Congratulations on the anniversary of a woman on you. Original, beautiful and fun congratulations to a woman with an anniversary. Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary woman

Today round date
The woman has bright and light.
Today is the day when it is necessary
In the light of being noticeable.

Let give gifts suddenly
Only those that you secretly wanted.
And all the warmth and attention
So that your relatives are given.

Major sentiment,
Miracles seem to live in a fairy tale.
Merry jubilee!
Live in love and care!

Congratulations on the anniversary!
We wish you from the heart:
Wallet let fatette
Not by day, but by the hour.

In the house - joy, comfort.
In the heart - passion and love.
Let always everything be cool
From dawn to dawn!

Happy Anniversary Congratulations!
And wish that day,
So that you lived because not knowing,
Without sadness and loss.

Let the soul boil like a bird,
In the heart, let love live.
Your youth let it last,
Numbers in the passport - not in the account!

On the day of such an anniversary
We are in a hurry to congratulate you!
You accept the wishes
Right here and right now:

Be always happy,
Be merry, beautiful!
And more so that you have
The money was about the stock!

So that the good luck "on the heels",
So that success and there and there!
Day to note enchanting!
Movement on perfectly!

Congratulations on the anniversary!
Let the fate beside happiness,
And success will be noticeable
In every day, in a minute each.

Let in their eyes shine joy,
In the heart there will be inspiration,
Weekdays will be all over envy -
Every day, like a birthday!

Happy birthday, with a round date,
Be beautiful, always young!
Be fresh like frosty mint
Like a spring with student water!

Bright, light, like sun sun,
And ringing like a mountain stream,
Be scented thousand bouquets,
Queen balls and nights!

Be happy, having funny, like children,
Believe in yourself, and also - in miracles,
Whether the desire of all women in the world,
And clean, like a crystal, like dew!

We wish joy, good,
Health, happiness and heat,
Flower, smiles and friends
In a jolly holiday anniversary.
Beautiful woman always.
And age in this is not a hindrance.
Do not forget to store in the shower
Reserves of kindness and laughter.
And even if not only on this day
Sings on the heart of the nightingale.

Beautiful, smart, young and beautiful,
As if Tsarevna came out of the fairy tale.
Today, just a little matured again,
I want to congratulate you on the anniversary!

Always stay so much fun
Funny, energetic, of course, healthy,
Let joy brings you every day,
And in life there will be no anxiety and losses!

The fun again knocks on the house,
He does not leaving him at all;
How old will you -
You always have a young.

Today is your birthday,
And congratulate everything heartily.
One thought is now with you:
Let it last infinite ...

Love is always in your soul
Without tired, shone people.
No time to think about "already" -
No, we will still be cheerful.

Let your soul sings
Over the years, only a shot.
Sorrow forever let go
How the spending time is empty.

Let the joy being blown away,
You be a little careless.
Let Love live in the soul
And the joy will be infinite.

What to wish you, such
On a special day - your anniversary?
You are the Golden man.
And in the world there is no bright!

Beautiful be. Such as is.
Let wisdom multiplies over the years
Your merit is not counting,
We will estimate you with flowers:

Like a rose - young always,
As orchid is unique,
As forget-me-not - you are wonderful,
So, as a carnation, multifaceted!

Let the man stacks
Lay on your way
Let his vacation - only on the bugs,
Let the full bowl be a house!

Anniversary birthday
Guests at the table,
Wishes, congratulations
And gifts full house.

Don't consider what a dozen
Your anniversary has changed,
You are today Queen
And your open ball.

Waltz life will be swollen
Tango passion opal
Every day you love
Love let say about love.

The bowl of life will be complete
Let love to the edges
Performed all wishes
Let fate without unnecessary words.

Let you, in your wonderful life
Always everything will be clear and light,
There will be no anger, no offense
Let it be just good!

