Material for the New Year's newspaper “Frosty patterns. New year in Russia

On the eve of the New Year holidays, many different events for children were held in the Olsky urban district. From 23 to 29 December 2015, theatrical performances and children's matinees, concerts, masquerade balls, fiery discos, festive flash mobs, various contests, exhibitions of New Year's crafts were held in all educational institutions, in which more than 1,500 people took part. The guys and their parents spent a long time preparing, fantasizing, making crafts for exhibitions and New Year's decorations.

An elegantly beautiful Christmas tree met its guests in the decorated halls of schools and kindergartens. Music, colorful decoration, decorations and costumes, funny contests, round dances around the Christmas tree created a holiday feeling for children, charged them with fun and joyful anticipation of meeting fairy-tale characters, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Thanks to their creative and extraordinary approach, teachers and educators created an atmosphere of a fairy tale for children and their parents, every year coming up with new original scenarios, the plots of which are not revealed until the last moment. After all, what New Year is without surprises? Holidays in schools and kindergartens are always joy, smiles and good mood. Parents took an active part in the events. They sewed and bought costumes for children, helped decorate classrooms, together with the children prepared crafts for New Year's exhibitions, played and rejoiced with the children. Various fairy-tale heroes came to visit the children with gifts: Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Rapunzel, Shapoklyak, Dunno, the symbol of the New Year - the cheerful Monkey, and the long-awaited Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And, of course, the most anticipated surprise for children is a sweet gift, which they take away along with an unforgettable impression of the show they saw.

In addition to New Year's events held in institutions, schoolchildren of the Olsky urban district took part in two more significant events - the Kremlin and the Governor's tree.

Every year in Moscow, the All-Russian New Year Kremlin Christmas tree is held for children aged 9 to 12 years old, excellent students, winners of Olympiads, competitions, pupils of orphanages and boarding schools, children from socially vulnerable families. The Kremlin tree is the main New Year's performance in Russia and a cherished dream for millions of boys and girls in our country. To participate in the Kremlin Christmas tree, which took place on December 26, 2015, a quota was determined in the amount of one person from among the students of educational institutions subordinate to the Education Committee of the Administration of the Olsky urban district. The candidacy of a participant in the All-Russian New Year tree was determined. This is Anastasia Timofeenko, a 5th grade student of the Moscow State Educational Institution "Main secondary school of Talon village". Nastya is an excellent student, an active participant in school and regional creative competitions, olympiads, she has many certificates and letters of thanks. Of course, Nastya will have many more interesting impressions and events in the future, but, undoubtedly, the Kremlin Christmas tree left a bright memorable mark in her life, gave a lot of unforgettable impressions, amazing emotions, and new friends.

Every year in the city of Magadan for children from large and socially unprotected families, foster children, children from families of military personnel who died in "hot" spots, excellent students, winners of competitions, Olympiads, competitions at the age of 7 to 12 years, a regional charitable action is held - Governor's New Year tree. From December 25 to December 28, 2015, 30 children, students of secondary schools of the Olsky urban district, were invited to the main regional Governor's Christmas tree. All the guys are prize-winners and winners of various intellectual, creative, sports competitions and Olympiads, activists of the school's social life.

A varied entertainment program was prepared for the participants of the Governor's tree. On December 26, at the Magadan State Musical and Drama Theater, the children led a merry round dance around the Christmas tree with Ded Moroz, Snegurochka and other fairy-tale characters, and then watched the New Year's play "Cherevichki".

The Governor of the Magadan Region V.P. Pechenyi congratulated the children on the coming New Year. He wished everyone good health, good studies, new high achievements, fulfillment of cherished desires and good luck.

The next day, December 27, in the Kolymsky sports complex, "Merry New Year's starts" took place, where the guys competed in agility, speed and ingenuity with Santa Claus.

