it with a place and never again!

Information about shortcomings is also not a reason for irony: perfectionism and hypertrophied responsibility is not an original answer to the question. It is important for the employer to know that nothing will interfere with your efficiency. You can answer that your shortcomings are outside the professional sphere and they do not affect the work, but I would not like to talk about them.

Try to think two steps ahead: why are you being asked this question, what are they trying to find out and whether they can verify the information. Do not be afraid to inflate the cost of your work at a previous job, lie about your own merits, advantages and positive qualities.

Not bad if you can illustrate some facts - use a portfolio, some documents, graphics, as if accidentally taken with you.

How to prepare for an interview

If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can make a questionnaire in advance and go through an “interview” with your wife or child. However, this is not necessary, I'm afraid that in some cases it will even be harmful. It is quite possible that in this way you will only aggravate the situation and will worry more, and the main thing in this matter is complete calm and confidence, as you remember.

Better work on your resume and evidence base. Write down how great you are. Do not use ready-made samples. Most likely you have already sent one to your employer. Write something for yourself, in free form. You don't even have to take it with you. As a rule, after that a person begins to believe in himself more.

"I am the most charming and attractive, all employers dream of me."

Collect various documents that can prove your merits and advantages - remember successful projects, you can ask several clients to write reviews. All this is needed not so much for the interviewer as for you. Self-confidence works wonders.

The better the job, the harder it will be to get distracted. Try to come up with a plan in advance of how to take time, so as not to go from corner to corner and not worry. Also, don't overeat. Excessive bliss and drowsiness will not benefit.

Video interview features, online and by phone

As a rule, telephone interviews are conducted in order to weed out those candidates who are clearly not suitable. Such an interview is not so difficult to pass. The conversation will last no more than half an hour.

During this time, you just need to tell a little about yourself, answer a few basic questions and ask your own. They do not talk about the salary over the phone, as well as about the details of the work. For this, at least video is used.

Interviews online, via Skype - a more common and serious event. You have eye contact with the interlocutor and the ability to send some important files and documents.

If you have such an interview, you need to prepare: convert the necessary documents into electronic form, upload them to Yandex or Google drives, save all the necessary links, and also provide yourself with quick access to them so as not to rummage through the folders on the desktop while the interviewer is waiting.

Even if you are interviewing via the Internet, do not forget about your appearance.

Home clothes are unacceptable, pay attention to the background - panties hung on the dryer will not show you as an excellent worker. Treat this interview as if it were taking place in a respectable office where you get a job.

What questions are most often asked in an interview?

Frequently Asked Questions

So, what are the most commonly asked questions in an interview?

  1. your shortcomings.
  2. Tell us about your achievements. (Do not attribute all the credit solely to yourself. Do not forget about the team).
  3. Why do you want to work with us. (Read about the company on the Internet and retell their main advantages)
  4. Why are you leaving your previous job? (No career advancement and far from home are not the worst reasons).
  5. Talk about your failures. (Here the interviewer wants to hear about how you are able to correct the mistakes that you yourself made).
  6. Why should we take you.

tricky questions

Tricky questions are asked in order to understand how you can get out of a difficult situation, whether you can quickly navigate and how stress-resistant you are. Don't be afraid to take a few seconds to think it over, or come up with your own way to buy time ahead of time if you need it.

There are a lot of options for tricky questions, and as soon as information about them appears somewhere on the Internet, good HR specialists from large firms immediately change them. Here are a few examples that remain unchanged and are quite common:

  1. What will you do in the first three months working in our company?
  2. What do you think about overtime work?
  3. What keeps you awake at night?
  4. Would you like to take my position?
  5. If you worked for us for 5 years and didn't get a promotion, would you quit?
  6. Describe your dream job.
  7. Where and where do you see yourself in 10 years?

You have time to practice answering such questions quickly and wisely. I purposely didn't include my options here.

What questions can and should be asked to the employer

Asking questions after the interview is not only possible, but also necessary to consolidate a pleasant impression of yourself. Read information about the company on the Internet and come up with a few questions about their work. Take a notepad with you so you don't forget anything important. You may want to take notes during the interview.

In addition, do not forget to ask if the employer did not tell you about such important points as the schedule, the scope of the contractor's duties, whether additional training is expected, clarify information about the probationary period, when you can expect a promotion and what is the maximum point of success you can achieve in this company.

