Monopolar RF Lifting where it is carried out. RF Lifting faces: Reviews of cosmetologists doctors, description of the procedure, contraindications. RF lifting. After the procedure -

One of the latest innovations of the hardware rejuvenation of the person was the RF lifting apparatus, which can be used even at home. This is a special method of processing the skin, for this, uses a special apparatus issuing radio frequency pulses. The device is heated to 50 ° C, which positively affects the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

The main task of RF-lifting is to activate the production of skin of elastin and collagen. As a result, after a single session, the elasticity of the skin increases, the clarity of the facial oval is improved, small wrinkles go, and deeply become not as noticeable. Moreover, RF lifting helps to get rid of pigment spots and other problems that provoke the occurrence of redness or skin pallor. All this positively affects the appearance of the patient. In this case, the dangers and risk of complications, as with plastic surgery, there is no. Therefore, the RF lifting of the face has recently been becoming increasingly popular.

RF-Lifting Indications

This is recommended by experts in various situations. If the skin is in the started state, the best result can be achieved by contacting the professional and passing the RF-lifting course in the cabin. There are a lot of equipment that produces radiofrequency pulses that have a positive effect on the skin.

But in those situations where the first signs of skin fading were manifested on the face, the compact device of the Russian Federation-lifting for home use can be used, for example, Gezatone. Its cost is about 5-8 thousand rubles, depending on additional fuchs. For this money, a woman is at its disposal a convenient unit, with a periodic use of which you can always look young and fresh.

Thanks to you can get rid of bags, goose paws around the eyes, ugly nasolabial folds, signs of photorestation, leather flabs, mimic wrinkles, scars, scars and pedestal. It is worth noting that the RF-lifting machine can be used not only on the face, but also in the neckline zone, where it will quickly remove the leather flabbiness, as well as on the abdomen as a means to fight stretch marks. Moreover, this method is effectively fighting cellulite, so radio frequency therapy is recommended for various defects on the whole body.

It is worth noting that when the RF-lifting course is passed, it will be possible to achieve quickly in the salon. If you use a compact apparatus for home use, the result first may not be as impressive. However, after several procedures, the visible effect will be manifested. The RF apparatus is considered a highly efficient tool for combating skin aging. Its use is recommended for people older than 30 years.

Types of apparatuses for RF lifting

A similar procedure for the face and body can be carried out in several versions. Depending on this, the type of device will also choose. To pick up the optimal view of the device for the Russian Federation-lifting, you should contact the doctor.

With regard to which devices exist for the RF-lifting procedure, one of the most popular devices of this type is the bipolar apparatus. This refers to "emphasis", which includes a pair of nozzles. This is an excellent tool to eliminate all skin deficiencies that may appear on the face. When using such a device, you can get a soft effect of radio waves on the skin. The bipolar apparatus does not heat up to more than 45 ° C. To obtain a strong result, a course of procedures is required.

Monopolar devices include the "thermage" (thermage), which is sold with one electrode in the kit. It acts more hard if you compare this device with the previous one. Skin cover when using such an apparatus will be heated to 60 ° C. Plus, the "thermal" produces magnetic radiation. This device is perfect for effective combination of cellulite, and will also be an excellent assistant for those who suffer from stretch marks after childbirth or extreme weight loss. This device is distinguished by an excellent effect, but very aggressive exposure to skin. Therefore, the use of monopolar lifting is necessary once, after which there must be a long break.

Another type of RF-lifting devices is a tripolar apparatus. It is also called multipolar. The representative of this category is a good Tripollar device, which includes 3 nozzles. This machine is characterized in that, depending on the situation, it can be used as a mono-either bipolar device. The main thing is to change the nozzles correctly. A similar technique makes it possible to achieve excellent results, as the impact on the skin can be superficial, and deep.

In addition, it is worth noting the devices for the RF-lifting of the matrix type. Features of these devices are in the presence of microboneal electrodes.

The most convenient means for holding RF lifting are combined devices. With their help, you can process various sections of the skin and combine several types of lifting. For example, not only the radio frequency effect on the skin can be used here, but also laser or infrared. Pulse devices for RF-lifting include Sineron (Syneron) and "Aurora", to the laser - "polaris" and "comet", to infrared - "Vela Smooth" and "Velas Shape" (Velashape), And to vacuum - "Aluma" (Aluma). All these devices are not only treated with radio frequency radiation, but also have an additional effect.

How to choose an RF-lifting machine

The most correct choice will help only an experienced specialist, based on the specific situation. But if you have no time to contact a beautician or desire, you can focus on the polarity of the device and its characteristics.

To get rid of cellulite, high-quality and resistant lifting effect, it is necessary to use monopolar types with high pulse frequency. If the goal is to eliminate bodybasses on the face and chin, you should use conventional monopolar devices. Bipolar devices are best suited for those cases when the main task is to eliminate wrinkles, face skin suspender and neckline zone.

As for the combined devices, they are suitable for any occasion. But such devices have one drawback - a high price.

How is RF-lifting

The very first stage will be a thorough cleansing of the face. To do this, special means must be used, most often scrubs. Next, the skin is processed by gel, which will pass radio waves in the deeper layers of the epidermis. This is a kind of conductor for current.

