Gift for 14th wedding anniversary. Agate wedding (14 years old) - what kind of wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS

Many men and women who have lived together for more than one year sometimes do not attach any importance to various kinds of intermediate dates that also exist between all known wedding celebrations. But such events should not be missed. Every 12 months spent together is a very significant chapter in the family book. For this reason, another qualitative result of the next year lived together can be its celebration - it doesn’t matter if it is grandiose and magnificent or as modest as possible, the most important thing is that it must necessarily be associated with a specific theme of the next anniversary of the wedding celebration.

What is the name of the anniversary?

A fairly large number of spouses often ignore the 14th anniversary, lived together from the date of marriage. But this is a rather significant date in their family life - the so-called agate anniversary.

Agate is a very durable, though only half precious stone. It is believed that it is a symbol of happiness, family well-being, longevity and financial independence. Since ancient times, it was believed that agate has a large number of various mysterious qualities that should be used if necessary. There is an opinion that during this rather long period of married life, both spouses have fully studied each other and therefore know almost everything about their soulmate. But just as an agate stone can sometimes change its features on the surface, so a husband and wife can sometimes surprise each other with completely new and interesting qualities of their character.

Marriage by this date has already 100% proven its durability, and agate is just one of the hard minerals. Just as relationships between spouses are formed every new day, can consist of different events and sometimes look like layers of a pie, so agate boasts a multilayer structure that is created over a whole series of years.

For 14 years together, the couple have already managed to experience the full intensity of a variety of emotions.- from passion and intractable conflicts to the obvious enjoyment of the presence of the second half. For this reason, agate will be able to fully convey the quality of a 14-year union in its wayward natural beauty with the richness of its stripes, colors and shades.

For those incomplete fifteen years that they have already lived together, the warm relationship between a man and a woman has become really dear and valuable for both of them, especially if there are children in this union. Here is agate - not some cheap pebble, but a beautiful semi-precious stone. Any modern family is unique in its own way, and the pattern of agate can also be considered unique. Certain types of stone with their pattern can resemble a beautiful summer landscape, some will show a bright underwater world, many will be able to see the ruins of an old castle in agate, others will see an eye or flames.

In total, there are more than 150 different types of agate, and you can choose among them the one that will definitely become a real talisman for your family. It is believed that this unusual mineral can draw in energy filled with negativity. And in long-term family relationships, this property can be very useful.

Agate is most often given as a gift to the dearest person in order to wish him longevity and success in any endeavors, since the stone is an undeniable symbol of these blessings. He has a special gift - he will protect his master from misadventures, all sorts of dangers and the harmful effects of enemies.

For this reason, this semi-precious mineral can become the best present if it is presented in honor of the celebration of a wedding celebration after 14 years of marriage.


Throughout the history of such a holiday as the 14th anniversary, it has acquired interesting and even original rituals.

Festive rituals for holding a gala dinner can be considered a symbolic tradition for the 14th anniversary of the wedding celebration - for this you will need to pre-purchase 2 brightly decorated glasses of agate, beads and cufflinks from this amazing mineral.

Before starting the celebration, happy spouses are obliged to exchange gifts - while the husband must put on the neck of his beloved beads of colored agate, and she must fasten his agate cufflinks. After these simple manipulations, sweet wine is quickly poured into the glasses, and it should be drunk by the husband and wife for brotherhood. It goes without saying that this kind of ritual, according to tradition, should be completed with a passionate kiss.

During the celebration of the agate wedding, both spouses should drink wine or any other drink from the same glass or glass, thereby clearly emphasizing the unity of everything that they have manifested over all their married years.

There is also a tradition that is popular these days, according to which both spouses must peer into the agate mineral for a certain time, while telling one another what exactly they could see in it.

What can be donated?

In addition to the quite appropriate and even desirable presents already proposed above (these are beads, stylish cufflinks, festive glasses), on this memorable day, a husband and wife can give other very pleasant and sometimes even unexpected surprises.

  • Husband surely with great joy he will receive as a gift from his beloved a beautiful clip for a stylish tie, a creative seal ring in which black agate would look appropriate, an unusual-looking ashtray or a cigar box if a man smokes. In addition, as a gift, you can present an originally designed chess set, a stylish table clock inlaid with agate of various colors, or a paperweight for a business man.

