Last words to your girlfriend. There are no those feelings that were before. Cynicism in dosage form. Use dosed

And now, finally, you decided to write the last farewell letter, you may have a thousand reasons. Perhaps you do not want to say goodbye or part with this person at all, but the circumstances are such that you have no other choice.

You can be with a person for a bunch of years and think that this is your destiny, and when you realize that it was all your imagination and you are in love with another, you will have to say goodbye. It is very difficult even for a stranger to say goodbye words.

Absolutely callous people and egoists can simply tell a person in the eyes and not experience remorse or anxiety and worries. The only way to talk about your feelings and explain yourself to a person you can hurt is to write a letter, in our case, it will be a beautiful farewell letter to the girl.

To write such a letter, you need inspiration, so you can read these letters and create your own masterpieces.

Farewell letter to your girlfriend

My dear, how many days have we spent together as best friends and as best lovers. I know perfectly well what a good and sensual person you are, you are the sun, when you look at which it is warm and good. All the time that we were together, I loved you and thought only about you, I ask, believe me, I was honest with you and faithful to you.

It's very hard for me to hurt you, I want to change everything, but I can't. I know you always believed me and understood me, understand this time too. I cannot deceive you, you are not a stranger to me and you will never become one again. Believe me, I struggled with myself for a long time, I thought and tried for a long time, to change something, but lying to a person even with thoughts is the most unfair thing that can be done with a person like you.

I know that my love was not enough for you and that you should love a person much better than me. More than anything, I want you to be happy and loved, I want you to forget me and not suffer for a second. Yes, I dared to part with you, but understand, I cannot see you, I cannot bear this test, I cannot see your eyes filled with tears, my heart will break.

My dear, please try to understand and forgive me, someday. Sorry, I'm leaving and leaving a piece of my heart next to you.

A beautiful farewell letter to a girl can only be written by a strong and good person. So that you have something to choose from, I will write another version of a sad farewell.

Farewell letter to your girlfriend when parting

My gentle, beloved girl, how much love you gave me, how much hope and smiles you brought into my life. I am grateful to you for every minute you gave. You are the brightest and most reliable person and there on the other side I will remember you.

Everything in life is natural, if we have to part, it will be the best for you and for me. I ask you, be happy, be the most beautiful bride and wife, I will always remember, I promise to remember. Wish me happiness too, I will try, learn, live without you. Goodbye.

Have you decided to write a farewell letter to your girlfriend, but don't know where to start? Our site offers you universal samples that will help you compose a beautiful farewell message on behalf of a guy (man). Perhaps the piercing lines of these letters will inspire you to create your own masterpiece, the words of which will forever remain in the heart of your beloved woman.

Sweetheart, I know we will never see each other again, but please read this letter. I'm sorry that I deceived your hopes and would do anything to take your pain away. I feel it every morning and every night. I dream of your tears, and the guilt never leaves me. You are the best of the girls, and I will never forget your gentle voice, your touching tenderness and your ardent love. Honey, I want you to know that I was sincere with you and firmly believed that we will always be together. Fate decreed otherwise, forgive me ...

I cannot express in words the state of my soul. Away from you, I remember every minute I spent together. I will forever remember your ringing laughter, your sweet kisses and care, which thousands of men dream of, and which I knew. Before you, I did not believe in love, but now I know what happens to those who doubt it.

I've always been honest with you, so I didn't cheat this time either. Yes, we can no longer be together, but no - I will never forget you. I want you to be happy, because you deserve it like no other. I reproach myself every day for not being able to give you this happiness. More than anything, I want you to forgive me, my girl, I really didn't want to break your heart ... Goodbye and closing this letter, look at it one last time as you would look into my eyes.

My girl, I know that you love me wholeheartedly, but I can’t change anything. For this reason, I feel insignificant, pitiful and helpless. I have no idea what will happen to us now, and how we can come to terms with the pain of parting. Life without you has no meaning - everything around reminds of us: acquaintance, first dance, first date, first kiss ...

I was really happy with you. I am grateful to fate for the opportunity to love you and for the happiness of being loved by you. In my thoughts only you, and this means that we are still together ... Don't cry, Baby, everything will be fine. The warmth of my heart is forever with you, hold this letter to your chest and you will feel it. Smile. I want you to be happy. Forgive me and goodbye.