In general, the RF lifting can not be called a painful procedure. But some discomfort can still appear. Therefore, it is best to apply anesthetic on the skin before the start of the session. It is convenient to use a special anesthetic cream.

The device should move on a certain trajectory. It is determined by the doctor, depending on the testimony and the expected result. After the RF-lifting session is completed, the gel is washed off from the face, and a moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.

Video of the Russian Federation-Lifting Session:

After the procedure, the woman should follow how much water she drinks. It is important to prevent the body's dehydration. At least 1.5 liters of water should be discovered per day. For a while you will have to give up hikes in solarium and on the beach. There will be an excess and swimming in the pool.

Already after 5 RF-lifting sessions, you can get a persistent effect that will last more than 2 years. It is worth noting that the result after such a procedure will appear gradually. The maximum feature of the lifting becomes noticeable after six months after the course.

Contraindications and side effects

If the RF-lifting procedure is incorrect, some complications may appear. They manifest themselves as a swelling of fabrics, redness of the skin and the appearance of blisters. But most often, if a professional is taken for work, no problems arise.

RF lifting is considered a safe tool for rejuvenation, but in some cases this procedure should be refused. This concerns the presence of hypertension, oncological processes, epilepsy, diabetes, red lupus, as well as viral and infectious ailments. If the patient's body has a pacemaker, RF lifting is prohibited. A similar rule is valid for the facial zones, where gold threads were previously inserted.

The desire to preserve the beauty and delaying the aging was always characteristic of a person. However, not everyone can decide on such a radical way of rejuvenation as, for example, plastic surgery: it is also a fear of pocket, it is full of contraindications of all sorts, and it just hurts. The beauty industry does not stand still and is looking for ways to become more accessible, more efficient, safer, and most importantly without any operational intervention. One of these modern and painless rejuvenation methods is RF-lifting, also known as radio wave high-frequency therapy - we will look at this article.

For the beauty and youth of our skin, the responsibility of collagen (the connecting protein of this, independently generated in our body), which gives it elasticity and elasticity. However, over the years, its development is gradually decreasing, which directly affects the skin - it becomes a flabby, dry, wrinkles appear. RF lifting is designed to eliminate such problems.

With the help of high-frequency electric current, there is an impact on the deep layers of the epidermis, which encourages collagen to be produced more active. Because of this, the skin "remembers youth", which is expressed in the contour suspender, smoothing wrinkles, the face acquires the former fresh and healthy appearance.

A similar result can be held up to two months, after which they go to the re-procedure. The full course of the RF lifting is 6-9 sessions (depending on the individual characteristics of the problem). After 3-4 years, the course is desirable to repeat, well, you yourself want to maintain the effect.

RF lifting is carried out on devices of four types: mono- and bipolar, multipolar, and of course combined. Distinguish them in different power and strength:

  • Monopolar devices were sulfilled and almost do not apply if they came and saw such a device - leaving. They are sufficiently intended, and repeated procedures are impossible to conduct repeated procedures.
  • Bipolar devices work in saving mode, but the effect of them appears after some time.
  • Multipolar devices for RF-lifting are equipped with several electrodes, which are located in a short distance, where only two are simultaneously involved, then the other two and so on ...
  • Combined - a variety of multipolar. Usually they have two electrodes: multipolar and unipolar. As a rule, such installations can be complemented by laser beams and vacuum instruments.

The most popular and popular are combined bipolar devices, with the involvement of the vacuum installation. The course of the course on such devices contributes not only to the skin suspension, but also a significant improvement in blood circulation, an increase in the elasticity of the vessels, which, in turn, will allow longer to enjoy the bright and healthy color of the face.

Benefits of the Fashion

The RF lifting has almost no major cons, but a lot of significant advantages:

  • lack of a reducing period;
  • painlessness;
  • relative safety of the procedure;
  • small number of contraindications;
  • fast manifestation of visible results and its long-term preservation;
  • can be carried out at any age and with different types of skin;
  • after a full-fledged lifting course, the effect will delight at least 4 years;
  • small session time, about 20 minutes.

In the initial stages of wilts, there will be the most noticeable result from radio wave lifting. You can start at the age of 23-28 years.


RF Lifting allows you to get rid of many visual problems of the face of the face. This procedure is recommended when:

  • age change of oval face;
  • the presence of deep and medium facial wrinkles;
  • bags under the eyes and hanging age;
  • photorestation and dry skin;
  • loss of tone and fading;
  • the consequences of acne.

Often, such a course is prescribed before carrying out a plastic surgery or immediately after it to reduce the recovery period. Often the Russian Federation-lifting is used in conjunction with biorevitalization, which will significantly allow to strengthen and consolidate the result.

Immediately before the procedure, you must inspect the beautician. He will learn how old you will rate, the condition of the skin will appreciate and determine possible individual features, after which it will conclude about the necessary quantity, duration and complexity of courses.

For example, it is possible to achieve a positive effect in men after the first session, and it also will continue all this business much more time than in women. This is due to the fact that men's skin has a more porous structure, much thicker and densely feminine - all this facilitates the penetration of radio frequency waves into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Immediately before the Ringlifting procedure, it is impossible to apply cosmetics and various creams, you will also have to remove all sorts of decorations and contact lenses if we carry. You carefully clean your face and will apply a conductive gel. During the procedure, a slight pinching and heating in places of contact will be felt.

