Best homemade scrubs for the body. How to make scrubs for the body at home? Coffee scrub for weight loss. Preparation of delicious dishes from natural crab: Step-by-step instruction

Scrubs cooked with their own hands, useful purchased - they contain fresh products. Recipes of scrubs for dry skin and feeding scrubs ...

Scrubs cooked with their own hands, useful purchased - they contain fresh products. Recipes of scrubies for dry skin and eating scrubs present to your attention.

Scrubs for the skin made with their own hands

The scrub cooked at home with their own hands is a lot of advantages. You are precisely known for his composition. You use a fresh product that did not add any preservatives. Finally, self-preparation of the scrub may be more economical.

Terms of use Scrabba

Conduct the cleaning procedure in the evening, better before bedtime. Since the skin after the procedures with a scrub becomes very vulnerable and sensitive. Overnight, skin will have time to relax.

Before applying the scrub, raise the skin. Ideally engage in "polishing" after the bathroom or hot soul. Apply the remedy and gently massage with circular motions. You can use a soft sponge or a washcloth with natural fibers. Special attention is paid to such areas like hips, buttocks, neckline, hands and brushes, elbows, heels.

Carefully wash off the skin scrub

After the shower, moisten the skin with lotion or special milk.

Use scrubs 1-2 times a week. Do not abuse scrubs even if they are home cooking. It can disrupt the water lipid layer of the skin, it will sweep and stop well performing their protective functions.

Dry skin scrub

Sugar sugar is more suitable for dry skin. You can use fine white sugar, but the best is suitable brown, since it has more minerals and useful substances. Body sugar scrub is more gentle, it performs soft peeling, improving blood microcirculation. Such a scrub can be used daily during the taking of the soul.

To prepare a sugar home scrub, you will need 1 cup of sugar, 1/4 cups of avocado oil or other moisturizing oil, 1/4 of soybean oil or other anti-inflammatory oil, a few drops of geranium essential oil. All components thoroughly mix and use while taking a shower.

Power and moisturizing body scrub.

Take a tablespoon of almonds and a tablespoon of oat flakes, grind on a coffee grinder. Add 2 tablespoons of fatty cream or sour cream, if the skin is fat, then 1 egg squirrel, mix well. After the shower and cleansing the skin, apply a mixture on the body, massaging movements to make skin peeling in the neckline zone, neck, chest, as well as on the body. Leave the mixture on the skin for 2 minutes, after which it was washed off with warm water without soap.

Anti-cellulite scrub.

Mix one cup of coffee grounds with three tablespoons of honey, the same amount of sour cream or cream. The prepared scrub is necessary to especially carefully massage the problem areas subject to cellulite. After each such procedure, the "orange crust" on the skin will become less noticeable until it disappears at all. Caffeine is one of the most effective ingredients used in anti-cellulite creams, and in fact, in a scrub, cooked by your hands from a coffee ground, it is much more than in any cosmetic agent selling in the store.

Body scrub from salt.

To use this scrub - just put a little salt into the palm and massaging wet skin. To prepare this scrub it is better to use sea salt, as it contains many minerals, and your skin will get maximum care. If you have a thin, sensitive skin, then you better use salt smaller grinding. Well, for sections with coarsame skin (for example, on heels) or for sections with cellulite zones, use a larger salt. The salt scrub has not only the effect of exfoliation, but also an antibacterial effect.

Scrubs for the body are used to exfoliate skinned skin cells. In the body sections that we massage with comprehensive particles, exchange processes accelerate due to the blood tide. As a result, our skin becomes tightened, smooth, tender and very pleasant to the touch.

Skin peeling is a mandatory event before carrying out a number of cosmetic procedures, such as: wrapping, depilation, instant tanning, etc.

Almost every cosmetic brand can be found in the range of various comprehensive compositions. You can make a scrub and at home. Recipes of home scrubs There are a huge set. The compositions can be varied under your mood and the ingredients available in your arsenal. The main rule: the composition should be an abrasive comprehensive component (ground nuts, fruit bones, coffee, sea salt, sugar, cereals, etc.) and moisturizing base (various oils, honey, cream, shower gel).

