The cutest toast ever. Funny and cool toasts for women and men

Everywhere I hear: a man must do this, a man must do that ... Tired.
Today, dear, you have only one thing - to be happy! Because
that birthday, as Gena sang, only once a year! So let it
annual event will be another bright and colorful day in the circle
close people and will be remembered for a lifetime. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish to be happy and healthy.
May the sun always shine on your street and never meet
thunderstorms and disasters. All the very best to you.

And let's drink to the fact that our beloved birthday boy
always had worthy support, joy and inexhaustible strength. Let for
your shoulder will always be a worthy and beautiful woman, may you
you can never get enough of the success of your children and at the same time
never lose your health! Happy birthday!

One man was driving his brand new Ford and on the way he came across
voting girl. He picked up a fellow traveler, who, by the way, was
very pretty person, and decided to give her a ride with the breeze. Did not have time
he hit the gas as he was woken up by the ringing of the phone. Let's drink to
so that this year no one can tear you away from pleasant activities.

From the whole team
And from us personally,
We want your
Wishes were fulfilled.
family prosperity,
Both work and home.
We are all very proud
that you are familiar with.
Raise a glass
And once again we wish
For everything to work out
After all, success is expected.

I want to raise this glass to our birthday today. Let
his generous heart, kind speech and hard living will always be
a role model for others and cause pride among his relatives and
loved ones!

Today I drink for you
More precisely, for your years,
Don't lose your manhood
And never be discouraged!
I drink for your courage
And let everything be fine
You don't know bad people
Forget about failures!

Years suit you
I want to wish happiness
Today I drink for you
So that all things work!
You are a prominent, business man,
You always stay like this
And never in your power
Look, don't hesitate!

There is a wise saying that says that life
you need to live in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for aimlessly
earned money. I propose to drink for our birthday boy, so that he
never had to regret what he might have done, but not
did! For confidence in your strengths and actions!

Friends! I propose how to drink for our birthday and
unanimously wish him not only banal happiness, health and love,
but also an amazing life full of adventures and leading to good
twists of fate!

Funny birthday toasts about men

A man, it is a man who makes a strong-willed, decisive character. He
strong and always thinks things through before doing anything. I wish
you always soberly assess your future actions. don't do
reckless decisions. Live to the fullest, try everything, and just
enjoy all the delights of life!

We wish you a happy birthday and wish that next to you
there were only true friends, and a loving woman was always waiting at home! WITH

I'll raise a glass to this day
In which one man was born
Who is not too lazy to help friends,
Who is not accustomed to looking for reasons!
Also for his health, and for success,
I'll drink to the bottom without grimacing,
To make your laugh sound
To go through life always laughing!

The most important thing that I want to wish you, birthday man, today is
it's love. Only such love that inspires and inspires to
something new, unknown. I wish you to love, and at the same time
to feel supported and this wonderful feeling in return. Don't be happy
only today, but every day, every minute.

Let's raise our glasses to the birthday boy! Let's drink to
him, for a real man, who is determined not by a set of qualities and
material wealth, but how he feels next to him
the opposite sex. For our hero of the occasion, let all of him
the best qualities, allow women to feel themselves
beautiful, loved and desired!

Men are a priori courageous and serious. But often even a strong
half is stagnation in deeds and thoughts. That's how it went anyway
excellent, but then suddenly, once and everything changed dramatically, as if something
lacks. Therefore, I want to wish you, dear birthday man, that
you always had this “something” in reserve. Yes, I'm talking about
self-confidence. Believe in yourself in any situation!

They say that in order to be happy, you need to give up
the desire to take something and replace it with the ability to give something. AND
then, what you gave up will definitely come back to you. I want
raise this glass for our birthday boy, let him in his desires
be careful, because not all dreams can bring happiness, sometimes
happiness lies in the fact that they are not realized.

Today, raising this glass for our birthday, I want
wish him that he would always have that person in his thoughts,
whom not only he loves, but the one who loves him. And let it
will be the same person.