Today we congratulate you on holiday
And we wish a lot of joy
Let dreams come true, wishes will be fulfilled
And you do not tell the happiness "Goodbye"!

Oh, you are beautiful, as always,
More beautifully you are now
And on my birthday, yes,
And you are a goddess at all.
For a living, look more fun
You have a lot,
After all, every new anniversary -
Only a new beginning,
Beginning of new bright years
Good luck and impressions
Pleasant, joyful victories
Period of accomplishments!

Congratulating the woman such
I am very risk now.
I know that no longer eighteen
Yes, I do not believe and I'm afraid to admit.
I am glad to congratulate you on the anniversary,
And ahead of life alley
You always go to the right step
Some joy let them be ahead.
Beauty let not fade
Sharply up luck let it take off
Success in life let not disappear.

Birthday - bright holiday,
But lighter - anniversary.
Be always so beautiful
And happy every day!
Let your eyes shine
Let a smile on his face
Never disappears
Let love reigns everywhere.
We cordially congratulate
And we want to wish everything
To life seemed to be a paradise,
Without loss and without obstacles!

Congratulations on the anniversary
And wish from the soul
So that your life has been Malina
And so that success with you lived.

Let him go to the house quietly,
Settle there in the corner
To happiness and health
Always accompany you.

Let beauty be with you,
Still prosperity and love.
You are 18 again,
Today they will be noted again!

After all, the age does not know the beauty.
And we want to wish this evening
Such a great stay always.
All life, let them be happy with you,
Love let him share the eyelids with you,
Let the solution brings only luck,
And next to the closest person.
We do not want to not have seals,
They constitute a few of them.
We wish with life blows
Could adequately resist.
Today we will not count candles,
Colors in bouquets, numbers in passports.
Wish a million smiles this evening,
Be wise, good, joyful always!

Today, the anniversary of that
Who forgot about peace
Who will have time to feed
Able to love to be loyal.
Who knows the lot in colors and fashion,
Smile at any weather
Who does not feel sorry for cute phrases,
Who will not leave, will not betray.
So let the eyes always sparkle
And let the failure be afraid.
To have forces and years
The soul would be fulfilled with flowers.
So that beauty is everywhere, in everything.
The warmth of the shock was your home,
And respect, and strength.
And life - long and beautiful!

Beautiful woman I am with an anniversary
Congratulate today I have a hurry from the soul.
I wish that life has become brighter, fully,
And your days were always good.
And all the anniversaries - what were that will be -
Daril only happiness and joy in fate.
Love was gentle, like a miracle,
And happiness would fly to you.

With the date of Round - with the anniversary!
I want to wish soon:
Let all bad weather disappear.
Female big happiness!
Roses beautiful and fragrant,
Summer nights of shady
To happiness without wine
Head is spinning.
Do not be sad, do not be angry
And love and have fun.
In the life of personal, everything is smooth,
At work - everything is in order.
So that the eyes were shining with fire,
Compliments appeared.
And year - wealth ours -
Did you only paint.

Women over the years are not aging
Only wrinkles around the eyes.
Today we congratulate you on the anniversary
The most beautiful of us!
Wishes got a lot of:
Happiness and good luck, and love.
Believe, with the years you have become beautiful.
The main thing is not the appearance, but inside.
And inside you are always young.
Can the heart be performed?
Anniversary today celebrate
We will have fun and noise!

You have a birthday today.
How your eyes are burning!
Let these our congratulations
Cute, please you.
We wish the birds sang ...
No, not in heaven - in your soul.
Let champagne always sparkles
And caviar "flames" on the table.
Happy let your children.
Grandchildren please the success of you.
All the flowers, what is on white light,
Husband brings, sincerely loving!
Let luck in life be too,
And health is growing every day.
All insults, thunderstorms, quarrels, tears
Let your home leave forever.
Anniversary - just in life the date.
You are beautiful, sincere, good.
Stay always, native,
You are so for many years.