General rules for the use of body scrub at home.

Vitamin E can be added to the scraper (sold in ampoules in the pharmacy). Scrub is applied only on clean wet skin. Apply the scrub should be strictly in the current limp (bottom up, from the limbs to the center, towards the heart). This is done with light circular massage movements. Do not dilute strongly, absorbing particles will do everything yourself.

At the end of the procedure, you can leave the mixture on the body as a body mask. Upon completion of the comprehensive massage, the residues of the composition must be washed with water. After you leave the shower necessarily apply a moisturizing lotion on the body or cream. Do not neglect this rule, even if the scrub was based on the oil. Scraper remains can be stored in a refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

Coconut Body Scrub Recipe


  • natural yogurt - 100 ml;
  • coconut shavings - 100 gr;
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp.

Preparation and application:

We mix all the ingredients. On the wet skin portion on the current limf we apply the received home scrub. Leave the product on the skin as a mask for 5 minutes. Wash warm water.

Body leather scrub at home from rice and coffee


  • any rice is a quarter of a glass;
  • ground natural coffee - a quarter cup;
  • kefir - 0.5 cups (for dry skin you can take fat cream in the same proportion)

Preparation and application:

Rice finely peel in a coffee grinder. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. We leave the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. When the scrub is imagined, we apply it to the wet skin with light massage movements from the bottom up. We leave on the body for 5 minutes. Wash off warm water.

Sugar scrub recipe for body.


  • sugar sand - 2 glasses;
  • shower gel - 0.5 glasses;
  • moisturizing oil (children's, coconut, olive, cosmetic, etc.) - a quarter of a glass.

Preparation and application:

Sugar, shower gel and oil mix to pasty consistency. If the composition is obtained too liquid, add more sugar. Pasta should be like wet beach sand. After the soul with neat movements in the current limf, we apply a scrub on the body. Rock composition need warm water without soap. Do not forget about the moisturizing lotion after the procedure.

Almond body scrub


  • almond nuts without a shell - a handful;
  • almond oil.

Preparation and application:

All almond lovers are dedicated! Grind in a coffee grinder Almonds. Add oil to nuts. The more oil you add, the more delicate scrub you receive. Such a scrub is suitable for frequent use. The remaining mixture can be stored in the refrigerator to two weeks.

Recipe for oat scrub for dry skin skin


  • oatmeal (better Hercules);
  • cream;
  • honey (allergies better exclude this ingredient).

Preparation and application:

Oatmeal scrub is perfect for owners of age, fine and / or dry skin of the body.

Grinding Hercules. We mix oatmeal with cream and honey. Immediately, until the oatmeal swallowed from the cream, put the scrub on the skin with massage movements. Wash such a scrub better without detergent, just warm water. Oat scrub is perfect for use in a bath or sauna. The remnants of this scrub cannot be stored.

Coffee Scrub Slimming

Oh yeah! The most beloved millions of the girls of the planet scrub is a scrub of ground coffee. The coffee scrub procedure contributes to weight loss, has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect, and also tones the skin. The skin after the procedure becomes silky, smooth, tightened and very pleasant smells. Do not forget that coffee is one of the most powerful Aphrodisiacs.

There are a huge set of recipes for making scrub with ground coffee. You can use both dried coffee and an unwitting ground grains. As the basis for coffee, you can add: honey, cream, olive oil, or a favorite shower gel. You can add a couple of drops of orange essential oil into the anti-cellulite scrub. It is better to mix oil into such a composition: orange, lemon, sandalwood, geranium.

Coffee scrub is suitable as a preparatory event before wraps. Scrub is applied along the usual above described.

Scrub with sea salt at home

Grinding sea salt in a coffee grinder or mortar. Add a shower gel and any essential oil. We mix everything and apply on the skin. Such a recipe is suitable for normal or oily skin. You can not use a salt scrub if you have wounds or irritation on the skin.