You can find a lot of information about questions in Ron Fry's book " How to interview for your dream company". A successful author of bestselling personal effectiveness books is convinced that getting any job can be done by learning how to ask the right smart questions.

By asking yourself questions and preparing them for the recruiter, you can easily plan the entire conversation and stop panicking.

What to bring to an interview

So what do you need in an interview?

  • Summary.
  • Recommendations from superiors or feedback from customers.
  • Portfolio.
  • Diplomas, certificates.
  • Notepad and pen.
  • Some employers post questionnaires for job seekers on their website. If there is one, it is better to fill it out at home and bring the finished version with you.

The most common mistakes

The most common interview mistake is self-doubt. It seems to a person that the employer is less interested in him than he is in this company.

For this reason, various protective mechanisms are triggered - extra fuss, strong excitement, slovenliness, lack of assembly, lies, embarrassment. In some cases, aggression, excessive frivolity, talkativeness, inappropriate humor, attempts to manipulate or use some kind of “secret” techniques.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, sign up for a Skype consultation with me before talking to a recruiter from your dream firm.


So, now it's time to recap:

  1. The most important thing for an applicant for any position is self-confidence, calmness and a positive attitude. I can offer you a publication about.
  2. When going to an interview, dress as if you already work for this company: clean, tidy, and according to the official or unspoken dress code.
  3. Prepare a short story about your professional life and resume. Don't forget to bring your diplomas, certificates, testimonials from clients or other documents confirming your qualifications. If communication takes place via Skype, prepare links.
  4. And most importantly - do not be afraid and do not worry. An employer is just as interested in a good employee as you are in a great company.

Any career usually begins with an interview between the applicant and the employer. The outcome of the negotiations depends on how correctly you behave in this process. A competent recruiter will pay attention not only to your resume and experience, but also to your appearance, the ability to present yourself and much more. How should you hold on and what to say if you have an important event ahead of you? How to attract interest in your candidacy and how to convince the employer that you are the “right” employee? We read about this, as well as about what mistakes you should not make, below.

Preparation stage

The more prepared you are, the more confident you will be and feel at the interview. Do not neglect this stage and gather in a hurry. Even if you get a call out of the blue, set the time so that you have the opportunity to gather calmly.

How to properly prepare for an interview:

  1. Appearance. That is what you will be judged on first. Scientists have proven that it takes only 7 seconds to make a first impression on a person, and it is the general external image that will play the most important role in this.

It is better for both men and ladies to adhere to the official dress code: a formal suit, classic tones in clothes.

  1. Summary. You must have the following documents with you:
  • Passport or any other form of identification.
  • Several copies of the resume (it is advisable to have an electronic file with the resume with you).
  • Copies or originals of diplomas of education, certificates (if any) and other papers confirming your qualifications in the proposed position.
  1. Information. Today, almost all companies have their websites on the Web. Try to collect for yourself as much information as possible about the activities of the company you are going to negotiate with. Get acquainted with the history of the company, its activities, stages of development and other interesting facts. Show the employer at a convenient moment that you understand well what you are doing and are interested in this area.
  2. Good mood. It is unlikely that the employer will like it if you appear at the interview gloomy and in a bad or nervous mood. Get enough sleep on the eve of an important day, charge yourself with positive, rehearse with a speech, this will give confidence. Try to "roll" in your head the possible questions that you may be asked and prepare the answers. No need to be nervous, it is always noticeable. If it's hard to stay relaxed, take something soothing before you leave, like peppermint tea or a few drops of valerian tincture - harmless and effective. Be sure to smile when you enter the office.

How to behave

Calculate the travel time in advance by analyzing the route. Try to arrive at the place a little earlier, and in no case be late. A few free minutes before the interview will give you the opportunity to "collect" and calm down.

