How to break up with a girl so that she is not offended. How to break up with a girl the right way. Why can't this be done

There are many mistakes that men often make when breaking up. You will learn how to avoid them and how best to part with a woman so as not to offend her feelings from this article.

Typical male mistakes when breaking up

The fear of parting inevitably arises if you decide to leave a woman with whom you are in a serious relationship. A man is afraid of radical changes in life and the need to hurt a loved one. It is this fear that causes guys to make various mistakes.

Remember: so you can never part with the girls:

  • Complete disregard for the girl. Often a man believes that if you do not pay any attention to the girl, do not write, do not call and do not intersect with her, then she will understand everything on her own and leave him alone.
  • Provoking quarrels and scandals. It is known that constant swearing kills relationships. This fact is used by many men when parting. By deliberately arranging quarrels, the man is trying to ensure that the girl gets tired of the scandals and leaves herself.
  • Cheating in front of a girl. This is the stupidest and most unworthy mistake of all. A self-respecting guy will not allow such an attitude towards a girl, because with this situation he will offend not only his girlfriend, but also the “assistant” in parting with her.
  • Rude behavior towards a girl. Humiliating the girl, in this situation, the man is trying to ensure that she herself collects her things and says goodbye to him once and for all.
  • Breaking a relationship via SMS or social media. With the advent of social networks, the life of modern youth has become much easier. This is usually because it is much easier to write something unpleasant than to say it to the face.
  • postponing the break for the best time, in the hope that the situation will resolve itself. You should not continue the relationship if they have already become obsolete. Thus, you are wasting precious time that you and your girlfriend can use to restore your life, each separately.

Why can't this be done:

  • Such behavior is unworthy of a man.. A real man must take responsibility for everything that happens in his life, including relationships. If a guy, out of cowardice, resorts to various tricks in order to avoid an uncomfortable conversation, thereby he signs for his worthlessness.
  • This will make the girl even more hurt. Parting is in itself a rather difficult and humiliating process, especially for the fair sex. Additional insults and misbehavior on the part of a man kill a girl's self-esteem. As a result, the girl receives additional moral trauma.
  • Such methods will ruin your reputation. Even those around you who have always considered you a fair and right person are likely to support a girl in such a situation.
  • This can provoke the girl to revenge. Girls are quite insidious creatures and they can come up with the most sophisticated ways of revenge.

How nice to break up with a girl

There is no way to safely leave a girl. However, this can be done as gently as possible for her and for you. In order to leave on good terms, follow the following rules.

invite a girl to secluded place. It can be a pleasant walk in the park or along the promenade. Try to find a place where there are few people so that the girl does not throw a scandal in public.

Tell her everything directly. Honesty is the best human trait. Explain the situation to her - the relationship has reached an impasse, love has passed, mutual understanding has disappeared, or something else.

Here you need to choose the right words:

  • Do not try to find an excuse for yourself - you have decided so and that is enough.
  • Don't blame her, even if you think it's her fault.
  • Speak calmly - you won't help the cause with a scandal.

In the future, the girl will appreciate this truly masculine act.

Don't build for her unnecessary illusions. Let her know that the relationship ended clearly and without embellishment.

If the conversation turns into an argument and scandals, without hesitation - leave. This will save both of you.

No need to try stay friends with a girl. These are empty hopes. No matter what she says, but for sure illusions will begin to build in her head, and hope will settle in her heart. Do not call, do not write to her and do not get in touch. She will soon realize the gravity of the situation. After that, both of you will build a new relationship.

You can read about how to quickly forget a girl in this article. The best recipe for forgetting an ex is to meet another woman. In this article you will find.

You can also meet online. How to get acquainted in the social. networks at this address - .

At the moment of parting, it is painful and insulting for both partners. But you should not save a relationship if feelings have cooled down or you do not see a future with this girl. A correct and quick parting will open both of you to a new love, which will really become feelings for a lifetime.

How to break up with a girl? The line between how to end the relationship and convey to the girl that there is no return and how to remain gallant and humane is thin. If you show yourself too softly, and, trying to support her, say a lot of compliments, you risk getting obsessive attention and attempts to convince you instead of ending the relationship. And in the case of a too harsh approach, you can seriously offend and cause irreparable mental wounds to a creature that, due to its feelings, is defenseless in front of you.

