Can there be false contractions? False contractions: symptoms, sensations. Symptoms of false and natural contractions

By the time the baby is born, most expectant mothers are fully prepared.

The necessary medicines were prepared, their belongings and tiny clothes of the baby were packed, documents and medical records were checked. Some have tried to create a cozy and beautiful children's room, to buy the best toys.

The climax of pregnancy is inevitably approaching and everything is ready for the appearance of crumbs. And the closer this moment, the more anxious mommy. Of course, in the first place is the excitement about the safety of delivery.

But there is also a fear of contractions during pregnancy and the experience of missing the start of the process of labor.

Physiology of contractions during pregnancy

Panic moods in pregnant women are associated with a lack of reliable information and, of course, experience. For some reason, it is the fights, despite the naturalness of this phenomenon, that are covered with fables and myths. And the negative stories of experienced acquaintances only exacerbate the situation. Every woman has her own pain threshold. And knowing the physiology of each stage, accompanied by contractions, and learning how to respond to them correctly, you can significantly reduce pain and alleviate your condition.

What happens in the body?

Nature provided and calculated everything to the smallest detail. The whole process of pregnancy proceeds according to a universal algorithm, and the change in states occurs under the influence of hormones leading at a certain moment. The pregnancy hormone progesterone, which successfully maintained all 9 months and the tone of the uterus, and the development of the baby before childbirth, is losing ground to estrogen and oxytocin.

The cervix, tightly closed during pregnancy, prevents the opening of the cervix and the penetration of infections inside. Before childbirth, it should open up, clearing the way for the baby. To do this, its tissues must become more elastic and pliable. Estrogen does a great job of this. It also makes the uterus sensitive to oxytocin and prostaglandins. Under their influence, contractions of the walls of the uterus begin, allowing the baby to take the correct position and move along the birth canal.

Contractions and hormonal balance

Muscular contractions of the uterus are called contractions during pregnancy, which, depending on the period, have different intensity. With each contraction, the muscles of the uterus pull on the cervix, due to which it opens. By the time of delivery, the cervix opens up to 12 cm, and the uterus becomes practically a continuation of the vagina. The whole process is accompanied by a change in the level of hormones, which are intensively produced by the placenta, pituitary gland and fetus.

Oddly enough, but it is fear that can affect labor activity. He is able to increase both the duration of preparatory contractions, which take strength from mommy, and pain. The hormones cortisol and adrenaline, released into the blood during stress, fear and anxiety, block the production of the main birth hormones.

False contractions during pregnancy

Changes in hormonal balance occur throughout pregnancy. Therefore, uterine contractions can appear long before childbirth. In this way, both the uterus and the cervix are prepared for future childbirth. These contractions during pregnancy are called false, training or Braxton Hicks.

What does it feel like during false contractions during pregnancy?

Of course, women who have given birth can easily distinguish false contractions from real ones. These unforgettable sensations cannot be confused with any other pain. But how should women behave during their first pregnancy? It makes no sense to go to the hospital for every incomprehensible symptom. You need to focus on your feelings:

1. These contractions during pregnancy practically do not cause pain, but, most likely, discomfort in the form of pulling or aching sensations. The uterus seems to be shrinking, which is already familiar to some from when she was in good shape. Contractions are felt at the top or bottom of the abdomen, may radiate to the groin.

2. Pain is concentrated in one area and does not spread to the lower back and other places.

3. Arise unexpectedly and gradually fade. More often they occur in the evening or at night, when the body is relaxed and mommy listens to her feelings. Some, on the contrary, experience discomfort after physical exertion or stress.

4. Differ in irregularity and short duration. The duration of false contractions during pregnancy does not exceed a minute. And they repeat at irregular intervals. They can occur several times (up to six) per hour, or even per day.

The surest way to determine the falsity of a contraction during pregnancy is to fix its duration and frequency. Unlike real contractions, sensations with false contractions will not increase, but they will be repeated randomly.

What can cause false contractions during pregnancy?

Natural contractions of the uterus occur throughout almost the entire pregnancy. But future mothers begin to feel them after 20 weeks. With the approach of childbirth, the likelihood of their occurrence increases. Some women are lucky enough not to experience false contractions during pregnancy at all, and this is not a pathology. This does not mean that there are no preparatory abbreviations. It's just that they may not be so intense, or the future mother did not notice them, did not attach any importance. Also, the perception of false contractions during pregnancy depends on individual sensitivity.

However, there are also provoking factors that increase the likelihood of unpleasant cramping pains. False contractions can occur under the influence of:

physical activity;

Violent fetal activity;

Stress and nervous shocks;

Dehydration of the body;

Overcrowded bladder;

sexual activity.

What to do with false contractions?

For most pregnant women, false contractions do not cause frightening discomfort. But for some women with a high pain threshold, training uterine contractions becomes a real torment. In this case it is recommended:

1. Use a warm bath or shower if there are no contraindications. Warm water will ease muscle tension. Aromatic oils added to the water will calm the nervous system.

2. Go for a walk. Fresh air and slow walking will reduce discomfort.

3. Change your posture. An uncomfortable position can provoke tension in the uterus.

4. Lie down and relax. Pleasant music and soothing aromas of oils will help eliminate discomfort.

False contractions during pregnancy are a good reason to use knowledge about proper breathing during contractions.

If training contractions bother you closer to childbirth, you need to watch for other signs. Since such a training can easily turn from a dress rehearsal into real contractions during pregnancy and signal the onset of labor.

How do real contractions begin during pregnancy?

Real contractions during pregnancy begin suddenly. Do not worry, it is simply impossible to miss this moment. Even a fight that has begun during a night's rest will wake up the expectant mother. At this moment, it will obviously not be up to sleep. Women describe the onset of labor in different ways. But no matter what a woman experiences, they cannot be confused with training contractions.

True contractions are expressed:


Increased pain sensations.

Gradual decrease in the intervals between contractions;

Increasing the duration of the fight.

What will tell you about the approach of childbirth?

