Thrombophlebitis during pregnancy treatment. Features of the treatment of thrombophlebitis during pregnancy. What doctors should be pleased if you have thrombophlebitis superficial veins during pregnancy

Waiting for a child is the most exciting and wonderful time in the life of a woman. During this period, it is necessary to show special attention to the state of their health, because the body has to take on a double load.

Especially serious accounted for vessels. In addition to the increased load on Vienna due to an increase in blood volume, its accelerated coagulation takes place, as well as serious hormonal changes.

Therefore, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and such a complication, like thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs, often occur during pregnancy.

The consequences of thrombosis during pregnancy can carry the direct risk of life of a woman and baby's health: thromboembolism of cardiac, pulmonary arteries, placenta vessels, pathological deterioration of the state of the lower extremities, the appearance of trophic ulcers.

Therefore, all women in the "interesting situation" need to own information that it represents thrombophlebitis during pregnancy: the symptoms, causes of the occurrence, methods of treatment.

Mechanism of origin

Thrombophlebitis during pregnancy - the consequence of the natural restructuring of the body to wear the fetus. During this time, significant changes occur in the circulatory system.

In order for in the process of the delivery, there are no strong bleeding, the rheological properties of blood change, its viscosity increases. The body produces more substances that contribute to blood thickening: fibrinov, platelets, prothrombin.

The changed composition of the blood allows to provide sufficient oxygen the body of the mother and future baby, and also prevents the risk of excessive blood loss in the process of childbirth.

Excessive thickness of blood generates the slowdown in its current vessels, venous deformation appears, and thrombophlebitis during pregnancy.

Factors of occurrence

In addition to the changed composition of blood, the thrombus during pregnancy may appear due to the following factors:

  • Excess weight, leading to a strong load on the veins of the lower extremities.
  • Specificity of professional activity, staying throughout or standing. Such dangerous factors are able to cause blood wets in caviar of the legs, swelling, varicose veins and the occurrence of thrombosis.
  • Diseases of the heart and vessels serving the cause of blood flow.
  • Symptoms of early gestosis and other complications during begging.
  • Povered infectious diseases of chronic character.
  • Difficult heredity in the form of risk of thrombosis.
  • Regular reception of hormonal drugs before pregnant, including for family planning purposes.

Danger of illness

During the period of tooling the threat of thrombosis rises several times. The main complications, thrombophlebitis during pregnancy, arise in the end of the first trimester.

If the increased blood coagulation acquires a pathological character, dense erythrocyte bunches (blood clomes) appear in the foot vessels (thrombus). The danger of thrombophlebitis in pregnant women is as follows:

  1. The thrombus can block the vessels of the CFR and the thighs of the legs (Ileofemral thrombosis), which leads to pathological swelling, gravity, violation of the nutrition of soft tissues, the occurrence of trophic ulcers. In addition, there is a risk of inflammation of the vascular wall at the site of attachment of the thrombus - acute thrombophlebitis. Given that during pregnancy, many drugs cannot be taken, it is rather difficult to treat such a complication.
  2. Blood clots that looked loosely attached to the wall of the vessel, come off from their legs and start floting along the vascular system. Such a journey is dangerous for the patient's life, as it creates the risk of the embolism of the heart, pulmonary arteries.
  3. The threat of blockage of the vessels of the placenta. If the placental vein thromboembolism occurred, the access of oxygen and power to the fetus turns out to be blocked. The result of oxygen starvation is the heavy pathology of the fetus development, its premature death (frozen pregnancy).

The most important conditions for preventing hazardous consequences are:

  • Prevention measures.
  • Timely detection of illness.
  • On time spent treatment.


