Polina's character is twins. Under what name to baptize Polina. Description of the name Polina

The origin of the name Polina is outlined by several variations of genesis. Its formation from the sun god Apollo, translated as "solar". If we take into account that the name Polina comes from the female name Apolinaria, then its meaning will be “liberated”.

The French version of the interpretation says that the name is formed from the male counterpart Paul, which means "small". There is also a second French version of the genesis, according to him the name Polina, this is the Russian pronunciation of the name Paulina. The name is not included in the church Christian calendar; Pauline girls are baptized under,.

Little Polina is growing up as a calm and joyful child. surrounded by the care and attention of relatives and friends. The frequent illnesses of the girl make the mother spend a lot of time with the baby. Polina will have such attachment of her daughter to her mother throughout her life.

At school, the girl is on top, successfully studies, diligently fulfills all tasks and requests, is among the foremost students. In spirit, named after Polina, visiting various circles, sections. She loves to spend time with her peers. In the characterization of Polina, benevolence and sensitivity stand out. She is ready to help if the situation requires it.

Field can be called a balanced person who loves all living things. She has a positive attitude towards friends, loves animals.

A girl named Polina is quite patient and completely undemanding to people, looking for the good in every person, trying to justify his stupid actions, to understand the reasons why he did it. A positive characteristic of our heroine can also be called quick decision-making, although they are not always correct.

The temperament of the bearer of the name Polina is eccentric, she is most likely a choleric by nature. At first glance, the girl seems proud, impregnable, although this is not at all the case. In her heart she is vulnerable, modest and even a little timid.

In a conversation, Polina behaves smoothly and naturally, this enchants the interlocutor. She is sociable, well-read helps Field to keep up the conversation on any topic.

What our heroine needs throughout her life is success, only she is waiting for it and slowly but surely moving towards it. But what she finds it in, that's another question.

Full name description

  • Named after Polina, she must constantly be aware of all the affairs.
  • She goes to meetings, gets acquainted with new books, does not miss fashion shows, visits the theater.
  • Knowing about all the innovations, she will not blindly follow them if they are unacceptable to her soul.
  • The girl loves companies, communication in them.

There is also a negative connotation in the characterization of Polina. She elevates her skills and abilities, while lowering the abilities of others. Only her opinion should be the main one and this is not discussed.

A girl named Polina will listen only to the person she loves.

You can’t call our heroine sentimental, it’s hard to break her into tears. The beauty of nature is also alien to her. Polina often puts on a mask of indifference, showing herself proud and impregnable. Called by the name Polina, although she is a balanced person, some life situations lead her out of a rut.

Then she flares up like a match, but she doesn’t really know how to argue and prove. Therefore, he often imposes his opinion on others, and not just announces it. But despite this, the girl will always remain a friend, she will try to help with advice or materially when necessary.

Love and family

What the name Polina means in its feminine manifestation is a fragile and tender, charming and unsurpassed girl. Regarding this, our heroine does not experience a lack of attention, on the contrary, it is excessive. The name Polina is endowed with all the qualities that a woman should have. Our coquette plays with the souls of many, and in her whole life more than one heart will suffer through her.

A woman knows that she is attractive, values ​​\u200b\u200bits reputation, therefore she will not start fleeting romances.

Keeping this state of affairs, our heroine will wrap a rich prince and marry him. Although the marriage will take place out of love, nevertheless, Polina, named after Pauline, can be called prudent, because she was waiting for such a relationship.

Cleanliness reigns in a woman's house although she doesn't really like to do housework. The characterization of the name Polina for the family differs slightly from the general perception. A woman becomes a support and support for her relatives and does not at all seek to manage and command them. But at the same time, everyone listens to her and respects her.

Polina loves her children, takes care of them, devotes herself to their upbringing. She is patient with her husband, even if he begins to change, the named Polina will try to justify him.

Career and professionalism

The intuitive abilities of a girl named Polina are poorly developed, but she rarely relies on them, when making decisions she listens more to her mind.

