Stones by date of birth and zodiac sign. Find out your unique talisman by date of birth

Various amulets, talismans and magic stones have been used since ancient times to protect against negative external influences and to attract success and good luck in all areas of life. However, there are some nuances here. If you choose the right stone according to your zodiac sign and taking into account other details, then you can make an amulet yourself.

The functional purpose of amulets and talismans

For a long time, amulets have been used to protect against the negative effects of the evil eye, damage, and to prevent any family troubles and difficult circumstances. The amulet, in turn, is a powerful energy potential, which is concentrated in a certain thing, charged in a special way. If you choose and make such a thing correctly, it will become an indispensable assistant and will always energize.

The main function of talismans is to bring good luck and prosperity to their owner. Such products were made from different materials, which were selected depending on the date of birth, gender and other characteristics of a particular person. The stone, which is the basis of the talisman, is also chosen based on the purpose, that is, what are the goals of a person: love, luck, financial benefits, etc. It is best to sum up all the characteristics and from this give preference to one or another material.

The amulet stone is selected for each specific person

How to choose stones for the season

The choice of the appropriate stone is carried out according to the season. People born in the winter months are advised to give preference to white and blue materials (amethyst, tanzanite). Autumn is more characterized by red, yellow, orange and blue shades (tourmaline, sapphire and topaz). It is better for those born in spring to acquire green and white colors (aquamarine, emerald and diamond). For summer, warm shades are more suitable (chrysolite, alexandrite and ruby).

How to choose a talisman depending on the month of birth

Depending on the month of birth, stones should be selected as follows:

  • January - pomegranate;
  • February - amethyst;
  • March - aquamarine;
  • April is a diamond;
  • May - emerald;
  • June - pearls or moonstone;
  • July - ruby;
  • august - peridot;
  • september - sapphire;
  • October - tourmaline;
  • November - topaz;
  • December - turquoise.

The choice of stone depending on the date of birth

The choice of a stone by date of birth is extremely important, since the number plays a magical role and it is not without reason that each person comes into the world at a certain time. Therefore, based on this, preference should be given to one or another mineral:

  • 1, 10, 19, 28 - coral, ruby, topaz, opal;
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 - cat's eye, pearls, jade;
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 - topaz, amethyst, emerald and coral;
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 - pomegranate, opal, aquamarine;
  • 5, 14, 23 - zircon, sapphire and diamond;
  • 6, 15, 24 - opal, beryl, emerald;
  • 7, 16, 25 - moonstone, tiger's eye and pearls;
  • 8, 17, 26 - lapis lazuli, sapphire and opal;
  • 9, 18, 27 - garnet, ruby ​​and opal.

Stones, talismans, amulets and amulets depending on the sign of the zodiac

Aries: diamond, bloodstone, ruby

If we talk about the zodiac sign Aries, then everything pointed is most suitable for him - the image of a sword, a claw, and so on. This is especially true for men. Such an amulet will help strengthen the energy of the sign, give strength and courage. It is better to give preference to products that are made of bone or leather. The second option is more suitable for women. A ram or a deer is considered a talisman symbol. Suitable stones are diamond, bloodstone and ruby.

Talisman-claw - the best option for Aries

Taurus: sapphire, topaz, turquoise

Talismans of the zodiac sign Taurus work to attract love and protect the house from negative influences. Stones - sapphire, topaz and turquoise. They are able not only to attract strong feelings, but also to strengthen family relationships. It is best to give preference to rings with similar stones, which will be an excellent amulet. The amulets that can be worn should depict a bull or an owl.

Owl is a powerful amulet for Taurus

Gemini: beryl, jasper, agate

It is better for twins for a talisman to use miniature products resembling a bell or key in shape. Stones - beryl, jasper, agate. A small image of a book will help men attract finances, and for women it is better to wear a miniature mirror that will enhance positive energy.

Golden key - a pendant that protects from the evil eye

Cancer: aquamarine, selinite and emerald

Cancer is better to give preference to silver and its alloys. Stones - aquamarine, selinite and emerald. On amulets and amulets, it is customary to depict an elephant, a lotus or a crescent. Such drawings and engravings help to attract positive emotions and the same interlocutors for both men and women.

