How to kiss passionately? We study a kiss passionately. How to learn to kiss passionately, or How to make your kiss unforgettable. Lessons for girls What happens if you kiss passionately

Dating & Pickup

How to kiss with tongue (sucking)

If ordinary kisses are already taken for granted, then kisses with the tongue or they are kisses "sucking" are already considered to be a transfer of relations to a new level. Therefore, you should definitely learn the technique of French kissing, from which not only the girl's lips become wet, but also something else!

So, translated from French, such wet kisses are called the “kiss of the soul”, which rather frankly hints at both physical and spiritual intimacy. However, without preparation, making a quality kiss with the tongue and “connecting your souls” is not so easy, so you should definitely read our article and watch the video.

What gives us a kiss. It is believed that by kissing, a girl can determine the mood of a guy and determine the future of their relationship: to meet or better to leave. Therefore, the kiss should be not only pleasant, but also flawless, so that the girl transfers this magical feeling to all future relationships. And this can be achieved.

Before the tongue kiss

Confidence. If you behave insecurely and shyly, then only “mommies” will want to kiss you and amuse their pride that they “helped” the guy take such an important step. The rest of the girls will frankly lose interest in you, and not only will they not kiss you, but they may even go to someone else. Therefore, forget about inner excitement and questions like: “Will she like it?”, “Will I succeed?”. Even if at first you will not do everything so clearly, you will feel confident: the girl will play along with you. And this is what we need!

Pleasant breath. If you forget to brush your teeth before kissing a girl, or if you don’t eat the freshest shawarma, then your chances of a normal tongue kiss will drop to zero. Girls will forgive you for a little carelessness in a kiss, but they will never forgive you for bad breath.

Therefore, make sure that this moment is carefully checked before meeting with a girl, and take a pack of mint records or chewing gum with you to the meeting. A really elementary thing, which, unfortunately, the guys forget.

Cozy place. Such frank kisses bring a lot of passion to the relationship, however, they are condemned by the adult generation. Therefore, in order not to incur troubles and law enforcement agencies caused by local grandmothers, it is better to choose a quieter place.

tongue kissing technique

We start right. A kiss with a tongue is included in the symphony of passion, so you should not just pounce on a girl with it. If you try to immediately stick your tongue into your girlfriend's mouth, then she will definitely not appreciate your act. Therefore, follow the instructions and do everything sequentially.

Embrace and body position. The ideal position of the hands can be called their location on her waist, but this should not be a static position, do not forget to gently caress the girl, lightly stroking her back, tummy and neck. The girls are turned on and they relax.

If your relationship is already close enough, then you can still give up if you expect subsequent sex. Of course, this is risky, but under passion, girls behave more freely.

You should tilt your head a little to the side to avoid embarrassment when your nose rests on her spout. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but it should be avoided.

From a simple kiss to a tongue kiss. To begin with, you need to warm up your girlfriend with ordinary kisses and tactile sensations (touches). After you feel that the girl is more and more “going into you” (leaning on you), you need to request permission to kiss. This is done by opening your mouth a little wider and touching the tip of your tongue to her lip. If this action did not embarrass the girl, then you received permission to kiss. Now you can carefully enter the tongue into the girl's mouth and touch her tongue. Such gentle touches bring great pleasure.

French Kiss. Now it's time for our long awaited kiss. You lightly press the girl to you with your hands and start a kiss: gently run your tongue first clockwise along her lips, and then go deeper into her mouth and also move clockwise. You need to play a little with her tongue and go down under the girl's tongue - there is a very sensitive place. Usually at this point the girls also start to play with you. You can even “bite” her tongue a little, but be careful - you can hurt the girl, since it is difficult to calculate your strength.

Finishing the French Kiss the french kiss doesn't end, but gradually gets slower and slower until you run your tongue over your girlfriend's lips again, then gently pull it out and continue kissing without your tongue. Thus, you give the girl a continuation that will turn her on even more. Often, after you yourself finish such a kiss, the girl again attacks you herself. If so, then you are handsome!

tongue kissing mistakes

Drooling. Of course, in candid films, we are shown abundant drooling and admiring faces of girls from what is happening, but in reality this has nothing to do with reality. Many girls do not feel very comfortable when you start licking them and drooling abundantly. So control this moment.