Your birthday anniversary
You go to the circle of your family,
In a circle of friends, relatives and loved ones -
All those people walked around!
So that everyone came true wishes,
So that the year brought you good,
To meetings, not farewell,
And in the main thing to be lucky!
And let love leaves
Your soul from year to year:
Rude, plays and shines.
And the heart of new forces gives!
In affairs - smelts and success,
And albeit only in growth there is income.
Zador, joy and laughter -
And on this day, and every year!

For a woman in the days of the anniversary,
In the shower and joy and sadness.
You became brighter and wiser,
And everyone is a little sorry:
Will not be more than 18
There will be no 23.
And over the years do not sneak
Do not say time - "Zamr".
We wish we want today
Do not slow down the life of running.
Love, create and admire
The award will be successful.

Happy anniversary, with a round date
Congratulations on the soul.
Be healthy and rich
Cheerfully, having fun.
Houses - forces and understanding.
And care from relatives.
At work - prosperity,
Extraordinary premiums.
Let smiles and arms
Warm without fire.
I sincerely wish you happiness,
Happy Birthday to You!

You have become more painful years old
Our sun, our joy!
Compliments do not regret
Congratulations on the anniversary!
Easy will be the road,
The side will pass anxiety,
More joyful events
Enjoy living.
Travel, dream,
Never lose.
Mischievous mood
Happiness, light, inspiration!

Holiday any for you is not science.
Once - and salads on an ambulance hand.
You need to have time to the hairdresser at five,
Make your nails, put in the house.
Life experience helps you:
One hand washes, the other erases.
Everything succeeds, everything is time
Like on wings today fly!
You look at the mirror - Eh, good!
Dress, hairstyle, eyes and soul.
In the evening, guests, gifts, flowers ...
All for such unearthly beauty.
In your anniversary congratulations to accept.
Happiness, health, good and love!

Anniversary is not just a round date, this is a new reference point in the life of a woman. And of course, in the anniversary of a good person, and especially women, it is customary to provide special attention to express their appreciation. We have facilitated you a task in making congratulations and gathered on this page. Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary woman in verse.

If you wish to congratulate the jubilee original, you can send a comic audio congratulation on her cell or home phone.

Let them rule the ball in your life
Love, hope, kindness,
Emotions covers squall
Suddenly I have become a dream!
Ideas are growing in the heart, plans
In your agitated soul.
Let the oceans open open
After all, the anniversary has come!
Gorgeous woman under power
Stop the stream
But the main thing is that the man was
Who can protect!

Coming dates of anniversaries,
Without asking us about
What we may be talking about,
What are we with Zamiran waiting.
Let your anniversary be clear
And full of happiness and colors,
As the most long-awaited holiday,
Like the song of joy without words.
And many years you, native,
And new meetings in the earthly way
So that never tired
You continued to carry the light.

The age of women is only such
How much feels heart, soul.
So let them occur -
Stay always young!
From the whole mind of health,
Happiness and sunny days
We wish you in the anniversary.

Happy anniversary, dear!
It is unlikely that the woman is different
Maybe just to be a mila!
We wish that
You are happy infinitely
Young remained forever
Let your anniversary year
Only joy will bring!

This is a round date -
Your solemn anniversary.
So, a lot from life is taken,
Even more given to her.
Happiness to you earthly
Joy - so as not to consider
And we wish you a lot of health
Not lost so that there is.

I love you, native!
Live for a long time, not knowing,
Easy, joyful, light.
I was lucky with you:
Your hands are so reliable,
And the advice is so important!
Let fate send you
In this anniversary year
A lot of vigor and strength
And always let them be miles
Like a holiday lights,
Life joyful days!

In the anniversary birthday
I wish without a doubt
So that life is full
Only smiles and blooms,
As if early spring,
So that she was Sogret
Clear sun - like summer
To give generosity to give
Like autumn harvest ...
Let everyone have enough strength!
Never lose.