With people, we live a different amount of time together (from minutes to decades), it is easier to say goodbye to colleagues than to loved ones. Cases of saying goodbye to relationships from a sudden realization that a further path with this person is impossible (due to the departure of feelings or betrayal, changes in conditions or the discovery of unmanifested sides of the personality) are not new, painful and cause a lot of thought. If you decide to take this step not after a scandal, and this is a conscious decision, then you should end the relationship without dragging out the process and not letting the situation go out of control. The best option for this is an honest open conversation in a personal meeting, and the worst option is to leave without explanation, cutting off all the threads of communication.

If you are thinking about how to break up with a girl and remain friends, then you should also reconsider the accepted such interesting conclusions, in the light of the obviousness of your desire to continue communication. Perhaps behind this desire there is an escape from responsibility, or you have come up with too much about the demands of the girl herself from you, then it’s worth discussing it, and not turning your own feelings around - it won’t get any better.

But if the decision has matured in your soul and is supported by the logic of the mind, then you should take care of how to part with the girl without offending her.

How to break up with a girl without hurting her?

When relationships become unbearable, and you observe the daily systematic disappearance of those feelings that you used to associate, the problem arises of how to break up with a girl correctly. You can, of course, after reading the forums and advice of young pick-up artists, tell her nasty and sick things, call her the last words, but this will have a bad effect on your subsequent fate and reputation. If it all started sincerely, and you and the girl were dear to each other, you should rack your brains on how to part with the girl without offending her.

Beautiful and caring parting is not for everyone. Such an event requires internal self-report and patience, because you have to endure a flurry of negative others, possibly accusations and persuasion. But any effort will be justified by a worthy end, because no one knows what turn you will meet again, and to arouse a feeling of hatred or drive a person into depression with your refusal is a matter of minutes.

She will remember you and your separation, she will be upset - it will not be possible to influence this, but your task is not to provide the girl, but to soften the blow. Calmly discuss what happened with her, explain your decision, which was unacceptable for you. The most painful thing for the one from whom they leave is not to receive any feedback and sit, tormented by guesses because of what the other left (and the spectrum is large and you can sort through your every act, intonation, gesture for years). The more questions she has left, the brighter the girl’s fantasy will play out and the desire to still find out, which means she will bother with calls and watch out for meetings (not even out of a desire to return everything back, but out of a desire to understand what happened).

Trying to alleviate the pain that has arisen in her, do not run away immediately, listen to the answer, it is quite possible to bring her home or continue the conversation until calm emotions set in. Do one last thing for her. Avoid material gifts - they will remind you of your breakup or go to the nearest trash can. You can pay for the rent of an apartment if you lived together and move out, you can help with paperwork, if she had any, help with work - let this be a service that will help make her life easier for the next time after parting.

If you deliberately and finally decided to stop intimate communication, and the decision was not made on an emotional outburst, then you should not delay the conversation. When you come to such a decision, the girl already notices changes and a cold snap between you. The more carefully you play the role of “everything is OK” and the longer you delay the conversation, the stronger the emotional tsunami of consequences will be. And if, with a decisive and calm conversation, she will experience negative emotions, but accept a new situation and survive this state, then by delaying the conversation, you loosen the girl’s nervous system. She can, having lost internal resources for experiencing the unknown, fall into a hole.

If in a conversation she begins to blame you, you can offer your sincere apologies, but do not continue the relationship from. Accusations can develop into blackmail aimed at threats to destroy your health, life, or attempts to manipulate - prepare in advance, consult with lawyers and psychologists. Noticing tendencies towards a blackmailing type of behavior in your girlfriend, it makes sense to get the advice of professionals who work directly on this profile.

Particular attention in how to properly break up with a girl should be given to the spoken words. The absence of accusations and name-calling is an axiom if your goal is not the moral destruction of the girl. Tell her about her uniqueness, the importance and value of the experience, thank her and remember the positive - you should not smash the girls to smithereens. But do not get carried away with serenades, tell her that you don’t see ways to improve, tell her that she will be happier not with you, before that it’s good to restore those moments in her where your relationship was also not happy for her.

You can offer her companionship when she needs help, but do not impose, because it is problematic to be friends with a guy immediately after you have ceased to be lovers, and for many this is never possible. And it’s not worth it as a mental analgesic to offer her to leave sex or arrange a farewell night. This offer can hurt a girl very much, who will feel like a fallback, and for many, this is worse than being a nobody.

How to break up with a girl beautifully and correctly?