My dear woman.

All that day, all that evening ... I was happy, I read in your eyes the best story about my happiness. It can be very simple, somewhat banal, right?

Even though sometimes looking into women's eyes, into women's eyes full of indescribable depth, tenderness, understanding and empathy, is very painful, almost unbearable. And yet I watched. And I saw, besides this, filled with crystal, solar ringing of happiness, your unique world, full of hidden treasures and open through the heart, saw your soft, amazing, fabulous femininity and irrepressible sexuality.

Yes, I also remember kissing your toes. And shoulders, and breasts, and your whole body. If it weren't for him, if it wasn't for you, there wouldn't be my fire.

Only ... you know, I won't come to you again. Never. And not because there was something wrong, or I would not like to meet again. On the contrary, precisely because everything was as it should be. Simply - that September day, and the sun in it, and you in that sun - it is impossible to repeat!

I think you will understand me.

And if you suddenly don't understand ... - you know my phone number.

Comments (1)

We will be very grateful if you leave feedback on already published texts. We promise to treat all comments and requests with special attention, because our site is created for people!

A source:
Beautiful farewell letter to a girl from a guy
Have you decided to write a farewell letter to your girlfriend, but don't know where to start? Our site offers you universal samples that will help you compose a beautiful farewell message on behalf of a guy.

The words of the beloved at parting

I need to part with you
My beloved forever.
And at least for a while, but to say goodbye
I'm leaving soon.

And it's even hard for me to imagine
How will I live without you.
But I know for sure that only one
I will love you forever.

I hate parting
It hurts me.
And like an arrow pierces me
I am parting with you, love!

Parting is so bad
We should meet him again.
My girl, cruel
So to separate loved ones.

Let the meeting come again.
We want to be next to you.
This will make it easier for us!
We were created to love.

And we will conquer separation
Just a little bit sad.
And sometimes we miss a lot.
And sadness itself will recede.

Where raspberries bloom, right outside the window,
We parted with sweet late in the evening.
We will wait from now on: day, week, year, -
When will my beloved and I meet again!

When I lift her in my arms again
I will whisper in my ear: "I love you!"
Days, weeks, months - I don't care about anything,
I love and I love, we will survive everything!

Favorite girl! Parting
It is a vicious laughter from above.
For some reason, she exists in the world.
In an instant it takes away an honest piece.

Where did we get the happiness cake?
She shouldn't give it to her.
We are right, after all, we loved.
Soon the meeting will be again.

The time has come to scatter.
It opened the door for parting.
Goodbye forever, goodbye is no longer sweet.
All in the past, all of the past, believe me.

The pain was carried away with a terrible formidable force.
Breaking the chest, breaking the very essence.
Farewell to my forgotten dream forever.
Goodbye, it's time to forget and take a nap.

Flew away, the dove just waved its wing.
It hurts and scares me.
Light is a solid spot.
Feelings fell like a stone, and the candle went out.

The deaf parting in the heart beats like an arrow.
And there is no need to understand their answers.
Parting forever on the soul is only a seal.
Only time is ticking not to catch up.

You left, you left again -
My peace is forever lost, disappeared.
I don’t understand why you will soon
Suddenly my memory needed a cross.

I don't ask for anything - it's too much
It's hard, you're gone, I'm with you
Lost, wilted and abandoned.
Your image is in my heart. and breathes.

How long after
You are in my heart.
We then parted in vain
By acting carelessly.

I then appeared weak,
Once allowed to let go
The one with whom I was always happy -
I can't forgive myself!

But nothing, I will not give up.
And, really, I promise:
To conquer you again
Return to happiness again!

But we should part ways
I only ask you to let me go.
And we don't need to say goodbye for a long time,
I loved, but still forgive me.
Leave. Can't change a thing
I finally decided everything
Maybe you don't believe me
But he did. I once loved.

Winter is not the time for love.
Feelings have cooled down, the heart is cold.
I'm sorry good, I'm sorry.
Parting is not a reason to quarrel.
You and I will be friends.
Love will return only in the spring.

We remember the first "love"
As the very first ray of hope.
Parting. I'm chasing her.
She is omnipotent, as before.

We will not sing it
We will think about the best.
After all, soon the meeting is waiting again.
She is like the brightest ray.

