Festive packaging for New Year's gifts with their own hands. How beautiful to pack a gift for the new year with your own hands

In the new review, the most original and most reactive is going to how you can pack a gift for the new year.
Definitely accurately - a good gift is important, however, with a good packaging, its value increases many times.

1. Paper feathers

Gift packaging supplemented with paper feathers.
Even the most unwashed wrapper, complemented by original feathers, cut out of colored paper and decorated with gold paint or sparkles, will look stylish and original. In addition to colored paper for the manufacture of feathers, the pages of old books are suitable, wallpaper remains or even ordinary white sheets. And for the product to get the most accurate as possible to better use a pre-prepared pattern.

2. Chic and shine

Packaging, decorated with paper with glitter and artificial sprigs.
Instead of banal wrapping paper, gifts for loved ones, you can wrap a simple craft paper. And so that the packages do not look too boring, decorate them with wide tapes of thick paper with a glitter, an artificial green branch and tags with funny inscriptions.

3. Laurel wreath

Gift packaging decorated with laurel wreaths.
Boxes with gifts packed in Kraft paper can be decorated with an artificial laurel wreath, and ordinary twine will help fix the composition.
Video Bonus:

4. Fir branches

Snowflake made of fir branches.
People with a subtle taste, probably like the idea of \u200b\u200bpackaging cherished boxes with gifts in stylish black paper. And you can decorate such a wrapper using snowflakes from fir branches and large points drawn by proofreader or paints.

5. "Winter" drawings

Drawings on packaging paper.
Simple thematic pictures drawn by a white marker or proofreader - another perfect way to decor gifts, packed in black wrapping paper.

6. Jars

Gifts in glass jars.
In addition to the usual boxes for packing small gifts, glass jars can be used. On the bottom of the jars can be put a little cotton wool, hay or foam, and their necks to decorate ribbons, bright tags or New Year's candies.

7. Marble and gold

Packing paper decorated with gold foil.
Packaging paper, own design, make gift boxes truly exclusive and stylish. To do this, print the desired template on ordinary paper, wrap in it gifts and modify the packaging itself. Very relevant this season will look at the marble packaging, decorated with thin golden strokes of foil.

8. Large flowers

Boxes decorated with large flowers.
Instead of familiar ribbons, you can decorate the gift boxes with large flowers made of corrugated paper.

9. Fabric packaging

Fissure packaging and decor.
Fissure packaging looks very original, stylish and cozy. In addition, such package can be made literally in five minutes without spending a penny, because the material for its creation can be found in your closet. To create a tissue packaging, an unnecessary thing from knitwear is best suited, an old wool sweater, a bandana or a cervical scarf.

10. Original packages

Gift bags from book pages.
Pages of unnecessary or spoiled book can be used to create creative gift bags. Such packages can be decorated with small pieces of lace, sparkles or uncomplicated patterns.
Video Bonus:

11. Candy

Gifts in the form of candy.
New Year's gifts can be packaged in an unusual way, turning them into bright candy. For this, the present gift must be given a cylinder form. Make it will help the usual cardboard bushing or a special box. After that, the chosen base should be wrapped in packaging or corrugated paper, just as candy wrap. The finished product can be decorated with ribbons, sequins and organza.
Video Bonus:

12. Volumetric figures

Packaging, decorated with bulk figures.
You can decorate a simple packaging with the help of various volumetric figures, for the manufacture of which are suitable small twigs, fabric, colored paper, ribbons and beads.

13. Domik.

Box in the form of a house.
Gift box in the form of a house, to make which you can independently from a piece of tight cardboard.

14. Cardboard box

Gift box from sleeve.
A stylish gift box can be made from a conventional cardboard sleeve. Give such packaging a festive view will help a small piece of any decorative paper, a wide ribbon, a piece of burlap or lace. Just wrap the box with the selected element and add the composition with a thin ribbon, bow or bright rope.

