Ponytail hairstyle for short hair. How to make a beautiful ponytail for school? Wrapped ponytail hairstyle


How to make a beautiful ponytail

Fashion, as you know, goes in circles, so almost everything returns with time. This season, such a hairstyle as a ponytail, which was fashionable in the 60s, gained popularity. It looks great on long and medium hair, and a short haircut allows you to add stylish volume.

Who will get the hair

Combed strands tend to slightly lengthen the face, so the high version is most suitable for women with a round face, and owners of an oval shape are recommended to do a little bouffant. The result depends on both the type and the length:

  • Short. On a very short haircut like a pixie or garcon, it is physically impossible to make a full-fledged styling.
  • Medium. For beautiful styling, it is enough to have a bob up to the chin, and the ponytail can be made using hairpins and false curls.
  • Long. Very long hair can be too heavy to add volume, so you can only lift it at the roots at the crown, and twist the ends to make an elegant ponytail.
  • Curly. By nature, curly strands need to be carefully combed one at a time, and at the end be sure to smooth it with a brush.
  • Curly. Curls already look voluminous, so it’s enough to slightly raise part of the hair above the forehead, and then tie the tail.
  • Direct. Best suited for creating volume and further styling.
  • Rare. The bouffant will visually give the hair the missing volume.

The ponytail looks great with a haircut with side bangs - it emphasizes the volume and gives the look depth and greater expressiveness. Straight bangs look a little strict, but this can be fixed by laying the strands on one side and securing them with gel or a hairpin.

Hairstyle creations

What will you need

Laying is easy to perform, and it requires a minimum of items.

For bouffant you need:

  • A comb with frequent teeth, preferably thin and with a knitting needle for more convenient separation of the strands.
  • Natural bristle brush for a finished look.
  • Spray for soft hair
  • Foam, mousse or varnish for fixing. Do not use too strong tools, otherwise you can get an unnatural result.

For the tail you will need:

  • Thin elastic bands for fixation.
  • Invisibles or small hairpins: they are useful in order to hide unruly short whirlwinds and keep the necessary volume.
  • Decorative elastic bands, combs, hairpins, ribbons - are used to decorate the hairstyle, and therefore are optional.

Execution technique

Wash your hair before making a ponytail. It is better to use a Volumizing Shampoo and blow-dry your hair.

  • Separate a strand at the crown that will be used to create volume.
  • Do the bouffant neatly and smoothly. If you have medium length hair: move from the roots to the middle, if long: backcomb at the very roots.
  • Using a soft brush, adjust the shape. It should be smooth and semicircular. You can do without a comb, simulating styling with your fingers, then the hairstyle will turn out to be more natural.
  • Secure the hair at the back of your head with a bobby pin.
  • Apply fixing varnish.
  • Gather the remaining hair at the desired height and secure with an elastic band. It can be hidden under a separate strand: to make it fit better, first wind it up a little with a curling iron.
  • If desired, you can twist or stretch the tail with an iron, braid a pigtail and decorate it with a ribbon or thread with sparkling stones or pearls.

8 options for a tail with fleece

It is not necessary to be a professional stylist in order to beautifully and correctly make styling - this hairstyle can be done independently at home.

High tail. The classic ponytail is a slicked-back and highly collected hair. Bouffant brings some carelessness to this hairstyle and focuses on the face.

With a pile on the face. This styling method is suitable for creating an elegant evening hairstyle: make a low side ponytail, twist a few strands, sprinkle with varnish - and the hairstyle is ready.

With a pile on top. Can be done at any length, but ideal for long, heavy and thick hair, as it provides the desired volume for a long time

With a pile on the back of the head. A styling that will be appropriate both in the office and at a party. Gather the hair at the back of the head, and to maintain the desired height, use a small crab clip, attaching it just under the elastic band.

Volumetric ponytail. A little trick with which you can make your hair more magnificent: collect it from two vertically located ponytails and fix it on top with invisibility.

