How to sew the sides of the pillow in a round bed. Sew bumpers in a crib for newborns with your own hands

The appearance of a baby in the family is always a joyful event. But you need to carefully prepare for it. An integral attribute of a crib are soft sides that will protect the child from drafts and impacts on hard bars. In stores, such sets are quite expensive, but you can go the alternative way and sew original bumpers with your own hands. Such a product will turn out to be individual and will be a wonderful gift for young parents.

Bumpers for baby crib

First of all, before directly sewing the sides, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages, because many are generally against installing them on the walls of the crib. So, the sides, especially those created by oneself, differ in a lot of advantages:

It is now widely believed that the bumpers in the crib are an extra element that, like any textile, collects dust. Yes, indeed, they gather dust quickly, but regular washing avoids such a problem. After all, the safety of a newborn is more expensive.

Opponents of crib bumpers say that such details in the crib only interfere with the child, blocking the view. But after all, in the first six months - a year of life, the baby cannot focus his vision on distant objects, so it is not necessary to open a review for him from the crib. At this time, an atmosphere of security and comfort comes to the fore, which will be created by the sides for the crib.

It should be noted right away that it is not worth using sides with a thick layer of filler for round cribs, since such furniture initially has little space for location. It is worth either reducing the layer, or using a material such as holkon for stuffing.

Types of filler for sides

For a crib, not only the indicator of safety from impacts is important, but also environmental friendliness, so every mother wonders what kind of material it is better to make bumpers for a baby. Today, there are a lot of fillers for the sides, which differ from each other in some features:

  • Foam rubber is a microfiller that requires careful care and high-quality drying. This material has the ability to retain moisture inside, which under certain conditions can cause the accumulation of microorganisms inside.

  • Sintepon is one of the best fillers for baby bumpers in the crib. It is inexpensive, yet stretches well and dries quickly, which is an advantage for regular care.

  • Hollofiber is a material of a modern type, which, in terms of its quality characteristics, is ahead of the synthetic winterizer. Holofiber is exceptionally non-toxic and quick drying. At the same time, it does not deform after washing, which allows you to maintain the original appearance of the sides for the crib. Due to the unique spiral structure, this filler has high wear resistance.

  • Periotek is an innovative type of hypoallergenic material. Periotek is flexible and easy to wash in the washing machine, which is a plus when caring for the sides.

  • Holcon is an artificial filler. It is hypoallergenic, heat resistant, has high flexibility and wear resistance.

  • Polyester is a hollow type fiber, due to which it retains its original size and shape, and also does not absorb odor and water. These are wonderful properties that are the best fit for bumpers in a crib.

Some use feathers and down to stuff the sides of the crib because of their naturalness, but this is highly undesirable, as it can cause allergies in the baby. In addition, the naturalness of these fillers becomes the starting point for the reproduction of ticks and other organisms in them, which will not bring anything good.

The choice of fabric for the sides

Not only the filler affects the quality characteristics of the bumpers in the crib for the baby, but also the fabric from which they are made. The main qualities for the fabric that will go on the sides to the crib are its naturalness and density. Choose only environmentally friendly canvases that have the ability to "breathe".

No matter how good a fabric made of synthetic fibers is, it will never compare with natural. Therefore, it is worth stopping the choice on any fabric based on cotton. Flannel, linen, coarse calico, chintz are perfect for sewing bumpers.

Important! Before cutting, the fabric must be washed and ironed well.

Beautiful and original models

The variety of bumpers for newborn cribs is so great that it can be quite difficult to choose the right model. There is a certain classification that separates all products that are not suitable for calm, angry children and universal options. In terms of sewing complexity, such models have practically no differences, but they have a different configuration.

So, solid-type crib bumpers are most suitable for active babies. The probability that the child will get stuck between the bars is very small, since there are no gaps between the pillows. The main advantage of such bumpers with a height of 20 - 25 cm is that they practically exclude children's injuries, while leaving the possibility of a circular view, which is what active children need so much.

Side pillows are suitable for calmer kids who are not prone to climbing into various cracks. Such children will look at the constituent elements of each pillow for a long time, and sometimes look through the gap to see what is happening in the room. For such a child, even a replaceable set of bumpers will not be required for the time of washing the main one, 2-3 pillows will be enough.

The work on sewing such bumpers is a little more complicated, since it is necessary to complete several components of the kit. But on the other hand, pillows can be used for various purposes when the baby grows up.

An interesting option are the sides-rollers. They are used less frequently, but such models have a number of advantages, including:

  • the possibility of building as the child grows;
  • ease of cutting and sewing;
  • creating security with full visibility;
  • minimum consumption of fabric and the number of ties.

But such sides are difficult to wash and store, since it is unlikely that they can be folded compactly.

Decorating the crib with thematic drawings that contribute to the development of the baby is the right decision. The next photo shows just such a model, which combines a solid color border at the bottom and complements it with thematic pictures at the top.

This design contributes to the development of the child and, importantly, distracts him. The kid can lie down for hours and look at various images, touch the protruding details, and the mother at this time can do household chores without any problems. Such and similar sides are easy to do with your own hands from shreds of fabric. But it is better to stick to a neutral range so that there is no excessive variegation that will not benefit the child.