Even before the onset of contractions during pregnancy, a woman can predict the approach of the climax by the changes that occur to her. Under the influence of a changing hormonal balance, immediately before childbirth begins:

1. Slightly reduce weight to three kg or stop weight gain. 2. Lose your appetite.

2. Excessive emotionality manifests itself. Inadequate reactions to events, words are due to increased levels of estrogen.

3. Observe variability in mood, capriciousness.

4. Appear nesting instinct. Pregnant women have a desire to urgently start repairing or cleaning, rearranging furniture.

5. Lower the belly, which gives mommy the opportunity to ease breathing immediately before childbirth.

6. Reduce swelling of the face, hands. However, edema may appear on the legs due to fetal pressure on the lower abdomen and squeezing of blood vessels.

7. Feel pain in the lower back, which is explained by a change in the position of the fetus and the expansion of the pelvic bones.

Frequent urination, changes in stool, and even vomiting may occur. All these signs are very individual: each pregnant woman manifests itself in different ways and at different times.

A sure symptom of the approach of childbirth is the discharge of the cork, manifested by secretions. They can be both transparent and in the form of a bloody brown liquid. The cork can move away both a few weeks before childbirth, and during contractions.

The kid is also preparing for the upcoming process and stops violent movements.

If the fetal bladder bursts and the water begins to break, even without preliminary contractions during pregnancy, you should not doubt the advisability of visiting the maternity hospital. This is a sure sign of the birth process that has begun.

As soon as the water breaks, contractions begin. But even if there is some kind of pathology and contractions do not start, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

What sensations accompany the onset of contractions during pregnancy?

Most women recognize the first cuts intuitively. They cause tension in the abdomen and pulling aching pains that spread to the lower back, groin and are of a girdle character. Some compare the sensations to menstrual cramps, only several times stronger. The uterus seems to be seized and squeezed by an invisible hand from the inside. Starting at the top of the abdomen with tension as the contractions increase during pregnancy, the pain intensifies, covers the entire abdomen. The lower back and pelvic bones are under intense pressure. Some women note precisely severe lumbar pain and the spread of sensations in the legs to the very toes. Gradually, the pains are released, and a pause appears, allowing you to rest.

The first contractions can last up to 15 seconds, and the break between them can be 20-30 minutes. The duration of contractions during pregnancy gradually increases, and the rest period decreases. At the same time, pain increases.

What should a nulliparous woman know about contractions during pregnancy?

Nulliparous women go into labor minor pain that are more like discomfort. But even they cause panic. In these moments, you need to calm down and rest as much as possible. Do not fuss, try to finish some business. There is still hard work ahead that requires strength. Prenatal contractions in nulliparous last up to 8-10 hours .

This time should be devoted to relaxation and rest as much as possible. Pregnant women are advised to record the time and duration of contractions. And it's not easy to keep track of time, but to record data. This will help determine the period when you should go to the hospital, and doctors to track the dynamics of the process and detect possible deviations in time.

The duration of contractions, accompanied by pain, tension, gradually increases. And when between contractions intervals will be less than 15 minutes , do not delay visiting the clinic. If during pregnancy any pathologies were noted or water broke, bleeding began, you need to urgently call an ambulance, and not wait for more frequent contractions during pregnancy.

It is common for women to panic and be afraid before their first birth. Therefore, at the first contractions, one of the relatives should be nearby. If this is not possible, if you feel pain, immediately inform your relatives, friends or even neighbors that you are giving birth.

Primiparas may experience weak tribal independent activity. Because of what, after a certain period of contractions during pregnancy, expressed by periodicity and severe pain, the intensity may subside, and the pain will completely disappear. This does not mean that the contractions were false. In this case, urgent help is required from doctors who can deal with the cause of the pathology and stimulate labor activity. Inaction in this situation threatens the life of the baby and the woman in labor.

Features of prenatal contractions in multiparous women

Women who give birth in advance feel the approach of childbirth. According to the main features, they can predict the beginning of the process. However, if no more than five years have passed since the previous birth, all processes can be accelerated . The body, having muscle memory, easily adapts to changes and reacts to them more quickly.

In addition, the tissues of the cervix have not yet had time to come into prenatal form. They stretch faster, and the neck opens. Unlike primiparous women, shortening of the neck occurs simultaneously with the opening.

Pain during contractions in multiparous begin immediately more noticeable. More common is rupture of the amniotic sac and discharge of water. The period of prenatal contractions does not last more than six hours, and sometimes rapid labor is observed. Therefore, it is not advisable for such women in labor to postpone visiting the clinic until the last. If there is no desire to give birth at home or in an ambulance, you need to go to the hospital immediately after the appearance of contractions or take care of this in advance and wait for labor in the hospital under supervision.

Unlike the first birth, the process is not stimulated, but they are trying to slow down. During rapid labor, there is a high probability of injury to the baby and ruptures in the woman in labor. Therefore, a woman needs to listen to the recommendations of doctors during labor and childbirth.

How to behave during pregnancy during contractions?

Contractions during pregnancy will definitely increase, become longer, and the pain will intensify. Painful sensations cover almost the entire body, do not give the opportunity to rest, but practically merge into a series of attacks. The woman feels like it will never end. With a high pain threshold for a woman in labor, doctors can offer painkillers. But it is worth remembering that you can independently influence your condition.

Nature provided natural pain relief for contractions . The hormone endorphin, produced by the pituitary gland, is able to reduce pain. But this process is rather fragile. Screams, tears, fear, strong feelings, panic can break this mechanism and only aggravate the situation. It is impossible to relax physically while having psychological tension. Therefore, women during contractions during pregnancy are recommended:

1. Use the relaxation techniques that you have learned in the course.

2. Try to take positions in which the pain is not felt so acute. You can just walk. Someone helps a squatting position, on all fours.

3. The time between contractions during pregnancy should be used for rest.

4. During the fight, especially at the peak of pain, use breathing techniques. Frequent irregular breathing will relieve the condition.