15. Stars

Paper packaging in the form of stars.
Paper stars - another non-standard and very spectacular way of packing gifts. To create such packaging, you will need two types of paper (crafting and decorative), needle, threads and minimal sewing skills. From paper, you need to cut out the stars of stars of the desired size, put in the center of the star from the decorative paper a gift, fill in a tiny for the volume and gently sew all this with a second star from craft paper.

16. Stylish minimalism

Original tags.
Simple tags with written or printed on them warm wishes are capable of decorating gift packaging, make them unique and stylish.

17. Cute animals

Packaging with muzzle.
Armed with color cardboard, marker and own fantasy, turn faceless cardboard boxes in funny little animals.

18. Burlakov

Gift packaging from burlap.
Burlap is an original and stylish alternative to the usual gift packaging. Burlap can wrap gift boxes, fixing the packaging of a satin or lace ribbon, or make large or small bags from this material.
Video Bonus:

New Year is a holiday full of magic and joy. Each of us, with impatience and sinking the heart, expect this celebration, because in this period of time everything is conceived and desired comes true. We find real cherished gifts and little surprises under an elegant Christmas tree. We rejoice in them and these positive emotions give our loved ones, friends and children in return in the form of souvenirs. It is only necessary to find out what kind of unusual and original people want such an unusual and original people. And inquiring and having found a gift, stop before it is cool and effectively arrange to, so to speak, to intrigue all your gift for New Year's Eve. The first impression of you will fold about, of course, the wrapper of the surprise we presented with you, and then the souvenir himself. If you have never been doing anything like that, then our article will help you with this, providing for your consideration 25 photos of the ideas of how to pack a gift for the new year 2019 with your own hands stylish and cool. A lot of creative approaches and ideas will reveal to you in one moment, dear friends, and our useful and indispensable videos with phased instructions will pump you on the chic idea that you will with great success will open in your personal creative work at home.

Best photos of gift decor ideas 2019

Here we will imagine you some of the best photos of ideas for packing gifts for the new year 2019.

Method number 1.

For this simple way, it is necessary to take a one-photographic gift or craft - paper, carefully wrap the prepared surprise and tied up with a decorative ribbon. From above, you can attach some kind of decoration of the New Year's subject. For example: snowflake, spruce branch. Sweep decoration with artificial snow, confetti or sparkles.

Gift Packaging Video DIY

Method No. 2.

To unusually and originally pack a gift for the new year 2019 with your own hands without much effort, we recommend that you stay at this idea. Candy design is small or big will hit every girl or boy if the present is meant for children.

For this you need:

  • monophonic decorative paper,
  • scissors;
  • two bright ribbons.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Make a shape in the form of a tube.
  2. Paper ends tied with ribbons in such a way that the surprise reminds the candy. If you show creative and slightly fantasy, you can decorate such a wrapper in the New Year's subject. For example: glue artificial snow, small snowflakes, New Year's toys, confetti; Drop the wrapper festive symbols.

Method number 3.

A gift in such a wrapper looks actually rich and stylish, especially for the new year 2019. Do with your own hands it is very easy and fast.

For this package it is necessary:

  • red gift paper
  • wide Golden Ribbon
  • translucent red braid.

Manufacturing process:

  1. It needs to wrap red paper. Then the gold ribbon should be obliged to the cross, and on top of it to launch a transparent red braid. Show originality in this business and create!

Method number 4.

Such packaging is smart suitable for your girl or mom. See and create!

For such a design you will need:

  • round pattern
  • pencil,
  • cardboard,
  • scissors,
  • line
  • decorative tape.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To pack the souvenir, you need to first put a cardboard sheet on the table and circle a pattern in such a way that the drawing is similar to the wedding rings.
  2. Template use this size, what will be a festive gift for the new year 2019.
  3. After that, sequentially shifting pattern, you need to divide the edges of the circles for 4 sectors. In the center of each ring, the rhombus should turn out. Cut the resulting rings and bend inside.
  4. In the center of such a workpiece you need to put a surprise and tie a beautiful ribbon with your own hands. You can make a little fantasy and decorate a surprise with sequins, snowflakes or confetti.

Method number 5.

This type of design, using craft-paper, requires some drawing skills.