The beginning of the thrombosis in the body of pregnant is evidenced by such signs:

  1. The pronounced swelling of one limb.
  2. Painness during primary inspection by palpation.
  3. Noticeable redness of the skin, increase its temperature.
  4. The feeling of cutting, serious painful sensations at the site of the bunch.
  5. Changing the structure of the skin on a smoother, brilliant, with an unhealthy blue tint.
  6. Swelling of the remaining venous vessels on the leg or groin area due to excessive blood flow.
  7. In the inner region of the leg, a tangible stupid pain occurs, creating difficulties in motion.
  8. Temperature of the body rises to 38-39 degrees.

Diagnostic methods

Thrombosis in the surface veins of pregnant woman to identify much easier than in deep vessels.

Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of depth veins are manifested less pronounced and brightly, therefore, the diagnosis of an integrated nature is often required.

X-ray-contrast analysis of the veins in the "interesting situation" cannot be carried out, so the doctors use other diagnostic measures:

  • General blood analysis.
  • Coagulographic study.
  • Setting the time of bleeding in Duke.
  • Time coagulation by the Board.
  • Ultrasound procedure.
  • Impedance plethomyography, that is, the establishment of the presence of thrombus in deep veins with the help of electrodes attached to the skin.

Methods of therapy

If the thrombophlebitis is diagnosed during pregnancy, treatment should be as early as possible.

If the thrombus settled in the orphanage vessels or the bottom third of the thigh, the therapy is carried out, as a rule, medication.

  1. On the first day of the receipt of the patient to the hospital, compresses with gels are recommended: throksevazine, trocserutin, heparin ointment. The patient must observe the bed mode, and the limb affected by thrombosis is in a vertical position.
  2. For reception, phenylbutazone and xanthinol nicotine and injection and allowed anti-steroidal effects are prescribed.
  3. With progressive varicose veins against the background of increased blood-insulated, the patient is prescribed injections of low molecular weight fractions "Heparin sodium". Such therapy helps to reduce the excessive blood clotting, prevent the formation of new clots.

If there is a rising thrombophlebitis in pregnant women, the treatment is appointed radical.

As a rule, the future mother is carried out by the Trojanova-Trendelenburg method. According to the reviews of doctors, this intervention does not carry a serious danger to the fetus, as it passes with local anesthesia, it is to remove the separate section of the vessel affected by the thrombosis.

Next steps

After the treatment has been carried out and the danger of thromboembolism passed, a woman needs to control blood viscosity and undergo a survey for the presence of clots during the entire period of pregnancy.

If the results of the analyzes are encouraged and negative dynamics are absent, labor during thrombophlebitis is possible in a natural way.

Doctors warn: In this case, the guinea needs to wear special compression stockings for childbirth or stabbing the legs with an elastic bandage.

Install the state of the patient vessels before childbirth and the possibility of natural delivery will help echographic research.

If other contraindications and complications of pregnancy, such as gestosis, are missing, there is no need for a cesarean section.

Important! Compression linen is necessary not only in the generic process, but also during the period of pregnancy, as well as for the first months after the delivery.


Higher education:


Kuban State Medical University (KubanGMU, Kubbma, KubbMi)

Education Level - Specialist

Additional education:

"Cardiology", "Course on magnetic resonance tomography of the cardiovascular system"

Cardiology them. A.L. Myasnikova

"Course on Functional Diagnostics"

NTSSSH them. A.N. Bakuleva

"Course on Clinical Pharmacology"

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

"Emergency Cardiology"

Cantonal Hospital Geneva, Geneva (Switzerland)

"Course on therapy"

Russian State Medical Institute Roszdrava

The blockage of certain veins leads to serious health issues and the development of the fetus. A woman comes to this world to become a mother and give humanity the most beautiful thing that it can create his soul and body - a new life. At this time, the future mother changes outwardly and internally. She listens to her growing baby, rejoices to every joke or a completely insignificant movement.

