Meso Wharton P199 and Meso Xanthin F199 - a new generation bioraction. Methods for biorevitalization for certain zones

This is what they write about it: "The Bioreparant of the last generation, created by the joint efforts of the American research corporation ABG Lab and Dr. B. Petrikovsky, one of the world's leading specialists in the field of fetal surgery"

Briefly about yourself: 36 years old, skin sensitive, reactive, oily, with inflammation, in general, a complete set. In constant search for excellent leaving, 5 years ago, it was also added more than the search for good Anti Age, and therefore progress came out, then it is just necessary for me. It is interesting to try everything.

This is what the manufacturer promises:

1 Prevention of skin fading;

2 age-related changes of the skin (wrinkles, loss of tone and elasticity, gravitational ptosis);

3 Preparation for plastic operations;

4 Rehabilitation of the skin in the postoperative period;

5 Restoration of the skin after median and deep peels, laser grinding, burns of various origin;

6 hyperpigmentation;

7 Dehydrated leather.

There is a lot more what is written, the information can be easily found on the Internet, I am afraid if I will copy here, I will block moderators.

As I understood the drug class Luxe, the price tag is varied on it from 16 to 21 thousand rubles for the procedure, I do in 18 thousand. On the course it is necessary 5-6 procedures with an interval of 10-14 days.

His composition is rich and vitamins and peptides a lot of things useful:

Main components:
hyaluronic acid with a molecular weight of 3000kd - 1.5%;
growth factors (EGF; BFGF; IGF-2;);
tyoredoxin - Antioxidant TRX
vitamins (A; GRP.B; s; e; k; folic acid)
amino acids;
trace elements;

With a beautician, we decided to prick this drug to the whole face, and under the eyes of Meso Eye, since it is not so thick and, accordingly, there will be fewer edema. Now I will describe the procedure itself. Cleaning and disinfection of the face, then applying an anesthetic drug Emla for 30 minutes, under the film, then actually the injections themselves, for all the face there is approximately 4 needles, 2 under the eyes are thinner, 2 on both sides of the face, forehead and neck. There are many injections, quite sensitive, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bcheeks and forehead, the execution lasted about 40-50 minutes. What is just for the sake of beauty you will not do :))). After the procedure, the face is processed by the disinfecting agent, closes with cream and go home, becoming more beautiful.

Highly-pronounced papules, oddly enough (although the drug is viscous) ... For example, a jalypro or aquashine Papula was kept from 12 to 24 hours. In the morning, the face was finally lined up, there were small bruises in the place of injections, the swelling (this is a normal reaction to hyaluronic acid), not criminal, calmly lubricated with a tonal cream. I haven't needed anywhere, so I did not disguise anything, in order not to put the infection in the place of punctors and looked like this:

The third day, the bruises became less pronounced, the edema did not have passed, the general appearance of the face is not presentable, waiting for improvement. The Nuxe moisturizing mask, like a cream, traces from Ukolov turned pale. I look like this.

I have not been experiencing any delight, made three procedures. By the way, Aquashine in the process I liked more, there after the first procedure improved the complexion, I left Syanka under the eyes of the eternal lack of sleep. From Meso Varton 199 so far I do not see any positive changes. Connected another drug Laennek (Japan) to Meso Varton, removed Meso Eye (a unpleasant reaction went under the eyes), I will finish and supplement the feedback. I plan after mesotherapy a nasolabial fold and a nose-sized (the so-called bruise zone under the eyes) Fill the juviderm a three-pair of syringes, and in the forehead and goose paws Botox (in no case did Disport, it does not hold, leaves after himself in the skin of the antibody, then will not get up Botox), Under my eyes remove the wrinkle with the drug Meso Botox (the same botox diluted with hyaluronic acid). When all the completion completing the review and lay out the pictures.

Meso-Wharton is an intensive proof of the rejuvenation and bioreconstruction of the skin due to the joint action of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and the Jelly P199 polypeptide. Injecting introduction Meso Wharton:

  • accelerates the regeneration and formation of new stem cells;
  • intensively moisturizes fading, dehydrated skin;
  • restores the functions of fibroblasts, synthesis of elastin and collagen;
  • improves the tone, smoothes wrinkles;
  • eliminates hyperpigmentation, narrows pores;
  • corrects oval faces, visually lifts soft tissues.

Features of the composition and action of Meso Wharton

The Meso Varton includes hyaluronic acid with a mass of a 3300 kDa molecule. This is different from the preparations of first generations with a smaller mass of hyaluronate (900-1000 kDa).

