Beautiful and funny congratulations on PPS day. Congratulations on the Day of Patrol Service (PPS) Day of Patrol Service Workers

On September 2, one of the largest subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today, namely, the patrol service, celebrates its professional holiday.

In Russian history, there were prototypes of such a service: for example, under Peter I, police officers were regularly on duty in the streets and in public places, who were responsible for calm in the city.
And in 1804, the first head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian diplomat and politician V.P. Kochubey ordered to organize an external part of the police.
As a well-known official document, one can cite the “Regulations on the Internal Guard”, approved in July 1811. The policemen of this service were supposed to keep order, and especially at holidays and in places of trade; if necessary, they had to pacify the brawlers and stop all disobedience to the authorities; pursue and destroy robbers; catch thieves and runaway criminals. We can say that the same duties are performed by the modern police, and most of them are included in the tasks of the patrol service - PPS: its employees also protect public order, suppress offenses and crimes.
In 1838, the very concept of police sentry service appeared: it was mentioned in the “Regulations on the Metropolitan Police”, and it existed until 1917, although its forms did change.

The patrol police service has been known in our country for a long time, but September 2, 1923 is considered the day of its foundation. On this significant day, in 1923, the NKVD published a document called "Instructions for the guard policeman." This Instruction regulated the general provisions of the sentry service, the rights, as well as the duties of its employees. According to the document, patrol units were ordered to maintain public order on the streets. In addition, the then leadership of the country identified the protection of public peace as one of the main duties of the police.

After several years, patrol services were formed in almost all cities of the country. A special uniform was introduced for them - white with a special chest metal shield, on which the section number, as well as the service number of the sentry, made its way.

After the war, crime in the country increased markedly, and the patrol service again had to fight it. Motorized patrols were introduced already in the 50s, and in 1962 the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a resolution that clearly defined the tasks of the police, and a lot was also said about the role of the teaching staff.
In 1962, the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to strengthen the activities of the Soviet police" was signed. This document determined the main tasks and functions of the police, its place and role in the general system of state administration. A significant part of the text of the resolution was devoted to the organization of the teaching staff. A year later, another document comes into force, called the Charter of the patrol service.
In the 70s, teaching staff began to be organized according to a single deployment. This meant that many police units began to work in an integrated manner: in addition to police officers, they were employees of the night police, traffic police, private security, etc.

Today, the patrol service is rightfully considered the most numerous police unit. Service in the PPP units is not within the power of every policeman, and not only because the work schedule there is very busy. It's just that police officers quite often have to risk their health and even life, and almost every day they have to contact those who are called "criminal elements", or even "dregs of society" - this service cannot be called comfortable. Its employees at the proper level protect public order and ensure the public safety of the country, which is confirmed by the relevant awards. More than five thousand employees of the teaching staff were awarded state awards for courage and heroism shown in the performance of law enforcement service.

The patrol service is an integral part of the Russian police. Patrol officers are the first to respond to illegal activities, making every effort to catch criminals and prevent evil intentions. Their work is not only difficult, but also unsafe for health and life. To respect the activities of patrol officers, a professional holiday was approved. It is celebrated on the second of September.

history of the holiday

The date for this event was not chosen by chance. The basis was the order from the TsAU NKVD under the fourth number. The patrol service has a long history that began many years before the creation of the job description. For the first time, information about such an organization is mentioned in the documents of the Russian Empire from 1811.

In those days, the instance of protecting law and order was called the "internal guard". PPS became widespread in 1926. Subdivisions of this service functioned in almost every city. Its employees wore white uniforms, to which a badge was attached in the chest area. The main tool of the defenders was a police baton.

At the end of the summer of 1962, the Central Committee of the CPSU, with the assistance of the Councils of Ministers of the USSR, developed a resolution that described the tasks of the patrol service and the role of the latter both in the police and in the country's government system. A year later, the charter was officially put into effect.

On September 2, Russia celebrates the Day of the teaching staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Behind this complex abbreviation are police officers, in the recent past, guard policemen. According to statistics, more than 5,000 faculty members have been nominated for various awards. All of them received their insignia for their courage and heroism. Some of them received awards posthumously. Often, PPS employees are involved in serious operations, participating in the detention of dangerous criminals. In our time, the PPP has the largest number of employees of all police structures. Congratulations on the day of the patrol service of Russia - September 2.

