Relationship lines in the palm of your hand. signs on this line. The location of the marriage line on the hand

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The marriage line in palmistry is important for people and cannot be left without close attention in palmistry. If you don’t know which hand to look at the marriage line, on the right hand or on the left hand, then know that the line of future marriages is located on the active right hand for right-handers. Since getting married and creating a family and marriage is a very significant event in life for a person, people often resort to fortune-telling for marriage, because palmistry and the line of marriage on the hand are of interest to almost every sane person. But first, let's figure out what palmistry in general is.

Palmistry is one of the oldest systems of divination about the individual characteristics of a person, his character traits, the events he experienced and his future fate according to the skin relief of the palms - papillary and especially flexor lines, as well as hills in the palm and in appearance of the hand. One of the branches of chirosophy.

As a field of activity, palmistry, as well as astrology, divination and esotericism, are legalized in the field of "personal services" at the state and international level Palmistry, along with esotericism, parapsychology, astrology, bioenergetics and other occult teachings, is not recognized as a science by any serious scientific community .

Palmistry is not an art as such due to the lack of activity aimed at creating aesthetically expressive forms. Nowadays, most researchers from the world of science classify palmistry as a pseudoscience or pseudoscience. Palmistry has always been rejected by scientific psychology, but the study of finger patterns gave impetus to the emergence of a new branch of knowledge - dermatoglyphics.

Video: Palmistry. Lines on the hand and their meaning.

Palmistry, like other occult sciences, finds a connection with other occult sciences. So, according to the teachings of palmistry, there are hillocks on a person’s hands, each of which corresponds to one of the seven planets known since antiquity, each finger also corresponds to one of the seven planets.

Some believe that palmistry is not an independent occult science, but just a part of the science of physiognomy. Finally, runic palmistry discovers a connection with Kabbalah through runic palmistry.

Fortune telling by hand is one of the most exciting activities and entertainment. The first mention of palmistry dates back to 2000 BC. e. Palmistry is a Greek word, translated as divination or prediction by hand. In the Middle Ages, palmistry was considered a science, and today interest in palmistry has not faded either. Each person has his own destiny, which is encrypted in the palm of your hand in the form of lines.

Richard Webster believes that the ability to read human destiny in the palm of your hand is just knowledge, experience and logical thinking, and not some otherworldly phenomena. Palmistry is a developing science, accessible to those who can think and analyze. Fortune telling by hand does not require knowledge in medicine and any other sciences, so anyone can do it.

marriage line

The marriage line on the hand in palmistry, is located on the hill of Mercury, and originates on the edge (percussion) of the palm, - as can be seen in the example of the photo, this is a horizontally located marriage line, which are located on a small gap, between the root of the finger of Mercury and the line of the heart, with With the help of the marriage line, palmistry determines the number of marriages, important love unions in a person’s life, it reflects people close to us, who will be a close relationship. The marriage line has almost the same meaning as the line of influences, on the hill of Venus. The absence of marriage lines in the hands of a person who is married will tell us about a profitable and prudent relationship that has no emotional, spiritual relationship. The temporal division of events is counted from the line of the heart, that is, the first fixed attachments will be located closer to them.

Video: Marriage lines and their types

The presence of a clear and long Mercury emerging on the tubercle, in itself, speaks of long-term relationships and, as a rule, marriage. Take a look at the example shown in the picture, the total number of marriage lines in this place indicates the same number of marriages, the longer it is, the stronger and longer the relationship will be. It should be noted and not forgotten that this is not necessarily a stamp in the passport, which all girls especially dream of, since now it has become very fashionable to be in a civil marriage, therefore only the relationship is recorded and not the consequence.

Short line

They do not express long-term relationships, for some reason people could not build successful relationships. Mostly this happens to young people when their priorities are not yet determined, especially when it is close to the line of the heart, which indicates a relationship at an early age.


The bifurcation of the marriage line at the end, similar to a fork, as shown in the photo example, indicates a divergence and mismatch of people in character and naturally as a result, this means a divorce, and the wider the fork at the end, the greater the disagreement between people, it follows the same note that the owner of the hand will be the initiator of the contention, the size of the fork at the end of the marriage line is proportional to the scandalousness of the personality.

As if the logic itself tells us that the paths of the partners diverge. Such relationships should most quickly take place in versatile views on life, and constant quarrels.

If there is an island that is at the end, this also means a divorce, but accompanied by large psycho-emotional scenes and scandals, courts and enmity that will remain between people after marriage.

Such a sign will always remain on the hand of an emotionally receptive person. If you have a strained relationship in marriage, and there is a possibility of divorce, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the additional feature of divorce on your hand, which appears at crucial moments in life.