5. Apply pain relief massage. Helps massage in the lumbar region, sacrum or neck.

6. Do not refuse the help of relatives and listen to the recommendations of doctors.

Remember, each new contraction during pregnancy brings the wonderful moment of the appearance of the baby closer.

He is also scared at these moments: for some reason, the affectionate uterus has become hostile. All pain will be quickly forgotten. And this day will be the most wonderful day in the life of your crumbs.

The difference between false contractions and labor, Video

Update: October 2018

The term of childbirth is approaching and more and more questions arise for the expectant mother. Among the many exciting pregnant topics is the following: what are false contractions during pregnancy? Unfortunately, not every obstetrician considers it necessary to explain the essence of false contractions, how they differ from real ones and whether this is normal. Most pregnant women face false contractions and, as a rule, shortly before childbirth. In addition to such contractions, a number of other harbingers testify to the approaching birth, which are difficult not to notice.

Harbingers of childbirth

The period of gestation in women on average lasts 280 days or 40 obstetric weeks. By the end of this period, in about 2 weeks, harbingers of childbirth appear, which inform about their imminent onset. Thanks to the harbingers, the woman understands that the long-awaited meeting with the baby will soon come. These signs appear in all women, in some they are well expressed, and in others they do not notice at all. But childbirth rarely begins suddenly, “without warning”, and the period of precursors is laid down by nature so that the woman has time to prepare and tune in for childbirth. The appearance of all the harbingers of childbirth is not at all obligatory; the appearance of one or two should already alert the woman.

false contractions

The concept of false contractions was introduced by the English doctor Braxton Hicks at the end of the 19th century, so their other name is Braxton Hicks or training contractions. False contractions are called periodic, spontaneous muscle contractions of the uterus. Their appearance is recorded already from 6 weeks of gestation, but in most pregnant women they are felt only after 20 weeks. By the end of pregnancy, at about 38 weeks, false or training contractions are felt by expectant mothers in 70% of cases. Such contractions are called false, since they do not lead to the start of labor and stop on their own.

Prolapse of the abdomen

The belly drops in expectant mothers a couple of weeks before birth in primiparas and a few hours in multiparous. This is due to the fact that the presenting part of the baby, as a rule, the head, is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis, pulling the uterus along with it. At the same time, its upper part (bottom) also falls, which relieves the pressure of the uterus on the chest and abdominal cavities. From the moment the woman notes relief of breathing, shortness of breath disappears with little physical exertion, but it becomes more difficult to sit or walk. Since the uterus no longer lifts the stomach, heartburn and belching disappear. But the downward movement of the uterus increases the pressure on the bladder, which is manifested by increased urination.

With the prolapse of the uterus, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and discomfort in the region of the inguinal ligaments may appear. It is also possible the appearance of tingling in the legs and lower back. These symptoms are associated with irritation of the nerve endings located in the small pelvis when the head is inserted into its entrance.

Mucus plug comes off

This sign is considered the most characteristic, it is difficult not to notice it. From the early stages of pregnancy, the cervical glands begin to produce a thick secret that fills the cervical canal and prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine cavity, thereby protecting the fetus and amniotic fluid from infection. On the eve of childbirth, the production of estrogens in the woman's body increases, due to which the cervix begins to soften and open slightly, which contributes to the discharge of the mucous plug. Characteristic signs of its discharge are jelly-like mucous clots that are visible on linen. The color of the mucous plug is different: from white or transparent to yellowish or pinkish. Often, streaks of blood are visible in the cork, which is considered the norm and indicates the imminent onset of labor (within a day). The mucous plug is released either entirely and immediately, or in parts throughout the day. The discharge of the cork is painless, but sipping pains in the lower abdomen may occur. The timing of the cork discharge varies. She can depart both 2 weeks before the onset of labor, and directly with the onset of contractions.

Weight loss

One to two weeks before the start of contractions, the weight of the pregnant woman decreases (by about 500 grams - 2 kg). The action of progesterone, which retained fluid in the body, decreases, and estrogens are included in the work. As a result, excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling is reduced, it is much easier to put on shoes and put on gloves with rings.

Changes in urination and defecation

Most pregnant women notice the appearance of constipation before childbirth, which is associated with compression of the rectum by the presenting part of the child. But the reverse situation is also possible - the occurrence of diarrhea. Urination also becomes more frequent, as the fetal head presses on the bladder, provoking a frequent desire to urinate. Urinary incontinence is possible, especially during physical exertion.

Change in fetal movement

By the end of the pregnancy, the expectant mother notes a decrease in the motor activity of the child. This is due to the rapid growth and increase in fetal weight. The child becomes cramped in the uterus, which is reflected in his movements, they become smaller.

Frequent mood swings

On the eve of childbirth, a pregnant woman is characterized by frequent mood swings. Activity and efficiency are suddenly replaced by tears, which is due to neuroendocrine processes and fatigue in a woman. Often, future mothers fall into apathy, drowsiness and seek solitude. All these signs indicate the accumulation of energy before the upcoming birth act.

Causes and characteristics of false contractions

What are false contractions for? First of all, they keep the uterus in good shape, “train” it before childbirth and create conditions for the “ripening” of the cervix. Secondly, thanks to the training folds, blood flow to the child increases, which contributes to its better saturation with oxygen and nutrients. It becomes clear that false contractions are absolutely normal manifestations, which you should not be afraid of. There are a number of factors that can push the occurrence of false contractions.

Provoking factors

Training bouts appear under the following conditions:

  • excessive physical activity (housework, sports, standing for a long time, etc.);
  • taking a hot shower / bath;
  • increased motor activity of the fetus;
  • use and strong often (excite the nervous system and increase the tone of the uterus);
  • emotional stress, stress;
  • active sex and orgasm (release of oxytocin, which promotes uterine contractions);
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • fatigue, sleep disturbance;
  • full bladder (puts pressure on the uterus, forcing it to contract);
  • (the volume of circulating blood decreases, the blood supply to the uterus worsens, which provokes its contractions);
  • malnutrition or malnutrition;
  • multiple pregnancy or large fetus (too tight space for the child / children, any movement irritates the uterine walls);
  • overeating or hunger, consumption of "soda" (causes the stomach to contract, the irritation of which is transmitted to the uterus);
  • touching the belly of a stranger.