There are many reasons for ending a relationship - your task is to determine how significant they are for you. For example, the opinion of your bosom friends that this girl is not an option, based on their personal preferences or fear of losing your friendship, can hardly be considered objective, adequate, and have a priority. But if there is no love and common interests in your relationship, there are betrayals, distances and a feeling of lack of comfort nearby, then it is worth stopping the interaction and not reducing the number of nerve cells either for yourself or for the girl.

The Internet is full of various tricks on how to break up or how to make a girl leave you (all these methods are theatrical and two-faced), which may not work, but lead to increased love for you. Communicate honestly and openly, the person you once chose, and who went through a certain life path with you, is worthy of truthfulness and openness.

Choose a suitable place where there will be no distractions (cafes and cinemas are bad options) and a time when you can devote the remaining time to the feelings that have arisen and new questions. It would be inappropriate to arrange a farewell romantic dinner or make some special signs of attention towards the girl, such a contrast of emotions can greatly knock her out of a state of emotional balance.

Tell her honestly about your decision and the reasons that led to it. Thank the girl for the presented emotions and experience. Connect the memory and - you obviously have something to say thank you for, and move on to what, however, for the two of you this is not the best option. Even when the girl begins to assure you of the opposite (against the background, you can idealize in her), remind her of the cases and details that do not suit her and that you will not change.

If you notice that it is so easy to let go of you, she does not agree and begins to blackmail and threaten, then change tactics, do not push with the confidence of a tank, step aside, ask for a pause in the relationship to think about the situation, and then you will discuss it based on new conclusions. And slowly slowly move away.

How to part with a girl and remain friends is a task for a virtuoso and a sensitive guy, subject to a calm and mutual parting. Then, after a short time, you will begin to communicate, introduce each other to new passions and act as vests when parting with them. But the chance of friendship with a beloved or intimately attractive person, parting with which took place on scandalous notes, is practically zero.

If a girl offers friendship, postpone the breakup for a while and think, begins to tell that she cannot live without you, begs to stay and promises to become the way you like - check each of these statements for sincerity and do not succumb to manipulation. Even if your relationship will resume later, but at will, and not out of fear that an article about driving you to suicide will be hung on you. Stop all manipulative phrases in the bud and follow the chosen path - you have every right to freedom of manifestation of your desires and decisions. And if the situation goes beyond the framework of a civilized farewell, contact psychologists (possibly psychiatrists), law enforcement agencies and leave such relationships.

How to break up with a girl by text message?

By parting with a person personally, you show respect and can minimize the number of negative feelings in your partner. Resorting to the remote method of terminating relationships is the worst option, but there are code situations that are otherwise impossible. Perhaps you have long gone to different cities or attempts to personally end a relationship with a girl led to failure, or maybe you can’t bear to see her face when reporting bad news - there are an infinite number of options. They have one thing in common - after parting with SMS, you definitely will not remain friends and there will be no good relations or statements addressed to you.

Ending relationships with messages is becoming a common practice, and there are several reasons for this. Naturally, the appearance of messengers, which even help to look for the necessary wording, contributes, but the main reasons are the increase and irresponsibility in building relationships, as well as the very speed of relationships and life in general, where it seems absurd to spend a few precious hours for a personal meeting with someone who is already for you. in past.

When composing a message, try to take into account all the points so as not to turn everything into a long correspondence, failing the goal of the SMS itself - to get rid of the relationship faster and most painlessly. Start by addressing the girl by her first name, without using diminutives and your nicknames. Report your decision to leave or formulate it as the impossibility of being together anymore, then be sure to indicate the reason for the breakup. You should not write poems and go into details, this would be appropriate in a personal conversation, brevity is necessary for SMS (you can say that you are not ready to continue, that there are no previous feelings). Give thanks for what happened, apologize for the pain caused and the inability to tell all this in person. If it is appropriate and you think that accents should be placed, then ask not to disturb you anymore.

Observe courtesy and literacy. Having chosen one of the most unacceptable methods, do not aggravate it with monosyllabic phrases that boorishly confront the fact (“I left you, don’t call”, “we are breaking up”, etc.). This will give rise to many questions and claims addressed to you, and there is no need to talk about the amount of hatred that has arisen after the shock. Although, if you break up because of the betrayal of the girl, the fact that she cheated, humiliated and or otherwise behaved unacceptably, then you can skip the manners and concern for her sense of self. Stay polite so as not to pay with your authority, but the wording can be offensive, depending on her act. For example, the one who cheated can be told that you will soon have a wedding with a beautiful girl, and the one who disappeared all the time with friends can be sent that now you don’t have time for her.