Depth. You shouldn't stick your tongue too deep into your girlfriend's mouth. This can cause discomfort and sometimes a gag reflex. We think you will agree that this is not the best outcome of a kiss!

About French kissing. Wet kissing is considered a great flair that you can bring to your relationship, but they should not become commonplace, so they should not be abused.

Proper french kissing

It is rare that someone can learn how to kiss with the tongue correctly the first time, but usually by 2-3 times everything becomes obvious and understandable. So if you want to learn tongue kissing, you need a girl and some confidence. Believe me, in a couple of days you will be able to do it perfectly!

Looking for information on how to kiss passionately? What do you think - your soul mate can now also "drive" this phrase into the search engine? In general, the topic seems to be, at first glance, seems ridiculous, but, on the other hand, it is extremely delicate. Kissing is a mysterious act, more even than close contact. It is believed that he is able to show the incompatibility of partners. No wonder there is such a thing as the psychology of a kiss.

Sometimes it happens that people seem incredibly close to each other, but as soon as they exchange kisses, they understand that there really is no passion. Such relationships either subsequently develop into warm friendship, or into coldness, or even into complete rejection. This is how kisses decide fate. Do you know who is especially affected by the sensations of a kiss? Women! And a kiss will tell them much more than all the words spoken by a man "before" and "after". A man cares about such caresses all the same less. It so happens that on an intuitive level, after kissing, a woman intuitively feels whether the relationship will continue, and whether she is ready to stay with a man at all.

How to kiss in a hickey? To be honest, only general recommendations can be given here. A kiss is a creative process and "professionalism" in such a matter comes with time. It's like taking your first steps, your first words, or the first book you read. The way a person kisses speaks of his condition. At this moment, his psychological mood is revealed.

First steps

It all starts with a gentle kiss from mom. Filled with sincere warmth, or concern for the health of the child, it becomes the basis of relationships in the future. Thus begins a silent conversation. The kid grows and then begins to hug and kiss his parents, showing them his reciprocal love. So the child silently says his first words about love.

Growing up completely, he kisses the representatives of the opposite sex, hoping to get mutual warmth, and often just friendly. This is how the first silent phrases are formed. But when a person falls in love, he begins to silently read poetry, expressing them in kisses. They are either light and airy, or fleeting, or burning-passionate. But the most burning kiss is romantic. His ability to talk about overwhelming emotions cannot be overestimated. With it, a powerful positive charge of energy is transmitted, which enhances the production of hormones. And that, by the way, is chemistry.

What is produced during such kisses?

1. Serotonin. It causes euphoria, uplifting mood.

2. Oxytocin. Responsible for love and affection.

3. dopamine. In his power - pain and joy.

4. Adrenalin. It is thanks to him that after a kiss, the body is saturated with oxygen, and the heart works at a frantic pace.

By the way, a kiss passionately, like no other, can improve a bad mood and even make you forget for a while about pressing problems. By the way, a substance such as oxytocin is produced in a man in greater quantities than in a woman. Moreover, a kiss, provoking the production of the substances listed above, also sharpens the sense of smell. Accordingly, a person reacts more sharply to pheromones produced by a partner, most of which, by the way, are located just at the nasolabial folds. It turns out that a kiss contributes to the production of hormones of happiness. Of course, this applies only to those couples where there is reciprocity and absolute trust.


French kiss - that's how it is also called a passionate kiss. Of course, light touches with lips can excite so much that the heart literally beats off a tap dance. But such a kiss is almost closeness! This is not just a merging of lips, but also of souls. Just thinking about it takes your breath away. But you don’t need to pounce on your loved one with unbridled passion, otherwise he may overestimate your feelings in a not the best way. Do you want to be sensual? Stay sweet, gentle, feminine. To be a warrior since the birth of mankind must be a man. Let him take the initiative in strong hands. Leave him this privilege. Just respond to the touch of your loved one.