With weaving. Another fancy option. You can braid under the fleece or on the sides of the braid, which will become part of the tail.

A teased ponytail with a scythe. A hairstyle similar to the previous one, but the braid is woven from the strands of the tail. There are no restrictions here - it can be a classic braid, a fishtail, and a spikelet. Braids look especially impressive on long hair.

Careless tail. Perfect for everyday look. To achieve sloppiness, dry your hair with a hair dryer, lifting the strands with your fingers, not a comb. Then tousle a little more and do your hair, following a proven pattern.

A beautiful, neat styling with a pile looks stylish in itself, but if desired, it can be supplemented with invisibility with stones and rhinestones, carved combs, ribbons, and fix the hairstyle on short hair with bright hairpins.

It all depends on the overall image and the appropriateness of such accessories. Most often, an original elastic band is enough to fix the tail and at the same time make the hairstyle brighter.

Before starting laying, consider a few nuances that determine how successful the result will be:

By trial and error, you will quickly find the type of hair that suits you, and you can modify it to suit the situation and mood.

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Among hundreds of different styling options, various ponytails remain popular and simple, which can be done in a couple of minutes. The form of such styling is varied, as is the case for which it is made. Tails are versatile: they can be easily combined with tracksuits, swimsuits and even evening dresses. The main thing in this case is to choose the right hair styling option. A ponytail hairstyle can be original, just look at other styling variations and instructions for creating them.

"Ponytail" is practical, comfortable and stylish

When choosing a styling shape for yourself, you first need to know how the standard version of the tail is made. The instruction itself is small, and the ponytail hairstyle is created in a few steps:

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly.
  2. Collect all the strands at the crown (side, on the back of the head).
  3. Secure the tail with an elastic band.

This is the easiest option, and it is done in two minutes. Looks great on short and long hair. The only caveat is that it is too simple and ordinary, so you should know how to make a stylish, fashionable and original styling out of a regular ponytail.

Hairstyle "tail with fleece"

One of the most interesting and at the same time stylish options is a ponytail with a large fleece. This styling visually increases the volume and density of the strands and creates a very romantic look. It can also be done in a few minutes, depending on where the owner of the tail wants to place the pile. It can be on the top of the head, and in the tail itself. Consider the most difficult option - two piles.

  1. Hair is carefully combed and divided into two parts along a horizontal parting. You need to separate at the top of your head.
  2. Tuck the lower part of the strands into a hairpin for a while, and again make a horizontal parting on the upper part.
  3. Take the lower middle strand and make a big pile on it. Fix the result with varnish.
  4. Collect all the strands in a ponytail at the crown, and comb the topmost hair smoothly and secure around the ponytail.
  5. On the tail itself, select a strand from the middle and make a voluminous pile along the entire length of the hair. Fix the result with varnish.
  6. Gently place all the top hair over the pile and sprinkle with varnish.

A neat and smooth hairstyle "tail with a fleece" is ready.

Tail "opposite"

Often the tail itself can take on various forms and, it would seem, does not look like a classic version. This can be attributed to the tail "vice versa". Such a hairstyle with a tail has a distinctive feature - it does not hang like a "waterfall" of hair over the head, but is pressed to the base of the head. It is done as quickly as both of the above options. The hair is collected in a ponytail, secured with an elastic band, but at the last stage, a parting is made on the strands “to” the elastic band: the curls are divided into two parts so that you can squeeze your finger down. Then the end of the tail is taken and thrust into this crack from top to bottom. The gum itself also turns out, and the tail appears, as it were, from under the shell. This shape is the perfect place for large accessories.