Woman's body and its features when entering the fetus

No less important restructuring occurs inside, literally in each cell, organ or system. Pregnancy, despite her natural nature, serious for every woman period. The body feels a growing load and can not always handle it and adequately respond to changes. It is in these days filled with happiness and the most different, completely unexpected pathologies appear, among which a large percentage of defeats of the venous bed. This is usually the varicose veins on the legs, which over time goes into a more complex shape - thrombosis during pregnancy. The danger of this complication, accompanying the pathology of the veins, is that there is a large-scale starvation of fabrics. In addition to the phenomena of hypoxia, the destruction of the walls of the trunk vessels during the squeezing of them with an emboloca, there is a real threat of tomb tomb. This is dangerous the most insignificant thrombosis in pregnant women. Such a complication can cost life and mother, and a child. Evolving such a sad situation will help exclusively regular consultations in the gynecologist, as well as other narrow specialists.

The most common types of thrombosis on various, especially late pregnancy, you can call the aggravation of the hemorrhoids and the resulting node as the main complication and the effects of the load on the venous channel. In the context of maintaining the physiological course of pregnancy and the safe permission of childbirth, both timely treatment of thrombosis and the relief of the formation of thrombus in a deep venous bed. It is also important for adequate preventive treatment of thrombosis after childbirth and further.

What is thrombosis during pregnancy

First of all, the feature of the thrombosis is that this is a prominent process of violation of blood coagulation, complicated by the formation of thrombus closing the clearance of the vessel. A special danger is thrombosis during pregnancy as a potentially dangerous disease. Even against the background of a general well-being, it can be spontaneously arise by embroids or blood clots of the region of the vascular veins of the hips, the pelvic region, with the primary damage to the varicose veins of the deep veins of the legs and the iliac femoral vessels. Usually, experts are most dangerous to consider the first month when the weak fixation of the thrombus most often it can be cut off the flow of blood, which entails Tel and its branches.

The reasons for the occurrence of thrombosis in women during pregnancy, the treatment of which is required immediately:

  • Violation of homeostasis, that is, blood movements by arteries and veins.
  • Internal veins injuries for various reasons.
  • Exceeding the level of coagulation factor.

In this such responsible period, there is a decrease in the intensity of the movement of venous blood in the region of the lower vascular pool. A growing pregnancy gives an increasing uterus on Vienna, its non-physiological load occurs. The tone of the walls of the vessels is reduced, the veins expand on the background of the relative deficiency of the valves. The damaged wall of the vessels in women in an interesting position and blood circulation enhancement may occur as a consequence of infections and violations of the physiology of immune systems and possible hypoxia of the fetus. Thrombophlebitis is inherent in a significant increase in blood platelets as the main coagulation factor, which is due to the growth of fibrinogen proteins, prothrombins, and many others, as well as coagulation mechanisms, which relate to the factor in category No. 7, 8, 9, and 10. Usually at the very first signs of violation Blood movements in the sphere of venous channel, the doctor of deployed blood tests is appointed by a laboratory.

Clinic thrombosis pregnant women

In a clinical picture, two types of disease differ.

  • Thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node during pregnancy is manifested by significant pain syndrome during physical exertion and during periods of full rest. Evenum appears, constipation, the anus area is susceptible to bleeding spontaneous nature.
  • With thrombosis of the field of the lower leg, constant swelling of the legs appear, characterized by a feeling of fatigue, gravity, stiffness of the movement of the foot. The skin look is changed, it becomes dense and shiny, with a clear pattern of the subcutaneous venous bed. The circumference of the limb, where the defeat is observed, is growing along the entire length, the bright symptoms of intoxication are manifested in the form of frequent nehydramic heartbeats, tachycardia, headaches and general ailment, temperature surges.

Research and appointment of therapy

The diagnostic approach is based on the most gentle principles of laboratory research, following the main doctrine of medicine - "not harm". Usually, when visual inspection, fixation of complaints and collection of anamnesis, the result of which forms the methodology, how to treat this or that condition of the woman during thrombosis, the following accompanying diseases are observed and complications:

  1. Professional harm, work accompanied by static load on the feet, which is most often found out with hemorrhoids.
  2. Violations of fats;
  3. The presence of chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  4. Hypercoagulation - increased blood coagulation;
  5. Acute and chronic infections;
  6. Unauthorized uncontrolled consumption of contraceptives in tablets and treatment with glucocorticoids;
  7. Complicated by gestosis or anemia during pregnancy;
  8. Use as a long bed mode as therapy.

