How a one month old baby sees. The world through the eyes of a baby: what and how babies see

The appearance of a newborn child is accompanied by many questions - when he begins to see, hear, recognize others, etc. Someone may be disturbed by half-closed eyes in a baby, someone - reactions to light. Many new parents are sure that children do not see at birth.

When does a child begin to see?

Already in the womb, the child is able to respond to light. Thanks to the capabilities of ultrasound, scientists were able to accurately determine:

  • in the eighth month of pregnancy, the baby distinguishes the time of day;
  • if you turn on a bright light at night, the baby in the womb will close his eyes;
  • a similar reaction to the ultrasound sensor;
  • in the last weeks of pregnancy, babies turn their heads towards the light, which is directed towards the abdomen.

A newborn sees from the first minutes of his life. Only unlike an adult child, vision has a number of features. Due to inexperience, many newly-made mothers, it seems that the newborn does not respond to stimuli. Considering that many babies only sleep and eat, crying for wet diapers, this belief has firmly established itself among the people.

When does a newborn begin to see and hear normally? From the moment it was born. As soon as the child leaves the birth canal, he immediately begins to react to stimuli. Light, sounds, temperature - all this causes a reaction in the baby.

Features of vision

The stereotype that a newborn child does not see has real grounds. Children begin to see from the moment they are born. Only vision while allows them to distinguish the outlines of objects. characteristic farsightedness- this is the name of the defect of vision, when you do not see objects up close, but in the distance everything is perfectly visible. The child reaches its maximum sharpness only by the age of four, by six months his vision improves.

The newborn has a unique feature - react negatively to light. You can see how he squints or closes his eyes, starts to cry. According to this reaction, premature babies can be identified - they throw their heads back into the light and close their eyelids. In general, the assessment of the visual analyzer is carried out only by a doctor and according to special methods. Immediately after childbirth, the baby's eyes are checked with a light beam - the pupil narrows.

Eyes squinting - is there a reason for panic?

Many parents start to panic when they discover squinting eyes in a baby. In fact, there is no cause for concern here. Normally, each newborn child has physiological features of vision:

  • the first three weeks of life are accompanied by a fear of light;
  • the first two months strabismus is visible;
  • the first weeks of life are accompanied by low visual acuity.

Children begin to hear from birth. Already from the moment they appear, they can distinguish the tempo, the timbre of the voice. Unlike visual function, auditory function is fully functional from birth. Therefore, if the baby does not respond to sounds and does not show reactions, this is a reason to seriously think about it.

Is strabismus dangerous at this age? No, since it appears due to the immaturity of the eye muscles, the defect goes away on its own with time.

What and how do newborn babies see?

First days since birth children see everything blurry. This is due to squeezing the head during passage through the birth canal. This is noticeable by swollen eyelids and red eyes. Babies only sleep and eat for the first few days. During feeding, the baby will try to look at the mother's face. In the first month he sees only large objects. In the first four months of life, the baby glides over objects with his eyes, stopping only at what is of interest. A newborn will be able to focus his eyes only by the fourth month of life.

In the first month of life, the baby studies the mother's face during feeding and remembers it. Psychologists have proven that it is during this period of time that the foundations of a sense of security and joy are laid. An interesting feature is that babies see better when they are in an upright position.

What do babies like to look at?

Observant parents notice not only when newborns begin to see, but also what they like to look at. In the first place here is the mother, since in the first year of the baby's life she becomes the main source of pleasure. It is she who changes diapers for a newborn, washes him, feeds him and lulls him to sleep. She is the main source of positive emotions.

In second place are people's faces. Any change in appearance can scare the baby - a new haircut, glasses or hair color. All this can scare the baby. Scientists have noticed a funny feature: babies like to watch men's faces. They are clear, expressive with facial hair.

Scientists have revealed another funny feature of vision in babies - from birth, babies concentrate better on black and white pictures. He can look at them for a long time. But bright objects easily attract the attention of the child. The main thing is not to saturate the environment around the baby with acid colors. It is better to have a couple of bright toys in the arsenal. Doctors consider the following exercise useful for the development of vision:

  • the baby is placed on his back on a flat surface;
  • a toy is held over his face;
  • as soon as the baby is interested in the object, the adult begins to slowly move the toy from side to side.