A source:
The words of the beloved at parting
Poems about separation and parting with your girlfriend. The most atypical breakup texts on loveFond.Ru. Tell us the words about breaking up with your beloved girl - adorable!

Words when parting with a girl - sad verses

I was disappointed with you
By your pitiful fate
Your wandering heart to heart,
Tearing them to dust and trash.
Disappointed with words
What did you write in the morning
What was said in the evenings
Hindering both of us to live.
Disappointed with this feeling
What connected, like, us,
What lasted, maybe not long,
But later it broke off at once ...
I'm disappointed with you
And everything connected with you
You will not be by my side
Everything is predetermined by fate!

Parting with your beloved girl,
We understand how evil the world is
When you can't even return
And believe that your moment has come.
How you want to be near at times.
Sometimes they are not connected in any way.
Parting cold falling leaves.
Let them turn into shaky dust!

When parting is catching up
It is like a truck.
And let the rain not drop a drop
Like tears in a galloping storm.
And let her enemies be happy,
We are not afraid to say out loud -
Separation from a girl is a burden to us,
Let us not recognize her.

When autumn leaves - cold.
When you leave, I feel chilly too
As if I ate the forbidden fruit
And now goosebumps.
And the whole huge, colorful world
When you leave, you take with you
My path is now like a faint dotted line
Darling, you know about it!

They say when love comes
She changes people
He brings a bit of happiness,
Like some kind of magician.
You become happy
And ready to fly
Like wings are growing
To flutter from love.
But somehow I have
The opposite is true
Love did not give happiness
But she was beaten in blood.
Now I don't want love
Suffering from her
I pay as tribute for love
From your heart.
When there is nothing to pay,
The knocking will stop in him,
And silence will come
In the dark at night ...
Vitaly Yurkov

Goodbye. Forget about me. Sorry.
Keep the last verse for yourself.
I've waited too long for you
Only one thing about myself, repeating:
"She will forget him!" But
We are not destined to be together.
Where am I and your beloved where?
I am disgusting to you.
He is God and I am poor. Yes.
Goodbye. Live alone now.

Time is not eternal, know one thing, -
Years and months later, I'll be back anyway!
And I will endure sorrow and joy with you,
Remember, dear, I love you alone!
Just pray and write letters,
After all, there is such a zone - one cannot live without faith!
I will serve my own, but my soul
Not to God, not a damn thing - I give it only to you.
Save it, don't change it for clothes
And do not lose your loyalty to others.

I hate trains
Buses and planes
They, well, let not forever
They take you away. scores with them!
I'll bring it down myself someday
They are all together, by order
Let them take their way back
And they will give you back to me. All at once!

I'm so sorry to part with you
My soul is on fire.
I only wanted to stay with you
And to be with you at night, during the day.
But we had to part with you
And nothing can be done.
But know that I'm ready to try
To love you alone again.

Do you remember: we were together?
Do you remember how your heart sang?
Remember: in our place
You sat on the bench
And she told me honestly
That in love with another.
It's over. How much it hurts
This word hurt!
It's over! And went out
The sun in an instant.
Everything drowned in bitter
Bathe regrets.
I do not live in hope
And I don't expect good news.
Remember, you just remember:
You and I were together!

Snowflakes are circling outside the window
Bringing you greetings.
To dry the tears
On your face.
Let them tell you
What I am silent about.
How to say words of love
I can't make up my mind.
You look mesmerized
To the pattern in your window.
And I, down the street, in love,
With a bouquet of roses, I'm in a hurry to you.

I beg you, forgive me
I loved you, God knows.
And you let go of the insult,
Crossing the threshold.
Hearts once beat to the beat
But, alas, I met another.
Take this fact with your soul
And you will meet such a Fate,
That the heart will be pounding
The soul rejoices with happiness!
I wish you to humble yourself
Shackle your destiny faster!

I'm sorry that happiness is not with me
I'm sorry that I sincerely loved
What was obsessive at times
And he opened the door in his heart.
My soul sang with you,
And the inspiration found
Poems saturated with love
Uncountably descended from the sky.
They contain all the words to the letter of each
Permeated with my soul,
In words, love, and even tears
Sadness has sheltered the gray days.
When the sun rises, the sun won't rise
Darkness falls to the ground
The love in my soul will die
And it will never be born.