Latin American Body Scrub Recipe


  • cane sugar - 50 g;
  • coconut oil - 3 h.;
  • ripe avocado;
  • a little crushed almond;
  • fat cream - 20 grams;
  • lemon essential oil - 5 drops;
  • vanilla aromatic oil - 3 drops;
  • rose essential oil - 1 drop.

Preparation and application:

Mix in the container all ingredients to a paste-like state. A mixture is applied to cleansed skin. Light movements on massage lines apply a paste. Leave the Latin American fragrant scrub on the skin for 5 minutes. We wash without soap with warm water. This seductive tropical fragrance will be with you for a long time.

Corn scrub for body at home

In this recipe, you can choose an abrasive ingredient with a corn barbell or corn flour as an abrasive ingredient (you can solve a croup in a flour in a coffee grinder). The cereals more hardly exhaust the skin, perfectly suitable for stop, elbows. Flour more delicately and gently absorbs the skin.

On wet skin weaving a shower gel. On the broken body, tightly applied the croup. Easy movements are experiencing damage skin cells. Wash off with water and flush the skin with a towel. Be sure to apply nutritious body cream.

Body Fruit Fruit Scrub


  • banana -2 pcs.;
  • natural yogurt (can be replaced with sour cream) - 1 cup;
  • crumpled orange squeeze (slightly peel in advance).

Preparation and application:

Mix all components. We apply on the body with circular motions from the bottom up. Wash off with water. Be careful with this recipe if you have been previously allergic. You can test a test for an allergic reaction on the inside of the elbow.

And what is your favorite scrub? Write in the comments!

On a note: Such domestic scrubs can be packaged into cute jars, towering the ribbon and give the native and relatives.

Rubric: Noted:

Proper skin care requires the mandatory use of cleansing agents, which, eliminating organized cells, prepare the skin to apply nutrient and moisturizers, reinforcing their action. Such cleansing agents include scrubs for the face. About how to choose and use scrubs will be discussed in this article.

Each of us seeks to make your skin smooth and beautiful. Unfortunately, it happens that because of certain circumstances or conditions (poor ecology, individual characteristics, working conditions, lifestyle, etc.) do this not always succeed. Washing faces with the help of cleansing foams and gels, as well as the use of tonic after twenty-five years already enough. As it accumulates on the surface of the skin of the layer of dead cells, the skin is lack of oxygen, as a result of which a gray unhealthy complexion appears. Therefore, you follow once or two per week to clean the face at a deeper level using the scrub (this procedure is also called peeling). However, the use of this cleansing agent should be carried out with extreme caution, otherwise it is possible to injure the skin.

Translated from English literally, the word scrub "SCRUB" means - clean, scrub, and is a cosmetic tool, the basis of which make up softening components (cream, gel, cosmetic clay) and abrasive natural (minerals or ground bones of apricots, olives, sugar, salt, Coconut chips, etc.) or synthetic particles (microscopic plastic balls).

According to experts, it is preferable to use scrubs based on synthetic particles, as they have an ideal smooth surface, which prevents damage to the skin (especially sensitive). Natural abrasive components can have sharp edges, which significantly increases the risk of skin injury. Independently prepared at home scrubs for a person in their properties are no different from ready-made stores, but have one undeniable advantage: all components have a completely natural origin.

Properties of scrubics.
These cosmetics exude clearing dead cells, perfectly eliminate the skin contamination and the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and also remove the remnants of makeup. The components of the softening effect of the scrub protect the skin from possible inflammation and injuries. The use of this cleansing means helps to restore the exchange processes in cells, resulting in a significant narrowing of the pores, and the skin becomes smooth and soft. The finished remedy can be purchased in any cosmetic store, and you can prepare yourself, which is especially recommended that whose skin is prone to unpredictable allergic reactions to unknown components. In this case, when buying a finished means, it is necessary to test it on the back of the hand of the hand, the crawls of its small amounts of massage movements. If twenty minutes later, redness will be observed, then such a means is better not to take. Scrubs, prepared at home, of course, completely replace professional funds will not be able, but they can be used as an additional care. With a dry and sensitive skin type, it is better to give preference to a cream-based scrub, a gel base agent is ideal for any type of skin.