Referring to the example in the picture, as you can see, the same marriage line at the end with an island will have a completely different meaning - but bending down to the line of the heart, such a marriage line means betrayal with a close relative, be it cousins ​​or sisters, or something else worse is incest, in addition to such signs, we check with the hill of Venus and look for relevant evidence, this rule applies to any conclusions, since it is impossible to draw conclusions on only one sign.

Video: Marriage line with a fork. Divorce, reunion.


Useful information on such vital and exciting people issues is discussed in the section of the line of betrayal and I hope it will become useful on the path of life. In the section signs on the hands, you can learn how to correctly distinguish a stand-alone sign from a sign on the marriage line.

The marriage line reaching and which rests on the line of the Sun will predict us a love affair with a noble and influential person, and this is usually a rich person, such a sign can speak of the importance of the union and the desire to keep it by any means.

The marriage line, if it leans towards the heart, tells the owner that he will outlive his spouse, at least the famous palmists interpreted this feature as such, and when the marriage line crosses the line of the heart, it expresses grief and loss in his soulmate, stating the very fact , the loss of a partner, or at least carries the passive meaning of the soul. But practice shows that when the marriage line goes down, it does not always mean the death of a spouse, very often the facts are confirmed that he is alive and well.

So what is the matter, then the question arises for sure ?. The fact is that the soul of a person, this is the energy of a more subtle plan, this is the energy of the totality of all thoughts - this is the higher super"I", which is guided by the heart. One day, a person who dies in the soul of the owner of such a trait is considered by the heart as a dead person, he was buried alive. Cheating, sometimes can cause an irreparable blow to the heart, sometimes even more powerful in strength than the very death of a person.

Therefore, the hand fixes the suffering torment of the heart, drawing the marriage line to itself, thus, the interpretation of the falling line of marriage can change its meaning, and it is not worth making sudden conclusions, which are best understood by a palmist.

If the marriage line on the hand, leaning down, reaches the line of the head, merging into the latter, then the relationship can be negative, often accompanied by assault and humiliation, such a sign can mainly be found in women whose husbands can use physical force or mental pressure, looking already at the rest of the signs.

Lover's trait

If the line of marriage on the hand, going in the direction from the outside into the depths of the palm, loses its expressiveness, this indicates that the person’s feelings are gradually fading and parting may soon follow. A good guideline in controlling feelings is a feature of the heart, in the case when a seemingly good feature of the heart runs parallel to a less subtle one, which is close to the heart, indicates that after a period of doubt and disappointment, feelings will pass to another person. Such a sign indicates that perhaps a person has a lover with whom it is good and pleasant to spend time. And looking already at the state of this trait, if the second one becomes brighter and stronger, this indicates that the probability of changing a partner has more chances.

The place on the arm where the lines of marriage and children are located, if you notice, is proportionally small, so it becomes not easy to guess along the line of marriage and children in this place and draw accurate conclusions based only on the readings of these dashes. But even with a quick glance at the hill of Mercury, it becomes clear that it is impossible to immediately determine anything with accuracy and certainty, because the lines of marriage and children there are very weak and short, not to mention the features that display lovers, they are even thinner. Some people in this place have a large number of vertical lines, which, logically, should predict them numerous offspring, and in order to avoid mistakes in this case, only the most pronounced lines that indicate children and possible lovers should be taken into account. For an accurate answer in palmistry, with regard to such sensitive issues as marriage, children and lovers, it is necessary to check and consider fortune-telling not only on the features of love, but take into account other features and signs on the hand.

If another one is much weaker in strength near the line, it means the simultaneous presence of someone else, and usually a lover, but in this case it should be located and go almost to the butt.

It expresses a secret union, or rather, a lover, or a relationship on the side, and most likely will be located on a non-active hand, because you should always remember that the active hand (right handed for right-handed people) reflects the outer shell of the essence, the one that a person shows for all the people around (they say I'm all so righteous), and not an active hand, shows inner emotions and state, - something that is hidden from everyone (and I myself bang on the tihar) - with such understandable examples I inform you, because I think that the topic is relevant and should be well remembered.

The trait of a lover can be located both above and below the main feature of the relationship, by its position we will find out when the connection began, - if it is below, it means the old connection before marriage, which means that the second half, that is, the spouse, (... deer with experience) - such people can enter the entrance, fight with horns or even get stuck in the doorway.

But if it is on top, then the relationship was formed after marriage, which possibly means (... not big horns), or only sprouting ... that are not yet visible to neighbors and work colleagues - “having cut down which in time”, you can save if you wish family.

The trait of betrayal can also intersect with the main one, which will mean the lover's intervention in marital relations, from time to time.

It is also worth recalling that in order not to make hasty conclusions, having seen such lines on the hand of your chosen one, you should always look for evidence on other parts of the palm, you should also examine the features of influences on the hill of Venus.