You know, because the soul is tired,
Challenging, waiting for the hand of fate
But fate has never caressed
Yes, you are the fate of me, as you want, prove!
And you scattered evil all around me,
You laugh evil in my face of love,
Why did you show it to me once?
And they brought the devil in the guise of a man?
Then you predicted my fall,
Laughing and enjoying the beauty of love
And you always, you always knew it
That the veil will fall in the theater of lies
My love is gone. You laugh, enjoy
And rejoice in the victory of the troubled days,
And he, but simply he, so unnecessary and sudden
It sticks out in the mind like an old, boring tree stump.
Goodbye love, how strange and sudden
And you left, in bad weather, in the theater of darkness,
Well then, villainess, enjoy yourself
Another love your demons took away.
Goodbye to you too, when you were dear
Goodbye and be comforted by not loving
I'll go, go, I need to live
One baby that I have is dear to me.

All our relationships
We are at an impasse for a long time.
And I beg your pardon
You thought about them.
Let's part easily
Please listen.
We will remain friends
And that's even better.

We'll have to say goodbye. To my regret.
I won't be here for a long time. But somehow I don't understand
Will you miss me or remember
And would you like to see me again.
Yes, we loved each other. But I don't know
How can you bear the separation. You are my Love.
You know, I would still like to be with you again.
The choice is yours. Tell me to love or forget.

Fates are made in heaven
I am destined for a hard fate.
This suffering presented me
Probably the devil, but not God.
I wanted to be loved - it didn't work out,
I wanted to love you - you can't,
After parting thunder prickly
Hit in the heart in the middle of the day.
I'll find a better one - it's not possible
I will find more beautiful - not a fact
After all, there is only one ideal: it remained in my thoughts,
In the heart and in the eyes.

Sorry, Forget, Goodbye.
And if you can, if you can,
Do not remember me.
We both know that by the end
It's time to come
Our heat is not enough love,
To reach the end.
You are the best thing that ever happened to me
But it was and passed.
I'm sorry that everything is cold in my heart
And covered with snow.
I'm leaving, don't cry, don't,
You are proud and strong.
I'm sorry, even though my heart is howling
I will say: "Now I am free."
Believe me, it's very difficult for me too
Sorry, Forget, Goodbye.

Don't leave me dear
After all, you love, I know that.
I love you very much too
And parting is impossible.
We were good together
Come back to me, come on again.
Let me love you more.
Let me be there forever.

A source:
Words when parting with a girl - sad verses
Love, romance, feelings. There are many sad love poems on our site. Say separation verses to your girlfriend. Words when parting with a girl are sad verses.


Farewell words. Beautiful quotes about former love and parting with a loved one.

Parting with you caused me serious pain. I finally realized how much I have lost with you. I finally realized what I had to thank God for all these years, but remained an ungrateful pig.

When I looked into your eyes for the last time, I saw something there that I started crying. You asked me why I cry, what is the reason? Then I could not answer your question, but now I will say - I read the words of farewell in your eyes, you were already going to part with me then.

Sometimes you just need to say "Goodbye!" what was to say "Hello!" what will be. (Isn't that a very beautiful expression? It lifts the mood very well.)

Say one word "Goodbye!" - it is not difficult enough, much more difficult is what remains behind the scenes with him.

It hurts to say goodbye only when you know for sure that you will never say hello again.

Why can't the people we like from all over the world get together in one place and live together? It seems to me that this is probably impossible for various reasons. Someone will have to leave. After all, someone always leaves when everyone else remains and are forced to say goodbye to those leaving. I hate to say goodbye. I know what is needed more - I want to say "Hello" more often.

You have spent 12 years of your life trying to learn how to live, but every time you try for these long twelve years, you are told that you are doing everything wrong. Then, with everyone you loved, you are forced to part - all your past will be crossed out in one fell swoop. This is what they adults should be teaching you. How to say goodbye to those with whom I would never want to say goodbye.

When my face is covered with wrinkles from the many smiles I have smiled in my entire life, we can laugh together at how quickly time flies.

We will not want to say goodbye to you even at the edge of the gravestone - after all, true love never dies. And believe me, even in old age you will remain the most beautiful creature in my eyes.

If you wish, read more statuses with parting words.

