Description of a suit of a rich man. Rich and stylish? How the most wealthy women of the planet dress up. Give preference to artificial suede

It doesn't matter how much money you have - anyone may look gorgeous. From this article, you will learn how to dress as if you have too much money, care for yourself and choose things that your image will make more sophisticated and exquisite. In addition, you will learn to behave so that nothing will give you out.


Choosing clothes

    Buy clothes that is well sitting on the figure. Not decorations, brands, fabrics or a certain Cra are talking about the wealth of a person - the whole thing in clothes sitting in the figure. If you want to look rich, you should buy clothes that will sit as if it was adjusted for you. And ordinary, and elegant clothes should sit well and emphasize the advantages of your figure.

    • The size of finished clothes vary, as the fabric cuts the machine. Two pairs of pants of one size may actually differ. Try to try on at least three pairs in your size to choose what will sit best.
    • Spend on the shopping a little more time and buy those things that are perfect on you. If the shirt, skirt or pants you really liked, but they sit bad, do not buy them.
  1. Buy high-quality things occasionally, while have quite a lot of profitable acquisitions in the wardrobe. If you want to save on things, but look rich, one trick will help you. You can buy one or two expensive branded things, and then add them cheaper so that you can combine them differently and look good at the same time.

    Cut from clothes tags and logos. On expensive designer clothes, as a rule, there are no logos in the most prominent place. If you want to look like you have a lot of money, do not carry a bunch of logos. Choose simple clothes without instructions.

    • Sometimes fashionable brands like Coach, Fendi, Dolce & Gabbana and others put logos or name to a noticeable place. Yes, it is expensive brands, but it is not a sign of wealth. It is better to have many beautiful nameless things in the wardrobe than one coach bag, which has left all your savings.
  2. Check out more often. If you want to seem like a rich man, it is important for you to look as if you are in a hurry to some important place. Board meeting? Exclusive nightclub? Yacht Club? Red carpet? Every day you should have a reason to dress up.

    • Men should be as often as possible to carry Cardigans of pastel tones, smooth cotton shirts, slips sitting on the figure, and fitted jackets. In no case can not wear shorts.
    • Women should wear skirts, dresses and shoes on a heel, if you want to achieve a classic image. To look more fashionable, you can wear designer jeans, a scarf and a t-shirt with a print. Do not go out of the house in the sports pants.
  3. Buy clothes from natural materials. If possible, the fabric must be completely natural. When buying, pay attention to the labels where the composition is written, and choose things from cotton, cashmere, silk, flax and wool. If there are several materials in the fabric, they should all be natural.

    Wear only clean and ironing clothes. Of course, it is important to have good clothes, but even more important to have clothes that looks neat and well. Erase things according to the instructions on the label and do not use the dryer for clothes. Delicate fabrics should be given in dry cleaning. Flight clothes before putting it.

    • The more often you will erase things, the faster they wear out. Fly clothing and carefully fold it for storage so that she does not have to wash it once again.
    • Wool, velvet and silk should be taken in dry cleaning. Cotton and cashmere can be washed at home.
  4. Be prepared for the weather. It is important to dress beautifully and weather. Do not get under the rain in unsuitable clothes - be always ready for changes in the weather, taking into account the season.

    • Learn from fashion magazines that will be popular in the new season. Watch out for fashion trends to always know what will be fashionable soon.
    • The classic image implies multi-layered in clothes, and sweaters, coats and similar things will be appropriate in cool weather.
  5. Wash money on shoes. The image begins with shoes, and good shoes can do a lot, so pay special attention to it. Buy at least one pair of high-quality shoes and some cheaper couples for every day.

    • Men can be closed to classic oxfords and lofopes whose meaning is underestimated. Boots to the ankle will look fashionable and stylish. Choose leather shoes.
    • Women have a good job in the wardrobe. Classic boats on a heel in the style of famous chanel shoes.
    • Watch out for cleanliness of shoes. Remove the shoes indoors and clean and rub it regularly so that it retains it longer. It is best to store shoes in boxes.
  6. Wear imperceptible jewelry. Decorations can bring you. A small number of jewelry speaks about wealth, and an excess - about poscommunication. Choosing decorations, Think of Jay-Z, and not about Trinidad James; About the queen Elizabeth, and not about Snukka. A couple of simple jewelry can make your image elegant.