Studies at the Institute of Physical Chemistry RAS confirmed that the viscosity of the drug depends on the tangent of voltage, similar to the cytoplasm of cells, which explains the high activity and sustainable result after the mezovarton procedure for the face, zones of the neckline and neck.

Injection BiorevitalTalist developed joint ABG Lab Corporation and scientist Boris Petrikovsky in 2008. Roszdravnadzor approved the drug in 2010 and recommended for use in cosmetology.

Meso-Wharton P199TM has a kind of transparent, viscous sterile gel placed in a glass syringe with a luer tip tip. The amount of preparation in the syringe is 1.5 ml. The manufacturer ensures that there is no animal protein in the composition.

Active components of Meso-Wharton P199 TM:

  • hyaluronic acid with a mass of a 3300 kDa molecule (1.5%);
  • wHARTON JELLY P199 polypeptide;
  • tyoracedoxin - Antioxidant TRX;
  • growth factors;
  • vitamins (A; group B; c; e; k);
  • trace elements;
  • amino acids and nucleic acids;
  • coenzymes.

Hyaluronic acid High viscosity is absolutely biocompatible and for 2-3 weeks creates a steady fluid supply in the intercellular space. Slows the aging of cells, improves trophy, local immunity.

WHARTON JELLY P199 Polypeptide - synthetic analogue of the embryo natural peptide. Stimulates the generation of new cellular material by accelerating the division of stem cells. Increases the activity of fibroblasts and the production of collagen.

TRX (SH POLYPEPTIDE-2) - Powerful antioxidant. Suppresses the activity of free radicals, retains the integrity of the cell membranes. Controls the production of melanin.

Growth factors in Meso Varton:

    1. EGF -

promotes the reproduction of epithelial cells. Slows off involutionary aging.

    1. IGF -

accelerates the synthesis of collagen, makes the skin denser.

    1. bfgf -

regulates healing and regeneration, activates the synthesis of the components of the extracellular matrix and the operation of capillaries.

enhances microcirculation, reduces inflammation, stimulates the formation of new capillaries.

Vitamins in Mesovarton - Effect:

  • A - positively affects the density and tone of the skin;
  • B-complex - supports epidermis in a state of biological equilibrium;
  • C - creates antioxidant protection; illuminates the sections of hyperpigmentation, activates fibroblasts;
  • E - neutralizes the activity of free radicals, protects cell membranes;
  • K - regulates blood coagulation, optimizes microcirculation;
  • amino acids - stimulate the formation of proteins by fibroblasts;
  • trace elements - participate in all cellular functions;
  • coenzymes - activate metabolic reactions, accelerate the repair of tissues;
  • nucleic acids - control the process of synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Meso Wharton injections are shown:

  • patients older than 40 years with signs of chronological and photorestation (dehydration, loss of elasticity, gravitational ptosis, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, cooperosis);
  • patients are under 40 years of age - after consulting a cosmetologist's doctor, if there are objective signs of premature aging (wrinkles, the omission of soft tissues, a change in the facial oval);
  • at any age in the presence of atrophic scars and foci of hyperpigmentation of inflammatory origin;
  • to quickly restore the skin after plastic operations, mechanical and laser grinding, burns.

Contraindications for biorevitalization Mesovarton:

  • the intolerance of one of the components of the gel or hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid;
  • acute inflammatory and chronic diseases in the field of mesovarton injection (acne, herpes);
  • autoimmune diseases or the passage of the course of immunosuppressive therapy;
  • blood coagulation disorders, anticoagulant reception;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side Effects Biorevitalization Meso-Wharton

After injections, Mesovarton is possible phenomena, usual for invasive procedures: redness, itching, small papules, swelling, soreness, change in skin shade. With the correct technique of injections, they fully pass independently within 2-3 days after the procedure.

Sounds of necrosis have not yet been observed, but some scientists are critical of the rapid launch of Meso Wharton to the market, they are talking about the need for more serious and long-term clinical trials - as well as any drug that affects the activity of stem cells.

