How to know if a girl likes you? How to know that a girl likes you by her behavior, words and non-verbal signs

Doubting what her looks and smile mean? Follow these steps and you will determine if she really likes you.

1. Start a conversation with her

Talk to her about nothing - it will help you learn some things that will come in handy in the future. All girls are different, so be careful, pay attention to the little things. Listen to her voice: if she is shy, then the tone of her voice may be a little higher than usual, or she starts fiddling with her hair (stroking it, twisting it on her finger), straightening her clothes.

Another sign that a girl likes you is that she laughs at boring and stupid jokes. (Just don't use jokes like that as a test or you'll look like a Comedy Club host.)

Perhaps she will not look into your eyes and will giggle with or without reason (at least you managed to make her laugh, but not the fact that you can count on more) in this case, read "Make a girl fall in love with you? There is nothing easier! «

2. Not all girls act girly.

Some of them don't act like girls should, so don't joke about it. If she likes football, then appreciate it. Don't think she's crazy.

3. Notice if she flirts

Although sometimes it is very difficult to understand whether this is really so. A girl can flirt with a guy even if she considers him her friend. And if you don't get it right, it will be a disaster. Obviously, many girls do not want everything about them to be clear from the first minute, some flirt just a little, while others have a real blast.

In any case, don't flirt with everyone. And with other girls in her presence. Even if she sees that you hugged another girl or that another hugs you, she may make a hasty decision that you are not interested. Understand it betterHow to Understand Body Language .

4. Pay attention to whether she touches you more than usual with friends (maybe she constantly strives to touch you)

If she has an excuse for this, it is possible that you understand everything correctly. But, again - do not think that she is not cute if she does not strive to touch you all the time. Perhaps she is too nervous. Take the first step yourself - touch it.

5. Pay attention to how she looks at you.

If she likes you, then she either looks intently into your eyes, or vice versa - she immediately looks away as soon as you notice him. Both of these things definitely indicate that she likes you. If she looks away, then she is just nervous, perhaps waiting for you to make the first move.

If a girl looks into your eyes, then she is confident in herself and, perhaps, ready for decisive action. If suddenly you looked at the girl, and received a gaze in response, then she definitely cares, even if after a second she turns away and looks in the other direction. Notice if her eyes sparkled when she saw you or heard your name.

6. Keep an eye on her friends

If you see that her friends are looking at you and giggling, it means only one thing - she told them about you. If her friends are a noisy bunch, you'll hear "(Your name), you like (her name)!" It is possible that in this way they make fun of her. When she's chatting with friends and you come over, the conversation can end abruptly.

Obviously they were talking about you. If she likes you, and she told her friends about it, then they can come up to you and talk about something like this: “Who would you go on a date with from these girls? Who do you like the most? Who is the most beautiful? And everything like that.

If one of them listed several girls, and that one is one of them, it is possible that she asked her friend to talk to you, so to speak - to test the ground, and maybe even find out what you think of her.

7. Look at the behavior of your beauty in different situations

For example, you are in nature, and suddenly she complains that she is cold. It is possible that she is expecting some action on your part, hoping that you will offer her your sweater. This is a very caring act, especially if you want to show the girl that you like her.

And if she likes someone else, she will be very disappointed that you were the first to offer her help, but at least you will understand her train of thought. Sometimes a girl can pretend that she doesn't know how to do something. Here's your chance to help her! It is possible that she asked you just to see how you would behave.

8. Smile at her

Only it should be a natural smile, do not grimace. If she politely smiled back, or frowned and turned away, then mentally say goodbye to her. It's obvious that you're not interested in her. And if she sincerely smiled back, openly and joyfully, and then continues to look at you, it is clear that she is interested in your special. If she smiled and then turned to her friends and mingled with the crowd, she might be both curious and excited at the same time.

9. If you talk to her on the phone, pay attention to whether she starts the conversation first.

If it seems to you that she is looking for an excuse to say goodbye and hang up, then this means that you are having a conversation. She will respond as needed, but may appear bored. And do what she says! She'll think you're cute and very sensitive if you do that, but don't forget point number 5.

10. Try to understand her

Girls like to say what they think. Listen to what she cares about, listen as if she is telling you something very good.

11. Pay Attention

If you do not listen, then the girl will understand it very easily.

12. Pat

If she playfully pats you on the shoulder or above the elbow, then she definitely likes you.


Follow the hints. She leaves them everywhere, you just need to know where to look. If you want to make sure if a girl likes you, pay attention to some of these:

  • Her lips: if she kisses you on the first date, then she definitely likes you.
  • Her hair: if she starts to play with it, twists curls around her finger when you are near or enter the room, then this is a good sign. So she's nervous about meeting you.
  • Look: envy how much she likes you and how good an actress she is. She can give you a long look when you are not watching her, or taking a glimpse.
  • Reaction to presence: if you saw her walking towards you along the corridor, then her eyes are already turned on you. And she's definitely smiling.
  • Questions: if she often asks about your relationships with girls, about the types of girls you like - this is intelligence, she wants to know if she can match your requests.
  • Touch: if she tries to touch you, slap your hand, then she loves you. If you pretend that the blow was very strong and she laughs, then she likes you. If she starts to worry, you are just her friend.

If you find out that a girl loves you, don't treat her like she's an alien or someone with bird flu. It will touch and hurt her, so be careful. Do not ignore her and do not douse her with cold, because it may happen that you like her too, but it will be too late. In addition, such a trick will ruin your reputation among girls.

Chat with her friends. They can give up a lot of valuable information if they ask the right questions.

Don't flirt with a girl's friends. This can lead to their fight.