Brown sugar, coffee, coffee, because it contains caffeine, which fights cellulite, is particularly suitable for abrasive particles for cooking. In addition, coffee will give the skin a light shade of tan. Further excellent abrasive components for scrub are the food or sea salt. They can be mixed with moisturizing cream, a shower tool, honey or natural vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, almond). Good exfoliating components are also considered buckwheat and rice. However, with sensitive and dry leather, such a cereal is better replaced by oatmeal.

You can use dairy products (sour cream, kefir, milk, cream, yogurt), unrefined and useful vegetable oils (sunflower, grinding oil, sesame, ginger, cedar, castor, olive, linen, and cosmetic clays, can be used as a softening basis. Vitamins (honey, berries, vegetables and fruits). With greasy and mixed skin as a basis, it is better to use cosmetic clay.

Application scrub for face.
When applying this fund, several rules should be followed, thanks to which its action will be as efficient as possible. It should be remembered that the best time for the use of this fund is evening, when you will not enter the street. Apply the scrub should be on a wet, slightly sparkled skin with light circular movements strictly through massage lines within a few minutes, excluding the area around the eyes. After that, the remedy should be flush with warm water, and the skin is lubricated with serum or nutrient cream or moisturizing action. After that, you can put on the face of a soothing mask for fifteen minutes.

If the skin appears or pinching the skin, you should stop using this tools. It just does not fit you.

It is worth remembering that the scrub is not recommended more often than two times a week with fatty or combined skin, and also more often once a week with normal, problem, dry and sensitive skin. Otherwise, this can lead to thinning of the upper layer of skin, dehydration, accelerate moisture loss, impaired water-salt balance, as well as loss of skin of its protective properties, violation of the sebaceous glands. It should be noted that in the presence of acne, coperaosis, as well as other skin diseases, the scrub cannot be applied, as it can significantly worsen the situation.

With an excessive sensitive or dry skin, it is necessary to abandon the use of scrubs, or to apply them every two or three weeks. In this case, it is recommended to use a more delicate effects. For example, a macu film on a gel basis.

Recipes for cooking scrubs at home.

Scrubs for all skin types.
Connect and carefully confused until the formation of a homogeneous thick cashecture in an equal ratio of coffee thick, which remained from the sleeping natural (non-instant) coffee, sour cream, high fatty cottage cheese, banana pulp. In addition to the cleansing effect, such a tool also feeds the skin.

An effective scrub for face and body is a sugar-based and salt remedy. Their ratio in the composition depends on the type of skin (with greasy laying more, with sensitive and dry - less). Connect sugar and salt with milk for face or body, honey, sour cream, butter or cream. A medical and salt scrub has a particularly pronounced effect when using it while taking a shower. In this case, scrubs based on sugar and salt are not recommended to be used in sensitive and dry skin.

Take any berries with the bones, be lost in a porridge mass, which is applied to the face by massaging movements, then wash off with warm water.

Connect one egg yolk with a teaspoon of liquid honey and the same amount of pre-crushed oat flakes.

Take a teaspoon of sugar with a tablespoon of crushed coconut pulp and the same amount of low-fat sour cream.

Grind a tablespoon of Hercules flakes in the mill with three cleaned walnuts. Then add orange juice to mass until a homogeneous consistency resembling cream. The owners of dry skin in the mass should add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil (better than olive).

Scrubs for normal skin.
Grind dry orange zest. Take a tablespoon of crushed zest and connect with a teaspoon of ground almond with a teaspoon, diluating warm boiled water to obtain a homogeneous casual mass.

Grind one medium cucumber on a large grater. The resulting cucumber mass is mixed with a tablespoon of Hercules flakes or tool and insist for twenty minutes.