Polina Vladimirovna Agureeva (Russian theater and film actress, performer of romances)

  • He approaches the choice of a profession without initiative; on the advice of his relatives, he can become a doctor, teacher or psychologist.
  • In professional affiliation, the name Polina does not have much significance, because the priority for her is family.
  • Having entered the university, she begins to think about marriage. But until Polya chooses a wealthy husband who will fit her parameters, more than one year may pass.
  • So we have to work until that happens.
  • The name Polina has absolutely no ambitions for careerism, she does not even try to grow up and achieve more in her professional activity than she has.

After the birth of a child, every parent thinks about the name. After all, its meaning accompanies a person all his life. The name Polina is shrouded in tenderness, sublimity and is associated with light, weightless. Let's figure out what is hidden behind the melodic name.

Active and quick in decisions. By temperament they are classified as choleric. The fair sex with the name Polina has high demands, as they are proud, impregnable. Despite this, they are timid and modest at heart.

What does a name mean for a girl

A baby named Polina is charming, surprisingly accommodating. Rarely enters into conflict situations with relatives, friends, peers. By nature, active, loving outdoor games, helps her mother in business.

The meaning of the name Polina

She does well in school and is active in the classroom. Differs in a large number of friends, buddies. The girl grows kind, sympathetic. Parents should try to ensure that the baby does not lose such valuable qualities during the period of growing up. The influence of the mother greatly affects the emotional state of the girl.

It is important to monitor your child regularly. Identify talent and try to develop it with all your might, that is, allow Polina to develop 100% as a person.

Woman character

At a more mature age, it is pleasant to communicate with Polina. A manner worthy of staying in society allows you to keep up a conversation on any topic and become the soul of the company. When communicating, balanced, even in actions, deeds. By nature - very vulnerable, not touchy, never extols her "I". Selfless, like a child, she is able to rejoice at a small, insignificant gift. For Polina, attention is important.

One downside is the straight line. He speaks the truth in the eye, without softening in other words.

Prefers to communicate with intelligent people. He does not perceive ill-bred, uneducated personalities in any way, looks at them with his head held high.

The character of girls named Polina

Women with the name Polina have an explosive character, they do not know how to accumulate resentment. She argues badly, as she imposes her opinion on everyone, but at the same time she is not able to argue and convince the interlocutor that she is right.

He is critical of himself. Often she is seized by attacks of a melancholic nature, she is capable of being pursued by causeless fear, panic, anxiety.

Sentimentality is absent, looks at life realistically. If the choice comes between material well-being and love relationships, the girl (woman) will choose the first option. A subjective view of life allows the fair sex to try on situations for herself. Quite often, Polina is fond of introspection, which contributes to the development of a depressive state.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Polina.

What does the name Polina mean?

The name Polina means - belonging to Apollo (lat.)

The meaning of the name Polina - character and fate

A woman named Polina is complaisant, sensitive, sympathetic, capable of self-sacrifice. Her warmth is enough for everyone. Selfless, always in a hurry to help loved ones. He has good taste and knows how to dress elegantly. The choice of a spouse is taken seriously. Prefers caring and gentle, attentive and good-natured. She is disinterested and, for materialistic reasons, gets married extremely rarely. A wonderful hostess and attentive wife, able to forgive her husband a lot, although she always deeply worries about his betrayal or rude attitude towards her. A woman named Polina is womanly wise, smart, thorough. Economical, but you can't call her stingy. Knows how to sew and knit, does it professionally, without a single flaw. Everything he takes on, he does flawlessly. Polina's family is in the foreground, she is interested in a career, but caring for her husband and children is more important. She loves her home, is very hospitable, a sensitive mother. Polina, like no other woman, needs the love and attention of her husband, she herself is devoted to him with all her heart and can become seriously ill when she feels his indifference towards herself. She is having a hard time breaking up with her lover and, if he returns, is able to forgive him everything. A woman named Polina is even inclined to justify his unseemly acts, taking all the blame on herself. A man who can appreciate her spiritual qualities is a wonderful life partner. She has children of different sexes. Polina is seriously involved in their upbringing, attends all class meetings, often goes to school, takes an active part in the work of the parent committee.