Characteristics of false contractions

As mentioned, false contractions occur in the second half of gestation, but usually on the eve of childbirth (at 38-39 weeks of gestation). As a rule, training contractions appear in the evening, when a woman is resting. These contractions do not cause pain, they occur irregularly and infrequently. In addition, false contractions only prepare the cervix for dilatation, but do not cause it. Some expectant mothers may not feel false contractions, but this does not indicate deviations.

Symptoms and sensations

Since each organism is individual, the symptoms of false contractions may vary. Someone feels them well due to the significant intensity and severity of unpleasant sensations, while for someone they pass almost imperceptibly. The characteristic features of training fights include:

  • contractions are irregular, it is impossible to catch the rhythm of their occurrence (they can occur every 5-6 hours (but less than 6 times per hour) and after 1-2 days;
  • the duration of false contractions is short, a few seconds, no more than a minute;
  • tension (compression) of the uterus;
  • bright sensations during contractions, do not cause pain, but bring discomfort;
  • usually occur in the evening or at night when a woman is resting (during the day, expectant mothers often do not focus on them);
  • the intensity of contractions quickly decreases with a change in body position.

What does it feel like with false contractions? In many cases, training contractions are painless, and expectant mothers endure them quite easily. But in the case of a low threshold of pain sensitivity, false contractions are very unpleasant and even require assistance. Feelings during false contractions resemble menstrual pain: a pulling character and occur in the lower abdomen. Also, a woman can feel the hardening of the uterus herself by placing her hand on her stomach.

Differences between real contractions and false ones

How to distinguish false contractions from real ones? Signs of training and true fights are shown in the table:

sign training true
Significant pain that worsens over time +
Increasing duration of the fight +
Drainage of amniotic fluid +
There is no clear rhythm of uterine contractions, irregular contractions +
The intensity of the contraction increases, uterine contractions last a minute or longer +
The disappearance of contractions with a change in body position or physical activity +
The cervix gradually opens and smoothes +
There is pressure either in the vagina or in the pelvis +
Last less than 2 hours and less than 4 uterine contractions per hour +

How to deal with false contractions

To eliminate the discomfort caused by training contractions, following some recommendations will help:


A leisurely walk in a park or square will help not only eliminate discomfort, but also enrich the mother's blood with oxygen, which is useful for the baby.

Change body position

Sometimes it is enough to change the position of the body, to take the most comfortable position. If the pregnant woman is lying down, you can stand up and take a few steps, or sit down while standing for a long time.

get distracted

Watching your favorite movie, listening to soothing music or reading a book will help you relax and unwind.

warm water

Taking a warm shower or bath with aromatic oil can help ease Braxton Hicks contractions.

Proper breathing

The occurrence of false contractions is an excellent moment to practice the correct breathing in childbirth, which was taught in the classes at the school of mothers. Take deep breaths through your nose, trying to exhale slowly and smoothly through your mouth, and lips folded into a tube. You can try dog-like breathing - intermittent and frequent, but do not get carried away, otherwise your head will spin.

Drink water or have a snack

If false contractions are due to dehydration, it is enough to drink a glass of plain water to relieve them. In case of hunger, even a light one, which provoked uterine contractions, you should have a snack, but easily digestible and nutritious (for example, a banana).

When to call an ambulance

Sometimes there are situations when you need to urgently call an ambulance or contact your doctor:

  • the gestational age at which uterine contractions appeared is less than 36 weeks (the threat of premature birth is not excluded);
  • the occurrence of moderate or profuse bleeding (suspicion of placental abruption);
  • the appearance of watery discharge (possible outpouring of amniotic fluid);
  • discharge of the mucous plug before 36 weeks;
  • pressing pains in the sacral and lumbar regions;
  • feeling of pressure in the perineum;
  • excessive physical activity of the child or its sharp decrease;
  • the frequency of contractions is 3 or more in 10 minutes (the beginning of the birth act).

Preliminary period - what does it mean? The preliminary period is the length of time during which the woman's body prepares for childbirth. That is, the preliminary period can be called the preparatory period, during which the harbingers of childbirth appear. The normal preliminary period is recorded in 30 - 33% of women at the end of gestation (38 - 40 weeks). The physiological preliminary period is characterized by:

  • contractions that occur with different frequency, duration and intensity, but last no more than 6-8 hours;
  • possible spontaneous disappearance of contractions and their reappearance after 24 hours;
  • sleep and general well-being of the pregnant woman are satisfactory;
  • there is a complete readiness of the expectant mother for childbirth (“mature” cervix, mammary and oxytocin tests are positive, etc.);
  • the uterus is in normotonus, the fetus does not suffer in utero;
  • in 70%, the normal preliminary period develops into adequate labor activity.

Pathological preliminary period

They speak of a pathological preliminary period when the preparatory period is prolonged, characterized by irregular but painful contractions that do not contribute to structural changes in the cervix. It is diagnosed in 10 - 17% of pregnant women and, as a rule, turns into labor anomalies (weakness of contractions or discoordination of contractions). In foreign literature, such a pathology is called "false birth".


The pathological nature of the preliminary period can be provoked by:

  • emotional lability and neuroses;
  • endocrine pathology (obesity or underweight, menstrual irregularities, genital infantilism, etc.);
  • somatic pathology (heart defects, arrhythmias, hypertension, kidney and liver diseases);
  • chronic inflammatory processes of the uterus and cervix;
  • large fruit;
  • (dystrophic processes);
  • fear of childbirth, unwanted pregnancy;
  • first births in women younger than 17 and older than 30;
  • little and;
  • incorrect position of the fetus and placenta;
  • and others.