Grind in the mill rice, take a tablespoon of the resulting mass, connect with two tablespoons of low-fat curd and a half teaspoon of olive oil. Before use, the mixture is slightly heat.

Mix a teaspoon of sea salt with sour cream, olive oil or cream.

Take six berries strawberries, thoroughly cruck and mix with six tablespoons of salt and four tablespoons of olive oil.

Coffee is thick with a small amount of liquid add a few drops of cedar walnut oil.

Mix half a tablespoon of liquid honey and a half teaspoon of a large catering salt and add a teaspoon of corn flour or cinnamon to the composition.

Mix carrot juice with oat flakes and let stand within ten minutes. When the mass is sweeping, you can apply on the skin and massage.

In the presence of allergic reactions to honey and bee products, it is not recommended to use scrubs based on them. In addition, suffering from diabetes mellitus, having capillary stars or extended vessels on the face, it is also not worth useing this kind of funds.

A teaspoon of olive oil boil on the steam bath. Give oil to settle, and then drain it and mix with the lemon juice of the average size. Use the mixture in the form of scrub. Only after massiferous movements it is necessary to give the mixture to dry on the face, and only then wash the warm and cool water at first. Such a means not only cleans the skin, but also contributes to the rejuvenation of fading skin, as well as lightening or eliminating pigment spots.

A pretty crowded two tablespoons of raspberry berries and mix with a drop of mint oil and the same amount of ylang-ylang oil.

Scrubs for fatty and problem skin.
15 g of bakery yeast to connect with two teaspoons of lemon juice, the mixture is lowered into hot water for three minutes, after which add a tablespoon of sea salt. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and apply to a cotton disk, which should array the skin with circular motions. Then the skin is rinsed with warm water.

Connect two tablespoons of pre-crushed oatmeal with a teaspoon of ground rice and add a tablespoon of olive oil. The mixture is slightly diluted with warm water (slightly).

Mix in equal proportions lemon juice, honey and sugar.

Mix a tablespoon of crushed Hercules cereal with one yellow chicken egg, add a teaspoon of liquid honey A and the same amount of tea soda. Such a scrub is good for combined skin.

Connect a tablespoon of coffee grounds with three tablespoons of yoghurt or high fatty cream.

Make a steam bath for the face, or take a bath or shower, after which massaging the skin for several minutes with a wet cotton disk, pre-dipped in salt or drinking soda.

Scrubs for dry and sensitive skin.
Pre-chopped in mill or coffee grinder Hercules flakes mixed with milk before the formation of a homogeneous mass. Instead of milk, you can use water, honey and oily cream.

When skin peeling, a mixture of chopped cereals of Hercules and warm unrefined vegetable oil can be used as a scrub. Mix crushed oatmeal with six vigilant grape berries.

Take two teaspoons of butter and mix with two tablespoons well-broken walnuts and two yolks of quail eggs.

In two tablespoons of crushed Hercules flakes add three teaspoons of sugar, a tablespoon of almond oil and a couple of orange oil drops. In the resulting mass add two tablespoons with a dirty cranberry. Wait three to five minutes while the mixture swells, after which you can use in the form of a scrub.

Mix a tablespoon of bran with three tablespoons of riming in the mill of oat flakes, a tablespoon of wheat flour and the same amount of ground almond. The resulting mixture is shifted into a linen bag. Before applying a bag with a mixture, it should be moistened and massaged by the skin of the face, and it is possible for the body for ten to fifteen minutes. Such a scrub, in addition to cleansing, rejuvenates the skin.

Grind dry lavender or chamomile to powder. Take a teaspoon of the resulting mass and mix it with two tablespoons of oat flakes, add six drops of lavender oil. Then the composition is diluted with warm water to obtain a paste-like mass. Such a scrub is effective for inflamed skin.

Recipes of homemade faces can also be used to purify body skin. Scrub is also applied to a wet body with gentle rubber movements with a special sponge of natural fiber, or hands. Cleaning the skin with the help of scrub significantly increases the effect of use in further body skin care, as well as anti-cellulite means.