  • Wife she will be just happy to receive truly unique jewelry from the hands of her beloved chosen one - a pendant, a ring with a pebble, stylish earrings or a heavy bracelet with agate. Just an amazing gift on this day can be a box for the preservation of various jewelry from such a mineral as agate.
  • Relatives, children or friends will be able to present beautiful figurines made of agate, an intricate type of stand or candlesticks, an unusual frame for family photos and similar wedding-themed souvenirs.

A rather symbolic present for the 14th anniversary will be various items made of precious stones: small fountains, oversized caskets for small items, paintings by little-known authors, wristwatches with agate inserts or beautiful dishes.

If you know for certain that souvenirs from such a mineral as agate will not please both spouses very much, because not all people believe in the power of stones and for this reason do not consider them valuable, then you can simply move away from the symbolism of the celebration and choose for a beautiful couples something very useful, but also well-remembered, something that can be used for many years. It can easily be the household appliances they need - ask the happy spouses what suits them best - a juicer or a meat grinder, a modern iron or a TV, and maybe even they will like a robot vacuum cleaner.

Spouses who like to spend their free time reading books can be given interesting books or even a whole set of fiction, which is expensive and the spouses themselves do not dare to buy it. In this simple way, you will replenish the vast library of this pair. And for them, this grandiose present will definitely be remembered for many years.

A really touching souvenir for 14 years of married life can be a funny video about the life of spouses, which can be made from photos or short videos. You can also give a beautiful photo album, which will be made by a master to order, and even better - with your own hands.

A portrait of a happy couple, drawn from their photo, will be just an amazing choice for the next holiday of this family.

If financial opportunities allow, you can always present the “newlyweds” with a long-awaited trip as an unexpected gift, provide them with a prepared date in a large hotel or arrange a boat trip.

You can also choose entertainment for two spouses at once according to their common interests: after all, someone could dream of making a parachute jump or feeling weightless in a wind tunnel, and someone wants to go through an adventure quest. On this significant day for the spouses, both the husband and wife are obliged to pay maximum attention to each other and, according to tradition, give their beloved half an agate souvenir. After all, it is not for nothing that they believe that in this way they thank each other for the long years that they lived together.

If you simply do not have free time to wander around the shops and look for the most suitable gift for the heroes of the occasion, you can always purchase a certificate in a clothing, footwear, underwear, cosmetics or household appliances store. By the way, this can also be a personalized certificate for going to a beauty salon, for getting a quality massage.

For those couples who like to relax actively, you can pick up something from specific types of equipment: a simulator for home or dumbbells is perfect, it can be a large set for picnic trips, fishing rods for fishing enthusiasts or special hunting suits.

In fact, it is not difficult to make a memorable present for an agate wedding, and even though the chosen surprise may not always have a symbolic meaning, it will be remembered by both spouses for many years and will remind them of your participation, bring only joy and a wonderful mood. It is only necessary to show your imagination a little, but at the same time, it is imperative to take into account the interests of the heroes of the occasion.

Due to the huge popularity of this mineral and its mysterious symbolism for such a significant holiday, people often forget that such an anniversary as the 14th anniversary of marriage also has another valuable symbol - ivory. It has long been believed that it symbolizes the purity and vitality of those relationships that have existed in a couple all these years.

Real ivory is a very expensive material, and not every person can afford to buy souvenirs from it, but various images of an elephant that can decorate a gift will come in handy here. If you are very lucky, you can try to find the original image of an agate elephant. This gift will 100% be able to give spouses good luck on the family path for many years to come.

An unusual and special type of agate sometimes pushes the inhabitants to think about a quality gift. You can find a cozy and soft blanket in the store, which will imitate this kind of layering effect with its pattern, or creative curtains with the same stylish pattern.

How to celebrate a celebration?

Although such a date as 14 years of marriage is not considered “round”, however, no one forbids celebrating it with a rather magnificent celebration, since it is also considered significant for two loving hearts. You can invite not only relatives, but friends and close colleagues to such a reception. It would even be appropriate to order the manufacture of a cake from several tiers - ideally, if it is multi-layered and decorated with sweets in the form of mysterious agates.

Those who stick to a more traditional pastime during the celebration can celebrate such a day in a small family circle only with their relatives. Most often, the venue for this celebration is an apartment, house or cottage. This celebration can be in the form of an ordinary gala dinner, a trip with the whole family for a picnic with fragrant kebabs, or a pleasant lunch in a cozy family cafe. It is better to appoint a grander celebration for the next one - the 15th anniversary year, which means a new stage in life and is called crystal.