Such a simple exercise develops vision and teaches the child to follow the object with his eyes.

Features of color vision

How many colors a child sees from birth, and how many with growing up is an important issue that worries many parents. Ophthalmologists have studied a large number of newborns for a long time and determined - From the moment of birth, the child sees everything in black and white.. His attention is drawn to patterns of stripes and checks, as well as geometric shapes.

By three months, the baby begins to distinguish between red and yellow. It is from this age that bright toys can be hung. But the best picture for a child is the face of his mother. It is with her that many pleasant moments are associated.

For the development of visual perception does not need to make special efforts. Place bright objects a short distance from the baby's face, smile and talk to the baby. Make sure the lighting is right in the room.

Vision is an extremely important function of the body. Thanks to vision, a person sees the world around him and himself in it. It is vision that allows us to perceive the beautiful and the ugly, the colorful and the faded, the bright and the dim, knowing the world in all its diversity. How a child sees has a lot to do with his development.

When talking about vision, they usually mean the eyes. But eye- This peripheral part of the visual analyzer , which also includes optic nerves And cerebral cortex. The eye perceives the image and translates it into nerve impulses, which are carried along the optic nerves to the cerebral cortex, where they are processed and the image is formed. The interaction of these components of the visual analyzer gives vision.


The eyes are laid in the third week of intrauterine development and are formed throughout pregnancy. The intrauterine vision of a child has been studied very little, but it is known that even a baby born at the 28th week of pregnancy reacts to bright light. In addition, it is considered proven that a reaction to bright light appears in a child before birth - in the womb. A child is born with an immature visual analyzer (its formation is completed only by the age of 10-11).

There is an opinion that a newborn sees the world upside down - is it true? If we abandon conjectures and operate only with facts, the situation is as follows. As in an adult, on the retina of an infant, the image is actually displayed upside down (this is an objective optical law). It was found that the cerebral cortex, analyzing the image, "adapted" to turn the picture over. It is impossible to say whether a person is born with this skill or acquires it over time: after all, a baby will not complain about the undignified behavior of his mother, who for some reason turned her head upside down. Therefore, all discussions on this topic, caused by a completely understandable desire to recreate the picture of the world seen by a person who has just come into it, are of no scientific or practical interest.

Immediately after childbirth a huge amount of visual stimuli literally falls on the child, because he gets out of the dark womb into the bright world around him.

A newborn has very poor eyesight: he sees only large objects located in the immediate vicinity of him. There is a deep meaning in this. Nature, as it were, protects the baby from excessive visual stimulation, allowing you to select the most important thing from the vast diverse world: mother's face. And indeed, he sees best at a distance of about 40-50 cm - just so far from the baby is the mother's face during feeding. It is recommended to place toys no closer than 40-50 cm from the face of the newborn.

If a newborn is shown a bright toy, he will not stop looking at it. But already from the second week of life appears gaze fixation - his short-term delay on subjects. However, the child is unable to concentrate for a long time. When his gaze is not fixed on any object, he may experience apparent strabismus - uncoordinated eye movements. In fact, this phenomenon has nothing to do with true strabismus, representing a normal manifestation of the functional immaturity of the visual analyzer. This, however, does not mean that true strabismus does not occur in newborns - only an oculist can correctly assess the state of the visual apparatus of a child.

Binocular gaze fixation (the object is fixed with two eyes) appears at 2-3 months of life. At this age, eye movements become coordinated and "strabismus", if it was apparent, and not true, disappears. From 2-3 months, the child begins to recognize the mother, and then other close people, reacting to their appearance in his field of vision with a smile and general physical activity. Visual acuity during the first year of life increases significantly. By the sixth or eighth months, children begin to distinguish simple geometric figures against the general background, and from 1 year - more complex drawings.