Recently, especially popular and fashionable bumpers for cribs are pillows in the form of owls. They can be made for both girls and boys. It is enough to choose the right color scheme of performance.

Of course, it will be difficult for a beginner to sew with his own hands, but an experienced craftswoman will easily create a unique design.

You can make bumpers for the crib in any style and design, just use your imagination or use ready-made product options. But it is worth remembering that it is not recommended for a baby to use buttons and other small decorative items that he can easily tear off as decorations on the sides. It is better to do all the decor directly from the fabric.

How to sew bumpers in a crib for a newborn with your own hands

First of all, before sewing the sides for the crib, you need to determine the desired model, size, fabric and filler. Based on the configuration of the product being made, a pattern is made that will allow you to transfer all the constituent elements from paper to fabric.

It is also worthwhile to determine in advance the method of attaching the sides to the crib. Will it be just a tie or Velcro is needed. Depending on the need to remove the cover, zippers are purchased.

In this article, we will talk about sewing two options for crib bumpers: high standard and in the form of pillows.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary tools and materials so that in the process you are not distracted by their search. You will need: chalk or a small piece of dry soap, a centimeter, scissors, a sewing machine, threads of the desired color and quality, pins, fabric, ribbon for ties, filler, additional decorative elements to decorate the finished sides.

Important! You can determine the amount of fabric by multiplying the perimeter of the crib by the desired height of the products. The resulting number must be multiplied by 2. This will turn out the amount of fabric that will be required for work. It is better to take a little more to eliminate the disadvantage.

To create a pattern, you will need:

  • Carefully measure the dimensions of the bed and choose the appropriate height of the side.
  • Transfer the pattern to paper or tracing paper.
  • Lay out the fabric and transfer the part to it strictly according to the pattern.
  • Cut out the blank and proceed to further steps.
  • high sides

    We will sew bumpers for a standard baby crib with dimensions of 120 * 60 cm. To make bumpers for this type of crib, you must follow the instructions:

    The sides are made, now you just need to tie them to the slats on the crib and a cozy place for the baby is ready.


    To create an even more comfortable atmosphere in the child's bed, pillows are used as bumpers, which can also be made by hand. Between themselves, such elements are not fixed, they are fixed on the bars of the crib.

    To create them, you must first cut out:

    • 4 pieces of pillows for the end wall with dimensions 50 * 70 and an additional allowance for seams and a reduction in volume after stuffing 5 cm.
    • 4 details of large pillows for one of the side walls with dimensions of each 50 * 70 cm and seam allowances as in the previous case.
    • 6 details of small pillows for the second side wall with dimensions of 40 * 50 cm.
    • 28 details for the formation of ties on all sides.

    After that, it is necessary to cut the insulation in accordance with the dimensions of each pillow. The blanks are sewn together, a synthetic winterizer or other stuffing is placed in them and supplemented with a zipper for ease of washing.

    Pillow decoration is at the discretion of the master. If you wish, you can decorate the edges of the pillows with frills or lace, satin ribbon or other elements that will come in handy in each case.

    For convenience, the ties are supplemented with Velcro, which will allow you to quickly remove them and put them in place. For greater strength, Velcro is sewn not only around the perimeter, but also diagonally.

    But when making a bumper with Velcro for a crib, you should take into account that they tend to unfasten when the child, standing up, pulls them towards him. Therefore, this fact should be taken into account in advance.

    Children's bed with side from 3 years

    If the child has already grown up, this does not mean that it is time to remove the bumpers. It is often quite comfortable for children from 3 years old to sleep in an ordinary crib, just remove the front wall. It will turn out a kind of sofa, on which you can even not only sleep, but just sit and play.

    The bumpers in this case will not become an extra element for the safety of the child. So, they will retain their function of eliminating injuries to children, since at the age of 3 the baby actively explores the world and it is quite possible that he accidentally hits the crib rails. But they are already attached to 3 walls.

    It is not necessary to keep the same baby bumpers. A three-year-old child already understands much more. For this age, it is important to focus on interesting details.

    For example, you can decorate the soft elements of the crib in accordance with the child's favorite cartoon or fairy-tale character. An interesting option would be the side organizers with pockets, in which you can easily put away some small soft toys. So the baby will have his own secluded place where he can hide his secrets.

    Performed for older children and sides in the form of houses or letters of their name. This will allow you to individualize the baby's sleeping place and help him learn letters.

    It is enough to dream up a little, find out from the child what he likes the most, and together sew a suitable side for his crib. Working together will benefit the baby and develop his initial needlework skills.


    The sides in the crib serve not only as a decoration, but also as a functional accessory that complements the baby's sleeping place. With the desire and the presence of a sewing machine, sewing them yourself is not difficult. At the same time, you can make both the simplest solid sides, and more complex elements in the form of figures of animals, houses, letters and other interesting details.

    The birth of a child is always an exciting event for new parents. At the birth of a baby, adults will have much less free time. There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. All personal time will be given to a small miracle. Therefore, almost all future parents try to prepare everything necessary for the crumbs in advance.

