More beautiful girls with or without bangs. Haircuts with and without bangs: celebrity hairstyles. Who suits the bangs with an arch: stylish hairstyles

Bangs - it would seem, not the most radical means of transformation - can still change the face beyond recognition. Celebrity relationships with bangs, as a rule, are fleeting and fickle: it is rare for any of the stars and strong ladies of this world to be faithful to her from school. For those who are just about to get inspired and cut off their bangs, we picked up inspiring face to face from the red carpet (and not only).

Emma Watson

We cannot help but express our sympathy to Emma Watson, who was by no means adorned with a micro bob taken from nowhere at the Golden Globe 2018 (we wrote about the fact that such beauty requires certain sacrifices in the material "Very short bangs"). We think that the actress would have been more suited to the lush children's bangs worn by freshman Hermione than the current version. Strongly milled micro-bangs with the effect of natural disheveledness are not bad because they turn Watson into a tomboyish hooligan, but do it extremely disharmoniously.

Dakota Johnson

Bravo! Dakota bangs to the face: ideally hides the dizzying height of the forehead. The option that the actress preferred is good - medium density, milled, going to lengthen to the temples. Note that the appearance of Miss Johnson ─ both beauty and fashion ─ as a whole has become much more successful.

Bella Hadid

Changing the image of the younger Hadid is no stranger. With such an ideal oval, everything is possible, but you should think in advance how much effort it will cost to maintain the model appearance of such a bang ─ thick, perfectly even and mirror-smooth (by the way, it requires an appropriate frame, and Bella had a classic bob).

Melania Trump

The straight, sparse bangs that the first lady of the United States wore more than ten years ago, in our opinion, suited her more than the current puppet styling with “side bangs” (but in fact ─ not a bang, but slightly twisted strands falling to the cheekbones) .

Emma Stone

Emma loves bangs and wears them not only when she changes her hair color to blond. But it was this option that seemed to us the cutest and somehow especially unearthly. Bangs, by the way, helps the actress successfully visually correct small eyes.

Carla Bruni

The former first lady of France is better without a bang, which makes her face look like a small rosy bun. Without bangs, Carla looks more refined and elegant. However, a bang for an aged lady is a must-have, which Brigitte Macron proves, because it is very convenient for her to mask wrinkles on her forehead (especially if you do not abuse Botox).

Reese Witherspoon

The oval of Reese's face is one of those good examples when it's good with and without bangs. The undoubted plus is that the neatly thinned bangs (usually Witherspoon wears the “sideways” option) make the actress’s sweetly perky baby-face even younger.

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama, with age, preferred the typical "anti-age option" bangs and did not lose. We would advise to reduce the degree of bouffant, giving off dashing 80s.

Gigi Hadid

Gigi's thick, ragged bangs look fashionably disheveled and disheveled, but we still don't believe this image (even if the model is in Versace). Perhaps because such a hairstyle is the last century (we remember Rachel Green from Friends - by the way, we have not forgotten about Jennifer Aniston either).

Kate Middleton

The story of the Duchess of Cambridge is revealing: after a quick decision (Kate cut off her bangs in September 2015, when she was nursing newborn Charlotte at home), a long period of splicing followed. Kate Middleton almost immediately began to divide it into a double parting, twist and lay behind the ears, pinning with invisibles. The Duchess is lucky, because the oval of her face is a pun: oval! ─ allows her to experiment with hair and styling almost freely. But this is not the case for everyone, so do not regret making an impulsive decision.

Emilia Clarke

Bangs ─ not the most successful beauty experiment Daenerys from Game of Thrones. Moreover, such an indistinct ─ dense, with an even length, crumbling over the structure. Take note if you want to cut the bangs: determine in advance if you have a vortex that will guarantee an unaesthetic splitting of the bangs in two in the center.

Kendall Jenner

Normally, Kendall prefers not to hide her face under her bangs, which is a pity: she visually stretched her face well and, in our opinion, made the girl more mysterious, interesting and glamorous.