Problems in family life

Small dashes extending down from the marriage line, and directed towards the heart line, indicate the problems accompanying the marriage.

The marriage line on the hand, which has a lowered tip and offspring features at an angle, as shown in the picture, also reveals dissatisfaction from marriage.

But based on the high hopes that were placed on this relationship, and which were not fulfilled, a huge desire for something, and dreams were not fulfilled, although marriage itself has a right to exist, but not contentment radiates downward lines, and the closer to the edge palms will begin to appear features of disappointment, the sooner the person will begin to experience such a state of mind.

The wavy line of marriage speaks of frequent quarrels, mood swings, transitions from one extreme to another. Such behavior of spouses in marriage can quite soon lead to divorce.

Various signs can be located on the marriage line: - a star sign, a cross sign, an island sign, a point on the marriage line is rare. Each of these signs refers only to those relationships in marriage, on the line of which it is located and is located. The marriage line in palmistry reflects the relationship, and no matter how the marriage lines are called, the lines of marriage or marriage, a relationship trait or a contour of love, they reflect both real and strong sensual impulses, great emotions, and of course the experiences and suffering of a person in relation to to another, well, how could it be without it. After all, most likely in life, any marriage is necessary without spiritual passions, which create signs like the ones shown in the example of the picture on the marriage line, the meaning of which can be found in a special section on the meanings of signs, both visible at first glance and invisible.

Time of dating along the line of marriage

The dashes going up from the marriage line on the female hand mean the number of opportunities for having children, but how these chances will be used - (we will give birth, or have abortions) depends on the person himself.

Time of marriage

The time of marriage with the opposite sex is determined on the section of the hand between the features of the heart and the root of the finger of Mercury (little finger) on the edge of the palm. This section is divided into three parts, which will make up periods of twenty-five years.

When divining by the hand on the marriage line, in order to establish a more accurate period of marriage, it is necessary to divide the selected area into smaller parts, and thus set the approximate date of marriage. You should always look for evidence of events, as well as clarifying them by dating on others, it is also worth paying attention to the trait of the Heart of your chosen one, it will show whether a person is capable of loving, and how he will do it.

If you are unable to get married for a long time or are getting married, then check your hand for the presence of a celibacy ring.

To establish a more accurate time of marriage, as mentioned, we already check with additional marks on the line of fate below. The time when you get married or get married on this line can be specified much more accurately than on the main line of marriage, which is located on the hill of Mercury. Let's look at the example shown in the picture. The blue line rising from the side of the hill of the Moon mainly displays a person who is trying to connect his life with marriage with the owner of this hand. The blue arrow marks the entry of this person into your life, that is, at around “25” - years, the place of confluence, from that moment on, roughly speaking, you live together, regardless of whether there is a stamp in your passport or not. The very infusion of the marriage line in this example of the picture indicates a long and fruitful marriage, confirmation of this is the only well-folded marriage line on the hill of Mercury, on which there are no different kinds of intersections of the gap and the fork. If you are interested in other variants of the marriage line with examples in pictures, pay attention to the Fortune telling for marriage section, which presents similar variants of the marriage line, both successful unions and marriages and vice versa.

Divination by hand

Just as certain mental disturbances give a certain expression to the face, and their frequent repetition is capable of forever leaving its mark, so the hand is affected by such disturbances. Anger can distort a beautiful face beyond recognition and turn it into a disgusting caricature. But anger does not only affect the face. It also manifests itself on the hand through its unconscious compression, which in some people is also accompanied by movements. It depends on the individual.

All this, with frequent repetition, affects the development of the corresponding muscles, and therefore the location of the folds covering the palms. These explanations can justify the existence for people without prejudice of the science of the shape of the hand, or chirognomy. Palmistry has the same right to life as, for example, weather forecasting.

A meteorologist, on the basis of known facts, predicts the likelihood of rain, snow, or storms. The palmist does the same.

He observes phenomena on the hands, compares them with typical forms, draws conclusions about the character properties corresponding to these forms, and calculates possible events in a person’s later life.

In any case, the study of the palm, i.e. value, gives the thinking observer so much interesting and instructive that only on this basis can one recommend palmistry, if not as a serious science, then at least for a pleasant pastime.

Many people think that the marriage line in the palm of your hand is the thread of the heart or soul. It's not like that at all. These are the symbols that are on the edge of the hand, below the little finger. To determine and read the meaning of the picture, you need to bend your palm. But these threads do not give an accurate analysis, they only influence events in love and family life.

In order to see and show the line of children in the palm of your hand, it is recommended to use a magnifying glass. Children's signs are very difficult to see for a beginner, as most often they are small and fuzzy.