In achieving our goals, we often lack two things.
It is perseverance and perseverance. Like, you start a business, and it goes
well, but halfway through you seem to have been replaced. Everything fall out
hands and head exactly zero ideas. That is why, dear birthday boy, I
I raise a glass to you so that you always have the desire to complete
started. For your perseverance!

Today, raising this glass to our hero of the occasion, I want
wish him that he would always be himself, because to be for
no one can be good anyway! And so close and
loved ones will always understand this, and let enemies and envious people choke
with your opinion!

Cool toasts for the anniversary

What is time? Nobody knows for sure. Therefore, the anniversary is impossible
taken seriously, because it is just a thought in the human
consciousness, imagination. But it is known for sure that a person receives respect
not for age, but for their deeds, thoughts and words. And I'm glad that I can
raise a glass not just for the anniversary, but for the person sitting in front of us.
A man with a capital letter, who by his actions won my respect!
For you, (Name)!

We wish our hero of the occasion good Siberian health,
Caucasian longevity, Maltese happiness, Swiss wealth. WITH
anniversary! So let's drink to the fact that on your century in a beautiful
villa on the ocean, we drank a glass of expensive French

Today is not just a birthday, but an anniversary - a beautiful date. A
it means that the person in whose honor we raise our glasses,
a beautiful life begins. And let it be beautiful for real: in
a good home, a prosperous country and surrounded by dedicated people! Behind
beautiful life!

An anniversary is a special birthday. He is always more
exciting, and such a holiday is celebrated on a special scale. That's why
I want to wish today only the most special: good
days, pleasant minutes, joyful and cheerful seconds, developing into
long, happy life.

As the Rabbit used to say in the well-known cartoon about Winnie the Pooh:
“It is not very polite to leave the guests as soon as you have eaten.” I
I propose to drink for our hero of the day and wish him such friends,
who will not leave him not only at the festive table, but also in
difficult life situation!

There was once an incredibly lucky man. Thanks to its
good luck he had everything his heart could desire. He was asked in
what is the secret of such luck? He replied: "I have a talisman -
coin". Indeed, he showed an ordinary round coin. I propose
Raise your glasses to make this round date your personal
a talisman for good luck and luck!

Come on, friends, let's raise our glasses. And let's all drink to the hero of the day!
May health and luck accompany you throughout your life.
way. Happy birthday! Happy anniversary!

Happy anniversary I want to congratulate this golden man. gold price
consistently high. Know that we appreciate you and love you forever. Drink
for your generosity and friendship. Long time to live.

Anniversary date round us today, here, gathered together. I
I wish that music, wonderful, kind words sounded in your heart.
Wishes were to be sincere and fulfilled without delay. And further,
Get the best enjoyment out of life.

On this beautiful day, you conquer a new stage of life.
We wish you to achieve good goals under the guidance of experience and wisdom,
implementation of bold plans, creative longevity, unconditional
luck, always delightful self-awareness and mood. For happiness
birthday boy!

The best birthday toasts for a man

A man is the support and support of a woman, a reliable keeper and protector
and finally a kind and devoted friend. On this day we wish you
fulfill all your innermost desires, may good luck always
will be on your side and you will never be upset. Happy birthday!

Birthday is a great occasion to sum up some results
past year of life. I want to raise a glass to our traitor
let there be more truly masculine in the list of his achievements

A birthday is like a summary of the year. And if the year was successful, then
the celebration will be excellent, in a good mood and in a good
companies. Judging by those gathered here, you were a fine fellow. So let's go
Let's drink to the success of our birthday boy.

The man is the support and support of the family, I wish you to stay
a strong and strong support for your family, I didn’t worry much about
failures, if any, forget about all the bad things and live bright and
interesting life, let your children take an example from you and become
just like you, happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday! I wish you resistance to everything: diseases,
stress, failures ... Let nothing be able to “knock you down”. Let in
You will always have a lot of fortitude, courage, courage and
confidence to fight back any life situation to your
life has never been able to overshadow. Be a winner in life.

Dear birthday boy! It's always hard to wish for a real man
which you surely are. You are so clever at reaching your
goals, and your masculinity can only be admired. Still I
I wish that in the series of your accomplishments, there is room for a simple
human happiness.