So, you entered the office, how to behave:

  • Say hello, smile. Don't sit down until you are invited.
  • Use the psychological technique "mirror". When sitting down, take the same position as the interviewer, try to quietly copy his movement afterwards. This causes the location of the interlocutor at a subconscious level.
  • Don't start talking until you've been spoken to or asked questions.
  • Do not use slang or any other rude or harsh words in your speech.
  • You must maintain a respectful and friendly tone no matter what.
  • Maintain eye contact with your interlocutor, looking straight into the eyes.
  • If you do not understand or hear a question, do not hesitate to ask again.
  • Always answer truthfully. Any lie can be revealed sooner or later if you get this position. And this will play a cruel joke on you in the future.
  • Don't fidget in your chair, don't cross your arms. An experienced interviewer will distinguish between nervousness and isolation in this.
  • Ask all the questions that interest you. If you are afraid to find out important points right away, then with a positive outcome of the interview, not the best surprises may await you. Therefore, you need to immediately find out everything about the conditions and amounts of payment, schedule, workplace and other components of the vacancy.
  • When giving answers, do not deviate from the topic, answer only to the point.
  • You should be confident at all costs and behave calmly.
  • If you lack the knowledge or qualifications to perform certain tasks within the position, be honest about it and ask if the company provides training for employees.
  • Remember that not only you need a job, but the company also needs an employee, you are on an equal footing, behave accordingly, without belittling your importance.
  • Feel free to mention your achievements and merits at your previous job, but do not cross the fine line from voicing facts to bragging rights.
  • When speaking, reinforce the meaning of words with gestures, of course, it is worth striking a balance here. This technique really makes speech more effective.

If you're asked just to tell about yourself, don't try to tell your biography story by recalling your favorite kindergarten toy and prom party quirks. It will be right if you touch only on professional activities and highlight some of your qualities, such as, for example, honesty, attentiveness, the ability to quickly assimilate information, etc. That is, everything that can advantageously expose you as an employee.

What needs to be kept quiet

The ability to properly behave in an interview also includes the ability to avoid unnecessary answers and not to tell what should not concern the employer according to ethical and labor standards. Unfortunately, some interviewers allow themselves to invade the personal life of the applicant and ask incorrect and unacceptable questions. You have every right to refuse answers if the matter concerns the personal sphere.

What questions the interviewer does not have the right to ask the applicant on moral, ethical and labor standards:

  • About age. It sounds strange, because this is what recruiters are trying to find out about you in the first place. But by right, the employer should not be guided by the age data of the hired employee, but only by his professional qualities.
  • About religious and spiritual belonging.
  • About the nation and ethnic history (where are you from, who are your parents, origin, etc.).
  • About health. Usually they try to find out from the applicant whether he is often sick in order to warn himself against paying sick leave. But when applying for a job, you are not required to answer this, remember this.
  • Marital status, presence or absence of children.
  • About sexual inclinations.
  • About bad habits.

It's okay to be asked about hobbies, hobbies, interests, or asked to take some psychological tests.

How to avoid such conversations

You should not rudely refuse to give answers if you hear an unacceptable question addressed to you. But confusion is not the best solution. It is necessary to explain tactfully, correctly and in a polite manner that this applies only to you and your personal life, and not to the professional side.

Sometimes, such things are asked specifically to look at a person's reaction to stressful conditions. After all, usually such interference in personal life always causes a negative. Therefore, your task is not to lose your temper and maintain a calm, polite tone. Be as casual as possible, but don't let the ethical boundaries between you and your interviewer be violated.

What exactly should not be done when interviewing for the desired position:

  • When entering the office, do not chew gum and try not to have heavy, bulky bags or items in your hands.
  • You must not be accompanied (friends, children, spouse, parent, etc.).
  • Do not approach or sit too close to the interlocutor. To maintain a business style of communication, the distance between people should be 1.5 meters or more, but not less.
  • Turn off the sound on your mobile during the interview.
  • Do not show the interviewer that you are very interested in the position, need a job, or are in a desperate situation. Make it clear that you have a choice.
  • Do not say that you would like to get this particular job, because the location of the company, the schedule, or something similar is convenient for you. The employer must see that you are interested in the process itself.
  • Don't put too much emphasis on salary. This is undoubtedly important, and maybe even the main thing for you. But this topic should not be prioritized in the interview.
  • If even in the middle of the conversation you realized that you were not interested in the proposal, bring the dialogue to the end, only then and politely state your opinion.
  • Do not stand for long pauses, if the question took you by surprise, it is better to immediately say that you are not ready to answer right away.
  • Do not interrupt the interlocutor.

If you are satisfied with all the conditions, and you see that the employer is also leaning towards your candidacy, do not rush to rejoice and quickly agree to everything. It will be right if you find out if the company has delays in paying salaries, whether you sometimes have to work overtime and whether these hours are paid, how things are with vacation, lunch time. And especially important - what are the conditions of the probationary period. Remember that no amount of money or career is worth working hard and eventually leading to depression or a nervous breakdown. Activities should bring pleasure and satisfaction. And if the place is truly “yours”, you will get it.