And, of course, the third option is relevant - to spend time alone with each other for two lovers. Relatives can also sit with small children at this time, and the anniversaries themselves will be able to go to a restaurant on a date or go to another city for a couple of days. It is necessary to mark this event in such a way that memories of it are warmly kept until the next memorable date.

Long trips and completed repairs, visits from mother-in-law and nagging mother-in-law, serious quarrels and tender reconciliations - a couple who have been married for 14 years has a very rich history. And people who, years later, managed to maintain a reverent attitude towards each other, reach the moment when their love can really be considered as strong as a stone. Traditionally, such a wedding is called agate. What is special about celebrating 14 years of marriage?

Marriage Anniversary Talismans

The number 14 in numerology is considered a symbol balance and moderation. It reports that the family at this time is under the direct protection of the cosmos. The main storms are already behind, and the spouses in their life voyage are approaching a calm harbor. Two sevens forming a number promise a couple happiness and change for the better. Agate reinforces favorable predictions. Just as there are many types of this semi-precious stone, so the spouses have facets of personality that have remained hidden until now. But now the best time to see new qualities in your loved one. Such an “acquaintance” will further strengthen the relationship and make it more trusting. Omissions and mutual insults are a thing of the past: now people realize how valuable their love is. From the Middle Ages, the knowledge that God's mercy descends on the owner of agate. And just as the owner of the stone is under the protection of higher powers, so a marriage that has lasted 14 years receives a new blessing. Harmony enters the house of spouses, relieving them of conflicts and external negative influences. Now the couple is not afraid of the intrigues of envious people and bad gossip: the relationship has reached a level where the bad is mirrored without harming the lovers. Children born during this period are much more talented than their older brothers and sisters. Agate, being responsible for the union of people, endows them with softness of character, makes them more compliant, insightful and pleasant in communication. Stone helps spouses be faithful to each other and shifts their attention from others to their partner.

A couple who have felt the energy of agate intuitively avoid the dangers that threaten marriage. Relationships become so empathetic that the desires and needs of the other are understood without words. People who have lived side by side for 14 years are getting a “second wind”. They not only fall in love again but also feel a surge of physical and psychological strength. Agate gives its "wards" longevity and good health, one has only to understand that everything is just beginning. And no matter how strong thunderstorms the spouses meet on the way, guided by love, they will be able to overcome everything. In the following video, you will learn a lot of interesting things about agate, including its ability to absorb negative energy:

How to celebrate an agate anniversary

An agate wedding is not a round date, so it is traditionally held in a narrow circle of relatives and closest friends.

It is good if the person who was present at the ceremony of their marriage comes to congratulate the spouses: this will serve as a reminder that love is still fresh and strong just like years ago. A favorable sign if there are children at the holiday: after all, it is quite possible that replenishment will soon appear in the family. You can arrange a small feast at home or go out into nature. The outfits of the heroes of the occasion and their guests should be simple and comfortable, without pretentiousness. The cozy atmosphere of the holiday is conducive to intimate conversations and memories. What to treat on such a joyful day? The dishes served should reflect the whole gamut of feelings experienced by the spouses over the years.. Sour and sweet, bitter and salty treats - the variety of tastes symbolizes the couple's worldly experience. So the hostess should take care of the presence on the table of a cake or pastries, fruit and vegetable salads, deli meats, and spices. Traditionally, an even number of dishes are prepared. Paying tribute to the symbol of the anniversary, a bowl inlaid with agate is placed on the table. From it, the husband and wife drink a sip of red wine, thus showing that there is no enmity and misunderstanding between them.

Festive divination

On this day, it is customary for spouses to open their hearts to each other. Secret secrets should be shared and love confessed. There is a special fortune-telling that is practiced specifically on the 14th wedding anniversary.. It will require agate with noticeable ornate veins. On a festive morning, the husband and wife gaze intently at the stone, trying to read their future fate in it. The images that appear will reveal the near future:

  • tree with many branches indicates a long, interesting and eventful life;
  • star informs about spiritual development;
  • wave portends variability, good luck and failure will evenly alternate;
  • snake means that someone close to the family decides to deceive, and spider- that envious people weave intrigues;
  • wheel predicts a road by land, a ladder predicts an airplane trip, and an anchor predicts a sea trip (maybe the spouses decide to repeat the honeymoon?);
  • crown speaks of the well-deserved success of all undertakings, and the sun speaks of earthly honor and a sense of one's own greatness;
  • a circle symbolizes a quick profit and a prosperous life, while a shoe, on the contrary, portends need and financial difficulties;
  • palm indicates someone's unexpected but timely help;
  • arrow promises an early announcement.