All participants of the Governor's tree lived in the MOGAU "Children and Youth Health Center" Northern Artek ". The children did not have to be bored. A rich entertainment program was prepared for them: watching cartoons in the cinema, performances of the Magadan circus" Voyage "artists, New Year's performance by students of the College of Arts" Hello, Christmas tree - 2016 ", New Year's disco and much more. On the street on the territory of the Northern Artek, children played funny winter games, tumbled in snowdrifts, molded snowmen. The Governor's tree received a sweet gift.

It has become a tradition to hold a regional exhibition "Hello, hello, New Year!" On the eve of the New Year. From 19 to 23 December 2015, in the foyer of the Olsky regional center of culture, a regional exhibition-competition of arts and crafts and fine arts "Hello, hello, New Year!" among pupils and students of educational institutions. The founder and organizer of the event was the Education Committee of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "Olsky City District". The main goal of the Competition was to develop children's interest in arts and crafts and fine art, skills in making New Year's crafts and decorations, attracting the attention of children to the study and preservation of the traditions of making New Year's toys.

256 participants aged from 2.5 to 17 years old took part in the competition-exhibition: pupils and students of 11 educational institutions of the MO "Olsky urban district" (MKOU secondary school in Ola, MKOU secondary school in Arman, MKOU secondary school in Tauisk, MKOU OOSh village Talon, MKOU OOSh village Takhtoyamsk, MKOU "Primary school-kindergarten of the village of Gadlya", MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 6" Golden Key "p. Ola", MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 1" Geese-swans " . Ola ", MKDOU" Kindergarten "Birch" village of Klepka ", MKOU DOD" CDO for children of the village of Ola ".

More than 250 works were presented in the nominations: "New Year's Christmas tree toy", "New Year's mask", "Holiday cards", "Symbols of the year". The competition-exhibition is held by age groups: pupils of preschool educational institutions, students in grades 1-4, students in grades 5-8, students in grades 9-11.

The imagination and creativity of children in making New Year's crafts turned out to be rich and unexpected: symbols of the year (monkeys, funny Snowmen, kind Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, Christmas trees), New Year's toys, holiday cards, masks and much, much more.

The works were performed in a variety of traditions and techniques: applique, modular origami, design, quilling, decoupage, knitting, embroidery, dough modeling, etc. The contestants used various materials: paper, plasticine, plastic, fabric, pasta, sweets, grains coffee!

The jury evaluated the quality and aesthetics of performance, expressiveness and originality of the works presented.

As a result of a very emotional discussion, exchange of views, the results were summed up, the winners and winners of the "Hello, Hello, New Year!" It was very difficult for the jury members to evaluate and choose the best works, since they were all bright, colorful, and, most importantly, made with love, each work was worthy of attention! The most distinguished participants were awarded diplomas of the Education Committee of the Administration of the Olsky urban district. And the head of the Administration D.V. Morozov warmly congratulated the prize-winners and winners of the competition, noting that the educational institutions of the Olsky city district created the necessary conditions for children's development of applied and visual arts, wished them further success and presented the children with sweet gifts.

The Education Committee thanks the members of the jury, all the participants of the Competition, as well as the employees of the Olsky District Cultural Center for their help in organizing the exhibition.

New Year's holidays for children and adults are still the most important, colorful and unforgettable ones. We wish everyone in the coming year health, optimism, creative success, the implementation of interesting plans and ideas!

Festive event at the school "New Year!"

The most long-awaited and favorite holiday for many is the New Year. All people are waitinghim with excitement, hoping and believing that he will be better, luckier, happier. It is not a secret for anyone that it is the most long-awaited for schoolchildren. After all, for them the new year is not only a winter vacation, but all kinds of entertainment, contests, surprises. Skillfully, thoughtfully organizing a New Year's holiday, filling it with the necessary content is the task of an intelligent teacher who loves children. How best to do this so that the children have enough memories for a whole year?