If a girl says that a guy is like a brother to her, this is not a very good sign. Usually girls do not perceive their real friend as a future partner. But sometimes it can just mean that the girl is embarrassed. If she says that you remind her of her brother, that you are a true friend for her, this will not automatically mean that you do not have a single chance.

If she tries to hug you, hug her, don't try to push her away if you're shy. You can hurt her a lot.

Girls like to know they're in love with them, so if that's the case, just walk up and tell her!

If a girl jokingly calls you a boyfriend, then there can hardly be any doubt that she likes you. But here, too, pitfalls are hidden - if you are good friends with her, then this can really be just a joke.

If a girl is shy, then she will deny everything if she is not sure that you like it too. So if it closes, don't lose hope! Put in some effort to be her friend so she can trust you. If she goes for it, then there is interest. If not, then don't take it personally. There are a lot of pretty girls around!

If you go to class or to the cafeteria and you see her trying to walk beside you or waiting in the lobby for you to show up, then she likes you. Perhaps she will walk close to you with her friend, so as not to seem intrusive.

If you like a girl, but you hide it so that no one guesses about your sympathy, stop suffering nonsense and choose a different tactic - girls hate this behavior and quickly lose interest.

Make subtle hints about what attracts you to her. If she stops talking to you or starts avoiding you, then she does not need your sympathy.

She can talk about herself to see how you react, to see what features you like. If she does, give her a compliment, show that you are really interested.

Do something nice for her, something that will benefit her and please her, for example, give a disc with an interesting movie. Pay attention to her reaction - if she makes a pleasant surprise for you in return, then she is not indifferent to you.

If she asks you to help her with something (it is possible for you and another couple), then this is a signal that she hopes to continue dating.

Attention - possible errors!

Girls may try to play Othello and flirt with your friends to make you jealous. Be careful with those slugs. If you really like her, give her enough attention and then leave her alone - this way you show that you are interested in her, but you give her a choice. But keep in mind that she can slip away, and it’s unlikely that everything will be fixed.

Don't ask directly if a girl likes you. The girl will be uncomfortable, and she may tell a lie. In short, keep these questions to yourself.

Be careful. If the girl doesn't really like you, your tricks will lead her to think you like you. This can lead to misunderstanding and resentment. She will try to introduce you to someone, or she will simply sometimes say: “Look how Katya / Marina / Olya looks great today.” All this so that you leave her alone. If you notice such signs, try to remain calm and change your behavior. You will try to please again a little later.

Don't get carried away with gifts, especially in the early stages of a relationship.

Don't try to impress in every possible and impossible way if you already know that she likes you. This is starting to get annoying.

If you flirt with her friends, don't be surprised if you find out that she flirts with your friends.

Do not be too soft and compliant, not all girls want to see a mumble next to them.

When talking, look her straight in the eyes - girls like it. Plus, you can mention in a conversation what beautiful eyes she has, and if you also remember the color of her eyes, she will be pleasantly surprised.

Sympathy is a delicate matter, it can be given out with one gesture, look and even a word. And at this moment you need to be ready to understand and interpret them correctly. How to do this, we will tell in this article. You can determine whether a man likes you by speech, behavior and gestures. You will also find out why a guy blushes when talking to a girl.

Here are some things to judge by:

  • Timidity. If a guy is carried away by you, then he will behave with restraint, not defiantly, considering his every word. You can watch him awkwardly look away and linger, asking questions. Of course, this is not always the case, for example, if a man is arrogant by nature, then this will not happen.
  • Concentration. He will not take advantage of any convenient pause to talk to someone - a waiter, a stranger passing by, on the phone, etc. This proves that the man is passionate about talking with you.
  • Desire to hook. Sneering in moderation is an obvious sign of sympathy. If the guy is a good friend, then he may try to say some kind of barbs and mock you a little, trying to evoke emotions.
  • Questions about personal life. Be prepared to be asked about your ex-boyfriend, marriage prospects, falling in love and sympathy. But if he bombards with questions about how to behave with other girls and how to please them, this is a bad sign. It means he wants to use you.
  • evaluating glance. Rest assured, he will study his candidate inside and out, from head to toe.
  • Solving household issues together. Does a young man do shopping with you, help with repairing the plumbing? This is definitely a sign of a serious relationship.
  • Getting to know the parents. Only those who really like are waiting for this moment.
  • Talk about the future. Are you making joint vacation plans, are you happy to talk about children and family? Get ready for a long term relationship!
  • Serious gifts. This is not about girls who are supported by young people. If you received something valuable, for example, some kind of family heirloom, this says a lot.
  • Permanent connection. A guy who likes a girl tries to always find time to call or text.

How to understand by correspondence that you are attractive to a man

If a guy, especially an adult, is not indifferent to you, everything is very easy - he will constantly write, be the first to enter into a dialogue, try to keep the attention of the interlocutor and show his interest. A manifestation of sympathy can be various jokes, anecdotes, compliments addressed to you and a desire to communicate for hours on end. We wrote about this in more detail in another article. It will help determine. You can understand this by what he writes and how it is done.

Analyzing behavior - how to test it for sympathy

If a guy is interested in a girl, then, naturally, he tries to constantly be near her. If we are talking about colleagues, then he will not miss a single opportunity to help his chosen one, exchange a few words with her and exchange views. And this is not a friendly gesture at all!

As for the sympathy of the boss, against her background, he can from time to time ask the girl to linger, help sort out the papers and resolve various issues at work. Perhaps bonuses and off-schedule weekends will follow, and then harassment.

To confirm your suspicions, pay attention to whether he helps other girls in the office, whether he spends his time on them. Also, a man can give himself away if he is nervous. This is especially true if he is shy.

How to learn about feelings through body language and gestures

Even if a young man hides his intentions, his “body language” will definitely give him away. In order to check his attitude towards you, it is enough to look closely at his gestures.