    Crib bumpers are very important for a newborn baby. They will help protect your child from bruises and bruises when your baby learns to get up and walk in his bed. As a rule, in every children's store you can buy a set with bumpers in the crib. However, this purchase will result in a pretty penny for the young family. Such a kit is a rather expensive pleasure for the budget of a young family.

    The way out of this situation can be bumpers sewn independently. The process is quite simple, and besides, it will not take you much time. Another plus is that you choose the colors yourself.

    If desired, in a similar way, you can, a pillowcase and a duvet cover. Thus, you will have a whole crib kit (you can see how to sew a sheet with an elastic band) of your little miracle.

    The first thing to start with is to measure the bed. To find out the required amount of material for the manufacture of bumpers, you need to multiply the perimeter of the crib (the length of all sides) by the desired height of the bumpers.

    We acquire the necessary materials for tailoring the sides

    Knowing what footage you need, you can go to the store for a choice of fabric. If the gender of your baby has not yet been determined, we advise you to buy neutral shades (yellow, green, lilac). The fabric for the sides is better to choose natural: cotton or linen.

    When buying material, do not forget about the filler for the sides. It can be foam rubber 1 cm thick, holofiber or synthetic winterizer. You will also need ruffles, bows, ribbons for ties and other decorations of your work.


    After everything you need is purchased, you can start cutting. The number of details of the pattern of the sides may be different, depending on the model chosen, the height of the crib and the amount of fabric. You can sew sides from 4, 3, 2 and even 1 parts.

    Usually, the sides are sewn from 4 separate parts and, if necessary, each part is attached to the sides of the crib using ribbons, ties, Velcro, etc.

    Consider cutting and sewing sides of 4 parts.

    Since the crib is a rectangle, we need to build two parts of the pattern:

    A long edge that looks like a rectangle, where one side is equal to the length of the crib and the other side is equal to the height of the side of the bed minus 15-20 cm (for example, 120 x 60 cm).

    Short side, where one side is equal to the width of the crib, and the second is equal to the height of the side of the bed minus 15-20 cm (for example, 60 x 60 cm).

    The number of cut parts in this case should be 8 or 4 (4 - if the parts are cut with a fold).

    The fabric must first be decaged - that is, washed in hot water, and then ironed with a hot iron from the wrong side. This is done so that the sides do not deform during operation.

    With soap or a pencil, we circle the patterns of details on the fabric, adding 1 cm allowances for seams on each side. Cut out.

    We also cut out 4 parts from foam rubber, 1 cm less on each side of the main parts. Many experts do not recommend the use of foam rubber and synthetic winterizer for children's products, arguing that such materials contain toxic substances. It is up to you to decide which filler to choose. As an alternative, we suggest usinginstead of synthetic winterizer and foam rubber - cut out details from an old blanket or coat.

    Then start sewing. Fold the two pieces of each side in pairs together with the right sides inward and sew on three sides. Leave one side unstitched. The filler of your choice will be inserted through it. Be very careful about the quality of the seams. Cut the threads and turn the hem right side out. Now insert the piece of foam rubber (or other filler). Sew or topstitch the open seam. Do the same with the rest of the details.

    Try on the sides to the bed, mark the places for sewing the ribbons-strings. Sew on or sew on ties.

    After all the sides are sewn, you can start decorating the product. Sheathe the edges of the sides with ruffles, and make bows from ribbons.

    Remember that the beauty of the work depends on your imagination and perseverance. The products you made will delight you and your baby for a long time.

    Reading time: 11 minutes

    Thanks to special sides for the bed, the baby will be reliably protected from drafts in the apartment. Quality products with reliable fasteners will last a long time, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the purchase. Protection such as baby crib bumpers must be selected according to a number of criteria, taking into account the bed itself: its size, shape. If you have a very active baby, then buying a soft side becomes a necessity - it will prevent the child from hitting the hard wooden parts and crib bars.

    What are the bumpers in the crib for newborns

    The sides for are a kind of protective bumpers that protect the baby from drafts. At the same time, you do not need to think that the side beds installed around the entire perimeter will interfere with normal air circulation. Do not forget that the child is in three-dimensional space. In addition, the installation of a side may be required if the baby sleeps next to a cold wall. Some models of such fences are made of pillows and equipped with soft toys. They are fastened with Velcro or with ties.

    The size

    The side mounted on each side will reliably protect your baby's sleep, especially if necessary, you can remove one of these soft fences at any time. Before you buy bumpers on, decide on the optimal size. The standard dimensions of many children's beds are 120x60 cm. The height of the products may be different: in some cases, they cover only half or a third of the wall of the crib, and in others, the entire bed. The choice of one or another option depends on the preferences of the parents.


    Bumper in the crib for newborns - an additional insert for the existing fence, which reliably protects the baby from possible drafts. Of particular importance is the fabric with which such products are covered. The preferred option is natural cotton fabrics (chintz, calico, satin), which perfectly "breathe" and are hygroscopic. This helps to maintain the temperature and humidity suitable for the human body. There are also options in semi-synthetic fabrics, such as crepe satin, which are relatively cheap.