Spouses can see completely different images in the stone: it means that agate revealed to them only their personal experiences and future events. If a couple notices the same thing in mysterious interweaving, then the fates of the husband and wife are inextricably linked, and they have only a common future.

Traditional ritual

Immediately after the fortune-telling, the spouses exchange gifts purchased specifically for the wedding anniversary. This is a kind of ritual designed to strengthen love and revive feelings.

The husband puts agate beads on his wife, and she, in response, fastens agate cufflinks on his shirt. Strengthen such an "exchange" with a kiss.

In this case, the color of the stone from which the gift is made is very symbolic:

  • red- a symbol of love and family happiness. Such agate is more suitable for men, as it makes them feel their own strength;
  • black- protects from evil, promotes the development of purposefulness and strengthens relationships with people dear to the heart;
  • white- contributes to the softness of character, eliminates quarrels, establishes trusting relationships in a couple;
  • blue- brings harmony, peace and stability to the family. This is a stone of love and understanding, protecting from rash acts;
  • green- protects the house and family values, attracts true friends to the spouses;
  • pink- establishes peace in a couple, extinguishes conflicts in the bud;
  • grey- eliminates squabbles and makes partners more tolerant of the shortcomings of the other.

A gift received from your spouse on the day of an agate wedding becomes a real one. talisman. Therefore, they keep it especially carefully and do not lend it to anyone. Husband and wife can also celebrate their 14th wedding anniversary by simple game"cold-hot". It is necessary to hide the talisman stone on which fortune-telling was carried out. When the second half is close to the “treasure”, you should give her a kiss: the closer the hidden agate, the longer the kiss.


The main thing is that the words that are spoken to the couple are sincere.. For example, congratulations may be as follows.


A hereditary clairvoyant recently shared with me a secret that agate protects from evil forces. So let the agate wedding be your protection from all sorts of troubles!


Congratulations on overcoming the 14-year milestone of family life. May your relationship be as strong as the agate that symbolizes this anniversary. Let's drink to that!


Like yesterday we were at your wedding. How beautiful the newlyweds looked then. It's hard to believe that you've been together for so long! Love is still read in your eyes, which only grows stronger with every moment. May we be able to say the same thing 50 years from now!


Dear anniversaries! May today's festive mood be with you always, and love only grows stronger every day. I wish you to remain young, beautiful for many years to come and to attend the wedding of your grandchildren as the same happy couple.


14 years of married life is no joke. You probably know the real secret of love. Having overcome such a significant milestone, you managed to preserve the freshness of feelings and youthful faces. I wish you to continue to be as happy and serve as an example of an ideal family for children!


Congratulations written in verse look original. They can be read at the table or written on a postcard attached to the gift. It doesn't matter how skillful the "rhymer" turned out to be, if his wish comes from the heart.

Today's date is symbolic

Agate is a very difficult stone.

Brings wisdom and luck

Keeps love in the family and gives her peace.

Accept congratulations on your anniversary,

Let the dream reign in your souls

Love and loyalty, honesty and openness

Let them be guests in your house forever.

Congratulations on your agate wedding!

You are still on the prelaunch path.

There is a takeoff line in front of you,

And behind it - high-frequency

Field of chances, luck and opportunities

Of varying importance and seriousness!

You go your way

Find everything you want in life!

Have you ever married for love?

Today he hides the luxury of agates!

Happy wedding day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

And we wish you great happiness!

14 years is a long time!

We wish you nothing to lose!

To always live, understanding each other,

And they walked along the road, only holding hands!

What is customary to give

Anything can be presented to spouses for 14 years of marriage. The main thing is that the gift is in harmony with the symbol of this date. An excellent option would be agate products:

  • for a woman - beads, necklace, ring, earrings, pendant, bracelet; for a man - cufflinks, a ring, a tie clip, a lighter;
  • bowl, vase;
  • box, chest for storing family valuables;
  • figurine depicting a bird or beast.

You can also give gifts made ivory or wood. It is customary not to come to the holiday without a little surprise for the children of the celebrating couple: the little ones should bring a funny toy, and the older guys should bring an interesting figure from a material suitable for the occasion.