  7. Pick up fashionable or unusual accessories. A real designer bag or wallet is very good, but try to buy something more fashionable and original. Fashionable always like many, not counting the conservatives. The thing must be high quality and leather, even if it is not designer. Select something simple.

    Personal care

    1. Take a shower every day. It will give others to understand that you care about yourself and that you have time and tools to care. Carefully beware every day and do not comprehend time to bring yourself in order.

      • In the shower, clean the skin of louffe. Free the skin from dead parts to clean it deeply and make it healthy.
      • If you are engaged in sports, take a shower twice a day: in the morning and after exercise. Do not let the sweat remain on the skin.
      • So that the skin was healthy and shining, apply a moisturizing cream after the shower and use soft soap.
    2. Strengit hair every 2-3 weeks. If you do not have much money, the hairstyle is what many are ready to refuse, but do not do that. Stream from a good hairdresser to whom you trust, 1-2 times a month. Get rid of the stuck tips and make the shape that you go.

      • Hairstyles in men should be perfectly smooth, and faces should be smooth. Beard and mustache should be striking extremely carefully so that there is no excess hairs anywhere.
      • Women should wear neat and fashionable hairstyles, and hair should be bright and shining. The hair color should be natural, like any coloring or timing - everything should look like your hair slightly burned in the sun.
      • If you want to save, learn how to cut yourself yourself.
    3. Use natural shades cosmetics. Makeup of a secured woman should be natural - most importantly here are inappropriate colors and a neat base for makeup. Do not draw too bold arrows and do not use false eyelashes. Everything must be done with taste.

      • Clean the skin. A rich woman should have good skin. It is best to leave a natural hue of the skin. So that the skin was clean and without freckles, use the sunscreen, although the light blush still prevented anyone.
      • Red lipstick applies to classic makeup elements of a woman. It always looks stylish.
    4. Follow the nails. Manicure does not have to be very expensive. Purve the nails regularly and make a manicure in low-cost salons. Short nails look elegant and expensive, and the long - cheap and unattended. To make an image sophisticated, choose a French manicure.

      • Men should also regularly make a manicure to nails and cuticle have always been in order. The desire to give hands time and care for them is a sign of wealth.
      • Learn to clean your nails on your own and trim the cuticle.
    5. Use whitening paste. Caring for teeth and treatment are expensive. The more you care for your teeth yourself, the better you will look and the less money you have to spend on dentists. Use the dental thread every day and the riffler for the mouth and clean the teeth of whitening paste twice in the laziness. Let your smile look a million dollars.

      • White color is not always a sign of the health of the teeth, however, white teeth look much better than faded and yellow. Do not drink too much tea and coffee, do not smoke, and your teeth will be white.


    1. Go out to see you. Come in new restaurants, clubs and other popular places. Rich people often appear in the newest and most fashionable establishments not only to relax, but also in order to show themselves. If you want to impress a secured person, try to follow the news and book places in advance.

      • Subscribe to the newsletter of fashion restaurants or follow them on social networks to further learn about the trends and new dishes.
      • Opening day should always be your day. It is important to you in a new place when it only opens, and not when everything knows about him. Be the first.
    2. Possess good manners and follow the etiquette rules. Wealth accompanies chic. If you want to impress a rich person, it is important to follow your manners. Even if you are standing in line, you should remember worthy behavior.

      • Eat more slowly and eat closed mouth. Do not rush to swallow food - enjoy the process, and do not swallow it, not chewing.
      • Keep calm and do not raise your voice if upset. Learn to speak calm and smooth tone, even if someone tries to bring you out of themselves.
      • Keep your back smoothly and do not lower the head. Good posture sitting and standing talks about wealth.
    3. Examine expensive brands. Knowledge of key expensive brands will give others to understand that you are rich, even if you do not have those things about which you talk about. Secured people often pay attention to the following stamps:

      • Clothes: Gucci, Dior, Burberry, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Coach, Louis Vuitton.
      • Cars: Lamborghini, Alfa Romeo, Aston Martin, Audi, Bentley, BMW, Bugatti, Cadillac, Jaguar, Maserati, Ferrari.
      • Other well-known names and names, including restaurants and their chefs, designers, artists, architects. Rich people know about local celebrities.
      • Say your thoughts clear. Speak slower and quieter, pronounce words clearly and formulate thoughts clearly.
    4. Get a fashionable hobby. Rich people have their own interests. Some of them cost large amounts, but if you want to seem rich, without spending money for participation, read about the following activities on Wikihow to seem like this expert in this:

      • Golf
      • Tennis
      • Skiing
      • Food in gourmet restaurants
      • Marigue
      • Travels
      • Horseback riding
    5. Do not exhibit all at the bottom. Very rich people do not feel the need to brag their money. Most often, these people are less interested in their states. If you want to make the impression you want, it is important to relax and give people the opportunity to draw conclusions themselves. Do not impose your "wealth" around.