    Types of bumpers in the crib for newborns

    On sale you can find a lot of bumpers with dense and soft fillers for cribs 120x60 and models of non-standard sizes. The choice of colors is very large, which allows you to choose the appropriate option in accordance with the wishes of the parents, and the decoration of the crib. An excellent option are products with removable covers with zippers that can be washed separately. In addition, single- and double-sided products are distinguished. Main classification:

    • high, low;
    • soft, hard;
    • quadrilateral, half;
    • whole, compound.


    When you decide to purchase bedside pillows for newborns, check out as many options as possible. Modern manufacturers offer a choice of many warm options with synthetic fillers with different colors, bright patterns, and additional elements. With pillows protects your child from injuries and bruises. Try to choose such a fence in accordance with the design of the bedding, so that the place of the child looks harmonious. One of the options:

    • model name: Sleep Harmony;
    • price: 2700 rubles;
    • characteristics: weight 1.15 kg, fastener tie, dimensions 30x4x240 cm, synthetic filler;
    • pluses: the package includes a pillow, acceptable cost;
    • cons: no pattern, decorative elements.

    A good purchase can be a whole set of linen, which includes pillow sides:

    • model name: ByTwinz Breeze;
    • price: 4360 rubles;
    • characteristics: 12 side pillows 30 cm long and wide, pillowcase, sheet, pillow, duvet cover, blanket, material 100 cotton, weight 3.5 kg;
    • pluses: a large number of items, a pleasant soothing color;
    • cons: no.

    Boy's crib pads

    The inside of the products must be safe - be sure to consider this before buying bumpers for a crib. You can buy the option you are interested in at any time in a specialized online store with delivery by mail. Pay attention to quality, cost, design, appearance - everything should suit you, regardless of whether you are buying 4-sided sides or half products. Products for boys:

    • model name: Lapulandia;
    • price: 4050 rubles;
    • characteristics: consists of sides-houses with dimensions of 45x3x120 cm, there are removable covers, weight 1.9 kg, holofiber filler, thermofiber;
    • pluses: soothing design, good quality;
    • cons: no.

    A good purchase would be a whole set of bed linen for 7 items, made of cotton:

    • model name: Golden Goose Smile (light blue);
    • price: 4360 rubles;
    • characteristics: includes borders (total size 360x45 cm), canopy, pillowcase, sheet, blanket, pillow, duvet cover, holofan filling.
    • pluses: good quality, pleasant colors, does not deform when washed;
    • cons: poorly ironed fabric.

    Bumpers in the crib for a girl

    Manufacturers offer a choice of many specialized options for girls. Choose from a charming and delicate collection of suitable products is not difficult. One of the popular options is the products of the Turkish manufacturer Funnababy, which has been specializing in creating textiles for the little ones for 35 years. Option with a classic combination of pink and white colors:

    • model name: Funnababy Lily Milly;
    • price: 3100 rubles;
    • characteristics: dimensions 180x40 cm, natural cotton fabric, fastening of a ribbon-tie, polyester filler;
    • pluses: suitable for cribs 120 × 60 and 125 × 65 cm;
    • cons: wash at a temperature of 30 ° C in a gentle mode.

    Funnababy Lily Milly Nursery Set

    In addition, you can order another equally suitable option, which is also cheaper:

    • model name: GulSara;
    • price: 1353 rubles;
    • characteristics: tie fastening, package weight 980 g, material coarse calico, veil, dimensions 360x44 cm;
    • pluses: acceptable cost, good quality;
    • cons: washing only in a delicate mode at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

    High sides in the crib

    To reliably protect your baby, pay attention to the high sides, which have received considerable popularity among parents. Some models have pockets on the outside - you can put your baby's favorite rattles, a bottle of water, wet wipes, diapers and other delicate little things in them. This high bumper, fastened with special ties, can be a good purchase:

    • model name: Fairy "Sweet dream";
    • price: 729 rubles;
    • characteristics: material cotton, holofiber, weight 610 g, dimensions 1850 × 540x40;
    • pluses: low cost, nice colors;
    • cons: simple design.

    Side skirts Fairy "Sweet dream"

    The original high separate version, consisting of four parts with appliqué and relatively inexpensive:

    • model name: Angels;
    • price: 1330 rubles;
    • characteristics: tie fastening, height 40 cm, composition printed calico, bleached, PE filler;
    • pluses: hypoallergenic materials, originality;
    • cons: no.

    Sides and canopy

    In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country, you can find many barriers in the form of canopies that are attached to newborn beds. If you cannot decide between the side and canopies, then give preference to the combined option. An option with an interesting design and a relatively low cost is a product:

    • model name: Moth;
    • price: 2650 rubles;
    • characteristics: unisex, material cotton, polyester, weight 1.2 kg, length 360 cm, weight 50 cm;
    • pluses: attractive design, different colors;
    • cons: no.

    Canopy borders Moth with bears

    In addition, a whole set for a newborn, which includes 8 items, will be an excellent acquisition:

    • model name: Classic;
    • price: 4290 rubles;
    • characteristics: coarse calico material, hallcon bumper filler, dimensions 360x40 cm, there is a blanket, pillow, canopy, duvet cover, pillowcase, sheet, bedside bag;
    • pluses: number of items, heat transfer decor, musical toy;
    • cons: high cost.