Patrol guards,
And day and night they protect our peace.
After all, to protect public order,
The guys of the teaching staff on duty need it.
I congratulate you on your professional holiday,
Patience, courage, good luck I wish.
Comfort and love in the family,
So that there are as few sorrows as possible on Earth.

Patrol service - the world of gestures and honor,
Of course, there is a true male brotherhood in the ranks of the teaching staff.
On holidays and on weekdays, in rain and snow,
You will be the first to help.
I congratulate you on the holiday
I wish you luck and success in your work.
In everything, good luck, happiness, do not get sick,
It is easy to overcome all difficulties.

Your work is difficult and not sweet -
You work with those
Who is public order
Off topic!
On a professional holiday
We were in a hurry to congratulate you!
Let everything be as dreamed!
Let everything be as decided!
Love to you all, clear weather
And work safe!

Who walks the slippery path
Drug addict and drinking, rowdy,
PPS will come to that quickly,
His horizons will quickly expand!
How wonderful to have you!
And what a service you carry!
There is courage! There is courage! Honour!
And you burn out at work!
And today we congratulate you!
We wish you the fulfillment of your hopes!

Patrol service!
In business, proven friendship,
Male true brotherhood -
To shoulder shoulder - and do not give up!
Success, joy and happiness!
And may you always be welcome at home!
And let it work great!
And never get sick!
And if you suddenly get sad,
Let a good friend support you!

That's a holiday to heaven!
For law enforcers
This day is full of miracles!
Let them give you an award
And let them add a salary!
Awards will be given!
Just thank you!
Congratulations, congratulations!
We wish only the best!
No matter how life turns
You will save the world, we know!

At your post in rain and snow
Maintain order!
And calm man
If he knows that you are near!
A wife and daughter are waiting at home.
Home is joy! Friendship at home!
Only you go into the night
Because it's a service!
Happy holiday to congratulate you
Wish you happiness, good luck
Everyone gathered at this hour
We need you - that means!

Your holiday employees patrol service of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation note . On this day in 1923, the Central Administrative Directorate of the NKVD published the "Instruction to the guard policeman." This document regulated the general provisions on the guard service, as well as the rights and obligations of its employees.

By the summer of 1926, patrol units appeared in almost all cities. By this time, a uniform uniform was introduced for PPS employees and a distinctive sign was installed - a white metal shield with the name of the site and post number.

Patrol units were ordered to keep order in the streets, gardens, parks and other public places. Moreover, the leadership of the country defined the protection of public peace as one of the main duties of the police.

In 1962, a resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to strengthen the activities of the Soviet police" was issued, which determined its main tasks, role and place in the general system of state administration. A significant part of it was devoted to the organization of the teaching staff. A year later, another important document came into effect - the Charter of the patrol service.

In 2002, by order of the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, September 2 was approved as the Day of the formation of the patrol service of the public security police. Since then, festive events dedicated to this date have been held in all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To date, more than 5 thousand employees of the teaching staff have been awarded state awards for courage and heroism shown in the performance of law enforcement service.

To date, the patrol service is one of the largest units of the Russian police. Its employees protect law and order and ensure public safety in all parts of the country.

And in the December cold
And in the July heat
Serves meritoriously

Peace of the evening streets
Yards deserted dream
And the lives of ordinary citizens
Store put it.

So let it be today
The whole city will be quiet
While your holiday is glorious
PPS will note.

Policeman is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. Persons who daily monitor order are a few steps away from death: you never know what misdeeds and people they will have to face in the near future, and maybe in the present. Moreover, the level of danger does not depend on the specifics of the direction of the police officer, because troubles happen everywhere and everywhere. For example, traffic police officers are able to “run into” an inadequate car driver, a criminal investigation department can become a victim of revenge for an intrusive interest shown in the person and location of the person who committed the same murder. At first glance, work in the patrol service seems to be the most peaceful, but even here there are many moments associated with risk and threatening life. On September 2, police officers celebrate their professional holiday -.

history of the holiday

The Day of Patrol and Guard Service of the Police celebrates its 90th anniversary this year. Is it a lot? There is no definite answer to this question. And it's not about timing - the results of almost a century of work of the unit are much more important. The latter can be judged by how many feats were accomplished throughout the difficult period of the existence of the PPSP. According to statistics, to date, about 500 employees of the unit have state insignia awarded to them due to their courage in difficult working conditions.