Firstly, as for any holiday, you need to prepare in advance for the New Year: decorate a Christmas tree, decorate a room or classroom, etc. Of course, for this you can get by with the Christmas tree decorations and garlands bought in the store. But it is better, in our opinion, if the festive decoration is made by children with their own hands.

Let it be a snowflake cut from a napkin, or a familiar paper lantern, or a garland of rings. The main thing is that the child then sees his toy and feels his involvement in the preparation for the holiday.

Secondly, it is imperative to think over a festive entertainment program: learn poems, songs, prepare various contests, games, pick up musical accompaniment. Prepare and present invitations to guests in advance. And also take care of the prizes!

Thirdly, you need to make a New Year's costume with your parents. It is enough to turn on your imagination, add a little skill, patience and model a beautiful suit from fabric scraps, paper, fur, old clothes. By the way, there is one very important, in our opinion, positive moment in this: no one will have such an outfit.

Fourth, on the eve of the New Year, adults need to think about gifts for their children. Sweet gift sets are traditional. But, probably, everyone expects some miracle from the New Year! Everyone, especially children, associates this holiday with the fulfillment of cherished dreams.

Maybe from a letter to Santa Claus that you write and send with your child, or maybe from simple communication with children, a caring and loving parent will find, in our opinion, an opportunity to find out what his son or daughter would like to receive as a gift ... And he will make every possible effort to make the childhood dream come true, and the feeling of magic does not leave the child's soul as long as possible.

The tree was excellent this year. There is beauty in the hall! Despite the fact that the children were of different ages, it seemed interesting to everyone. The script is very original. And the songs are so funny. I liked that all the kids were involved - they sang, and they led a round dance. At the end of the holiday, a photo session with Santa Claus took place. Many thanks to the teachers who organized this action, the children participating in the performance. We would like to express our gratitude to sponsors A. N. Golikov and V. A. Mikhailov who always present children with gifts.

With what pleasure our children have been making a trip to the New Year tree in the Western Dvina for many years now. How much joy they receive.

In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone needs positive emotions, especially children.

May the New Year that we celebrate enter our life with a happy year! And all the good things we dream of will come true, come true, happen!

Teacher MBOU "Pervomaiskaya school" Utyashova G. S.

New Year is perhaps one of the most beloved holidays for Russian people. They begin to prepare for it in a whole month and celebrate with the most dear people. And how many traditions have formed around this holiday! New Year tree and gifts under it, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Olivier and champagne ... And how did you celebrate the New Year in the USSR?

After the revolution, despite the difficult economic situation, Christmas trees for children were organized in large cities. The love for this holiday of Lenin is widely known: even on the night of December 31 to January 1, 1924, three weeks before the death of Vladimir Ilyich, Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya still arranged a traditional Christmas tree.

After Lenin's death, the green symbol of the New Year, like the holiday itself, fell into disgrace for some time. Christmas and New Year were recognized as religious holidays and remnants of the bourgeoisie, therefore they ceased to be days off. However, many continued to celebrate the New Year in the family circle. That was until 1935, when the newspaper Pravda published an article by the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, the first secretary of the Kiev regional party committee, Pavel Postyshev, entitled “Let's organize a good Christmas tree for the children for the New Year!”. Postyshev called for the return of this "wonderful entertainment for children." "In schools, orphanages, in the palaces of pioneers, in children's clubs, in children's cinema and theaters - there should be a children's tree everywhere!" - he wrote.

From that time on, the government decided to restore the New Year celebrations. Dressed up winter beauties reappeared in homes. In the same year, a New Year tree took place in the Kharkov Palace of Pioneers. In 1936, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars was issued, officially authorizing the public celebration of the New Year and calling for the installation of New Year's trees on holidays in children's institutions, and the following year a New Year tree appeared in the Column Hall. Other cities took the initiative, and the next day, Christmas trees appeared in hundreds of Soviet cities. That year, Santa Claus appeared on the country's main Christmas tree, performed by the artist Garkavi.