    Canopy and borders Classic


    Not every parent is satisfied with products with strings. An excellent analogue will be models with Velcro, which are very easy and convenient to use. The main thing is that the Velcro is held securely. When choosing the right product, be sure to inspect as many stores as possible. From time to time, some outlets hold promotions and sales, so you can order the option of interest with a good discount. One of the popular options:

    • model name: GulSara;
    • price: 3520 rubles;
    • characteristics: for a girl, dimensions 360x35 cm, consists of 12 parts, weight 1.230 kg, satin material, synthetic winterizer filler;
    • pluses: there are rhinestones, floral print;
    • cons: high cost.

    Side skirts GulSara

    To ensure the safety of your baby during sleep, take a closer look at Velcro products from the well-known IKEA company:

    • model name: KHIMMELSK;
    • price: 999 rubles;
    • characteristics: dimensions 120x60 cm, material cotton, polyester;
    • pluses: low cost, reliable and easy fixation;
    • cons: machine wash 40°C, do not tumble dry.

    Sides from Ikea

    On strings

    The most common products are those that are fixed on the crib for a newborn with the help of ties. As for the choice, a product with a hallcon filler would be a good option. This fiber is able to provide excellent thermal insulation and, moreover, it does not cause allergic reactions. Check out the characteristics of one of the high-quality and relatively inexpensive options:

    • model name: Angel;
    • price: 2100 rubles;
    • characteristics: consists of 4 parts, dimensions 360x40 cm, hallcon filler, coarse calico material, removable cover;
    • cons: no.

    Another no less attractive, practical and high-quality option that your baby may like:

    • model name: beekeeper;
    • price: 2550 rubles;
    • characteristics: consists of 4 parts, satin material, hallcon filler, dimensions 360x40 cm:
    • pluses: good quality, nice appearance;
    • cons: non-removable cover.

    Pasechnik - a set for a newborn in a crib


    From an early age, the child tries to learn about the world - he is interested in everything that is around him. In this regard, the drawings, figures and objects that he will see around him will help in his development. Already at the age of one year, various educational toys will help train the memory and thinking of the child, so a special educational side will be an excellent acquisition:

    • model name: Lamaze;
    • price: 650 rubles;
    • characteristics: double-sided, size 15x90 cm, for children from 3 months;
    • pluses: bright cute pictures, there are game developing elements;
    • cons: no.

    An equally interesting acquisition will be a product in the form of a colorful double-sided folding book:

    • model name: Tiny Love;
    • price: 1759 rubles;
    • characteristics: for children from birth to 9 months, fixation with special ribbons, textile material, dimensions 2x35x4 cm;
    • pluses: three-dimensional drawings that stimulate the interest of the baby;
    • cons: higher cost compared to analogues.

    How to choose bumpers in a crib for newborns

    You need to buy bumpers in a crib for newborns, starting with a competent and thorough choice. For a child under 1.5 years old, it is recommended to buy a side pillow - you should not neglect it. An active and energetic baby needs to purchase a closed type of fence that will hide all hard surfaces. For a newly born child, you can buy a side on two sides, but keep in mind that over time he will need to order a four-piece product. To make your purchase easy to wash, give preference to models with removable covers.

    Baby in a crib

    Choose a filler. A synthetic winterizer is an inexpensive and easy-to-care material - it is great for newborns. Its elastic and dense analogue called fiber perfectly retains its shape, softens the impact force - it is also suitable for a grown up baby. Foam rubber is an inexpensive, soft and shape-retaining material, pillows from which are often equipped with removable covers. Wool fibers are rare. As for the choice of fabric, give preference to a natural material that easily tolerates washing - coarse calico will be the best solution.


    When you needed (and wanted) a side on the crib, the store options looked like flawed, and their price turned away even more. Internet searches resulted in several viable options. Each of them has its pros and cons. Choose what suits and pleases you.

    OPTION #1

    How to sew a bumper into a crib

    After visiting many stores in order to buy a bumper for a crib in exactly the configuration I would like, and not finding one, I decided that it would be much easier and cheaper to sew such a bumper myself. Already in my model, I could do everything that I needed. Here's what happened in the end.

    And now - detailed instructions to making a bumper with your own hands:

    You will need fabric - 5 - 5.5 m at (width 110 cm) and foam rubber - 2 m (with width 150 cm). The thickness of the foam is 1 cm. The amount of fabric depends on its width. The fabric needs to be washed so that it sits.

    Cutting the fabric in accordance with PATTERN. In principle, I didn’t make a pattern - I just drew by the standards of the crib immediately with a pencil on the fabric. I advise you to measure the crib first, as sizes may vary.

    Sewing by sewing a frill. Don't sew one end. You may or may not do a trim. And you can make either from a ribbon in color, or from the same fabric.

    Mark out the foam. I drew with a thin felt-tip pen. Cut out. The size of the foam rubber should be slightly smaller than the size of the fabric - about 0.5 cm on each side.

    Stuff the foam into the case.
    When I sewed the headboard in the first version, I cut out the entire foam rubber for the entire headboard. And then I got tired of putting it in a case and adjusting it in size. Therefore, in the second version, I cut the foam rubber vertically in half, and accordingly I made a seam on the cover and it turned out, as it were, two halves.