The specific date of September 2 is associated with the moment of publication in 1923 by the Central Administrative Directorate of the NKVD "Instructions to the guard policeman." In the document, the organization spelled out the main provisions on the post service, including the duties and rights of the PPSP employees. Thus, September 2 is the immediate date of the formation of a specific unit.

Currently, festivities dedicated to day of the patrol service of the police, pass according to the following scenario: the best of the best heroes of the occasion are awarded orders, they are presented with diplomas, and often they are not offended in terms of money. Official congratulations are addressed to all employees of the ATC and ATS management unit without exception.

Service History

Appearing in the 1920s of the last century, the patrol police service embarked on a path of intensive development, primarily in a structural sense. Employees of the then police posts took the reins of government, more precisely, the implementation of law enforcement activities at all levels: in the republics, in the regions, in large cities. Supervision of parks, streets, suburbs turned out to be in the competence of the representatives of the PPSP. At that time, mounted police were widespread - however, not to the detriment of law enforcement officers more familiar to us.

So, quietly and peacefully, without any special "adventures", the everyday work of police officers flowed until the onset of the Great Patriotic War.

As soon as the fascist troops invaded Soviet lands, the PPSP, along with representatives of other units, had to go to the front and join the ranks of the fighters. By the way, the Great Patriotic War laid bare the sense of patriotism inherent in the militia workers of the USSR: just think, representatives of the patrol service voluntarily joined the army in order to try, together with other soldiers, to crush the enemy! Moreover, finding themselves in the midst of an armed conflict, they performed feat after feat, not particularly caring about the safety of their own lives. An important test of strength was the Battle of Stalingrad. In addition to direct participation in hostilities, patrol officers transported residents across the river away from places of military clashes, guarded government facilities, food warehouses, etc. And all this - under the endless fascist bombing.

50s The 20th century can be characterized as a turning point in the structure of the PPSP. The fact is that qualitatively new groupings were created to supervise the streets: motorized patrols. After 20 years, SMGs (mobile police groups) appeared, a little later - PPMs (mobile police stations). The year 1976 should be singled out in a special way in the development of the patrol service, because it was marked by two important events at once. Firstly, this is the organization of the teaching staff divisions according to a single location, that is, a set of actions of various services, the purpose of which was to perform common tasks. Secondly, the principle of patrol areas was introduced into the activities of the SWSP. Basically the 70s. - the only period rich in innovations. Judge for yourself: in 1974 the Charter of the PPSP was created, 1979 presented the society with combat units of the announced organization.

Today, when the 21st century is seething outside the window, the patrol service, which appeared back in 1923, is the most functional among others close to it in terms of activity. It also stands out in terms of the number of employees. Representatives of the PPSP are dispersed throughout the country, which allows the Russian population to live in peace.

Features of SPSP

If you try to give a precise definition to the PPSP, you get something like this: “Patrol and guard service is a type of activity carried out by the Department of Internal Affairs in order to ensure public order and peace of civilians in the country.” True, the items listed above are not the only functions of specific units - there are many others that are also quite useful. These include:

  • ensuring public and civil security;
  • protection of public order;
  • departure to the scene;
  • the implementation of the detention of persons who have committed crimes;
  • prevention of offenses of any nature.

To fully perform any work, you need tools that greatly facilitate the performance of certain operations. Patrol officers are no exception to the rule in this regard. They use all kinds of means of communication (from signaling to radio communications), the so-called uniform or a set of professional tools (handcuffs, weapons), vehicles (cars, helicopters), specially trained animals - usually dogs.

The patrol service is represented not by man-units, but by the forces of the PPSP. The latter are classified into interacting, basic and additional. How do they differ from each other? Just quantitative and qualitative composition. The interacting forces are large associations like the FSB, Cossack camps. Additional ones include smaller parts, such as traffic police. Finally, the main types - this is the actual patrol service, consisting of units whose employees take care of the protection of order, health and life of the country's citizens.

The activities of the PPSP employees are diverse and exciting, while the organization itself has firmly entered the lives of ordinary citizens. On September 2, let the police know that their work is not an empty phrase!