This time will not forgive us
Will not forgive us the years gone by
I assure you it will take revenge
That love is out of fashion now.
It'll just drown me
That time is wasted
Will not even have mercy on you
And you will be paid for everything.
You just let him go
It's much cooler to hate now
But she herself always told me
That he is not able to offend someone ...
You gave love to someone
This someone did not accept those feelings
And she let me go so easily
My soul is somehow empty again ...
This time will let go sometime
Will it ever forgive us?
Take a minute to be sad
Only she talks about me ...

I know we are parting with you
And we will not go back to the past at all.
We haven't found a single path
We will go our own way.
I ask that you do not hold evil,
After all, everything has happened in life.
I still wish you to be happy
Fate would be fair to you.

Your love for me is a test
Tormenting, nervous suffering.
I seduced you, fell in love with myself, -
But I have never loved you.
Forgive me. I am a scoundrel.
I am a vile coward, a scoundrel, a deceiver.
Sorry. Don't hold me anymore. Let go.

Parting us
Joy destroys at the root.
She has a craving for dreams
To our souls and will.
Parting with you
With the girl you love
I feed on a dream
That they will throw us a meeting.

Let's forget everything with you
We cannot return the past
We will not wake up the asleep
Our love has passed the way.
You are young and beautiful
But our paths will fly
And our meetings are in vain
Love will not return, will not come.

Your love, treasure and happiness,
What I have never met in my life,
Suddenly and it hurts for the heart
Forever for myself I have lost.
She was pure, bright and so beautiful
Like an angel descending from heaven
It turned out to be so dangerous for me to love her
As if a demon had possessed me.
I lost my peace and clarity of thought
Forgot the last time I slept
It became harder to breathe with thoughts
That he never knew the happiness of life.
Love, I won't forgive you in my life
The pain that I gave my heart
I won't let you near me now,
I want to forget the way to me.

I don’t eat or drink without you,
I don't sleep at night without you.
Don't be silent, write one line
But don't just put a full stop at the end.
The stars don't shine without you
And the moon does not sing with them to the beat.
Don't be silent, write one line
But don't just put a full stop at the end.
Without you all the inspiration is gone
I don’t sing, I don’t write, unfortunately.
Don't be silent, write one line
But don't just put a full stop at the end.
I wrote just one line
"Dear you do not miss me."
And at the end I put an end
But, and below the script "Goodbye".
My soul is torn apart without you
Without you there is no life and happiness for me.
Alone for a year already I
Without you, without you, without you.

I am weak, darling, I am sad.
I could not overcome obstacles.
He just told you: "I'm sorry!"
And let you fly.
But our souls are so close.
We scattered into infinity.
Now we are sad on the banks of longing,
From now on, losing carelessness.
Goodbye forever, don't be sad.
Sorry darling, sorry!

You left, closing the door to the light for me.
You destroyed my temple
And left only those days
Without which there will be fear, darkness.
I have an evil beast in my soul
Behind the flags, the paws hit the blood
Bursting with a cry of will that pain.
That was absorbed into his soul, flesh.
Today I will go to the steppe in the snow,
I will leave myself, I will leave all those
Who remained in the bright days of those
And to whom do you give light to the eyes.
Just know that the way back is hidden
And you have no chance to return.
Let your enemy caress you now,
I won't die without you, no.
I'll just be a coward in love,
My ruined altar is empty
And there is a shadow on my heart all day
And all the feelings are completely broken.

Parting is so bad
We should meet him again.
My girl, cruel
So to separate loved ones.
Let the meeting come again.
We want to be next to you.
This will make it easier for us!
We were created to love.
And we will conquer separation
Just a little bit sad.
And sometimes we miss a lot.
And sadness itself will recede.

Parting, why else are there talking?
Why am I writing lines to you again?
Let's close the door on the locks
But why can't I live without you?
Why are these lines again about our
Great love, but the one that has passed?
Why am I trying to get older again
After all, you couldn't become wiser either ...

The time has come to scatter.
It opened the door for parting.
Goodbye forever, goodbye is no longer sweet.
All in the past, all of the past, believe me.
The pain was carried away with a terrible formidable force.
Breaking the chest, breaking the very essence.
Farewell to my forgotten dream forever.
Goodbye, it's time to forget and take a nap.