When determining the leakocyte damage depth, the leukocyte content is determined, a comprehensive assessment of the APTTV, coagulogram, prothrombin index, fibrinogen, platelet aggregation rates, the content of soluble complexes of fibrin monomers are determined. In addition, it is estimated to be an assessment of veins, identifying the localization of blood closures, the functionality of the vascular valves.

Fighting thrombosis during pregnancy

The main measures for the treatment of thrombosis in women during the toasting of the fetus are aimed at ensuring that it becomes more efficiently restored by blood outflow in deep vascular venous vein vein limbs. Therapeutic activities are comprehensive:

  • The maternity hospital is prescribed immediately to a strict bed regime in a hospital, legs are kept exclusively in an exalted position, elastic limbs compression is carried out.
  • Intravenous jet infusion administration of heparin up to reaching the increase in ARTV in 2, 0 - 2, 2 times.
  • Oral use of acetylsalicylic acid in a daily dose of 0.002 g, pentoxyphylin 400 mg per day to improve blood microcirculation and its ignition.
  • Antibacterial drugs to eliminate or prevent the development of infection.

Instrumental surgical intervention is shown to women during pregnancy in exceptional cases. Operations are designed to prevent the movement of the tomb thrombus on the pulmonary trunk. Then the thrombolytic and anti coagulative drug treatment is necessarily connected.

In the context of the special state of the body of a woman at this time, the right choice of tactics of patronage is extremely important. Preservation in the second half is carried out in the absence of other chronic diseases or complications of thrombosis. If the TEL does not threaten, the childbirth is carried out naturally, to avoid various consequences allows timely caesarean section.

Thrombosis of deep veins are called a condition in which the formation of blood clots, that is, the blood clots occurs. As a rule, thrombosis is localized mainly in the field of lower extremities. Other options for formation of blood clots are extremely rare. About 20 percent of the total number of residents of the Earth suffers from the thrombosis of deep veins. Similarly, there is post-thrombotic syndrome, which is a late complication. Cases of formation of blood clots at the level of superficial veins are less likely. This form of thrombosis has the best forecast and is practically not accompanied by complications.

The reasons

The fact of pregnancy can be a response to the question of which there may be deep vein thrombosis in future mothers. Watching how the disease is manifested during pregnancy, doctors revealed that the formation of blood clots occurs as a result of the fact that the lower hollow vein in a pregnant woman is sacrificed from the side of the uterus. This entails an increase in the hydrodynamic pressure indicators in the field of the lower hollow vein. Thus, the diameter of deep veins is significantly increased as a result of slow blood flow. Given the tendency of future mothers to small mobility, it provokes venous stasis with localization in the main veins located in the legs.

In the early periods of pregnancy and the last trimester, the body of the future mother is preparing for generic activities and, as a result, the natural loss of blood. This means that the larger the term of pregnancy, the higher the production of plasma proteins of the procoagulant type and below the fibrinolytic mobility of the blood. Venous State and Gepigcoagulation is enough to increase the risk of developing venous thrombosis to a maximum. Subject to the presence of these factors, a critical thromachast situation is created in the body of a pregnant woman. Any additional loads and factors lead to thrombosis. Against the background of such a condition of the body, the development of venous thrombosis may even have a common cold.


It is easy to see how the development of venous thrombosis begins in the first trimester or in late pregnancy. The disease is accompanied by characteristic manifestations, which indicate a violation of blood circulation at the level of deep veins, but retains a normal arterial influx. The first signs and subsequent symptoms may vary depending on the localization of the problem.