How is the mezovarton procedure in the beauty salon

  1. One syringe is enough for microelectrating facial treatment, neck, neckline. For biorevitalization with mesovarton, a needle 32g 0.23 * 4 mm is used - it is this type of needle that is recommended by the manufacturer so that immediately after administration, the drug has been distributed evenly, without the formation of large papules.
  2. Before biorevitalization, the mesovarton cosmetologist thoroughly cleans the skin, three times handles the skin with an antiseptic, the local anesthetic causes.
  3. The cosmetologist applies the technique of multiple intradermal injections with an interval of 0.8-1 cm. The angle of introducing the needle in fabric fabric is 45 ° to a depth of 2-4 mm. In the neck tissue - at an angle of 30 ° to a depth of 1-2 mm.

Technique administration Mesovarton

  1. Linear retrograde machinery - Optimal for fading skin. It is used in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheeks, the corners of the lips, for the correction of extended folds.
  2. Method "Fan" Looks like a series of injection from one point. The drug is injected in several directions, without removing the tip of the needle, but only unfolding in the frontal plane. Mesovarton fan injections give an effect when bioqueracking lips, the top of the nasolabial folds.
  3. Mesh technique - Injection lines intersect at right angles. Allows you to lift the fabric and increase their density.
  4. Brief linear technique - Drip doses The specialist introduces into the middle layer of the dermis under 30-45 ° at the interval of 0.5-1 cm. Recommended for correction of atrophic scars, pigmentation after acne.

The result of the procedure

Clinical experiments have shown that after the injection course, the number of stem cells in the skin increases, which contributes to its natural biological rejuvenation. The epidermis is gradually updated, collagen and elastin are synthesized actively as in youth.

What is the duration of the course?

The Meso-Wharton P199TM course consists of 4-8 sessions (depending on the degree of age-related changes) with 7-day intervals. Then 2 more sessions with 14-day intervals. Supporting one-time procedures are needed once every 2-3 months. Full intensive course - a year.

Any woman is experiencing due to age-related changes in their appearance. The older it becomes, the less time it tries to look into the mirror, so as not to see your wrinkles. Cosmetology offers quite a lot of faces and body to deal with age-related skin changes. Every year there are more and more funds and procedures that are able to push old age for an indefinite period.

Recently, the new development of American cosmetologists and the Russian surgeon Boris Petrikovsky is becoming increasingly popular. This is a drug for injection - Meso-Wharton P199.

In our country, this drug was allowed for sale and applications in cosmetology in 2010. Now there is almost no well-known cosmetology clinic without Mesovarton.

How does Meso-Wharton P199 work?

Most drugs of this kind have hyaluronic acid in their composition. Here, the principle of operation is not based on this component. Mesovarton includes peptineSynthetic. This component has a patented name WHARTON JELLY PEPTIDE P199. It is absolutely identical to the peptide of the human embryo. Thanks to this component, skin stem cells can actively share.

With age, stem cells lose their activity, their division decreases. As a result, the skin becomes a flabby, inelastic, dry, with wrinkles. Mesovarton injections help stem cells to start their work, continue to actively share that the skin keeps their youth.

To achieve an excellent result in the fight against old age, the Mesovarton includes hyaluronic acid, and useful amino acids, and vitamins.

Injection preparation can offer you to try in a cosmetology clinic. For this, there are a number of indications.

  • Age is not younger than 40-45 years.
  • Dehydration of the skin.
  • Loss of elasticity and skin elasticity.
  • Age changes feature.
  • Elevated skin pigmentation.
  • The emergence of a large number of wrinkles, including deep.
  • Extended pores on the face.
  • Scars on the skin and scars.
  • Preparation for plastic operations and invasive procedures on the face and body. Such injections are carried out after these operations to improve the effect.

How are the injections of mezovarton?

This drug is required to provide a quality certificate.

The doctor must determine the condition of your skin and coordinate the sections with you, where injections will be carried out. The doctor also inform you how many procedures will be carried out and after which time. Usually there is a couple of weeks between injections. And the number of procedures carried out most often from 4 to 7.

The operation passes almost painlessly, since local anesthesia is used. The process of conducting injections is no different from the introduction of drugs with collagen or with hyaluronic acid. After administration of the drug under the skin, a special cream or mask with a cooling effect is applied to the treated areas in order for the skin pores to be pulled out.

The effect is visible immediately after 2-3 procedures. Some time after injections on the skin there are small bruises and redness.

Contraindications for using Mesovarton

  • Age up to 40 years.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Allergies to any component of the drug.
  • Diseases of the immune system. Weakening the body after the inflammatory disease.
  • Inflammation of the skin and the presence of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the sections that will be treated with mesovarton.