      • If you have a conversation about money, dismiss from it. If you are forced to talk about it, you can say so: "I don't want to talk about it" or "I'm fine."
    • Be polite with the service personnel, including waiters, but do not overtake the stick. Be hold and behave as usual.
    • If you were invited to dinner, capture a bottle of wine or a bouquet of fresh colors. Do not forget to send letters with gratitude for a pleasant evening.
    • If you have a lot of money or you will pretend that you have a lot of them, you will optionally like people more.
    • Wear designer things. They can be bought in many multi-brand boutiques and their outlet.
    • Search on the Internet addresses of outlet (that is, stores where designer things are sold at a reduced price). It is also worth looking for a discount coupon in these stores.
    • Learn to behave at the table. It is also worth learn about the difference between cream brulee and custard.


    • Do not smoke and do not take drugs. No cheeky. Do not swear in humans and never shown anywhere in a drunk.
    • Remember that the desire to look rich can lead to completely opposite results. The one who spends hundreds of thousands of rubles for hours, receives not only a great watch, but also debt hundreds of thousands of rubles.
    • Never talk about money and expensive toys that you have or which you do not have.
    • If you are angry, do not threaten to people by the court.
    • It's not about things, clothing or car that can create a false impression. Case in relation to life. Do not be greedy and coarse with people. Do not put on faded decorations and trend clothes, which shouts about your high cost.
    • If you pretend to be someone else, it can play a keen joke with you. Your new friends are just friends of the false image created by you. Your former friends can be offended by such behavior and turn away from you.

A person who looks presented, successfully and well maintained, always causes the location and confidence. The image of respectability contributes to the rapid establishment of contacts, the emergence of understanding, the arrangement of the opposite sex, etc.

And to look like this, it is not necessary to be a daughter of oil tycoon - you just need to know a few secrets to create your own expensive and stylish image.

12 lessons for creating a "dear" image - lessons of style for every day

Of course, when there is money - everything is easier. You can contact a stylist who will help with creating an image, undergo a course of procedures in the beauty salon, choose dear clothes in fashion boutique, etc.

Alas, most of our citizens such expenses are not on the wallet.

But this is not a reason to lower your hands, because there are a lot of ways to look expensive, without investing big money.

The most important style lessons for your image:

  1. White and black. Choosing your image for the day, stick to one color in clothes - neutral. "All in white" or "all in black". The refinement will add a game with textures of fabrics. And, of course, take care of the hairstyle - it should look like you just came out of the salon.
  2. Monochrome. An option for those who do not like monophone in the image. Choose a wardrobe in the monochrome range. As a basis, we take one color, and then with taste (!) Layout, other elements of clothing in the shades of the selected color. Emphasis - on texture of fabrics. For example, suede and knitwear, wool and leather, or silk with jeans.
  3. Clothing to order. In the atelier it is not necessary to go. A talented seam can be found in his city and outside the studio. I draw an exclusive sketch (in the measure of abilities) yourself, and then we give it a seam and waiting for the masterpiece. This method will help dilute the wardrobe not the same "market" things, but stylish and fashionable, which will no longer be anyone.
  4. Style "Out of Time." It is not necessary to "run" behind seasonal trends, the best choice is a classic, always remaining out of time. This option allows and looks expensive, and makes it easier to create your own fashion image. For example, we put on dark branded jeans and a beautiful T-shirt with a "V" neckline. Add proper shoes and accessories to the image.
  5. Finishing accent. In this case, we are talking about the details ending the image. Just put on a fashionable set of clothes - a little, you need to add, for example, a stylish hat, a triple or cloak. A small but important nuance, which, besides, can be removed at any time.
  6. Gold. Do not enjoy jewelry. The main secret of the jewelry of the image is a bit, but expensive. You do not need to hang on the whole drawer of diamonds, chains and rings - just one expensive bracelet or chain with a pendant. In the absence of funds for gold, choose high-quality branded jewelry (not market!). However, and the silver of the author's work is always in the trend! Cheaper, more affordable and also effectively.
  7. "Geometric" bags. Any woman knows that one of the most important items in the image is a high-quality expensive bag that must necessarily approach your ensemble. Do not save on my bags - do not take them on shops near the house, "where cheaper". If the salary does not allow, it is better to take 1-2 handbags, but dear and universal. That is, suitable for any image. It is better to choose models from smooth skin, preferably - geometric shape. And, of course, with a minimum of details.
  8. Light print. Not intrusive, bright and large-scale, but a lightweight, emphasizing your style. For example, vertical or horizontal stripes.
  9. Your individual style. No decorations? Doesn't the cabinet, tightly clogged by the mountain of expensive things? No problem! Create a harmonious image from what is. The main task is to create your own unique style by adding a few catching parts. For example, fashionable hat, scarf, wide belt, gloves, etc.
  10. We update the old wardrobe! Today there is a sea of \u200b\u200bways to give old things to the second life: make beautiful fashionable fashion shorts from old trousers, renewed noses with rhinestone shoes, decorate old fucking jeans embroidery, beading or other decor, put a lot of fashionable pockets on the crash, one of a slightly fantasy, one " Magic "basket with needlework - and voila! New fashionable image is ready!
  11. Spectacular hairstyle. Even beautiful, but just loose hair is far from a sign of "dear" image. The hairstyle should look like you are 5 minutes ago jumped out of the beauty salon and ran further on business matters. Start every day with styling. Look in the network, options for hairstyles that are suitable for you, and which you can do yourself. Do not forget about hair care! The "dear" woman's hair is always in a gorgeous state, glitter with a healthy glitter, beautifully laid.
  12. Cosmetics. One way to emphasize the merits and, as you know, hide skin flaws. It is only necessary to use cosmetics with the compliance with this rule and, of course, at a minimum, and not in the "3 layers of plaster".