The New Year continued to be celebrated in wartime, but it became a real holiday in 1947, when January 1 became a day off again. It became a tradition in Soviet families to turn this day into a fairy tale: despite the post-war difficulties, the hostesses prepared a festive table and new elegant dresses, everyone gave each other gifts, went to visit, and the children went to the Christmas tree. The dream of all Soviet kids was to get to the main Christmas tree of the country, which took place first in the Column Hall of the House of Unions, and after 1954 in the Kremlin. From there, the children brought not only unforgettable impressions, but also a cherished gift: sweets in a tin box, which in the 60s turned into a red Kremlin tower.

The New Year has its own indispensable attributes and traditions. In December, tangerines appeared in stores, which became a symbol of the New Year. New Year's bazaars opened on the streets, where everyone could choose a New Year's beauty to their liking. Decorated Christmas trees appeared in the central squares and main streets of cities and towns and villages. The best of Moscow's were the Christmas tree in GUM and in Detsky Mir: people came to see them specially. The culmination of the celebration was considered to be the uncorking of a bottle of "Soviet Champagne". The history of this drink began in the 1920s, when the government set a task for domestic winemakers: to develop a recipe for sparkling wine that would be inexpensive and quickly produced so that everyone could buy it. The researchers coped with the responsible mission, and in 1928 the young country got its own champagne, which was named "Soviet".

In the 50s, televisions began to appear in Soviet families, and soon there were traditional New Year programs. In 1956, Ryazanov's favorite film "Carnival Night" was released, which became a classic of Soviet cinema and an obligatory participant in the New Year's TV program. Twenty years later, the director repeated his success and released the second "most New Year's film" - "Irony of Fate". Who doesn't remember The Blue Light? Appearing in 1962, this program soon became another symbol of celebration.

It was during Soviet times that the New Year became a holiday uniting all the peoples of the world's largest country, despite the time zones and distances, and became exactly the way we celebrate it to this day.


1. Buy gifts in advance. 2. Buy a tree a week before the New Year. 3. Write a letter to Santa Claus.

❄ 40 ways to get ready for the New Years - and guaranteed to create a magical mood for the whole family!

❄ One of the biggest mental difficulties is the so-called expectation syndrome - a painful experience of (inevitable) discrepancy between what is customary to expect from solemn dates, especially from the supposedly all transforming New Year, and what actually turns out to be.
❄ Are we living by our goals and desires? Why does it get sad before the New Year?

Happiness is a road, not a destination. New Year's holidays are the best time to embark on this exciting journey. There are many routes. Choose the one that is right for you!

❄ It is customary to celebrate the New Year with the family. We are not always happy with the prospect of this family celebration. Why? And what can we do to make a difference?
❄ They shiver at the sight of garlands and Santa Clauses, and New Year's holidays seem to them a natural disaster. The very thought that others are celebrating and having fun on New Year's Eve is simply unbearable for them.

❄ Why is it so difficult for some of us to return to normal life after the long New Year holidays? Where does this melancholy, emotional fatigue come from and what to do with it?

❄ Some helpful tips to help you have a lot of fun and not ruin everyone else's party.

❄ One of the coziest New Year traditions exists in Iceland. Children and adults alike change into bright new pajamas, crawl into bed, made of fresh linen, and leaf through books long after midnight, eating chocolate.
❄ 1. The best moment of the year is ... 2.What inspired me especially this year? 3.The main news of the year.

❄ 20 most useless, oppressive and difficult thoughts and habits that you can throw out of your life and mind in the new year without regrets.

❄ In the New Year, we are all waiting for a miracle, but sometimes we forget that we ourselves are able to make the dream come true.

❄ Although there is still time before the New Year, it is worth taking care of the "cultural program" of the upcoming celebrations in advance. Naturally, a feast, a Christmas tree, guests, gifts - this is a sacred and unshakable tradition, which we improve from year to year. What to come up with this time?