The most difficult thing in parting by SMS is to show composure and not respond to messages and calls, the number of which will be comparable to an avalanche, since the girl will not tolerate such an attitude, but will seek a meeting and conversation, in which she will most likely smear you morally out of feeling to sweep.

When parting, keep humanity, no matter how fast your life is, no matter what reasons lead to a break, and if in doubt, talk openly with your partner - it's better than endlessly parting and getting back together, realizing that you are actually breaking up not ready.

Everything happens in life. And sometimes men are faced with one rather difficult choice. For example, imagine that you have a girl with whom you met long enough, and it would be time to take the relationship to a new level (living together or getting married), but something is holding back.

Everything seems to be the same as before, but something is missing, it no longer seems to you that this is exactly the woman with whom you would like to live your whole life, raise children and wait for grandchildren, spend all the holidays together, etc.

It would seem that everything is the same, but sex has already become somehow boring, and thoughts began to appear in my head that I could find someone better, etc. Of course, you can try to somehow “glue” the relationship, but this will not lead to anything good.

If there is any doubt, sooner or later, you still decide to part with her, but the later it is, the more painful it will be for both.

But how to leave a girl who still loves you and expects something more from you than just a breakup, and at the same time not offend and hurt her much?

How to decide on a breakup?

Before looking for acceptable ways to break up with a girl, you must decide for yourself whether you are ready for this separation, how do you imagine your life without her, are you ready to wake up every morning with the thought that she is not around? There can be many reasons for parting, but this is not now. In order to decide once and for all whether to leave or not, answer for yourself a few simple questions:

  • What is holding you together right now?
  • At what stage of development are they now?
  • Where will all this lead?

If you yourself understand that nothing keeps you with her (by and large) and you don’t think about anything more serious in the development of your relationship, and at the same time you don’t see in front of you exactly the one with whom you would like to grow old, while she still hopes to wear a white dress, then you should think about how to part with her in order to forget about her once and for all. Do not torture yourself and do not take away her young years from her.

The longer you put off this breakup, the harder it will be to do it even later. And for the girl it will be even more painful. First of all, let her know that the relationship between you has come to naught so that she will stop drawing pictures in her head of your happy future with three children in a country house. The more you are together, the more she loves you, the more painful the separation will be for her, and the more unpleasant for you.

Therefore, if you decide to leave a girl, then do it firmly without any remnants of hope for any continuation for her. Let it be a little cruel, but it will be better not only for her, but for both of you.

What to do if you decide to leave?

Quite often, on various pick-up sites and forums, you can find “advice” that if you decide to leave a girl, then in order to do it “beautifully”, you should start treating her in a boorish way, become colder, not answer calls and SMS , in other words, an abyss from her field of vision, or in every possible way to show his "disgust" towards her.

After such an appeal, the girl herself will want to leave. But this approach is far from being “beautiful”, because she loves you, and why, leave a negative mark after herself, so that after she considers and tells everyone what a goat and cattle you are.

And the worst thing that can happen after such a “beautiful” breakup is that the negativity and pain that you caused her will return to you. Let not immediately, but still ... This is the law of balance, you offended one person, soon, someone will hurt you too.

If you don’t know how to break up with a girl, don’t look for any insidious ways, but just talk to her, because they always want to be as honest and open with them as possible. if there is any specific reason, tell me about it. It will be much better this way: your conscience will not gnaw at you that you acted like a “schmuck” and it will not roar for long nights in search of a reason: "What did I do wrong?"

If, for example, a girl asks you about how you see your future together, and at the same time she is not in it, then tell her about it and explain why this way and not that way. Say clearly what you would like to see in a woman that is not in her.

After such an open breakup, the girl will respect you for your honesty, even if she roars for several days at first, but, nevertheless, you will have at least some friendly relations, and you will not pretend that you don’t know each other when you meet somewhere then on the street.

But, in this situation, one thing should be taken into account - you need to part so that she understands that there is nothing between you and cannot be, that is, that everything is over completely and irrevocably. She'd rather have no hope left than spend two more years hoping for a "happy ending."

Is it worth breaking up? Maybe nothing would be better?

Often men, guys make one gross mistake - they understand that the girl is not suitable for them, but continue to meet with her, afraid of losing, or return to the girl if they need to satisfy their physiological needs. But, if you want to be successful with women, you should not be tied to a serious relationship with one.