Color perception . In addition to the myth of the “inverted world”, there is another legend that is quite firmly rooted in the minds of many, regarding the vision of a baby. Very often you can hear that a newborn baby has black and white vision and only over time the world is painted for him with different colors. This is not so, although there is some truth in this delusion - as in most others. As we have already said, the same “picture” is displayed on the retina of a newborn as on the retina of an adult. However, the infant begins to focus his gaze selectively, gradually isolating certain colors from the surrounding reality. Goethe wrote: “Yellow pleases the eye, expands the heart, invigorates the spirit, and we immediately feel warmth. Blue color, on the contrary, represents everything in a sad way. The intuition did not fail the author of "Faust" - indeed, first of all, the kids begin to look at the objects of the yellow-green range, but very soon other colors join it.


Moms and dads should remember that very, very much depends on them - including the formation of the child's visual functions. I would like to give some practical recommendations:

1. The eye is an organ that is very sensitive to the effects of internal and external environmental factors. The task of parents is to take care of the general health and proper nutrition of the baby.

2. The child must be in a well-lit room - keep this in mind when choosing a room for a nursery.

3. For the correct development of the visual apparatus, a child needs a sufficient amount of visual impressions. The baby should be surrounded by bright objects of different shapes and sizes. It can be not only expensive toys bought in a store, but also home-made garlands or balls made of paper or fabric of different colors - the fruit of your imagination. It must be remembered that at an early age they should be located at a considerable distance from the child (40-50 cm). And one more thing: it is advisable to periodically change the toys surrounding the child.


Unfortunately, in infants, various eye diseases can occur. The most common causes of congenital diseases are:

  • adverse environmental impact;
  • maternal illness during pregnancy:
                  • rubella
                  • tuberculosis
                  • viral diseases;
  • genetic factors.

Pathological changes in the organ of vision can be observed in newborns with congenital toxoplasmosis. Sometimes parents can suspect a particular pathology of the eyes - by the appearance of the child. For example, they may notice ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid; microphthalmos (reduction of the eye); macrophthalmos (enlargement of the eye), which occurs with congenital glaucoma; clouding of the cornea (the so-called "thorn") and the lens ("white pupil") - with congenital cataracts. Redness of the eyes and eyelids also indicates trouble. An attentive mother will not miss strabismus in her child (we wrote about physiological and true strabismus above). Sometimes in newborns, bluish-red spots are visible on the skin of the face and eyelids. This is telangiectasia (uneven expansion of small vessels). As a rule, within a few months, the spots disappear on their own. However, if the number of such spots does not decrease with time, but increases, you should consult a doctor to exclude a benign vascular tumor (hemangioma).

And yet it would be the deepest delusion on the part of parents to believe that an attentive attitude to the child is a guarantee of the detection of any eye disease. Take, for example, the most aggressive and severe of these diseases, posing a threat to the life of a child - retinoblastoma, a congenital malignant tumor of the retina. As a rule, the oculist can suspect this tumor even in the maternity hospital or at the first examination of the child in the clinic. Parents, who are not armed with special knowledge and tools, may notice changes in the form of a white or greenish glow of the pupil only in the later stages of the disease. We stopped at this formidable disease not at all in order to scare, but precisely because with its early diagnosis and proper treatment it is possible to save not only the life of the child, but also in some cases the eye with residual vision. In addition, by the appearance and condition of the eyes and its individual structures, the doctor can judge the state of the body as a whole with great certainty. For example, congestive optic discs appear with increased intracranial pressure. This condition requires immediate consultation with a neurologist. The optometrist is often the first specialist who may suspect metabolic disorders, pathology of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, congenital infections (eg rubella, syphilis, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis). The conclusion suggests itself - in no case should you neglect a visit to an ophthalmologist in the first months of a child's life! Only an ophthalmologist can examine a child, make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. He may resort to conservative therapy, or may recommend surgery. For example, congenital cataract and glaucoma are treated only by surgery. The doctor determines the tactics of treatment in each case individually.

For the first time, the child should be shown to an ophthalmologist at the age of three months, the second time - at 6 months, the third time - at 1 year. What examinations does an ophthalmologist perform?