In order to see and examine the lines of children in the palm of your hand, do the following:

  • The hand should be turned with an edge and slightly bent.
  • Further, below the little finger you will see the path of attachment.
  • Then take a magnifying glass and carefully examine all the lines that run perpendicular to the marriage line.
  1. If a clear and distinct line is found, this indicates that the owner of the palm has a son.
  2. A thin and inexpressive thread speaks of a daughter.

Note. All the symbols that are visible in the palm of your hand will tell only about the potential of a person, and not about the real state of things.

Most often, your potential is reflected on the left hand, and real events are reflected on the right.

Here are some photo selections for reference:

Do not worry if you do not find symbols of joy or children. You can verify this and independently check with your friends and acquaintances the coincidence of threads and children in reality.

In general, practice has shown that the lines on the palms of children are not quite correctly interpreted. With the help of this science, one can only accurately determine the potential of a person and can he even have children and continue his race?

The number of children can be accurately calculated only by a highly professional palmist, really a MASTER (since abortion, miscarriage and mortality must be taken into account here). The beginner will talk about the predisposition to have children along the line of joy. A short video will help you understand your own situation a little.

What are the lines of love?

The thread or thread of marriage is visible on the right hand (in the right-hander) and vice versa in the left-hander. If in your life there was a person whom you did not really love and there was no special affection for him, then such affection may not be displayed on your hand, sometimes such a marriage line in the palm of your hand will be barely visible (in the form of a thin or short dash).

Note. The road of attachment has almost the same meaning as the threads of influence on the hill of love (Venus).

Attention! There are cases when the opponent is married (married), but there are no marriage lines in the palm of your hand. Such cases will tell us about attachment, purely for money, without emotional attachment.

What do symbols of affection look like in a normal relationship?

  1. If the road is straight and deep and correctly goes to Mercury, then this indicates a long-term connection, love, harmony and long-term relationships.

Note. The longer the road, the stronger and more reliable the relationship.

  1. A short road or roads speak of a short relationship. Most often, such threads can be found closer to the line of the soul in adolescence.

People taking the first step in palmistry need to find out where the most important lines on their hands are. Most people mistakenly believe that the line of love on the hand is a thin line that comes out from under the little finger and goes in the direction of the middle or index finger. However, this is a common mistake.

Big disappointment in a small family life

Difficulty in family life can be determined by the small threads that go towards the heart. This speaks of dissatisfaction from family life. The owner of the hand had high hopes for this marriage, but alas, he screwed up.

Note. The marriage itself is not happy, but it has a right to exist, all plans and fantasies are simply not realized.

Palmists often encounter hands where the love line is undulating. This picture also indicates an unsuccessful marriage. It provides for frequent quarrels, scandals and misunderstandings. Ultimately, such a marriage will lead to divorce.

How can you find out about the betrayal of a partner with one of your relatives?

There are lines of the palm, lines of marriage at the end with the island, but goes to the line of the soul, then they have a completely different meaning.

  1. Such a case indicates treason with a close relative, or worse, incest.

Note. Do not panic because of one sign. It is recommended to look at the hill of "Love" and look for evidence in additional signs of treason on the line of the heart.

If the thread is straight and beautiful and rests directly on the path of the Sun, then you will have a connection with a famous and influential person.

How do you know if a marriage is happy or not?

  1. If the marriage line in the palm of your hand bifurcates at the end in the form of a fork, as in the figure, then this indicates a divorce (the spouses did not agree on the characters). The disagreement of the partners will depend on the width of the fork.

Note. Please note that the initiator of the divorce will be the owner of such a fork and its value indicates the scale of the scandal.

  1. Next, consider the island at the end of the thread. Such a picture promises a very scandalous divorce with psychosis, enmity and emotional breakdowns.

Note. Such a sign appears on the hand of an emotional and vulnerable person. Spouses remain enemies after marriage.

Cruelty and widowhood

  1. If your marriage thread descends to the heart line, then the owner of the hand will outlive his spouse, as famous palmists interpreted it.

  1. The road of marriage descends and crosses the line of the soul. This is the loss of a loved one and grief.

Note. This combination suggests that the owner will survive the trauma and mental pain. The drawing also indicates severe mental trauma resulting from a partner's betrayal. The owner, as it were, "buried" his half in his soul and crossed out of life.

When the thread of the soul goes towards the head, this indicates a cruel attitude in family life. This can be the use of physical force, and psychological pressure on the owner of the hand.

Lovers and mistresses on the marriage line

  1. If the line of love goes from the outside of the hand deep into and loses its clarity, this indicates that the owner is gradually losing feelings for the partner, most likely the partners will part ways over time.