The entire session lasts no more than half an hour. After the procedure is completed, the face is treated with special preparations and apply a moisturizing cream.

Effect and necessary number procedures

Positive visual changes can be found after the first session of the Russian Federation-lifting: fresh color, the skin is tightened, takes a more flat texture, the second chin "shakes" himself and begins to hide, will gradually go to traces from acne.

The duration of the course is determined for each individual, which depends on the age, state and type of skin, and can vary from 5 to 15 sessions. Conduct them, as a rule, with an interval of 13-15 days. For customers older than 50 years, the break between procedures should be no more than 5-7 days, and the amount is at least 15.

The advantage of this method is that the restoration of collagen fibers continues after completing the lifting course. Repeat is not previously possible than after 3 years in adulthood, and in young - in 5-6 years.

It is worth starting from 20 years of age, and on a regular basis, to carry out the RF-lifting procedure up to 50-55 years.

Rehabilitation and care after RF lifting

Immediately after the completion of the lifting course, the appearance of edema and low-charming redness. If the precautions recommended by your cosmetologist are observed, then these "misunderstandings" will be held in 2-3 days.

Most importantly, the skin should always be moistened. To do this, regularly apply high-quality cosmetics to preserve the water-lipid balance, and use at least 3 liters of water per day. In general, home care should be a beautician who have passed the course, and you can buy everything you need immediately in the cabin and usually at a discount.

After the passage of the Russian Lifting, within 6-8 days, it should be excluded to enter the skin of sun rays, visiting a solarium and pools, as well as to apply minimum cosmetics. It is impossible to bathe in the sauna or bath, use peelings or scrubs.

Contraindications, side effects and complications

Despite the safety and non-vocabulary, the RF-lifting of the person has a number of relative and absolute contraindications.

Relative contraindications are:

  • ARVI and any other colds that are accompanied by an increase in temperature;
  • the presence of abrasion or wounds in the places of intended processing;
  • noncommunicable and infectious skin rashes;
  • lactation and pregnancy.

Absolute include:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of a pacemaker;
  • thyrotoxicosis and hypoteriosis;
  • chronic and sharp skin diseases;
  • silicone and metal implants;
  • thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • the number of pigment stains and moles exceeding the norm;
  • diseases of the nervous system and atherosclerosis;
  • natural tendency to allergic reactions and skin hypersensitivity.

Complications after the procedure include: a small swelling of a face, weak redness, in rare cases of itching and a small discomfort in the exposure area. All this goes without a trace for 2-3 days.

Here are the direct side effects of the radio frequency lifting, as a rule, in 99.9% has no. However, anyone can happen, because each person has its own individual characteristics of the body, which means there is a place to be atypical manifestations.

If you were lucky enough to get 0.01% and an allergic reaction was manifested after the procedure, the sensitivity was increased and the pigmentation of the skin was increased, then it is worth trying other equally effective ways to be rejected!


Among the rather large number of hardware cosmetic techniques, RF lifting is the safest. It does not have side effects or too unpleasant consequences, does not require a reducing period, it is extremely effective and painless. If you consider all contraindications, the radio frequency lifting will become for you, as with millions of other satisfied customers, one of the best ways to extend the beauty and youth of the face without any surgical intervention.

RF Lifting is a modern non-invasive method of non-surgical face rejuvenation and body. Radio frequency energy in recent years is widely used in aesthetic medicine.

The effect of lifting under the influence of radio frequencies is comparable to the results of plastic surgery.

Radio milling is the type of electromagnetic energy that stimulates and updates the skin. Radio frequency energy is used in treatment methods that are able to simulate a silhouette, reduce the manifestations of cellulite and fat deposits. Radio frequency treatment methods are effective for smoothing mimic wrinkles, reduce local fat deposits, leather flabbing suspenders as consequences of pregnancy or liposuction.

Radio frequency equipment allows many women to restore beauty without resorting to radical methods. Devices using radio frequency energy include radio lifting, thermalift, thermal lifting, RF lifting, thermal. RF Lifting is ideal for non-invasive face lifting and shape correction.

With age, or due to the influence of harmful factors, collagen fibers lose the ability to maintain skin tone. This leads to damage to the skin, the omission of the eyelids, the formation of wrinkles, the loss of natural contours of the face.

RF Lifting facial is recommended for people over 30 years old, as it allows you to fight the first signs of aging. In addition, at the age of 40, 50 or 60 years, you can stimulate the refreshment of the face skin using RF waves.

How do radio waves act on the skin?

RF is an abbreviation from the concept of Radio Frequency (electromagnetic waves of the radio frequency range). The device heads emit electromagnetic waves, which have a frequency of 3 kHz to 3000 GHz, and the wavelength from 0.1 millimeters to 100 km. From a technical point of view, the radio frequency range is the lowest range of electromagnetic radiation within the spectrum.

The human body can carry out current and, therefore, will function as part of the electrical circuit. With the passage of RF energy in the human body, there will be electrical resistance, transforming an electric current into thermal energy deep in the dermis. RF waves work within a dermis.