The meaning of the name Polina for sex

Polina can be both passionate and indifferent. It all depends on her mood and on the partner who is nearby. She is not indifferent to sex, but capricious, easily excited, frankly reacts to caresses, does not hold back impulses during intercourse. A woman named Polina has all the data to win anyone, but she is very selective. The partner must be patient if he wants to get the most out of communicating with Polina. She appreciates sexual foreplay, knows how to be grateful, and will never let her lover go disappointed or dissatisfied.

The nature and fate of the name Polina, taking into account the patronymic

First name Polina and patronymic ....

Polina Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna- person is sociable and cheerful. It transforms and becomes truly charming when it is in the company of men, it is able to conquer many with its femininity. But with women she is only loyal, reluctant to make friends. It is very important for her the opinion of men about how she looks. The realization that they like her gives her a lot of strength. She takes marriage very seriously and marries, as a rule, for love, choosing a balanced and reliable man. Polina values ​​peace and stability above all else. He can put up with the low potency of his spouse in order to protect himself from unnecessary worries. Don't worry if he cheats on her. A woman named Polina herself will never destroy a family, she will not have a lover. However, this choice sometimes negatively affects her mental state. In adulthood, Polina understands that sex plays an important role in life, and endless devotion to her husband and children is not the most important thing in life. If he does not achieve noticeable professional success, then he greatly regrets it. By old age, she can even become grouchy, capricious, and only in the company of men does she still liven up a little. Her quiet life in her youth by the age of fifty is replaced by mental anxiety and complete dissatisfaction. Such Polina loves children, adores her grandchildren, overprotects both of them.

First name Polina and patronymic ....

Polina Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Fedorovna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna emotional, unbalanced, but able to control himself. With men, she is sweet and seductive, highly sexual. By nature, a conqueror, she is glad for every successive victory over a man's heart. In her youth, she is spoiled by the attention of young men, she tends to overestimate her abilities. Partners prefer beautiful, strong and witty. It can rule over them, but it is completely harmless, incapable of meanness, of an unsightly act, unforgiving, unable to take revenge. It is difficult to experience defeat, but full of optimism. Rarely enters into casual relationships. She does not know how to be alone, her loneliness depresses her, destroys her psyche. Such Polina does not need constant friends, but she cannot live without a family and tries with all her might to acquire one. She needs someone to take care of, to feel needed, irreplaceable. A woman named Polina loves children very much, a faithful wife, a good housewife. In marriage, her interest in strangers does not decrease - she needs to know that she does not lose shape, they still like her, but she is not capable of betraying her husband, she is too squeamish to recklessly succumb to momentary attraction. Treasures family, afraid of losing her. As a rule, he heads the house, but never focuses on this. Skillfully manages the household, economical, thrifty, a good cook. She does not seek to make a career, she is completely occupied with her family and herself. Such Polina often gives birth to boys.

First name Polina and patronymic ....

Polina Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna serious, balanced, restrained and somewhat stingy in the manifestation of feelings. Very vulnerable, she is protected by feigned indifference to men. A woman named Polina painfully endures failures, the loss of a loved one, therefore she tries not to become attached, keeps love deep in herself. However, under the external coldness, a passionate nature and a tender soul are hidden. Polina dreams of her own family, and when she gets married, she is ready for any sacrifice for her. She can give up her career, friends, habits, hobbies, so long as there is peace and harmony in her house. Ready to have many children, but most often it turns out that she has only one child. A husband is always a faithful wife, a devoted, reliable friend. And if her husband is also sexy, affectionate and gentle, then he cannot find a better wife. Polina knows how to appreciate a good attitude towards herself. She is an excellent diplomat, even her daughter does not read morals, does not make unnecessary remarks. She gets along with her mother-in-law, patiently yielding to her in everything, and she eventually begins to believe that her son is lucky with his wife.

