Polina's name origin and meaning for a girl. Polina - meaning name. Foreign analogues of the name Polina

More than seven billion people live on earth. And every living person has a name that not only accompanies him throughout his life path, but also influences the character of its owner, his fate.

Today, the focus of our attention is such a beautiful female name as Polina. Here is a far from complete list of questions to which we will try to find answers:

  • The history of occurrence, the meaning of the name Polina.
  • Characteristics of the name, the fate of the girl named Fields at birth.
  • Dates on which Polina (Pelageya, Apollinaria - according to the church name) celebrates her name day.
  • Male names with which the name Polina fits perfectly, and those where compatibility is lame.
  • What stones can become a wonderful talisman, what animals and plants patronize the name Polina and other interesting facts.

Origin, name day

The first thing we will focus on today is the origin, as well as the meaning of the name Pauline, its literal translation. On this occasion, there are two official versions. According to the first, this name is of Greek origin, originates from the male name Apollo (god of the Sun) and is translated only as “solar”. What does the name Polina mean according to the second version? "Little" - it comes from the male name Paul, thus having French roots.

The patron saint of the name is the Monk Apollinaria. This woman went down in history thanks to her selfless act. Her desire to serve the Lord was so great that she went on a pilgrimage, refusing to marry. Then, dressed in men's clothes and calling herself Dorotheus, she came to the skete and completely devoted herself to prayers and faith in God. Only after the death of Dorotheus (Apollinaria) was the secret of the woman revealed.

The baptism of a child, and indeed of an adult, is a special, absolutely amazing sacrament. On this day, a person not only undergoes spiritual purification, but is also endowed with a heavenly patron, a guardian angel who will go hand in hand with him during his life on earth.

An interesting fact is that at baptism Polina is called Pelageya or Apollinaria, since this name is present in the church naming in this form.

Paul's name day falls on the following dates:

  • January 18 (feast day of St. Apollinaria).
  • February 12 (Pelageya Diveevskaya).
  • May 17 (Pelageya of Tarsus).
  • June 26 (Pelageya Zhidko).
  • October 21 (Pelageya of Antioch).

A few words about the forms of the name. Full name - Polina, short form - Fields. Derived forms: Polyunya, Polinka, Polsha, Pan, Panya, Panyulya.

Here are a couple more interesting facts. With the role of a talisman for the name Polina, such as selenite will do just fine. Among plants, it is better to opt for lotus and poppy; also in the plant world, poplar patronizes this name, and in the animal world, the swan and the whale.

In the color palette, it is better to give preference to the blue color and its shades. The auspicious number is nine; day of the week - Thursday, Saturday; season is winter. The element is water. Zodiac sign - . The planet is Saturn.

Character and fate

How does the name Polina affect the character of the girl named by him, what will be the fate of the child? Little Field is an inexhaustible stream of energy, you can’t keep up with it, it spins and spins like a top. In addition, this girl has an incredible charm, which nature itself has generously awarded her. That is why there are always a lot of guys around Poli, she easily makes contact, willingly makes new acquaintances.

It is worth saying that Polina is one of those children who rarely conflicts with their peers, listens to the opinions of adults. Thus, a complaisant character is another positive quality of the owner of this name.

The maturing Field does not lose its activity. Her energy is enough not only for the educational process, but also for other aspects of school life. She enjoys attending circles, takes part in various events. To a greater extent, she is interested in such areas as poetry, dance, vocals.

Polina studies well, delighting her loved ones with her grades. This child has an analytical mindset, therefore the exact sciences are her element. Studying for her is the way to new knowledge, self-improvement. Polya is always happy to help her teachers. He doesn’t get hung up on grades, but he loves praise very much.

At the beginning of the conversation about the character of little Polia, we noted her activity, sociability. Despite this, the girl likes to be in silence, spends a lot of time reading interesting books and magazines. Such a very interesting, one might even say, extraordinary character is inherent in a girl named Polina at birth.

Next, let's talk about what is the nature of a mature woman, how will her fate develop? Polina is still sociable and kind. She is always ready to listen, provide support, participate in solving the problems of her friends and relatives. She wholeheartedly rejoices at other people's successes, she absolutely does not have a feeling of envy.

But Polina's childish complaisance is gradually fading away. Now she has her own point of view on everything that happens around, for her there are no authorities. With all this, she manages to remain a conflict-free person. Only a situation that is completely unacceptable for her, when emotions are so strong that they simply cannot be contained, can bring her out of herself.

Polina, who was incredibly active at an early age, is still full of energy, but now there are periods of calm in her life - they are necessary for the Field to recuperate and return to society renewed.

What can be said about the appearance, does it matter? Polina has amazing taste. She is always in shape, she has well-groomed skin, perfect makeup, stylish hairstyle. Clothing is also chosen with taste, in accordance with fashion trends.

What else can be said about Polina's inner world? Self-criticism and self-confidence. It would seem, how can two very contradictory qualities coexist in one person? This may very well be. Sometimes Polina reproaches herself excessively for the words she has said, the actions she has done. And sometimes she is unshakable and completely self-confident.

It will be just great if Paul manages to find a happy medium. In this case, the treasury of positive character traits of this woman will be replenished with self-confidence and proper criticism in her address, which is no longer the same as the qualities that we talked about a little higher.

Career, love, family

It's time to talk about a career. What does it matter? Polina is not a careerist. Of course, work matters to her, but it is far from the first place in her system of values. It is worth saying that the management appreciates her, colleagues also treat her well. Polina can become a good teacher, doctor. Paul will achieve success in creative professions, such as a journalist, an artist.