Every job seeker wants to make a good impression on the employer. For this reason, the desire to understand is reasonable. In the modern world, where mass media allow you to find almost any information, it will not be difficult to correctly, and most importantly, successfully prepare for the upcoming meeting. It is advisable to collect as much information about the prospective employer as possible.

The history of the company, the field of activity, the position in the market - all this will help form the right opinion and prepare the basis for the interview. The more information that the candidate has, the more confident he will feel when communicating with the interviewer. But besides this, there are many nuances that should also be taken into account when passing an interview.

How to prepare for an interview?

Competent pleasant speech, a confident calm voice and a neat appearance are the basis that will allow the applicant to make a positive first impression. The image is made up of little things. It is important not just to look good or be a great specialist, it is important to be a valuable employee who combines both. This is the impression the applicant should make on the interviewer.

How to properly prepare for an interview? We answer this question with the help of our article:

How to speak and what to say in an interview worries every candidate for a vacant position. Timidly and hesitantly, they are moving towards the knowledge of great knowledge, which will give them a magical gift to pass any interview with brilliance. But there is no perfect recipe. The job seeker can only prepare for major "problem" points that may catch him by surprise.

The key to a successful interview is self-confidence and professional experience. In addition, special attention should be paid to preparation. Studying the information will allow you to quickly navigate the questions asked during a job interview. Intelligible and balanced answers will give weight to the words and additional points to the candidate. Literacy and correct stylistic presentation of information will show the applicant as an erudite professional. Up-to-date information and independent conclusions based on them will demonstrate an analytical mindset and readiness for complex work.

Interview and appearance. How to dress to be appreciated

Preparing an image for a successful interview is one of the important aspects of a job search. Having at least a little knowledge about the style of clothing adopted at the intended place of work will greatly simplify the task of the applicant. At least for himself, he will be able to decide whether to endure the discomfort of the dress code adopted in the company for the sake of material gain. But this is just a small part of what needs to be done for successful preparation.

How to dress to show yourself as a whole person? Creating a favorable impression is the main task that needs to be solved. The mistake of many applicants can be called a false idea of ​​​​the value of appearance. Many, in order to create a good impression, first of all seek to show their knowledge and professional skills.

Leading experts in the field of hiring employees say that there is nothing more important than the first impression of a candidate. Anyone who goes to an interview should understand that they begin to evaluate from the moment the resume is submitted. This is the starting point from which the formation of a general impression about the candidate begins and an opinion is formed about him as a specialist. What is the applicant in everyday life, it becomes clear from the first minute of the interview.

“They meet by their clothes, but see them off by their minds” are not just words. You can tell a lot about a person by their appearance. Interviewers learn how to properly evaluate a candidate, so not only preparation for an interview, but also appearance should be taken with special care. To do this, it is worth figuring out what is better to choose from clothes to create the right impression. Whatever the requirements for clothing are put forward in the company in which the job is supposed to be, it is advisable to choose a business style for an interview.

A pantsuit is a good choice for both women and men. The color scheme should be sustained in black and dark gray tones. The shirt or blouse should be in pastel colors. This will give the impression of a purposeful and serious person. It is important that everything is combined in this image. A good suit, shoes polished to a shine, high-quality materials and properly selected accessories will help you win over. The main thing is that the created image becomes native - it is important to feel natural.

But how to be in a situation if the company has a free style? For applicants for creative professions, this is a very topical issue. In companies where creativity is valued and clothing requirements are not very strict, a neat appearance is also important. You can experiment, try to emphasize individuality, but at the same time maintaining an attractive and inviting look. Style, quality and suitability of the situation are the main requirements for clothing for an interview. In any case, even from a strict business suit you can make a bright and memorable image.

What should you prepare for? Difficult questions and pertinent answers

Interviews are stressful anyway. No matter how experienced the applicant is, there are many situations in which he can get confused. This is what the interviewers are looking for. Their main task is to understand the way of thinking and the order of actions of a person in a stressful situation. How should one prepare for this? What tricky questions should you think about answering? Start by reviewing your resume. Compose an extensive story based on it, in which the results of the activity will be considered. Summarize each item presented.