The effect of radio waves on the fabric can be divided into three phases:

  • 1) primary compression of collagen fibers;
  • 2) collagen synthesis;
  • 3) Reconfiguration of collagen fibers.

1. The intensive heat treatment phase lasts up to 72 hours.

The most important factor affecting the effect of lifting is the temperature achieved inside the tissues. Collagen and elastin are natural proteins, and, as you know, the protein is denatured when heated. During the procedure, collagen fibers are heated to a temperature of 55-60 ° C, which leads to an initial compression by one third of the initial length. Primary denaturation of collagen in thermally modified deep tissues causes voltage overlying skin, which ensures an immediate visible lifting effect. As a result, there is a direct effect of suspended skin and seal.

The quality of the skin is improving without damage to the epidermis, wrinkles and small scars smoothes, improves faces.

2. The polylanded process (synthesis of collagen fibers) lasts from 3 to 4 weeks.

Temporary overheating activates the metabolism of fibroblasts (cells producing collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid), that is, launches the synthesis of new skin proteins. The result is the restoration of collagen, which increases the density, flexibility and elasticity of the skin, and also improves the complexion.

Such an action slows down the thinning of the skin significantly, so this procedure is applicable not only for mature skin with visible signs of aging, but also after 30 years, as stimulating skin updates.

3. The reconfiguration phase of collagen fibers lasts 3-6 months.

Only after this time it will be possible to see the final RF effect of lifting. The essence of the processes is the gradual disappearance of inflammatory cells, education and strengthening new collagen fibers, strengthening the connective tissue tension. New elastin fibers are also formed. All this leads to an increase in the volume of skin fibers by 30%, which leads to the sealing of the tissue of the dermis and reduces wrinkles.

The aesthetic effect is quite long, saving about 5 years.

RF waves affect the fat cells. Selective heating of fat cells leads to the acceleration of fat metabolism, which leads to the formation of fatty acids and glycerol, which penetrate through the cell membrane to the outside. The acceleration of blood circulation provides drainage of fatty deposits into the lymphatic system, so fat is excreted from the body naturally. As a result, there is a decrease in the irregularities of cellulite and the volume of adhesive tissue. The observed effects are preserved up to 5 years.

It should be noted that radio waves stimulate surface and deep tissues, improving their oxygenation, nutrition, blood microcirculation, the operation of the lymphatic system. Radio frequency energy relaxes muscles, enhances metabolic processes in tissues, neutralizes free radicals. The increase in temperature to 45-55 ° C stimulates the production of endogenous endorphins (hormones of happiness).

How to prepare for the procedure?

Before the operation, a specialist should inform the client about the possible effects and the availability of contraindications.

Before the elevant procedure, patients should avoid actions that can cause skin irritation (tan in the sun, in solarium).

Some women believe that their skin is more sensitive immediately before and during the menstrual cycle, it should be taken into account when planning treatment.


If patients are healthy and do not have any skin diseases or correction infections, there are several medical reasons why patients should undergo radio frequency treatment.

Contraindications to the lifting procedure can be absolute and relative. Relative contraindications:

  • pregnancy at all stages;
  • menstruation;
  • lactation period;
  • acute viral infection;
  • fever;
  • rash, skin inflammation and damage;
  • pink acne.

Absolute contraindications for RF wave therapy are:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders;
  • presence in the organism of silicon and metal;
  • a tendency to the keloid scar;
  • cancer and states after radiation therapy;
  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • mental diseases;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • long-term use of immunosuppressive preparations and anticoagulants;
  • implated gold threads or permanent fillers.

If there are electrical devices in the body, for example, pacemakers, or metal implants, such as artificial joints, heart valves or toothpins, current flowing through the body, can prevent the operation of the devices or cause the heating of metal implants, harm to the patient.

How is the procedure?

Treatment begins with surface cleaning of the face. It is necessary to remove makeup, fat and dead cells. After careful cleaning and drying, the skin is lubricated with a special gel. The gel acts as an additional barrier between the surface layers of the skin and the tip of the device. For local anesthesia, an anesthetic cream can be applied.

Depending on the device used, a "mesh" can be applied to the face to ensure the uniform impact of radio waves. During the RF lifting, you can feel a pleasant soft feeling of heat. Modern devices have built-in capabilities to protect the skin surface from heating.

The processing duration does not exceed 20-40 minutes. After the completion of the lifting, a soothing gel or lotion can be applied.

After the elevant procedure, it is not recommended to participate in the work of sports sections, visiting pools and open reservoirs. Within 2 weeks it is undesirable to sunbathe in the solarium and the sun. Prohibited thermocouples (sauna, steam room), as well as peeling. Vitamin C should be taken within six months in order to maintain collagen synthesis.

Side Effects and Risks

During RF lifting client will feel warm every time the energy of radio waves penetrates the skin and underlying fabrics. Since the pain threshold varies from a person to man, any quantitative assessment of the pain of treatment is difficult to expect. It also depends on the device used.

Most often reported on such side effects of lifting using RF energy as swelling and redness. Redness of the skin usually disappears very quickly, about an hour after the procedure, so the patient can return to work and normal activities immediately after treatment. Some patients also reported the feeling of dry skin on the processed area.