Well, what about without love! Polina will definitely not suffer from a lack of fans. Her character requires respect, trust in herself from a partner. Thanks to her well-developed intuition, she almost immediately exposes liars. Unable to forgive betrayal.

As a life partner, men named Anufry, Arseny, Valery, Benjamin, Izot, Naum, Kupriyan are perfect. Difficulties may arise with Abraham, Karp, Miron, Prokhor, Thomas.

For the sake of her soulmate, Polina is ready to leave her profession and devote herself to her family. Fortunately, such sacrifices are rare, because she perfectly manages to combine both.

Husband for Paulie is an ideal man, she is able to ignore his shortcomings. Of course, there may be situations where this approach backfires. But still, such an attitude towards the spouse is rather a plus than a minus.

You can look for a prince on a white horse until old age and in the end be left alone. You can, forgetting about the joys of life, endlessly delve into the shortcomings of your chosen one. And you can, like Paul, take imperfection lightly and, being a devoted wife, live happily!

As a mother, Polina is also good: gentle, kind, always aware of the events taking place in the life of her child. Her house is clean and tidy, there is a delicious dinner on the table. And Polya loves flowers - their aroma always hovers in her apartment, she is not indifferent to pets - cats, dogs.

A few words at the end of the conversation about what the name Polina means and how it affects the character of its owner. Fields is an energetic, cheerful woman. She easily finds a common language with others, kind, responsive, not prone to conflict.

Everything has its own point of view, has a developed intuition. Attractive in appearance, enjoys increased attention from the opposite sex. She appreciates and respects her life partner, she is happy in marriage. A wonderful wife, mistress and mother. Author: Nadezhda Permyakova

Full name:

Similar names: Peacock, Pauline, Pauline, Paylan

Church name: -

Meaning: sunny, modest, small

The meaning of the name Polina - interpretation

The meaning of the name is what will accompany a person through life. Polina, like many female names, is shrouded in a veil of tenderness and sublimity, associations associated with something light and weightless. But when making a choice, the girl's parents want to know exactly what is hidden behind the euphony of the syllable.

The name Pauline has two theories of origin:

  1. Greek. The Greeks were and remain fans of beautiful and speaking names. According to this version, the name Polina is an abbreviated form of the male name Apollinaris, which means "sunny". Based on this, one of the common meanings can be judged - “sunny”.
  2. French. This option brings us back to the origins - Latin, which endowed the name Paul with the meaning "small". From him, according to some linguists, the name Polina was formed, which can be interpreted as "baby", "small".

Despite the difference in opinions on this matter, linguists came to a simple conclusion - the name has two different meanings for different peoples, and the choice of a possible decoding depends only on the child's parents.

Polina's name in other languages

Astrology named after Polina

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

As a child, Polina is a wonderful child. She is calm and obedient, easily makes contact and loves communication. The girl prefers all types of recreation - she can easily spend the day reading an interesting book or engage in active games with her peers.

Thanks to her innate modesty and charm, Polya from childhood will become the soul of the company, she will gather children around her, with whom she will feel free. It is worth noting that only a respectable and open person can like her.

Polina does not like mean and deceitful people, which is the reason for her selectivity in communication. She is characterized by sociability and kindness, charm and laughter.

In adolescence, Polina is distinguished by her love of learning and a penchant for the humanities. Knowledge is easily assimilated by her, there is a desire for them, and not for good grades. Innate sociability allows her to make friends and learn new things from communicating with them.

Polya excels academically. Thanks to this, she has no problems at school. The choice of a future profession will depend mainly on the environment, and not on the girl’s personal preferences, since Polina is able to become an equally good doctor and artist.

Polina is extremely calm emotionally. Quarrels and squabbles are unfamiliar to her, deceitful and unscrupulous people are unpleasant, which is why the circle of close friends is selected by her very carefully. The young lady is endowed with a good sense of humor and loves to laugh.

Kindness makes Polina an excellent mother and caring wife. Polinka is attentive to her loved ones and never forgets about their comfort. Due to her early emotional maturity, she easily resolves conflicts and does not allow quarrels over trifles, being the guardian of the family hearth.

In adulthood, Fields will become a completely self-sufficient woman, prone to self-criticism a little more than required, but confident and calm. This is reflected in her communication with loved ones, her ability to support in difficult times and take care of the family hearth, not forgetting her needs.

Thanks to her qualities, Polina is an excellent listener, she knows how to support with advice and sincerely rejoice at other people's achievements. There is no envy and malice in her, which makes her truly kind and sympathetic, which some people can use for selfish purposes.

Polina's character

Polinka is not prone to violent showdowns, but you shouldn’t annoy her - this is the main secret of the name, because this woman can behave contradictoryly. The lady is sociable, she has an excellent sense of humor, which everyone around notices.

In adulthood, Fields will become a person who does not like the pressure of authority. Therefore, she relies more on her own experience than on outside advice. Thus, we can talk about the integrity and independence of nature.

Polina is prone to excessive self-criticism, which at times leads to real self-flagellation, which hinders her development as a person. She also has an excessive desire to patronize, which becomes an obsession.

We are talking about an ambiguous woman who can be cold, thoughtful. Fields, unfortunately, is subject to frequent melancholy and unreasonable fears. The person who pissed her off will face a real hurricane of anger and negative emotions.

Polina's fate

The name has a significant impact on a person's life. A lot depends on it, but not everything. You can predict what awaits the girl Polina by referring to her character. Polina's defining feature is independence, so she will leave her home early enough, but will not cut off relations with her parents, but will maintain them throughout her life. Polina is not stingy to help her father and mother financially, even being financially limited to one degree or another.