In the instructions for the preparation, no side effects are indicated. As a rule he does not cause allergic reactions. But this area has not yet been completely studied. Scientists had not fully recognized as a drug to influence the human body after long-term use.

The cost of Mesovarton

The price of the drug is quite high. One mezzanon injection procedure is about 20,000 rubles. There are a number of analogues of the drug developed by Korean scientists, but their cost is not much cheaper.

Mesovarton efficiency

On a variety of forums dedicated to the discussion of cosmetology achievements, disputes are constantly on what procedures are best to carry out for skin rejuvenation. It is worth noting that mesovarton is very often positive reviews are honored. And specialists of the cosmetology clinic, and the patient most often praises the use of this drug. If someone was unhappy with the use of Mesovarton, then this most often indicates the patient's individual response to the drug.

The procedure for rejuvenation using Meso-Wharton P199 injections is a long-term process, but the result is worth it. Most often, the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 4 months, and then periodically administration of the drug should be repeated. When conducting treatment with mezovarton, the use of other drugs is inexpedient.

Mesovarton - Joint development of the American Research Center ABG Lab and Russian Specialist in Fetal Surgery, Acoucher-Gynecologist Boris Petrikovsky. The drug was approved by Roszdravnadzor in 2010 and became one of the most effective biorevitalisats for patients over 40 years old.

  • specially developed peptide WHARTON JELLY PEPTIDE P 199 is an analogue of an embryonic peptide that stimulates division of stem cells;
  • oligopeptides and polypeptides - to stimulate the growth of skin cells;
  • high molecular weight hyaluronic acid - for humidification of the skin;
  • amino acid complex.

Age: Designed for patients older than 40-45 years.

Release form: Sterile syringe 1.5 ml. This quantity is enough for one person handling, neck and zone decollet (perhaps enough and on the hands) or for 2-3 face treatments.


  • Noticeable skin rejuvenation: moisturizing, getting rid of wrinkles, smoothing, improving the tone.
  • Getting rid of pigmentation, scars and skin irregularities.
  • Narrowing extended pores.
  • Improving face color.


Gel has a unique composition, stimulating the natural renewal of skin cells. Especially effective for face: after the first two procedures, skin moisturizing and improved tone. Subsequent sessions improve oval faces, reduce pigmentation and wrinkles. Also, the drug is successfully used in.

Course duration

The number of sessions 4-8 at intervals of 1-2 weeks. Next, you should conduct supporting sessions 1 time per month. The older the patient, the more sessions it is necessary to achieve full-fledged results.


  • wounds in the field of exposure;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • allergies to biogel components;
  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • weakened immunity and autoimmune pathology;
  • implants in the field of exposure;
  • blood coagulation disorders.

If you did not find my health problems on this list, in any case it is important to consult with a specialist before the course of the procedure.

Side effects

Injection by the drug Mesovarton is considered safe if there is no allergies to its components or other contraindications. In order of norms, visible traces of injection (hematoma, swelling, papules) are possible, which take place within 2-3 days.

Cost of preparation

Name Price in rub *
Meso-Wharton P199 5 500

*Average cost. Prices are valid at the time of publication of the article.

Buy products are possible from the official Russian distributor - PREMIERPHARM.

The fight against the age-related skin changes is constantly occupied by the minds of scientists and practitioners of aesthetic medicine. Already developed line of filler and cocktails for mesotherapy, biorevitalization, bioarm and bioretia are constantly being improved and complemented by new products with even greater efficiency.

One of these new products has become mesovarton Injection Preparation (Meso-Wharton P199) - Bioreranda of the new generation, created by the joint efforts of the American research corporation ABG Lab and our compatriot Dr. Boris Petrikovsky, one of the world's leading specialists in the field of fetal surgery.

In 2010, Mesovarton was approved by Roszdravnadzor for sale in Russia, and after a few years, he received a reputation as one of the best rejuvenating funds for patients of the older age category, which was adopted by the cosmetologists of most eminent clinics throughout the country.

How does Mesovarton act?

The basis of this drug is not familiar to us hyaluronic acid (although it is in composition), and the patented polypeptide WHARTON JELLY PEPTIDE P199. This is a synthetic analogue of a natural peptide of a human embryo, which provides high activity of dividing stem cells.