In rare cases, after the RF lifting, redness may be observed, easy tingling, swelling of tissues, which, as a rule, disappear within a few days or weeks. One of the most serious potential complications from the lifting of radio frequency energy is the formation of depression - failed sites. This is due to overheating of the main tissue causing atrophy or excessive tagging tissue.

How many procedures will required?

For people aged 25 to 35 years, 1 facial lifting procedure is recommended for prevention. For people over 35 years old is offered a series of profile of lifting. Effects are already noticeable after the first processing. Typical treatment consists of a series of 6-8 sessions. Each session lasts from 15 to 40 minutes (depending on the area that is processed). The number of sessions is calculated individually depending on the desired result.

The minimum number of procedures is 4 in 7-14 days. Each subsequent processing enhances the previous result.
After graduating from a series of lifting, a break is recommended for at least 6 months.

The overall effect lasts from two to five years. Regularly repeated lifting RF procedures significantly improve the elasticity and skin tone.

The best results arise in people aged 30-55 years, in which the skin easily reacts to incentives, the elderly people also have good results.

The duration of the interruption between the procedures and the ability to support the lifting depend on the patient's genetic ability to create new collagen fibers and human age. This is due to the physiological age degradation of collagen.


The immediate results of lifting are observed almost in all patients during the first session.

Immediately after the procedure, the skin of the face is clearly tightened, the top eyelid is lifted and the cheekbones are accentuated; Summary decreases.

The desired effect can be observed throughout a series of treatments - this is a noticeable reduction in wrinkles, face lift and improving its contours.

RF Lifting Lifting Corrects Skin Signs in the Chin area, smoothes wrinkles, reduces local fat deposits, eliminates leather flabbiness, narrows extended pores, reduces "bags" under the eyes and "goose paws", raises lowered corners of the mouth, pulls the skin and reduces the formation of wrinkles on neck. Muscle relaxation smoothes facial features.

In the field of the Body RF Therapy leads to:

  • eliminate cellulite;
  • burning fat;
  • restoration of body shape after delivery;
  • eliminate the leather flabbiness of the selected parts of the body;
  • reduction of scars and stretch marks;
  • improving the elasticity and elasticity of the skin;
  • slimming and modeling of individual areas of the body.

However, if there is a significant amount of excessive or denyy skin, especially in older patients older than sixty years old, this procedure cannot lead to a significant improvement and to achieve a better result can be recommended traditional lifting.

Benefits of treatment

RF Therapy is a non-invasive, comfortable and painless procedure, which includes skin stimulation with radio frequency currents.

This treatment using natural physiological mechanisms activating after thermal injury, resulting in improving the condition, elasticity and density of the skin.

The RF procedure of lifting can be carried out when it is convenient for the patient, and does not require a long period or recovery procedure. Non-invasive treatment does not cause harmful consequences, such as the destruction of tissues, bleeding, bruising or scarring.

The thermage apparatus uses radiofrequency energy to affect deep skin layers. At the same time, there is a sealing of the existing collagen and the stimulation of the synthesis of the new collagen. Procedure Be ...

The process of the regeneration of skin cells is responsible for collagen - protein located in their nuclei. With age, its synthesis decreases, and the covers lose their elasticity. Modern methods of aesthetic cosmetology allow you to activate the synthesis of collagen and suspend the process of aging of the skin. One of them is the RF-lifting body and face. Consider the mechanism of its action and contraindications.

The essence of the method

RF Lifting - Procedure for the impact on the derm layers by high-frequency electrotox or electric field. Other names are thermal lifting, radio frequency (radio wave) lifting.

The mechanism of the Russian Federation-lifting is to heat the skin and layers under it to 42-50 ºС. As a result, compression (folding) and hardening of collagen fibers. They turn into a helix that create a dense frame, thanks to which the intercellular communications are supported. As a result, the skin pulls up, and wrinkles are smoothed.

In addition, under the influence of the temperature, the fat, located in the subcutaneous tissue dissolves and is derived by the physiological path (lipolytic effect). Along with this, the RF lifting stimulates the natural mechanism of collagen synthesis.


RF-lifting faces is shown at:

  • the aging of the cover, which is accompanied by ptosis (omission of tissues), the appearance of a mesh of small wrinkles, as well as deep nasolabial and frontal folds;
  • fragmentary accusation of the skin and subcutaneous fiber, in which the oval of faces changes;
  • "Goose legs", wrinkles near the eyes;
  • photosament;
  • tracks (scars, stains) after acne.

The RF body lifting is used in such problems as:

  • cellulite;
  • stretch marks;
  • local fat deposits ("Halifa", Boca, Spin);
  • skin accusation after intensive weight loss or pregnancy;
  • age changes of covers - loss of elasticity, decrees.

R-lifting is often resorted after plastic operations and other aesthetic procedures - liposuction, biographelization, mesotherapy, chemical peeling.


The effect that provides RF body lifting and face:

  • elevation of cellulite;
  • sealing and improving skin elasticity;
  • reducing the accusation and degros of the cover;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • fresh color face.


The advantages of r-lifting:

  • the procedure is suitable for skin of any type;
  • after exposure, there are no bruises, scars;
  • absolute painlessness (a person feels warm);
  • no preparation is required;
  • alien substances are not introduced into the body, the skin condition is improved by the internal reserves.