  1. The control of the senses will be a less subtle road that runs parallel and close to the heart road. This suggests that the owner is at a crossroads and after lengthy deliberation, feelings will pass to another chosen one.

Note. The combination will tell that the owner has a love affair on the side.

  1. The thread of "treason" is recommended to be carefully examined, if over time it intensifies, then the owner will go to his lover or mistress.

If you look at the hand, then the line of children and marriage in the palm of your hand is very weakly visible, and the threads of betrayal are generally difficult to calculate for an inexperienced person. Therefore, it is best to use a magnifying glass to study the roads.

  1. If a barely noticeable thread slips next to marriage, then this will indicate a secret relationship on the side. Such a line should go almost back to back.

Interference of lovers in marriage

  1. The road for love pleasures can pass both above and below the main feature.

Note. If the path of lovers passes below the marriage one, then this indicates a connection even before marriage and your partner is a “Deer with experience”.

  1. If the thread passes from above, then the relationship of lovers formed after marriage.
  2. When the road of betrayal is intertwined with the main one, this indicates the treacherous interference of a lover or mistress in family life.

Advice. Seeing all the signs listed do not rush to conclusions. You always need to look for evidence in other signs in the palm of your hand.

Watch the video, which describes in detail all the nuances of family life.

The moment of entering into marriage bonds is reflected between the soul and the root of the little finger. This plot must be divided into 3 parts, and we will get plots of 25 years each.

Note. This method is suitable for people who have already reached the age of 30. For an earlier age, the site must be divided in half.

For a more accurate definition, this piece needs to be split into segments and then you can accurately find out the date of marriage.

Note. Evidence of all events that are especially important for you should be sought in other threads (additional dashes on Venus and the Lines of Soul and Fate).

Let's give an example, in the photo there is a blue dash, it displays a person who wants to link fate with the owner of the hand. The arrow marks the period when half will enter your destiny (a quarter of life). From this moment begins life under one roof.

Many people turn to palmistry for help to find out their fate. You can do this easily and on your own. You just need to find the marriage line on your hand and decipher it.

marriage line

For love predictions about marriage in the palm of your hand, you must definitely find the marriage line. The most common interpretation of all that exists is to consider the line of love as the line of Mercury, located next to the little finger. It can be found on the right hand between the beginning of the little finger and the line of the heart.

In most cases, these are small, inconspicuous dashes coming from the edge of the palm. The image will help you find it:

Remember that you need to look for this line on the hand that is your main one. If you are left-handed, look for the marriage line on your left hand. Right-handers, respectively, on the right. The marriage line is the closest strip to the heart line, and not to the little finger.

Deciphering the marriage line

Love palmistry offers several interpretations of the marriage line, depending on its type:

Case one: straight line, no branching. The marriage will be happy - do not expect a divorce, because your happiness will be very long. A very long and straight line means a noble marriage. Be very careful, because any difference from a straight line means something completely different.

Case two: if the line is very long, but curved towards the line of the heart or crosses it, expect a domineering spouse or other problems in marriage. If the line is short and crosses the line of the heart, then you are very likely to be a widow or widower.

Case three: split line at the end. This sign means that the marriage will be broken due to disagreements and significant differences in character. This is obvious, since such a drawing is like a road that splits into two paths that will lead you and the failed life partner in different directions.

Case four: loop at the end of the line. In this case, expect scandals - your marriage will be full of constant squabbles and negative emotions. In the end, you are also likely to divorce.

Case five: line with various additions. A line parallel to the marriage line means the presence of a lover. If the lover line crosses the marriage line, then big problems await you - the third person will significantly affect married life. If there are patterns or crosses on your marriage line, it is better to consult a palmist for advice, since such cases require more detailed research. Perpendicular lines emanating from the marriage line mean the birth of children. If these lines are short and at an angle, then they can also talk about problems that threaten to lead the marriage to dissolution.

Always remember that your fate is only in your hands. Palmistry will help you predict what might happen to you if you don't take any steps. Try to change your life - find the strength in yourself to keep your loved one next to you, because in the end, only we ourselves choose whether to believe in predictions or not. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

The marriage line on the hand is important in our life. To learn to read fate, to predict some events, to look into the future or the past - palmistry helps people. This is such a science about all the lines on our hand. By studying the lines in the palm of your hand, you can find out the fate of a person. You can also see the character of a hotel person, his past, his actions and situations.

Palmists distinguish many types and subtypes of lines and their meanings. Let us dwell in this article on the line of marriage.
Marriage and family are the foundation of society. And people are so arranged that they like to look into the future, to peep their fate. Not to mention things like love, relationships, marriage.

Therefore, most people turn to palmists, as they believe that the marriage line shows the exact answer. And the whole fate of a person is written on the lines.