How does it manifest

The clinical picture of the pathological preliminary period is characterized by painful contractions that occur not only at night, but also during the day. The contractions are irregular and do not turn into true ones for a long time. The pathological preliminary period can continue from one to ten days, which disrupts the sleep of the pregnant woman and contributes to her fatigue.

The cervix does not undergo structural changes, that is, it does not “ripen”. It is long, located anteriorly or posteriorly, dense, and the external and internal pharynx are closed. Also, the lower segment of the uterus does not unfold, and the uterus itself is easily excitable and has an increased tone.

The presenting part of the child does not press against the entrance to the small pelvis for a long time, despite the absence of any discrepancy between the size of the baby and the mother's pelvis. The presence of uterine hypertonicity makes it difficult to palpate the head and small parts of the child.

Uterine contractions are monotonous for a long time, the intervals between them are not shortened and the intensity of contractions does not increase. The psycho-emotional status of the expectant mother also suffers. She is irritable and whiny, aggressive and afraid of childbirth, doubts their successful completion.

The long course of the pathological preliminary period is often complicated by the premature outflow of water and. Due to the expenditure of energy, this pathology often turns into a weakness of the ancestral forces.

Vegetative disorders are often noted (neurocirculatory dystonia, excessive sweating), a woman complains of pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, palpitations and shortness of breath, painful stirring of the baby.

Question answer

I am about to give birth for the first time and I am afraid that I will not be able to distinguish false contractions from true ones. What do i do?

Many primiparous women are afraid to miss real contractions, mistaking them for false ones. Doctors recommend: if there is any doubt about false contractions, especially if they are sore and last a minute or more, you should go to the hospital. The obstetrician will conduct an internal vaginal examination and assess the maturity and. If the alarm is false, the woman will be allowed to go home with a recommendation to come to the antenatal clinic in 2-3 days.

When I gave birth for the first time, the doctors told me about some incorrect preparatory contractions and after a while they opened the fetal bladder, after which I gave birth myself. What was it and is there a high probability of recurrence of this situation in the second birth?

In the first birth, you had a pathological preliminary period. The likelihood of its development in the second birth depends on many reasons, but primarily on the mood for the successful completion of childbirth. Attend mothers' school, do self-hypnosis and breathing exercises, try to get rid of the fear of childbirth and follow the doctor's recommendations. Competent psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth will significantly reduce the chances of a pathological course of the preparatory period.

I have 41 - 42 weeks (counted in the antenatal clinic), but there are no false contractions and other harbingers of childbirth. What to do?

You may be having an overdue pregnancy. To stimulate labor, use natural methods (long walks, sex, certain diets, etc.).

How is a pathological preliminary period treated?

The tactics of managing a woman depends on the duration of the pathological preparatory period, the condition of the cervix, the intensity of pain, the condition of the mother and child. With a "mature" neck and the duration of this pathology is less than 6 hours, an opening of the fetal bladder is performed to stimulate contractions. If the cervix is ​​“immature”, but this period lasts 6 hours or less, sedatives (Relanium) are prescribed and the cervix is ​​prepared (prepidil-gel intracervically). In the case of a protracted course (more than 10 hours) of the pathological preparatory period, a medical sleep-rest is prescribed, after which the pregnant woman wakes up in the active phase of contractions.

A few weeks before the birth, the expectant mother begins to experience unpleasant pulling sensations localized in the lower abdomen. This phenomenon is called "training contractions", sometimes they are called "false" or "preparatory". In the medical literature, the name "Brexton-Hicks contractions" is found after the name of the author who first described them.

False contractions are a normal reaction of the female body during the last trimester of pregnancy. They prepare, adapt the uterus for the upcoming birth, help her to adjust the rhythm of contractions for the future birth of the child. However, many mothers-to-be, especially while expecting their first child, mistake false contractions for real ones, which makes them go to the maternity ward ahead of time, so it’s worth learning to distinguish them from each other.

Differences between true contractions and false ones

True or real contractions are contractions of the uterus, during which its muscle layers become thicker and shorter, which is accompanied by smoothing and opening of the pharynx. After opening the cervix, attempts are added to them - contractions of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, this helps the child to pass through the birth canal. Contractions occur involuntarily, they are the main harbinger of childbirth.

Each fight has a certain wave-like cycle: an increase in contractions - reaching the highest degree - muscle relaxation - a pause. At the beginning of labor, the tension of the uterus lasts about 15 seconds with pauses of 10-15 minutes. By the end of labor, the duration of contractions reaches 1-1.5 minutes, and the frequency is 2-3 minutes.

The main subjective sign by which false contractions can be distinguished from true ones is their frequency and duration, training uterine contractions are irregular, their length does not increase over time.

Training contractions are also contractions of the uterus, but their main difference is that they are not accompanied by the opening of the cervix and do not lead to the birth of a child. This phenomenon usually begins to disturb a woman from 30-32 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes much earlier - from 20-22. Some future mothers do not feel false contractions at all for the entire period of bearing a child.

The table lists the signs by which preparatory contractions can be distinguished from real ones:


false contractions

True contractions

Irregular, there is no increase in their frequency

Regular, over time, the length increases, and the pause decreases

Quite weak, most women describe them as "unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower abdomen", very rarely they can be given to the lower back

Painful, almost always radiating to the lower back

Reaction to environmental factors

Change of position, rest, taking medications (papaverine, no-shpa) eliminate false contractions

Doesn't stop no matter what you do

When examining a doctor

No dilatation of the cervix

The cervix is ​​dilated

Other signs

Normally not accompanied by other symptoms

May be accompanied by other harbingers of childbirth (mucus plug discharge, scarlet vaginal discharge)