On the day of the anniversary bright moment
Oh, time, do not rush!
Love, health, eternal bloom
We wish you sincerely, with all my heart!
And let your soul do not know the cold,
Beautiful be you like a garden in color,
After all, your heart is always young
You save the world this beauty

I congratulate you on the anniversary of you!
You are the most beautiful in the world!
And wish you i want now
To love for you in response!
Let him not touch the troubles never
Let your eyes shine forever happiness!
I wish the main - heart heat,
Soul - Freedom, Life without bad weather!

Short congratulations on an anniversary woman in verse

Such dates are celebrated not often
But once came to meet her time,
We wish for the future of happiness,
And with him health, cheerfulness of good.

Congratulations on the anniversary,
Life wish forces!
We love you and cellets
And we want to bring
You have health every year
What leads to a century!

Dear smile fun - this is your anniversary!
We kiss you, hug,
Many joyful days and quiet nights,
Long life, I wish you health!

He wanted to health strong
More bright clear days.
And if you can, try
Tsential to meet the anniversary.

The year was added - this is not at all trouble.
Days go without care and merge in the year.
It is important to be healthy - there is nothing more important!
Be gently and beloved and live until hundreds of years!

Boils work everyday
But among ordinary days
Suddenly the birthday comes,
Wonderful holiday - anniversary!
We want you to wish good luck,
Success in life, bright things,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
Have met every new day!

You have an anniversary today!
And let the fatigue sometimes in the eyes,
All this is just because
That life is not easy.
Let God keep you
From evil, from the troubles, from all the misfortunes,
And let your soul rings,
Like the lark song - happiness.

Stick hours, count the time
Run the days
And now with a wonderful anniversary
Congratulations we.
Let life go on quietly
Not knowing sorrow and troubles
And strong will let health
More for many more years.

We wish the jubilee:
Not aging!
Do not be sick!
Do not haand!
Not to miss!
And many more anniversaries meet!

In your wonderful anniversary
We allow you to hug you
And give a poem
Love and happiness wish.

And let health be strong
And the heart is always young,
Let your day be light,
On joy to us and all relatives.

It doesn't matter how much years old.
It is important that your trace remains in life.
On the day of the anniversary we want to wish
Years of your as a horse, curb.

Cool congratulations on the anniversary woman

Our jumper is glory!
Our jumper is honored!
Let always have the jumper
Will be joy not to read!
To health - so health,
So that fun - so fun,
Money to - whole WHO
Laughter - So it means to tears!

You, beautiful Signora,
Congratulations on the anniversary.
In the wars - Musketeers,
Let him not drive with you.

Let him sings you serenada
Under the window all day,
Let all obstacles destroy
Passion will hit the target.

Stay this:
Bright, dazzling,
Barrier, mounted,
Cute, delightful.

Where to take some well-being
So it does not happen - this is a fact.
And let the bigger will be "better"
And less will be "Somehow."

We wish you on the day of the anniversary,
Smiles, joyful trouble.
Health, happiness and fun,
Today, tomorrow, all year round!

I am delighted with confess -
I have long been dragging out!
In your chic anniversary
No slimmer and mile.

You are confident in yourself
God favors you.
Let luck give weight
Interest interest!

Let's not sum up
And just go from the heart.
We are an old rock in your anniversary,
After all, we, as before, are good!
Let's go for dancing, to the club, on the disco,
For a long time you remember the anniversary.
Hey, bartender, pour us in full!
Mojito and tequila do not regret.

Congratulations on the anniversary woman in verses from colleagues

From jubileev in life do not leave -
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry through the years
Heat soul, heart particle.
You have an anniversary today.
We congratulate you from the heart
And in the life of the main wish:
Health, happiness, joy
And years before one hundred years!