Jennifer Aniston

Once upon a time, at the dawn of her career, Jenn, who had not really decided on either long hair, or their color, or shape, experimented with wearing bangs, which mercilessly "ate" the elegantly elongated oval of the actress's face and fairly forgave her. It is not surprising that Aniston has not thought about her for a long time.

Ann Hataway

With such large facial features as Ann's, bangs must be handled with the utmost care: she immediately enlarged them even more at times - a dubious effect.

Chloe Moretz

The actress does not abuse wearing bangs and does the right thing: the triangular oval of the face expanding upward does not favor this ─ the bangs make it even wider and more massive. Only one option is ideal: long bangs to the side.

Katy Perry

Before the singer confidently changed her haircut to ultra-short, she also tried micro-bangs. Too short length and strong thinning “with a slope” with the right oval and perfect eyebrows look non-trivial.

Lady Gaga

But Stephanie Joanne Angelina Germanotta (how many people can remember Lady Gaga's real name?) looks cute both ways (although it would not hurt to lighten the eyebrows for the “without” option).

Not every girl goes bangs. It is a fact. But each of us can choose exactly the option that most favorably emphasizes the beauty of her face. Take an example from these star beauties - they definitely know a lot about trendy bangs!

Bang can incredibly change the appearance (now we are only talking about those cases when it’s “for the better”), refresh the image as a whole, or simply put the right emphasis on the protruding areas of the face, as well as lips and eyes. Trending this season long thick bangs with a straight cut below the eyebrow line. The "magic" of this type of bangs lies in the fact that you can wear it with both straight and curly hair. Long thick bangs are great for girls with a baby face (“baby face”; for example, like you), as well as a heart-shaped and oval face shape.

In addition, it is worth looking at asymmetrical bangs, which are now in favor with world celebrities. Such bang good because it perfectly corrects the shape of the face, fits hair of any length and is easily modeled in any styling you need. Ideal for girls with a round and oval face: asymmetric bangs allow you to play with images, emphasize or hide certain flaws, correct your appearance without makeup and more “heavy” artillery.

This season, forehead opening is also popular. ultra short bangs, with which you can correct too high forehead, and multilevel graphic bangs, requiring scrupulous care, styling and regular visits to the hairdresser. The choice is yours!

You can see the best options for fashionable bangs in our selection from the 10th star, which is very well suited!

Gigi Hadid

Kate Middleton

Lizzy Caplan

Rebecca Ferguson

Sandra Bullock

Dakota Johnson

Ophelia Lowybond

What children's haircuts for girls are fashionable this season? If short strands are relevant in the first or second year of life, then the longer the hairs become, the greater the variety appears. Consider different samples for short and long hair and for different ages. It used to be thought that style issues only concern adults, but this concept has long been outdated. The works of designers with world-famous names also concern the smallest. Psychologists advise listening to kids, taking into account their opinion when choosing not only an outfit, but also an appearance. So in the baby independence is brought up and taste develops.

First time to the hairdresser: what to consider?

In babies, hair grows in completely different ways: some are faster, some are slower. Some crumbs can be braided ponytails and pigtails at half a year old, and there are those that remain practically bald even at a year old. Usually the curls are longer at the back than at the crown.

Even the most experienced hairdresser will not say with certainty which offer you should choose. From a year to two, the hair structure itself, and even color, will definitely change. Therefore, visiting a master at this age is not so much a decision of style, as simply an acquaintance with a person and with the procedure itself. If the acquaintance is successful, if the hairdresser is able to find an approach to a tiny fashionista, in the future she will not be afraid of scissors and salon furnishings.

For the first time, many mothers cut their daughters' hair to almost zero, in the hope that the next curls will grow thicker. Perhaps there is some truth in this. Most likely, the master of hairdressing will offer you a hairstyle that resembles a boyish one. From it, the hairs will grow evenly along the entire length. In addition, this is a great solution for the summer, the baby will not be hot and uncomfortable.