    For the same reasons, the whole sidewall is divided into 2 parts by a seam. In the first version, I left the side seams not sewn up and realized that it is much easier not to sew up the bottom - the foam rubber is easier to push in.

    Sew up the bottom(what is not stitched). It is possible on a typewriter, but I sewed it on my hands, since at any time you can quickly rip it up and wash it.

    Sew on ribbons. It is better if at this moment there will already be a crib at hand in order to know exactly where to sew. But in extreme cases, you can sew in the corners and in the middle.

    In addition to the whole sidewall, I also sewed the same thing, but cut in half - two separate halves. You can put it in the crib, you can put 1 part on the side, the second part as a second headboard, or you can just take it with you like a rug - all of a sudden the child will need to be swaddled.


    Comment: It is better to make this option separate: a foam pillow and a colored outer cover, since the foam rubber keeps its shape easier and does not slip down. And for the convenience of sticking into the case, the foam rubber can be covered with satin or lining fabric.

    OPTION #2

    How to sew bumpers / bumpers in a crib - master class, diagram, patterns, description

    Time: 10-12 hours
    The cost of materials: 400-500 rubles.

    The fabric I chose coarse calico in a store at the Trekhgornaya manufactory. They have a good selection of children's colors at very low prices. True calico is harsh for children's bed linen, but for the bumpers this is the best option - the fabric is smooth, not faded, shrinkage is 5%. Still need synthetic winterizer and Velcro. The amount depends on the thickness of the synthetic winterizer and the size of your crib. The store also had children's coarse calico with a padding polyester already attached on one side - a great option that simplifies sewing the sides.

    Scheme and Patterns:
    An approximate diagram of the sides, designed for a bed with a berth 120x60cm.

    The pattern is given with allowances for the seams and the volume of the sides (1 cm for the sides, for the rest of the parts - 0.5 cm):

    • short side - 4 rectangles 43x64cm
    • long side - 4 rectangles 38x126cm
    • strings - 20 strips 7x53cm
    • Velcro fasteners - 16 rectangles 7x10cm
    • short ruffles - 2 strips 90x12 cm
    • long ruffles - 2 strips 180x12 cm

    Work description.


    OPTION #3

    1) a thick padding polyester 180 cm long (usually it has a width of 150 cm, this is enough).
    2) white calico with a width of at least 135 cm and a length of 235 cm.
    3) colored calico with a width of at least 135 cm and a length of 235 cm.
    4) Velcro, buttons, threads.
    • Mark the places of Velcro on the patterns of the sides in accordance with the design of the crib.
    • Sew a soft half Velcro on the fastener.
    • Sew prickly halves of Velcro on the side.
    • Tuck the fourth non-sewn side of the fastener and sew along this side to the sides.
    • Ties:
      Fold each rectangle in half along the long side, stitch on both sides, turn inside out, iron.

      Fold each strip in half along the long side and ruffle to the length of each hem.


    • Fold two patterns right side inward. To the top side, do not forget to put a frill and ties.
    • Sew along the top and sides, turn out.
    • Insert a layer of synthetic winterizer inside, stitch the bottom. You can stitch the padding polyester at the same time as the top ruffle, if the padding polyester is not very thick.
    • Stepping back about 4 cm from the edge, make a seam along the perimeter of the entire side (blue line in the diagram). This will prevent the synthetic winterizer from straying into a lump when washing.

    • Source: blog "My sun" on

      Comment: Instead of synthetic winterizer, you can use holofiber. This is almost the same as a synthetic winterizer, but Holofiber does not need to be quilted, it does not stray when washed.

      Side for the crib from Yulyasha

      Double side with a base made of synthetic winterizer covered with white calico and an upper colored cover. This design allows you to wash only the cover. In addition, several different beautiful covers can be sewn onto a synthetic winterizer base.

      In the photo (from left to right): side, fastening with in the center and side of the bed, patterns (click to enlarge).

      The dimensions of the crib are 60*120 cm. The height of the side is 30 cm. On the side where the baby lies with the head, the height is 45 cm.

      You will need: If you want to make a side with a height of more than 30 cm, then you need more fabric.

      All descriptions are without seam allowances.

      We cut 2 canvases from colored calico (at the same time, make sure that the pattern for both canvases is upside down) see Fig. 1:

      • 1) size 180*30 cm, - detail A
        2) size 140*30 cm, - detail B
        3) 60 cm long, at the top is a semicircle, in which the extreme points are at a height of 30 cm, and the middle point is at a height of 45 cm. - detail C
        4) In addition, you need a long strip of fabric 7 cm wide (this is for frills, the strip should be long) Fig.2. - Detail D
    • Work sequence:
      • 1) We fold a strip 7 cm wide along the length with the front side up, make folds and stitch them at the bottom (from the cut edge). See fig.2.

        2) Sew parts A and B to part C on both sides. For each part C, one part A and B. See fig. 3.
        3) We fold our canvases with the front sides, put our frill inside, baste and sew. How to attach the edge of the strip.

        4) We cut out 8 strips 6 * 20 cm and 8 strips 6 * 10 cm. Do not forget to allow for seams. We fold it in half along the length, bend the seams, sew it, sew a Velcro 3 cm wide and 1.5-2 cm long at one end. See Fig. 4.