  • General examination (the doctor evaluates how the baby's eyes move and the eyelids close).
  • Preliminary assessment of vision (does the baby react to light, at what distance does he see objects).
  • Determination (with the help of special skiascopic rulers) of refraction - the refractive power of the optical system of the eye (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism). It should be noted that for children under three years of age, hyperopia is a normal refraction. The optometrist determines the degree of refraction. For example, with a high degree of farsightedness, correction with glasses is necessary to prevent strabismus and amblyopia (low vision due to functional underdevelopment of the organ of vision). If necessary, glasses are prescribed for children up to a year.
  • And finally, the study of the deep media of the eye and the fundus using an ophthalmoscope and a slit lamp.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that the examination of babies certainly carried out with a wide pupil (special preparations are used to dilate the pupil, which are instilled into the eye of a child). If your child was not given eye dilation before the examination 1 , it is necessary to find out from the doctor the reason for this.

I wish you that your baby looks at the world with healthy and happy eyes - it depends to a very large extent on you!

The visual system of a newborn is not similar to the visual system of an adult. For the first 2 weeks of their lives, children practically do not react to visual stimuli. Under the influence of bright light, their pupils only narrow, their eyelids close, while their eyes wander aimlessly independently of each other. During this period, vision is still weakly connected with consciousness.

Visual acuity is determined using optical glasses (lenses), using special tables or devices - eye refractometers. Visual acuity equal to one is considered the norm. In a newborn, it is much weaker than in an adult, and reaches 0.015, then, however, gradually increases to 0.01-0.03. Such poor vision is explained by the fact that the retina has not yet formed, and the macula lutea (that part of the retina due to which vision becomes 100%) is still completely absent.

If an adult had such a vision, life would not be easy for him, but for the time being, there is nothing special for a baby to look at and there is no need. All he needs is his mother's face, her breasts and a bottle with a pacifier, and they are always close and big enough to catch their eye.

On the 10th day after birth, the baby is already following with his eyes a bright large toy if it is more than 15 cm and falls into his field of vision at a distance of 20-25 cm.

After 2-5 weeks, the baby is able to fix his eyes on a bright light source (candle flame, flashlight in the dark).

During the 2nd month of life, the child follows the movement of a bright toy up, down, left, right. He develops the first ideas about the volume of the subject. Experts believe that the child even distinguishes between the simplest colors (for example, yellow and orange). Babies mostly look in the horizontal plane and only eventually - in the vertical.

Parents are often frightened when they notice that the baby's eyes are directed in different directions, that is, each eye seems to wander on its own. Immediately after birth, this is quite normal. Only after 4, and sometimes 8 weeks, the movements of both eyes are consistent in newborns. If the strabismus persists for more than 8 weeks, you need to show the child to the doctor.

At the 3-4th month, the level of development of eye movements in a child is already quite high. Parents should remember that if there are colorful, attractive, moving objects in the child's field of vision, as well as people performing various actions, the child's visual function develops faster. This is also facilitated by manipulations based on the grasping reflex with various objects the size of a cube.

However, when a child tries to get something, he, as a rule, incorrectly estimates the distance to the object. In addition, the baby is often mistaken in determining the volume of objects. He tries to grab moving shadows, a sunbeam, a flower woven on his mother's dress. The perception of volume in children develops only when they begin to move in space.

Visual acuity continues to rise to OD-0.4. If both eyes see the same thing, then stereoscopic vision reaches an almost adult level.

The ability to distinguish color first appears at the age of 2-6 months. Scientists believe that the perception of colors begins, first of all, with yellow and red, the ability to recognize green and blue colors occurs later, and usually ends with the formation of color vision by 4-5 years.

From the 6th month, the child observes and actively explores his immediate environment, while grasping skills improve significantly, which becomes more and more accurate. Based on this, the infant develops visual representations of distance, which, in turn, develops a three-dimensional perception of the surrounding world. During this period, visual acuity does not increase much, but other visual skills are continuously improved.

In the period from 8 to 12 months, the baby begins to perceive the object not only as a whole, but also in parts. He begins to actively look for a toy that suddenly disappeared from his field of vision.

At home, a child's visual acuity can be tested by his ability to distinguish small objects and their details, to notice the movement of different figures, people. From a year to 2 years, visual acuity is in the range from 0.3 to 0.6, almost complete coordination of eye and hand movements is achieved. At the age of 3-4 years, the child's vision becomes almost the same as that of an adult. At this age, it is quite easy to accurately determine the visual acuity of a child, since most children already freely distinguish the icons on a special table for checking vision. However, since the curvature of the cornea in a baby is less than in an adult, its refractive power is also less. This explains farsightedness of varying degrees in most children (92%).