  • It is known that in our skin also contains a certain number of stem cells. Signal molecules and growth factors stimulate them to transform and substitute other, dying cells, resulting in constant renewal of skin cover, the production of collagen and elastin is activated.
  • Over time, the flow rate of stem cells is reduced - and as a result, those unpleasant changes occur, which we used to call aging. Outwardly, they look like a loss of tone and skin elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles, "breaking" oval faces, etc.
  • It was to solve this problem that Mesovarton based on Wharton Jelly Peptide P199 was created. Numerous experiments have proven that its injections lead to an increase in the number of stem cells in the skin and, accordingly, returning it to a biologically young state - both internally and externally. In addition, such an increase in skin abilities to regeneration has other positive parties - in particular, it provides a significantly more "soft" scarring.
  • For even greater efficiency and strengthening of aesthetic (along with the therapeutic) effect, the preparation also includes a previously mentioned high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and a specially selected cocktail from amino acids, biochemical reaction activators, vitamins, growth factors and signal molecules.

Indications for Injections Meso-Wharton P199

  • age loss of elasticity and skin elasticity, dehydration;
  • noticeable increase in the number and depth of wrinkles;
  • the appearance of pigment spots, extended pores;
  • change of oval and damn face;
  • as a means of preparation and subsequent restoration to plastic operations and invasive procedures on the face;
  • as a supplement to any rejuvenating procedures and procedures for the correction of scars.

How does the Mesovarton biorepary

The drug is supplied in a sterile syringe with a capacity of 1.5 ml. This volume is sufficient for one-time treatment of the face, neck and neckline (and sometimes it can also stay on the hand) or 2-3 procedures only in the face. The exact number of sessions the doctor selects individually for each patient, depending on the overall state and individual features of the zones selected for injection - usually the course consists of 4-8 procedures conducted at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

Before injections, local anesthetic is applied to the skin, so they pass almost painlessly. The process of administration itself does not differ from ordinary biorevitalization and is numerous intradermal injections throughout the area being treated. Then the cooling cream or mask is applied to the skin. After injections on the skin, small bruises can remain and, which are absorbed within 2-3 days.

Contraindications, Complications, Side Effects

As in the case of other injection preparations, the contraindications include:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes, wounds, cuts and other skin damage in the field of planned injections;
  • autoimmune diseases and weakened immunity;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

What specific complications and side effects of mesovarton, as well as cases of allergies, it has not yet been revealed to it. However, as in the case of any technique, one way or another associated with stem cells, a number of scientists and practitioners express concerns about the possible long-term effects of similar therapy (the drug was developed in 2008, and the mass market was released even later, so any statistics At this expense, there is no need to expect in the near future).

How much is Mesovarton? Current prices, analogues

The cost of the drug is currently difficult to call otherwise as high - and, probably, it will remain in the next 1-2 years. The average price for Mesovarton in Moscow is 15,000-18000 rubles - This sum includes one syringe (1.5 ml) along with the procedure. In most other cities (with the exception of St. Petersburg), injections will cost a little cheaper - at 12-15 thousand. In addition, the cost can be reduced if the patient pays the entire course from several sessions immediately.

Some cosmetologists are called the analogue of Meso-Wharton P199 Korean Dermaheal HSR (there is information that they are even produced on the same factory, although on the order of different developers), but, despite the intersecting composition, talk about the similarity of drugs with such complex The mechanism of action without the relevant scientific experiments is seen not entirely correct.

Reviews of cosmetologists

head of the Cosmetology Department of the DOCTORPLASTIC Clinic:

"Mesovarton is really an interesting drug. It includes more than 50 components! He turned out to be a good assistant in cases where the aesthetic result of ordinary biorevitalities is insufficient. P199 acts as a signal peptide, initiates the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells into ripe skin cells.

In aging skin, the activity of cells is reduced and signal molecules are not enough, all processes are slowed down, so I use this drug in patients whose age over 40 years and extremely rare in younger patients. In our clinic, it is widely used as an independent procedure, as well as (very often) in combination with hardware methods "

leading Cosmetologist Clinic Beauty Line:

"This is a really good drug. Its multicomponent composition allows you to notice the result almost immediately - on the 4-5th day after the procedure. First of all, dish chromium phenomenon (skin pigmentation). A strong positive effect is noted even the most skeptical and capricious patients.

In our clinic, we use mesovarton and as an independent agent, and in the complex:

  • with laser non-balanced methods (photorejuvenation, RF-lifting, ultrasonic altage lifting);
  • with ablative laser techniques (fractal, frakwell), after laser grinding of scars;
  • with contour plastic;
  • in plastic surgery as part of postoperative rehabilitation. "