It is necessary to look at the marriage line on the right hand of a person. The marriage line shows fate, the future, connection with the opposite sex now or in the past. And, of course, the marriage line indicates marriage.

Why on the right hand? It is believed that on the right hand the lines of fate are of great importance. The marriage line begins on the edge of the palm. Before the beginning of the little finger and after the line of the Heart.

Marriage lines on the hand - meaning

Marriage lines on the hand - meaning

A strong, clear, long line that extends beyond the edge of the palm indicates a strong marriage. If the lines are weakly drawn, then they show some short novels, several marriages.

Palmistry line of marriage will be able to tell you about marriage, about important relationships that have been or are, or maybe will be. In addition to the value, it is important to see the number of marriage lines. In addition to marriage itself, it can be a long-term relationship with the opposite sex that has influenced your life in some way.

If you did not find marriage lines in the palm of your hand. This suggests that no relationship is currently foreseen. And if a person is already married, and there are no marriage lines, this means that the marriage seems to be arranged - without emotional attachment.

The hill of Mercury is the name of the place where the marriage lines are located. If the marriage line is clear, long, goes beyond the edge of the palm, then this means that you are waiting for a real and lasting relationship. Accordingly, if two lines are shown - two marriages. Now, the boundaries and concepts of marriage as such are a little erased. Civil marriage, when people live together, without a stamp in the passport, also finds an imprint on the palm of a person. Since the lines of marriage no longer show the official part, but the spiritual connection of two people.

There are short marriage lines. It shows short relationships, short marriages. If the line is close to the heart line, this indicates relationships in early ages and periods of life. For example, youthful love.

There are small lines that can depart from the main one. This means some problems in marriage. If the main line at the end is slightly lowered, then this also indicates dissatisfaction in marriage. Such lines are also called disappointment lines, i.e. people expected something more from marriage, there were great hopes for marriage, but something did not happen.

The marriage line may lean towards the heart line, and sometimes cross it. This speaks of the loss of a spouse, of emotional intimacy, of the kinship of souls, of the experiences associated with the loss.

Sometimes there are such palms where a large number of marriage lines are manifested. This suggests that a person can marry several times throughout his life, often changing partners. These are sensitive people, maybe sometimes even spoiled to some extent. They constantly want to try something new, unusual and interesting. Such a person can find fault with the chosen partner very strongly.

Divorce can also be seen along the lines of marriage. The marriage line can bifurcate, can be torn, interrupted. When at the end of the marriage line there is, as it were, a "fork", a divorce awaits you soon. Such things are reflected immediately in the palm of your hand. But sometimes people converge after parting again, then this will be indicated by two lines that also converge again. Also, if you look closely at such newly connected lines, you can say with accuracy that the lovers once parted and began to meet again. If the fork is not so noticeable, it means that people are happy again.

The approach of the marriage line to the heart, sometimes does not mean death and the real loss of a person. Cheating as a strong emotional shock will also be reflected in the palm of your hand.

It happens that the line of marriage is bright and expressive, in the end it can be lost and erased. This suggests that feelings fade and are also lost. Perhaps a breakup. If there is a thin, inexpressive line between the main line of marriage and the heart line, this indicates that someone has appeared at the partner, about a lover. This line can be used to determine whether such a relationship has a future.
Be careful when reading marriage lines

Of course, sometimes marriage lines do not always accurately indicate a person's life. Because it is not always possible to clearly define what is interesting to a person along the lines. The lines are often blurred, fuzzy. Sometimes the lines of marriage cross the lines of children vertically, and then it is even more difficult to understand the drawings in the palm of your hand. Palmistry of the marriage line, an accurate analysis of all lines helps only to look from above at the fate and life of a person. At the same time, you need to understand other lines and know the meaning of all lines in the palm of your hand.


No matter how much modern people talk about the triumph of progress, few will miss the chance to find out if he will find a mate. In such a fortune-telling method as palmistry, the marriage line is able to give an answer about the likelihood of a love relationship.

The marriage lines on the hand are horizontal stripes located on the edge of the hand just below the little finger. They can reach for the tubercle of Mercury (just below the little finger in the palm of your hand) or cross it. To find them, it is enough to turn the palm of your hand with an edge towards you and bend your fingers.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that in palmistry the marriage line is important. The creation of a new family is an important event in the life of every person. Not only girls, but also men dream of family happiness. It is much easier for a professional who is expected to have a beloved wife, healthy children, a delicious dinner and a cozy homely atmosphere at home.

Finding the marriage line on the hand is easy. This can be done even by a person with minimal knowledge of palmistry. First you need to find the line of the heart. Pay attention to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis trait under the little finger. Between it and the ring around the little finger, if you have one, there are lines that speak of a wedding.