She will marry early and give birth to her first child, but such a marriage, alas, will most likely be unsuccessful. The second spouse will adore her for her ability to avoid conflicts and responsible attitude to domestic issues. Polina spends a lot of time with her children and tends to be overprotective of them.

It is inherent in nepotism, so we can say that in old age, Fields will arrange all kinds of family meetings, trying to rally relatives and friends and becoming for them the center of communication and love.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Polina is not a careerist. For this, there is no vanity in her, no desire to assert herself at the expense of the professional sphere. Work will become for her only a means to achieve a comfortable life, but if the spouse copes with this on her own, she will prefer life and children.

In this regard, Polya will most likely choose a creative profession that will be similar to her hobby. Despite her penchant for both the exact sciences and the humanities, she feels more comfortable in the role of a journalist, designer, artist, artist, stylist, etc.

But thanks to her natural craving for knowledge and love for children, Polina will become an excellent physician. She does not like intrigues, she does not make enemies in the working area, for which she is highly appreciated by colleagues and acquaintances. Polinka is an excellent specialist, as she gives herself entirely to the profession, not chasing a career and a position.

Developed intuition helps Polina in promotion and making the right decisions. But the very first difficulties that interfere with a quiet and peaceful family life will force her to leave her place of work in order to devote herself to her children and husband.

Marriage and family

Because of her character, Polina is unlikely to be happy in her first marriage, but the second will bring her a lot of warm emotions and pleasant moments. Since there is devotion to her husband in her, she is scrupulous and without haste when it comes to finding a man of the heart. Polya is a wonderful mother and grandmother.

She appreciates family unity and contributes to it in every possible way. She likes to spend a lot of time with children, take care of them, sometimes excessively, and monitor family life, which, however, is not easy for her. She conscientiously fulfills her maternal duties, not sparing herself.

Sex and love

Polina is capable of both passion and indifference. A woman is not indifferent to sex, but emotionally and physically faithful to her partner, in whom she does not have a soul. Polina will be capricious and demanding, reciprocating reciprocity. It is not easy to win and satisfy her, because she is very selective, she likes to test the patience of the partner she chooses. But at the same time, she is characterized by gratitude and the ability to meet the needs of the person whom she admits to her heart.

In love, the Field is revealed gradually. Emotional openness for her equals trust, so it will take some time to get closer. This woman appreciates loyalty, respect and honesty in relationships, but there is also a tendency to idealize her lover, which can later bring her a lot of grief.

Polina is ready to wait for the prince on a white horse, which manifests her selectivity. Can think for a long time, choose, discard options and look for new ones. This trait may seem arrogant to some, but Polya just wants to find a person who would fit her ideal idea of ​​​​a sincere, honest, kind and sympathetic partner.


Fields is a sickly child, getting sick more often than other children. Her respiratory system is the most vulnerable. Therefore, colds are not uncommon, which are quite difficult for a girl to tolerate.

In adulthood, Polina will need more rest, so she should pay attention to outdoor activities, team sports and not abandon them. Problems with the nervous system are not uncommon, so Field needs to switch to something, she should not give up a peaceful rest alone with herself and those close ones who have a positive effect on her emotional state.

Interests and hobbies

Polina is characterized by the fact that she does not see a gender difference in hobbies - she will be equally willing to go shopping and actively cheer for her favorite football team. Perseverance is not inherent in her, but collecting stamps will become a real find for our heroine and will take her attention for a long time.

She has a need for an active lifestyle. That is why a sports team game will be chosen that will appeal to all relatives and friends.

Winter Polina - a strict, thorough and imperturbable nature. Life usually does not give her gifts, so she achieves everything herself. This is a strong woman for whom there are no barriers to achieving her goals. However, deep down, this is a very vulnerable person who, like everyone else, dreams of affection and attention from the stronger sex. Winter Polina is definitely admirable, and the man who will appreciate such a gift of fate will be happy next to her.

Autumn Polina - this is a very economical, but not greedy woman. Although she cannot sit in one place, dreaming of a brilliant career, she will still perfectly cope with the role of the mistress and keeper of the hearth. She has the talent of an educator, and therefore she can take care of her children like no other. In addition, such qualities as kindness, strictness, devotion and honor are well combined in it.

Spring Polina - a cheerful, resourceful, sociable and proud personality. She is always on top, knows her own worth, and, if necessary, can easily demonstrate her superiority. However, her self-confidence can irritate others, whose opinion she is absolutely indifferent to. I must say that the spring Polina is a very responsive and devoted friend who can go to great lengths for the sake of her close friend.

Summer Polina always joyful and radiates warmth, good-natured and intelligent. She loves to communicate very much (and no matter what topics, the main thing is to be heard, while she herself knows how to understand and hear her interlocutor). If the summer Polina takes on any business, she will definitely bring it to the end. She is extremely friendly and in any society wins respect for herself, and all thanks to the fact that such qualities as envy, anger and greed are alien to her.

Stone - talisman

Polina's mascot stones are ruby, selenite and topaz.


This stone is considered a symbol of dignity, passionate love, strength. Ruby is able to heal many different ailments, which include diseases of the spine, kidneys, joints and digestive organs.

Regarding the magical properties, the following can be noted: the ruby ​​​​is one of the most revered stones, which is able to give its owner absolute power, since it affects people, imposing their will on them.


This stone is a symbol of spiritual purity and modesty.

Selenite is used in the treatment of the spleen, liver and stomach. It is believed that this stone calms the mind and promotes concentration.


This stone symbolizes hope, prudence, foresight, friendship, love and spiritual purity. It is believed that topaz strengthens the immune system, heals the digestive system and liver, and also protects against colds. In magic, topaz is used as a strong protective amulet, which effectively protects against the "evil eye" and witchcraft.