For work it will be necessary:

  • dense kraft - paper
  • scissors,
  • pencil.

Work process:

  1. On paper sheet you need to draw a drawing of the future gift packaging for the new year 2019. The square center must match the width, 4 petals - its height.
  2. At the edges of the opposite petals of the tulip, it is necessary to make oblong holes.
  3. The ends of the two other petals need to round and expand.
  4. It is necessary to put a souvenir in the center, the edges bend and stretch into the holes made with your own hands.

Method number 6.

For packaging you can use not only paper material, but also textiles. A surprise looks very original if it is made in Japanese furzilic techniques. For this method, only a piece of soft light tissue of square shape is needed. The size depends on the magnitude of the surprise. A gift must be carefully wrapped with a cloth and tie a knot. Unusually and creatively looks like New Year's presents, if they wrap them with felt, burlap or jeans.

Method number 7.

The baby will like it very much if the gift is placed in the New Year's boot. Such packaging can be purchased in the store, and you can make it yourself from the fabric and decorate the decor in the festive subject. I will like your child, decorated in a bright pouch the present. It can be sewed from the fabric, decorate snowflakes, beads, small New Year's toys. Or simply make a red pouch, like Santa Claus, and tie a decorative ribbon. Children are always associated with sweets. You can also arrange original. You probably have a transparent plastic box. If you decorate it in the New Year's theme, it will look very festive. Enjoy such a box can be snowflakes, glistening, artificial snow. You can cut the 2019 symbol - yellow pig, decorate it with a brilliant decor and glue a gift box. It is so easy and easy to pack all your chosen gifts to a child, a friend or friend.

Method number 8.

This photo of the idea is perfectly suitable for designing a gift for the new year 2019 Mom, a guy, or a loved husband.

To do this, you will need:

  • box,
  • bright decorative paper,
  • wide transparent braid
  • little figurine of New Year's themes,
  • little asterisks or snowflakes,
  • scissors,
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Box for packaging must match the size of the gift. You need to take such a box and wrap with decorative paper, edges be sure to glue.
  2. After that, a wide ribbon box must be wrapped with their own hands only once.
  3. Top tie with an elegant bow.
  4. On the free ends, you can stick shiny stars and snowflakes.
  5. From above on a bentice you need to attach a small toy. It may be angel, the Snow Maiden or what presumably should like your family and loved ones.

Method number 9.

For this work it will be necessary:

  • box,
  • decorative bright paper,
  • a small toy
  • brilliant tape
  • scissors,
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To pack the gift with your own hands quickly and unusually, the selected box, which corresponds to the magnitude of the present, should be wrapped with bright paper.
  2. The edges of the wrapper must be glued.
  3. Around the box you need to tie a decorative ribbon.
  4. After that, from colorful cardboard you need to cut a small square or a rectangle.
  5. You can decorate it on one side with brilliant asterisks and snowflakes, and on the other to write the name of the boy to whom the present is intended.
  6. Top on the box strengthen a small toy. It may be a snow maiden, an airplane, a snowman or what the baby loves. Whatever packaging for the new year 2019 is: simple or intricate, made with the taste or the most common, it will always bring a lot of joy and fun.

Method number 10.

This is a very simple, but extremely beautiful way to pack the New Year's gift at home.

For such packaging, it is necessary:

  • the most common paper packaging,
  • bright decorative ribbons,
  • little Christmas balls, preferably under the color of the ribbon,
  • helium handles of different colors.

Work process:

  1. Wrap it with paper, it is beautifully tied up with ribbons whose ends can be made in the form of spirals.
  2. At the center to attach balls.
  3. After that, we proceed with the decoration of the gift. Geli handles need to paint paper in the New Year's topics. Listen to your fantasy.

Method number 11.

This photo idea is the most relevant on any New Year holiday. If you decide to make it your hands beautiful packaging in two colors, then it is best to use shades of green or yellow. A gift made in this way for the New Year 2019 will emphasize your beautiful taste and pleasantly impressive a loved one. Especially, such design will appreciate women.

Method number 12.