Look around, there are many girls and you will definitely find the one with whom you will not only sleep, but also see in her the mother of your children. Let this not happen immediately and you will have a lot of them, but still you will have the hope of becoming happy with your beloved.

In the process of searching for that one and only beloved, you may again face the question of how to break up with a girl. You can leave everything as it is, or you can again rush in search of the girl with whom you want to live your whole life.

It's up to you, but still it will be better if you wake up in the morning with your beloved and not look for any feelings on the side. Especially if you've tried more than once.

Don't be afraid to change anything in your life. We live once and why spend it with those with whom "the heart will seek others."

Everyone has their own problems: someone cannot find their soul mate, and someone, on the contrary, does not know how to get rid of it. There is nothing worse than leaving a girl without telling her. She will not be able to guess herself if she does not talk to you or, at worst, does not receive SMS. Leaving without a word is not a man's thing: you will lose not only your girlfriend, but your dignity and respect. Parting with a soul mate with whom you have a lot of connection is always difficult. But how can you make it less painful for yourself? We have compiled instructions on how to break up with a girl based on the experience of those who have been dumped more than once.

  1. Try to change everything

Before making such a decision, you must determine for yourself the reason for leaving. Be honest with yourself, feelings just don’t go away: they either didn’t exist, or there is an unresolved problem. Maybe you have some kind of resentment or unresolved situation that prevents you from loving. Try to change everything.

Do not hold evil on your soul mate - everyone is not perfect. Perhaps a date or a surprise that evokes positive emotions will change the situation. You will remember what a kind and caring girl you have, and she, in turn, will mark in you the features of a loving man.

  1. Make up your mind

If you are convinced that you do not want to raise children together, glue wallpaper and choose a gift for her mother for the holiday, then you better solve the problem right away. The girl needs to be explained that the reason for your separation is not in her, but in you. It is better to say that you cannot be a worthy companion for her, even if in fact she has problems.

Anyway, it's best to be honest. Banal phrases "it's not about you, but about me" can not get off. It is necessary to explain the reason, to brighten up somewhere, not to focus attention on something. Remember, you will leave, and the girl will be left alone with your words. Her self-esteem will be lowered if she finds out that she cooks badly or behaves like a 40-year-old woman in her 20s.

  1. Make yourself quit

If you can't get over the fact that a friend starts to hate you, then try to make her leave first. A girl will be very upset if her boyfriend forgets about a significant event: when they started dating or met. Ignorance of such things, as it were, says that you do not love her.

The reaction can be ambiguous: someone will begin to ignore and answer all questions “nothing happened”, and someone will throw a tantrum. In the second case, use the female tactics of "throw the blame on another." With its help, you can go from the topic “why didn’t you congratulate me on the anniversary of our relationship” to “why didn’t you let me go on the tenth anniversary of my communication with friends.”

  1. Send SMS

If you do not have the courage to say personally about the breakup, send at least an SMS. Be an adult and send a text that says something like “I’m glad we talked, but I don’t feel a connection between us. Thanks for all". Or other standard, perhaps offensive or just uncomfortable phrases that are used when parting.

  1. Get ready for a surge of emotion

After a fiery speech about the intention to break up, a storm of indignation named Natasha (the name of the girl who has just been dumped) is moving right at you. Your friend can't understand how you dare to leave her. She's wasted her best years on you.

Meanwhile, hundreds of excuses and decisions are spinning in her head about why we need to be together. Be cool and patient. If you definitely decided to leave, then do not succumb to persuasion and tricks.

Remember how many times you heard “I will change”, “let's start from the beginning”, “you can’t do this to me”. In fact, you can if the relationship causes pain and suffering to both.

  1. Give thanks for everything

Admit it: for 1 year and 4 months you didn’t just suffer and dreamed of leaving as soon as possible, but enjoyed life with a loved one. You have many shared happy and sad memories. From some it even drives you into depression, while from others you are in seventh heaven with happiness.

These relationships taught me a lot: to understand people, to fight manipulations and provocations, to understand what “nothing happened” means. Remember all the good things that connect you. Thank the girl even for the fact that every day she cooked dinners and collected socks, which, like a real man, were scattered throughout the apartment.

  1. Ask for forgiveness

Asking for forgiveness is always hard, especially when there is something for it. Don't say you didn't have joints. In a relationship, it is important to admit your mistakes, even if it comes to parting. This will allow you to complete the connection without nervous breakdowns. Apologize only for what you feel guilty about. Don't fall victim to emotional blackmail.

