Pattern from threads and nails patterns. Technique String Art (String Art) or Paintings from nails and threads with your own hands

What needlewomen do not come up with! Their works constitute a separate trend in fashion. The last couple of years, panels made of threads and nails have become especially popular. It would seem that such an original can be made from such familiar and ordinary materials? And, nevertheless, the most demanding connoisseurs of handmade decorate their homes with such gizmos.

String Art: new - well forgotten old

One of the areas of nitkography, in addition to drawing with threads on glue and embroidery, is rightfully considered the “thread of art”, or string art. The essence of creating crafts is that nails are stuffed onto a hard surface at the same distance from each other, and then threads cling to these supports. The result is paintings, toys, accessories (such as gloves), clothing trim - and a lot of fun!

There is still no exact data on who and when invented this activity. According to one version, an English researcher by the name of Buhl tried in this way to develop spatial thinking in children, as well as to train skills in solving geometric problems. The "thread of art", according to another version, existed in the second half of the 17th century and was used to create lace.

Necessary materials

To make a panel of threads and nails with your own hands, you need, as for any kind of needlework, first of all, patience. But, of course, one cannot do without special “tangible” materials. It:

  • dense base. It can be thick cardboard or a corkboard. For large paintings, you can take foam blocks;
  • support. For weaving threads, you need a support with a fixation at the top. Both large-headed pins and nails will do. It is important to note that the protruding part of the support should not be higher than 25 mm;
  • threads. They can be of different quality: floss, silk, sewing, synthetics. The texture must be chosen depending on the subject of the image. So, for a romantic heart, you need straight threads, but for a rose or other flower, you can also take twisted ones;
  • hammer, pencil, stationery scissors;
  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, etc.).

5 schemes of panels from threads and nails

Today, child psychologists are studying the benefits of string art, since working with threads:

  • develops abstract thinking;
  • has a positive effect on fine motor skills, and hence on speech;
  • trains sensory perception;
  • introduces the elements of modeling in mirror image.

So get your kids involved, study our instructions together and enjoy beautiful crafts!



  • wooden board (approximately 30 x 40 cm);
  • threads (you can iris);
  • small nails;
  • a hammer;
  • paint can.




  • cloves;
  • a hammer;
  • scarlet yarn (acrylic is possible, but not thick and not twisted);
  • pencil;
  • base board.


Elephant in love


  • base (polystyrene covered with a dense fabric);
  • carnations with large caps;
  • threads of pink, blue and purple;
  • scissors;
  • bead for the pupil of the eye.


  1. We transfer the drawing to paper.
  2. Cut out the image along the contour.
  3. We apply to the base and mark with carnations. Pay attention to the fact that in the figure there are additional, "internal" details (ear, eye).
  4. We wrap the threads around the nails, paying attention to the change in colors for the ear and eye. It does not need to do too many turns. The panel is ready.


The peculiarity of this pattern is such that the image takes shape only after the thread has completely tightened the free space.


  • a small board, preferably wooden;
  • beige threads (thick sewing);
  • nails.


  1. On paper, draw the outlines of a suitable tree.
  2. We cut out the template, apply it to the board, circle it.
  3. We hammer nails.
  4. We pull the threads, leaving the space in the middle untouched, we hide the tails.

spoon and knife


  • cut down a tree;
  • nails;
  • black threads.


  1. Put a plastic bowl in front of you. Or you can put a spoon, fork and hammer cloves around the perimeter of the figures.
  2. We take the threads and start winding, do not forget to hide the ends at the end of the work.
  3. The painting on the saw is ready.

Panel of threads and nails: ideas

Today it has become very fashionable to make panels from nails and threads. An extraordinary lesson in creating beautiful inscriptions and interesting patterns is called string-art. This idea is not new, but very exciting. Pictures from threads and nails are made without glue. To work, a small hammer, small nails, thread and base are enough. A good choice of thread thickness will visually make the panel more expressive and voluminous. The main thing in this process is to have fun.

Amazing pictures can be created from ordinary nails and various threads. differ from each other depending on the curls of the threads of the pattern.

A panel of threads and nails can be made in two ways:

  • Fill the space outside the drawing, leaving the middle of the silhouette empty;
  • Weave the drawing directly, filling the space inside.

Also, winding threads on studs is done in two styles: radial and solid. With the ray method, the threads act as fan rays emanating from one point in different directions. The threads are superimposed on each other not in a thick layer. The solid method involves drawing a contour on the base using a template and a pencil. The pattern is drawn by chaotically winding the thread around the nails.