In order to properly care for skin cover, give them a healthy look and depart dead cells, it is necessary to periodically use the natural scrub for the face at home. A pleasant procedure can return the epithelium youth, smoothness, radiance. To achieve a good effect, you need to select a recipe that corresponds to the type of your skin.

What is a scrub for face

The procedure for scrubling a person is carried out in order to purify, align the tone, giving the tone of the skin. Since the impact may be aggressive, it is necessary to carefully select the components, use such homemade cosmetics no more than 1 time per week. The difference between the scrub from the peeling procedure consists in the content of special particles that help remove dead cells and pollution.


Regular care for the face using natural cosmetics contributes to improving the condition, appearance of the skin, saturated with its vitamins. An indispensable tool for these purposes are scrubs. Such cosmetic procedures have several useful actions:

  • help deeply cleanse skin;
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • participate in rejuvenation;
  • give fresh appearance, dried dead cells, make the epidermis soft and smooth;
  • help struggle with scars, scars;
  • contribute to improved skin relief.

What ingredients are scrubs for the face

Translated from the English name of the cosmetics means "scrubbing". For the preparation of scrubs, a softening base and synthetic or natural abrasive particles are used. Often used natural origin products are crowded apricot bones or shells of nuts, salt, coffee, crushed oatmeal. Cream, yogurt, honey, cosmetic clay can be used as a nutrient component. The choice of ingredients depends on the type of skin.

Terms of application

A homemade scrub for face from natural components helps to update the skin, make it smooth and beautiful. In order not to apply the harm to the epidermis, it is necessary to apply the exfoliating tool correctly, observing simple recommendations:

  • It is necessary to apply the scrub on wet skin, so it should be predeter than warm water. For a better effect, it is recommended to break the face.
  • If there is inflammation and damage on the skin, the procedure is better not to conduct.
  • It is important to select a tool suitable for your skin type. If home cosmetics cause burning, itching, or other unpleasant feelings, its use must be stopped.
  • The face scrub at home is applied with circular motions, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes. Then the composition neatly massage the skin for a few minutes.
  • At the end of use, home cosmetics must be removed from the sponge or neatly washed with warm water.
  • After the procedure, you need to apply a nutritious or moisturizer. If the skin is fat or problematic, it should be pre-watched with citrus juice.
  • It is recommended to apply a depreciation of the face of the house in the evening, because after it is used, it is impossible to go outside about 2 hours.

Recipes of face scrubies at home

Prepare cleansing cosmetics at home can be made of simple products with valuable properties. To pick up a suitable recipe, you need to know about the features of your epidermis. Building cosmetics prepared from natural ingredients independently will help keep the skin healthy, beautiful and elastic, without harming.

Homemade Sensitive Skin Face

A feature of scrubies for epidermis of this type is a very small size of abrasive particles and eliminating the addition of aggressive substances. To improve the condition of the face, cosmetologists are recommended to add vitamins (A, E) in liquid form. For sensitive skin, the following compositions are suitable:

  • Milk and corn flour. The ingredients must be carefully mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The thickness of the substance should turn out to be average. Flour is recommended to pre-sift, and bring the milk to room temperature. The mixture is applied with neat circular motions. Wash the homemade fabric to face water.

  • Banana and nut scrub mask for the face at home. For cooking, you will need 2-3 kernels of walnuts shredded in a coffee grinder, half of the fruit. Banana must be used with a fork. Mix the walkers obtained with pieces of nuts. Apply, slightly rubbed, then rinse with warm water.

For oily skin

In the compound procedure, bold leather is especially needed. It must be thoroughly cleaned so that the face has a beautiful and healthy look. The following recipes will help ensure the correct care:

  • Connect in the capacitance of wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l, as many berries, pre-grinding them. A teaspoon of yogurt, crushed walnuts or a dry orange zest are added to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly, carefully stick into the skin. Remove the vitamin scrub cooked at home, warm water.
  • Take a fresh cucumber, soda on a coarse grater, drain juice. Purchase to the puree for 1 t. L. Sea salts and sugar. Mix all the ingredients. Use sugar scrubs immediately after cooking. Leave the cosmetic preparation on the face for 15 minutes, wash.