Let there be in you what bosses value - diligence, intelligence and
savvy, and these qualities will lead you to success in your career. Be
loyal, reliable and responsive, friends appreciate it, and let them
answer you the same. Let that woman be next to you, who
will appreciate in you courage and sincerity, and not muscles and a wallet. IN
In general, all the very best to you. Happy birthday!

Our brave man
The breadwinner of the whole family.
Today is the name day
Completely yours.
Today you deserve
The warmest phrases.
Winged Wishes
From each of us.
God grant you health,
Strongest like you.
Let them be realized
All your dreams!

I wish you prosperity
I wish to live, not to lose heart,
I wish you happiness and good
I'll definitely drink to that!
I raise my glass
I wish you health
I want to be the head of the family
And so that you achieve success!

You are the strongest
The most courageous
Quite loving,
You are very skilled in business!
We congratulate you today
We want to always be like this!
We raise our glasses in unison:
- You be healthy, always love!

Happy birthday to a man funny and vulgar. Cool poems for a man's birthday

Happy birthday, congratulations
I shake my hand and pour.
That's just what I wish
To guess your thoughts?
Birthday is a bright holiday
But without money - sad ...
So be rich like an oilman
And sori "cabbage"!

What kind of joy is a birthday?
Wow day:
Table, snacks, congratulations!
So you are not alone.
Guests, chores, gifts,
Toasts, laughter ... on the road.
Lots of bright moments.
Know that you are not alone.

Our man's birthday is today!
And this is a bright occasion for joy, fun.
After all, age for a man is just a number,
It does not make adjustments to the craft.
Over the years, men become more valuable:
More mind, he is a storehouse for ideas,
And kidney stones are not simple, plus gold in the mouth,
And hair is expensive now (silver counts, doesn't it?)
I really want to congratulate this man.
Wish him all the best, according to his rank.
Do not notice insults, forgive obstinate ladies,
Take your wife at least to Amsterdam.
In conclusion, I want to add a couple of lines -
You are the most needed person in the world!
May you be lucky in everything
Big victories and chances of success.

Beloved man
Happy birthday
Yes, they won't give you a razor
And a pound of cookies.
Let friends present
Reading between the lines
So, a small cottage,
Or a cute boat.
In the middle of a noisy feast,
Where there is no end to the toasts
Let the glasses fill
And the joy of the heart.
Let it cover with happiness -
Wave after wave
And let troubles pass
By the other side.

Accept congratulations today
You are the best of men
Happy birthday to you
We'll all hurry today.
We want you to be on horseback
Always, everywhere and everywhere!
And so that in your big soul
There would be a place for a miracle.
You are the first on the job
Support and example in the family,
We wish, in terms of material,
Bill Gates to bypass doubly.

Man's birthday
This is very good.
Well, if such a
I would celebrate!
After all, you won’t find such for a long time,
All good, and wish
I would like to be quieter
For him to hear:
In bed - to be a dashing horse,
Actually, just keep going.
Such to be you and then,
And the rest - neither give nor take.
Almost forgot, I wanted to add:
To not envy you
Nobody, because such a life
And I would like myself.

If there is a man in the house,
There is a reason for the holiday.
Well, if the birthday boy -
Who then is his opponent?
It's worth taking care of everything
To load it
And all household chores
To take over.
Surround him with care
And cover with a feather.
To spend the day in comfort
And he wouldn't bother.
To strength and health
He could pick up for the future.
So that he is happy today
To not be alone.

Let in honor of you in the sky,
The rainbow will light up with a bright crown,
Let the birds in a stormy round dance,
Weaving will make life become hot.
Let the fanfare sing in your honor,
And you are like a knight on a white horse,
You will save the princess all bypassing nightmares
And she will kiss you in the moonlight.
May happiness protect you from grief
Wealth will fill your chests.
And the heart, like steel, will temper your will.
And smooth so that the path was contrary to everything.
May gifts await you everywhere.
And on your birthday, hearing the call,
Behind the door I saw your bright girlfriends
And never be alone!