These are horizontal lines from which the lines of children can depart, but this is a completely different conversation. Some schools of palmistry, for example, Indian, call marriage lines those that are under the thumb. They have exactly the same meaning, they should be interpreted in the same way. Some palmists consider this name of the lines under the thumb to be incorrect.

Fortune telling by hand - how many marriages there will be

When asked how many marriages there will be, palmistry will answer in just a few minutes. Fortune telling by the hand and questions about how many marriages there will be have been known since antiquity. Despite the fact that divorces were very rare in the old days, there could be several marriages or marriages - widows and widowers often remained desirable candidates and candidates for brides or grooms.

In order to determine the number of marriages by hand, simply count the lines that indicate marriage. The one that is pronounced speaks of a stable marriage that will last for a long time. Almost imperceptible dashes, most likely, show temporary connections and relatively serious relationships that will not cause a wedding.

So, with how to find out the number of marriages by hand, we figured it out. But what if there are no such lines at all? There is a sign that refers such signs on the palms to signs of damage called the crown of celibacy. If your relationship with the opposite sex is not going well for you, it may be worth first getting rid of such negativity, which may turn out to be a generic “treasure”. However, the absence of dashes under the little finger sometimes speaks of a marriage of convenience, in which there are no feelings and emotions.

In palmistry, the number of marriages is counted from the line of the heart. If several husbands or wives are predicted to you, the first marriage will be indicated by the first dash from the line of the heart. This is important if you want to tell fortunes for children, because the traits of marriage are always associated with those that speak of descendants.

Marriage line in the palm of your hand - forks and islets

During fortune-telling by the hand, the marriage line can tell not only about the number of marriages or a serious relationship. With its help, you can also learn about the problems that are expected in your family, as well as other details of a person’s personal life.

A fork is a bifurcation of a dash located on the palm at the end. The end of the line in question is the one that is directed towards the index finger, that is, it is further from the edge of the palm. Forks speak of disagreements and discrepancies in characters, everyday habits, and outlook on life.

If the marriage ends with a fork, it means divorce. Moreover, the wider the fork, the greater the disagreement is expected between those who are getting divorced. The initiator of the divorce will be a person on whose hand there is such a sign. During life in such a family, people constantly quarrel because of different opinions, literally on every issue.

Pronounced islands on the dash, which indicates marital status, also predict divorce. However, this sign is much heavier than the first. If in the first case there is a chance of adequate behavior of partners, then in the case of the island it is pointless to hope for this. He predicts litigation, scandals, enmity.

In addition, there is a specific divorce line that appears on the hands of people whose happiness is threatened by something. It refers to unusual signs in palmistry, and it is not too easy to interpret such a label.

Fortune telling by hand - the marriage line will reveal all the secrets of personal life

The great significance of the marriage line on the hand also lies in the fact that knowing it, you can reveal all the secrets of a person. For example, a straight line indicates that the family will not stand out too much from those that you have to see every day. Perhaps there will be problems of a different nature in it, but this couple does not hide serious secrets and secrets.

It is a completely different matter if the dash ends with an island, but at the same time it bends down towards the line of the heart. This is a sign of incest, a connection between close relatives, for example, a brother or sister. However, it is desirable to verify this information by looking at the hill of Venus. There you can find confirmation or refutation of incest and the marriage built on it.

If the marriage line reaches the line of the Sun or even crosses it, this indicates that a noble person will become your husband. He is rich and has a reputation as a solid and influential person. This marriage will be important to you, despite the feelings for this person, the calculation will also be present.

In general, dashes on the hands that can tell about family happiness can interest any person. With the help of the correct decoding of such signs, you can find out in advance about the troubles and try to prevent them.

Divination in the palm of your hand along the line of marriage

If you turn your palm sideways, you can notice that there is another line of marriage (love) above the line of the heart. The closer to the line of the heart is the section in the palm of the hand in the region of the Hill of Mercury, by the way, where the line of children is, the sooner a person will begin a close love relationship. How many of these dashes - so many unions you will have. The number does not speak of marriages, but only of close relationships.

Signs and dashes should be considered on the right hand - this is more reliable, since the left one will tell us about how nature created you and laid down all the values. The right palm will tell us what awaits us in the future, and in the future you will overcome all the mysterious feelings of love.

You need to consider the right and left hand. There may be such a case that on your left hand you will have several lines of love, and on your right hand only one. In this case, you are destined to experience several close love relationships, but since the person sticks to his principles, he will have one close relationship.

If you put two hands together and when the lines of love on the right and left hands are located in one place, such a sign speaks of love that is given by fate.

Not very strong love without sex is not displayed on the hand. In some cases, there may be a thin or short line.