There are also "forbidden gifts". Oddly enough, only fresh flowers were included in this list. The tradition explains this by the fact that just as soon as the bouquet fades, so will love fade away.

But if the guest is aware that the hostess of the house expects to receive “a million scarlet roses” for every holiday, then it is better to give her the coveted bouquet than to watch the offended face of the lady all evening. Signs come true only as far as they believe in them.. An agate wedding is another reason to remember those wonderful and tender feelings that once united lovers. Filled with joy and tender confessions, this day remains in the memory of the spouses for a long time.

Living in a marriage even for five years is already worthy of respect, since two people are able to appease their ambitions and accept the other as he is, make him happy.

When 14 years of marriage are celebrated, this date means that two young people who many years ago decided to get married acted deliberately, and for so long did not lose the love that once connected them.

Anniversary Meaning

14 years of marriage is commonly called the agate anniversary. Although in Germany its symbol is ivory, in the Scandinavian countries it is lead. But it all comes down to one thing: over the past years, relations have become strong, they are not subject to any external influences, they have withstood many tests.

The couple have lived together for many years, they still have a lot to do, but by this time they have already learned to appreciate and respect each other, and their family has become as beautiful as agate.

It is noteworthy that the pattern is not repeated on products made of this stone. Each piece is unique, just like every family. But everyone who has reached this milestone is worthy of admiration! So it is not for nothing that agate was chosen as a symbol of the holiday. A beautiful, durable, unique mineral, like a married couple - the hero of the occasion.

Celebration traditions

There are no special requirements for how to properly celebrate the wedding anniversary of 14 years. Often grandiose feasts are not even held, only family and close relatives participate. But if you want a noisy, fun holiday, then do not deny yourself this pleasure. This is your day, and you have every right to spend it the way you want it.

  • As an option, you can put drinking glasses made of agate for the heroes of the occasion. It will look beautiful and quite in the spirit of the holiday.

  • Of course, it is unlikely that agate will be able to decorate the room where the banquet will take place. Therefore, it is quite possible to get by with flowers.
  • But on the spouses, it is desirable that there be jewelry made from this material: earrings, cufflinks, paired rings.

There are some traditions that can be observed during the celebration of an agate wedding:

  • For example, spouses should exchange gifts. Thus, they once again show attention and care to each other.

If these are jewelry made of a mineral - a symbol of the anniversary, then the husband and wife should help each other to put them on.

  • Also, the spouses should drink a drink from one glass, which symbolizes their unity.
  • You can also try to look at the drawing on agate products and tell what you can see there. If the spouses see the same pattern, then this is a good sign. This means that this couple has one soul for two, and they match perfectly in every detail.
  • But the main tradition in celebrating a wedding anniversary is to spend this day having fun, along with the people whom these two love. This day should become special in the life of two loving hearts and be remembered for a long time.

Gifts from friends

Naturally, anyone who is invited to the celebration of a wedding anniversary must think about what they give on this day. While you may have known a couple for a very long time, choosing the right gift can be a daunting task.

This is a rather significant date, and the present must be worthy. And be sure to please the heroes of the occasion.

  • The most suitable option is agate products. It can be jewelry: earrings, necklaces, cufflinks. And you can give beautiful boxes, dishes from this mineral, a picture, a clock or any other interior decoration. True, first you should make sure that the couple will wear such products, and the accessories will fit into the design of the home.

  • If the previous option is not quite something that can please your loved ones, you can abandon the symbolism and choose just something pleasant or useful. For example, a home theater, a bread maker or a TV. Buying a vacuum cleaner or a refrigerator is still not worth it, it reminds you of everyday life. But some “pampering” or equipment for pleasant leisure can be handed over. If you still doubt that this will be met favorably, purchase a certificate in a household appliance store. Let the spouses buy everything they need.
  • In the event that financial opportunities allow you to please your friends, you can purchase a trip for them to warmer climes. The opportunity to spend ten days together where there are no worries and problems is worth a lot.

For those who have lived together for 14 years, rest is simply necessary. And, if you can arrange it, make such a gift.