As the most common feature of the disease, it is possible to determine the solidity and change in the natural color of the skin in the place where the blood clot is localized. Similarly, you can recognize redness. Future mom complains about the feeling of gravity and heat in the field of legs. At the same time, pain syndrome progresses and becomes increasingly over the course of time. Subsequently, it is accompanied by pain in the procured region, strong cough attacks and fever. This increases the risk of separation and moving blood closer to the lung vessels. Cases when venous thrombosis does not manifest themselves excluded.

Diagnosis of deep veins thrombosis in pregnant women

Diagnose venous thrombosis during pregnancy is not easy. The complexity of the diagnosis is caused by the similarity of the venous hypertension of deep veins with a lymph-venous deficit. In addition, during pregnancy, pain impulse can redistribute, which also prevents the proper diagnosis. For example, the patient may complain about the presence of diffuse pain in the field of the lower abdomen, legs.

Even more difficult, the diagnosis becomes under conditions when venous thrombosis is accompanied by pathologies of pregnancy itself. For example, the following disorders may complicate the process of determining the disease:

  • gestosis
  • multi-way and multiplot
  • high risks of premature genera or miscarriage.

In order to reveal the disease in a timely manner, the future mother needs to be applied to the doctor or directly phlebologist. The specialist appoints a number of laboratory tests and conducts a survey with the help of appropriate equipment.


What is dangerous venous thrombosis during pregnancy, it is a negative impact that it has a future mother on the body. The disease causes harm and a pregnant woman, and the baby. As potential complications are thromboembolism and gangrene, leading to death.


What can you do

The primary task of the future mother is to appeal to the doctor when the first signs of problems with the limbs and directly veins are detected. It is impossible to treat the disease at home, using methods of alternative medicine, etc. Suspicions of the diagnosis require immediate assistance to a competent physician, especially if we are talking about the disease developing during pregnancy.

What does the doctor do

To cure venous thrombosis during pregnancy is not easy. The cause of the complexity of treatment is the need for simultaneous solutions and complications of thrombosis, and problems associated with entering the fetus. That is why, in the framework of providing first aid to future mothers to prepare for subsequent labor activities, specialists pay great attention to the prevention of the disease.

Treatment of the disease can be conservative or surgical. Surgical treatment is used when the disease is involved in complications threatening life. In such cases, deciding what to do with the disease, most doctors prefer the implementation of cesarean cross-section and subsequent plugistics.


Healthy food and the correct lifestyle without bad habits is an effective way if you do not prevent the risk of thrombosis, it is significantly reduced by it. Inpatient prevention is also provided, which is anticoagulants and disaggregants.

Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process in the venous system with the formation of blood clots and the ability to block the lumen of the vessels. The vessel wall is damaged and the wall is inflated. The appearance of the disease during pregnancy is caused by physiological causes. The disease is not for pregnancy and genera of serious danger, but it is worth prescribing treatment.

The causes of thrombophlebitis in pregnant women are in physiological changes undergoing the body of a woman in the first months of fetal development. It is mainly an increase in blood consumption, high pressure in the abdominal cavity. Often thrombophlebitis during pregnancy occurs as a consequence of varicose veins.

Promotes the development of the disease transferred operational interventions, long-term adamius, fractures, extregnity dislocations with long-term immobilization. Prevalence of thrombosis in pregnant women - 0.3%. Obbitation of the lumen of vessels is partial and complete. After the birth, the risk of thrombosis rises 5 times.

Risk factors

The risk of the occurrence of thrombophlebitis during pregnancy increases with the following data as a history of:

  1. Frequent infections;
  2. Reception of hormonal contraceptive drugs;
  3. Chronic heart disease and vessels;
  4. Exchange disorders, excess body weight;
  5. Increased blood intake;
  6. Complications during pregnancy;
  7. Thrombophlebitis at a young age in relatives of the patient.