Advice! Choose the master carefully, not at random. Cutting a one-year-old baby is not an easy task, especially if the child is active. It is necessary that a person be able to gain confidence in the client, be patient and restrained. However, with the help of mom's distracting stories, and with the help of your beloved dad, you can turn such an important procedure into pleasant entertainment.

Ideas for 2 years

When the second year of the daughter approaches, the mother is usually puzzled: whether to grow curls further, or to cut the child's hair. And if you cut - how exactly?

Advice! The simplest solution is to again choose a style for a boy. You can add variety with the help of bangs and playing around with the form. This choice will also be good if the curls are not yet strong enough and grow unevenly. And if your princess goes to kindergarten, the morning toilet will not take much time, even dad will cope with restoring beauty on her head.

If the hair has grown enough by the age of two, has become strong, and you want to stop at an interesting offer, take a look at the caret

You can change the length and density of the bangs, you can add a ladder, profile the strands. And do not forget about headbands, rubber bands and hairpins - with their help you can transform the image beyond recognition, and the little ones are crazy about them.

How to cut your hair at 3-4 years old?

By the age of three, your princess can already express her own opinion. It is likely that it will not match yours. It is important here not to stop the desires of the daughter in the bud, you need to come to a common conclusion. Instead of saying, “You won’t cut your hair like that because it’s ugly,” say, “I like your choice, but something else is more fashionable this year.” Be sure that the baby will listen to you, because the words of mom at this age are incredibly important, young women of fashion copy the elders in many ways.

Many three-year-old beauties like ponytails and pigtails, but some cannot stand them, and each braiding procedure is like a small war.

Important! Scientists advise up to 5 years not to get too carried away with spikelets and ponytails. The fact is that when hair is pulled together with elastic bands and hairpins, blood circulation is disturbed, and this negatively affects both their growth and health in general.

In the interval from 3 to 4 years old, children attend kindergarten, in addition, they are all very mobile. Coping with a constantly decaying hairstyle is very difficult for both the mother herself and the teachers in the preschool.

Hairdressers are again advised to choose simple and short haircuts - square, bob or their variations. If you decide to leave a bang, watch it especially carefully. If it falls over the eyes, the baby may have vision problems.

At 4 years old, the hairs are already quite strong and thick. You can more safely choose the option to your liking from a variety of variations of the caret - classic, graduated, with and without bangs, with a ladder. There are also many fashionable varieties of the bean - shortened, bob-car, layered. Lots of offers.

5 years - the beginning of a responsible period of life

Five-year-old beauties are already dictating their rules to their parents with might and main. At this tender age, girls become very demanding, it is sometimes very difficult for a mother to choose a hairstyle so that the baby likes it, and suits her and does not cause much trouble for parents in the process of caring for delicate hairs.

It's no secret that long curls need to be carefully looked after. If time and opportunity allow - weave pigtails, tie bows or ponytails. However, not every fashionista can withstand everyday, regular weaving. And loose strands are tangled.

The optimal length at this age is up to the shoulder or slightly shorter. The following guidelines will help you make your choice:

  • five-year-old girls should not be cut short, children do not always think what they are saying, because of the short strands, the crumbs can begin to be called a boy, and this injures the vulnerable psyche. Moreover, a short hairstyle cannot be particularly decorated and cannot be collected in a ponytail.
  • The best option is a flat square. Its classic shape will suit any type of face. Moreover, you can wind it up or pin a beautiful hairpin on the side if you need a festive improvement.
  • The square can be diluted with a ladder - it will visually make the children's hair thicker and more voluminous. Especially she goes curly crumbs.
  • And the bob, in turn, is distinguished by an oblique cut and elongated front strands - stylish and comfortable, because the front curls can be braided or pinned up.

Five-year-old girls should not be cut short - they can start calling a baby a boy, and this injures a vulnerable psyche

Fashion options for short, medium and long hair

Short haircuts are not only stylish and relevant, but also practical. There are many different styling for short strands, in addition, the baby's head can always be decorated with a beautiful hoop or hairpin. Most everyday looks can be transformed into a chic holiday option. Looking great is not only realistic, it's also easy.