And do not forget about perfume! Choose gentle and exquisite flavors - sophisticated, not apparent.

How to look expensive and essentially without special costs?

The image, of course, does not "solve everything", as it is customary to speak. But it depends on the image a lot. After all, at all times we are met by "clothes" - from the business sphere to personal life.

It is always important to be in a tone and keep your hand on the pulse!

To your attention - a few more secrets for creating an image of "singing finances" in the wallet:

  • Bought a new inexpensive thing? Add her the gloss with the help of parts. For example, expensive beautiful buttons. Today in the stores "for sewing" there are real butchel masterpieces.
  • If you got up on the fashionable path of the expensive woman, do not use knitwear in the image. In any case, in public. Also pass and crazy.
  • Fashion trends - to the background! Your lighthouse should be an elegant classic. Buy yourself, jacket, pencil skirt, jacket and some more classic things with which you can work further, depending on the created image.
  • Bags, belts and shoes choose exclusively of genuine leather. It is impossible to regret this money.
  • Polyester lining on the coat can be replaced with silk.
  • Special attention to the hairstyle, makeup, the choice of perfume - and, of course, in hand. The hands of an expensive woman are always well-groomed, tidy, and with a beautiful fresh manicure.
  • Do not buy things in the market. Throw this bad habit and never come back to it. On the sale in fashion stores (which happen twice a year) you can buy high-quality clothing with solid discounts.
  • Do not argue everything in a row by going shopping. Learn to refuse yourself in nonsense and unnecessary cheeks to have enough money for standing things.
  • Do not buy cheap perfume. Do not buy too sweet perfume. Do not pour on myself in a half block of perfumes at a time. The fragrance should be easy and sophisticated.
  • Get rid of bad habits, gestures and words. Dear woman will never allow himself to smoke like a steam locomotive, in public, spit, fade and drink more than shelter wine in any company. The expensive woman is always cultural, polite and is a "inborn" diplomat.
  • Purchasing things carefully check their quality - Seams, lining, all zippers and butchers.
  • No arrows on tights, holes on socks, hooks and rollers on clothes , old underwear and elongated knees on trousers or sports pants. You should always look like a queen. Even if the whole day spend at home alone, if you take a garbage or run out of bread.

Errors in the desire to look expensive and well maintained - how to avoid beamless and vulgarity?

With the word "vulgarity" are familiar all. But, unfortunately, not everyone remembers about him, choosing an image for the day for the day.

This word has become very popular among the aristocrats after the revolution in France: this label was inspired by representatives from the bourgeois class that do not have blue blood nor knowledge and traditions or the appropriate upbringing.

In our time, the "symptoms" of vulgarism was somewhat modified, but still the essence remained the same.