No, a woman is not to blame.
When this date comes -
Here the calendar of everything is marina!
And you, all the dates, contrary to
All the same young soul
Sloves are elegant and easy.
We will not want to wish much,
The advantages of your all do not consider ...
So stay, for God,
Always what is what!
I will survive all the anniversaries!
After all, in life most importantly,
So that the soul is not stolen.

Friends and employees, words do not regret
Congrass want you to this day anniversary!
You are light joy, happiness is full,
Tips We are important and needed.
Loves and appreciates you your family -
Reliable, faithful your friends.
We all wish you health and strength,
So that everything you want, you have always had,
So that youth, happiness, good luck, success
Daril's fate always without interference!

Dear, congratulations on the anniversary! Today you have a round date, so I wish you all the round - the Round Sun above your head, round strong arms of your beloved, understanding in the family at the round table, large circular amounts in the wallet and spring in the shower all year round!

Dear, acceptance the most spiritual congratulations on your anniversary! Let this holiday be a memorable milestone in your life, and memories associated with it will be the most pleasant, joyful and bright. Health to you, love, joy and well-being!

Happy holiday! Stay always the same blooming, what day you were when you were eighteen years old. Let in your life there will be no disappointment, and failures, if they appear on the horizon - swim by, like light clouds. Happy anniversary of you, with a wonderful holiday of life.

After all, women are never aging
And everything is becoming beautiful and wise.
Today, congratulate birthday
Whose anniversary.
We sincerely wish you
All also be beautiful.
Health strong!
Good luck, money and love.
To come true all dreams.
Congratulations on this achievement!

Happy anniversary, dear, I congratulate you,
The most sincere wishes get you from me!
Of course, I wish you happiness and your family,
Let adversity do not concern you in general
Solar mood let you always have
And every moment of life - there will be happiness for you!

Hurry to congratulate on the anniversary,
One of the ladies of beautiful world.
Shipping wish we have
And we will be happy to quote them.

Such people like you are a bit
Therefore, we wish you happiness!
To meet at the threshold
And side challenge bad weather.

Health let the river flows.
Does not leave the vigor of the Spirit.
Let the white map falls,
Heat speech caresses hearing.

And of course, without a doubt,
In the year, the anniversary we wish -
With failures - a little of the patience,
But love "flowed" to the edge!

Today is a significant event - today you have an anniversary! Let us fall in love with your captive beauty, a charming smile, a bottomless look of beautiful eyes, which reflect the mind, kindness, love and warmth. Over the years, you only become more beautiful! Stay always like this: Beautiful body and soul!

You, beautiful, good, like a bright, gentle sun. And today you are especially good, and no reason. After all, you have an anniversary. Bright days, great friends, many colors, I wish you gifts. And let all your loved ones will be nearby! Congratulations!

Dear, acceptable from the heart of congratulations on the anniversary! Let every new anniversary, exactly ten times multiplies your health, successes and achievements, and your beauty and charm do not depend on the increasing numbers on anniversary postcards.

Dear our conviction is our jubilee! Let the years do not add wrinkles, let the waist be aspen, the neck - swan, let the legs slightly. Let the woman puts off the envy, and the men are real knights - fall at the feet! You deserve it!

Congratulations to a woman with an anniversary should get out of particular care. After all, the anniversary is not just an ordinary holiday, and the celebration, to which the representatives of the beautiful floor are prepared in advance and very seriously. Choosing congratulatory poems, be sure to pay attention to the age of the birthday room, because those words that will be beautiful in 30 years, may not be suitable for a fifty-year-old woman. Here you can choose beautiful poems that fill the heart of the birthday girl tenderness and warmth. In each of the poems, all the best wishes that can only be said to this wonderful day are mentioned. In addition to health and happiness, be sure to mention the beautiful inner world and the wonderful look of the female representative. Soul and to tears touching wishes will attract the attention of all guests. Congratulating the birthday girl with an anniversary of an unusual and gentle greeting, you will leave an indelible mark in her heart!