  1. Hide

After a tearful parting, it is better to “disappear from the radar” for a while: do not go to your favorite cafes and bars, shops and parks. Especially try not to catch the eye with your new girlfriend. What could be more hurtful than finding out that your ex found himself a girlfriend so quickly. Yes, and this is a bad form: having barely completed the old relationship, start a new one.

  1. Don't come back

Don't even think of writing to her in two weeks. Girls are not toys. You can not quit, and then meet, as if nothing had happened. You will only make it worse if you do this. When you feel like going back to her because you know she's waiting for you, remember that no river can be entered twice.

There are many situations in the relationship between a man and a woman, as a result of which separation follows. But not everyone manages to competently and painlessly survive the breakup, retaining pleasant impressions of each other. Psychologists especially note the inability of men to correctly present information to girls, although her further relationship with the opposite sex may depend on how to part with a girl.

Almost every girl who experiences pain and disappointment after a wrong breakup closes in on herself, and after a long time she cannot trust men. Therefore, in order for a man to save his face, the psycho-emotional state of the girl is in order, and also to maintain friendly relations for the future, you can use the rules and methods of how to end the relationship painlessly.

If a man has made a decision for himself to leave a girl, it is important for him to think carefully about everything so as not to take hasty actions that you can later regret. There are times when crises arise between partners, difficulties in everyday life, misunderstandings, quarrels. Against the background of emotions, it seems that this is the end of the relationship, but after a while, feelings and reason take over.

Psychologists help to decide whether to leave a girl, naming the main reasons for breaking up a relationship. Namely:

  • treason or serious betrayal;
  • lack of feelings in one or both partners at once;
  • discomfort in relationships or living together;
  • different views on life and principles;
  • distance between partners;
  • lack of common interests and plans for further life together.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

Putting an end to a relationship with the girl you love is a hasty decision that needs to be carefully considered. And only with that girl for whom there are no feelings, you can safely part, but according to the rules and in suitable ways, so as not to offend or injure her.

How to break up with a girl without hurting her?

Only a real man will worry about how to properly break up with his girlfriend so as not to cause her deep emotional trauma. You need to be especially delicate in relation to a very young person, since often a negative first experience leaves a heavy imprint on her future personal life. Psychologists offer several methods for a guy to painlessly tell a girl that we are breaking up.

  1. rational method. With another quarrel and crisis in a relationship, you need to calm your emotions and help your girlfriend calm down. After that, look into the eyes and say that you need to have a serious conversation that this cannot continue. You can explain to the girl that this relationship is a utopia, and if you leave in a timely manner, without leading to deep quarrels, you can maintain warm friendly relations. It is imperative to clarify at what points the partners do not suit each other, that common interests and points of contact have disappeared. In the end, it must be said that the girl gave him a lot of happiness and good memories, which he does not want to erase with quarrels.
  2. The Rise of a Woman. You can part beautifully if you say the phrase “I am absolutely not worthy of you,” since all girls love with their ears. You can emphasize all the best qualities of character, external attractiveness, saying that a girl deserves a strong, successful and wealthy companion for a high quality life. By suggesting that the breakup is not her fault, you can save her self-esteem and faith in herself. It should be especially noted that it is not the man who leaves her, he only gives her the opportunity to better arrange her life.
  3. beautiful gesture. If a man does not know how to part after a long relationship with his companion, so as not to hurt her, psychologists advise her to give her a good present first. First you need to present a gift, saying that she deserves only the best in life, including a man. After that, you need to gently part, without focusing on any problems. If she is not mentally prepared for such a decision, you can give her time to calm down, and then talk frankly and calmly.

If a man doubts whether it is worth parting with a girl, you need to mentally think through all the “pluses and minuses” in the relationship, analyze the depth of your feelings, and also determine the presence or absence of a common future. Not a single psychologist can answer unequivocally, how to understand that it is time to part, only the heart and inner voice will tell you that this is not your person.

SMS breakups: pros and cons

Many men, due to moral immaturity, fears and embarrassment, prefer to present all important information to a girl via SMS or social networks (for example, VK), protecting themselves from her reaction. Psychologists do not approve of remote communication options with a girl, since it is impossible to convey an emotional message through SMS and correspondence, and speech can be perceived in the wrong direction.