A rather simple, but interesting example of applying the continuous method for a panel is a square painting. It is done much faster due to the lack of a pattern. All that is needed to create it is a hammer, nails, thread and a base. You should start with the preparation of the base (hardboard), in which case it is recommended to paint it with paint, such as black. Next, we hammer in the carnations around the perimeter of the base, stepping back from the edge of 1 or 1.5 cm. Carnations should be placed at the same distance from each other. Then we tie the end of the thread to one carnation in the corner of the square so that the knot is invisible. We begin to weave a picture, hooking the carnations opposite to each other and pulling the thread a little. On a black background, threads of completely different shades will look attractive. The painting can be done in one color or in different colors. Then it is necessary in advance or in the process of work to connect segments of threads of different colors with a neat knot. The result is a very beautiful picture with a smooth transition from one color to another.

For panels, it is better to choose strong threads, otherwise they may break during work, and you will need to do everything again.

Panels look very nice, the drawing of which is made of several elements.

Panel of threads and nails: important note

Drawing with nails and thread, like embroidery on cardboard, has a very fantastic and unusual look. This process is quite simple, but there are some points that you should pay attention to.

It should be noted:

  • The base can be left plain or painted with paint, in which case the panel looks more noble;
  • To sketch the background, it is better to choose acrylic paints, they are more saturated;
  • The threads should be of medium thickness;
  • For panels, it is better to choose simple figures without small details;
  • To create a template, it is better to choose thick paper or cardboard;
  • As a base, you can use fiberboard, cork board or foam plastic - this is a fragile material and therefore the thread between the studs should not be pulled very tight;
  • For the convenience of weaving, the thread can be skipped instead of the ballpoint pen;
  • The picture will look original if the drawing is pasted onto a substrate and one element is decorated with threads and nails. Thus, this area will look more voluminous.

Panels of threads and nails are often decorated with small stones or beads. Such material serves as an additional decor for decorating the panel. Multi-colored glass stones play beautifully under the rays of the sun. From this, the picture becomes more attractive and mysterious.

It is better to think over the panel fastener element in advance, before weaving the threads.

How to make a panel of nails and threads in the form of a tree: a master class

Today, the creation of such unconventional masterpieces from the most ordinary materials is welcomed. The technique of creating a panel requires care and patience. The end result of such an interesting work impresses with its originality.

To work you need:

  • Paper tree template and pencil;
  • Monophonic or multi-colored threads;
  • Small cloves and a hammer;
  • Paint and brush;

Several trees can serve as a template for a panel, but then weaving will be a little more difficult. Then the trees must be connected very reverently to each other, so that visually the density of the background does not differ from the general space. Consider creating a panel using an example with one silhouette.

The process of creating a panel:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a sheet of fiberboard;
  2. We apply the template to the fiberboard and circle it carefully with a non-greasy pencil;
  3. We mark the silhouette of the tree with nails at a distance of one centimeter;
  4. We make markings along the edges of the fiberboard in the same step, driving in carnations to an equal depth (1/3 of the height of the nail) and at the same distance with the help of pliers;
  5. We tie a thread around the nail and carefully tie an inconspicuous knot under the hat.
  6. We gradually begin to wrap the carnations, connecting the perimeter with those that highlight the silhouette of the tree.

The main task is to fill the space around the tree. Threads should not cross the pattern inside. There are much more nails around the perimeter, so those that highlight the silhouette can be used several times. To do this, it is worth lowering each turn below the cap. At the end of the panel, you should make a small knot and hide it under the nail head.

Carnations need to be selected in a suitable size so that when driven in they do not look out from the back of the base.

Drawing for a panel of threads with your own hands

Threads and nails are a rather unusual material for working together. Although in the end you can create a real work of art with your own hands. Such a beautiful panel will decorate any interior space.

Ideas for panels

  • Owl. Such a panel is perfect for a child's room or decorate the guest room.
  • Heart. Suitable for romantic people. Such a picture will be a good gift for Valentine's Day.
  • Inscriptions. Inscriptions or names of loved ones from nails and threads look quite stylish.
  • Birds. A panel with two birds sitting on the same branch looks very cute.
  • Christmas tree. It is interesting to make such a New Year's panel from woolen threads or knitting threads. The theme of winter will be an excellent gift for Christmas to dear and close people.
  • Cats. Well, what about without these pets. The silhouette of a cat will be in harmony with any interior of the room.
  • Hedgehogs. Such a panel will effectively decorate the nest of two lovers. On the one hand, in a sense, a childish idea, but on the other hand, it creates a unique feeling of romance and warmth.