So, what you can not do if you want to be an expensive woman - your potential errors in the image:

  • Too catchy, bright, inept makeup. Once again we remind - beauty should be natural! That is, neatly and carelessly emphasize the merits and no less carefully hide the flaws. And no more than that! Only high-quality thoughtful makeup can be your "weapon", but not a combat coloring a girl from the village, who first got into the hands of cosmetics.
  • Unnatal hair color. No green and purple, as well as red and blue "overflows". This is "fashionable" for a girl of 15 years, but not for an adult "dear" woman. Tired of monotony? There is a lot of opportunities to change the hairstyle - haircut, curling, coloring and felting, etc.
  • Do not overdo it with manicure. Yes, the nails should be well-groomed and beautiful, but not marked with a mass of sequins, pebbles, etc. The perfect option is a stylish classic french on the marigolds of oval or square shape (not triangular, not pointed!).
  • Forget about the scorched eyelashes and creepy drawn (instead of the plucked) eyebrows! Be closer to the image that Mother Nature gave you.
  • Too much nude body. Dress with an open back is a good option for going out with a cavalier. But not for a shopping. It should also be forgotten about too deep neckline, too short skirt shorts and other things that open the audience what should be hidden from the eyes.
  • Beamless - the main enemy. If you do not know how to walk on studs and high heels - choose other shoes. Thick platforms - for teenagers. The disheveled image of "hippies" - for adolescents. Dress with dots - for teenagers. Translucent blouse with a solid extension - tasteless. Tight dress with too thin figure - tasteless.
  • No rhizes and sequins on clothes if there are too many of them. The emphasis in the image should be on something one! If you sparkle like a Christmas tree, talking about the style inappropriate. Do you wear a bright scarf? Stay only on it. No more bright details in the image. Decided to put on a jig with a print? Choose the rest in 1st color, black or white.
  • On skin substitutes - categorical tabups. Everything should be natural. Ryushechki, bows, abundance of lace - also "in the firebox."
  • If you decide to open any part of the body by adding the image of seductivity, choose - either legs or zone neckline, or shoulders. Open everything immediately - the top of vulgarity.
  • Gently with red! Yes, he wins, "dear" and attracting attention. But only under certain conditions: you have an ideal figure, the red is not too much, the image is concise, competent and complete.
  • Tights with a large grid , with "original patterns", with a seal in the form of "cats" and Ave. Vulgar! Choose a classic!

Forming your new expensive image, make a discount on age, the constitution of the figure, color, etc.


The first impression that you make on people directly depends on overall well suited. Clean skin, well-groomed hands - all this can be achieved without special costs using folk remedies or inexpensive leaving cosmetics. If you are not able to independently make yourself an impeccable manicure - look for an inexpensive hairdresser "no complaints" next to the house, prices are significantly lower there than in beauty salons.

Pay special attention to the condition of the hair. They should always be clean - it is not even discussed. And no! Or you regularly update the color - or you do not paint your hair. A compromise option can be sample shampoos - better than natural tone. The painted hair should either give out the "hand of the master", or not to rush into the eye, the third option is not given. If you wear a short haircut - do not forget to update it in time, the hairstyle lost the form will not add your presentability. If regular visits to the master undermine your budget - grow long hair, it will be enough to end the ends once a few months.

Do not save on bags and shoes - they must be high quality and fairly expensive. But you can afford to choose things that will be beautiful "old" - for example, to buy from leather painted in natural brown tones. Even threads will look stylish. Do not get carried away by extravagant styles. If you can afford only one a couple of winter shoes and choose bright green boots with a rich decor - they will not always look appropriate, in addition, very quickly "taste." We regularly visit - Stopanted Walkers or Seeling Heels do not knit with the image "per million".

Choose clothing carefully. It is better if it is made of natural materials - with other cotton, wool, flax, silk look more expensive than synthetics. Do not get carried away by "interesting models" - inexpensive things with simple cutting on the figure will look better, and their origin "calculate" is more difficult. In addition, things "from the market" issues usually the quality of the seams and decor elements. The smaller they rush into the eyes - the better.

Watch out for discounts and sales of old collections in corporate stores. Not all models of the past season are exploring immediately, and the quality remains quality always. Do not be broken by second-hand in them - you can buy high-quality and original clothes in excellent condition. The main thing is to be interested in the dates of the delivery of new things and come on the first day to catch the cream.