On this sunny day, without hiding love,
I want to congratulate you my counterpart.
I wish you happy smiles to the roof,
In the fridge to keep mice out.
Every hour, let it be filled with warmth,
Never be your weak link.
And do not forget the health bag along the way,
Heading towards success, you just fly!

Are you seriously old?
Well, you give, old man!
Do you remember what I said?
Carry your wig...
Now, I pull ... "no fear",
Wig me yours "not suddenly."
I'm behind your ears - bend down,
Friendly, my friend
I want to raise you in the eyes!
So that the ladies say: "Ah!" -
The boys proudly penetrated
And the man kept silent: "Man!".
From old grandmothers
Apple pear pie.
From a passer-by girl
Hint - frost on the skin!
In short, guy: do not get sick,
Don't yell at strangers.
And what else ... "not in the eyebrow but in the eye",
Always be only "AS" in everything.

Cool birthday toasts

Our life is a ladder, and every year we climb up
one more step. This is an inevitable process, everyone knows it.
Therefore, you need to learn to pay attention to various little things around.
us that make us happy and make us smile. In that,
Perhaps this is the whole meaning of life. For you, birthday boy!
Fill your life with unforgettable moments!

They say that in life you need to treat everything with a share of indifference.
And the best way out of any situation is the ability to forget
all the bad and keep in mind all the positive, tell all your
thanks to the offenders for the invaluable experience and just go on with high
raised head. I want to raise this glass to our culprit
celebrations and wish him exactly as much indifference as necessary,
in order not to notice human stupidity and malice. And just as much
mindfulness to always notice good and positive deeds!

I propose to drink not easy for a birthday, but for the fact that in your
life was full of pleasant moments, happy days and surprises.
Do not stop rejoicing in the little things, because the little things, in fact, make up
our mood. So that everything always works out for you, only
the way you want it!

They say that a birthday is a sad holiday, because years
fly, and you become one more older. But for me, age is
only numbers. It doesn't matter how old you are, what matters is how you are
feel. I wish you always feel eighteen! For this and
let's drink! For your eternal youth, ageless heart and soul!

Long ago, God created the earth. And He endowed every living creature
the same life expectancy - all for 30 years. plowed plowed
the horse is 60 years old, she felt sorry for herself, she decided: “I will give ten years
of his life to a person. During this time he will grow wiser, invent a tractor, and
my life will be easier." No sooner said than done. The dog thinks: "I'm a friend
person or not? And she also gave her 10 years. Here is the monkey
says: “I read somewhere that the man and I are distant relatives.
So I'll give him a dozen years too. So it turns out that lives
person 60 years old: 30 years old is normal, 10 years old works like a horse, 10 years old
runs like a dog and shrunk like a monkey for another 10 years. Let's drink
for the fact that our birthday boy lived another 100 years, but lived them

Let's raise our glasses to our birthday boy, passing
crazy intersection, I saw signs on the roads: the way to the right is to
fortunately, the path to the left is to health, forward to wealth, back to
good! And so that you go around this intersection up and down!

They say that the most important thing in life is health. It seems to me that this is not
So. There are also healthy whiners. I think the most important thing these days is
good spirits and optimism. Therefore, I wish you to look at everything in life
with a smile, and then all the hardships of life will be on your shoulder!

Often we are ruined even by our thoughts, because they are material. Much
depends on a positive attitude. I wish you, birthday boy, look at
everything is only through the prism of optimism, then all things will be done
faster. Take life easy, it's really not like that
complex as it seems. Live and enjoy the people who love you
surround, and events!

We all know the fable about the industrious ant and the frivolous
dragonfly. So let's drink to ensure that our birthday boy skillfully
combined the qualities of both of these characters. For your ability to work
have fun!

Happy Birthday! Good luck,
Happiness, joy, kindness,
To make life beautiful
I drink for you today!
May you be lucky everywhere and everywhere
Let your soul sing
I won't wish for much
Hello to you!