❄ 1. Take the last train to the forest. Find and decorate a Christmas tree. Drink a bottle of vodka. Two more. Get to the forester's house. Fall asleep and remember nothing. 2. Call all relatives by sending each a personal postcard. Ask each of them to prepare a festive meal.

❄ Stress can be hidden under the bright wrapper of the New Year holidays. After all, the New Year is a turning point, a time of hustle and bustle, queues and assessing yourself for successes and failures. How to avoid stress and get the most out of the holiday?
the 1st of December. Start crossing out the days before New Years.December 2nd. Buy a lot of tangerines and eat them alone or in warm company.December 3. Listen to your favorite songs reminiscent of the holiday.

❄ The end of December is a high time to sum up the results of the outgoing year. And although a lot of things have been done for the whole year, at the end of it there will always be those that we put off until the last moment.
❄ New Year is a time to take stock and think about plans for the future, and this is the best time to communicate with your soul and bring a little joy and awareness to life. Take 15 minutes for your soul on these holidays.

❄ International New Year. 20 best New Year traditions from around the world.

❄ Nepal, China, India, Vietnam

❄ December is the most magical month. A thawed tree, silver balls, golden tangerines - the smell of subtle happiness, the long-awaited holiday, the smell of childhood and the anticipation of a miracle. Frosty stars light up - and miracles begin, wishes come true, dreams call on the road, and we go after them. Magic December gives us the most fabulous travel!

Very soon we will see off the Year of the Rabbit and meet the Dragon. This time it will be the Black Water Dragon. The dragon is a mythical creature, noble, strong. Astrologers advise this New Year meet in motion, bright, unbroken. On this night, you must definitely shine and no matter what - humor, precious jewelry or bright outfits and makeup. The main thing is that the meeting is memorable, and you can spend all our traditional New Year holidays in a good mood, which last practically from December 25 (Catholic Christmas for the European part of the former USSR is mostly a dress rehearsal before the main events) and only slightly reduce their intensity after January 13th. But then the series of festivities does not stop - Epiphany, Chinese New Year (which starts on January 23), Tatiana's Day, Valentine's Day, February 23, March 8, May 1 and 9 ... .. And we will give some interesting facts about the New Year that will allow you to shine even brighter in the New Year's company ...

1. The time of the New Year is very different for different nations. So in Ancient Babylon, the holiday fell on the spring. And during the holidays, the king left the city with all his retinue, and the townspeople had the opportunity to freely walk and have fun.
2. In Micronesia, the traditional New Year is January 1. But on this day, all the inhabitants of the islands receive new names and whisper them to those closest to them. At the same time, trusted relatives beat the drums with terrible force so that their evil spirits would not overhear.
3. In Italy, it is customary on New Year's Eve to get rid of old things that are thrown right out of windows. Moreover, the more things are thrown away, the more wealth and good luck the new year will bring.

4. In Russia, the New Year was celebrated on March 1 - in the X-XV centuries, September 1 - from 1348 after the Council in Moscow, and from 1699, by decree of Peter I, was postponed to January 1. As a result, by now the New Year has become a dense mixture of ancient Slavic, Christian, Western European and Eastern traditions.
5. The tradition of the Christmas log was brought by the Vikings to England. For Christmas they sawed a large tree that had matured and dried throughout the year. And the next Christmas this tree was brought into the house and placed in the hearth. If the tree burned for a long time and burned out completely, then luck awaited the house, but if it died out without burning to ashes, expect trouble.
6. Living trees are one of the Christian traditions of Christmas and New Year's festivities. But it turns out that they can carry not only the joy and spirit of the holiday. Scientists have found that there are fungi on spruce trees, which easily multiply in warm home conditions and secrete a huge number of spores. Spores in turn cause coughing, shortness of breath, insomnia, lethargy, even bronchitis and pneumonia. To protect yourself, you need to either wash and dry the spruce before bringing it into the house, or use an artificial tree.
7. Before becoming famous, James Belushi moonlighted as Santa Claus. It was during the period of such work that he was left without a license, but the actor nevertheless decided to continue delivering gifts to children. In such a "wicked" form, the police detained him and began, and the officers began the arrest procedure, putting on handcuffs and conducting a search. Children passing by were crying and screaming in horror that their beloved Santa Claus had been arrested.