If you are in favor of packing your own hands your chosen gift for the new year 2019 as brighter as possible, then our provided photo is the idea should definitely like it. We recommend discarding all ordinary boxes and start making a bag that will fit any gift, or children, or an adult.

To create it will be necessary:

  • dense tissue of any type
  • scissors;
  • red or motley fabric for decorating a bag;
  • needle;
  • thread, bright ribbon.

Process of creation:

  1. To make a cool bag for packaging a present, you must first sew it from the fabric. To do this, take a burlap or other kind of material and, measuring our present, carry the measurement on the fabric.
  2. Cut the rectangles of the required value, in the number of two units, and sew them inside out through a sewing machine or needle with a thread.
  3. Forming two hearts from red fabric, if the gift is intended for a loved one, and sew them to the front side of the bag.
  4. Finally, you need to attach your own hands and a bright satin ribbon so that the souvenir in the bag can be carefully sharpened. So everything is easy and quite simple!

Method number 13.

Want to make cool packaging packages for gifts for the new year 2019 along with children for kindergarten?! This is a wonderful idea, because you will teach each child with such a creative approach and exercise your "me", which is surprisingly affected by children's self-development in principle.

To create it will be necessary:

  • kraft - paper or something brighter;
  • pepling melange paper or any other;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • simple pencil;
  • stapler;
  • bignenut brown wire.

Process of creation:

  1. Make a package in the form of a face of a deer with your own hands, will not take you a lot of time. Help children only with the creation of the package itself. To do this, you will need to take craft - paper, and measuring the gift, cut off the necessary size of the infringement material.
  2. Fold paper almost in half, leaving a small edge free. After that, we wrap it up and fasten the scotch strip.
  3. The edges of the package bend in both directions, and then we exhaust and bend them insight.
  4. After that, bend the bottom of the package and fasten it with a scotch strip.
  5. Then, cutting out the deer fruit from colored paper, as in the photo, we glue them to the package created with your own hands.
  6. From the cinema wire we make horns with an animal, and then attach them to the base of the package. A gift in such a miracle - packaging will be for all complete surprise.

Video: How to make a package of crafted paper with your own hands

Method number 14.

Now we will tell you how to pack a beautiful gift for 2019 with your own hands in the form of a pyramid, and it is easy enough.

For work it will be necessary:

  • color cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • a pen;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon.

Manufacturing process:

  1. On a cardboard sheet, we draw a first scheme in the form of a square in the center and adjacent to it from all sides of the triangles.
  2. For two sides of four triangles, we draw convex arcs with a simple pencil. This will help us in the process of further work to fasten the sides of the pyramid.
  3. Cut the scheme and sharp side of the handle or other item squeeze out the contours of the figures.
  4. Now bend all four sides of the box.
  5. To the center put a gift and scoule the pyramid, while the arcs on the sides of the triangles bend inside the packaging.
  6. The finished pyramid ties a satin ribbon. This can be done both completely and at the peak of the pyramid, having done the holes from all the sides and stretching our rope in them. Touching, form a cool bow!

Video: Box "Pyramid" with your own hands


So our article came to its conclusion, which provided you with a lot of photos of the ideas of how you can pack a gift for the new year 2019 with your own hands beautifully and original. To do this, you can use a fairly wide range of imaginary materials. It is colored paper, and cardboard, and fabric and much more, what your rich fantasy will turn your attention. Pay this home creativity for some time and your relatives and friends simply - they will form your creative approach and talent. Please give all people who are not indifferent to you, and the world will seem to you kinder, lighter and brighter. Happy New Year 2019! With new happiness!


Excellent gift for lovers of tea. "Tea connoisseurs do not drink sawdust from bags!" - You will say. But who prevents a good dear tea in converters?

You will need:

  • cone from foam or dense cardboard;
  • round cardboard box and rice for stumps;
  • tea packed in small paper bags (quantity depends on the height and diameter of the cone);
  • glue pistol;
  • star, bows and other decorations for your taste.

Purley cone tea bags, catching glue on their top. Move from the bottom up in a checker order. It is better to use contrasting bags of sachets: the Christmas tree will be elegant.