The lucky number for Polina is 9 (you can read about the meaning of the number nine in the article).



Polina's element is Water (which means the patronage of this element, you can read in the article "The influence of the elements, planets and numbers on human life").

The animal is a symbol

Animal symbols for Polina are a swan and a whale.


This bird symbolizes rebirth, innocence, purity, generosity, loneliness, wisdom and dignity. There is a belief that after death the soul of a person wanders through the sky in the form of a swan.

A prophetic gift is also attributed to this bird (the fact is that the swan is able to foresee his death, which he announces through his dreary cries).

© the-lightwriter / Getty Images

This animal symbolizes power, incredible strength, rebirth, the beginning of a new life and significance, although in the Christian tradition the whale is a symbol of the devil.



Favorable plants for Polina are poplar, lotus and poppy.


This tree symbolizes stateliness, beauty and youth. This tree is not used for magical purposes, but it brings benefits to the environment, since it absorbs negative energy.

In folk medicine, poplar can be used as an antiseptic, antifungal and antipyretic agent.


This flower symbolizes perfect beauty, happiness, spiritual development and rebirth. In Egypt, the lotus is considered the personification of the sun, prosperity and fertility, while in India this beautiful flower symbolizes life.

According to Feng Shui, the lotus is able to awaken the spiritual consciousness of a person, bring peace to the house, improve well-being and make useful contacts.

© Goran Bogicevic

Lotus oil is used in love magic.

This flower is a symbol of fertility, beauty, charm and youth. At the same time, poppy can represent memories of the past, peace and quiet.

Poppy promotes wealth and protects against witchcraft.


Polina's talisman metal is platinum. This metal is a symbol of love and affection, purity and perfection, luxury and uniqueness.

Platinum bracelets and chains cheer up, sharpen intuition and protect against negative external influences.

auspicious days

Saturday and Thursday.


Favorable time of the year for Polina is winter.

origin of the name Polina

Name translation

The name Polina is translated from Greek as "significant", and from Latin as "small".

Name history

The name Polina is a real monument of the interweaving of Byzantine, ancient and Slavic cultures. This form of the name comes from the ancient Greek name Apollinaria. But the vowel at the beginning of the name is not characteristic of the Slavic language, so it was transformed into the name Pollinaria.

There is another version of the origin of this name. So, in the 18th - 19th centuries in Russia it was considered fashionable to pronounce Russian names in a French way or to select consonant French names. In this way, the French name Pauline took root and popularized, which eventually became an independent form.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Polina: Polinka, Fields, Polyusya, Polyunya, Polyukha, Polyusha, Polyasha, Lina.

The legend of the name Polina

The Roman saint Pauline was a noble widow who, despite the fact that she belonged to the powerful family of Gregois, from her youth led an extremely modest lifestyle.

Her husband left her great wealth, most of which she donated to the church and for the good of the Lord (no one could convince Polina to change her mind about the distribution of the inheritance). But she did not stop there and went on a pilgrimage with her beloved daughter Eustochima.

By sea, she reached Jerusalem, where she visited the tomb of Jesus Christ and other holy places. When Polina visited the place where the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus, a vision came to her in which she saw fragments of the life of Christ. After that, she found peace and a home in Bethlehem and remained there until the end of her life.

The secret of the name Polina

Angel Day (name day)

January - 18 number.

April - 4 number.

July - 13 number.

August - 7 number.

September - 19 number.

October - 26 number.

November - 27 number.

name patrons

The owners of the name Polina are patronized by the venerable virgin Apollinaria.

Famous people

Famous actresses named Polina:

  • Polina Lunegova;
  • Polina Kumanchenko;
  • Polina Kutepova;
  • Polina Strepetova.

Famous singers named Polina:

  • Pauline Viardot-Garcia;
  • Polina Gagarina.

Famous writers named Polina:

  • Polina Dashkova;
  • Polina Porizkova.

Polina Kuklina - Russian top model from Moscow.

Polina Astakhova - Soviet gymnast from Zaporozhye.

The meaning of the name Polina

For a child

As a child, Polya is responsive, friendly and accommodating. She is unfamiliar with the feeling of envy: she will always sincerely rejoice at her friend's new toy. Little Polina is filled with love for people, animals and the whole world that surrounds her. Having an easy-going nature, she easily makes new friends. He is not convicted of greed, but he can be harmful and make parents nervous. A distinctive feature of Paulie is her kindness, which, of course, can only please her loving mom and dad. At school, she helps teachers and often becomes a headman, her classmates respect her, because she is tactful and does not offend anyone. From a very early age, Polina loves to dress in fashion, so she has more than enough fans. She is very artistic and musical, sings well, composes poetry and draws.

For a girl

In her youth, Polya does not avoid large companies, and often becomes the object of increased attention in them, and all thanks to her cheerful disposition and great sense of humor. She is selfless and knows how to enjoy life, so it is not surprising that she has many friends. Polina's love for beautiful things only increases with age, transforming into a real hobby.

© Kseniia Perminova

Polina cannot be called a spender, on the contrary, she knows how to save money (for example, she would prefer to sew another outfit for herself than buy it in a store). Unlike her peers, she does not like to go shopping all day, but rather do some useful work, for example, read. Also, from an early age, she has developed business acumen, which makes her thorough, responsible and reliable in various kinds of affairs, which others can use, shifting their worries and responsibilities to her. She studies well, and the exact sciences are best given to her, so she often chooses economic specialties.

For woman

This is a vulnerable and completely harmless person who can easily forget even a serious offense (Polina always tries to find an excuse for the impartial actions of people). However, you should not check its all-forgiving character for strength and endurance, because there is a limit to everything.