If at least one criterion is found when collecting anamnesis, it is necessary to examine pregnant for thrombophilia. Treatment operational. Do not look for "home" treatment methods, so as not to turn the dangers of the child's life.

Than dangerous disease

During pregnancy, the risk of thrombosis increases 5-6 times. The main complications that are fraught with thrombophlebitis during pregnancy are manifested after 10 weeks.

Signs of blood coagulation pathology during pregnancy serve as a signal of danger. An increase in blood viscosity causes the formation of dense blood clots, the defeat of the vessels that feed the placenta. When obstructing the lumen of vessels, the fruit ceases to obtain the desired amount of nutrients, oxygen. It is fraught with violations of the development of the fetus in the form of defects, fading pregnancy. In this regard, it is important to properly, timely treatment.

Clinical manifestations, diagnostics

Prescribed drug drugs doctor. The use of funds of traditional medicine in some cases is permissible, but it is worth consulting with your doctor.

Must begins long before conception, include proper nutrition, active lifestyle, refusal of bad habits, body weight control.

Treatment of acute thrombophlebitis during pregnancy has its own characteristics. Preparations are selected based on an interesting position. They should not penetrate through the placental barrier, so as not to harm the baby.

What is acute thrombophlebitis

The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process flowing in the inner walls of the bloodstream with the simultaneous formation of blood clots.

The disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature and pain in the affected limb. The main danger is possible in the possible thromboembolism of the lungs or hearts.

Often the disease is provoked by pregnancies. In women, during this period, elevated intraperous pressure and blood becomes more viscous.

Rhodeworgments are carried out with cesarean section, but a natural process is also possible.

It is possible to give birth to thrombophlebitis, the doctor will decide. It depends on the overall state of health and the degree of damage to venous channels.

Before childbirth, compression stockings or bandaged compression bandages are put on.

In the beginning of the birth, heparin is introduced, 5000 units.

Why arises

All women's systems during pregnancy are rebuilt to ensure the safety and well-being of a new life. The circulatory system also undergo large changes.

The rheological properties of blood change - it becomes more viscous. In childbirth it will help to avoid big blood loss

In the blood, the concentration of coagulation factors - platelets, fibrinogen, promotine increases.

The risk of disease increases additional factors:

  • overweight - the load on the venous foot system increases, normal blood flow is disturbed, stagnation of blood is developing;
  • a sedentary lifestyle - the lack of movement disrupts the mechanism of the plantar pump and normal blood circulation in the veins (walking naturally helps to pump venous blood up to heart);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - weakens the pump function of the heart, the limbs swell, as a result, it occurs stagnation;
  • early prestals - the work of the kidneys is disturbed, and due to this thicken blood;
  • hormone therapy or the reception of hormonal contraceptives shortly before gestation;
  • injuries of veins, operations, fractures;
  • inflammatory infectious diseases;
  • allergies to medical preparations or chemical exercise;
  • poisoning;
  • supercooling;
  • smoking;
  • varicose.

Than dangerous

Acute thrombophlebitis can not be ignored - ignorance of what it is dangerous can lead to tragic consequences.

At an occasion, the fetal nutrition is broken, under threat of its development and vitality.

The life of the future mother also threatens danger. The likelihood of the appearance of floting thrombus or thromboembolism, acute venous insufficiency, acute phlebitis is high.


In gestation, acute thrombophlebitis is localized, mainly in the lower limbs, less often - in a small pelvis, its symptoms are quite expressive.

On the legs are amazed most often the top third of the leg or the bottom third of the hip. Mostly a large subcutaneous vein with branches.

When walking, an acute pain appears in resting. The leg is blushing, redness has the form of stripes. The surface temperature of the sore limb increases and it is possible to increase the body temperature to 38 C.

When palpation feels a painful seal. The foot is incremented in size.

The development of the disease has two ways. Most comes recovery with the full reduction of blood flow. The clearance of the venous canal or cleaned or blood flow is directed bypassing and the vessel overbursts the connective tissue at the place of the defeat.