Cover cardboard box stick to the bottom of the cone. Fill the box itself to fill rice so that the Christmas tree is stable, and then attach to the lid. If at hand there is no finished box of the desired diameter, make it yourself. Take as the basis of the roll of paper towels or glue from cardboard according to this scheme.

Decorate the Christmas tree with bunches, rhinestones and other decorative elements, and glue the star to the top.


Such a gift will highly appreciate the girls. After all, this is an individual fragrance, no one in the city will have such perfumes.

Before creating, find out what odors prefer the one whom you want to please. For example, if the girl likes citrus flavors, you will need lemon or orange. To add wood notes, we need oils sandal or cedar, powdered roses or vanilla.


  • ½ cup of almond oil;
  • ½ cup of grape oil;
  • 100 g of bee wax;
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E;
  • 60 lemon oil drops;
  • 25 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 20 drops of lavender oil;
  • 20 drops of rosemary oil.

Mix the almond and grape with wax in a separate scenery and put on the steam bath. When the wax is completely dissolved, give liquids to cool slightly and add essential oils and vitamin E. Pulle the future perfume in forms. The bottle is suitable from the old hygienic lipstick, jars from Vaseline and so on.

When wax hardens, spirits are ready to use. It will only be beautiful to packed them.

Great gift for female frozen. A couple of warm, completely strong socks that you do not wear, you can turn into gloves without fingers.

Additional materials:

  • needle with thread;
  • heart carved from felt.

Cut and sew sock as shown in the photos. Be sure to suffer the edge so as not to grind, and do all the seams from the inside.

Sew top heart from felt. You can use any other decorative means. For example, to embroider the inscription "Happy New Year!" Or share mittles by rhinestones.

Another DIY gift for those who are always overwhelming, -. Heated it for 1-3 minutes in the microwave, you will get an excellent height, which also smells pleasant.

GA-KAYAKER / Flickr.com

Parakord is a cord from nylon. It was originally used as a material for parachute slings, but then the Paracord began to apply where the light and durable cable may be required. For example, stylish men's bracelets fly out of it. In ordinary life - just a decoration, in an extreme situation - a saving rope.

There are various weaving techniques from Paracon. Here is one of the most common.

You will need:

  • 150 cm of parakord of the same color and the same than the other (it is desirable that the shades be contrasting);
  • 75 cm of black parakord;
  • scissors;
  • line;
  • needle with thread.

From the Parakord, you can weave not only the bracelet, but also keychain for keys, make a lamp for a knife or car steering. Schemes you can easily find on the network. Ever easier - watch video tutorials on YouTube, there are many there.


From such a mug, you can not only drink. On it you can leave the messages to households or just draw.


  • white porcelain mug without relief;
  • stole paint;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • brush.

The stilt paint is most often used to update the surfaces of school boards. Now a large selection of such paints. Need the one you can work on ceramics. For example, this is.

Select a plot of a mug on which it will be convenient to write, but which will not come into contact with the lips when drinking. The rest of the mug creek by painting scotch.

Degrease the unlucky area and tightly put paint on it. Remove the scotch and leave the mug on a day in a well-ventilated room.


When the paint dries, send the circle to the oven preheated to 150 ° C. After 30 minutes, turn off the stove, but remove the mug when it cools.

Now the mug can be washed in the dishwasher and put in the microwave.


If you are from those who like to give not material things, but impressions you enjoy this idea. After all, not only a delicious warming drink, but also a reason to go or invite.

Take beautiful glass jars and pour them around the third of the powder for cooking hot chocolate or cocoa. Put several candies or chocolate lobes. The remaining space fill in Marshmellos.

Decorate banks to your taste. For example, put a piece of fabric under the cover, and at the top of attaching the heart made from canes candies. The label can serve as a postcard, write your wishes on it.

Another variation of such a gift is a set for mulled wine. Take an orange, apple, carnation and cinnamon wand. Beautifully pack all this, make a label with wishes and add a bottle of good red wine.

Candles - Traditional New Year's gift. But one thing is glamorous stores, another is a nominal candle or a candle with a phrase, understandable only by the donabling and taking, or even with a photo.