The birth of a child is the most beautiful thing in the world, but it is associated with severe pain and discomfort not only for the mother, but also for the newborn baby. Getting into a new hitherto unknown world is accompanied by inconveniences in the form of bright light, loud sounds and other phenomena. The first hours after childbirth, the eyes of the baby still cannot get used to the sunlight, so often they try to cover the windows in the delivery room with curtains or blinds.

First eye contact - what and how does the child see?

After birth, all the baby's organs begin to work with a vengeance in order to adapt to the uncomfortable world around them as soon as possible. As for the peephole, in the initial minutes and even hours the eyelids of the child are somewhat swollen (this is a consequence of squeezing the head during labor). Because of this, the contours of objects that children see are rather fuzzy, while newborns try to look at everything with wide eyes so as not to miss anything interesting.

In order to minimize discomfort from bright light, in the initial minutes, fragile eyes should be protected from the sun - darken the windows, turn down the lighting, etc., however, such a precaution is necessary only during the first hour, after which the baby should gradually be accustomed to normal light. If the child is excessively protected from the sun's rays, this can cause a violation of the overall development of the body.

The first 2-3 days the baby spends most of the time in sleep mode, and even when the baby does not sleep, his eyes are half-closed.

The task of parents at this time is considered to wake the baby as often as possible, which can be done in the following ways:

  • holding the baby with one hand under the head and with the other under the ass, slowly turn it from side to side, sometimes quickly stop. Surprised by the change in direction of movement, the child will definitely open his eyes;
  • when the baby has just eaten, you should not actively shake him up, it is better to hold the baby in a “column”, that is, holding it vertically on outstretched arms bent at the elbows, so he will also see you quite clearly;
  • Another way to create eye contact with your baby is to gently raise and lower him on the pillow, while supporting his head so as not to damage the fragile muscles of the spine.

The optimal distance at which objects are best seen for a baby of the first month of life is 20-25 cm, things that are farther or closer, the baby sees blurry, so when you want to draw the child's attention to a certain object, place it at about 20 cm from the eyes of a child. Remember that the gaze is focused for several seconds, and at this time the pupils of the crumbs can randomly rush from side to side - this should not scare you.

What do newborn babies like to watch?

The attention of babies is attracted by bright and noticeable objects, but the most desirable and attractive object is the human face. Already after a few weeks, the baby begins to distinguish physiognomies, when a native person appears in the room - mom or dad, the baby will greet you with a smile or a joyful cooing. Separately, it is worth noting the amazing memory ability of newborns - getting used to your usual appearance, the baby will recognize you with a different hairstyle, glasses or bright makeup, but will be very surprised.

Along with living faces, children are happy to look at dolls and large toys in the form of animals, clearly defined facial features attract babies, and soon the baby will also want to touch individual parts. For the smallest, it is recommended to use porcelain dolls, since they have the maximum similarity with living faces. Place the toy at a distance of about 10 cm from the crib, then the child will see the doll most clearly.

The crumbs will also like bright cubes, balls or soft figures, it is better to choose products from soft fabrics, fabric compositions or food-grade silicone. You should not choose models of screaming acid tones, this can cause additional overexcitation of the crumbs (everything that babies see affects their state of mind), rely on bright but calm shades - toys of green, blue, purple, orange, sand colors will do.

Features of the development of the organs of vision in infants

The development of all body systems of newborns takes place gradually, the organs of vision are characterized by consistent development, at first, babies see the world around them in black and white, after 1-1.5 months the vision becomes colorful.

  • Babies' eyeballs may move unevenly at first, the eyes can squint or look in different directions, all this is due to the weakness of the eye muscles, when they get stronger, the appearance of the organs of vision stabilizes. If after 2-3 months the situation has not changed, you should consult a doctor.
  • Since in the initial 2 weeks of life, babies cannot see and distinguish between different colors., they show interest in visually clear objects - try to surround the playpen with toys with clear faces, objects without small distracting details, and also spend time with him more often.
  • When the baby learns to raise his head(and this will be after 1 month), his vision has not yet stabilized to the end. The baby will be able to look at the thing of interest to him, but he will be able to focus on it for a long time only by 4 months after birth.
  • Check the correctness of the development of the visual system in a newly born baby, you can react to light, for this, shine a flashlight in the center of the eye or bring the baby to sunlight, while the pupils should narrow.