Relief of false contractions and reasons to see a doctor

False contractions are an excellent training for the upcoming birth. They help a woman get used to the discomfort, learn how to breathe properly. However, if training uterine contractions cause severe discomfort to a woman, there are 5 simple ways to get rid of them:
  1. Change in body position. When performing any physical activity, you should lie down on the bed. If at the time of the onset of contractions a woman was resting, it is worth getting up, trying to walk, doing light gymnastics.
  2. Drink a glass of pure water, juice or weak herbal tea.
  3. You can go for a walk in the fresh air, an increase in oxygen in the blood provokes the cessation of contractions.
  4. Take a warm shower or bath. Hot water helps relieve muscle tension.
  5. Breathing exercises. There are many exercises to relieve uterine tension. The most popular include "dog breathing" - a woman should breathe often and quickly at the peak of the fight, the maximum duration of such "gymnastics" is no more than 40 seconds. There is also a “candle” technique - the expectant mother needs to take a deep breath through her nose, and then quickly exhale through her mouth.
When the above methods do not help relieve tension in the uterus, and the duration and frequency of contractions increases, the woman should go to the maternity hospital. It is better to do this when their ratio becomes 5/45 (duration 45 seconds, interval 5 minutes), since the first stage of labor can be 10-12 hours, the first half of which is more comfortable to spend at home. But if the expectant mother is under severe stress, she should go to the hospital as early as possible in order to be under the supervision of specialists.

Sometimes the appearance of false or true contractions can pose a threat to the unborn child. The cause for concern are:

  • discharge of scarlet color from the vagina (probability of placental abruption);
  • watery discharge from the vagina (probability of water discharge);
  • secretion of dense mucus (mucus plug leaves);
  • very severe, unbearable pain;
  • increased contractions up to 5 per minute;
  • reduction or cessation of baby movements;
  • feeling of "bursting" of the perineum.
These symptoms may be a variant of the norm, but if they appear, you should immediately seek medical help. Usually the signs listed above are the harbingers of childbirth, which means the contractions are true. But with training uterine contractions, various complications can occur (premature discharge of amniotic fluid), which requires medical intervention.

False or training contractions are called contractions that do not lead to the opening of the cervix and the start of labor. By nature and intensity, such contractions can be very similar to real ones. It can be quite difficult for an inexperienced expectant mother to distinguish one condition from another. How to recognize false contractions and not miss childbirth?


False contractions are nothing more than training contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. In the medical community, this phenomenon is called the contraction (contraction) of Braxton-Hicks. When conducting IGG, these contractions are recorded as waves of a certain amplitude. An experienced doctor will be able to easily determine the training contractions of the uterus for NGH and distinguish them from the onset of real contractions.

Why do practice fights happen? It's simple: the body of the expectant mother needs to prepare for the upcoming birth. The muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) gradually increases its activity in order to be ready for intensive work by the date "X". A similar phenomenon should not frighten a pregnant woman - everything goes as nature intended.

There are situations that can provoke an increase in the muscle tone of the uterus and the appearance of false contractions:

  • stress and any strong feelings (positive and negative);
  • physical activity (lifting weights, walking up stairs, brisk walking and any unusual hard work);
  • active movements of the fetus;
  • hot bath (including foot bath) or shower;
  • visiting a sauna or bath;
  • air travel;
  • a long journey by train or car on uneven roads;
  • sudden changes in air temperature;
  • ARVI or other acute illness;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology of internal organs;
  • alcohol intake;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of coffee, strong tea, energy drinks;
  • refusal of food and a long diet;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • prolonged retention of urine and overflow of the bladder;
  • constipation;
  • poor sleep, lack of sleep, insomnia;
  • sex.

There are many reasons, and it is far from always possible to find a provoking factor. The longer the gestation period, the more often false contractions will occur, and the more likely it is that a variety of life situations will affect the muscle tone of the uterus.


For the first time, false contractions may appear as early as 24-38 weeks. In fact, there are no strict rules here. Some women feel training contractions of the myometrium almost from the beginning of the third trimester, while others do not notice anything like this almost until the very birth. The complete absence of false contractions during pregnancy is also considered the norm.

It is noticed that in multiparous women, training contractions occur earlier and make themselves felt much more often. It is possible that this is due to the greater sensitivity of the body. Inexperienced future mothers sometimes simply do not know about this phenomenon and do not focus on recurrent uterine contractions.


Every woman experiences false contractions in her own way. For some, this is nothing more than mild and moderate pulling pains in the lower abdomen that occur from time to time. Some women indicate a feeling of slight discomfort over the bosom, others are not able to fall asleep or do their usual activities with uterine contractions. The severity of training contractions also depends on the general condition of the woman, as well as on the individual pain threshold.

Many women note that the sensations of false contractions are most similar to girdle pain emanating from the womb and spreading to the lower back. The pain may radiate to the groin, sacrum, perineum. It would be correct to compare the training contractions of the myometrium with the sensations that occur during menstruation. It is worth remembering this state: it is likely that true contractions will follow approximately the same scenario.

With the growth of the fetus and the increase in gestational age, the frequency and intensity of false contractions increases. If at the beginning of the third trimester these are light, slightly noticeable cramping pains in the lower abdomen, then closer to childbirth, such sensations can be easily confused with real contractions. After 37 weeks, false contractions become stronger and can cause significant discomfort to the expectant mother. Strengthening the training contractions of the uterus and reducing the gap between them clearly indicates the imminent birth of the baby.


The main characteristics of false contractions:

  1. Irregularity. Training bouts go at different intervals - from 5-10 minutes to several hours. The interval between uterine contractions will always be different. It is quite difficult to predict the time of the onset of the next fight.
  2. Short duration. On average, training bouts last no more than 30 seconds.
  3. Weak or moderate soreness. Over time, the contractions do not intensify, the pain does not increase.
  4. They subside suddenly, and may not make themselves felt for several hours or days.
  5. In most cases, they do not interfere with normal sleep and normal activities.
  6. They usually occur at night and are almost invisible during the day.

The most important: training contractions do not dilate the cervix and do not trigger labor. False contractions of the uterus subside, and the pregnancy continues according to its usual scenario.

A special case

A small percentage of pregnant women complain of fairly strong false contractions. Intense uterine contractions can occur at any time, but are more often noted after 37 weeks, when the baby is ready to be born. Despite painful and prolonged contractions, the cervix does not open. What to do in such a situation?