  • white candles with a diameter of 5-7 cm;
  • paper for printing format A4;
  • parchment paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;

Cut the parchment paper so that it is 1-2 cm wider than A4 sheet. Stick parchment to print paper, wrapped the edges on the other side. Insert the sheet into the glossy printer, that is, where the parchment. Print an image that would like to transfer to the candle.

The drawing will be on parchment paper. Now you need to translate it to the candle. Cut the image, attach to the candle, top it tightly wrap with another layer of parchment and direct the extended construction of a jet of hot air. If the picture glanced, it means that she imprinted on the candle. Carefully remove the top layer of parchment and allow wax to froze.

The gift is ready! If you wish, you can decorate it with rhinestones or blasts.

This cosmetics will seriously simplify the search for the necessary items, because any lock can be opened.

You will need:

  • 10 zipper 15-20 cm long;
  • english pins;
  • needle or sewing machine;
  • threads.

Sweep the lightning to each other from the inside, you can first push them with pins. Close the resulting canvas in the ring and sew. Watch the lightning also across the dogs, and then remove the cosmetics.

This is a gift for a person who does not part with gadgets. By the same principle you can sew a case for the phone.


  • fetra section suitable for tablet size;
  • 2 buttons;
  • entered magnets;
  • english pins;
  • dense thread in the color of buttons;
  • felt thread;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

Fold the fabric so that the bottom part is longer than the top: this is the future case of the case. Purge the edges and remove the product.

Cut with a wave or semicircle. To the middle of the gunpowder. Secondly attach the case below, on Case. Make a loop between them, as shown in the photo.


On the left and right to the base and the case of the case of the Case. Fashion case ready!

You can also make a stylish organizer for headphones, flash drives, telephone and other gadgets from the old book in a beautiful binding. Here is detailed.

Lephotography / Flickr.com.

A gift from which not only children will be delighted, but also adults-sweet. Santia Santa Claus is very simple.

You will need:

  • glue pistol;
  • ribbons and other decor;
  • sweets: chocolate, candy, candy in the form of canes.

Here is a detailed video instruction.

A gift for a dusty friend or colleague. Beer can oh how come in handy on January 1, and brown bottles are easy to styl about Rudolph and his friends. (Rudolph is one of the deer of Santa Claus, which is distinguished by a red luminous nose.)


  • beer in bottle of dark glass;
  • decorative wire;
  • toy eyes;
  • red pumps;
  • tape and bows;
  • box;
  • super glue.

Clean the bottles of labels. Make a horns for future deer from the wire.

Stick them to the back of the bottle. At the front, attach your eyes and nose. Tape measure (so as not to slip, you can fix it with glue).


The rest of the bottles place the same. Make them in the box and decorate it.

A gift for household women and men who love to cook.

You will need:

  • cotton fabric with New Year's drawing;
  • batting for lining;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

If there is a sewing machine, the work will not take much time. Detailed video instructions - from the pattern to circumcision of the thread - attached.

Inside such a mittens can be put a shovel, a cook and other useful for the kitchen of the little things.

A little more imagination, and the gift for the New Year will be more original. Attach the ring to the shovel, and hang the chosen family recipes, printed on cards and illuminated.


Glass Snowy ... Fuuder

Balls with a miniature figure and artificial snow inside are very popular. Lifechaker is already how to make something similar from the usual glass jar. Today it was the turn of wine glasses for wine.


  • transparent Fuuder;
  • dense cardboard;
  • a figure that will easily fit into a glass;
  • artificial snow;
  • bows and another decor;
  • glue.

From the cardboard cut the circle of the same diameter as a fuer. Stick to the cardboard figure. It can be a Christmas tree, a deer, or, for example, a machine with a Christmas tree on the roof.

Put an artificial snow, finely chopped white paper or foam. Stick the cardboard base to the edge of the Fozher and turn it over. Decorate the leg decorate a bow or ribbon.

belchonock / depositphotos.com

In the outgoing year, the plaid of very large mating is incredibly popular. Finished products are quite expensive, so it is more profitable to make a plaid yourself.