There are no age limitations. The best results are achieved if the procedure is carried out when the first signs of aging appears.

Traditional R-lifting course 6-12 procedures with a minimum break of 14 days. For six months after a complete series of sessions, the rejuvenating effect increases, then it occurs gradually neutralization. To maintain the results of RF lifting should be repeated once every 2-3 years.


Absolute contraindications for r-lifting:

  • pregnancy regardless of time, as well as lactation period;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • sclerodermia - inflammation of small vessels in the whole body;
  • red Volchanka - the disease of the connective tissue of autoimmune nature;
  • moles, fresh scars, wounds, silicone and metal implants in the exposure zone;
  • viral pathology;
  • inflammation of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • severe hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • blood coagulation disorders.

Relative contraindications R-lifting:

  • exacerbation of acne rash, dermatological diseases and rosacea;
  • reception of immunosuppressive drugs;
  • temperature increase.

Cons of the procedure

RF lifting has the following disadvantages:

  1. potential harm of radio emission - the permanent effect of high-frequency radio waves is negatively affected by all organs, with the minimum impact time, but specialists cannot guarantee absolute harmlessness;
  2. high price - the average cost of one facial processing procedure is 4000 rubles;
  3. the likelihood of side effects and complications, among which is a strong redness of the skin, swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhages, burns, scars, hyperpigmentation and others.

The possibility of negative consequences of p-lifting depends on the level of equipment and professionalism of the cosmetologist, because it is precisely the exposure time and radio wave parameters.


RF lifting is carried out using three types of apparatus: monopolar, bipolar and multipolar.

Monopolar devices create a high-frequency current, warming fabric to a very large temperature (about 60 ° C). Today they are practically not used due to very intense effects on the skin and risk of damage.

Bipolar apparatus for r-lifting work more carefully. With their help, you can handle small areas of covers, the depth of exposure to the insignificant.

Multipolar vehicles are equipped with a large number of electrodes (from 3 to 20). All of them are located in one manipula (head that comes with the body), but at the same time turn on in pairs. The sequence of activation of the electrodes is programmed. This allows you to clearly adjust the depth and processing area.

Some instruments for p-lifting are equipped with a special vacuum nozzle, exciting skin folds, which are then amenable to radio wave effect. Thanks to their use, not only the rejuvenating effect is achieved, but also the blood flow and the tone of the vessels is improved.

The most innovative and expensive equipment for radio wave lifting includes several manipulations (mono- and bipolar), electric current frequency regulators, covering sensors, cooling nozzles. All these additions increase safety, comfort and effectiveness of the procedure, but affect its cost.

Stages of the procedure

RF lifting does not require long-term preparation. But before the session it is worth visiting a dermatologist and the therapist to find out all the contraindications. Before manipulations, you need to remove all items from the metal and remove the contact lenses.

Face R-Lifting Procedure:

  1. The skin is cleaned and lubricated with a gel conductor.
  2. With monopolar exposure, one of the electrodes is fixed on the body (not on the face). If multi-or bipolar devices are used, this stage is skipped.
  3. The doctor smoothly leads the manipula on the skin. The whole procedure takes about 20 minutes.

After a session, it is impossible:

  • rubber and use aggressive cosmetics;
  • go to the bath (sauna);
  • carry out intense sports training;
  • within 2-3 weeks sunbathing, during this period, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a high ultraviolet filter with a cream.

About 1-2 hours after treatment at the site of the imposition of the cover may be slightly red and compacted.

RF lifting is a rejuvenating procedure that allows you to pull the skin and activate the regeneration processes in its cells. Its advantages are non-invasiveness and stimulating the organism's own resources. After the full course, the effect is kept for 2-3 years. At the same time, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of the skin.

How to get rid of wrinkles after 30?

All women after 30 are faced with the problem of wrinkle on the face. And now you are already without pleasure, look at yourself in the mirror, noting age-related changes.

  • You can no longer afford bright makeup, control the facial expressions not to exacerbate the problem.
  • You begin to forget those moments when men made compliments to your flawless appearance, and their eyes climbed upon your appearance ...
  • Every time you come to the mirror, it seems to you that the former times is never to return ...

RF Lifting - Procedure for skin rejuvenation based on radio frequency radiation. It is also extensively used in surgical, cardiological and urological spheres. However, this technology has won the greatest popularity in aesthetic cosmetology. The procedure for radio frequency lifting is based on a favorable radio wave electrical effect on the inner layers of the skin of the face, which are responsible for elasticity and elasticity. RF lifting is used to make a quick skin suspender, correlate facial oval. The procedure is safe for the patient, it passes painlessly, the visible result is noticeable after the first session.

The essence of the method

For the extension of the youth and beauty of the skin, a protein compound is called collagen. It is he who gives the skin elasticity and elasticity. It is produced in the body naturally. Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity, the collagen level decreases, it becomes dry, dehydrated, dehydrated, is covered with numerous wrinkles. The procedure of radio frequency rejuvenation, having another name - the Russian Lifting facial, will solve this problem. Results from it admire customers and satisfy their basic needs: getting rid of age-related skin changes, or inflammatory elements. After the first session, the visible result from the procedure is saved from 1 to 2 months. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect you need to visit the course of procedures. On average, the final result after the Russian Federation-lifting is maintained for five years, after which the course should be repeated.