8. Both children and adults turn to Santa Claus or Santa Claus. Children usually want a computer, and employees ask their boss to freeze it.
9. One of the most popular traditional Christmas baking spices is ginger.
10. It is believed that if at the last hour of the old year you write your most cherished wish on a piece of paper, and then set fire to this piece of paper when the clock strikes, then you can determine whether the wish will come true. If the note burns out while the clock strikes, then everything will come true.
11. The unforgettable "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath" has been shown on television for over 35 years on the last day of the year.

12. On New Year's Eve, pies are baked in Tibet and distributed to passers-by. Wealth in the new year directly depends on the number of pies distributed.
13. The source of the popularity of fireworks in the ancient belief in the power of noise and fire in the fight against evil spirits.
14. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a 76-meter artificial Christmas tree, the largest in the world, has been installed.
15. In Orthodoxy, Christmastide falls between Christmas and Epiphany. This time is filled not only with Christian traditions, but also with many pagan images, which include traditional fortune-telling. An example of it can be found in Chapter 5, stanza 8 of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

16. The main dish in Brazil is lentil soup, which symbolizes prosperity and wealth.
17. The first electric garland was lit on a Christmas tree in front of the White House in the United States in 1895.
18. In Austria, the Bird of Happiness is also present among the New Year's characters, and therefore they have no game on the festive table.
19. New Year's in Japanese sounds like "Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu".

20. January 1 in the USSR became a day off only by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of December 23, 1947
21. In Germany, Santa Claus brings gifts to the windowsill, and in Sweden - to the stove.
22. You can find out the answer to the question on New Year's Eve by throwing boiled rice. If there is an even pure grain of rice in it, then the answer is "yes", otherwise - "no".
23. Greenland is almost always cold and there is no problem with the availability of ice. Therefore, the local Eskimos have a tradition of giving each other polar bears and walruses cut out of ice that do not melt for a long time.

24. In southern countries, where there is no frost or snow, you have to use other characters, for example, in Cambodia, Father Zhar acts.
25. In Vietnam, on New Year's Eve, a carp is released into a pond near the house, on the back of which, according to legends, a brownie rolls. The whole year the carp lives in the pond, and the brownie looks after the family.
26. Turkey, cheese, foie gras and oysters are served to the festive table in France.
27. On the border of Finland and Russia in 2001, a meeting was held between the New Year's characters Yolupukka and Santa Claus.

28. It is believed that money cannot be given before the New Year, otherwise the whole year will have to distribute debts later.
29. On the New Year's table in Scandinavia they put rice porridge with one almond nut. Whoever finds it will be happy all year.
30. With the start of the New Year's clock in England, I open the back door of the house for the outgoing year, and with the last strike of the clock, we greet the New Year at the front door
31. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” was first published in 1903 in the children's magazine “Baby”. After 2 years, the poems of Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva were set to music by the composer Leonid Karlovich Beckman.

32. In Australia, Santa Claus has to put on ceremonial swimming trunks and saddle a jet ski in the New Year's heat.
33. In the old days it was customary to give gifts to Santa Claus, and not to wait for gifts from him.
34. In Italy, lentils, nuts and grapes are symbols of health, longevity and well-being on the festive table.
35. Interesting fact - Santa Claus has a spouse who usually personifies winter.

36. Mistletoe have long been attributed to mystical properties. In some countries, for example, there is a tradition of allowing a man to kiss any girl passing under a mistletoe branch at Christmas.
37. In Cuba, on New Year's Eve, all dishes in the house are filled with water, which is then thrown out onto the street on New Year's Eve to wash away all sins.
38. For Bulgarians, the best in the new year is embodied in cornel sticks. They are presented for the New Year.
39. Mikulas with a beaming smile and a high hat pleases Czech and Slovak children with gifts.