30 photo panel ideas that will decorate the walls of any room in the following article:

Portraits made of black threads on a white background are especially popular. Of course, not everyone can do this art, but what skillful hands create with the help of threads and nails cannot be called a real masterpiece.

To make a small portrait, you need more than one hundred nails and a strong long thread that acts as a pencil and paints.

There is a huge number of patterns and drawings. The main thing is to turn on your imagination and not be afraid to try something new, because your picture is individual in any case, and there are no others like it.

A simple panel of threads and nails (video)

Today, it is almost impossible to surprise us with anything. But such an exciting activity as creating a panel of threads and nails will allow you to create unique paintings in a single copy with your own hands. After all, the most valuable things are those that are made with your own hands. Such a creation will complement any modern interior, bring some mystery and mystery.

Examples of panels from threads and nails (photo)

An exclusive do-it-yourself panel made of threads and nails will be a wonderful gift, or maybe the pride of any master. Such an unusual item can be used for photo shoots or simply made a bright part of the interior. It would seem that incompatible elements - threads and nails - still go well together in such a type of needlework as String Art.

Nails serve as a symbol of repair, construction, which seems to be a rough work characteristic of men. Threads, in turn, symbolize women's labor. Despite this, the combination of such different materials does not prevent the creation of interesting decorative elements.

The history of the panel of nails and threads

The name of String Art craftsmanship, translated from English into Russian, sounds like “the art of strings”. There are many interpretations: the art of thread pulling, thread graphics, thread design.

The British became the founders of such non-standard art. The meaning of the technique is that nails are figuratively driven into the plank, and threads of any colors are stretched on them, according to the chosen image. The nails must be driven in so that eventually the threads create the completed pattern.

The first mention of the technique of pulling threads appeared in the seventeenth century in England. But at that time, the art of pulling threads on nails driven into boards had a slightly different purpose: in this way, sketches for weaving lace were formed. And already at the end of the nineteenth century, thread graphics became an art and a subject of interior decoration. According to one version, the founder of this trend was the mathematics teacher Marie Everest Bull, who, with the help of threads and nails, clearly explained to students the principles of the structure of geometric shapes.

Basic materials for panels

To master the technique, you will need a substrate, nails and threads. It is not difficult to make a panel of threads and nails with your own hands, the main thing is a little patience and accuracy.

The substrate is a solid canvas into which nails will be driven. The materials can be anything, but plywood, cork, fiberboard, polystyrene are mainly used. The advantage in the property of these materials is that their surface is smooth, they can be coated with paint, varnish, and also tinted.

If a foam backing is a priority, then instead of nails, invisible needles or pins with a small eye should be used. Styrofoam is well exposed to staining with acrylic paints. Unlike wooden materials, it does not need to be primed before painting.

The number of nails should be huge if it is planned to do a lot of work and if the size of the picture, its detail should be large. For example, for a small picture, the number of nails should be about twenty pieces. A panel of threads and nails with your own hands can be made more accurately if you place the latter close to each other. By type, nails can be divided into:

  • decorative;
  • furniture;
  • carpentry.

It is best to use these species, because they are small in size and have small hats, so they will not stand out much.

For a do-it-yourself panel of threads and nails, knitting threads are best suited in terms of density. But besides this, you can use:

  • floss;
  • thin iris;
  • twisted threads.

And it is better to refuse silk threads. They will not sit in one place, do not stretch and slide off the studs.

Additional tools for creating a do-it-yourself panel

In addition to the plank, nails and threads, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • pliers (in case the nail accidentally fell into place);
  • long-nose pliers (so that the nails enter the substrate evenly);
  • sketch of the image on a piece of paper;
  • double sided tape;

Weaving methods

How to make a panel of threads and nails? The main ways of weaving panels are as follows:

  1. Weaving the pattern itself: the threads are directly inside the image.
  2. Weaving inside out: the threads are located on the outside of the pattern, it itself remains empty.

Weaving styles

Generally, two styles of weaving are used:

  1. Ray. It is characterized by the threads being guided by the fan method, i.e. from one point in different directions, superimposing them on each other.
  2. Solid. It provides for weaving a pattern by chaotically winding a thread around a sketch.