It is worth noting a low pricing policy in this area of \u200b\u200bcosmetology. Cost may vary depending on the number of procedures, from the prestige of the medical center and from the age of the client. The average price of one procedure of the Russian Federation-lifting is from 4 to 8 thousand rubles. It is necessary to make this procedure only in highly specialized medical centers and should conduct a cosmetologist, which has evidence and documents on obtaining higher education in the field of medicine.

Equipment used for RF lifting

In specialized clinics, cosmetology equipment, which conducts radio frequency rejuvenation procedures, several species are applied - unipolar, double-polar and combined action. When conducting a procedure on monopolar equipment, the effect is clearly observed after one session. This is due to the high power of the device. When using this type of cosmetology equipment, it is noted that the skin during the procedure is injured and it requires a long period of rehabilitation. Therefore, this type of technology is practically not applicable.

As for bipolar equipment, its impact is soft, lightweight. On such a device, it is necessary to undergo a complete course of procedures to achieve a final visible result after the Russian Federation-lifting. The device combining the effect of radio frequency waves and vacuum is called combined. This type of equipment is currently the most popular. Its essence is that the radio frequency pulse in vacuo is manifested in a more active and intensive form, therefore the epicenter, where the procedure will be carried out is subject to the strongest effect. Deep wrinkles and existing stretch marks are eliminated efficiently using this equipment.

RF Lifting faces: Reviews of Cosmetologists Doctors

It is necessary to obtain an individual consultation of a qualified specialist in order to proceed with the procedure of the Russian Federation-lifting facial. Reviews of cosmetologists' doctors on this score indicate that I ignoring consultation, and therefore the identification of contraindications, you can get a negative effect of the procedure. In addition, the general condition of the patient can worsen. If the contraindications are not detected, then the dermatotologist will prescribe a certain procedure course and determine the period through which sessions need to be repeated. The opinions of cosmetologists are also reduced to the fact that the face rf lifting is a cumulative method of combating aging. During the procedure, the skin is not injured, the texture is improving, wrinkles are adjusted, bright pigment spots and vascular education, and also returns a healthy complexion. Cosmetologists celebrate the available price for this type of cosmetology services compared to other ways to combat age-related changes.

Eye Correction

The procedure of radio frequency rejuvenation is not dangerous even for such a delicate area on the face, like the skin around the eyes. As it is known, a large number of wrinkles are formed in this area: deep and small, mimic and age. The procedure of the Russian Federation-lifting is able to launch such a complex process as non-agolate (natural production of collagen fibers). Radio frequency rejuvenation performs skin lifting around the eyes. High eyelids, small and deep wrinkles, flared skin, dark circles under the eyes, "goose paws", educt bags and other signs of fatigue and age-related changes - all these shortcomings can eliminate the procedure of radio wave rejuvenation. For the skin around the Eye of the Russian Federation, the lifting can be combined with injection methods to combat wrinkles. Such an approach will make it possible to achieve the fastest and prolonged effect. The RF-lifting procedure practically does not have any age restrictions. The result in young patients is most noticeable than in older patients, due to the fact that, over time, collagen and elastin fibers are increasingly restored.

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to come to a consultation to a cosmetologist to identify existing contraindications. Before starting the session, he uses the wrist of the patient's hand in order to test the device at the maximum temperature. If the side effects do not arise, the specialist moves to the problem area on the face. The doctor cleans the skin around the eyes and causes the contact tool. There is no differential sensation procedure. RF lifting around the eye is better to start to do if the first age changes occur. Of particular importance should be given to choosing a medical center and search for a highly qualified doctor-dermatocosmetologist for the procedure.

Advantages of radio frequency rejuvenation

Undoubtedly, the RF lifting, as well as many other cosmetology procedures, has several advantages due to which patients choose it more often than other methods of rejuvenation:

  • special cosmetology equipment, thanks to which there are no painful sensations;
  • lack of long reducing period;
  • small list of contraindications;
  • the procedure can be carried out, starting from 20 years, people with different skin type;
  • almost instantaneous, visible, long effect;
  • a small amount of time is required for the procedure, just about half an hour;
  • upon completion of the procedure complex, the effect of them is preserved up to 5 years.

When can I start making a radio frequency rejuvenation?

RF Lifting (Radio Frequency Rejuvenation Procedure) is recommended for rapid impact on face, neck, neckline, hips, hands for the purpose of suspenders and eliminate age-related changes. Radio wave impact favorably affects blood circulation. There is a resumption of the breathing of cells involved in the exchange processes. Lightening pigment spots, extended vascular formations, the return of a fresh skin view and the restoration of its elasticity - all these results can be achieved thanks to the procedure of the Russian Federation-lifting facial. Reviews of cosmetologists doctors confirm this.

Radio frequency rejuvenation combines a cold impact on the skin, in a different cryotherapy. Due to the stimulation of skin vessels, rejuvenation occurs a natural biological path. Due to the instantaneous cooling of the upper layer and heating the deep layers of the skin, the drainage is activated. The existing fluid at the processing place is eliminated for the minimum period of time. RF lifting is a procedure that returns clear contours and beautiful sowing faces.