For dry skin

Dry type epidermis needs additional nutrition, so oils and other fatty components must be included in the home cosmetics. To clean such skin, ensuring moisturizing, use the following recipes, how to make a face scrub:

  • You will need: cottage cheese - 50 g, fatty sour cream - 1 tbsp. l., Groats buckwheat (pre-grind in a coffee grinder to the state of powder) - 50 g. All ingredients are required to mix thoroughly. Apply the tool cooked at home, follows with smooth massaging movements. Complete cleansing skin cleaning required.
  • Inside deep tanks, pose a handful of oatmeal and 2 tbsp. l. Dry milk. Mix dry components. Dilute the raw material with warm milk (50 ml) to a mass that has a consistency of pasta. Take the finished homemade cosmetics on your face, slightly massage, leave for 5 minutes, remove with water.

Honey scrub

Among the useful recipes for cosmetics for dry skin is very popular with the Honey Scrub for your own hands. It not only helps to exfoliate dead cages, clean the pores, but also feeds the epidermis. To do at home, it is possible in several ways:

  • Perebit and grind the blender of a half-cook ripe strawberry, add 2 teaspoons of liquid honey, mix the components. The resulting Cashitz apply on the face with neat movements, rinse with water. This composition can be used at home as a mask, leaving for a few minutes.
  • Take a 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 2 times more honey. Mix both ingredients so that the spice has not formed lumps. Add a few drops of juniper and orange oil. Distributed the resulting gravity mass on the face, gently moving in the direction of massage lines. Leave the mask for a few minutes, then remove with water or warm milk.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice, olive oil and honey. Add 1 tsp. Coffee grounds. The resulting mass is a little massage the wet skin of the face. Rock off the coffee scrub with honey need warm water.

From acne

On problem, fat and sensitive skin are often formed acne. Homemade scrubs are an effective way to combat these negative manifestations. Cosmetics are prepared from components that clean the skin, exfoliating and removing fatty. You can use the following recipes:

  • To prepare a salt scrub, take the egg whites, oatter - 2 tbsp. l., Sea salt - 1 tbsp. l., Olive oil - 1 tsp. You need to mix the ingredients well. If the mass goes too tight, dilute with a small amount of warm liquid. The resulting cracker will swee the skin of the face and neck for about 3 minutes. At the end of the procedure, all wash.
  • Make a mixture of a teaspoon salt, the same amount of soda and 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Apply the resulting substance on the face to the smooth layer, massage about a minute. Leave a lot of 2 minutes, then delete. Such a scrub should not be used more often than 1 time per week or in the presence of open acne.

For normal skin

Cleansing procedures are required and the skin of the normal type. Use a home scrub home needed with caution so as not to cause damage. The following recipes will help to give a shiny face:

  • Grind separately 50 g of coffee and rice grains. Mix 1 tsp. Each ingredient, add some milk. The resulting mass is massaged the face for a few minutes, wash away. According to the reviews, this scrub makes the skin smooth, gives shine.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. Sour creams with the same amount of chopped coconut, add 1 tsp. Sugar sand. Immediately apply the scrub on the face, carefully hide the circular movements, wash.


Natural scrubs cooked at home are ideal for leather exfoliation.

Peeling is one of the most important skin care procedures. Regular exfoliation (exfoliation) of the upper burned leather layer helps to give it an incredible smoothness and improve the appearance. To do this, you can use ready-made scrubs presented in any cosmetic store or pharmacy, and you can cook them yourself, because there is nothing better than natural ingredients. What products are best suited for cooking and how to do them at home?

Peeling, held at home using
natural scrubs containing abrasive particles, for example,
Salt or sugar crystals are called mechanical.