Conventionally, gestures can be divided into open and closed. If a young man uses the first ones, then you don’t have to worry, he has his eye on you.

Closed gestures indicate an aggressive attitude against you or the isolation of the interlocutor.

After dating an indifferent man who failed to fall in love with himself, unconditional surrender will follow without a showdown.

open positions

People who like each other don't hide in conversation. Here's how it should be. You will find out where he will look and for how long, in what condition the pupils will be, etc. And here are examples of poses that give hope for continued acquaintance, with their help you will not be able to hide your true feelings:

  • head tilt towards the interlocutor;
  • one foot in front;
  • fixing a tie
  • unbuttoning a shirt (top button);
  • direct eye contact;
  • palm opening.

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Closed postures - how to recognize indifference

Closed postures include everything that requires crossing your arms and distracting attention from the interlocutor. It can be:

  • crossing hands in the castle (does not want to open);
  • interlacing of fingers (he does not want to continue the conversation);
  • propping up his head with his hand (he is bored);
  • twitching of the strap on the watch (indicates that the person is in a hurry);
  • sitting half-turned, especially towards the exit.

Of course, after you manage to recognize by the poses whether he likes you or not, you should not immediately turn around and leave. It may well be that you just got a distrustful person. Then you need to know how to understand what. Here are a few basic signs that will help you not to make a mistake. You will learn how lovers behave.

We judge whether he could like you by speech

People who are not indifferent to each other will never raise their tone, so as not to seem boorish and impolite. Also, in no case will they interrupt the interlocutor and make fun of him in public. An equally important point is the distribution of compliments.

The guy should praise his passion in every possible way, albeit not directly, but indirectly. He can say “You will adorn any company with yourself”, “You know how to surprise”, “A smile suits you” and other pleasant, albeit banal, words.

In no case will he hide his relationship. If your feelings have grown into something more than just sympathy, this is what it can be. What actions will he perform, what to say, how to get closer? There is a separate article about this on the site.

Why does a man blush when talking to the opposite sex?

This does not always happen, for example, a man may blush when a woman looks at him with an evaluating look: she tries to study his habits and demeanor, clothing style and other points. It is also worth considering that it is at the moment of blushing that the guy imagines how you are having fun with him at his house. At the same time, a modest person will not hint at intimacy on the same evening.

If you understand that you liked it, the time has come. Read here how to do it right.

Here is a guy giving out all their secrets of male behavior when communicating with a girl he likes:

Gestures, speech and behavior - of course, will help to know if he likes you or not, but you should not rely on them alone! Each case requires an individual approach, and male psychology is a very complex thing.

There are several signs that you should pay attention to in order to understand whether a guy really likes you.


  • The guy always wants to be with you, he does not miss a single opportunity to take you to work or study, to meet with her. In addition, if you are still a student at school, he tries to help with the lessons if he really understands something about it.
  • A man wants to make your life easier, he tries in every possible way to simplify it. Therefore, if you complain about a difficult job, he sympathizes with you, offers to quit and even help with finding a new one. I have recommended you to my friends or assisted in getting another job.
  • The guy tries his best to support in difficult times. This applies even to those cases when some difficulties or difficulties arise, both at work and at school, in relationships with loved ones.

  • If a boy likes you, he will be with you even in a difficult situation when support is needed.
  • The guy is interested not only in sex, so he seeks to meet not only if there is an opportunity to make love, but also when there is no such opportunity. This applies to lunch breaks or breaks between couples.
  • The guy makes gifts, and he gets them not only for the holidays. He does it even when he just wants to please. This is a clear sign that a man is not indifferent to you.
  • The guy often touches, and it can be any part of your body. He loves kissing, touching hair and also hands. Moreover, touching is not always intimate. He just wants to enjoy you.
  • The guy is interested in your opinion, he constantly asks what you think about different occasions. He is trying to get an opinion, he is really interested in it.

How to find out if a boy loves you: options

There are several ways to check if a guy likes you or not. The methods can be somewhat extreme, unexpected, so prepare for your boyfriend's unpredictable reaction.


  • You can tell fortunes on the cards, or directly ask the chosen one, tell him that you love. Ask him about the reciprocity of feelings. Indeed, the guy can lie, but it can be seen in his eyes. A man in love behaves like a lamb. He will be very shy. The chosen one may lose his voice, he does not know what to say in such situations.

  • You can pretend to be sick. Then, if the guy is breathing unevenly, he will take care in every possible way, bring oranges, medicines and ask how he can help.
  • You can ask the guy for some large amount. You can return it the next day. Just see how your chosen one behaves. If he happily rushes to look for money, to help financially, then your business is really dear to him.
  • You can radically change your appearance, and see how a man behaves. If he likes your change, or he says that he loves in any way, the brightest feelings are really present. He will not leave you when you get fat after having children. You can consider yourself lucky.
  • You can say that you are expecting a baby. This method is of course somewhat strange and possibly stressful for a man. But he will allow you to find out how a man will behave if he finds out that you are in a position. Run away, or vice versa, support. If a man is ready to marry you and raise a child, then he really experiences the brightest feelings.

How to distinguish true love: test

You can check the feelings of a boy, a guy by several signs. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • How much does he support you financially?
  • Is he willing to invest in you?
  • Did he introduce you to his friends, acquaintances, and also parents?
  • How much does he devote you to his social life, is he ready to show you to relatives, friends, and relatives?
  • A man who loves is ready to share his life experience, to support his beloved in any situation.
  • How much time is spent on you?

If all the answers are positive, then it is safe to say that the guy loves you.

If he is constantly in touch, 24 hours a day, he doesn’t feel sorry for anything for you, he can fly in the middle of the night, pick you up from the airport or train station, be sure that the man really loves you. He is ready to support you at any moment.