The Silver Crescent is the best option for Cancer

Leo: garnet, ruby ​​and tourmaline

For Lviv, gold is considered the best option, which is best worn around the neck. At the same time, you can make engravings with the symbol of the sun, which helps to protect and enhance the influence of this zodiac sign. In addition, such an image attracts good luck in all areas of life. The stones are garnet, ruby ​​and tourmaline.

Engraving the sun on gold will enhance the energy of Lviv

Virgo: jade, carnelian, serpentine

Virgos are better off using green jade. This stone is able to protect its owners from diseases and other life hardships. For a charm or talisman, you can use the image of a girl, a grasshopper or a bowl (cup). The last option is suitable for men, and for the fair sex, the image of a girl is more applicable as an enhancement of their femininity.

Green jade attracts good luck to Virgos

Scales: lapis lazuli, quartz and onyx

For Libra, their characteristic symbol is a bird or a flower. They are usually engraved on bronze, which is most suitable for this zodiac sign. Stones - lapis lazuli, quartz and onyx. Amulets made from such materials are able to attract love and good luck. They can be worn by both men and women without exception.

Bronze flower symbol of good luck for Libra

Scorpio: malachite, ruby, crystal

Scorpions should give preference to images of a snake, scorpion and beetle. This sign is so powerful that it amplifies the energy of most of the minerals it wears. At the same time, his own vitality increases. Stones - malachite, ruby, crystal. For a woman, wearing the image of a scorpion or a beetle is an aid in attracting the other half. Men find harmony in business.

Scorpio - a medallion that enhances energy

Sagittarius: turquoise, sapphire, amethyst

As a talisman for Sagittarius, make engravings with the image of a horse, horseshoe or Phoenix bird. Stones - turquoise, sapphire, amethyst. An arrow drawn in black ink will give strength and guarantee victory to Sagittarius. A dagger adorned with jasper will become a powerful amulet and a symbol of power and prosperity.

Amethyst opens up new opportunities for Sagittarius

Capricorn: tiger eye, opal, onyx

For the manufacture of talismans for Capricorns, it is better to use white gold. Images of crocodiles, lizards and frogs are considered especially favorable. All black stones that enhance the energy of this zodiac sign will do. For women and men, wearing rings made of white gold and dark minerals is considered equally favorable. Such products will serve both as a talisman against evil influence and as an assistant in any responsible business.

A ring with a black stone helps protect against negative influences

Aquarius: sky blue, sapphire and aquamarine

It is very good for Aquarians to wear talismans depicting birds or wings, which will give them strength and lightness in any endeavor. For amulets, it is better to use azure, sapphire and aquamarine. You can make jewelry from stones or just carry it in your pocket at random. For men, an engraving with wings made on tin is more suitable, and for women, a bird that can be worn as a pendant around the neck.

Pendant - the bird is a symbol of prosperity

Pisces: aquamarine, pearl, moonstone

The zodiac sign Pisces can use pearls and amethyst. It is best for women to wear jewelry from these stones on the ankle, which will bring good luck in love and protect from the evil eye. Men should wear a goldfish around their neck or keep it in their pocket to attract success.

Fish made of gold - a pendant for Pisces, bringing success

How to choose a stone by year of birth

To determine the right stone by date of birth, you need to resort to a simple technique. You should add up all the numbers of the date of birth and determine your stone by the original number.

  • 1 - turquoise;
  • 2 - ruby;
  • 3 - aventurine, chrysolite;
  • 4 - sapphire;
  • 5 - aventurine;
  • 6–7 - agate;
  • 8 - onyx, garnet;
  • 9 - crystal, moonstone.

The choice of stone depending on the name

Some people prefer to choose a stone based on the name and this is quite relevant today. For example, for Tatyana, a tiger's eye is more suitable, which helps to harmonize her personality and increase her manifestations of femininity. Dmitry should give preference to agate, which has a calming effect, which is sometimes necessary for a man with that name. And also topaz and lapis lazuli are suitable for him, enhancing the potential.

It is better for Valentina to purchase amazonite, which helps to strengthen family ties, while pearls will help a woman maintain her spiritual frequency and protect her from negative influences. Elena will suit carnelian, which contributes to powerful protection for this name. It should always be carried with you and the stone will serve as a reliable amulet.