The usual dusk of the night.
Phone calls.
And you want to get up
And talk to her.
The pillow flies into the phone.
And he does not stop talking!
That chime is ringing in my ears.
Ringing, tearing everything apart!
Maybe you should come up?
And start all over again?
But a feeling of pain and anguish.
You are so tired of them.
And these long calls
Throwing out in the middle of the night
Can't decide anything.
They will only become a point.

She left and it became empty
In the heart, in the house and in the soul.
Sad, not beautiful, sad ...
And I don't want anything already!
I tried to forget it with others.
It didn't work, I can't, that's all!
She's gone and won't come. From now on
No one can replace her!

How long after
You are in my heart.
We then parted in vain
By acting carelessly.
I then appeared weak,
Once allowed to let go
The one with whom I was always happy -
I can't forgive myself!
But nothing, I will not give up.
And, really, I promise:
To conquer you again
Return to happiness again!

She doesn't understand at all how much I love her
That the closest person, and no dearer
That bit by bit I gather my family with her
But just standing by odal will not help
She doesn't love me, you can see it in her eyes
And curses without hesitation
And I read indifference on my lips
Returning to reality
But I want to hug, snuggle to the shoulder
And feel the warmth of her hand
And again I did not dare to confess my love
See the tenderness of the lights.
I'm so offended, what is my fault?
I'm sorry to live
And in conversation, often wrong
It will probably be better if I die
She won't cry, no heart
Will always find a replacement for me
I'll ask God for a ticket for myself
That would never come back.
I'll probably die today
I don't need this miserable life
I can't live like this anymore
With loneliness alone
No one can understand my pain,
My tears and sadness in my eyes
I am in life, without a stick, zero,
Maybe it's better there in heaven
People are close, indifferent,
And they are my life for me
And now it's not customary to understand
That there is nothing to cherish already.

May parting not bring happiness
For us. Let us be lucky.
But the meeting is dispersed again by bad weather.
Believe it - she will come.
Let the sadness bring parting.
Do not expect bright days from parting.
Separation from a girl is a bad foundation.

Parting is goodbye
And it happens that even to tears.
We need to part with you,
Not for long, and not seriously.
I promise to call very often
Sms-ki write to you,
I promise your passionate love
Do not forget in the new city.

Tell me why did you leave again?
Tell me why all those words
Why are you confused yourself?
And the conversation is all about
That I am insignificant, like a thief!
Believe me, you're wrong again!
All this is Your game again!
I loved so much, I was with You
And I'm not a stranger to You!
But not a stranger from afar,
I will always help you!
What a pity that Nas
Never again!
I will not disappear, I will not die.
I'll just be quiet, I'll leave again
I will not be able to forget You,
I don't want to forget you
After all, still ... I love you!

Without straying too far from the topic I started in the last article, "", which talked about how to write an apology letter from a girl to a guy, now we will look at how to write an apology letter from a guy to a girl.

From time to time, misunderstandings arise in any relationship. These can be small disagreements, disagreements and, of course, quarrels, which develop into difficult clashes. Situations like this tend to build up their energy over weeks or even months before exploding. Thus, the longer this accumulation lasts, the more powerful the explosion will be.

The worst result of such an "explosion" is the loss of trust. Therefore, it is best to resolve differences as early as possible, without waiting for the situation to deteriorate to such an extent that it is completely out of control and it will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to save the situation.

If the last quarrel with a girl happened through your fault, you offended her, and a misunderstanding arose between you, but you do not want to lose her and part with her, the best way to maintain the relationship is to write an apology letter.

A quarrel very rarely occurs due to the fault of only one person. Usually both - both the man and the woman contribute to the deterioration of the relationship, and if you feel that even a small part of your guilt is still there - you need to apologize - this is what real men do.
Remember, an apology is not a humiliation, but a noble deed!
A written apology is beneficial because it allows you to calmly ponder every phrase and every word. This is very important if you really want to keep the relationship with your girlfriend. In addition, the letter will reveal the real cause of resentment and disagreement.

Before you start writing an apology letter to your girlfriend, you should understand that the main task that you face is to apologize, and not to make excuses or "sort out the relationship." If you are going to continue the "proceedings" only by transferring them to paper, it is better not to even start. Regardless of whether you are essentially right or wrong, it will only get worse. If your goal is to get your girlfriend back (or not to lose her), you must be accurate and honest when writing your letter.