Polina's character can only be described on the positive side, because she will always reassure, comfort, understand and sympathize with someone else's grief. She often succumbs to her passions, and she can skillfully cover up her vices with outward intelligence and aesthetics. Being a mature woman, Polina determines for herself the main priorities, including material well-being and high social status. She is more likely to prefer a wealthy husband or a sponsor who is able to give her material benefits than a loving but poor man. But such a consumer attitude towards men can be avoided if, from childhood, principles based on spiritual values ​​are laid in her character.

Description of the name Polina


Polina's morals often depend on her environment and circumstances. Friends know her as a benevolent, attentive and disinterested nature, but sometimes she allows herself to adjust the principles to "herself". Often Polina is too direct in conversation and says everything that comes to mind, which can negatively affect her relationships with loved ones.


Polina, as a rule, cannot boast of perfect health, and often her problems are related to the nervous system (she is prone to nervous breakdowns and melancholy). She can get tired quickly, so she urgently needs a long sleep and proper rest (preferably active).


Polina often puts on a mask of indifference, so it will be difficult for men who decide to hit on her to win her over. She should have only the perfect man, whom she can wait for many years. But having met the prince of her dreams, she will become his faithful, gentle and loving muse.


For Polina, marriage is unthinkable without children, with whom she lives and devotes the lion's share of her time. Polina is a wonderful mother who takes an active part in the lives of children. But she does not forget about her husband either, but, trying to please him in everything, she often forgets about herself and her needs. However, Polina's efforts to create an ideal family are often perceived by her chosen one as spinelessness and weakness of will, which can lead to a divorce.

Family relationships

Polina puts the interests of her family above her own, so the family also does not remain in debt, giving her her love and affection. But Polina will never be the leader in the family because of her soft and complaisant nature. For her, secret romances and betrayals are taboo.

© Nejron

Polina is very sociable and sometimes too frank even with unfamiliar people, because of which she often suffers. She will not quarrel with neighbors or violently sort things out with family members. It is a great pleasure for Polina to receive guests, and in the company she shows herself to be a witty, sociable, but a little proud interlocutor who can, if necessary, show her superiority. Polina is, as a rule, a beloved wife.


Polina is a very sexy person who requires increased attention and affection from her partner. If her chosen one cannot become a wonderful lover for her, then it is quite possible that she will find another contender for her hand and heart. However, this does not apply to her legal spouse, whose sexual failure she is ready to endure for the sake of preserving the family, especially if there are children.

Mind (intelligence)

She is smart and perceptive, but very narcissistic and often considers herself smarter than others. Despite the defeats that she has to endure in life, she never loses faith in herself and always endures troubles with her head held high.


Thanks to her hard work, diligence and responsibility, Polina may well claim recognition of her professionalism and rapid career advancement. But a career is not the goal of her life, moreover, Polina often wants to "catch two birds with one stone." She can become a good advertising agent or journalist, while she tries to choose an interesting job, but "not dusty." Her love for children can be applied if Polina chooses the profession of a teacher, educator or pediatrician.


In affairs and business, Polina is serious and reliable. She takes on any job - the main thing is that her business brings material wealth. It is interesting that she does not seek to get millions, but prefers to earn enough so that she and her family have enough for a comfortable life. In general, Polina will make an excellent business woman, as she knows how to save money and properly organize her own and other people's work.


Polina is characterized by non-traditional hobbies, which are considered mostly male: for example, she is fond of technology, collects stamps, and is an ardent sports fan. She also likes to play sports, read books and go shopping.

Character type

Women with the name Polina are most often choleric (more about people with this type of thinking can be found in the article "The influence of the elements, planets and numbers on a person's life").


Polina is too subjective, besides, she takes everything to heart. She loves intelligent people, because she herself is such, which gives her certain advantages in society. Some non-standard situations can unbalance her, and then she can withdraw into herself. Therefore, Polina prefers to live by the rules that she herself creates.

She also has a tendency to self-criticism or winding up on the mind what is not (she is subject to self-criticism, which can lead to nervous breakdowns and bouts of pessimism). In general, Polina resembles a delicate and fragrant wild flower, which must be carefully looked after.


Polina prefers to trust her mind more than her intuition. But in vain, because her “sixth” sense is excellently developed.

Horoscope named Polina

Polina - Aries

This is a sociable, emotional and straightforward nature that boldly walks through life, overcoming all difficulties and not looking back to the past. At work, Polina-Aries is responsible and diligent, while she always fulfills all the obligations assigned to her on her own (and in general she does not like to trust her plans to others). In her personal life, despite a large number of stormy novels, she is not very happy, because she prefers to protect her soul "with seven locks". Her man must have angelic patience and be able to put up with outbursts of anger from his beloved.

Polina - Taurus

The prudence, caution and stubbornness of Polina-Taurus are the key to her successful career. She does not go on the rampage, preferring to stay away from various conflicts and quarrels, but she adheres to this position only until the matter touches her personally (if the interests of Polina-Taurus are affected, then her firmness will be fully manifested character, and stubbornness, and perseverance). Because of her caution, Polina, born under this sign, often misses a lot of good moments, and this applies to both her career and her personal life. Distrust of men leads to the fact that she marries quite late.

Polina - Gemini

The closed, but good-natured and sympathetic Polina-Gemini is absolutely devoid of ambition, as a result of which she often cannot realize all her abilities and talents one hundred percent. She does not like to shift her problems onto others, so she rarely asks for help, preferring to overcome all hardships on her own. The big heart of this gentle woman is receptive to someone else's grief. Polina, born under the sign of Gemini, has many friends, but no one really knows her. In relationships with men, she is overly trusting, so often her love affairs end in disappointment.