First name Polina and patronymic ....

Polina Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna good-natured, flexible, sociable and cheerful. By nature an optimist. It infects others with its energy, desire to enjoy life, to be happy. She manages to get married safely, have children at a young age. When the children are already adults, she is still young and attractive, full of vitality and health. A woman named Polina is sexy, but too sensual. The slightest indifference of her husband hurts her no less than rudeness. She herself is capable of strong deep feelings and requires the same from her husband. She has all the data to win any man, but it’s not easy to take care of her, you need to be patient, and having achieved the location of such Polina, a man should remember that he will have to take her as his wife, otherwise her heart will be forever broken. But a better wife cannot be desired. Polina is passionate, attentive, tender. A wonderful mother, zealous, clean hostess. Everything succeeds, everything can. Always elegant and looks great. Many people envy her husband, but Polina is only interested in him, the house and the only son. She knows how to forgive, like all strong and wise women, she is indulgent to the weaknesses and fleeting hobbies of her husband. Her family has strong and friendly relations.

First name Polina and patronymic ....

Polina Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna- a woman of strict morals, calm, but domineering. He does not tolerate objections, but is good-natured with those whom he sympathizes with. Cannot stand stupid, obsessive and arrogant men. Able to take care of himself. Very sexy, but picky in partners. Most of all appreciates intelligence in men. She is afraid to make a mistake, does not get married for a long time, but she does it very successfully. A woman named Polina is extremely harmless, ready to give in to her husband in all unprincipled matters, but in serious matters she knows how to insist on her own. She is an amazingly caring mother and wife. She may not get enough sleep, but her husband and daughters are always well-groomed, fed, surrounded by love and affection. For the sake of convenience and peace of mind in the family, she is ready to sacrifice her career and hobbies. Family is above all for her. She is a wonderful cook, not a spender, in her bins there are always a lot of pickles, canned food. He prefers to have his own small private house, a piece of land, gardening with pleasure. She loves animals, she always has a cat or a dog in her house. Polina cannot sit idle, all in trouble and worries. She sews and knits beautifully. Very sympathetic, neighbors know about her unusual kindness and responsiveness. All the old women in the district are under her care, she will help everyone, feed the hungry. In appearance, she is a fragile, tender woman, but her character is strong. She is patient and resilient. The whole family rests on her shoulders.

Polina is a gentle and beautiful name for a girl. With its sound, it evokes associations with blooming wild flowers. The name Polina endows its owner with a rather contradictory character. The first thing parents need to know when naming their girl is the nature of the name and its fate.

Name origin

The name Polina has two versions of origin.

According to the first version, the name Polina is of Greek origin. It first appeared as a short form on behalf of Apollinaris, which means "sunny" in translation.

According to the French version, the name Polina comes from the male name Paul, which means "little" in translation.

Meaning of the name- according to the versions of origin, the name Polina means "sunny" and "small", "baby".

Variants of the name Polina- Fields, Polechka, Polyusha, Polinka, Pan, Pasha, Polyusya, Lina, Pusya.

The patroness of the name is considered to be Saint Appolinaria the Virgin, who became famous for treating people and performing miracles with her prayers.

Name symbols

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn;
  • Tree - Poplar;
  • Animal - Swan;
  • Planet - Saturn;
  • Plant - Lotus;
  • The stone is selenite.

What does a girl's name mean?

A girl named Polina is always well-mannered, has friendliness and responsiveness. She is ready to help her friends, to warm them with her warmth. In relations with her parents, she is an obedient and caring daughter. She always does her chores around the house, helping to babysit her younger brothers and sisters.

Fields seem to be filled with love for all living things that are around her. She never hurts anyone and often cares about others.

Polina's childhood

As a child, Polechka is a kind and sympathetic girl. She obeys her parents in everything, does not conflict with her peers. Thanks to her charm and sociability, she always has many friends and acquaintances. But despite this, Polina prefers noisy gatherings at home, where she spends time reading.