There is no need to rush, also because your inability will immediately come out. Love is an incredibly beautiful and sensual tango, so give the leading role to your partner. Your body itself will tell you how to behave, the main thing is to listen to it. Trust your feelings, and you will understand that the movements of tongues, it turns out, are not random wandering, but a rhythm that obeys only its own unwritten laws. Do not be nervous, otherwise you will lose this rhythm. As soon as you start obsessing over what to do with the tongue, your movements will become clumsy and clumsy, even if you already had some experience. And this is the first kiss, then maybe nothing will work out. So, for success to be one hundred percent, trust your loved one and your own feelings.


You will not find any clear rules regarding kisses anywhere - they simply do not exist. Feelings, fantasy and improvisation are important here. You can lightly suck on the tongue and lips (alternately) of your partner, run your tongue over his palate. Do not be afraid to study the mouth of a loved one in this way.

Do not believe the one who says that a passionate kiss is vulgarity! Can the passion of loving hearts be vulgar? Touch your partner's lips, let his tongue enter your mouth, do the same as he does.

Try to create a light vacuum, lick and caress your tongue in a kiss, the way you would do it with your hands with the delicate skin of a loved one. Some claim that such a kiss must be very intense and you need to suck your tongue and lips with force. However, after such caresses, both of you risk getting decent bruises. Do you both need such decorations? Kissing passionately is like aged wine - the longer you do it, the better it turns out, the more intoxicating.

Freshness of breath

This is, perhaps, the most important thing that could even be attributed to "technical parameters". Be sure to take care of the freshness of your breath before a date. First, brush your teeth. Secondly, bring a special refreshing spray, or "tic-tac", with you. What you don't need to take is chewing gum. A kiss cannot be attributed to the planned phenomena, will you not swallow the gum, or spit it out right in front of your partner?

If your partner does not smoke, then you will also have to give up cigarettes. Kissing after smoking can be like licking an ashtray, but you don't have to, right? In addition, some men generally do not like it when women smoke. And this is understandable, because they are thinking about creating a family, about children. Therefore, it is unlikely that a normal person will be satisfied that the expectant mother does not think about the health of her offspring. Therefore, breath refreshed by a spray is wonderful, but the ideal option is a complete rejection of addiction. Yes, and kisses will be given to you much easier, because then there will already be much less freedom-limiting complexes.

As you know, a kiss is considered an important element of the love game. It can be both a prelude to sexual intercourse, and a simple manifestation of tenderness, sympathy, care. There are two types of kiss: classic (that is, on the lips) and French (with the penetration of the tongue into the partner's mouth). So, how do you kiss passionately?


To begin with, a few words should be said about the prelude to a kiss. Because this process is intimate physical contact, you should make sure you smell good beforehand. Do not neglect (if you do not get too much physical activity, a daily shower and deodorant will be enough). Do you think that is not very pleasant? It may well be. In this case, menthol candies will come to the rescue. Do not forget that your breath should not inform the girl that a couple of hours ago you ate a steak under and washed it down with a bottle of beer. In this case, you run the risk of never knowing how to kiss passionately. In general, hot spices and alcohol are the enemies of a romantic kiss. In extreme cases, you need to eat them together with your soulmate. Pay attention to the condition of the lips: it is extremely unpleasant when the person kissing you has rough, cracked lips.

visual contact

Before you think about how they kiss passionately, we advise you to remember about visual contact. Look your loved one in the eyes, run your hand over your cheek, straighten a strand of hair, gently hug him. Thus, you "prepare the ground" for a kiss. If you suddenly grab a girl in the middle of a conversation and pounce on her, the response may be a frightened squeal, or even a good blow.

classic kiss

Let's move on to the main thing: how do they kiss passionately? Slowly bring your face closer to your partner and slightly stretch your lips forward (while they should be relaxed and slightly parted). Do not try to portray a vacuum cleaner with your mouth - everything should be as relaxed as possible. Now touch your partner's lower lip with both lips. Kiss alternately the top, then the bottom, but let the other half take the initiative.