Svetlana should keep rock crystal nearby, which will attract good luck, love and success in many endeavors to the girl. And black opal is also suitable. Catherine will be helped by jasper. She will give self-confidence, protect and help in difficult situations to make the right decision.

The magical properties of stones for men and women

The magical properties of stones have been believed since ancient times and used for good purposes. For example, the well-known jade stone has a healing effect for many ailments. It is suitable for strong personalities and strong-willed natures. Jade enhances energy, but it is better for people who are weak to stay away from it, as the stone can further aggravate the situation. Especially often it is used to heal the kidneys.

Jade increases energy

Amethyst allows you to find peace and heal from spiritual wounds. Since ancient times, it has been called a widow's stone, as women who have lost their spouses wore such a talisman. Amethyst helps to get rid of drunkenness, so it is often used to get rid of such an addiction. Even if a person drinks alcohol, it will no longer act on him, as before, and soon the need for abuse will completely disappear.

Amethyst protects against drunkenness

Citrine is a solar stone that attracts and increases energy. Since ancient times, it was worn for financial success and good luck in business. For those who want to make money, citrine should always be at hand. And also the stone helps creative people, contributes to the preservation of home comfort and well-being.

Citrine helps creative people

Tourmaline allows you to increase spiritual and bodily strength. Its owners can be sure of protection from evil forces if they always keep such a stone with them. Tourmaline also improves mood and relieves prolonged depression, giving self-confidence.

Tourmaline relieves depression

Amber also protects from the evil eye and damage. The stone promotes the development of intuition and creativity. Since ancient times, amber was taken with them on a hunt to attract good luck. It has a number of healing properties and is used to treat the thyroid gland and other diseases.

Amber has a number of healing properties

Agate makes its owner attractive. In the eyes of other people, he becomes a pleasant conversationalist in all respects. Agate protects against energy vampirism and contributes to the harmonization of everything that surrounds the owner of the stone. There is a belief that agate dispels bad weather in the soul.

Malachite develops intuition

Tiger's eye is a strong assistant in the fight against damage and the evil eye. It protects everyone who wears it from the negative influence of hostile personalities. In addition, the tiger's eye increases the ability to comprehend the situation and warns against bad intentions and rash actions.

Tiger's eye protects against damage

Carnelian, opal and amethyst are universal amulets that protect against the evil eye, damage, love spells and energy vampirism. In order to prevent ill-wishers from doing harm, you should carry one of the stones with you or wear jewelry. Carnelian is more suitable for older people, as it promotes harmonization and calm.

What stones to wear for a talisman

In order to protect against negative influence from the outside and to prevent the evil eye and energy vampirism, it is recommended to purchase an unprocessed stone. Since it is in it that all forces are concentrated. A processed product will also help, but less effectively. The stone should not be larger than a walnut in order to be comfortable to carry in your pocket, purse or as a pendant. When buying, you should pay attention to foreign inclusions and it is advisable to purchase a pure breed. Artificially created stones will not bring any benefit.

How to make a charm yourself

So that a personal assistant and protector is always at hand, you can hang a stone on a chain, having previously threaded a loop made of thick wire (preferably silver) into it. It will be difficult to do it yourself, so it is best to contact a jeweler. And you can also sew a small cotton bag in which the talisman will be stored. It is advisable to make a lace for the product so as not to accidentally lose the stone.

The amulet stone can be placed in a bag sewn from natural fabric

For those who still want to make a pendant on their own, there is a little trick. You will need a thin wire, which the stone wraps along and across and a miniature loop for the chain is made at the end. Of course, to make the pendant look beautiful, you will have to make every effort.

The magical properties of stones - video

The magical properties of stones have attracted many people since ancient times. A wide variety of minerals allows everyone to choose their own option for reliable protection from enemies and to attract success and good luck in all endeavors. People of different ages use amulets to this day, believing in their magical power.

In today's troubled world, people often look for things that will symbolize the fulfillment of desires, strengthen faith in themselves and their abilities, give restful sleep and protect from adversity. As a rule, people start looking for amulets, amulets and talismans. According to custom, such things should be made from natural materials: wood, stones, certain types of metals and natural fabrics.

It is very important to choose the right amulet for yourself. Usually stones are chosen according to the signs of the zodiac., by date of birth. Suitable stones for women of twins by date of birth may categorically not be suitable for women of other zodiac signs. It is also important to remember the name that a person bears. This article will help you choose the right stone by date of birth and name.