        5) On one of the canvases we adjust Velcro (long), on the other hand - Velcro from Velcro. See fig. 3.

        6) On the same canvas (on the outer side of the side) we adjust Velcro from Velcro, next to one end we sew strips (holders). At the same time, we sew long strips (20 cm long) to the place where the side is attached at the corners of the bed, and short ones (10 cm long) - in the middle of the sides, with these strips we will attach the side to the bars of the bed. See fig. 5.

        7) We turn the canvases left side up, sew on the bottom and one side (at part B). On the side of part C, we fold the edge, we draw loops on one side and sew on buttons on the other side. It turns out, as it were, a pillowcase with a fastener on the side of side C. See fig. 6.

        8) Sew on additional tape-holders to throw over the top bar of the bed. Otherwise, the side shrinks, gathers at the bottom.

    • In addition, you need to sew the side itself. The details are the same as for the pillowcase, but you don't need the frill strip and Velcro strip. We cut out one detail A, B and C from the synthetic winterizer. From white fabric (coarse calico) we cut out two details A, B and C.
      We sew the details of the synthetic winterizer. We sew a pillowcase from fabric, insert a synthetic winterizer into it, sew up the edges. It is necessary to sew in several places over the pillowcase. It looks like a quilted blanket. This is the board itself. We dress our colored pillowcase on top, attach it to the bed.


      Comment: It is inconvenient to stuff the sintepon sausage into the case. It would be easier to make the padding parts separate, then stuffing them into the case would be easier and faster. But this is only for those who are not too lazy to sew on a couple of extra buttons. Well, instead of a synthetic winterizer, you can use a holofiber, it does not go astray when washing.

    OPTION #4

    Embroidered crib bumper

    You will need
    1 m of natural fabric for the outer and inner side of the bumper
    1m of synthetic winterizer (quilted according to the pattern with the fabric of the outer side)
    canvas fabric aida-14 according to the size of embroidery (60 * 60 cm), DMC floss.

    As an option - a fragment of the design A Little Birdie told me... from Stoney Creek

    Work description
    We cut out and overcast the canvas, we perform embroidery. Next, cut out the rest of the details, sew. From the fabric for the inside, we cut out an oblique trim for facing (width 5 cm and length 5.5 m), we sheathe the bumper around the perimeter with it, and 9 ties of 40 cm each, 4 cm wide.

    OPTION #5

    The stylized side from toy cats-pillows. Zoom on mouse click.

    Comment: It would be very interesting to do this. If anyone knows Japanese - help translate.

    How to sew a bumper in a crib from lyudmilk@
    Measure the dimensions on the crib, what happened - the height and length, multiply by two: and already work with these dimensions.

    Go to the store, look for a cheerful chintz, calico, knitwear or flannel, and see if the height of your product is the same as the width of the selected fabric, then buy the length that you measured (I think it will work) + 20-30 centimeters for the ties .

    Now find out if they have a synthetic winterizer or holofiber, choose the thickest one and with the expectation that you fold it 2 times (again, if the width matches the height of the sides, you take the intentional length).

    It is easy to sew and without patterns, all the seams are straight there. You can make a winter version of flannel.

    Kit for the new man


    I am showing the beginning of the crib kit for a little person who is still crazy in his mother's tummy.
    On the ultrasound, the sex was said, but, because. There are all sorts of surprises, so we decided to choose a universal color scheme. I really like this combination (orange-light green-linen). It turns out bright, but not over the top.

    This is not the whole set, there will be more items.

    As long as there is a cover, an adapter pillow and pockets.

    A flannelette blanket was placed inside the bedspread. Size 120*82 cm.

    Pillow-adapter is quite long - 180 cm. Inside - sintepuh. It is assumed that it will be located at the edges of the crib, protecting the baby from meeting with hard walls. Later, it can also limit the field of activity of a little man on a large bed, sofa or on the floor.

    The size of the canvas with pockets is 60 * 70 cm. Inside is a padding polyester. As planned, the locomotive will be in tune with a large locomotive on the sides (which are in the plans). Pockets made large, in my opinion so practical. They fit diapers, toys, and books... Velcro fastening on top. There are 3 of them - they hold the whole structure. On the sides of the tie - this is more for additional fixation.


    The side for a children's bed is a very practical and necessary little thing. This element makes it possible not only to protect the baby from a cool draft, but also to weaken his contact with the hard bars of the bed.

    An excellent gift for a newborn will be bumpers in the bed.

    Thanks to these soft devices, the baby will not fill bumps in the first year of his life when he tries to move independently in his crib.

    The baby bed must have such protection. Soft bumpers may well protect children from injuries, bruises and abrasions. It is possible to make beautiful and original bumpers with your loving maternal hands, using ready-made patterns or expert advice.

    Baby crib bumpers can even be your first DIY piece.

    Similar products can be bought in any of the shopping centers. They are also called “bumpers” or “security”, but is it necessary to spend a huge amount of cash, because it’s quite easy to make a side for a bed from falls with your own hands.