Every person, for sure, loves to celebrate a birthday, regardless of their gender and age. Therefore, brothers, husbands, fathers, grandfathers and just good friends will be happy to hear an original congratulation in honor of their holiday.

In addition, there are excellent birthday toasts for a man who will certainly be appreciated by him. They can be presented in the form of concise or long poems that have a serious or humorous character. The choice of suitable lines depends entirely on the nature of the person to whom they are planned to be dedicated.

When choosing a toast for a man, it is necessary to take into account his age, hobbies, lifestyle. This will allow you to pick up cool congratulations, and give positive emotions for the whole evening. Toasts for an anniversary for a man are in special demand, which can be completely different.

For example, for a 60th birthday (just like for 50 or 55 years), you can pick up funny options that will add a touch of fun and enthusiasm to the festive atmosphere. With their help, it will be possible to cheer up not only the birthday man, but also all the guests present at the celebration.

To this beautiful man, on your birthday, I want to wish a lot. But I’ll drink to the correct behavior of the letter “D” in his life: so that money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, deeds are brought to achievements, longevity, kindness and a lot of love wildly.
They say that only those who can hope for luck can who never gives up. I want to drink for the birthday boy. So that he never drops his arms or the rest of his body. And he could always meet his luck fully armed, was ready to catch it and not miss it!
According to legend, God said:“Whatever you take from people, you will lose. But everything that you give to people will return to you a hundredfold.”

So let's drink to the generosity of our hero of the day, with which he always treats his friends!

60 - a lot, 60 - a little,
At 60, the road to wisdom is open.
It doesn't matter that the years flicker
And my hair turns gray from time to time.
Would be a young soul
And young souls do not grow old.

I want to tell this story:
“Every day, the wife baked a delicious bun for her husband, cut it in half at breakfast, buttered it, gave the top to her husband, and took the bottom for herself. But today was her birthday, and she decided she could afford to eat the top. She wanted it so much, but she never did it to please her husband.

The husband took the lower part and said: you gave me a very big gift! I haven't eaten the bottom half of the bun that I love for so many years because I thought it was rightfully yours!"

Let's drink so that complete understanding and love reign in your family, and so that you and your spouse can talk and share things that are important to you with each other.

If you want to be beautiful- you need to look at the beautiful. If you want to become smart, you need to listen to the smart. If you want to be cheerful - you need to sit at the same table with the cheerful. Let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to which each of us will come home more beautiful, smarter and more fun than before!
Do not assume that funny wishes charged with humor are not worth dedicating to people aged 50 and older. This is a delusion, because in the selected lines you can combine the wishes of good health, long and carefree years of life and everything that you want to say on this day. Just serve it in an unusual way - like fun toasts.

From such a toast to a man celebrating 60 or 50, 55 years old, his soul will become warm. His mood will certainly rise, and sparks of enthusiasm will sparkle in his eyes. Funny (funny) congratulations for the anniversary is an original solution that will dilute the officiality of the holiday, fill it with notes of humor and fun.

A man after a vacation comes to work and boasts:
- Great rest!
- Probably went to the sea? Tanned?
- No, my wife and mother-in-law went to the sea, and I rested at home.
... let after each vacation you have the brightest memories.

If you want - believe, if you want - do not believe,
An animal is roaming around somewhere.
He does not live in a dense forest,
Powerful in Russian.

This animal is called "moose"
- It's been that way for a long time.
May "ELSE" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
To want and be able,

So that happiness does not end,
About good to dream
To make things work,
So that everything always comes true.

I wish you have everything in life!
...AND EXPECTED amenities,
and pleasant surprises!

The well-known quatrain reads:
“If the wind is in your face, don’t rot!
If suddenly hard - be strong!
If your heart is happy - sing!
But always be yourself!
So let's drink on this man's birthday to the fact that he always, under any circumstances, remains himself!

I will start a toast to the health of our hero of the day According to the Roman poet Publius Ovid:
There is no need to count the years: people live longer.
The point is not in years, but in deeds - they must be counted.

Let's not drink for the next anniversary of the respected (name),
and for his deeds - past and future, family and professional!