Option one: low pain threshold. Objectively, contractions are not too high in strength and frequency, but they cause serious discomfort to the expectant mother. If this condition is not accompanied by other pathological changes, treatment is not carried out. A pregnant woman should find for herself the best way to experience false contractions. It is possible to prescribe sedatives and antispasmodics (after consulting a doctor).

Option two: the threat of premature birth. Strong contractions for up to 36 weeks can be a sign of uterine hypertonicity and threaten the birth of a child ahead of schedule.

Distinctive features:

  • the pain is localized mainly in the lower abdomen, radiates to the lower back and perineum;
  • moderate soreness persists almost constantly;
  • the uterus is dense, its tone is increased during palpation.

With placental abruption, this condition is combined with the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina or the development of heavy bleeding. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

Option three: true contractions. The birth of a child can occur at any time, and not always at full term. Often, expectant mothers simply do not have time to realize the moment when false contractions turn into true ones and labor activity starts. If the contractions intensify over time and become more painful, you should prepare for the imminent birth of the baby.

From contractions to childbirth

How to recognize that false contractions have turned into full-fledged labor? There are several criteria that help a pregnant woman navigate the situation:

  1. Contractions gradually increase and become more and more painful.
  2. The interval between contractions is steadily decreasing.
  3. The duration of contractions gradually increases.

To count contractions, the expectant mother should note all the changes that occur in a notebook. It is required to indicate:

  • the moment of the beginning of the fight (with an accuracy of up to a minute);
  • the duration of the fight (in seconds);
  • end time of the fight.

You can note your own feelings at this moment, as well as the activity of the fetus.

Attention! If the contractions go every 5 minutes, regularly, with approximately the same or steadily decreasing interval between them, and last more than 30 seconds, you should prepare for an early birth.

Other situations requiring special attention:

  • Contractions become very painful, almost unbearable.
  • Pain sensations are localized mainly in the perineum (a sign of the onset of attempts).
  • The interval between contractions is less than a minute.
  • The amniotic fluid has broken (or is leaking drop by drop).
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract appeared (a symptom of cervical dilatation or placental abruption).
  • The child moves very actively.
  • The fetus is quiet or does not move at all.
  • The woman's condition worsens (headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms).
  • A woman's blood pressure rises or drops sharply.

Some of these symptoms indicate the imminent completion of labor, others indicate the development of complications. In any case, the intervention of a specialist and hospitalization in a maternity hospital is required.

Diagnostic algorithm

The main differences between false contractions and true ones are presented in the table:

sign false contractions True contractions
Regularity Irregular Regular
Duration No more than 20 seconds, approximately constant Increases over time from 20-30 seconds to 1 minute
Intensity Weak to moderate, intensity does not increase The intensity of sensations increases with time
Interval between contractions From several minutes to several hours and days Gradually reduced to 1 minute or less
Frequency per day Up to 6 times a day and no more than 2 hours in a row More than 6-8 times a day or lasting more than 2 hours in a row
Taking antispasmodics Weakens or stops contractions Does not affect

In the conditions of the antenatal clinic or in the maternity hospital, the doctor can conduct an additional examination - NGG. External hysterography allows you to accurately identify Braxton-Hicks contractions and distinguish them from true labor.

NGG is a painless and completely safe procedure. Sensors are placed on the woman's abdomen. All information is displayed on the screen or the contractile activity of the uterus is recorded on film. The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes to an hour. Usually, NHG in late pregnancy is combined with CTG. With the help of cardiotocography, the fetal heartbeat is assessed, and signs of hypoxia are detected.

What to do?

Some women are quite hard to endure training bouts. It doesn’t matter what it is connected with, whether the low pain threshold or the mentality of the expectant mother is to blame. One thing is important: such contractions are exhausting, disrupt the usual course of life, and become a serious problem. False contractions are not difficult to survive if they turn into labor during the day. But what to do if such a condition has been bothering you for several weeks, you need to find a way to comfortably live false contractions.

Help with false contractions:

  1. Walk. Half an hour of leisurely walking is a good way to warm up, relieve stress from some muscles and switch to others. It is best to walk away from the freeway, in a park or in the forest. Silence and tranquility are essential attributes of a walk.
  2. Change of position. The knee-elbow pose will help to relax the muscles. In this position, the load on the stomach is reduced, the hypertonicity of the uterus goes away. Some women are comfortable in the side position.
  3. Dream. If false contractions are caught in the evening and at night, the best option is to try to sleep. You should choose the most comfortable position - the one in which the contractions of the uterus are not so noticeable.
  4. Warm shower. The temperature of the water should be comfortable, not scalding, but not cold. Warm jets of water relax the uterus and eliminate discomfort. Body gels and oils can be used as aromatherapy. You should choose calm relaxing aromas (lavender, ylang-ylang, bergamot, geranium, mint, rose).
  5. warm drink. A glass of plain water, drunk in slow sips, will help relieve tension and relax. You can drink berry juice or compote. Avoid tea and coffee.
  6. Music. The best way to relax is to turn on your favorite music. Not too loud, but so that you don't have to strain your ears.
  7. Massage. A relaxing massage of the upper half of the body can be done by a spouse, girlfriend or other close person. You can stretch your feet and hands yourself - this will also help relieve tension and eliminate the increased tone of the uterus.

Other Methods

Among other techniques, breathing exercises deserve special attention. A few simple exercises will help eliminate pain and stop training contractions:

  • Technique #1: Calm breathing. With the onset of the contraction, you should take a slow breath, and then exhale slowly and calmly.
  • Technique number 2: depict a dog. During a contraction, you should breathe quickly, often, superficially. Such breathing can be maintained for no more than 30 seconds, so as not to provoke dizziness and fainting.
  • Technique number 3: depict a candle. Inhale through the nose, take a deep breath. We exhale through the mouth - sharply and quickly.

When performing breathing exercises, the woman's well-being should remain normal. If shortness of breath or dizziness occurs, the exercise should be stopped.