Before choosing stones for yourself by date of birth, you need to figure out what is the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The choice of jewelry in which the desired stone will be located will depend on this knowledge.

The amulet protects its owner from possible misfortunes.. Usually amulets are worn openly. This, for example, could be:

  • Beads.
  • Earrings.
  • Rings.
  • Bracelets.
  • Pendants.
  • Brooches.

You can make an amulet yourself, but when buying, you need to carefully examine the amulet for negative influences. Home purchased amulet must be properly cleansed of someone else's energy. It is best to hold the product under running water for 20 minutes. It is better not to use someone else's amulets that someone wore right away, but to properly perform energy cleansing. For example, you can hold such a thing for several days in water, then rinse the amulet thoroughly under running water. It is very good to use natural, spring water for this.

Amulets protect not only a person, but also his home or some other specific place. Not only a thing, but also a word can act as a talisman.

Unlike an amulet, talismans are hidden from prying eyes. Talismans are usually used to lure money, good luck, love and health. The role of a talisman can be:

  • Artifacts.
  • Minerals.
  • Shells.
  • Wooden or ceramic figurines.
  • Other things made from natural materials and fabrics.

Choosing a mascot by name

To choose the right talisman by name you can use the table below.

Women's namesstonesMale namesstones
AlexandraMalachite Aventurine Chrysolite Alexandrite GarnetAlexanderAlexandrite Chrysoprase
AllaRuby AgateAlexeiCorundum Lazurite
AnastasiaMalachite Zircon ChrysopraseAnatolyAgate Aquamarine
AnnaAmber Rhinestone RubyAndrewAmethyst
AntoninaAgate Smoky Quartz SapphireArkadyTourmaline
ValentinePearls Amazonite CarnelianArtemBeryl
ValeriaRuby Garnet Opal AgateBogdanMarble
barbarianRuby GagatBorisTurquoise Amethyst
FaithAquamarine Beryl RubyVadimTurquoise Corundum
VeronicaOnyx Rose Quartz SapphireValeryMalachite
VictoriaAzurite HarlequinVictorHematite Selenite
GalinaHyacinth PomegranateVitalySapphire
DariaHematite DiamondVladimirGreen Jasper Rhinestone
EvgeniyaEmerald AventurineVladislavTopaz Garnet
CatherineChrysolite Tiger's eyeVyacheslavTopaz
ElenaMoonstone Onyx ChalcedonyGennadyJet Zircon
ElizabethJasper Amethyst OlivineGeorgeSapphire
JeanneRhinestone Carnelian DiamondGregoryGranite Heliotrope
ZinaidaSerpentine Emerald MalachiteDenisSapphire Diopside
ZoyaJade cat's eyeDmitryLapis lazuli
IrinaPearl Coral Mother of PearlEvgeniyPearl
LarisaOnyx Turquoise AventurineIvanEmerald Diamond
LydiaMalachite Gagat AquamarineIgorBeryl
LoveChalcedony Lapis Lazuli Rose QuartzKirillSapphire Calcite
LudmilaSapphire Alexandrine GarnetKonstantinOpal Quartz
margaritaPearl Ruby Tiger EyeLeonidDiamond Labrador
MarinaJasper Amethyst TurquoiseMichaelMalachite Lapis Lazuli Jasper
MariaSapphire Carnelian BrilliantNicholasSapphire Jade Moonstone
HopeCoral AgateOlegObsidian Pearl
NataliaObsidian HematitePaulRuby Onyx
NinaAmber PyritePeterPyrite Emerald
OksanaAventurineNovelAmethyst Amber
OlgaOpal TourmalineSergeyAventurine
RaisaRhodonite HematiteStanislavSapphire Rhinestone
SvetlanaCoral MalachiteStepanAventurine
SofiaLapis Lazuli TourmalinePhilipRuby
TamaraJasper GagatEdwardOnyx
TatianaTiger Eye Smoky Quartz MalachiteYuriZircon Emerald
JuliaEmerald JadeiteJacobJasper
YanaLabrador JasperYaroslavAmber

Date of birth as a criterion for choosing a stone

In order to correctly calculate and determine the desired mineral - a talisman based on the date of birth, you can apply the following formula:

Date + month + year of birth \u003d two-digit number, which must also be added together, for example:

18.09.1972. 1+8+0+9+1+9+7+2=37=3+7=10=1+0=1

So, for this date, in order to choose a talisman, you need to use the unit.