How to write an apology letter to your girlfriend

You can conditionally divide your letter into two parts. The first will contain the apology itself, and the second can be dedicated to poetry or quotes.

Warning # 1... At this point, I need to explain something to dear men. Many representatives of the "stronger sex" consider it shameful and unacceptable for themselves to "sink" to the expression of romantic (and generally any) feelings. Naively believing that in this way they destroy the image of a cool macho they have created (as they think).

Must disappoint you, dear fellows. Women appreciate the moments when men genuinely express their feelings. Only they do not "lisp", but they express their feelings and show tenderness and romance. Why do you think the image of a noble knight was so popular in the Middle Ages, dedicating all his victories to a beautiful lady, and in between battles, writing romantic poems to her or singing serenades under her balcony?

The combination of masculinity and romance creates that very "explosive mixture", which is difficult for any woman to resist, and if you want to restore a relationship, your letter should express your feelings, which, perhaps, you have never spoken to your girlfriend out loud.

The volume of the letter can be anything, depending on what you want to say. Make sure it covers all the details and aspects that you want to cover. In some cases, a few paragraphs may be sufficient, and in others, a dozen pages may not be enough. But again, this will all depend on how sincere and honest you are and how you feel about your apology.

Now, look at the main points to include in an apology letter to your girlfriend.

I will use this definition as "item", do not let that confuse you. Just do not try to number these "points" in the letter, just, after all, I somehow had to designate the semantic section of the letter, so I called this imaginary section "paragraph".

  • One point should be related to the events that, in fact, made you write the letter.
  • The letter should also include a paragraph in which you tell why you decided to write the letter (your feelings for the girl - you miss her, etc.)
  • You also need to especially dwell on what you are ready to do to make peace with her and how you see the development of your relationship in the future.
  • You need to end the letter with an honest, sincere apology and assurances of your love. The letter must be signed with your name. Many guys do not do this, but simply sign as on a receipt for payment for services (and make a very big mistake)
  • Below your signature, you can write some kind of poem or quote about love. Where can I get all this? - You can find it on the Internet, but in such situations I always recommend writing yourself (I'm talking about poetry ... a quote, of course, you can take anywhere). It may not look professional, but the girl will understand that you were sincere, took the time and energy to express your feelings. She will certainly appreciate this gesture very highly.

Remember that according to your letter, the girl must understand and believe - you really are very sorry about what happened and that is what you want to say with your letter, and not something else. After reading your apology letter, your girlfriend should get the impression that your relationship with her means a lot to you, and that you really love her. You can attach a small flower to the letter, a couple of rose petals, your joint photo, which captures one of the brightest moments of your relationship.

Warning # 2... You just read a paragraph that may have caused you questions or even a complete rejection - “What flowers? Which photos? I what? Girl? " I will not explain anything further now, because this can result in a lecture on psychology, but if you want to restore a relationship with a girl, do as I advise you, otherwise your chances of success are reduced by 100 times, no less!

Example of an apology letter from boyfriend to girl

Here is a sample letter of apology from which you can draw inspiration to write your letter. If you blindly copy this text, and your girlfriend suddenly finds out that you took the letter from the Internet, then after such "apologies" you will get even more serious troubles than before. Therefore, use this example only as a guide for writing your personal letter.

Dear (Beloved) ________, not everything went well with us in recent times and so I decided to write this letter. It is not always possible to convey in words or looking in the eyes to express your feelings and how much I love you.

I know that you are upset about what happened __________ (you can explain what you did, but don't make excuses), but I also want you to know how I feel.

You mean so much to me - more than the whole world, and I feel very sad, ashamed and hard when you are in pain. I apologize for the mistakes I made, I promise not to repeat them and do everything possible so that nothing like this will ever happen in the future.

I am trying to get rid of those bad character traits that are hurting you. You are the best girl in the world and it is very hard for me that I can lose you. For all the mistakes that I have made, I have already paid with what is happening to me now. All this taught me to appreciate your attitude towards me, and I will do my best to justify it and be for you exactly what you are for me - the best person in my life.