  • Quite a good gift for an agate wedding is something that matches the hobbies of the spouses. They love extreme entertainment - organize a paragliding or wind tunnel flight. They like to strain their brains - buy a ticket for the quest. Have some hobbies - buy appropriate gifts. Don't know what exactly they need? Will help out a certificate to a large store.
  • Even if you're just organizing a romantic night out for your friends in a posh hotel, it's already a great 14th wedding anniversary gift. Or you can even rent a cinema for them, where they will spend time with champagne, watching their favorite movie. There are cinemas where a couple can only be in the hall together. Why not an original wedding anniversary gift?
  • You can not spend money on a full ticket. Especially if there is no such possibility. It is quite possible to purchase a certificate for a country recreation center, a ski resort as a gift for an anniversary for spouses. Even a couple of days spent together will please a couple.

These are the simplest options for what can be given to spouses on their 14th wedding anniversary. A little imagination, a minimal knowledge of the tastes of the heroes of the occasion - and you can easily pick up a worthy present.

Gifts from the family

Parents, children, brothers and sisters are the closest people of the spouses. They saw how the family was born, developed, experienced with them, rejoiced, and now they have every right to celebrate this anniversary.

Naturally, they have a question about the presentation. If an agate wedding is celebrated, what to give special and pleasant? After all, relatives are closest to this couple, and the gift should be appropriate.

Of course, you can always make a present in accordance with the symbols or just give what the spouses asked for. But it often happens that a couple wants to spend this day with their loved ones, without asking for anything in return. Therefore, you will have to think about the gift yourself.

  • A touching and uncomplicated option is to make a video about those who celebrate an agate wedding. Select the most interesting photos from the family album and take them to a specialist. Today there are many organizations where pictures will be superimposed on a beautiful melody, they will make a colorful design. Let it be an inexpensive gift, but it will definitely bring a lot of pleasant moments to a married couple.
  • Based on photographs, you can order a photo book. This can be done either in a photo studio, or ordered independently via the Internet. You choose the design, upload the selected pictures, pay and wait for the book by mail. Just take care of the gift in advance so that you have it for the celebration.

As you can see, it is quite possible to make a good and pleasant gift for the 14th wedding anniversary. The main thing here is not large sums of money, but the desire to please the heroes of the occasion. If you approach the process wisely, then making a worthy gift on this day will not be difficult.

The fourteenth wedding anniversary marks a period in the life of the spouses, when they probably already had a child: the younger generation requires a lot of attention and patience. An agate wedding is designed to remind a husband and wife that it is necessary to pay attention to each other, to give their soul mate care and love. In the fourteenth year, a married couple needs to revive their relationship, add warmth, joy, and new sensations to them.

Traditions and customs for 14 years of marriage

The agate wedding anniversary has many traditions, rituals, beliefs associated with the main symbol of this holiday - the semi-precious stone agate, after which the anniversary is named. It looks mysterious, has an unusual structure, which is a mixture of colors in stripes, ornate patterns, drawings. One of the customs of an agate wedding is a kind of test of the spouses, which determines how well the partners know each other:

  • The husband and wife should pick up the agate and try to discern the image in the intricate pattern. It will be good if they write what they saw on a piece of paper. If the vision coincided, then the spouses understand each other well, their characters are ideally combined.

It also matters what the spouses see when divining on agate, the image can become prophetic: the path means an interesting journey soon, the flower - good news, the heart, the butterfly - the resumption of the romantic period after the wedding anniversary.

Watch the video, which shows a selection of agate stones:

Agate has become a symbol of this wedding anniversary for a reason. The stone itself is considered a talisman that is able to protect its wearer from danger, and throughout the entire jubilee year - to protect the family and common life. In addition, the agate stone has other secret meanings: it helps to soften anger, resentment, anger, making the family hearth warmer. The owner of this magical talisman maintains good health for a long time. Agate has the ability to bring prosperity and well-being to the family.

  • At the beginning of an agate wedding, the spouses should perform the following ceremony: the husband must put an agate jewelry on his beloved’s neck, and the wife must fasten the cufflinks with the same stone on her husband’s cuffs or attach a clip to the tie with her own hands. This will be a wonderful start to the day that will inaugurate the celebration of the anniversary.

There is another tradition:

  • On the eve of the agate anniversary, the husband and wife need to buy glasses made of material symbolizing the holiday, and when the cherished date comes, drink a few sips of wine from them alone. After that, the husband and wife should say congratulations and kiss: this kiss means that the hot fire of love is still burning in the hearts of partners.
  • The game with the search for the agate hidden in the room, "Cold-Hot" will help to remember childhood: the closer the player gets to the agate, the "hot". After the item is found, the spouses should also give each other a kiss.

Agate wedding: how to celebrate an anniversary?