Breathing exercises will help not only to remove false contractions. Such techniques will allow you to cope with pain during childbirth, when the intensity of sensations will only increase. It will not be superfluous to practice breathing exercises before the start of contractions - true or false. Having mastered the technique, the expectant mother will be able to use it without any problems at the right time.

Pregnant women who practice yoga can use some asanas to alleviate their condition:

  1. Baddha konasana. In a sitting position with a straight back, you need to fold your legs and pull your feet towards you. Palms should clasp the feet and achieve maximum disclosure in the perineum. In this case, the spine should be pulled up, and the hips and knees should be slowly and very carefully lowered down to the floor.
  2. Pashimottanasana (in a variation for pregnant women). In a sitting position, stretch your legs forward and spread them wide. Wrap your hands around your big toes. At the same time, the shoulders should be directed down, then the shoulder blade will tend to connect behind the back. The spine must be kept straight.
  3. Prasarita padottonasana. Spread your legs wider than your hips, tilt your body, find support for your outstretched arms. In this position, the load on the uterus and other internal organs is reduced, and thus the condition improves.

All asanas are done smoothly, slowly, without sudden movements. During exercise, you should carefully listen to your body. If you experience pain in the joints, muscles, spine, you should stop exercising and choose a different way of relaxation for yourself. Do not interfere with preliminary work with a yoga instructor. In childbirth, with true contractions, asanas will also help to alleviate the condition and relieve pain.

What to do if none of the suggested methods helps? Call an ambulance and do not forget to take a bag with all the things you need in the hospital. Probably, false contractions turned into real ones, and the baby will soon be born. The exact conclusion will be given by the doctor after examining the woman in the emergency room of the maternity hospital.

It happens that in the maternity hospital a woman is sent back with an indication that the cervix has not yet opened and labor has not begun. There is nothing wrong with that. It is better to be sure that everything is going well than to miss dangerous complications. Often a woman returns to the emergency room of the maternity hospital in just a few hours with already real contractions. If you have any doubts, you can contact your doctor and ask him all the exciting questions about the upcoming birth.

But the expectant mother is simply not able to let everything take its course, she listens to each baby, and if the baby does not move for a long time, the mother starts to get nervous.

And when it starts to reduce the stomach, pull the lower back, and everything seems to be like contractions (is it really time to give birth?), And the period is still short, then you will definitely think: are these or training (false) contractions before childbirth?

How to recognize and how training contractions manifest themselves? Let's try to figure it out together.

It is very important to distinguish labor pains from training otherwise, the expectant mother will simply exhaust herself with unnecessary questions and suspicions. However, if you clearly know the differences and what to do, then you can not be afraid of real or training fights.

Training fights are also called false. They were first described by the Englishman Braxton Hicks in 1872, so Also known as Braxton Hicks contractions.

It is believed that nature specially invented them in order for the cervix and the uterus itself to prepare for childbirth during such contractions, as it were, to train (hence the name - training contractions).

Exploring similarities and differences

In order not to confuse false contractions with generic ones, it is necessary to know exactly their differences.

False contractions (their symptoms and signs):

  • irregular, the intervals between them can be any, not cyclical. Contractions may disturb once a day or several, and possibly once a week;
  • painless, in very rare cases they bring discomfort (painful false contractions are a rarity);
  • attacks can be neutralized by a change of position, a warm bath or shower, just get up to walk or, on the contrary, lie down, do breathing exercises and think about something good;
  • the cervix does not open.

Birth pains:

  • differ in regularity and clear periodicity. Gradually, the time intervals between contractions decrease, and the duration of the contractions themselves increases;
  • very painful, they cannot be anesthetized or relieve seizures;
  • contractions continue until the baby is born;
  • the cervix opens and prepares for childbirth.

When do contractions start and how long do they last?

False contractions can appear already during pregnancy and, of course, this does not mean that it is time to give birth. Relax and calm down. Just listen to yourself and your feelings.

With false contractions the uterus, as it were, turns to stone, as the muscles come into tone. At the same time, the lower back can ache and sip the lower abdomen.

But these contractions pass, do not grow, they are very easy to remove (unlike the real ones, which no longer calm down and calm down, but, on the contrary, become more frequent).

Many women do not experience false contractions at all throughout their pregnancy, so at the time of their appearance can scare any mother, especially - primiparous. Young women get scared, confuse them with real ones and prepare for the upcoming birth.

Therefore, in order not to worry in vain, try to walk around, change your body position, drink water, tea or juice, and most importantly, calm down. If contractions do not recur at regular intervals, then this is definitely a "false alarm" and you can still wait.

False contractions last 30-60 seconds and pass, may appear once an hour, or twice a day.

Their timing is impossible to predict. This can happen when you are walking with bags from the store, on a walk, at home. The longer the period, the more noticeable false contractions can be. But it’s easy enough to deal with them by learning breathing exercises.

With training fights, this is just a miraculous method for removing them. However, Each woman can have her own individual method of getting rid of false contractions.: it is enough for one to take a walk, and the other to drink something sweet. Try different methods and you will definitely find the one that suits you.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

With pregnancy and more, the woman is already ready for childbirth. At this time, you already need to be more attentive to your condition.

In some cases, it is simply necessary to immediately consult a doctor, namely, when contractions are accompanied by:

  • watery or bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • severe back pain;
  • if you feel like your water has broken;
  • if you notice that at the same time the fetus froze or the movement weakened.

Pregnant women very often ask doctors a question, How not to confuse Braxton Hicks practice contractions with labor contractions. Doctors answer this unequivocally that it is impossible to confuse real contractions with anything.

Therefore, dear mothers, listen to yourself, compare the signs of real and false contractions with your feelings.

If, however, suspicions bother you, and you are not sure that you have correctly identified, best to see a doctor, who will examine you, listen to your story about his feelings and, based on this, tell you if something threatens you or you should not worry.

So you will feel more confident and will not be nervous, keeping calm and strength for the upcoming birth.