In some cases, the outcome of the disease is unfavorable. Inflammation moves up in Vienna or affects deep blood canals. Such an option is found in varicose vegetables with a violation of the functions of the perforant veins valves.

To which doctor to turn

The future mother standing in the female consultation should turn to his doctor, to get a direction for surgeon-phlebologist.

Otherwise, it is necessary to warn the phlebologist about the occurrence of gestation.


A woman during pregnancy should be especially attentive to his health. Early diagnosis guarantees a favorable outcome of the disease.

With suspected thrombophlebitis and pregnancy, you need to immediately contact the medical institution.

After collecting anamnesis, clarify the prescription of the disease, visual inspection on the subject of swelling and the nature of the damage to veins, the patient prescribe a number of studies.

For testing blood tests Biochemical and general, clinical urine analysis.

With thrombophlebitis, the CE is usually increased, the concentration of fibrinogen and hematocrit is increased. Specify the rheological characteristics of the blood.

Mandatory conduct a coagulogram, determine the time of coagulation and bleeding time. D-dimer helps determine the degree of blood thickening.

Conduct an ultrasound examination of the veins of the patient and the state of the fetus.

In the third trimester, cardiotokography is carried out to track the palpitations of the fetus and control over the uterus tone. Conduct doppler with duplex scanning to assess the degree of blood flow and trace the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion of the vessel, determine its borders.

Phlebography is not prescribed during pregnancy. Differentiation with phlebotromboosis, acute arterial insufficiency and acute thrombosis of deep veins are necessary.

Treatment methods

When pregnant, treatment methods are chosen, whenever possible, conservative. Surgical intervention is carried out in extreme cases. For example, floting a thrombus with a thrombus moving up.

Conducted thrombeectomy - they make two nurses in the upper and lower part of the legs, through which the patient vein is removed. Thrombectomy takes place under local anesthesia.

Conservative treatment is prescribed necessarily taking into account the position of the patient. Antibacterial drugs and indirect anticoagulants are prescribed.

Prescribed drugs that do not affect the course of gestation and do not penetrate through a placental barrier:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • phlebotonics;
  • direct anticoagulants, heparin or its analogues;
  • antihistamines;
  • thrombolytic.

The safest means during pregnancy are phlebotonics. Their action is aimed at stimulating the smooth muscles of the walls of venous vessels, restoring their elasticity and functional abilities.

Validonics differ high efficiency. In addition to stimulation of venous channels, they remove the swelling, eliminate inflammation, stimulate the outflow of lymph and capillary blood circulation, protect the tissues of oxidation vessels.

Possible complications

May have irreversible consequences and complications.

The ailments adversely affects the state of the fetus, the blood circulation in the mother-placent-fruit system is inevitably disturbed.

The fruit is not allowed oxygen, which affects the development of a child's brain, in the future neurological problems are possible.

With prolonged oxygen fasting, the overall development of the child slows down.

Among possible complications are lung thromboembolism and septic thrombophlebitis in pregnant.

Lung thromboembolism develops when thrombus gets into the lumen of the pulmonary artery. Breast pain appears, cough, there is blood in sputum, breathing becomes a detachy, the patient loses consciousness.

If the thrombus does not completely overlap the artery, the symptoms are not so rapidly, and within a few days the lungs affects the heart attack.

Septic thrombophlebitis - purulent inflammation of the walls of venous vessels is joined to thrombosis.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital, without on time, the overall sepsis begins, followed by the death of the patient.


Prevention consists in timely treatment of varicose veins, compliance with drinking regime and moderate physical activity.

Unnecessary outdoor walks and food with their position.

The main diet restriction is a refusal of excessive salt consumption. Under the ban of smoked, fatty and fried foods.

During the rest, the legs need to be raised on the elevation above the heart level to restore blood circulation.

Invalid weight lifting and weight set is larger than the norm.

The postoperative period also shows the wearing knitwear.