It is interesting to congratulate a man on his 50th birthday, as well as on 55, 60 years and other dates, you can approach the choice of congratulations from the other side. You can replace funny toasts with short interesting lines, designed in the form of a verse.

It is very easy to pick up short toasts with which you can congratulate a man on his 60th birthday, as well as on 50, 55 years. These can be soulful quatrains with beautifully chosen words, pouring out into solemn lines. As a congratulation on a significant day, you can choose short and cool poems.

They say that a shooting star brings happiness. So let your life be an eternal starfall!

Always achieve goals in life
May all questions be answered
Believe in yourself, never give up
Bold ideas, new victories!

I want to become
Hero of today!
Multiply and save
All important values!

I wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temper!

I wish you inspiration in your work,
In the family circle - warmth and kindness.
Among friends - love and respect
And in life - a dream come true!

Having given quite a bit of time to search for a wish for a birthday man who celebrates 50, 55 and even 60 years old, you can unforgettably congratulate him on this wonderful and solemn day. Short poems, cool and funny wishes will help in this, which will remain in the memory of the birthday man for a long time.


Recently, more and more people are looking for toasts with which you can congratulate the hero of the day on his 55th birthday, 60th birthday and other dates, in prose. Such a congratulation sounds natural, sincere. His reading does not differ from the lines that were said from the heart in their own words, and this is always a pleasure to listen to.

You can congratulate a dear person on a solemn day in your own words by viewing beautiful congratulations on the eve of the celebration, extracting the main essence from them and conveying it in your own words. The advantage of prose is that it can always be supplemented. At the same time, the meaning will not suffer, and congratulatory lines will sound much better.

On this festive day, I wish you ... laugh! There are so many difficulties, difficult tasks and situations in a man's life that it is very expensive to take them seriously!

So that you do not pay doctors, I wrote you several prescriptions in advance:
(you can get printed forms)
"Votumora", "Negrustin" and "Rzhunemoglobin". Apply regularly! Be healthy, birthday boy!

Congratulations on your birthday! I want to wish that today brings you maximum positive and as many fun moments as possible, which I would like to remember later. I wish you to remain the same excellent, sympathetic person, and also never lose those who are dear to you! Happy holiday!
May the soul always be open for good, the heart is noble, the body is healthy, and the house is rich!
Happy birthday! I wish you to swim in the ocean of positive, to live on the island of Joy, not to know grief and evil! So that three whales are always present in your life: happiness, health and good luck! Let them carry you with the flow of your life and never let go!
Let the happiest times come and stay in your life forever. Let the future give only joyful days, happy moments and pleasure from the past years!
Happy birthday to a man can be congratulated in many ways. It is important to wish him what he really needs, what he dreams of. To do this, you can make your own wish, write it on a postcard. So it will evoke warm feelings and a smile for many years to come.

Regardless of what wishes will be selected as birthday greetings for representatives of a strong position, they must be sincere and appropriate in a particular situation. Properly chosen cool or funny toasts can convey the good intentions of the guest, the sincerity and kindness invested in every word. And even if they are written in a joking manner, but their correct reading will convey the underlying meaning to the birthday man.

The most common wishes for long and happy years of life, health, luck and other things can be arranged and presented beautifully. After all, original congratulations will not leave anyone indifferent, they will help express respect for the birthday man, cheer him up, create a warm, friendly atmosphere at the holiday.

We wish you a happy birthday and wish that only true friends were next to you, and a loving woman was always waiting at home! Happy holiday!

A man, it is a man who makes a strong-willed, decisive character. He is strong and always thinks things through before doing anything. I wish you to always soberly assess your future actions. Don't make rash decisions. Live to the fullest, try everything, and just enjoy all the delights of life!

It is believed that the meaningful years lived by a man noticeably paint. Each wrinkle is an absolute plus for the image and male charm. Let life please you with fascination and richness, let the years adorn your face only with traces of experienced happiness. For the health of the birthday boy!

Planting a tree, building a house, raising a son... All these are the directions of movement for a real man. I wish you physical activity so that, in the end, the shovel is not heavy for you. Health and material well-being, for two other purposes. To this we will drink.