Consider stylish suggestions for short hair that you can choose for a child:

  • Pixie - this hairstyle with shortened strands is perfect for both a 3-year-old charming fairy and a 9-year-old schoolgirl. Impresses low skinny girls.
  • Long bob - especially well in harmony with thick, curly hair. The image can be softened with a neat bang, if necessary, it can be stabbed with an invisible side or upward.
  • Beanie - this clear pattern from the 60s on the kids looks harmonious and cute. Despite the outward simplicity, it requires high skill from the hairdresser to work out the details.
  • Cesson is a hit of 2018 that fits any appearance. The hair should slightly cover the ears. Sesson has a rounded shape, bangs smoothly into a short nape.

For medium strands, you can choose something from the list above, or you can stop at the cascade. Cascading offers to the liking of older girls, from 10 years and more. In this design, the hair beautifully frames the face, it does not need to be constantly braided without the need, the hairs do not climb into the eyes. The most common length is just below the shoulder. Any choice can be supplemented with asymmetry - differences in the front strands, a game with the shape of a bang. All this requires taking into account the shape of the face and other features of appearance.

Long curls, although they require special care and considerable work, they look great. At all times, long curls have been the real pride of their owner. Here, the issue of choosing a haircut is no longer so acute, it is much harder to decide how to braid them later. Spikelets, braids, ponytails are very popular.

With bangs or without? Starting from the type of face

Determining the type of a child's face can be turned into fun fun. To do this, go to the mirror and invite your daughter to lean her face against it. Then, with a soft pencil, circle the face along the contour. After that, take a closer look at the image that remains on the mirror.

  • If the drawing most of all resembles an oval - any haircut is suitable for the crumbs, the presence or absence of bangs also does not play a significant role - it will be good in any case.
  • With a strongly elongated oval, the situation is a little more complicated, here the bangs must be present without fail. She will visually shorten the face and make it more pleasant.
  • If the contour is close to a circle, then you have a round type of face. Your child should choose medium-length hairstyles - stepped cascades, layering or a short flight of stairs. The bangs must be thinned out, otherwise the image will be unnecessarily piled up. Curly hair on medium curls will not suit you if your daughter is curly - either cut the hair as short as possible, or leave the length.
  • If the shape resembles a triangle as much as possible, cascading designs will be your salvation, which will visually help to achieve the correct oval.

Advice! If you are considering leaving bangs, take a closer look at the structure of your baby's hairs. Congenital curl and whirlwinds will interfere with normal styling, and the child does not need to use a hair dryer, iron and styling products. Therefore, choose hairstyles without this element so as not to look untidy.

Kare and bob - how to make at home?

If you are not the first time to hold scissors in your hands - you can try to cut the baby yourself.

Kare is a very convenient option for a child, caring for him comes down to regular combing, it is not too voluminous, it will also not be difficult to create it. The procedure is as follows:

  • Divide damp, freshly washed hair into two sections using a vertical parting.
  • Start work with the lowest strand at the back of the head. Determine its length, which will serve as a guide for all subsequent ones.
  • Next, make the next parting strictly parallel to the previous one and cut off the excess.
  • Work strand by strand until you reach the temporal lobe. For the standard, take a curl from the back of the head.
  • The bangs are created at will, the main thing here is beauty and comfort.

Bob - the option is a little more complicated, here graduation is an obligatory element, which is very rare in a square. Here is a step by step guide for you:

  • Collect the upper skeins in the parietal region, stab them with special clips.
  • Make a horizontal parting along a line slightly above the top of the ears.
  • In the vertical direction, separating small skeins from the main back of the head, pull the strand and cut off the excess at an angle. This angle defines the front elongation.
  • In the temporal lobes, work in a horizontal direction. Always focus on the control strand.
  • After that, model the parietal region. The transition should look smooth.

It's no secret that many adult models first become applicable to teenage fashion, and then to children's fashion. Little princesses want to be like their beloved mothers in everything, so do not deny this to your daughters. And remember: beauty, elegance, comfort and simplicity are the main things you need to build on when choosing a hairstyle.