40. They began to sculpt a snowman in the 19th century with indispensable attributes - a bucket on the head, a broom and a carrot nose.
41. There is a belief that the New Year's Eve dream (from December 30 to December 31) predicts the next year.
42. In China, the Dragon is especially loved - it symbolizes well-being. Therefore, it is customary there to make his personification - kites. In addition, many bright lanterns are lit on the streets.
43. In Ecuador, it is customary to describe all the troubles on a piece of paper before the new year, and then burn them together with a straw effigy.

44. In 19th century England, there were even charities that distributed flour, sugar and raisins to the poor for making Christmas pudding.
45. In the Southern Hemisphere, eucalyptus trees are usually dressed up, since New Year is the height of summer.
46. \u200b\u200bOn New Year's in Holland, donuts are a traditional dish, symbolizing the full cycle, completeness.
47. The Snow Maiden was invented in the mid-50s of the last century by children's writers Lev Kassil and Sergey Mikhalkov, introducing the granddaughter of Santa Claus into children's performances.

48. Père Noel (French Frost) rides a donkey and leaves gifts for children in shoes. And the children prepare their gifts for him - straw for the riding animal.
49. In Greece, the head of the family on New Year's Eve breaks a pomegranate fruit against the wall of a house on the street. Good luck is promised by grains scattered in different directions.
50. The first glass Christmas tree toys began to be produced in the middle of the 19th century in Scandinavia.
51. Mexicans find New Year's gifts in a shoe, while the Irish and British find them in socks.

52. In Ancient Egypt, the New Year began on the flood day of the Nile, in early summer.
53. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in new clothes so that you can have new things all year later.
54. In Cuba, New Year is called the Day of Kings
55. The largest number of Christmas trees in Europe are sold in Denmark.

56. There are many surprises hidden in Romanian New Year's cakes. In frequency, a coin means happiness next year.
57. The French usually give souvenirs and postcards for the New Year.
58. Since ancient times, the Slavs have been decorating the Christmas tree with toys, delicacies.
59. In Scotland, on the first day of the new year, they do not propose marriage and do not take out garbage.

60. Ded Moroz began to be called into the house in the USSR in the 1970s.
61. The United States has traditionally held the record for Christmas gifts and New Year's greeting cards.
62. In Japan, on New Years, an interesting fact, cabbage, roasted chestnuts, beans and caviar are traditionally served, which symbolize, respectively, joy, success, health and many children.
63. Veliky Ustyug is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus, and the Snow Maiden is the village of Shchelykovo, not far from Kostroma, where the estate of A.N. Ostrovsky is located. it was he who wrote "The Snow Maiden" based on Russian folk tales

64. On New Year's Eve, exactly at midnight, the lights go out in Bulgaria. within three minutes everyone can kiss anyone, and only the night will know about it.
65. In Slavic myths, Santa Claus personified the winter cold, he fettered the water.
66. The birthplace of Yolupukka is the city of Rovaniemi in Lapland, at the very Arctic Circle.
67. On New Year's Eve in Scotland, barrels of tar are set on fire and rolled through the streets, banishing the Old Year and invoking the New.

68. On a festive table in Poland they put "paczki" - donuts with jelly.
69. The first New Year's card was printed in London in 1843.
70. The Pension Fund of Russia awarded Santa Claus the title of "Veteran of Fabulous Labor". No wonder, of course. He has enough work. And to deliver gifts, and to have fun with the kids with the Snow Maiden. Snegurochka and santa claus at home saint petersburg is an affordable service for everyone and a joy for children. New Year with the participation of a live Santa Claus is an unforgettable holiday!

And meeting year of the dragon remember that the next one year of the snake will be no less interesting. After all, the Snake symbolizes wisdom, and she advises