Let's say the job seeker worked at company N for five years and then decided to leave it. The first question is “Why did you decide to leave your previous job?”. For a competent answer, it is necessary to describe the achievements in the company N, and point out the lack of opportunities for further professional development. It is important to emphasize the desire to improve as a specialist and look for new "tops" to conquer.

The next question is "Why didn't you work for several years?". Candidates who have not been employed for some time are discriminated against. It would be correct in this situation to indicate any personal circumstances (illness, birth of children, change of residence, etc.) or advanced training (training in a specialty or additional education). But the main thing to mention is that now everything is under control and nothing will distract from work.

Examples of interview questions and answers can be found on our website:

"Why aren't you trying to find a job in line with your education?" - a popular question. There is a wide range of answers available here: the desire to develop new areas of activity, the wrong choice of the initial profession, the discrepancy between the desired salary and the state of the labor market, the lack of attractive vacancies. If you back up the reason with weighted arguments and demonstrate a detailed study of the problem, then the candidate will easily overcome this issue.

When answering, it is desirable to speak facts that are as close to reality as possible. All information can be verified. Lies are not the best ally in the fight for an interesting vacancy.

The main thing when answering the interviewer's questions is to be contact, open, be smart and quick-witted. Depending on the position, show important aspects of the personality for a particular case.

In order to competently talk about their negative qualities in an interview, a candidate should understand what the interviewer actually expects to hear. In most cases, we are talking about the general reaction of a person to a stressful situation. A candidate's behavior can tell as much as his words. Data submission is important. If a person tries with all his might to “whitewash” himself by shifting the blame on others or difficult circumstances, then this will bring little benefit.

The main point that the interviewer will pay attention to is whether the candidate is able to critically evaluate his work and professional skills, whether he is able to analyze mistakes and work on eliminating shortcomings. What is the right way to answer such questions? It is possible to choose one of several tactics of behavior. The main goal is to turn existing shortcomings into advantages. Here are a few possible ways to "beautifully" get out of the situation.

What to expect during a stressful interview? And here's what:

  • Emphasis on constructiveness. A confident presentation of facts and specific situations that allowed the development of business qualities that contributed to the growth of the candidate as a professional. Analysis of the work process and identification of perspectives. It is advisable to use template answers as little as possible and try to show a willingness to develop and grow with the company.
  • Mention of minor shortcomings, which managed to get rid of. It would be appropriate to tell how the candidate coped with the existing shortcomings.
  • Emphasize the ability to competently plan activities, taking into account personal characteristics. Building work depending on the biological clock or daily activity. It is desirable to show that the applicant can organize his activities independently and as efficiently as possible.
  • Using a sense of humor will lighten the mood. There will be an opportunity to make the right decision, and then seriously answer the question posed.

If the interview went wrong. Common mistakes of applicants

You can endlessly talk monotonously about “ideal candidates” or try to get job seekers to know “the secret to the heart of every interviewer.” But what does it really take to succeed in an interview? First, the observance of the basics of etiquette. Trite and simple, but most people often forget about the purpose of the events they attend and the acceptable norms of behavior.

Secondly, careful preparation. A thorough analysis of important information about the company and a competent presentation of your professional achievements will give confidence at the upcoming meeting. Compliance with the points listed above will help you avoid the most common mistakes when passing a job interview. And what are these annoying blunders that prevent you from getting the desired vacancy? We list the most popular:

  • general phrases and lengthy answers will demonstrate a complete inability to control a stressful situation; only preparation will allow you to specifically answer the questions posed, show the level of professionalism and qualifications;
  • "familiarity" or excessive frankness will show an inability to demonstrate a differentiated approach to work moments and friendly communication;
  • lying and bluffing will not be useful, most of the information provided by the candidate can be verified;
  • manipulating the interviewer is not the best option; as a rule, he understands the nuances of psychology (and people) better than the applicant, and such behavior will not have a positive effect on him;
  • excessive pomposity, busyness and the creation of the image of a “pseudo-business person” will show the candidate’s inability to have a rational approach to business;
  • self-obsession will reveal a lack of interest in the future of the company; for the applicant, the solution of personal problems will be paramount, and not the performance of official duties;
  • a desperate desire to get a job can make it impossible to soberly assess the situation and correctly answer questions, making the candidate nervous and distracted;
  • the lack of clear answers to questions about qualifications will be regarded as an inability to present oneself, as well as a lack of interest in the vacancy and the company as a whole (without preparing for an interview, it is difficult to tell interesting about yourself without missing important details);
  • lack of information about the company - the lack of interest in the activities of a potential employer will not add weight to the candidate;
  • negative information about the previous leader will alert and cause a negative impression about the candidate; in any situation, it is desirable to keep personal emotions under control and be competent.