It is best for this that the wool merino is suitable, but other thick threads can be used. The video tutor is attached.

Hands, without spice and hook, you can also connect a beautiful warm scarf. Lifehaker is once like this.


This gift will help to remember the best moments of the outgoing year. Simply select the best photos and print them. Take several transparent glass cans and VAZ. Round and cylindrical vessels are best suitable.

Light inside candles-tablet cans. The light will fill the house with warmth, and the photos will seem to glow from the inside.


Many skin peels in winter. If there are such people among your friends, prepare a sugar lemon scrub as a gift.

According to the Chinese calendar, the symbol of 2017 is a rooster. Therefore, gifts with the image of a rooster or in the form of roosters and chiches will be particularly relevant. Universal version of such a gift - a Christmas tree toy.

You will need:

  • cardboard billet in the form of a rooster;
  • dense fabric;
  • filler for toys;
  • beehive and lace tape;
  • white contour;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread;
  • adhesive pistol.

The manufacturing process is shown in the next video.

You can sweeten such a gift with sweet shelter on a stick. Many form for them remained from Soviet times.


  • ½ cup of sugar sand;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water (so that only moisten sugar);
  • 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar (in some recipes there is a conventional table or a pinch of citric acid).

From sugar, you need to weld the syrup and pour it into a rich in vegetable oil form. Then stick sticks and wait until everything is frozen.

If you know other original DIY solutions, share them in the comments.

Many ideas for original and pleasant gifts on any event and all cases of life

Want that at first glance you can guess to whom it is the gift for the Christmas tree? Add a few parts that "personalize it".

For men

The pure "male" present will make carved from paper (cardboard) of black mobs in Erkül Poiro style. Get them on a box or package, and no one has any doubts that exactly what is meant. Another option is a purely male accessory is a tie. It can be built from a strip of fabric any suitable color and decorate the packaging with a glue gun.

For women

In the case of women, it can help out the technique from Japan - Furoshiki. All you need is a square cut of a flowing tissue with a beautiful pattern of suitable size. The present is placed in the center of the canvas, the corners tie the crosswise to the nodes, and the ends are fixed in the form of a flower with a pin. Additional composition can be supplemented with thread beads from artificial pearls.

For kids

The fact that the gift is meant to him, the child can easily guess over a small toy attached on the package handles or straight on the box. It can be a key chain in the form of animals, a small machine, a figure of a kinder surprise or a snowman bound from the residues.

Methods for packing gifts without boxes

The desired size of the box was not at hand, or you do not want to use it for some other reasons? In this case, you can find other materials:

  • In a decorative grid, it is convenient to wrap a large volumetric stuff - pillows, blankets, bathrobes. The material is cut on the tape (width as folded present, 4 times longer than). They are placed crosswise, in the middle put a gift, the free ends raise and fix the tape from above.

  • Santa Claus Bag - a great option for the presentation of things almost any size. To embody the plan, it will take a rectangular cut of red fabric, and the ability to own a needle is useful. The flap is folded in half, stitch on the sides and turn out. The edge of the resulting bag is sealing and stroke, laid inside the present, tied up with a twine or ribbon.

  • Walnut's shell is quite fit for the presentation of a small decoration. From the inside it needs to be released from the contents and partitions, and from above to paint silver or golden paint. The ring is placed in the shell (earrings, chain) and tied with a thin velvet ribbon.

How to pack the towel in the form of candy as a gift for the new year 2019

In this video, it is told as beautiful and originally to pack the towel as a gift.

Sweet gifts - in original packaging

Traditional sweets can be presented to the recipient in unusual packages made by their own hands. You may like one of the following ideas:

New Year's boot

You can, of course, take advantage of the finished products from the store. But if you try and easily booze with your own hands, then the sweets invested in it will seem to be more tastier than it. Severe from dense one-photon fabric or felt two identical parts. Sust them with each other - you can even on the front side of the contrasting thread of a large stitch. Decorate the boots with beads, beads, embroidered snowflakes or other details.