Carefully select the sets of clothing - no element in them should "be knocked out" from the overall concept of the ensemble. Try to make your appearance as much as possible situations - for example, it's better to wear cheap jeans on a picnic, and not office pants. And make sure that the clothes have always been clean, without tightening and rolling.

There are people who prove that the appearance is one of the most unavailable things in life. Looking at these eccentrics, you will never say that they are owners of millions of accounts in the bank. Who loves a simple life, now we will find out.

What for many people is an indicator of wealth? Dear designer clothes, numerous decorations, clock cost, like a car, and so on. In fact, such stereotypes have been outrered for a long time, and many really rich people look, to gently say, "unprepacently". If you do not believe, now you will be sure about it.

1. Mark Zuckerberg

All people who are familiar with the Internet at least once heard the name of this person who has more than $ 70 billion on their bank account. The transcendant amount did not turn his head, and it would be possible to confuse him with an ordinary seller in the store, because this guy likes it more simple life. Plus, Mark is famous for its wide charitable gestures.

2. Leonardo di Caprio

Many people seeing the pictures of the World Pets in the usual life, not the first time they guess that he is the same Leo. It is very not surprising, since the usual T-shirt, shabby jeans and cap do not at all attract attention and do not point to its million state.

3. Boris Johnson

London Mayor is known not only by political decisions, but also its appearance and life actions. He does not like a rigorous costume, but a sports jacket, jeans and other simple things come in his wardrobe. His favorite means of movement - bike.

4. Keanu Reeves

The famous film acter and the dream of many women in life is a real modest. It he shines on red walks in expensive costumes, and on ordinary days the star prefers simple and comfortable clothing. In addition, he can ride without constraints and does not see anything terrible in it.

5. Chuck Fini

Those who travel by plane consider their duty to visit the Duty Free Shoppers chain. At the same time, few people know that her creator, a billionaire Chuck Fini, decided that by 2020 he would spend his entire capital for charity. He makes it gradually. This is just a unique person whose deeds deserve public recognition.

6. Michael Bloomberg

The mayor of New York is included in the top 20 of the richest people in the world, but the inhabitants of the metropolis often see it in the subway, and this is not a political action, but a vital position. He believes that it should not be higher than his people.

7. Ingvar Feodor Camprad

Who did not hear about the famous Swedish furniture company IKEA? No one will surprise the fact that its founder is one of the richest people in the world. At the same time, the man does not sile at all his wealth and is very economical. He not only dresses, like most ordinary people, but also travel on an airplane in economy class.

8. Toby Maguire

Favorite many "Spiderman" in fact, not only loves simple clothes, but is a defender of animals. An interesting story is connected with his vegetarian position: during the filming in the "Great Gatsby", all the main actors received in the personal use of Mercedes-Benz on the new car, but Toby returned it, because the salon was decorated with genuine leather. That's what it means not to retreat from your life positions!

9. Nick Woodman

If you are not familiar to this name, then know that this is the founder of Gopro, which he started from the lowest and became a very successful person. Many will surprise the fact that he was a simple Californian surfer, who just wanted to have a camera so that it was possible to make interesting pictures during skating. Stunning success in no way changed his views on life and looks like this rich as a completely simple person.

10 and 11. Scott Farkvhar and Mike Cannon Brooks

If you had met these two men on the street, I would never have guessed that they were owners of a huge state. What is the most interesting thing - they became billionaires completely by chance (here's all so). During his studies at the Australian University, the guys decided that they did not want to work "on Uncle" in the future, so they created their business. As a result, ATLASSIAN appeared, which brought them a huge income.

12. Sergey Brin

One of the most famous and legendary computer businessmen who is president of Google Inc. technology It has billions, but still continues to lead a modest life: he lives in a three-bedroom apartment, drives to Toyota Prius with a hybrid engine. On his appearance, Sergey's big money also does not spend.

13. Nicholas Berggrüren

The founder of the well-known investment company Berggruen Holdings decided that it was better to be homeless than rich. After he was 45 years old, he realized that the money was not important at all, so sold his elite real estate and began to travel. He lives in low-cost hotels and enjoys the life of an ordinary person. True, continues to be the head of the company.

14. Amancio Ortega

Having encountered this billionaire on the street, you might think that this walks the usual average person. In fact, a man is the founder of the popular clothing brand - Zara, and in its bank account there is more than $ 80 billion. The public of Ortega is known for its modesty, and he runs from journalists, like from fire.