Silhouette drawing with filled background

When creating such a panel, the outline of the frame is necessarily executed by driving decorative nails into it. The contour of the drawing itself is also affected. The thread is tied in a small inconspicuous knot to the nails that follow the edge, and is pulled over those that complete the outline of the pattern.

A panel of threads and nails can be created without using a template. For this, bright threads and a dark substrate are taken. The wooden or foam base is painted with acrylic paints of a suitable color. Carnations are driven in exclusively along the contour of the base. The threads are pulled in the opposite direction, braided around the nails, come back and cling to the nail located nearby.

Creating a panel of threads and nails is not difficult at all, but there are some irreplaceable tips for getting a good result:

  1. Depending on the choice of pattern, it will be better to tint or paint the surface of the substrate. For this, a variety of beads, “broken glass”, beads, etc. are also used.
  2. The substrate is painted mainly with acrylic paints, because. They have excellent grip on any surface.
  3. The thickness of the threads should be medium. If you plan to decorate, for example, a wall, then it is better to take larger threads.
  4. Figures are better to choose simple, without small details.
  5. To create a sketch, it is better to choose thin paper.
  6. You can not pull the thread too tight, because the future pattern may be distorted, as well as the substrate material.
  7. The picture will look more voluminous if on one part of it the stretched threads adjoin the plank, and on the other - to the caps of carnations.

How to make a panel of nails and threads

Any business is better to start with something simple. Therefore, the "Heart" panel made of threads and nails will be an excellent example, especially since such a pattern can decorate any interior.

You will need:

  1. Tablet.
  2. Paper, pencil.
  3. Double sided tape.
  4. 70 pieces of furniture carnations.
  5. A hammer.
  6. Red floss threads.
  7. Scissors.
  8. Pliers.

The instruction is the following.

First, you need to draw the heart itself on a piece of paper, then stick the sketch to the board with double-sided tape. According to the outline of the pattern, drive nails at the same distance from each other. This is mandatory, otherwise the panel will be uneven. The distance between the nails should not be too large. After the nails are driven in, the template can be removed.

The thread must be tied on the last carnation. Absolutely in a chaotic manner, do not wrap the threads tightly around opposite studs, making two turns around each. The thread may run out, and then an additional thread should be tied to its end, making a very small knot. You need to put a thread on each carnation in 3-4 layers.

When weaving is finished, the edge of the thread should be tied tightly to the nail. Be sure to hide under the resulting canvas so that it does not stick out. The panel of threads and nails (photo above) is ready.

Panel example: "Tree"

The tree is a symbol of life, growth and strength. Such a panel will be a wonderful original gift and will be able to decorate any interior.


  1. You can take not even a plank, but a wooden cut of the desired diameter with a small thickness.
  2. The color of the thread should be the opposite color of the wood surface.
  3. Decorative nails.
  4. A hammer.
  5. Template drawing.
  6. Stationery tape.
  7. Pliers, if you need to change the location of the nail.

A pre-prepared drawing-template, on which a sketch is drawn, is glued to a wooden saw cut with adhesive tape. At a small distance from each other, drive in decorative nails so that the hats are on the same level. Nails should be located both along the contour of the intended pattern and along the circumference of the cut. The selected colored threads must be pulled in an absolutely chaotic manner, but without affecting the middle of the tree itself. Threads should be located on the outer space. For greater convenience, it is better to place them below the head of the nail so that it is possible to wrap the thread again. A panel of threads and nails (you can draw the templates yourself) is ready.

Panel idea: "Giraffe"

A great idea for a child's room would be a panel in the shape of a giraffe's head. For this you will need:

  1. Square foam pad.
  2. Black acrylic paint.
  3. Decorative invisible needles or thin nails.
  4. Yellow and brown threads.
  5. Drawing of a giraffe's head on paper.
  6. Scotch.
  7. A hammer.

The principle of building a panel is as follows.

A layer of black paint is applied to the foam backing. You need to wait until it dries completely, and then apply another layer so that the white color of the foam does not show through. Decorative nails or invisibility are attached to the giraffe head pattern template, while capturing the contours of the eyes, mouth and spots. Brown threads are braided around the carnations inside the spots and eyes of the animal, and yellow threads are the rest of its surface.

African sunset with elephants


  1. Rectangular foam pad.
  2. Black acrylic paint.
  3. Nails.
  4. Threads of red, orange and yellow colors.
  5. Drawing depicting elephants and a tree.