Very often, guys cannot understand what a girl feels for them, but sometimes, such a problem also occurs in the weaker sex. How do I know if a boy likes me? Here are some tips.

Check what he will do with visual contact. If you look a guy in the eyes, he will do three things: either he will not notice this, indifferently slipping his eyes, or he will try to keep the contact that has arisen, or he will quickly look away. The last two reactions indicate that he is definitely experiencing something. Another way is to wait until the boy starts saying something funny. If at this moment he looks to see if the girl is laughing, it means that he is in love and he wants to seem witty.

Watch how he communicates with other girls. Maybe he doesn't care and doesn't pay any attention to them? Then everything is clear. Or maybe the guy flirts right and left? Perhaps this is in order to attract the attention of the chosen one. If a boy often shows signs of attention to others, but sometimes glances to see a reaction, this is just a way to cause jealousy and show that he is in demand.

The easiest way to learn about love at 12 is to listen to what his friends have to say. When a girl passes by who is not indifferent to him, friends will definitely joke about this topic. The main thing is to find a way to eavesdrop on them.

How to check if a boy loves me?

Sometimes it happens that observations do not bring results. What to do? How to check if the boy I love loves me?

The test must be carried out carefully. The first option is to go somewhere together. No, not on a date. It would be ideal to find out where he is going with his friends and come there with his girlfriends. Strike up a conversation, start relaxing together and wait. If a guy cares about a girl, then he will not miss his chance. At the very least, they will offer to take you home!

You can also check with friends. Surely some girlfriend communicates with one of his acquaintances. You need to ask carefully, and not directly on the forehead. Most likely, this acquaintance will blather about what the boy really feels.

The best and most reliable way is to ask him to do you a favor. Find out what he's into. For example, he rides a skateboard or draws. If you ask a boy to teach or help with a drawing, then everything will immediately become clear. The lover will not only happily agree, but will also try to start further communication, even if he is very modest.

Another sign of love is frequent correspondence. It is clear that he will not write just like that. But maybe every day he asks for homework, which he could learn from his friends?

Feelings and relationships between people are quite fragile matter. Sometimes it’s scary to even think about them, many boys and girls who fall in love are afraid to admit their feelings even to themselves, not to mention the object of sympathy. It is often impossible for any of the teenagers to talk with one of the adults, because parents always tend to ignore the feelings of children who have already grown up and consider them insignificant. But how can you find out if a boy loves you if he or you are 12 years old, let's try to figure it out on the pages of Popular Health.

All girls know that boys are very different from them. And not so much in its structure, but even in relation to the world and in its behavior. And such differences remain relevant at different ages. But it is at school that they appear for the first time and become especially obvious.

While the girls are gathering in groups, discussing teachers, hairstyles and outfits, other girls or boys, the guys are playing football, fighting, throwing papers and doing all sorts of mischief.

Questions of sympathy at school age are a rather controversial issue. Many boys grow up quite bold, they can safely talk about their preferences. But many also try to hide their feelings, secretly sigh and not even try to make contact. There is also a whole group of guys who can only show their attention by pulling their hair, throwing things and other all sorts of pranks. What the chosen strategy of behavior depends on is simply unrealistic to understand.

Of course, if the boy is brave, then he can easily approach the girl he likes and invite her to go for a walk with him. In such a situation, everything is quite simple. And if the sympathy is mutual, then just wonderful. But if the boy is shy and in no hurry to take the first step? First, of course, you need to understand whether he likes you or not.

Secret knowledge

Many girls, trying to find out everything about the guy's sympathies, use all sorts of "cunning" moves - anonymous notes and questionnaires, various fortune-telling and tests. But in fact, the use of such methods is completely unreliable.

Not a single book and not a single divination can reveal the soul of a person. And relying on the answers obtained as a result of such tricks is simply stupid.

Focus on clear signs

Of course, if you meet a boy only occasionally, by chance, it is difficult to understand whether he likes you or not. But if you are in the same class or go to some courses together, you can try to analyze the situation.

First you need to pay attention to how the boy looks at you, especially when you do not see it. But, of course, you need to examine the look especially carefully. After all, a guy can look at you with interest only because you yourself do not take your eyes off him.

You can also focus directly on the attitude of the boy. It is necessary to analyze how exactly he behaves with you, and how much time he spends with you together.

Perhaps the boy periodically glances at you and lingers. Most likely, this is how unexpected sympathy is manifested. But do not scare him away, because at twelve years old teenage boys often cannot realize their feelings. Therefore, the look is the first thing you can pay attention to. If he looks at you while talking to his buddies, but tries to do it without them noticing, he may really be in love.

Many boys try to attract the attention of a girl, turning to her for any reason. They can write notes, ask to borrow a pen or eraser, let them write off an unfinished task, etc. Guys can also be interested in something, try not to object and show that they have some common interests with you: music, films, blogs, etc. etc. Also, a boy in love can sometimes unexpectedly come to the rescue if something has fallen on you, or the bag is too heavy.

Sometimes selective playfulness of a guy can speak of sympathy. If he tries to constantly tease you, throws snowballs or paper balls, constantly pushes and hurts, perhaps he just doesn’t know how else to attract your attention, feels insecure and wants to somehow touch you.

Some boys, when they like a girl, start behaving terribly stupid when they meet her - talking nonsense, embarrassed, blushing, outrageous. This is how the feeling of love, which is still unfamiliar to them, makes itself felt.

Sometimes unexpected changes in the boy's appearance can indicate falling in love. If he always came to class in a wrinkled shirt and dusty shoes, and then he suddenly began to shine and even changed his hairstyle, maybe this is how unexpected feelings manifest themselves.