Many teenagers who are interested in how to do it also ask how to find out if the second person liked it? It's easy to do. During the kiss, pause briefly, step back and look your partner in the eye. If his face is completely relaxed, his eyes shine and cannot focus at one point, his breathing is quickened, his cheeks are painted with a gentle blush - then you beat great. Feel free to continue kissing. If a person tightens his lips, frowns and tries to turn away, you may have rushed to express tender feelings.

French Kiss

Now let's talk about how to kiss the tongue in a hickey. In this case, you will need to do everything in the same way as in the previous version, but at the same time gradually connect the tongue to the lips. Do not try to immediately reach out to foreign tonsils and examine the oral cavity in detail. To begin, lightly run the tip of your tongue along your partner's lip, then carefully find his tongue. Remember that excessive pressure can only harm, everything should happen smoothly and gradually.

The sucking kiss is the most popular in the world among different age categories, apart from, of course, the classic kiss. However, despite its prevalence, many are interested in the details of the execution of a kiss with a suction. The following tips will help you understand the most important issue - how to kiss in a hickey.

The main principle of the sucking kiss is the contact of two languages, and any recommendations about which actions in this case are correct and which are wrong are not applicable. Usually the initiator of the kiss is a man, but it is completely possible that the partner will take on the role of the first violin. More often two languages ​​work, but one can work.

There are many options for the development of events. The easiest is if you have the opportunity to open your mouth and just wait for what will happen next. It's more difficult if it's up to you to act. First, imagine that everything you do in your partner's mouth is happening to you. And then it will be easier for you to guess and satisfy the desires of your partner.

How to kiss passionately?

How to kiss passionately? The best introduction will be a variety of kisses with lips. The mouth should be slightly open. An exhilarating kiss with open lips should prompt your partner to move back - and he, too, will open his mouth. If, contrary to expectations, this did not happen, then try to lightly suck on your partner's lip, which should relax him. As soon as the partner opens his mouth, feel free to start acting with your tongue.

The main thing is not to worry and be nervous: kissing passionately is very pleasant. Stick your tongue out towards your partner's and play with the tip. You will feel like your heart is jumping out of your chest, you want to cry and laugh at the same time. During the kiss, you need to lightly suck on the partner's tongue, while getting as close to each other as possible. In this case, the language can work as one of the partners, and both at the same time.

Many are concerned about the question: is it possible to forcefully press on the tongue of a partner. The answer is simple: of course, and you can do this as long as the process gives mutual pleasure. Particularly pleasant sensations can be delivered by a slight resistance of the partner's tongue. Do not forget to periodically check the reaction of your partner, which will tell you whether to continue in the same spirit or is it more appropriate to change tactics?

Some techniques for kissing passionately

One way to diversify the kissing process is to rotate the tongue. In this case, it is also extremely important to follow the emotions of your partner during your actions. If your partner is delighted with your innovation and reciprocates, feel free to continue. If you suddenly read negative emotions on his face, postpone the experiment altogether, or try again in the future, when you get used to each other more.

How to kiss passionately? Is it worth it to bite your partner's lips? And if you don't like it? Of course, you can try, but not immediately, so as not to frighten off your partner. You need to start slowly, smoothly and gently. Then you can add intensity. The main thing in this process is to constantly change the force of impact on the partner's lips. Make him guess: what will you do in a second?

It remains only to discuss the question of the optimal duration of such a kiss. Some believe that the duration of the kiss should be about a minute. However, a real passionate kiss lasts longer. Partners breathe through their noses, but it is normal for them to be aroused and start to choke a little.

The main thing with a passionate kiss is sensitivity, tenderness and the desire to deliver maximum pleasure to the partner.

Every person wants to appear in front of a loved one in the best possible light. But how to do it if there is no experience? Therefore, we propose today to chat on the topic of kisses. After all, the art of kissing is magical and very intimate. Do you think we're exaggerating?