Mineral according to the sign of the zodiac

AriesEmerald, ruby, amethyst, diamond
TaurusSapphire, opal, agate, jade, turquoise
TwinsGarnet, emerald, pearl, chrysoprase
CrayfishAquamarine, jade, moonstone
a lionAventurine, amber, sapphire, ruby
VirgoTurquoise, serpentine, tiger's eye, jade
ScalesAgate, jade, jadeite, topaz, malachite
ScorpionCoral, amethyst, ruby, turquoise, serpentine
SagittariusAmethyst, beryl, opal, turquoise, zircon
CapricornLapis lazuli, ruby, onyx, topaz, carnelian
AquariusAgate, beryl, sapphire, garnet, amethyst
FishPearl, amethyst, jet, jade, coral

Definition of a talisman without taking into account the horoscope

You can choose stones by date of birth, name or zodiac sign, but what if a person, no matter a man or a woman, cannot find an energy connection with one of the proposed stones according to the tables? In this case, you can pay attention to universal stones.

First of all, any mineral you like outwardly, whether it be a precious stone or a simple cobblestone on the road, must be picked up. If a stone suits a person through an energy connection, then this is immediately felt. There may be a feeling of warmth, some kind of incomprehensible joy that suddenly appeared, and, of course, a desire not to part with this pebble, but to keep it with you.

As for universal stones that suit everyone regardless of gender, name or zodiac, they are on the list below:

Important to remember, that any stone must be in contact with the body of its owner. Be sure to periodically clean your mineral to remove negative energy. Sometimes stones need rest, so it's best to have a few talismans to change them as needed.

Attention, only TODAY!

Natural stones can act not only as decorations. Each person can pick up a mineral that will attract wealth and good luck to him.

Fours can opt for sapphire and jade. The first helps to recognize lies and deceit, reveals the best qualities of its owner and helps to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Jade is a symbol of power, purity of spiritual impulses, protects from bad influences and addictions. Beneficial effect on health and immunity.

For fives emerald and tiger eye are suitable. With the help of an emerald, a person will be able to increase his mental abilities, gain wisdom, get rid of the obsession of others, bring good luck and prosperity to life. The second mineral will help develop intuition, courage and attentiveness. It protects the owner from energy vampirism and increases resistance to negative effects.

Sixes suitable agate and diamond. These minerals symbolize health and longevity, harmony and protection. Agate is able to heal ailments, and a diamond adds confidence to shy people, revealing their abilities and skills to the fullest. These minerals are excellent talismans that attract good luck and help a person see even carefully hidden lies.

Sevens suitable minerals malachite and ruby. The first serves as a talisman against evil forces and promotes the development of talents, opens the chakras, helping to draw energy from the outside. In many cultures, it is a symbol of fertility. Ruby strengthens strength, drives away melancholy and protects from evil spells, awakens the courage and dignity of a person.

Eights good luck will bring onyx and pomegranate. Onyx increases internal energy and gives strength, helps to maintain clarity of mind, is in charge of learning and gaining new knowledge. Pomegranate gives courage, helps to smooth out conflict situations and at a high level.

Nines you should choose topaz or rock crystal. The first contributes to the development of intuition and helps to find solutions in difficult situations, to reveal secrets. Crystal is called the stone of a clear conscience. It helps the owner to avoid ambiguous situations, protects from dubious activities and reveals the true intentions of others.

To choose the “right” stone for yourself, it is important to consider your needs. For example, you can choose a stone that will help you establish yourself in a profession and make a fast-paced career. Choose responsibly and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.07.2017 01:10

The rune is able to reveal the character of a person and become a powerful amulet for him. Find out which rune matches...

Magical talismans and amulets were used in antiquity, and their relevance remains in our time, many stones can not only decorate the owner’s necklace or ring, but also become for him a faithful companion and a talisman that protects from diseases or the evil eye.