2-3 layers of acrylic paint are applied to the surface of a rectangular foam substrate until it dries completely. According to the drawing template, as well as along the contour, nails or pins are stuck into the foam. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous examples, only other parts are captured by threads. The very top of the sky remains black. This is followed by red, followed by orange, and then the yellow color of the stretched threads, thus creating the image of a sunset. The threads are stretched from the edges of the design to the nails, which create the shape of the animals, and vice versa. The figures of elephants with a tree should remain empty.

Words and phrases

With the help of words and phrases, you can congratulate on the holiday, designate something, in the nursery, the name of the child, made in the String Art technique, will look great. Many ideas for a panel of threads and nails are based on the spelling of words.

The same materials are used for this, but the main canvas will look good if its surface is covered with light acrylic paint. In this case, you can drive nails under the ruler, and not use a stencil or template. First, the outline of the letters themselves is drawn with threads. Further, in the same chaotic order, they are pulled. You can use bright multi-colored threads or make each letter of its own color. There are plenty of options. If the panel will decorate the wall, then special hooks are driven in from its reverse side. You can find them at any art or craft store.


The most valuable things are things created by oneself. Such a creative process as thread graphics promotes relaxation and relaxation. This art can help relieve stress, and a panel as a gift will save you from eternal questions about what to give. This way of creativity develops creative thinking and brings up accuracy and attentiveness in a person. Children can be involved in the creation of beautiful panels; such paintings are good to use in the interior of a house and apartment, for photo shoots. Moreover, to create a picture of nails and threads, you will need almost any base, nails, hammer, threads and pliers, and almost every home has these materials.

We continue the column “Post from the past”: Do you think you can only nail shelves with nails? Wrong! Sculptor and artist Markus Levin makes them real works of art. The cost of masterpieces depends on the number of nails used to create.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Markus Levin with one of his works, which took 26,600 nails. This painting is up for sale for $39,750. (JONATHAN HORDLE / REX FEATURES)

2. All the works of Markus Levin, presented at the exhibition in Gallery 27 in London, are made only with a hammer and nails. (JONATHAN HORDLE / REX FEATURES)

3. By hammering nails into wooden panels at varying distances from each other, Markus creates incredible paintings. (JONATHAN HORDLE / REX FEATURES)

4. Detailed view of one of the paintings by Markus Levin. (JONATHAN HORDLE / REX FEATURES)

5. Most of the work of the Yorkshire sculptor depicts the human body. Levine used nails to create more abstract and inanimate sculptures, but he suddenly realized that the relationship "between the rough, angular nails and the soft curves of the human body is simply incredible and will be striking." (JONATHAN HORDLE / REX FEATURES)

6. The price of each painting depends on the number of nails used to create it. For example, these sponges took 3,500 nails to make, so they cost £3,500 (about $5,250). (JONATHAN HORDLE / REX FEATURES)

7. Natural light also plays a big role in creating these. The morning and evening sun cast a shadow on the sculptures in different ways, changing them drastically. This work consists of 15,100 nails. (JONATHAN HORDLE / REX FEATURES)

8. Markus Levin poses with one of his masterpieces. (JONATHAN HORDLE / REX FEATURES)

There is nothing difficult in making such a panel. In this example, there will be a rainbow abstract picture that will somewhat resemble the ornaments of a spirograph. In any case, the base for the panel will be necessary, and the other part, the color one, can be safely entrusted to the kids, since it is simple and quite fun.

What is needed for this:

- a hammer
- compasses
- pencil
- ruler
- nails
- board (square or rectangular, width no more than 2.5 centimeters)
- threads of different colors

Step by step instructions: Panel of threads and nails

  • Using a ruler, measure the middle of the board.
  • Take a compass and draw circles of different radius from the center. Then choose the one that suits you best. And delete all the rest with an eraser.

  • Make marks on the circles with dots into which nails will be hammered in the future. To make it convenient to do this, take a transparent ruler and mark the circles at a distance of one centimeter.

  • Carefully drive in the nails in a circle. Make sure that they do not enter completely and that all nail heads are on an equal footing.

  • Take a thread of any color and tie its end on one nail. Run the thread behind the nails to form an isosceles triangle. Do not tie the last point of the triangle, but remove it to the next nail.

  • In order for the threads to hold well, add a little hot glue. Now everything is ready. You can change the patterns each time, attaching the threads not in the form of a triangle, but in the form of a square or other shape.

Many different interesting crafts with photos and videos can be seen