Is it worth it to break up by SMS?


If there are distances and other obstacles between partners, you first need to think carefully about how to write to a girl about breaking up. To begin with, it must be emphasized that a man regrets the lack of the possibility of a face-to-face conversation, that relationships are extremely important to him, like a girl. Next, you need to name the reasons for the separation extremely delicately so as not to bring down the burden of guilt on her vulnerable soul.

Important! At the end of the correspondence, it is specified how important it is for a man to maintain a good relationship with his ex-lover, since there will always be trust and mutual support between them.

How to tell a girl that we are breaking up?

Parting can occur according to several scenarios and methods proposed by experts. The main thing is to decide on the format of relations between partners, as well as to make sure that there are no prospects and a common future. And only in this case, a man can proceed to drastic measures.

How to break up with a girl who loves you?

The most difficult thing is to leave a girl who loves you, but you don’t love her, since the likelihood of mental anguish and worries on her part is extremely high. But in any case, you will have to end the relationship without a future, not a single couple will last long in pity. Many psychologists receive questions from men of this kind, I can’t leave a girl out of pity, because she loves, but I don’t. The main rule is to change the tactics of behavior and the format of conversations with her.

The first thing a man needs to do is correct his speech, you can offer to pause the relationship in order to take a breath of fresh air and look at the relationship from the outside. Next, you need to set a time period, after which it will be possible to meet and discuss the possibility of further relations or a break. Only after that you need to do everything to gently move away and end the relationship, following the principle of honesty and frankness of the conversation.

How to break up with the girl you live with?

Situations when a man is in a long and serious relationship, has been living with a girl for several years, lead to the fact that he is just sorry to leave the girl. In any case, against the background of pity, you can significantly undermine her self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as lose all respect for her. Therefore, psychologists insist that without a future and feelings, you need to part competently and in a timely manner.

Most often, people, even in the absence of feelings for each other, hold on to only one habit and convenience, ruthlessly taking time and chances to build other relationships. To begin with, in order to end the relationship, a man in a frank conversation must clearly articulate the reasons for breaking up with the girl, as well as the impossibility of correcting them. A man himself should know how to talk about a breakup, since he lived side by side with a girl for a long time and is familiar with her behavior patterns.

Responsibility for her emotional state and the period of experience lies solely with the initiator of the break, that is, with him. It is important to trace the degree of depression of the state so that the girl does not harm herself in an unconscious state. Of course, parting with an ex-lover and remaining friends is only possible for virtuosos and the lucky ones, but it is necessary to try to protect her from mental anguish as much as possible.

How to break up with the girl you love?

Not only men are concerned about how to gently part with a girl so that she does not suffer. Often there are situations when a girl becomes the initiator of a breakup, and unpleasant and painful sensations await a man. To, psychologists offer several ways:

  • a new hobby and hobby that will take away free time, give new emotions;
  • changing jobs or places of study to protect yourself from memories of the past;
  • engaging in extreme sports that increase self-esteem;
  • moving to another city, which will help to say goodbye to the past.

The main rule is to protect yourself from the ex-lover, and also to occupy all your thoughts with something else. From the house you need to take out all the things that may remind you of a relationship. The best way to get rid of old feelings is the emergence of new ones, respectively, psychologists advise having a new passion. Even if these relationships are short-term and fleeting, it will help to be distracted and not withdraw into yourself.

What to do if you can't leave a girl?

If a man does not find the strength and determination to leave a girl with whom a relationship is impossible for a number of good reasons, you can replay the scenario of actions. Pickup masters teach you how to get a girl to leave you on her own initiative. This will not only help a man “get out of the water dry”, but also protect her delicate mental organization from pain and injury.

You can get on her nerves in every possible way, show slovenliness in everyday life, be rude and ill-mannered, making it clear with your appearance that this man is not a match for her. You can be late for meetings, forget important dates, up to her birthday, hint that she has gained excess weight, and rudeness to her parents will be the most forbidden trick. At the very first of her reproaches, you can say "If you don't like it, leave me, you will definitely meet a worthy man."


In fact, the entire responsibility for the breakup of relationships and the psycho-emotional state lies with the man. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify and clearly articulate the reasons why a relationship is impossible, and then have an honest and competent conversation. Particular attention should be paid to the stage and format of the relationship, the characteristics of the female character, having thought through different models of the girl's behavior after the break. All the subtleties of explanations and maintaining peace of mind between both partners are discussed above.