The most important thing that I want to wish you, birthday man, today is love. Only such love that inspires and inspires to something new, unknown. I wish you to love, and at the same time feel support and this wonderful feeling in return. Be happy not only today, but every day, every minute.

Let's raise our glasses to the birthday boy! Let's drink for him, for a real man, who is determined not by a set of qualities and material goods, but by how the opposite sex feels next to him. For our hero of the occasion, let all his best qualities allow women to feel the most beautiful, loved and desired!

Men are a priori courageous and serious. But often even the strong half has stagnation in deeds and thoughts. Everything seemed to be going great, but then suddenly, once and for all, everything changed dramatically, as if something was missing. Therefore, I want to wish you, dear birthday man, that you always have this “something” in reserve. Yes, I'm talking about self-confidence. Believe in yourself in any situation!

They say that in order to be happy, you need to give up the desire to take something and replace it with the opportunity to give something. And then, what you gave up will definitely come back to you. I want to raise this glass for our birthday boy, let him be careful in his desires, because not all dreams can bring happiness, sometimes happiness lies in the fact that they do not come true.

Today, raising this glass for our birthday man, I would like to wish him that he would always have in his thoughts the person whom not only he loves, but the one who loves him. And let it be the same person!

In achieving our goals, we often lack two things. It is perseverance and perseverance. It’s like, you start a business, and it’s going well, but halfway through you seem to have been replaced. Everything falls out of hand and there are exactly zero ideas in my head. That is why, dear birthday boy, I raise a glass so that you always have the desire to complete what you started. For your perseverance!

So let's have a drink here
In that world they will not give!
Well, if they give -
Let's drink there and drink here!

Once upon a time, the king of animals (part-time - a lion) gathered his subjects (they are animals), they say:
- Smart to the right, beautiful to the left...
When everyone went to their places, one monkey remained in the middle.
- What are you standing for?
- And what about me - to break ?!
So let's drink to the birthday girl sitting at the head of the table (just in the middle), but unlike the monkey, deservedly so!

Let's drink to your coffin... which will be made of oak... which will be a hundred years old, but which has not yet been born... I wish you to live for another hundred years!

One of the Eastern sages said: "It is easy to make people know you, but it is difficult to truly know yourself." I want to wish the birthday man that he knows himself. This will help him achieve the noble goal that he has set for himself. Happy birthday!

So let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to whom such wonderful people as we have gathered!!!

Birthday is an annual gift given to a person in order to rejoice in the love and affection that close friends have for him. And now we resolutely declare that this event is valuable and dear to us. May the days of your life go long, and may your love and affection for us always be. Long live the birthday boy!

The Spaniards love to wish their friends and relatives good health, great love, beautiful women, and most importantly, longevity on their birthday in order to have time to enjoy it all. We wish the same to our birthday today!

For the boss to praise you alone!
For the fact that the husband and his friends do not drink vodka!
For the fact that children at school do not receive "2"!
So that your head does not hurt in the evening!

For not getting very drunk from vodka,
She didn’t dance on the table and, like a bear, she didn’t sing!
So that in the midst of fun the outfit is not torn,
So that tomorrow, like a cucumber, is not green!

For you, by the way,
I want to drink very much!
So that you live for 300 years, like Tortilla,
And so that you are lucky in life.
So that, like Pinocchio, she was rich,
She had many friends, and not only gold!

Chinese wisdom says:
"When you came into the world, you were crying, and everyone around was rejoicing. Make sure that when you leave, everyone is crying, and you are the only one smiling."
For what has been said!

Darling (oh) ..., I wish you
On your birthday, health and mind.
No wonder they say: “If there was a mind, there would be a ruble.
There will be no mind, there will be no ruble.
And also happiness to you, joy and fulfillment of dreams! For you!

To live life wisely
You need to know a lot.
Two important rules to remember to get started:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it's better to be alone than with just anyone!

I raise my glass to express my hot feeling, warmed up by drinks, to the hero of the evening - (Name) and wish him a happy birthday. I wish you to be like the light, to live for two hundred years, to sing songs and to die of love. For you!