Remember that any anomalies and malformations can be prevented if you pay attention to them in a timely manner, do not refuse a scheduled visit to the doctor - for the first year, the baby should have 2-3 mandatory meetings with the optometrist.

The baby is actively growing and exploring everything around him, and all the baby's organs are being improved and developed. The baby already recognizes his mother, gives her his conscious smile and greets her with movements of the whole body. Let's find out what else a two-month-old toddler can do and how parents can help the development of a baby of this age.

Physiological changes

  • By the age of two months, the salivary glands begin to fully work in an infant. And although their functioning is not so active as to cause the formation of a large amount of saliva, it becomes more comfortable for the baby to suckle the breast. In addition, due to the tighter contact of the baby's oral cavity and mother's breast, the baby swallows air less, which reduces the manifestation of colic.
  • The baby's digestive system is actively developing. In a two-month-old child, digestive juices and enzymes are more actively produced, beneficial microflora in the intestines develops, and stool changes.
  • Physiological hypertonicity begins to fade. First, it decreases in the upper limbs, and a little later in the legs. The crawling reflex also disappears - if you put your hand under the feet of a baby lying on his stomach, the child will no longer push off.
  • By two months, the communications that were in the baby's heart during fetal development begin to close. Changes occur in the formula of the child's blood.
  • Baby's vision improves- the baby already sees everything better at a distance of 50 centimeters, but objects that move quickly, the baby’s eyes are not yet able to fix.
  • A baby has at least 6 urinations a day, and the baby's stool is affected by the type of feeding. A baby receiving mother's milk can defecate from 1 time in several days to 12 times a day, and the frequency of fecal excretion in artificial children averages 1-4 times a day.

The child begins to form a daily routine

Physical development

The height and weight of a two-month-old baby can vary greatly. A child can grow in the second month of life by 3-5 centimeters or add only 1 centimeter in height, and this will be a variant of the norm.

On average, in the second month, children gain about 800 grams of weight, but some little ones can gain less, while others can gain more. The average increase in the volume of the chest is 2 centimeters, and the circumference of the head is 1.5 centimeters.

If in doubt and worried, find out the boundary indicators of the main physical parameters of the child's development, which we noted in the table:

Insufficient weight gain (if a boy of 2 months weighs less than 4.3 kg, and a girl less than 3.9 g) should be a reason for consulting a pediatrician. Too much increase in head circumference should also cause concern - this is a good reason to show the baby to a neurologist in order to exclude problems with the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

Follow the dynamics of the development of the baby and consult a pediatrician

What can the baby do?

  • A two-month-old baby responds with a conscious smile to his mother's affectionate speech and games. The range of emotions of the baby becomes very extensive - the baby can rejoice, be offended, indignant, laugh silently, flirt, attract attention, protest against the actions of an adult.
  • The look of the crumbs of this age, due to the improvement in the function of the eye muscles and the increase in the ability to concentrate, has become studying and attentive. The baby recognizes the mother's face and examines it carefully. The baby is also attracted to various bright objects. He fixes his gaze on them both when they are motionless and when they move slowly in space.
  • The baby is already better at recognizing different sounds, while distinguishing the mother’s voice and turning his head towards him.
  • In the position on the tummy, the baby raises its head more confidently and is able to hold it for about a minute. In this case, the baby's shoulder girdle comes off the surface. This is how long the baby can already hold his head when the mother holds him upright in her arms.
  • The cooing of a 2-month-old baby became louder and more frequent. The sounds made by the baby become clearer. They are predominantly vowels - "e", "i", "y", "o", "a".
  • If you put fingers or toys in the palms of a toddler for 2 months, the baby will reflexively grab onto them.
  • Lying on its side, the baby has already learned to turn into a position on its back.
  • The child began to understand some of the relationships of cause and effect. For example, the baby has already figured out that his crying causes his mother to appear nearby. At this age, as before, with the help of crying, the baby informs parents about any discomfort.