Celebrating the fourteenth agate anniversary will turn out differently - it all depends on the personal preferences of the heroes of the occasion. Spouses can throw a big feast, inviting relatives, friends, acquaintances there, it will not do without children, or they can celebrate together, indulging in the memories that an agate wedding will awaken: how many years the couple has been together, but the spouses love each other, remain faithful.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

An agate wedding is held a year before a beautiful date, so it is often not celebrated in full force. Often a cozy apartment becomes a place of celebration. However, this type of holding an agate event does not oblige everyone to do the same: the heroes of the occasion can invite a small circle of guests and visit their favorite cafe or rent a banquet hall of a restaurant with delicious cuisine. A great option to arrange an anniversary is an agate cheerful wedding, in nature, if the date is celebrated in the summer.

What to wear spouses

In order for the agate wedding to be perfect, the couple should wear festive costumes, and be sure to complement your image with jewelry with this semi-precious stone. For a woman, a necklace, earrings or a bracelet with agate is suitable as a decoration; for a man, neat cufflinks or a neat tie clip are enough. The choice of outfits depends entirely on the personal preferences of the anniversaries.

Who to invite

The list of invitees depends on the scale of the agate holiday - it can only be parents, close relatives, beloved friends, or, if a chic banquet is planned, options for inviting other couples, good friends are possible. The holiday will not do without children's fun, if the spouses decide not to retire. It will be good to invite other couples with children so that the children are not bored and they allow adults to talk.

What should be on the table

The standard menu is great when an agate gay wedding is celebrated. This includes snacks, salads, cold cuts, a main meat or fish dish, one or two types of side dishes, bread.

The main decoration of the table should be a delicious cake, which the hostess will bake on her own or order in a pastry shop. Well, if it is decorated with a thematic inscription. As for the decor, the table can be decorated with agate candlesticks, figurines, glasses.

Celebration scenario

The couple has already celebrated fourteen anniversaries, 14 years of marriage have passed: what kind of wedding will turn out this time depends on their mood, preferences and on the scenario, without which an important celebration is not complete. You can start the morning observing the traditions of the agate wedding, continue the day with a delicious dinner with guests, and in the evening hold original unusual contests that will delight those present. See the agate anniversary script below:

What to give for an agate wedding

Gifts for an agate wedding anniversary of 14 years can be varied - beautiful, useful, just pleasant. When bestowing gifts on the culprits, do not forget to say pleasant words of congratulations. A small list of what would be appropriate to give anniversaries:

  • One of the best gifts is agate jewelry: beads, rings, cufflinks, earrings.
  • Nominal glasses, caskets, figurines.
  • Postcards.
  • Spouses will be pleased to receive colorful drawings from children.
  • Paintings.
  • Body care products: high-quality natural soaps, shampoos.

Congratulations on the agate wedding

Agate interesting wedding is not complete without original congratulations. You can congratulate the anniversaries with funny, poetic, touching words. Choose your congratulations on this anniversary:

An agate beautiful wedding is a solemn event celebrating the fourteen-year milestone of family relationships. This day will help the spouses to look at each other again, awaken the former fire of passion, take a deeper look at their relationship.

Tell us how you would like your agate wedding to be held with your family, with friends or alone? Leave comments.

Larisa Tsareva

The tradition of celebrating each year spent together in marriage came to us from ancient times. Here we will tell you what kind of wedding is called agate and how it is customary to celebrate it.

After how many years is an agate wedding celebrated? Agate anniversary is celebrated after 14 years of marriage. Why is the 14th wedding anniversary called agate? This means that in 14 years the family union has become as strong as a valuable mineral.

The agate stone is multicolored and decorated with intricate graceful patterns. They are as unique and inimitable as every family. There is a long tradition- the spouses should look together at the agate presented to them, and if in the ornate lines they can see a similar image (for example, the waves of the sea or the wing of a butterfly), then the couple really became one during the years they lived together. Such a union is not afraid of any difficulties, and agate will become a talisman for them and will keep their marriage for all subsequent years.

It is believed that agate softens the heart of its owner, making a person more kind, sympathetic and merciful.

Feb 13, 2018 at 10:23 AM PST

How to celebrate the 14th agate wedding anniversary

It is customary to celebrate fourteen years of family life in the circle of the closest people. The celebration can take place at home, in nature or in a restaurant. It is important for spouses to dedicate the whole day to this date, and not just the evening. Ancestors passed on to us a number of traditions that are recommended to be observed by the perpetrators of the event.