Polina - Cancer

Hot temper, impulsiveness, capriciousness and selfishness - these are, perhaps, the main characteristics of Polina-Cancer. She can be rude and biased, so it is not surprising that it is difficult for others to understand her and find a common language with her, especially considering the fact that this person is prone to extraordinary actions that defy the laws of logic. But what is really alien to Polina-Cancer is prudence and commercialism. Men are attracted by the bright personality of this vamp woman, but they are not ready to put up with her heavy character.

Polina - Leo

The lively mind, enterprise and activity of this woman are discouraging. Many men can envy her business acumen: Polina-Lev knows how to quickly make the right decisions, while long arguments are not in her style. In her life there is no place for fantasies and dreams - only a sober calculation and real facts. Her insight and developed intuition help to predict the intentions of others and correctly understand people. It is not easy with Polina-Leo, but if a man can find a common language with her, he will get a faithful and reliable wife who will not betray under any circumstances.

Polina - Virgo

This is a dynamic, temperamental and impulsive person who simply gushes with ideas and ways to put them into practice. Polina-Virgo is active and cheerful, so she cannot sit in one place for a long time. Despite her impetuosity, this woman always calculates her moves, and she rarely makes mistakes in her calculations. She does not give in to other people's influence, preferring to make decisions on her own and "stuff her bumps." It is not a problem for Polina-Virgo to start another romance, since the lightness of her character attracts men, but relationships often do not develop.

Polina - Libra

The charm, femininity, cunning, insight and dexterity of this person help her achieve success in any field without exception. And the thing is that Polina-Libra knows how to use even negative circumstances in her favor. In addition, she has a cheerful and optimistic disposition, which often saves her in the most difficult situations.

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Polina-Libra is a real coquette who knows how to seduce a man and win his heart. But her affection is fickle, because she is afraid to part with her freedom and independence.

Polina - Scorpio

The main quality of Polina-Scorpio is constancy, both in choosing friends and in choosing a loved one (she is able to love one person throughout her life), while under no circumstances will she change her attitude to a situation or person. Her integrity and dominance often interfere with building a happy family life, although they favor rapid career growth. The man of Polina-Scorpio must have a strong character, capable of subordinating his obstinate partner to his will.

Polina - Sagittarius

This is a self-confident and domineering woman with pronounced leadership qualities. In the hands of Polina-Sagittarius, any business goes well, because she is not only hardworking and assertive, but also confident in the success of her enterprise. Her lively and inquisitive mind, as well as natural curiosity, allow her to easily master any kind of activity. She will make both an excellent leader and a responsible and scrupulous performer. The kindness and generosity of Polina-Sagittarius endow those around her, so she has many friends and acquaintances. But it’s not so easy to win Polina’s love: she will open her heart only to a man who is persistent and firm in intentions.

Polina - Capricorn

The generous and kind Polina-Capricorn gives the impression of a gloomy woman, dissatisfied with her life. Her heightened sense of justice leads to frequent conflicts with others. In general, Polina, born under this sign, has few friends, since it is difficult to be friends with a person who always has everything bad and does not go well. Yes, and Polina herself tries to keep her distance from people, fearing that sooner or later they will take advantage of her kindness. Polina-Capricorn is a monogamous, for whom fidelity is not an empty word.

Polina - Aquarius

The cheerful disposition, impressiveness and independence of Polina-Aquarius attract others. This is a sociable nature that does not tolerate loneliness either at home or at work. She is always in the center of attention even in an unfamiliar company. She does not remember insults and evil, she is always open and friendly. In relations with men, she will not tolerate encroachments on her independence, therefore her chosen one must provide her with a certain degree of freedom.

Polina - Pisces

This is a very talented and comprehensively developed personality, prone to apathetic and depressive states. Polina-Pisces has a lot of interesting and promising ideas, which, unfortunately, she cannot always implement because of her insecurity and fear of failing. She treats life philosophically, preferring to think about the meaning of being, rather than act. In a man, Polina-Pisces also appreciates, first of all, sincerity and good nature, while trying to postpone the very moment of rapprochement, fearing to be disappointed in her chosen one.

Polina name compatibility with male names

Polina and Alexander

They manage to properly build their family life on the principles of love and trust, and this despite the fact that Polina and Alexander have diametrically opposed characters. Polina likes to get the maximum of emotions and impressions from life, while Alexander leads a measured, constructive life. This couple finds true harmony in each other.

Polina and Dmitry

Initially, these two quickly become attached to each other, while attachment can eventually develop into sincere love. However, in the future, Polina and Dmitry will begin to have serious fundamental disagreements in relations, and the rigidity of Polina's partner will become a real "stumbling block". Only the ability to find a compromise will save their union.

Polina and Sergey

In such an alliance, Polina is the main initiator of relations with her man, who is distinguished by a rather passive attitude to life. Sergey loves Polina for her kind disposition, cheerful nature and optimism. In such a pair, equality reigns, they are completely indifferent to who will dominate the house. Polina and Sergey direct their energy to creating family well-being and happiness.

Polina and Andrey

This is a rather rare and most often untenable tandem in which completely different characters collide. Polina is very demanding and wants to see an ideal family man in her future wife, and Andrey, in turn, tends to more open relationships, preferring to live, first of all, for herself, and not for her family.

Polina and Eugene

A very good couple that creates a truly hormonal relationship. Polya is a born homebody, and Zhenya is a business executive who is not afraid of responsibility, moreover, he constantly strives for stability, which is important for the prosperity of the family. In addition, their intimate life is an explosion of emotions and pleasure, which strengthens family relationships.