Now many girls and women wear hairstyles with bangs, but, unfortunately, they do not suit everyone. It’s not so difficult to understand who the bangs are for, it’s enough to get acquainted with the information about the features of this hairstyle.

What face shape does short bangs suit?

If you want to change your hairstyle, find out which face shape the bangs go to make you look even better than before in your new look. If this element of the hairstyle really suits the fair sex, it will give her femininity and complete the look, and the mysterious look from under the bangs will not leave many men indifferent. If you ask hairdressers-stylists which of the women this type of haircut suits, they answer that absolutely everyone, because there are many variations of it, so each representative of the fair sex will be able to choose the most suitable type - oblique, straight, triangular, torn, long, short.

Over the past few years, short bangs have not gone out of fashion, many girls choose such hairstyles, but they are not suitable for everyone. Find out who suits short bangs, perhaps this type of it will decorate you too.

A shortened bang from the upper border of the eyebrows can be at a distance of 3-5 or more centimeters. Also, it can barely move away from the hairline.

This haircut option lengthens the face well, as it completely opens the forehead. From this it follows that a short bang is ideal for the owner of elongated faces.

What bangs go with an oval, square, triangular and round face (with photo)

The main parameter by which the type of bangs should be selected is the proportions of the head and face. According to experts, the ratio of width and height is 1:1, 6, or an oval face.

This form is considered correct, and when asked which bangs suit an oval face, experts answer that absolutely any bang is suitable for him, even the most outrageous and creative.

What kind of bangs goes to a square face, the owners of such an appearance are interested. For a short and wide face with angular features, an asymmetrical diagonal bang is suitable, which will visually make it narrower and longer.

What bangs go to a triangular face when the chin is much narrower than the forehead? With such an appearance, it is worth abandoning a straight bang with an even cut, preferring an elongated oblique or milled one.

To make the proportions of a long face more harmonious, it must be visually made shorter. Owners of an elongated face with a high forehead will suit a long thick bang, reaching to the eyebrow line.

Are you one of the chubby beauties, but do not know which bangs suit a round face?

In this photo below, which bangs go to a round face, several of its options are presented - oblique, torn, gradient:

However, stylists say that it is still better for a chubby beauty to give preference to hairstyles without this element.

Pay attention to the photo below to see if bangs go with a round face, if you really still doubt whether this type of bangs is suitable for chubby beauties:

Who goes bangs above the eyebrows and on the side

This year, no less relevant is the question of who suits bangs above the eyebrows, because such hairstyles are also at the peak of popularity.

A short bang above the eyebrows can also be worn by owners of compact faces - round and square in shape, however, its cut line should not be clearly horizontal. It is desirable that it be made in the form of an ascending arc or diagonal.

Girls with square and round faces will also be beautiful with short milled bangs that will give the impression of a broken line.

There are a few more options for whom bangs are on the side of a shortened length. A short bang will suit girls with a round or oval face. When choosing this type of haircut, it is important to consider the condition and type of hair. You should know that a short bang is shown with thin and sparse hair, as it should not be too thick and dense.

Who suits a long straight and oblique bangs

An obligatory element of some modern fashionable hairstyles for women is a long bang. Before you change your own image, you should find out who suits a long bang.

Stylists recommend wearing a straight long bang for girls and women with a high forehead, thus slightly shortening the face. In addition to the fact that such a technique makes the proportions of the face more correct, a long straight bang rejuvenates a woman and gives her appearance a special charm.

Who else is a straight bang to the eyebrows or covering them? With such a hairstyle, it will be beautiful for girls with an ideal face shape - oval. Such a face will help to decorate long oblique strands, slightly covering one eyebrow.

Who suits oblique bangs, except for beauties with an oval face? This version of the bangs is also suitable for owners of a square-shaped face. For those girls who have a too high forehead, you can choose hairstyles with long graduated elements laid on the sides of the face.

In this photo from above, who suits the oblique bangs, all sorts of successful options are presented.