The festive scenario for 14 years of marriage can be anything, calm and romantic or comic and cheerful. The main thing is not to forget about ancient rituals aimed at the strengthening and well-being of the family.

Rites of an agate wedding for family happiness

A woman should, on the eve of a significant date, bake a pie (any) with her own hands. Husband and wife wake up on a momentous day just before sunrise. After washing, they join hands, and when the sun begins to emerge from the horizon, they bow to him. During the bow, both make cherished wishes. The ceremony can be performed standing at the window or in the courtyard of the house. After that, you need to substitute the baked pie under the sun's rays. At the end of the day, when the dough has absorbed all the energy of the sun, the cake is cut, and the husband and wife must definitely eat a piece, then their wish will surely come true. The rest can be distributed to guests.

The festive 14th anniversary has another interesting ritual to call for peace and tranquility in the family. Spend it at any time of the day. For the ceremony, you will need a new broom and coarse salt.

The wife sweeps the whole house with a broom, and the husband follows her and scatters a few grains of salt in the corners. Collected litter must be immediately removed from the house. It is believed that the ritual cleans out all the negative energy in the house, and henceforth the spouses will quarrel less.

beautiful agate stone

To renew their feelings, the two halves can devote some time to good memories, resurrecting touching and romantic moments of their life together. A day trip to memorable places will be a great idea to spend this day. The couple should thank each other for their patience, support and care.

No quarrels, conflicts and disputes are allowed on this day.

How to invite guests

In the days of our ancestors, there were no postcards; guests were invited with ordinary verbal invitations. To this day, the invitation to the celebration of 14 years of married life does not have any special rules. It is acceptable to distribute invitation cards to potential guests or notify them directly. Not worth it invite people you don't want to see to the celebration. Nothing on this day should overshadow the joy and happiness of a married couple.


Guests must bring presents to the heroes of the occasion. What to give to friends and relatives of a married couple for an agate anniversary, read. The spouses themselves should also exchange gifts.

Traditionally, husband and wife give each other agate jewelry. A husband can choose beads, earrings, a ring, a bracelet, a brooch or a set of jewelry for his wife. The wife selects for her chosen one a ring, a tie clip, a bracelet, cufflinks or other items inlaid with agate. It is desirable that the spouses put jewelry on each other. To make your present even more vivid and symbolic, the wife can complement the gift with a postcard, and the husband with flowers.

Silver cufflinks with black agate, Okami(price link)

Gold earrings with agate and diamonds; gold ring with agate and diamonds, all SL (prices on links)

What should be on the table

14th wedding anniversary menu ideas are also off the charts. The family chooses whatever they want as treats. It can be a national cuisine, such as Italian, Russian or Asian, or a mixture of dishes. When celebrating a celebration in a restaurant, it is quite acceptable to order a buffet table or allow guests to order dishes on their own at their discretion.

Agate is a noble stone, so alcoholic drinks are chosen to match it: champagne, wine, cognac

But what must be present on the festive table, regardless of its format, is this cake. It is he who will a symbol of the feast.

A beautiful cake for the 14th wedding anniversary can be ordered or baked by yourself. It is decorated with the symbolic inscription "14 years together".

When the guests gather at the table, the time will come for toasts and congratulations. It is advisable to prepare a toast or verbal status about an agate wedding in advance in order to beautifully congratulate the happy couple.

Holiday without guests

It is not necessary to celebrate an agate wedding in a company. It should be remembered that this is primarily personal holiday. The modern pace of life leaves little free time. In the cycle of monotonous everyday life, romance is inevitably lost in long-term family relationships.

Spouses can celebrate a significant date only together to refresh their feelings and enjoy each other. A candlelight dinner, a trip to the countryside, a hotel room for two are great ideas for how to spend this day.

If a couple has some kind of old dream, for example, to ride horses, visit an amusement park, go boating together or fly in a wind tunnel - this is also a great way to celebrate an anniversary. Such a pastime only brings people together and strengthens the marriage.

Parents or friends will certainly agree to sit one evening with the children

Approaching the next milestone of their family life, two people need to understand that the festival itself will not make life smoother and more prosperous. It all depends on the relationship, and if there is mutual respect, love, trust between the couple, then no difficulties will destroy the family, and the spouses will always be able to find compromises in any disputes and disagreements.

February 13, 2018