It is worth noting that many guys at the age of 12 are sure that they should behave like real men. And often their idea of ​​masculinity is very doubtful, the boys believe that it is necessary to treat girls with emphatic disdain, or even pretend that there are no girls at all. Sometimes, a friendly and friendly attitude towards classmates is not encouraged in the company of guys. Therefore, faced with the feeling of first falling in love, the boy must have the fortitude to ignore the ridicule of his peers. Many are simply unable to go against the current, and try not to betray their feelings in any way.

A girl at the age of 12 should not try in every possible way to interest a boy. True, you can try to disappear for a few days, and see how he reacts to her appearance. Or maybe he will give himself away altogether by calling or writing to find out what happened.

She constantly looks at you, laughs at your jokes, and seems a little uptight when she's around you. You don't know for sure if she's flirting, if she likes you as a friend, or if she doesn't like you at all. Whether you're in love with this girl and dying to know if the feeling is mutual, or you're just wondering if she likes you, there are several ways to check if a girl likes you or not.

    Follow her position. If a girl likes you, she will try to face you. If a girl openly turns to you, then she is ready to communicate with you. If a girl has a "closed stance" like having her arms or legs crossed, she's most likely shy or nervous when talking to you, but she might just be giving you a sign that she's not interested in talking to you.

    Pay attention to eye contact. If a girl likes you, she will most likely look at you for a few seconds or look away as soon as you look at her. Each of these options is a sign that this girl is interested in you. If a girl quickly looks away, it often means that she is worried or just not ready to reveal her feelings to you, but you can still be attractive to her.

    Pay attention to the context. The interpretation of body language depends on the context. For example, if you are talking with a girl alone, her touching your hand for a few seconds can be perceived as flirting. However, if she just pats you on the shoulder to get your attention and let you know that your friend is looking for you, you can hardly say that she is flirting, she is just trying to help.

    • If you are talking animatedly about something, the girl may look at you without breaking eye contact, but this does not always mean that she likes you. Maybe it's just her reaction to the conversation. However, if a girl maintains eye contact for a long time without talking to you, if she looks at you but turns away as soon as you look at her, she is most likely interested in you.
  1. Pay attention to whether she is trying to touch you or get closer. If a girl likes you, she will try to touch you, because this is a way to flirt, albeit a very obvious one. Thus, the girl draws conclusions about how you react. For example, she may take your hand when you say something funny, "accidentally" touch your shoulder or arm, or gently place her hand on your knee.

    • Not all girls feel comfortable touching a guy. In this case, you should not immediately take everything personally and think that she does not like you because she did not try to touch you. Maybe she's just nervous. If you like a girl, don't be shy, try to break the physical barrier between you yourself and see how she reacts.
    • She may find other ways to touch you. For example, playfully hitting you on the arm. Such a "friendly" gesture may be a disguised attempt to touch you and get closer, but without your friends noticing.
  2. Notice how often she "accidentally" hugs you. This is especially important if she only hugs you. Hugging is a friendly, affectionate way to get closer to a person and touch them without showing off your flirting skills. If you like a girl, hug her back, but if you don't want her to be delusional about you, politely refuse her.

    Pay attention to whether it copies your movements. If a girl constantly imitates you (for example, if you fix her hair, and after a few seconds you notice that she also corrects them), most likely, she is subconsciously copying your movements. This may indicate that she likes you.

    Notice if she's pulling her hair. If she playfully twirls a strand of her hair around her finger or just touches her hair frequently, she's most likely flirting.

    Watch for signs of anxiety or agitation. If a girl feels sympathy for you, she will touch her lips, collarbones and neck to draw your attention to these areas of the body. She can even make up her lips with lipstick in your presence.

    Pay attention to whether she smiles at you. This may be her signal to you that she feels comfortable and cozy in your presence. If a girl likes you, she will laugh at your jokes (no matter how funny they are).

  3. Strike up a conversation with her. This is a great way to understand how interested she is in you. During the conversation, try to pay attention to whether she makes any hints and shows you signs of attention, whether she tries to talk to you in a romantic tone. In addition, she can show her sympathy by often nodding to you and repeating some of your phrases.

    • To start a conversation, ask her questions that cannot be answered in one word. For example, about classes, about work, about pop culture. It could be something as simple as "what do you think of this band?" or “how was your day?”
    • Don't be upset if the girl you like doesn't try to start a conversation with you. If she likes you, she can be very shy and nervous when interacting with you. Even if she seems like the most confident girl you know, she may have had a bad experience in the past, or she is not yet ready to chat with you, but most likely she will be happy to have a conversation if you start it first.
    • If you're already on friendly terms, starting a conversation is pretty easy. In this case, the most effective way to understand that she likes you is to pay attention to body language to see if she treats you differently than other friends.
  4. Be careful. If you like a girl, do your best to remember any details she mentioned. Listen carefully to what she says so that you can bear it in mind in the future.

    • For example, if she told you about her favorite band, try to randomly "remember" one of that band's songs the next time you talk. She will be surprised that you noticed this! Even if she does not have romantic feelings for you, she may start to look at you when she realizes how attentive you are to her.
    • In addition, a face-to-face conversation is a great opportunity to gauge body language, so keep an eye on her actions and pay attention to light "accidental" touches.
  5. Let the girl know that you like her. But only if you are sure of your sympathy and think that she likes you too. This is a simple step that may seem complicated, but if you are interested in a girl, and you are almost sure that this is mutual, the easiest way is to ask her out on a date with the certainty that she will agree.