Tail "flashlight"

Just a couple of decades ago, Christmas decorations such as a lantern were very popular, which became the beginning of the history of the new styling. A hairstyle with a “flashlight” tail is just as simple, but at the same time an original styling option. There is a distinctive feature in its structure: the tail itself is not in a loose state, but in the form of a flashlight. To do this, on the tail itself, made at the top of the head, several elastic bands are tightened at an equal distance from each other. Then volume is made in each gap from gum to gum by pulling the strands up. Having made the "lanterns" on the hair to the end, you can get an original and stylish styling. Very often they are made on artificial hair by those who want to surprise everyone with a bright and unusual hairstyle. With a tail "flashlight" you will definitely succeed in surprising others.

Elegant tail hair options

When it comes to beautiful styling, it is worth considering another interesting option. A high ponytail combined with braids looks perfect on long and thick strands. The peculiarity of such styling is the design of the base of the tail and in the form of hair styling to the gum. For example, a “spikelet” at the temple, woven into the tail, looks very stylish. In this case, the gum itself is hidden by a strand of hair. Usually, in this case, a separate part of the hair (a thin strand) is pulled out of the tail and wound over the elastic. The tip is fixed with invisibility. The combination of a tail with a scythe can be the most diverse, depending on the mood and the availability of free time. But whatever the high tail, with weaving it will look stylish and neat, elegant and feminine.

Tail "twisted plaits"

If you want to choose some kind of playful styling option, then you should pay attention to twisted strands. Ponytail hairstyle options are easily complemented by bright accessories and are just as easy to make. To do this, the hair is collected in a ponytail and then divided into two equal parts on it. Each individually twists (as for a bundle), but in different directions so that the tail does not bend in one direction, and then the tips of the flagella are also fastened with an elastic band. It turns out a very dense tail shape, which looks elegant, stylish and very comfortable to work with.

The number of tails can be unlimited, but if you choose the shape of a "tow", then you should limit yourself to just one and place its base, preferably on the crown.

Beautiful and fast styling, or tails for every taste

These are far from all possible options for tails, because there is no limit to the scope of imagination. A hairstyle with a long tail is always feminine and beautiful, and the shape can be completely different, resemble “lanterns” or be a bouffant. On long hair on the tail itself, you can even make various weaves, for example, a “spikelet” along the entire length. In such a hairstyle, the usual weaving is done around the tail, so a spiral is obtained. The hair is collected, and the styling will definitely distinguish the owner from the crowd.

It is easy to choose the right version of the tail, because the main thing is to take into account the length of the strands. On short hair (up to the shoulders), the tail does not look so elegant and feminine, and sometimes the strands can simply stick out of the elastic. Such situations should be avoided and styled if the hair does not flow down.

Tails are perfect for medium length hair. They are not as heavy as long ones, and therefore the head simply does not get tired after such styling. Elastic bands hold perfectly on such strands, therefore the shape of the hairstyle can be in excellent condition for a very long time.

But the advantage of long strands is that on such a tail you can make a real work of art, combine several weaving techniques and types of styling. Long hair allows you to come up with various shapes, experiment with the size of the tail, for example, tuck it into a “knot”.

Well, what's new can be said about the tail? We have been doing this hairstyle since childhood, and it seems that there are simply no tricks. Why, then, for some, the usual tail looks stylish, professional, while for others it's just unkempt hair?

The whole secret is how you do it. And believe me, there are a lot of ways, as well as secrets. Today we will talk about the “high tail” hairstyle, that is, the hair will be collected high enough. This option is more difficult to make perfect and smooth, without sticking out and knocking out strands. How to deal with this, you can learn from the selected videos.

The first video is professional work. Here's what you get if you go to a hairdresser. The most important thing is that you can see exactly how he achieves this effect.

  • Use a special elastic band with hooks - then the high tail will not slip and fall over time. You can do it yourself, for this, insert invisibility into an ordinary elastic band on both sides and use it, as shown in the video.
  • When you collect the tail, tilt your head back. So you create the necessary tension and can avoid sagging hair.
  • Use hairspray and smooth your hair a little for a smooth, professional finish.

And now let's see how to achieve the same excellent result at home without using special hairdressing tools.