Sometimes this line may not exist at all, although a person has been married for a long time. This suggests that this union has nothing to do with love before that person - only cold calculation and beneficial relationships between partners (as in business) work. If you are not yet married (not married) and want to do fortune-telling for love by hand, then first of all study this particular line. You will be able to see your future without resorting to professional fortune tellers without resorting to more sophisticated methods.

If at the end you see a small fork, this indicates that the union will not last long and a divorce awaits you, and this procedure will not do without scandals and heavy conflicts. Most likely, this will be due to the betrayal of a partner. Whoever has a fork, through his fault, a separation will occur.

If there is a fork in the beginning, then in all likelihood you will marry a person with whom you already had a relationship that ended in separation.

You can study in more detail and find out what awaits you in the future by looking at the drawings that relate to the line of love, which are located in the region of the hill of Mercury.

How to know if you will get married and when

Look closely at the photo below. The marriage line runs between the base of the little finger and the Heart line. It can be both long and short, therefore, in order to see it, you need to turn your hand with an edge towards you. The meaning is clear from the name. The marriage line is proof of future or past love, that there will be a serious relationship in life.

You can find out how many serious relationships there will be by the number of dashes in the palm of your hand. If 2–3 or more, then there will be several love, marriages, legal or civil. If they are fuzzy, weak, then the relationship will be appropriate, that is, not serious, you should not wait for love for life. If it is not there, then you should not be upset, because the fate of a person is constantly changing, over time it may appear. Her absence does not mean the rejection of a serious relationship.

With the help of palmistry along the line of marriage, you can find out about the upcoming marriage (marriage) and a serious relationship, but it also roughly predicts when the wedding will take place. Its location will answer all questions. Divide the space between the line of the Heart and the root of the little finger into approximately equal segments. Now look where the marriage line is.

Finding out at what age you will get married or get married is simple: if it is closer to the Heart line, then the wedding took place or will be at a young age (18–22 years). If it is located in the middle, then it should be at a more mature age (25–27 years). If closer to the little finger, then after 30-40 years (see photo). The location of the lines will tell about stormy romances throughout life.

The mutual arrangement of the marriage lines of the heart matters

Let's take a closer look at the hand

When there will be a serious relationship, in what quantity and whether there will be at all, it is not difficult to determine. But the marriage line on the hand can tell about these relationships, predict their reliability. Let's decipher the meaning of the marriage line, try to find out what awaits people after the registry office.

    • The longer and clearer the marriage line, the stronger and stronger the love. If the marriage line reaches the space under the little finger, this is a sign of true love and good relationships. If the strip gradually begins to fade, then this says that the feeling of love will fade away.
    • If the marriage line is directed upwards, then a serious relationship may not end in marriage. She says that a person avoids the stamp in the passport because of his principles. Sometimes palmists call this a sign of unsuccessful love, the impossibility of union.
    • If the marriage line is directed downward and looks like the letter "C", then the owner of the palm will outlive his spouse or an emotional break will occur. If it rounds off and reaches the line of the mind or, then cruelty will be present in the relationship.

The future nature of the relationship in marriage

  • If the marriage line bifurcates at the end, then the spouses will eventually part. The culprit of the gap will be the one on whose hand this sign is.
  • If it consists of two consecutive ones, then this speaks of misfortune, their owner will never marry.
  • If it is long and rests on the line of Success (where it is, you can see in the pictures) - a successful and long marriage, but concluded by calculation

Signs on this line

Learn about the features of relationships, the duration of love and get detailed information about the signs on the line. This will also help the science of "palmistry", for which there are no secrets of marriage. Consider the signs that occur on the marriage line:

The island warns of difficulties

    • If many branches go down from the main strip, then there will be many disagreements and problems in love, no matter how much you try to harmonize relationships.
    • If there is a star on it, then love was fake, corrupt. The owner of this palm was simply used for their own purposes, he was cheated on. Seek clarification from your soulmate if suspicions are confirmed.
    • If you see a cross, its meaning is simple - then someone or something will interfere with your relationship. The cross can mean illness, misfortune, its presence also speaks of betrayal, but it is not necessary that these obstacles await people in marriage. The cross is the obstacles that await lovers.
    • The island here (see photo) is also an unfavorable sign. Its meaning is that the relationship will be difficult, with disagreements and problems. However, this may be a temporary phenomenon, gradually the difficulties will disappear.

The triangle portends marriage violence

  • As is already clear from the above, the signs on this line mean something bad, the triangle is no exception. The meaning of a triangle means a person in marriage will be subjected to violence, not necessarily physical, possibly psycho-emotional. The triangle indicates an unhappy marriage.
  • If a dot is clearly visible on the marriage line, then due to an accident, the owner of the palm may lose his spouse, this is a sign of widowhood.