Polechka has a sharp mind by nature. She succeeds in both the exact and the humanities. She helps teachers and does not conflict with them. Polya does not pursue grades, but seeks to gain as much knowledge as possible.

At school, Polina takes an active part in the life of the school - she participates in events and attends circles. A girl most often has a poetic or musical gift - it is necessary to recognize it in time and let it develop.

The nature of the name

Throughout her life, Polina remains a child in her soul. She rejoices at the attention of others and their praise. The girl is very clean and in this respect comes to perfectionism.

Polina follows all fashion trends and can buy a huge amount of things, but her natural prudence does not allow her to do this. She is content with what she has, very careful about her things.

Polina is an independent person, she is little interested in other people's opinions. She is always glad to help her neighbor, possesses self-sacrifice. But if a person offends Polya with something, she will show herself from an unexpected side. She will scream at the offender and keep a grudge against him for a long time.

A woman named Polina - active and determined. It may seem to some that she is proud and arrogant, but in fact, modesty and shyness are hidden in her soul. Self-doubt often hides behind external coldness.

Polina is distinguished by benevolence, she is patient and does not require much from others. He always looks for the good in people and even idealizes them a little. Polya loves everything about what surrounds her. Sociable, likes to be in a circle of friends.

Polina's character is contradictory. At times she becomes too serious, and at other times she becomes unrestrainedly cheerful. He treats people kindly and helps them, but he can drastically change his attitude and express all his claims directly.

Polina knows how to be a good friend - she always helps her friends, takes care of them. She trusts very few people and rarely lets anyone close to her.

Love and marriage

Polina finds her happiness in the family. She is a caring mother, attentive and loving wife. The interests of the family excite her more than anything else. Not capable of treason, she loves her husband very much. Ready to forgive him a lot, even treason.

Polina loves to take care of her children, takes a lot of part in their lives. She works with them a lot, tries to develop their talents.

Name compatibility

Polina's marriage with, Leonid, will be successful.

Relations with Anatoly, Vasily will develop less harmoniously.


As a child, Polina has poor health, often gets sick. It is necessary to carefully monitor her health so that chronic diseases do not develop later. Also, Fields can be prone to infectious diseases.

Although outwardly Polya seems very calm, inside she has a whole hurricane of emotions. Often she has a shattered nervous system. As we age, nerve problems become more and more common.

Polina needs to be outdoors more often, get enough sleep and try to be less nervous.

Profession and career

Polina can become a talented singer or actress. Creative professions are the best solution for owners of such a name.

If Polina does not choose a creative profession, her career is of little interest to her. She does not seek to choose a prestigious job, but rather chooses a profession that will allow her to spend more time at home with her family.

Polina gets along well with children and can become an educator or teacher. At work, she is valued for her responsibility and diligence.

The fate of the name

With the right upbringing, a benevolent person, devoid of arrogance and arrogance, grows out of Polina. Although some note of narcissism is present. Thanks to her natural data, Polina can achieve great success in the professional field, but her career is of little interest to her, she is content with what she has.

Short form of the name Polina. Polinka, Fields, Polyasha, Pasha, Polyunya, Polyusya, Pusya, Polyukha, Polyusha, Polyakha, Lina.
Synonyms for Polina. Pavlina, Pauline, Pauline, Peylan.
Origin of the name Polina The name Polina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Polina has several versions of origin. The first of them - the most common - the name Polina comes from the name of the ancient Greek sun god Apollo and means "solar" or "dedicated to Apollo." There are variants of the translation "liberated" or "liberating". In this case, Polina is one of the forms of the name Apollinaria, which in the Russian people has become more widespread than the full name, due to the more beautiful and concise sound, and also because of the ease of pronunciation for Russian people.

The second version is the name Pauline of French origin, derived from the male name Paul, which translates from Latin as “small”, “baby”. In Russian, the analogue of the name Paul is the male name Pavel.