  • To achieve a perfectly smooth surface, use a toothbrush.
  • This hairstyle is best done on the second or third day, after washing your hair.
  • A beautiful curl at the bottom of the tail can be obtained very simply - just spray the hair below with varnish, twist it with your hand and hold for 10-15 seconds. Everything is very simple and beautiful at the same time.

Smoothly slick tail will not suit everyone. If you have a protruding frontal part, this hairstyle will not work. It is better to balance the overall look with a hairstyle. For this, a high ponytail with a preliminary fleece is suitable.

It looks elegant and dignified. Please note that at first you spray the roots not with varnish, but with a refreshing spray or dry shampoo. Hairspray will be used later. You can pre-roll the ends a little, or you can leave your hair straight, experiment and choose the best option for yourself.

Whichever option you choose, note that everyone uses a small ponytail (taken from below) to hide the elastic and give the hairstyle a more finished and stylish look.

This is very simple to do - you just need to take the indicated strand, wrap it around the elastic band one or more times, depending on the length of your hair, and then secure the ends with an invisible or hairpin.

However, there are many tricks that will help you create the perfect voluminous or smooth ponytail and make a fashionable hairstyle.

ponytail hairstyle

1. Fold two ponytails to create the illusion of one long and bushy tail.

2. This method is perfect for curly hair.

3. Make ponytail inside out and tuck the ends into a low bun.

4. When you want to remove hair from your neck, do side ponytail inside out.

5. You can simply twist the hair by gathering it on the right side and twisting it and securing it with bobby pins.

6. Another interesting option - tail double knot.

7. Tie up two strands in a knot to wrap the tail.

Hairstyle long tail

8. If you want wrap ponytail, it is worth knowing one useful trick.

  • Take a small strand from the bottom of the ponytail and twist it with a curling iron.
  • Then apply a strong hold hairspray to the strand and wrap it around the base of the ponytail, tucking the tip into the elastic.

9. To give the ponytail the desired height, use bow tie hairpin.

10. You can also prop up the tail two invisible men.

11. Tail in several tiers- a great way to keep your hair out while exercising.

This hairstyle is perfect if you have long bangs or layered hair that often comes out of the ponytail.

12. If you have shorter hair, remove the back strands by tying them in pigtails.

13. If your side strands are coming out, braid pigtails on the sides.

14. If you have thick hair, you can make a romantic hairstyle by twisting your hair into a voluminous side ponytail.

15. Give your ponytail a messy look with dry shampoo.

16. Give volume from above by making a half-tail first.

You can bouffant the top first before tying the ponytail.

Tail hairstyle options

17. Do big bow over ponytail.

  • Tie your hair into a ponytail.
  • Wrap a small strand around the ponytail and secure with an invisibility.
  • Take a section from the ponytail and with an elastic band the same color as the hair, tie around the section.
  • Make a loop and divide the loop into two parts.
  • Fasten the two loops of the bow from the strand with invisibility on both sides.
  • Separate a small strand under the bow, wrap the bow with it and fix it with invisibility.
  • Wrap the lagging tip in a loop, hiding it in a bow and securing it with an invisibility.

18. Curl your hair in a minute, collecting them in a ponytail and dividing it into 2-3 parts.

19. Even if you have short hair, you too can add volume to your hair in the style of Brigitte Bardot.

How to make a ponytail

20. And here is a way that will help prevent frizzy hairs.

2116 02/20/2019 7 min.

The tail is the simplest and most popular among women's hairstyles. And there is an explanation for this - the ponytail is easy to do, it looks great on hair of any length, removes interfering strands and, moreover - well-made - is one of the most stylish hairstyles.

This method of tidying up hair originated in time immemorial - at least there are archaeological finds from the time of rock art, where scientists found drawings of women with hair tied up in a ponytail on the walls of caves. Therefore, we can assume that the tail appeared immediately after women had a need to remove interfering strands from their faces.