Polina and Maxim

It is very difficult for them to make serious decisions, which can be a big problem on the way to the existence of a truly friendly family.

© Kseniia Perminova

Most likely, at home, Polina and Ivan will not have ups and downs in terms of finding compromises. There is no doubt that they will be able to create home comfort, maintain harmony and avoid conflicts.

Polina and Mikhail

These relationships are driven by stubbornness. And it lies in the fact that Polina and Mikhail, both in everyday life and in each other's character, notice all the shortcomings, which leads to irritation. If their lifestyle does not match initially, then they are unlikely to get along. In addition, the emotional state and temperament of both also do not coincide.

Polina and Roman

They are very comfortable and convenient together, and so much so that they are not at all interested in various parties and “going out”, because instead Polina and Roman like to spend time in a cozy home environment. They are able to create perfect harmony in their home, despite all domestic problems.

Polina and Anatoly

Such a couple has good chances for love and happiness. Polina and Anatoly will be able to build a wonderful home, raise wonderful children, create an atmosphere of family warmth and comfort. Learning everything new and passing on knowledge to their generation is what Polina and Anatoly will succeed in together. They do not have serious problems and conflicts, because they always try to understand each other.

Polina and Vitaly

Such an alliance may resemble a whirlwind of emotions and fun, and all because Polina and Vitaly converge on the basis of joint interests. Together they always enjoy spending time, so boredom does not threaten them. The intimate relationship between Polina and Vitaly is imbued with a strong passion, which only brings these two temperamental personalities closer.

Polina is a girl with many interests. Its sophistication and attractiveness ensures the attention of the environment. She knows how to create a beautiful and cozy environment around herself, and charm and charm help her to get to know people and maintain relationships with them.

Photo from youtube.com

The origin of the name Polina has three versions of origin: ancient Greek, Latin and French roots. The latest version connects the name Polina with the desire of the Russian nobility to name children in the French way. Thus, the name is derived from Pauline - Paulina.

The story of the name Polina tells about Apollinaria of Egypt, the daughter of the Greek ruler Anthemius. The saint, having renounced the bonds of marriage, went on a pilgrimage to the city of Jerusalem. Arriving in Alexandria, she hid from the servants, changed into a monk and lived for several years in swampy places, praying to God. Apollinaria joined the Monk Macarius and his brethren, posing as a man. The deception of the saint was revealed only after her death.

Meaning of the name

The translation of the name Polina from Greek sounds like “free”, and from Latin - “modest”. Polina's name spelling:

  • P - perseverance, the desire for self-realization, the ability to defend one's views and stand up for oneself. People with the letter “p” in their names are reckless, but they know how to stop in time and be frugal, they care about the impression they make.
  • O - a rich, but hidden from prying eyes inner world, developed intuition, sensuality, the ability to separate the main from the secondary.
  • L - harmony, refinement, understanding of beauty, creative inclinations.
  • And - grace, peace-loving character.
  • N - critical thinking, honesty, diligence.
  • A - the desire for creation, the desire for emotional and physical comfort.


The meaning of the name Polina for a child makes the baby complaisant, responsive and friendly. Little Polina is kind, she can calm and support her friends. She knows how to make friends, sharing joys and sorrows, sometimes it seems to others that the baby is overwhelmed with love for everything. The girl has a rare quality - she does not know how to be greedy and envious, but always sincerely rejoices for others. Goodwill ensures her good relations with parents, teachers and classmates.

The meaning of the name Polina for a teenage girl gives her a cheerful character and a great sense of humor. The girl loves noisy big companies, where a lot of attention will be focused on her. Polina is disinterested, knows how to enjoy the little things, for which her friends love her. The girl is fond of buying beautiful accessories and things, over time, this hobby can become a real source of income. In addition, she herself will be able to sew a beautiful dress or jacket for herself, as she does not like to waste money.

Polina is not one of those girls who likes to spend a lot of time in beauty salons or shopping centers, she prefers more useful activities. While studying in high school or college, she shows an interest in the exact sciences.

Consider how the female name Polina manifests itself in adulthood. The woman, whose name is Polina, has a vulnerable character, but she will always try to justify the person who did not treat her in the best way and childishly quickly forgives insults. In relations with people, she will understand, support and sympathize, but most often she chooses a wealthy man who can provide her with a comfortable future as a companion.

Polina gets married, as a rule, late, she is waiting for the perfect man and is in no hurry to exchange. As soon as she meets her "ideal" prince, she will become his faithful and loving wife. It is very important for Polina that there are children in the family, she loves them and takes an active part in their upbringing.


Polina's character according to the zodiac sign:

  • Aries - sensitive, sociable, direct, self-confidence allows her to overcome difficulties on the way to the goal without looking back. At work, Polina-Aries is executive and responsible.
  • Taurus - prudent, persistent, cautious, non-conflict, if her self-esteem is not hurt. She achieves good success in her career, but excessive caution makes her miss out on lucrative offers.
  • Twins - kind, sympathetic, despite isolation. The lack of ambition in character prevents her from fully revealing her capabilities. Polina-Gemini solves problems on her own, without shifting them to others, she is friendly, takes other people's problems to heart.
  • Cancer - quick-tempered, emotional, spoiled. Impulsive actions prevent others from understanding the logic of her actions and building relationships with her.
  • a lion - smart, active, with developed business acumen. Decisions are made quickly, without much thought. He stands firmly with his feet on the ground, relies on logic, facts, soberly assesses the situation. Insight and intuition help Polina-Leo to understand the hidden motives of the actions of the environment.
  • Virgo - active, temperamental, emotional, she is cheerful and dynamic. There are many ideas in the head of Polina-Virgo that she seeks to embody. Impulsiveness and a constant thirst for movement do not prevent her from calculating situations in advance.
  • Scales - feminine, insightful, charming, has the flexibility of mind and cunning. Thanks to these qualities, she easily achieves goals. She is a cheerful optimist who knows how to turn even negative circumstances in her favor.
  • Scorpion - imperious, principled, but constant, including in relationships. No circumstances will force her to change her attitude towards a person.
  • Sagittarius - Self-confident, hardworking, persistent, a born leader. Mind and curiosity, scrupulousness and diligence allow Polina-Sagittarius to reach career heights, a good leader grows out of her. Good-natured, optimistic character wins the attention of the environment.
  • Capricorn - seems always gloomy and dissatisfied, but the first impression is deceptive. Polina-Capricorn is generous, kind, with a pronounced sense of justice, because of which she often conflicts with others. Her pessimism repels her friends.
  • Aquarius - active, sociable, independent, which attracts the environment. Polina-Aquarius does not tolerate loneliness and always strives to be the center of attention.
  • Fish - talented, creative, prone to constant depression and doubts that prevent her from implementing interesting ideas. Polina-Pisces philosophizes more than acts.

name day

Name day at Polina's:

  • January 18;
  • April, 4;
  • October 13th.

Name color

Polina's lucky color is blue. "Blue" is distinguished by sincerity, gullibility, self-confidence. They are kind, take other people's problems to heart, strive to help. If they become more disciplined, they will be able to achieve the desired success.

name flower

Photo from pixabay.com

Polina's flower - poppy. It is a symbol of fertility, beauty, grace, peace and tranquility. Also, in some cultures, it symbolizes sadness for the past. Poppy protects the owner from negative magical effects and gives financial well-being.

church name

Pauline's church name is Apollinaria.

Name translation in different languages

Translation of the name Polina into other languages:

  • In English and Spanish - Paulina.
  • In Danish, Norwegian and Swedish - Pauline.
  • In French - Pauline (Popo).

Full name, abbreviated, affectionate

Polina is the full name. Abbreviated and affectionate forms of the name Polina:

  • Fields.
  • Polenka.
  • Polechka.
  • Polly.
  • Polka.
  • Polinka.
  • Polinochka.


The female name Polina is suitable for a girl if her father's name is:


Polina name compatibility with male names:

  • Alexander is the exact opposite of Polina, but this does not prevent them from building harmonious relationships based on love.
  • In alliance with Dmitry, the relationship begins with affection and friendship. But in the future they can collapse, as the man is too uncompromising.
  • passive, so Polina starts these relationships on her own. A man likes a cheerful character of a girl. There is no leader in this pair, it does not matter to them who will be in charge.
  • Polina is demanding, but chooses an open relationship, so the couple quickly breaks up.
  • Polina and live for themselves for a long time, so it is difficult for them to decide on a family life. In addition, it is difficult for them to make serious decisions.
  • Polina and are very different, these relationships will last as long as there is passion in the couple, since the partners have perfect sexual compatibility between themselves.
  • With Ilya Polina will build an ideal relationship based on mutual understanding, they will have a strong family.
  • , like Polina, does not tolerate loneliness, this union is also held together by common interests.
  • Vlad is a powerful man, does not tolerate objections, and Polina is bright and temperamental. Union is possible if they learn to compromise.
  • Polina cannot understand an independent and freedom-loving character

After the birth of a child, every parent thinks about the name. After all, its meaning accompanies a person all his life. The name Polina is shrouded in tenderness, sublimity and is associated with light, weightless. Let's figure out what is hidden behind the melodic name.

Active and quick in decisions. By temperament they are classified as choleric. The fair sex with the name Polina has high demands, as they are proud, impregnable. Despite this, they are timid and modest at heart.

What does a name mean for a girl

A baby named Polina is charming, surprisingly accommodating. Rarely enters into conflict situations with relatives, friends, peers. By nature, active, loving outdoor games, helps her mother in business.

The meaning of the name Polina

She does well in school and is active in the classroom. Differs in a large number of friends, buddies. The girl grows kind, sympathetic. Parents should try to ensure that the baby does not lose such valuable qualities during the period of growing up. The influence of the mother greatly affects the emotional state of the girl.

It is important to monitor your child regularly. Identify talent and try to develop it with all your might, that is, allow Polina to develop 100% as a person.

Woman character

At a more mature age, it is pleasant to communicate with Polina. A manner worthy of staying in society allows you to keep up a conversation on any topic and become the soul of the company. When communicating, balanced, even in actions, deeds. By nature - very vulnerable, not touchy, never extols her "I". Selfless, like a child, she is able to rejoice at a small, insignificant gift. For Polina, attention is important.

One downside is the straight line. He speaks the truth in the eye, without softening in other words.

Prefers to communicate with intelligent people. He does not perceive ill-bred, uneducated personalities in any way, looks at them with his head held high.

The character of girls named Polina

Women with the name Polina have an explosive character, they do not know how to accumulate resentment. She argues badly, as she imposes her opinion on everyone, but at the same time she is not able to argue and convince the interlocutor that she is right.

He is critical of himself. Often she is seized by attacks of a melancholic nature, she is capable of being pursued by causeless fear, panic, anxiety.

Sentimentality is absent, looks at life realistically. If the choice comes between material well-being and love relationships, the girl (woman) will choose the first option. A subjective view of life allows the fair sex to try on situations for herself. Quite often, Polina is fond of introspection, which contributes to the development of a depressive state.