How often can I do the Russian lifting lifting and how much should the procedures for the best effect?

The required number of procedures is appointed individually for consultation with a specialist engaged in the country-lifting facial. Reviews of cosmetologists doctors suggest that making the necessary number of procedures, you can get the desired result. The number of sessions may vary from 6 to 15 visits. The gap between the procedures should not exceed 14 days. For patients who have reached the fifty-year-old age, the gap between sessions is reduced to 7 days, and the amount of them reaches the maximum possible. For the first time, it is possible to use the RF-lifting procedure in 20 years, thanks to it, the skin will remain young for a long time, and the manifestation of the first signs of aging will be minimized.

Radio Frequency Rejuvenation: Effect After

The RF lifting facial is a method based on the effect of a radio frequency pulse capable of penetrating deep layers of the skin to increase its elasticity, without damaging these layers and mucous membranes, in contrast to injection techniques, surgical intervention. The procedure does not need to carefully prepare, it suffices to perform simple instructions for the preparation. After the RF-lift procedure, there is no long recovery period, which is also an important factor. If the radio wave rejuvenation is carried out by persons who have reached 20 years, then in this case enough of a single session to refresh the complexion of the face and align the skin texture.

Patients of more mature age after the course of the Russian Federation-lifting have noted that the skin becomes more elastic and elastic. The effectiveness of the procedure is that the resumption of collagen responsible for these skin quality will continue after the course of radio frequency rejuvenation procedures passed. Under the Republic of RF-Lifting, the effect of the procedure is observed after the first session. The skin acquires a fresh look, it becomes more smooth, tightened, the scars remaining from acne inflammation are hidden. After the recommended course of the procedures, wrinkles are significantly reduced, pigment stains and vascular formations are lightened, the contours of the face are tightened, some patients have a decrease in swelling.

Procedure: Basic Principles

We learn more about how the RF-lifting facial is held. Before you begin the procedure for radio frequency rejuvenation, you must consult with a dermatotologist. The specialist determines the number and duration of the procedures. If the contraindications are not detected, the procedures can be processed. Before a session, it is not recommended to apply cosmetics to face and use a different kind of cream, it is necessary to free the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and neck from jewelry. After the treatment places were cleared, the specialist inflicts a specialized product, which acts as a conductor.

During the procedure, the patient feels a slight tingling and thermal impact. A cosmetologist with the help of an apparatus handle that transfers radio pulses, heats up the problem areas to a certain temperature value (approximately 42 degrees Celsius). The temperature value is regularly tested by a specialist using an electronic thermometer to prevent burns or excessive dry skin. The RF-lifting procedure passes within 30 minutes, painlessly and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Comparison of results

Below are photos that clearly reflect the result of the RF-lifting procedure (before and after).

1) a woman aged about 45 years old worried deep nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead, skin irregularities and the dull color. Six procedures were held. As a result, wrinkles decreased, the complexion became fresh, brightened pigment stains, leather texture was even more.

2) A woman was disturbed by age-related changes, as well as the second chin. On the photo on the left, the result is visible after the course of the procedures. The chin pulled up, the face was more touched and smooth, the color of the face was improved, wrinkles were smoothed.

Indications to Procedure

Many patients cannot accurately formulate something from what flaws they want to get rid of what result to get. In such cases, they come to medical centers for advice and the selection of the method of rejuvenation.

Below are the main points that are indications of the procedure of the Russian Federation-lifting:

  • rejuvenation, lethargy of the skin of the face, age-related changes, scars after acne (
  • cellulite, flare skin on hips, buttocks, stomach, hands and neckline;
  • recovery period after liposuction, or before it is carried out, or after the plastic surgery to pull up the contours of the face;
  • as an additional procedure, together with laser rejuvenation, chemical peeling, or injection techniques.

RF Lifting: Contraindications to the Procedure

It should be remembered that before proceeding with any cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with a number of contraindications. So you can avoid negative consequences after one or another methodology.

Absolute contraindications to the RF lifting of the face:

  • pregnancy period;
  • various forms of malignant formations;
  • thyroid disease;
  • the presence of red lupus and sclerodermia;
  • the presence of sharp viral infections;
  • hypertension in heavy form and diabetes;
  • inflammation of the veins of the lower extremities.

Relative contraindications are presented in the following indicators:

  • the exacerbation period of acne
  • aggravation of chronic skin diseases;
  • acute form of rosacea.

Recovery after the procedure and proper skin care

Immediately immediately after the procedure of radio frequency rejuvenation, a minor red and small swelling may be observed. If you do not neglect the advice of a beautician and correctly care for the skin, then these symptoms themselves pass in 2-3 days. Do not forget that the skin should always be maximally moistened. The moisture balance in it is replenished by using good quality cosmetics and the use of 2.5-3 liters of fluid per day.

After the session, it is not recommended for 7 days to be in direct sunlight, you should refuse to visit solariums or pools, and if it turns out, minimize the use of decorative cosmetics for the face. It is also not recommended to visit during the recovery period after the procedure of the bath and sauna, use abrasive peelings and scrubs.