There are actually many variations of the tail - but most women know only a few of them. It's time to fill in the gap and get acquainted with the different types of this hairstyle, and at the same time find out which tail will look best on hair of different lengths. This is what will be discussed here.


Today, you can count about 80 options for various hairstyles, which in one way or another include a tail. Therefore, you should not be limited only to familiar types - you can also master other interesting and stylish hairstyles based on the tail.

There are three main options - to make a tail at three levels: high, medium and low. The result is three different, interesting in their own way, hairstyles. For some, these options are enough. But you can go further - there are many more great options. Attention: those types that we will consider are far from all types, but only the most popular and simple to perform.

For short hair

What hairstyles with a tail are suitable for short hair:


This option is suitable, including if there is no time to do a full-fledged styling or you did not have time, say, to wash your hair. A careless tail in this case will be a real salvation.

In the photo - a sloppy tail for short hair:


  • Apply a little foam or modeling mousse to the hair - beat it lightly with your fingers into the strands.
  • Create the necessary basal volume by fluffing the hair at the base of the hair with your fingers.
  • After these manipulations, the hair does not need to be combed - you just need to smooth it and collect it in a ponytail at the back of the head.
  • If time permits and there is a desire, the ends of the ponytail can be curled a little with a curling iron to give the hairstyle more texture. You can also pull out some strands from the hairstyle to make the styling more careless.


A short length does not allow you to create a chic ponytail and many other types of hairstyles, but a low stylish ponytail is the very option that suits this length. It is better if the hair is straight at the same time - it is better to straighten curly hair with an iron - at the same time they will add a few centimeters of length, which will make it possible to make a more beautiful ponytail or you can achieve the effect of neat waves. It will also be interesting to learn how to make a low bun on medium hair with your own hands. To do this, follow the link and see the content


  • Comb your hair and divide it into three sections: two side sections and one occipital section.
  • Gather the back of the head into a ponytail and secure with an elastic band.
  • Then take one side part and wrap it around the elastic at the back of the head, secure the tip with an invisibility.
  • Do the same with the second side piece.
  • Examine the head for loose strands. If you find them, smooth them with gel.
  • The base of the tail can be decorated with beautiful accessories.

On the video, how to make a beautiful tail out of hair:

For medium hair

Options for the most common hair length in women - medium:


This option is an elegant and feminine solution for every day. It looks especially good and harmonious on medium hair. Moreover, the structure of the hair can be both straight and curly - in both cases, this hairstyle looks great.


  • Comb your hair and make a side parting.
  • Gather your hair into a ponytail that is not too tight and secure on the side where most of the parting is. Secure the tail with an elastic band. That's it - a quick hairstyle is ready. You can use a variety of accessories - hairpins, elastic bands, even scarves.

It will also be interesting to learn about the waterfall braiding pattern:


Another name for this hairstyle is reverse ponytail. Looks great on medium length hair, easy and quick to do.


  • Comb your hair, collect it in a tight tail. It should be located behind - in the back of the head, low.
  • Make a hole at the base of the tail and stick the tip of the tail into it, tighten the loop.
  • This technique allows you to give an unusual hairstyle, while masking the elastic band.
  • If you want to give your styling a more decorative effect, curl the ends of the tail. A ponytail with a pile and volume also looks great on medium-length hair.

But how to braid an inverted braid to yourself at home and how good such a hairstyle will look is described in detail in this

For long hair

Of course, on a long head of hair, you can make almost any tail you like. Here are examples of the most suitable hairstyles for long hair - those that fit exactly.


Let's see how to make this classic hairstyle that will look especially beautiful with long straight hair. Attention: if the hair is curly, then it is necessary to straighten it with an iron before doing the hairstyle.