If you have a small face with small features, long hair on your forehead will make it look even smaller. Stylists recommend in this case to give preference to a short ragged bang, completely opening the entire forehead.

Who goes long bangs from the crown

Who goes for a long bang from the crown, reaching to the eyebrow line? This version of the bangs is suitable exclusively for owners of thick and smooth hair. If we talk about the features of appearance, then this hairstyle is preferable for girls with an oval face shape.

Stylists call one main requirement for this version of a stylish bang - it must be perfectly smooth and shiny. For styling it is best to use an iron-styler.

Who suits torn oblique and straight bangs

Hairstyles with torn elements on the forehead are characterized by lightness and deliberate negligence. If you choose this element of the hairstyle correctly, it will give the girl's appearance individuality and irresistibility. There are several types of torn bangs - straight, oblique, short and long.

Let's look at all sorts of options for who is torn bangs. Long ragged bangs are suitable for almost all types of faces - round, square and oval. It does not require absolutely no styling, it is enough to align it with a hair straightener.

Also, a long, ragged haircut is suitable for girls with a rectangular or square face with a high forehead.

The short version of the torn bangs is also fashionable. She looks beautiful on girls with small and soft features. This hairstyle is suitable for oval, round and triangular faces.

Oblique torn bangs- Another trendy version of this element of a modern creative female hairstyle. It is great for both thick and thin hair, the length of the strands can also be completely different - long, medium or short. A slanting ragged bang is able to visually hide many facial flaws, focusing the attention of others on the girl's eyes. This is the most popular option among young people. It suits almost everyone, the only exceptions are beauties with curly hair.

Another variation of this type of bangs is a ragged straight line. It is usually used by hairdressers when creating cascading haircuts and squares. Stylists recommend choosing a torn straight bang for girls with an oval face shape or a high forehead. With this type of bangs, such appearance flaws can be easily hidden, making the face younger and rounder. In addition, torn straight bangs give the eyes brightness and expressiveness. Such options look great with hairstyles in the style of "pixie", "bob", "page". Light milled bangs are suitable for women of any age, it makes the female look fresher and younger.

Torn asymmetrical bangs also belong to the actual options. It can be short, or it can go down below the chin, great for both bob and collected hair. It can be worn by owners of perfectly straight or even curly strands. Asymmetric bangs make the look languid and playful at the same time.

Who suits semicircular bangs and photos of fashionable hairstyles

One of the popular varieties of bangs is its semicircular shape. Who suits a semicircular bang, girls with what face shape can wear such a hairstyle? A bang in the form of a small semicircle, or arc, suits the owners of a triangular face. It will soften the angular lines of the face, make the image more tender and feminine.

Light strands will give a special charm to the hairstyle. A bang a few shades lighter than the main hair looks unusual and very stylish.

Options for whom such a semicircular bang suits in the photo below:

Who else goes bangs in a semicircle (with photo)

Who else suits bangs in a semicircle, except for girls with a triangular face shape? Such a stylish "accessory" is not suitable for all the fair sex, with its choice you need to be especially careful. A bang in a semicircle is categorically unacceptable for girls with a square face. It goes very well with an oval shaped face. It is also suitable for a narrow face, with its help it will become more round and voluminous.

Bangs in a semicircle with elongated side strands are a great option for beauties with a round face. This technique will give the appearance of a special charm and visually slightly stretch the face. You can also narrow a round or wide face with an oblique semicircular bang.

You can see all the options for whom the bangs go in a semicircle in the photo below:

Who suits the bangs with an arch: stylish hairstyles

The bangs in the form of an arch are one of the favorite techniques used by stylists to create original and stylish hairstyles. Have you also thought about such a change of image, but do not know who suits the bangs with an arch? According to hair stylists, here the main importance is given not to the shape of the face, but to the type of temperament and lifestyle of the girl. This hairstyle option is perfect for optimistic girls, whom nature has awarded with a cheerful, carefree disposition.