The phone and other devices that are able to distract with their sounds will have a negative effect. They must be turned off or switched to silent mode. And, of course, it is not allowed to talk on the phone with anyone during the interview.

Being late is another terrible enemy of the applicant. Every possible effort should be made to arrive on time, and preferably fifteen or twenty minutes earlier. This will allow you to assess the situation, tune in to a meeting, tidy up your appearance and calmly wait for the appointed time. Nobody likes latecomers. The applicant needs to value not only his time, but also the time of the interviewer.

Mistakes during a job interview not only spoil the impression of the applicant as a professional, but also as a person in general. Meeting with an interviewer is a way to "sell" yourself for the highest price. An interview is a kind of test that allows you to demonstrate professional and personal qualities. With the ability to concentrate and present themselves in a favorable light, the candidate will be able to pleasantly impress both the interviewer and the employer.

Common reasons for rejection

The desired outcome of the interview, of course, is a job offer. But it is not always possible to achieve a positive result. Reasons for rejection may vary. Among the most common are:

  • mismatch of skill level - when writing a resume, it is important to take into account the requirements for a particular vacancy, and not send an average template;
  • the discrepancy between the skills indicated in the resume and reality - checking such information will not take much time (especially when it comes to proficiency in language skills or highly specialized ones);
  • the unpreparedness of the applicant for the interview - the inability to answer elementary questions;
  • personal reasons - the leader does not like;
  • unacceptable behavior - rude and harsh statements about previous work or in relation to certain groups (racism, sexism, etc.);
  • lack of motivation - unwillingness to take the initiative in terms of career or personal growth;
  • negative recommendations.

A rational approach to finding a job and help to set priorities correctly. Emphasis on important points for the employer will allow you to present the applicant as a competent employee who values ​​the time of other people. Organization and professionalism are the basis of all labor relations.

To imagine how to behave in an interview, you need to collect information about the company and focus on the priority requirements for candidates. Answers to questions should correspond to the level of the position for which the applicant is applying. Compliance with the above recommendations will allow you to feel confident in the stressful atmosphere of the interview.

7 most common interview mistakes

It is quite difficult to pass an interview in this case. It is important to know that the number of applicants for a job is much greater than the number of vacancies. Due to this, you need to behave modestly and not overestimate the bar, demanding high wages and special conditions.

Attention! When interviewing, pay attention to what the employer offers you. Offers are not always reasonable. Often, employers offer to undergo training without paying for it, or they are issued in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only after a probationary period.

Everyone should know that this is a violation of labor laws. Never accept a job without an employment contract.

The main thing that needs to be shown and emphasized during the interview to the applicant is all the important advantages and positive qualities. It is very important to be confident in yourself.

Preliminary preparation

Learn more about how to prepare for a job interview.

How does the conversation usually go?

Usually an interview with an applicant without work experience is practically no different from the standard one.

What moments from the biography will be interesting for the employer to know:

  • Some work experience (for example, part-time work in student years).
  • Candidate Strengths.
  • Weaknesses of the applicant.
  • What interested in the vacancy of this particular company.
  • Is there any interest in career growth?
  • Candidate expectations.

What to say and how to answer recruiter's questions?

Advice! To give answers, even if there is no work experience, it is necessary to confidently and deliberately. Answers should be to the point and topic. No need to be too talkative or too silent - this is not welcome.

When answering questions, you need to focus on the following points:

So, how to behave correctly at the first interview in order to successfully pass it? For this:

  1. Keep calm. It is better not to use sedative pills and other drugs for this. They can cause a state of inhibition.
  2. The night before, take a bath with relaxing oils (such as tea tree oil).
  3. Having a permanent financial source for the duration of the interview will make you feel confident.
  4. While waiting for your turn at the office, take a deep breath and exhale, straighten your back and take a comfortable position.
  5. Take a look around, look at the information on the stands, pay attention to the appearance of employees. All these moments speak about the success of the company.