Scrubs and rules for their use

Scrub is a mixture of several components, manufactured for soft skin cleansing from burrot cells. One of the main and distinctive components of this cosmetics is the presence of abrasive material: salts, sugar and other particles. Peeling should be carried out after the procedure for cleansing the face. For normal, oily and combined skin, it is recommended to carry out this procedure 1-2 times a week, and for dry and sensitive - no more than 2-3 times a month.

Sugar scrub

Sugar is one of the best ingredients for cooking scrubies. The sugar scrub not only gently eliminates the skin from burned cells, in just a few minutes turning it out of coarse and rough into a soft and shining, but also cleans the scored pores.

How to cook:
Sugar can be mixed with various ingredients. For bleaching, a mixture of sugar, honey and lemon juice is perfect for the narrowing of the pores and eliminating the oily shine - a mix of sugar, yogurt and oatmeal, but most often the sugar is mixed with various oils.

For the preparation of a useful exfoliant, you need to mix 2-3 tablespoons of white or cane sugar with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. This mass can add a little aloe juice to mitigate and heal skin, as well as a few drops of essential oil for fragrance. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face with light circular motions, and in 5 minutes wash off with water.

Oat scrub

Oatmeal is very useful for the skin: it contains various vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain its beauty. Homemade scrubs of oat flakes are very carefully exhausting the skin, softening and moisturizing it, so they are suitable even for sensitive skin.

How to cook:
The easiest way to prepare scrub is to dunk in warm water. Handful of oat flakes and the resulting casket makes a wet face for a few minutes, after which it is washed with water room temperature. For whitening effect, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Salt scrub

For cooking scrubies, it is best to use sea salt. However, do not forget that this ingredient irritates the skin, causing blood flow to the surface and stimulating the regeneration of the skin, which can cause burning and other unpleasant sensations. Such scrubs are more suitable for the owners of oily and combined skin, rather than dry and sensitive.

How to cook:
To prepare a salt scrub for the face, you will need 2-3 teaspoons of sea salt and as much olive oil. You can also add a few drops of any essential oil into this mixture. It should be slightly massaged the face for 1-2 minutes, after which it was washed with warm water, and then apply a nutrient cream.

Walnut scrub

Grinding nuts - walnuts, cedar, almonds and others - perfectly clean the skin, and also contain many vitamins and nutrients that increase its elasticity and smooth wrinkles. For more active exfoliation into scrubs, in addition to the nuclei itself, you can also add chopped nut shells.

How to cook:
Third cups of nuts should be grinding in a coffee grinder to the desired consistency. You need to add an ordinary yogurt without additives or olive oil to crushed nuclei. The finished scrub must be applied to the face cleaned skin by massaging movements, leave for 5-7 minutes, and then wash off with warm water.

Tea scrub

Green tea not only eliminates the skin from dead cells, but also cares for her. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in it, it feeds and protects it from aging, and also has anti-inflammatory properties, which is especially relevant for sensitive or prone to the appearance of acne.

How to cook:
3-4 tablespoons of dry leaves of green tea should be chopped in a blender, and then add 2-3 tablespoons of low-fat kefir or yogurt to them. This mixture should be applied on the face and zone with a nestless massage movement, leave for 5-7 minutes, after which it was raised a little warm water.

From peeling should refrain by those who have skin prone
to the appearance of acne rashes, irritation, and also if available
Disorders of the integrity of the skin. After peeling
It is not recommended to sunbathe within 1-2 days.

Elena Kobzeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist: "Skin exfoliation is an important component of care. For a face it is better to choose funds with rounded particles without sharp edges. Scrubs containing bones and shells of nuts, salt, for this little suitable. Much more careful thank deadly peelings cells with rounded polyethylene particles or gumads. Hard scrubs based on sugar and salt is better to save for the body. They perfectly cope with the damaged layer of the skin, especially this is relevant in the summer. "

Expert:Elena Kobzeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist:
Katerina Kapustina

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