The French version also has a second possible variant of the appearance of the name Pauline. The name Polina is the Russian version of the pronunciation of the French name Paulina (Pavlina, Polen, Polin, Paula), formed from the male name Pavlin (Paulin). The name Pavlina (Polina) comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or generic nickname) Paulinus, a related cognomen for the name Paul, therefore the translation of the names is very close in meaning. The name Polina means "modest", "small".

Also, the name Polina is considered a short form of such names as Apollinaria, Paulina, Pelageya. But in modern times, the name Polina has become independent, and is used independently.

The diminutive Lina is also a name in its own right, while Pol and Pasha are considered a short form and affectionate address to many other names.

The name Polina is not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar, as well as Pavlina (Paulina). Pauline is usually baptized under the names of Pelageya and Apollinaria. For the name Pauline, the Catholic name days of Paulina (Peacocks) will be indicated.

Polina makes decisions quickly and is unusually active. By temperament, she is a choleric. Sometimes it seems that Polina's demands are too high, she is too proud and impregnable. However, at heart, this girl is timid and modest.

Polina easily makes contact, she charms the interlocutor. The girl easily supports any conversations, feels good absolutely everywhere. Polina expects first of all success from life. She puts on a mask of pride and impregnability, but in fact, with an effort she forces herself to get to know each other or start a new business. Polina can quickly lose her temper, she does not know how to argue at all. As a rule, she does not prove her opinion, but tries to impose it on others.

But despite some of her shortcomings, Polina stands out among her friends with special benevolence, responsiveness and disinterestedness. In her, first of all, the balance and evenness of her character become noticeable. She is always ready to help, sympathize, listen, hug and caress. She loves everyone - both friends and animals - all living things around.

Polya is very patient and not demanding of people. In them, she tries to see only the good, often she herself can look for an excuse for what happened, even if not with herself. Polina likes to keep abreast of all events: meetings, fashion, books, and performances. But she will not blindly follow innovations. She likes to be in the company, to communicate.

In her heart, Polina places her abilities as high as she puts the abilities and opinions of others low. A good assessment in the eyes of this girl can only be earned by a person who is really dear to her. She is not sentimental, does not feel the beauty of the world around her and likes to show herself indifferent. At the same time, she always remains a true friend, she will always help with advice and deed.

Polina always ranges from excessive seriousness to unrestrained cheerfulness. Housekeeping is not on Polina's list of hobbies, but she does not start it. A girl with this name does not belong to gullible people.

Polina can build her own destiny in very different ways. At a young age, she is like a blank slate. The girl readily helps teachers, does not offend her friends. In her youth, Polina is very fond of noisy parties. Over the years, Polina does not lose her appearance, she always looks younger than her years and remains a welcome guest in the company of young people. Possessing a difficult character, Polina lives an unusually rich life.

Polina perceives all events subjectively, unfairly accepts many things. He is quite intelligent and does not forget to make it feel. Sometimes Polina is fond of self-digging and criticizes herself a lot.

Polina feels good in a proven environment. Everything new and non-standard easily unsettles her. The girl's intuition is not developed enough and she trusts her little, relying more on her mind. Polina believes very much in herself and her intellectual abilities. Even failures cannot change her mind.

Polina's actions are highly dependent on her environment. Usually she is friendly and responsive, ready to help and support, but sometimes Polina becomes harsh and directly expresses her accumulated claims. It turns out she is quite rude and harsh.

Polina does not seek to show her feelings. It is difficult for her to find the ideal partner, as she makes too many demands on him.

In marriage, Polina becomes the support of all family members. She is incredibly caring, does not seek to lead anyone. Sometimes Polina begins to be frank with complete strangers. In the family, a woman with this name enjoys well-deserved authority, everyone obeys her, including pets. Polina is non-confrontational, knows how to correctly establish family life. A woman treats her husband condescendingly, forgiving his liberties. Polina is very thorough in business and reliable. But he prefers to build a career in comfort at home, taking care of his family. Polina is an excellent mother! She pays a lot of attention to the upbringing of children, their education. Often and willingly attends parent meetings, consults with teachers and psychologists.