    • You can let her know how you feel by saying something like, "I really enjoy being friends with you, but I'd like to be more than friends."
    • Don't tell her how you feel if you just want to know if she likes you. It will be very hurtful and cruel, besides, it will undermine her confidence.
    • A girl may like you, and yet you may not see any of the above signs. The best way to clarify the situation is to try to spend more time with her and observe how the relationship develops between you.
    • If a girl is very shy, it may be difficult for her to start a conversation with you in person. But, perhaps, she will dare to talk with you online. If you are easy to communicate online, but in real life she is embarrassed when she sees you, most likely she likes you, but it is hard for her to show it to you in person. So try testing her by smiling at her and asking some simple general questions like how her day went.
    • If you like a girl, don't flirt with others. If she sees you hugging another girl or flirting with others, she will assume that you treat her like everyone else and stop trying to get your attention.


    • If a girl seems reserved and avoids you, you don't have to give up right away because you could very well be wrong. Instead, relax a bit and give her time and space. She may be interested in you, but she may feel awkward in public. In this case, most likely, you should be more delicate when expressing your sympathy.
    • If a girl is definitely trying to avoid communicating with you by any means, for example, trying to get away from the conversation, even if you are in the company, it is very likely that she knows about your sympathy, but she does not feel anything for you. There is also the possibility that she is simply reacting in this way to overly direct hints from you. In this case, it is worth taking her silence and ignoring as a signal that it is time for you to step back and leave her alone. You can try flirting with her again in a couple of weeks. If she still reacts negatively, it's best to stop trying.

How to understand the truth of a man's feelings, how to find out if the guy I like likes me? Very often, men do not show their interest in a woman, for various reasons: they are afraid of being rejected, funny, do not want to become addicted, etc. How then, if a guy / man does not show and does not directly speak about his feelings, how do you know if he likes you?

How to know if a guy likes you

1. Body language

During your date, body language can tell a lot more about the other person's attitude towards you than words. An interesting fact is that experts believe that women use about 52 gestures, which can be called body language, while men only 10. If you understand this theory, then “reading” people will become a little easier! It is very useful to know what to pay attention to in order to understand the attitude towards you, and not be in an awkward position, mistakenly hoping for mutual sympathy. Elements of body language that you should pay attention to:

  • He looks at you a lot. His eyebrows rise when he looks at you (eyebrows seem to twitch if the look lasts even a fraction of a second). He himself may not notice that his gaze may even seem intent.
  • He leans towards you during the conversation. Invading another person's personal space is a sign of great interest.
  • Pay attention to how he folds his arms, legs, fingers, etc. If they seem to point to you, then this is a subconscious reaction to interest in you. He begins to tidy up. He fiddles with his tie or straightens his shirt. Perhaps he smoothes his hair in an attempt to tidy it up, or even starts tying his shoelaces. Such behavior can be compared with the behavior of a peacock or a rooster, which polishes its feathers in front of the chosen one!
  • Notice how he sits. If he does not cross his legs, but on the contrary courageously spreads his knees or even rests his hand on his thigh, then he is trying to impress.

If he is charmed, then you will notice that he rarely turns his back to you, often leans towards you, and also does not take his eyes off you. If he slouches around you, then this gives out a romantic nature in him and what you say is really important to him. If his shoulders and pelvis are turned towards you, then his sympathy is obvious.

2. Eye contact

As already noted, a guy who is interested will look at you, even if he tries to do it discreetly. He will try to catch your eye, or if he is shy, he will abruptly look away when he meets your eyes. To gauge his interest, look at him for four seconds and then look away (staring too long can make it look unnatural). And then look at him again and at his reaction - if he does not look away and tries to maintain eye contact with you, then he is interested. If he looks at your lips, then he is very interested. And if eye contact with you lasted even a fraction of a second longer than with everyone else, then apparently he has some kind of interest. And, conversely, if he does not maintain eye contact with you and begins to look around, then he is not interested in you:

  • If he first looks to the left, then his eyes seem to slide over your face, and start looking to the right, then this is a sign that he finds you pretty.
  • Be careful not to confuse a shy guy with an uninterested one. A shy guy will still keep looking at you furtively. Be patient!
  • If you don't like the guy, then it will be unpleasant to maintain eye contact, so quickly look away as if you are looking at someone else.
  • When he jokes or does something funny in an attempt to make everyone around him laugh, his eyes will definitely look at you for a split second to check if you are laughing along with everyone - he wants to make a good impression on you.

His pupils may dilate when looking at you if he is in love, but this is quite difficult to notice, and you will look ridiculous if you constantly try to see if the circumference of his pupils has changed. If you have known each other for a long time, it will be easier to notice.

3. Listen to what he says

If he is in love, then he is nervous in your presence and most likely talks more about himself. Guys find it necessary to prove themselves, especially if there are other guys in the company, and even more so if you start talking about other guys.

  • You can also determine his interest by the reaction to your words and manner of speech. What really matters is not so much what you say, but how you say it. Try this: lean against his shoulder and whisper something. To increase the impact, touch at this moment lightly on his back. If he turns his head towards you or even touches you back, catches your eye, he is definitely interested in you. And if he doesn’t care, then most likely he will take a step back or not react in any way to your actions. The guy will involuntarily go out of his way to keep you out of your personal space if he's not interested.

4. Pay attention to his touch

They are an important sign of interest in your person, watch how he touches you, as well as how he reacts to your touch. If he is interested in you, he may accidentally touch your hand when he laughs, or he may accidentally touch your leg if you are sitting next to him, or even try to hug you during a greeting, demonstrating how glad he is to see you. . Pay attention to his reaction to your touch - gently touch his neck, shoulder, or even run your fingers along his arm during a joke. If he is interested in you, then he will respond to your touch and definitely will not move his arm or leg away from you after an accidental touch.

  • If he's a shy guy, he might kind of flinch a little at unexpected touches. And this does not necessarily mean that he is not pleased. For a better understanding, follow his actions further.
  • Many experienced machos are not averse to embracing or supporting all the girls around by the hand, try to make sure that he distinguishes you from others, be more careful.