Let's figure it out together. In the process of revealing the topic in this article, we will show you how you can learn to kiss (techniques and ways), how to do it correctly in order to leave a pleasant impression on your beloved girl / boyfriend, and what mistakes to avoid.

How to learn to kiss correctly?

In the process of life, we often kiss our loved ones, pets, girlfriends / friends with children. But personal kissing is a different matter. A gentle touch of the lips is not enough here. In this variant, it is not done in passing or just at a meeting - it is an opportunity to express your feelings and show your partner / partner your attitude and, possibly, intentions.

And no matter how old you are 50 or 18, in order to learn how to kiss there are no age limits. Therefore, we offer you to learn how to kiss your loved one passionately and with your tongue correctly.

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The French believe that during a kiss people touch not only the body and tongue, but also the soul. Therefore, the first advice is to turn on emotions, but do not forget about your partner. You should not think only about yourself.

If you are pleased, this does not mean that the girl is experiencing the same thing. Follow her reaction, she will tell you how to correct your actions and you can quickly learn how to kiss your beloved and understand her better.

Another mistake that guys often make is a wide-open mouth. This should not be done either. However, squeezing your lips too much is also the wrong option. The girl herself will tell you how she likes it better, well, or you yourself will see by her reaction.

A practice that has helped more than one generation will come to the aid of kisses:

Take care of fresh breath;
create a romantic atmosphere;
take your time, kiss this sacrament that does not tolerate fuss;
do not be constrained during the kiss: connect your hands (for example, stroke the girl's back), let yourself and the girl surrender to emotions;
it is better to close your eyes during a kiss, this helps to surrender to emotions and better concentrate on the process and your own feelings;
discard the constraint even if this is your first "adult" kiss, you can start from the girl's neck or ear, gradually moving towards her lips;
you don’t need to immediately try to stick your tongue into your partner’s mouth, everything should happen gradually, start with parted lips and light teasing from the surface of the lips (along the contour), gradually moving deeper;
use several techniques alternately: there are several options; french (wet, deep tongue penetration, suction), superficial, biting or sucking. Combining and alternating the application of different kisses will allow both of you to enjoy the moment and feel the approaching passion.

How to learn to kiss with a guy lessons for girls

A girl during a kiss must also perform certain actions by which a partner can determine her feelings. For example, if a girl clenches her lips, looks away or turns away, the guy must understand that she is either uncomfortable with what he is doing or she is not yet ready for such a turn of events.

If we talk about the process itself, i.e. specifically about how a girl learns to kiss, you can use a hackneyed trick: learn to kiss passionately on tomatoes. For these purposes, any ripe vegetable with a thin peel is suitable (you can also replace it with fruit). The purpose of the process is to get to the pulp without the use of teeth (only lips and tongue). This method can be used by girls, but also by boys.

Kiss passionately, kiss with the tongue - how not to blunder the first time

The very technique of French kissing (sucking) is not as complicated as it might seem, but for the first time everything always seems more complicated. However, judge for yourself:

Make eye contact;
slightly open your lips;
start with light contact of the lips, gradually moving the tongue from the contour of the lips inward;
play with your tongue with the tongue of a girl / guy, explore every centimeter of it;
remember the lessons with the tomato and take action, but take your time, do it gently and with feeling. The partner / partner should have the impression that his tongue was pleasantly sucked.

Kissing passionately is not difficult to learn if you want to, but during the kiss, not only the lips and tongue should participate, but the whole body (remember the French?). Give your partner the opportunity to feel that he is pleasant to you with the help of strokes. It is permissible to stroke hair, face, back, hands, etc.

Video how to kiss

Theory without practice is, of course, useless. Therefore, we suggest that you additionally watch a video on how to kiss correctly, how to move your tongue video kissing lessons (theory in pictures and videos step by step for beginners in Russian, thanks to which they quickly learn to kiss well). Well, then, if this is your first time, you can proceed to practical exercises. However, we are sure that even if this is not the first kiss, practical experience in a free video lesson step by step (photos and pictures) from the guru of your business will not hurt and will quickly teach anyone who wants to kiss cool!