At 2 months, the child already consciously smiles

Activities for development

To stimulate the physical development of the baby, parents should use:

  • Massage and light gymnastics.
  • Air baths. The baby needs to be laid on a changing table and completely undressed, leaving to lie without clothes. Start with 1 minute of this bath, and then gradually increase the duration to 10 minutes.
  • Walks in the fresh air for 2-4 hours daily (duration depends on weather conditions).
  • Frequent laying on the tummy so that the child trains to hold his head.

Carry the baby in your arms, holding it in a “column”, showing the surrounding objects and introducing the baby to other people. Let your baby learn the faces and voices of adults and other children. Provide the opportunity for the baby to explore his own body, as well as the face of his parents by touch.

Many children calm down faster in the column position.

In order for the child to learn to hold objects, improve tactile sensitivity and motor skills, small balls of different materials (wood, rubber, plastic, etc.) with different weights are regularly put into his hands. Such balls can be soft and hard, smooth or embossed. You need to put objects in the child’s open palms and make sure that the baby grabs them reflexively. Balls can be tied to ribbons and lowered to the child, and when the baby grabs objects, pull them towards you, thereby stimulating to grab the balls tighter. Balls can be replaced with sticks (smooth or ribbed) and liners of different fabrics.

Try to do the exercise "Here's a gift for a baby", which Tatyana Lazareva shows in the next video.

For the development of the baby's hearing, it is worth using quiet classical music, rattles and bells. Lay the baby on the back, take the bell in your hand and, holding it 60-70 centimeters from the baby’s chest, make a few bells. After waiting for the sound to subside, make two or three more calls. You can also tie a fishing line to the bell and move it, stimulating the baby to look for the source of the sound with his eyes. Such ear training can be done several times a day, but after 3-4 days of training, it is worth taking a break for a week.

To stimulate the organ of vision, put on bright clothes for the baby and surround the baby with objects of different colors. Hang colorful toys above the baby's crib about 50 centimeters from the baby. The baby will not only look at them, but will also begin to try to grab them.

Conduct original dialogues with the baby, copying the cooing of the little one. The kid will hear himself from the outside and repeat after you, while training articulation and speech. Children also really like it when mom imitates animal sounds (meows, lows).

Having introduced the baby to the usual massage, try using objects for this procedure that can be rolled over the baby's body, for example, smooth sticks, small balls, pencils. If you took a large object for such a massage, roll it only on the baby's back, and small objects can be used to stroke the entire body of the little one.

Massage activates brain cells and promotes child development

For “self-massage”, you can scatter cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat, beans) on the changing table and lay the baby back down on it. If the crumbs' handles are not yet very dexterous and cannot grab the grains, you can spread the crumbs on the grits and on the tummy. Moving on such a massaging material, the child will develop tactile sensitivity.

Daily regime

Many babies have their own daily routine by the age of two months. It is important for parents to take into account the biorhythms of the baby and adjust the main regime moments for them (walking, developing activities, bathing).

A two-month-old baby spends most of the day in a dream. The baby sleeps at night for about 11 hours, and in the daytime 4 times for 1.5-2 hours. It will also be normal if a few daytime naps last up to 3 hours, and the rest are very short (half an hour). Periods of wakefulness at this age are still short-lived. On average, there are 4 of them lasting from 1 to 1.5 hours.

The number of feedings in 2 months is 6-7, and the interval between them is about 3 hours. There is no night break in feedings at this age, while during the night feeding the baby no longer wakes up completely.


A two-month-old peanut should not be left alone - let the baby always be under the supervision of an adult. When caring for a baby, you need to wash the child daily, wiping his eyes, nose, ears and face. Wash the baby under running water after each excretion of feces and after several urinations.

Daily bathing of a child of 2 months should last 5 minutes in water at a temperature of 36-37 degrees.

The head of a 2-month-old baby is washed two to three times a week.

Various herbs can be added to bathing water


The best food for a baby at the age of 2 months is mother's milk. It provides the baby with the necessary nutrients and changes simultaneously with the growth of the baby. The best option for breastfeeding is called feeding on demand, when the baby is applied as many times as he needs.