5. Watch him to make sure he treats you especially.

If he is really interested in you, then he may start acting like a "protector", as if patronizing towards you, or acting like a gentleman (at least the way he is convinced that gentlemen behave). Notice if he pulls his chair closer to yours, hugs the back of the chair you're sitting in, or maybe even offers you his jacket to keep you warm.

  • Keep in mind that some guys flirt with other girls just to get your attention. This gives them a chance to see your reaction, and helps them understand if you are interested in him (seems counterintuitive, especially since such behavior can offend or alienate you from him!) However, as a rule, find out the true reasons for his flirting with others girls can be on some grounds. If, while communicating with another girl, he continues to look at you, then one of the important signs that he is interested in your reaction. You can also try to find a place where he can't see you and continue watching from there. If immediately after you disappeared from his sight, he stopped talking with the girl - he is interested in you, not in that girl. Also, ask a friend to observe his behavior in your absence.

6. He becomes interested in your hobbies.

For example, if you like a certain genre of music that he hasn't listened to before, then he may ask you to recommend him a band or artists. Or he even finds out that your favorite band is playing in your city and invites you to play. Or if you talk about your favorite TV series that he didn't even know the name of but now doesn't miss an episode, that's a sure sign that he likes you, and especially if he tries to discuss the latest episodes of the series with you.

7. Pay attention to whether he is worried

Nervous laughter, wet palms, deep breaths, fidgeting can all be signs of interest in you. If he's worried about the impression he's making on you, it means he's trying, and probably preparing for the next step, to make your relationship more intimate.

8. Pay attention to his friends

If they know that he likes you, then they may begin to tease him in your presence or hint to you about his interest in another way. His friends may even try to find out if their friend likes you. Watch how his friends react to you. Are they looking at him? Are they smiling slyly, as if they know something that you don't?

  • Be careful if his friends say that the guy is in love with you, but all signs say otherwise. Sometimes friends, on the contrary, will, for some reason of their own, try to do everything to set you and your boyfriend against each other, including deliberately putting you in a disadvantageous light.

9. He imitates you

Mirroring your actions is a sign of sympathy at the subconscious level. If you notice that he copies your movements, then most likely he is fascinated by you. Imitate him too - touch your hair if he pulls his hair, take the same posture as him, take a sip from the glass after him, etc. Then the signals directed to his subconscious will literally scream: “I like you too!”

For example, if in a cafe, dining room or bar, he tries to sit at the same table with you, well, or at least nearby, then he is obviously trying to be closer to you. Just make sure you don't jump to the wrong conclusion if his choice of table is due to a lack of other available seats!

10. Pay attention to his teasing

If a guy teases you in a friendly and hilarious way, it may indicate he's interested in you, especially if he's very young. Of course, if making fun of everyone around is not his distinguishing feature, and he is only joking at you, then this sign can be regarded as an attempt by a young man to draw your attention to him. If his jokes are mean or offensive to you, then immediately say so - let him know right away that you are not ready to tolerate his behavior, no matter what his motives are.

11. Beats means loves

A guy can kind of hit you gently on the arm if he wants to touch you, but he wants to hide it. If he notices that you do not step aside in response to his such action, then it will be easier for him to find the courage in himself to move on to more pleasant touches. Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to endure if his blows are really too strong - don't be afraid to say that it hurts you! You can seriously offend him if you ask him not to touch you again, so try to be tactful! And if you are one of those girls who are ready to support the game, then boldly give change.

  • His playful punches may have other meanings as well. It can mean "I treat you like one of my friends". Pay attention to whether he behaves the same way with other girls. It is also important how often he resorts to this method of physical contact, and if he has been pushing you on the shoulder for quite some time and often, then he probably is not going to stop these immature displays of attention.

If you don't like it, say it straight. You have the right to request that you stop being touched, even if it is done with the best of intentions.

12. Recognize all the compliments that are addressed to you.

  • If you have a new hairstyle and a guy notices it, then this clearly indicates that he likes you. Most guys, of course, do not pay attention to changes in their hair in principle, and even if they notice something new, they will not consider it necessary to talk about it. And if you heard from his lips something about your hairstyle, then this is a clear sign of interest in you. “You look good today”, “I like this dress”, or even “This hairstyle suits you very much” - all this indicates that a young man likes you.
  • If this guy is your longtime friend, compliments aren't necessarily indicative of his love interest. Not all guys know how to give compliments, so don't be upset if you don't hear them addressed to you.

13. His reaction to "male footprints" on you

For example, try leaving some daddy's shaving cream on your cheek. Your boyfriend may wonder where you got a man's shaving cream on your cheek. It can also make a young man think that he has a competitor (of course, at this moment he does not remember the presence of such a man as dad in your life!). You can also experiment with wearing men's things - T-shirts or shirts.

When he is online, there are many things waiting for him on the Internet that require attention - mail, games, friends updates and news sites, which are of course very interesting to him, but not as interesting as communicating with you ... Of course, he can just be very talkative and friendly , or maybe he's even just bored, so don't take his frequent messages over the Internet for granted. However, they still remain an important indicator of interest.

  • If he puts ")" at the end of every sentence, it doesn't mean how happy he is with you. This may mean that he shares his good mood or simply puts this sign without thinking out of habit.
  • If he says: “I know something that you don’t know,” then this may mean that he likes you and flirts with you in this way. But it can also be just a mailing list with the news about the discovery of a new planet or a cure for cancer, etc. Pay attention to the context of the message to understand its motivation.

15. He began to meet you often in unexpected places.

If you have begun to notice that you meet a young man in places and at a time where you have never seen him before, then perhaps he appears there only to meet you. If this happens quite often, then this is probably not accidental, but the result of his planned actions.