Polina does not seek to work, although she seems to be very active from the outside. In everyday work, a girl sometimes lacks patience and the ability to set tasks for herself. Polina can work as a journalist or advertising agent. It has no ambitions to occupy a prestigious post. The main thing in work for Polina is that she be closer to home, and the schedule does not interfere with family worries.

sound. Polina is a short name consisting of three syllables. Beauty is the main characteristic that he distinguishes. Also, tenderness (89%), melodiousness (86%) and lightness (84%) of the sound of the name are often noted. Some distinguish in him a certain femininity (87%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Lyubov, Olesya and Ulyana.

Polina's name day

Famous people named Polina

  • Polina Osipenko ((1907 - 1939) nee - Polina Dudnik; Soviet pilot, one of the first women to be awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Set five international women's records.)
  • Pauline Viardot-Garcia ((1821 - 1910) French singer, composer, vocal teacher)
  • Polina Gelman ((1919 - 2005) Head of Communications of the Aviation Squadron of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 325th Night Bomber Aviation Division of the 4th Air Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Guard Senior Lieutenant. Made 860 sorties. Hero of the Soviet Union .)
  • Polina Gebl ((1800 - 1876) in marriage - Annenkova Praskovya; wife of the Decembrist I.A. Annenkov, who followed her husband into exile in Transbaikalia)
  • Polina Astakhova ((1936 - 2005) Soviet gymnast. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1960).)
  • Polina Kumanchenko ((born 1910) Ukrainian actress)
  • Polina Dashkova ((born 1960) real name - Tatyana Polyachenko; Russian writer. She made her debut as a poet. She was published in the magazines Rural Youth, Youth, Origins, the almanac Young Voices. She became widely known as an author of detective stories. Her first book "Blood of the Unborn" (1996) brought wide fame. Her books have been translated into German and French. She chose her literary pseudonym by the name of her youngest daughter Dasha (Dashkova) and a derivative of her last name (Polina). Sometimes it is presented as Dashkova Polina Viktorovna: She does not use her real name and surname during the interview, as this is prohibited by the terms of the contract.)
  • Polina (Pelageya) Strepetova ((1850 - 1903) famous Russian theater actress)
  • Polina Barskova ((born 1976) Russian poetess)
  • Polina Zhemchuzhina ((1897 - 1970) real name - Pearl Karpovskaya; Soviet party and statesman, wife of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov)
  • Polina Kutepova ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004))
  • Pauline Macabies ((born 1986) French biathlete)
  • Polina Fedotova (Russian pianist and music teacher; soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic, associate professor of Moscow University and the Moscow Conservatory, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of international competitions)
  • Pauline Baines ((1922 - 2008) English graphic designer, author of illustrations for more than 100 books, including the works of Clive Staples Lewis and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Baines is best known for her illustrations for The Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Staples Lewis. Her work also appeared in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's "Farmer Giles of Ham", "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil", "The Blacksmith of Big Wootton", "Tree and Leaf" and "Bilbo's Last Song" (released as a poster in 1974, and as a book - in 1990).)
  • Polina Agureeva ((born 1976) Russian theater and film actress, performer of romances, laureate of the State Prize of Russia. Agureeva's acting style, according to critics, is characterized by the gift to penetrate other eras, the ability to create in a variety of roles, outstanding vocal abilities, plasticity, unplayed trepidation, lyricism.)
  • Polina Petrova ((1905 -?) Soviet documentary film director, Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1951))
  • Polina Iodis ((born 1978) Russian singer and athlete, soloist of the first composition of the famous Russian female pop group "Brilliant" (1995-1998))