  • Prepare an elastic band in advance - preferably a neutral shade, as close as possible to the color of the hair. You will also need invisibility.
  • Comb your hair and carefully, using a comb with frequent teeth, collect all the hair in a ponytail at the crown - high. Pick up all the strands - so that there are no flaws left - they will be very conspicuous.
  • Take the invisibility and fix it inside the received mop.
  • Pull your hair with a rubber band. With the second invisible, also press the strands on the other side. Thus, you tightly fix the curls, and the tail will not loosen, it will keep its shape.
  • Comb the ends carefully so that they do not tangle anywhere.
  • Separate one strand and wrap it with an elastic band - tightly, fasten the tip of the strand with an invisible one.

smooth equine

This hairstyle can be done in three levels of height. It has an amazingly stylish look. But, despite the apparent lightness, it is as simple to perform as it seems. This hairstyle should be done on absolutely straight, smooth hair - without “roosters”, protruding strands, or any other flaws.

Experts advise to close up a smooth tail only when two or three days have passed after washing your hair - in this case, the hair is already slightly smeared with a greasy secret, it does not fluff, so the hairstyle acquires the smooth surface it needs.

Classic horse

This option is a great choice for evening and everyday outings. It can be considered universal. Many show business stars, including Hollywood ones, resort to this hairstyle. Such a tail makes the image especially attractive, sexy and fatal. Ideal for long, non-frizzy, healthy hair.


  • Comb the strands carefully and collect them all at the required height. This tail can be formed anywhere - both on the crown and on the back of the head, and between these two extreme points.
  • Bangs are not recommended to be left.
  • Carefully remove all the "roosters" - nothing should spoil the look of the smooth styling done. You can even apply a little gel to your hair to give it more smoothness and create an even surface.
  • It is necessary to hide the not very aesthetic appearance of the gum. To do this, separate a small strand and wrap it around the elastic band. Secure the tip of this strand under the tail with an invisibility.

Tail Kardashian

There is even such a kind of hairstyle. One of the representatives of the famous clan - Kim Kardashian became a style icon and laid the foundation for a new hairstyle.

For fine hair

Many women, unfortunately, are familiar with the problem of sparse and thin hair. But do not despair - the "tail" hairstyle is also suitable for such hair. Consider the most suitable options for this type of hair:


It will also be interesting to know which ones currently exist.

On the video, how to make a beautiful tail from thin hair:


This hairstyle is a great solution for thin and sparse hair. Well suited for a day out, and for an evening out, gives the girl the image of a fatal beauty, looks great with any clothes. It is not recommended if the hair structure is unhealthy, the strands are brittle, dry or have split ends - in this case it will be almost impossible to achieve the chic that this hairstyle requires.

In addition, combing the strands is not good for the hair, and can damage it even more.


  • Separate a rather wide strand from the forehead, carefully comb it without fanaticism and excessive enthusiasm.
  • Pin this strand at the back of the head with an invisible, smooth, sprinkle with varnish.
  • Gather the remaining free strands into a ponytail at the back of the head - it is necessary that an invisibility is included in this design, which holds the combed strand.
  • Secure the structure with a rubber band or other suitable accessory.
  • The tips can be wound on a curling iron or beat a little using foam.
  • The tail can also be with or without bangs. The latter option requires regular facial features and a flawless oval, because the hairstyle opens up the face a lot. In this case, styling without bangs will look just great. And the presence of a bang, on the contrary, will help to mask the flaws in appearance, to correct it.
  • When combining a tail with various hairpins, elastic bands, combs, hairpins, headbands and other decorative ornaments, we can get a new hairstyle every time.

But how the hairstyle of a malvinka with a fleece will look, is described in detail in this

All types of tail, except for a smooth one, will look better on a clean, washed hair. When washing your hair, do not forget to use a conditioner or conditioner - after such a treatment, the hair acquires the necessary silkiness and softness, becomes obedient and easy to style.

We looked at many different tail options. Now you know that this hairstyle is not limited to the well-known "horse" version. Therefore, experiment, select the most suitable options for yourself and surprise your friends and loved ones in a new way.