16. Respond to his attentions

If he shows genuine interest in you (for example, he often smiles at you or never misses a chance to say hello and talk), then be polite and friendly in return. If you like him, don't delay looking for an opportunity to spend time alone and meet in a quiet place. If he is not to your taste, then be honest and let him know that his attentions are pleasant to you, but nothing more.

Sympathy Test

How to understand if you are attractive to a young man? A test or, rather, an experiment will help to understand the feelings and the situation. Carry out the following simple tasks that will slightly open the "veil of secrecy".

Of course, they cannot confirm or refute your assumption about the presence of sympathy with an absolute guarantee, but you will be able to think over a strategy of behavior.

Test #1

To get a sense of a guy's interest, try breaking a pencil, for example, and asking the guy to sharpen it (you might "accidentally" drop an earring, for example). If a guy agrees to help you without persuasion, you can talk about his sympathy.

Test number 2. Look

This test is associated with such a psychological feature as mirroring the movements of a pretty interlocutor. Catch a man's eye and immediately look at the clock, then look at the man again. If he also looked at your watch, and then began to examine you again, this is another sign of interest in your person.

Test number 3. "Provocation"

The next test is a bit like a provocation, but what can you do to find out if a young man cares about you. Come up with a story that you and your friend were going to the cinema, but ended up without a companion. If a guy likes you, he will offer his company without further ado.

There should not be too many such experiments, otherwise the young man will understand that you are testing him. Who knows how he will react to such "testing".

Correct inference from male behavior

There are a lot of recommendations on how to understand that a guy likes you. But it is not always possible to draw conclusions that correspond to reality. This happens because young ladies take banal politeness for falling in love, and ordinary indifference for modesty.

Let's try to consider specific examples:

  1. Suppose a guy you know greets you when he meets you and finds out how your business is progressing at the institute or at work. Most likely, this is a sign of upbringing, but nothing more.
  2. Are you sure that the young man does not invite you to meet only because of natural modesty? What if it's simple indifference and lack of interest? Once again review the signs of sympathy, conduct a small test, make a few hints that are not too transparent. If he does not react in any way, he probably does not care about you.
  3. Yes, a man regularly compliments you, but you should not dream of a serious relationship and a wedding dress just yet. Perhaps this is a feature of his character - gallantry. In addition, many young people show admiration for the appearance of pretty girls.

Indeed, the more of the above signs in male behavior you find, the higher the likelihood of sympathy and interest. However, do not forget that observation is usually subjective and is interpreted in your favor, especially if you yourself are not indifferent to this young man.


  • Be careful not to try to attribute the wrong meaning to his behavior just because you would like to regard his actions in this way. For example, good jokes about you may also be due to the fact that he likes to joke about women in general. He may not even think about how you perceive these jokes, and he makes them to amuse others!
  • Be careful with taciturn guys. If he offers you something that could potentially be considered a date, but you're not entirely sure, then find out before agreeing. It can get awkward if one of you thinks it's a date and the other thinks it's not.
  • Do not try to ask the guy's friends how he treats you if you do not want to put both him and yourself in a stupid position. It is unlikely that his friends will be frank with you, but they will laugh at you enough!
  • If a guy on the very first date devours your figure with his eyes, behaves too self-confidently, allows himself to dissolve his hands and calls you to his home - there is no doubt that he has an exclusively sexual interest in you. So turn around and walk away proudly if you value yourself.
  • Don't try to win a guy's love unless there are clear signs that he likes you. Appreciate yourself and your time! Women who engage in self-deception and wishful thinking doom themselves to love failures and disappointments.
  • Keep in mind that shy men need a special approach. If you clearly see that the guy likes you, but because of his modesty and shyness, he does not dare to start courting you, cheer him up and push him to take decisive action with the help of coquetry and a friendly attitude.

Video: how to know if the guy I like likes me


I met him first, had an intimate relationship last year once, which didn’t end well. pregnancy was suspected. This year, he approached me only after I said hello. There was sex. But after that, the relationship became more than strange. He constantly spins around me, looks, shows his friends, asks them to watch me, but he does not look at this time. In social networks, he constantly visits my page (and now too). Suitable only after I say hello myself. I approached him several times myself, the conversation was not long, because. he was always in a hurry. Once I wrote him a message on the social network, he answered it only after half a day. My sister approached me without my knowledge and asked him about his relationship with me, he replied that he liked me very much, but for some reason he could not be with me yet ... some kind of nonsense. he talks to other girls. I decided to find out everything myself and wrote him a question on the social network - “write your attitude towards me so as not to waste your and my time ...” he did not even open this message. Well, I decided to forget him completely, surrounding myself with the male sex. The reaction was - eyes black with jealousy, complete ignore, then again he began to look at me, to be constantly nearby, but he did not dare to approach. One guy from their company approached me to get acquainted, he obviously liked me, but then abruptly stopped paying attention to me (I saw how they talked). But with all this, he finds time to retire with girls for intimacy, leaving with them in front of my eyes. From all this I saw, I burst into tears and went into the back room to cry, he ran after me ... Tell me, what should I do?


You need a relationship, he needs sex. You are too banal, intrusive and not interesting. He is simply flattered that a woman like you fell for him and does not lag behind him. Therefore, he controls your attraction to him. Well, he doesn’t need a relationship with you, he has a wind in his head, he wants to hang out, he wants action and fun. You work, I suppose, in the restaurant business, there is always sex, drugs and rock and roll, he worked there himself. Plus, he is decently younger than you, at this age you just have different values ​​​​and priorities in life. Become independent of him, stop following him and asking stupid questions like do you like me. This is very repulsive. Well, do not agree immediately if you are called somewhere.