_______ (girl's name), I realized that I cannot afford to lose you because I love you very much. I am ready to meet with you when it is convenient for you and listen to everything that you deem it necessary to express to me.

_______ (girl's name), from the bottom of my heart I ask you to forgive and believe me.

(here you can insert a short verse, quote, photo)

I love you, (your name)

I repeat once again that the letter must be written by you. This is just an example. It's better to write by hand and it doesn't matter if your handwriting is beautiful or not. The girl must see that this letter is written "from the heart." Put part of your soul in the letter and they will surely believe you.

FROM THE AUTHOR: My answers in the comments are the opinion of a private person and not a recommendation from a specialist. I try to answer everyone without exception, but unfortunately I physically do not have time to study long stories, analyze them, ask questions about them and then answer in detail, and I also do not have the opportunity to accompany your situations, because this requires a huge amount of free time, and I have very little of it.

In this regard, I very much ask you to ask specific questions on the topic of the article, do not try to use comments for correspondence or chat, and do not expect that I will advise in the comments.

Of course, you can ignore my request (which many do), but then be prepared for the fact that I will ignore yours. This is not a matter of principle, but exclusively of time and my physical capabilities. Don't be offended.

If you want to receive qualified help, please, contact for advice, and I will devote my time and knowledge to you with full dedication.

Best regards and hope for understanding, Frederica

How not to break your leg falling from the roof of the house? All you can do is group together and mitigate the consequences. It's the same with our gentle companions in life. “Let's stay friends”, “it's not about you, it's about me” are commonplace and excuses for breaking up, which only cause irritation. At the request of TTR, the author of the Cozy Psychology public, Dmitry Kagdin, came up with five phrases that you need to say to a girl so that she takes your departure as painlessly as possible and does not want to kill you, at least in the first five minutes of the conversation.

The feelings that were before are not there

A phrase that strikes the widespread, modern opinion that love is not eternal. In a sense, you can show a girl that feelings are fading away. This is especially useful if she was naive and believed that you were sent to her from heaven. Many books claim that feelings can go away. People's revelations also tell us that "there are no those feelings that were during the first date." Every girl guesses about it, but hides these fears deep inside. It's easier to live like this than to shake every day, crossing out the three-year calendar, at the end of which love will surely die. If we hit this place, we will provoke her personal growth, which we can then brag about to friends. Yes, and her suffering will pass faster, because subconsciously she was ready for such an outcome.

Understand, now you think that I am the only one, but when you meet me, you can miss true love

Sweet honey for the girl's ears. The natural reaction would be rejection, but the phrase itself is a classic Trojan horse. Accepting her with refusal, the girl will emotionally load your words, and later, having seen through them, will understand that there is a prince who is waiting for her, and you were just his likeness. The embedded meaning conveys a message to her - “you need to look for another, why spend time for suffering. " This is a modernized phrase that does not provoke aggression due to its originality: "You will find yourself better."

Sorry honey, I'm not a sadist. My love is gone, and if we don't part, I will torment you with this. I can't do that

With this phrase, you show that you still care about her, and make it clear that if she does not let you go, it will be worse for her. There won't be those flowers on Fridays, anniversary celebrations, gifts and attention. In general, all that a girl needs. At the same time, you signify that you do not want such a life for her. You remain a good friend to her who protects her. They love it.

If we continue to be together, we can part and hate each other, and I don't want to lose a person like you, so it's better to leave now.

Another modernization, this time banal: "Let's stay friends." The difference is that you are describing the prospect of friendship, which, by the way, may never come true, you both know that. But you give her warm words that will be a soft pillow for her. The standard expression of care in the form of “I don’t want to lose a person like you” works very well for her social memory, laid down by many generations, as well as with love films, songs and poems. And again - you are a hero, you see the danger and prevent it. In general, I deserve a round of applause!

Sorry, I have changed. I realized that relationships are not for me. I am attracted to other girls, but I don't want to spoil your life with cheating

"Oh, you're so caring, stop it!" - this is not what you will hear from her after this phrase, but nevertheless, you declare that you are frank and honest, which in itself is a manifestation of care and respect towards her. You have nothing to blame, you are a free man and live as you want. If you want others, you have the right.

There is no universal magic phrase that makes you stop loving you painlessly. A girl is a living person with her emotions, we can only soften and shorten her suffering in time.