But there are several rules, thanks to which you can choose exactly your stone, because when choosing the “wrong” one, the magical power may simply not work. For example, the most reliable is a talisman given to a person from a pure heart. If you went to a store with natural stones and bought one that you liked only outwardly, then it is unlikely that it will be useful, because you need to choose a stone intuitively, without using visual evaluation. The easiest method is to hold the mineral in the palm of your hand and just listen to your inner voice, which will give you the right advice. In order for the stone to become truly “yours”, you need to accept it only with positive emotions.

You can also choose a stone according to the time of birth, for example, stones of warm and red shades are suitable for summer people, while cold tones should be paid attention to winter people. But, it is believed that the most effective way is to compare one or another stone with the sign of the zodiac.

How to recognize your stone - Aries

Aries is the most fiery sign. People born in March-April are endowed with activity and determination to make even difficult decisions. They are also complex in character and like to argue even when they are wrong.
Rubies, sapphires, amethysts and diamonds are perfect for Aries. A ruby ​​will help you become a respected person in society, and a diamond will help smooth out harsh character traits. Sapphire should be chosen by Aries, who work in the intellectual field, and amethyst will help win any business.

How to recognize your stone - Taurus

Taurus is a leisurely and able-bodied sign. An emerald will be an ideal amulet for Taurus, this stone will dilute everyday life and bring a feeling of happiness and joy. Turquoise and sapphire are also suitable as a talisman.

How to recognize your stone - Gemini

Gemini is inquisitive and witty, agate is perfect for this zodiac sign, which will give the owner good intuition and help convince people. Chrysoprase will get rid of a bad mood, and beryl will help you find true love.

How to recognize your stone - Cancer

Cancer is a mysterious and sensitive sign, which is suitable for such stones as the moon and emerald. The moonstone will be an excellent ally to the sign, which is patronized by the moon and will help to avoid adversity and difficulties, and the emerald will relieve depression.

How to recognize your stone - Leo

Leo is a bright and independent sign of the zodiac, which suits amber, alexandrite, ruby, topaz, and also chrysolite. Chrysolite will help restore peace of mind, and the ruby ​​will help people in power.

How to recognize your stone Virgo

Virgo is a picky and hardworking sign. For Virgo, carnelian, jasper, olivine, jade will be excellent companions. The last stone is recommended for people involved in sports - it will help to avoid injuries, and carnelian will help to avoid betrayal by loved ones. Jasper will help to attract health and money.

How to recognize your stone - Libra

Libra is a harmonious and artistic sign. People born between September 24th and October 23rd are best suited for stones such as diamond, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and opal. Beryl and diamond will bring success in business and work, while lapis lazuli will make the owner more harmonious and calmer, and opal will make the owner lucky.

How to recognize your stone - Scorpio

Scorpio is a mysterious and emotional sign. For Scorpios, amulets with the following stones will become excellent allies: corals, topazes, aquamarines and garnets. Coral will protect against bad mood and negative impact. Aquamarine will help you become luckier, and you can raise capital with the help of a pomegranate.

How to recognize your stone - Sagittarius

Sagittarius is optimistic and freedom-loving, the best stones for this zodiac sign will be sapphire, turquoise, amethyst and chrysolite. Turquoise will help to find family happiness, as well as provide career growth, and chrysolite will help strengthen immunity and protect against nightmares in a dream.

How to recognize your stone - Capricorn

Capricorn is a reliable and patient zodiac sign. Capricorn stones are ruby, garnet, onyx, malachite, opal. If Capricorn lacks vital energy, then opal will come to the rescue, while onyx will endow the owner with excellent insight and wisdom in all matters.

How to recognize your stone - Aquarius

Aquarius is friendly and outgoing. The following stones are suitable for Aquarius: garnet, amethyst, zircon and sapphire. Pomegranate will help restore harmony in the family and in relationships with a loved one, as well as help restore health. Zircon will help improve memory, and sapphire will help attract money.

How to recognize your stone - Pisces

Pisces is an impressionable and changeable sign. For fish, stones such as amethyst, pearls, chrysolite and jasper will be excellent helpers. Pearls will bring stability in love to fish, and amethyst will protect them from addictions. Jasper will become a keeper from poverty, shame and depression.

Choosing your stone is not difficult, the main thing is to follow your heart, listen to your inner voice. If you think that without this or that stone you simply cannot imagine your life - then it is truly yours!