    Before making a decision about what kind of sewing the sides for a baby bed with your own hands, you need to understand the main indicators for each type of these products and the features of tailoring.

    It is not at all difficult to sew bumpers in a crib for a newborn.

    1. Sides with replaceable covers.

    Consists of pillows with covers made of natural material. Covers are worn like pillowcases and fastened with zippers. The advantage is that it is possible to sew two sets of outer covers and wash only them. However, this kind of aspect is suspicious, since the baby is able to contaminate both pillowcases and pillows.

    For this reason, the sides will not be able to be dry and clean for a long time, they will also have to be washed.

    For sewing, you will need additional cotton fabric and 4 zippers, at least 42 cm long, which will lead to additional costs. Replaceable covers are sewn a couple of centimeters more than the pads so that they can be comfortably worn. The need to use zippers and fasteners is alarming, as they contain small parts that the baby is able to swallow.

    Therefore, it is better to make lightning hidden, invisible to the child.

    1. Cushion pads.

    Convenient in that it is possible to use more filler. In cases with small pillows, 40-50 cm in size, the thickness of the sides can be increased. Thus, the bed will become the most warm and comfortable.

    Ready-made pads are simply fixed on rods with the support of ties or adhesive tape.

    1. High sides.

    Cover the wood rods at the crib entirely. They protect the baby quite well from drafts and protect from blows. But the baby is forced to limit himself to only the view of the inside of his bed, which can affect the level of his mental development.

    The disadvantage is that they completely block the view of the child.

    1. Low sides, partially covering the bars of the bed.

    In shopping centers, you can find many modifications of the sides, which cover the bed by 2/3 or 1/3. Such products have an absolute advantage - they do not limit the view of the baby and enable him to follow what is happening around.

    But the safety features of such products are quite limited.

    1. Sides with pockets.

    If you want to make a bumper with pockets, then their presence on the outside of the bed will be an essential condition. Internal placement will always lure the baby.

    He will try to extract and examine the contents.

    1. Rollers.

    They are made and fixed in the same way as pillows. This option is used much less frequently, since it does not protect the child's head well from bumps and falls. But under conditions of high temperature in the room where the baby is located, this type of sides allows access to fresh cool air.

    Therefore, this option is well suited for newborn babies who do not yet know how to move or crawl on their own.

    Protections made with fasteners in the form of ties, locks, or Velcro can break at the moment when the child tries to rise and pulls the edge.

    For this reason, the plain clasp type is more highly secure.

    The material for making bumpers is also very important. Artificial materials can irritate the skin, causing allergic or inflammatory reactions. Therefore, it is better to give preference to exclusively natural fabrics.

    It will enable the product to endure washing well, dry quickly, without losing its shape.

    Types of filler for bumpers in an infant bed

    Today, a large number of fillers have been developed that have their own merits. Namely:

    1. Foam rubber - microfiller, requires compliance with special conditions.

    This is, above all, scrupulous and high-quality drying. This base has the property of retaining water well, which contributes to the formation of microorganisms inside.

    Foam rubber differs in good wear resistance that is important at frequent washings.

    1. The synthetic winterizer is the best microfiller.

    This material is not expensive, simple, quite flexible, it is perfectly erased and dries instantly. Its qualities interfere with the formation of the fungus.

    The most important thing when making a side with your own hands is to quilt the fabric so that the filler does not roll.

    1. Hollofiber - the latest filler, superior in quality to synthetic winterizer.

    Absolutely non-toxic, does not retain moisture, dries instantly without changing its original configuration. Due to the spiral texture, the filler is very durable.

    It does not cause allergic reactions, which is very important for babies.

    1. Periotek is an innovative fibre.

    Its main advantage is hypoallergenicity. This is a very flexible artificial material, it is perfectly erased.

    It also dries quickly and holds its shape well.

    1. Hallcon is an artificial filler.

    It has fantastic heat resistant features. Absolutely non-allergenic, flexible and wear-resistant.

    Indispensable for cool and ventilated rooms.

    1. Polyester is a hollow fibre.

    Has anti-allergic properties. Does not lose its original configuration. Does not absorb water or odor.

    The child feels very comfortable in such a bed.

    How to sew bumpers in a crib for a newborn with your own hands, step by step instructions

    In order to make bumpers in a crib for newborns with your own hands, patterns are not at all necessary. You can make markings directly on the fabric. To correctly measure for sewing the side, you just need to measure the perimeter of the crib and divide it by the number of pillows. But since baby cribs mostly have standard parameters, you can use the following sizes.

    How to sew a frill into a side

    In order to sew a frill, you need to know a few nuances.The length of the frill can be changed. At a minimum, it should be 1.5 times longer than the part. In this case, not very lush folds will turn out.

    When it is more than 2 times longer, the pleats will be very voluminous.

    The frill can be easily gathered on the sewing machine. Gather the frill by hand using a regular needle. To do this, take the thread of the desired length with a needle. Then lay the fabric with an "accordion", piercing it with a needle. Now it remains only to evenly disperse the pleating along the entire length of the thread.

    In order to instantly sweep a frill, you need to lay it between 2 layers of matter.

    Believe in your own strength. If mom or grandmother really wants to make a side for the baby with their own hands, this will definitely work out.