  • Polina Deripaska ((born 1980) maiden name - Yumasheva; chairman of the board of directors of the Forward Media Group publishing house. Daughter of Valentin Yumashev, former adviser to Boris Yeltsin, head of his presidential administration. Wife of Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska.)
  • Polina Shelepen ((born 1995) Russian figure skater, performing in women's singles. Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship among juniors in 2008, member of the Russian national figure skating team.)
  • Polina (Pearl) Ephrussi (also Ephrusi) ((1876 - 1942) Soviet psychologist and teacher, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Leningrad Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activity)
  • Polina Gagarina ((born 1987) Russian singer, songwriter and composer, actress, winner of Star Factory-2)
  • Polina Elkind ((1918 - 1981) Soviet lawyer, Doctor of Law, specialist in the field of criminal procedure law, professor)
  • Polina Olowska ((born 1976) contemporary Polish artist)
  • Polina Porizkova-Okeysek ((born 1965) Czech top model, actress and writer)
  • Polina Korobeynikova ((born 1996) Russian figure skater, performing in single skating. Master of Sports of Russia of international class in figure skating.)
  • Marie Paoletta Bonaparte, better known as Pauline Bonaparte ((1780 - 1825) the middle of three and the most beloved sister of the French Emperor Napoleon I)
  • Polina Agafonova ((born 1996) is a Russian figure skater in women's singles. Champion of Russia among juniors in 2010 and bronze medalist of the World Junior Championships in 2010. Master of Sports of Russia.)
  • Pauline "Polly" Witter ((1876 - 1946) American golfer, silver medalist at the 1900 Summer Olympics)
  • Pauline Cale ((1919 - 2001) an employee of the American weekly New Yorker, who in the 1970s and 1980s was perceived as the most influential film critic not only in the United States, but on the entire planet. Being known for her explosive, conflict character, Cale repeatedly recognized : "I've often been accused of writing about anything but the film." Kayle embodied an anti-intellectual approach to film criticism based on the emotional perception of the film. She saw the new items only once and reviewed based on first impressions; she never revised tapes of past years. Promoted the work of Jean-Luc Godard, considered "Last Tango in Paris" perhaps the greatest film in history. Critically spoke about such goddesses of Hollywood as Lana Turner: "This is not an actress, this is a product. "Participant of a long-term debate about auteur cinema with the leader of the "intellectual establishment" film critic Andrew Sarris of the New York newspaper "Village Voice". It is believed that Roger Ebert and Armond White developed her approach to film criticism.)
  • Pauline-May Betz-Eddy ((1919 - 2011) American tennis player, unofficial first racket of the world in 1946. Four-time US champion and winner of the Wimbledon tournament in 1946 in singles, French champion in 1946 in mixed doubles, member of the National (later International) Tennis Hall of Fame since 1965.)
  • Pauline Parmentier ((born 1986) French tennis player. Winner of 2 WTA tournaments in singles.)
  • Pauline Chan (Chen Baolian) ((1973 - 2002) Hong Kong actress and singer. In parallel with the filming, she released several music albums, but her career as a singer was not successful, and in the late 1990s the former celebrity maintained her fame only with scandalous antics.)
  • Pauline Collins ((born 1940) British actress)
  • Pauline Marois ((born 1949) Canadian politician, leader of the Quebec Party, 30th Prime Minister of Quebec. The first female Prime Minister in the history of Quebec.)
  • Pauline Obama-Nguema ((born 1934) politician of Gabon, Prime Minister of Gabon (1994 - 1999))
  • Pauline Lafont ((1963 - 1988) real name - Pauline Aida Simone Medvetsky; French film actress)
  • Emily Pauline Johnson, also known by the Indian name Tekahionwake ((1861 - 1913) Canadian writer and theater actress, popular at the end of the 19th century. The youngest daughter of the leader of the Six Nations and translator George Henry Martin Johnson from his marriage to the Englishwoman Emily Johnson. The tribe reacted negatively to Johnson's marriage to a white woman, and he had to leave the tribe, however, all 4 children in the family, including Pauline, knew both English and the Mohawk language.Many of Johnson's poems and the performances in which she participated were devoted to Indian heritage. many anthologies of Canadian poetry include her poem The Song My Oar Sings.)