Huge candy

It is necessary to find a hollow cardboard or plastic cylinder - candy is inserted into this base. The workpiece is wrapped with a segment of corrugated paper, after which they are tied with brilliant serpentine tails. Decorate confetti, asterisks or snowflakes.

Sweets on dish

This option is the easiest. To implement it, take the packing cellophane. Place a circle from cardboard, placed bright colored paper (size depends on the number of candies and chocolates). Place the "dish" of sweets in the darkness with painted in golden and silver color of cones and small unbreakable balls. Wrap up cellophane edges and make a bright ribbon on top.

How beautiful to pack money for the new year 2019

For the holiday, did you decide to replenish the budget to your loved ones? Present bills are not necessarily in a banal postcard for money. Make it original, and your gift will be remembered for a long time.

Sheets on Christmas tree

To embody the idea, get a small artificial Christmas tree. With the help of small decorative clothespins or clips, thresh up on it folded twice the bills. Decorate a bright serpentine tree and pack in Celofan.

Money in mitten

Of the two sheets of color cardboard (felt) cut two halves of the mittens. Shill them (scratch on the typewriter) - It turns out a kind of pockets for bills. For the present to become truly festive, mittens must be decorated accordingly.

Money in the bank

This is not about deposits in financial institutions, but about styling under the billet for the winter. It is only necessary to find the glass jar of the original shape with a twisting lid and put the bills in it (as you wish to add bumps and small plastic balls). Further actions depend on your fantasy - the container can be reapged by the twine, decorate a sprig of ate, beads and snowflakes.

Guided by these tips, you can pleasantly surprise the New Year presents of both children and adults. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and now you can beautifully pack any gift for the new year 2019 with your own hands and turn banal things and baubles into real New Year surprises.

Textile Nappet.

A pair of fresh crispy baguettes and a jar of marmalade, wrapped in a festive napkin and supplemented with a wooden juicer. This is one of the thousands of edible gift options for cooking lovers and real aesthetes. Try a little to dream on this topic: instead of marmalade, put a jar of PSAHTET into the napkin, and instead of baguettes - home pancakes.

Cute tags for original gift packaging can be made with their own hands, cutting out small quantities from thick paper and finishing their edges with curly scissors.

Kraft paper and threads

Agree, this is the best packaging for soft New Year's gifts: mobs, scarves and woolen socks. Fold together two craft-paper sheets, draw a star, sock, heart or christmas shape on them. Clean the figure, put a gift between the layers and place a contrasting thread (red or gold), retreating from the edge of about 1-2 cm.

Cutting paper

Wrap a gift in white packaging paper, and on top of it stretch a small strip of decorative paper in the center. Place the packaging with a cord and attach a small detail that will complement a gift. Top sticker sticker with congratulations. Excellent idea of \u200b\u200bpackaging New Year's gifts!

Potatoes and paint

Take the segment of the fabric so that you can freely fit a gift. Cut in half a large potato and gently cut down the letter shape with a knife. Impringly moisture blot with paper towel, and apply acrylic paint on the cut letter. After pressing the "print" to the fabric.

Old cards

Pages from old atlas and road maps very stylishly look as a gift packaging with their own hands. And instead of typing from above the bow, complete the packaging by unusual details: paint the floor of the room plant with gold aerosol spray, use a bright button and lace or make a flower from fabric flap.

Newspapers and BACHEVKA

Food white paper - excellent background for silhouettes with christmas symbolism. Print and cut stencils, transfer them to pages of newspapers or brown kraft paper, and then cut silhouettes. Stick them to the box in several places and make a gift for simple twine.

Barbs and buckles

Another original design idea of \u200b\u200bNew Year's gifts. Beautiful belts buckles and barn details are ideal for decoring a gift box. The buckle will not only give a glamorous kind of gift, but also fixes the ribbon. So the next time you want to throw out the old belt, think about how the winning can decorate a gift cute buckle.

Elegant homemade

Make your own wrapping paper using stamps and inks with a metal tint, which can be bought in the stores for the hobby. Combine color and patterns.