However, it is important to consider facial features when choosing such a bang:

  • small facial features with the help of an arched bang will become slightly heavier and more expressive;
  • for owners of wide cheekbones and a high forehead, such a hairstyle will not work, as it will make these facial features coarser;
  • this version of the bangs is also not suitable for a square face, as it will become rough and angular;
  • a triangular face and arched bangs are a good combination, an element such as an arch will give the top of the missing volume.

Girls with an oval and elongated face can safely wear arch bangs. She will give their appearance attractiveness and a special French charm.

Who suits triangular bangs: extravagant options

The shape of a triangle belongs to non-standard and even extravagant bangs.

The photo above shows all sorts of options for who suits the triangular bangs.

Stylists say that the worst choice for triangular bangs is a round face. Most of all, it goes to girls with a square and triangular face, as it hides the flaws in appearance, gives features of softness and tenderness, and visually narrows the cheekbones.

Short triangular bangs are more suitable for young women, as they make fine wrinkles around the eyes more visible. But the long bangs "triangle", on the contrary, will make the face more fresh and young.

Who suits oval bangs: current hairstyles

Want to know who suits oval bangs?

Pay attention to the photo below, which presents stylish and successful options for such a hairstyle:

The oval bangs have many types, the most fashionable among them this year is the option that reaches its length to the eyebrow line. Most often, the eyebrows remain completely open, but stylists also talk about the relevance of hairstyles in which the bangs even affect the eyes.

The bangs can reach the middle of the forehead, this option is suitable for chubby beauties who want to visually make their faces more elongated. This variation of bangs is perfect for a bob hairstyle, especially for its graduated type, it will also perfectly complement the bob haircut. In addition, it looks great with hairstyles for both medium and long hair.

All the various options for this stylish and fashionable element of a female hairstyle, as well as all kinds of options for which type of face goes which bangs in the photo below:

Children's haircuts for girls are practically no different from their adult counterparts. They look exactly the same stylish, fashionable and beautiful.


Kare in all its varieties leads the fashion rating of this season's haircuts. It remains only to choose the appropriate length and a successful model. On straight and fairly thick hair, a bob with a smooth cut line looks great. But wavy, sparse and thin hairs are advised to make out a multi-level haircut. If you have basic hairdressing skills, you can make a bob yourself. Moreover, it will not be difficult for girls of 7-8 years old to put themselves in order every day, which will greatly facilitate the preparations for school.


Another beautiful haircut, which is distinguished from the square only by the length - the hair here needs to be cut a little above the chin. Bob haircut is universal, because it suits all girls. It is also incredibly convenient with her - the hair does not get into her eyes, it is easy to style with a regular comb and does not interfere with the baby to run, jump and play. The traditional bob is cut without bangs, but if you wish, you can give it any shape and length.

Straight cut haircut

Any mother will make short and medium haircuts with an even cut - just cut the hair with sharp scissors at the right level. For girls 10 years old with long or medium hair, this is ideal. Due to the same length, the strands can be put into any hairstyle - ponytails, pigtails, buns, etc. Bangs (most often straight and thick enough) are made as desired.

Cascading haircuts

Girls of 11 years old very often choose cascading options - a ladder or a cascade. These hairstyles add volume to the hair and beautifully frame the face, do not require much styling effort and go well with headbands and headbands. The most popular length for ladders and cascades is just below the shoulders. It allows you to implement various hairstyles based on braids or ponytails. A suitable bang will help complete the look.

Also, it is worth making such a beautiful hairstyle in 5 minutes:

Boy or pixie haircut

This option is equally popular among both very small crumbs and among girls of 12 years old. The main thing is that a short hairstyle suits the figure and shape of the face and, of course, is your daughter's choice, not yours. Experts say that pixies are perfect for thin, short girls. Its best option is not an oblong, but a round shape. In addition, the pixie allows you to give the strands a very beautiful shape and save the hair from split ends.

This trendy haircut of the 2019 season is best suited for hair of different structures. The length of the session should cover the ears. The hair itself is cut in a circle, making a smooth transition from thick and straight bangs to a short nape.

Don't forget about hair. 3 beautiful, trendy and fast hairstyles.