On your birthday, accept congratulations from me, and listen to a modest toast as soon as possible: I wish you many, many impressions and true, devoted friends!

"Grow big!" - wished in childhood. Now, perhaps, it would be appropriate to wish: "Keep growing above yourself!" Happy Birthday to You! For you!

On a birthday, a person does not become one year older - it is another year replenished by such a wonderful person like you!
Congratulations to you and this happy year!

I raise this toast! For what
To winter and summer
You were the best dressed. For what
So that in the heat and in the cold
Always drove a wheelbarrow.
For that day and dark night
She was very, very beautiful!

I want to be immodest in bed
Breasts elastic and huge,
And the waist, just like a wasp,
Less to eat sausages.
Foot, size about 37,
Maybe a little more, but not quite.
And legs so that, like a gazelle,
And the men stared at them!
In general, we drink for you!
Happy birthday!

I am the most beautiful flower that was brought to your house today! And I am glad that I can bring myself today on such a wonderful occasion! And hand over to you along with congratulations and wishes! And let them be a part - a small part of your today's joy. Congratulations!

I propose a toast to the fact that the culprit of today's holiday was always young and handsome, that he was a little wasted and dumb, that he was both a playboy and his boyfriend and, as always, generous and broad-minded.

Circus. There are tigers in the arena. The show came to a climax. The audience applauds furiously: the tamer kisses a huge tiger! And the entertainer announces to the public that:
- Anyone who is not afraid to repeat it now will receive 5 thousand dollars!
Silence. Suddenly a young man stands up:
- I'm ready to make an attempt, but first remove ... this predator!
I brought this story because I am going to congratulate and kiss the birthday girl again. I don't even ask for money. But just, please, take away... this predator! Yes, I'm talking about her husband.

Our life is a ladder, and every year we climb one more step up. This is an inevitable process, everyone knows it. Therefore, we need to learn to pay attention to various little things around us that make us happy and make us smile. This, perhaps, is the whole meaning of life. For you, birthday boy! Fill your life with unforgettable moments!

Traditionally, a lot of wishes and kind words are said at a birthday party. Today I would like to move away from the usual framework and, instead, say “thank you” to you. Thank you for being you, thank you for those moments that brought us together, thank you for being you and remaining a person. I am proud to know you, and I am sure that in a year I will have many new reasons to thank you again. Happy birthday, dear person!

Men are like children, they need different toys. So let's drink to the fact that you always have money for them, whether it's a new car or a private jet. And next to you, let there always be a beautiful, tender, and most importantly, loving you, doll! Happy birthday!

smartest, strongest
The coolest and favorite
Happy birthday!
We wish you
So that anxiety and doubt
They were somewhere else.
Be rich, be happy
Be cheerful and playful.
Let's raise a toast to you
Be healthy, ezhkin's tail!

Let's drink today for the letter "k" in the life of our birthday. A man needs beauties, comfort, a career, a treasury and, of course, cool friends. For all this and your royal health, I raise a glass of quality alcohol.

Solid, beautiful, wise and prominent,
I'll raise a glass to your health
I congratulate you on your birthday
I want to wish you happiness.

More money, success, patience,
Let it be smooth and smooth in business,
And don't lose, look for inspiration
Keep good luck in your hands!

If you want to become beautiful, you need to look at the beautiful. If you want to become smart, you need to listen to the smart. If you want to be cheerful - you need to sit at the same table with the cheerful. Let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to which each of us will come home more beautiful, smarter and more fun than before!

I wish you prosperity
Good and true friends
I raise my glass to you
Let your life be more fun!

I wish you well, positive,
So that troubles always go aside,
I wish you a beautiful life
And be yourself!

Today I drink for you
More precisely, for your years,
Don't lose your manhood
And never be discouraged!

I drink for your courage
And let everything be fine
You don't know bad people
Forget about failures!

I would like to wish a man on such a day, first of all, health, strength and self-confidence! May all your dreams come true and all plans come true. For you, Happy Holidays!

Let's raise our glasses to today's hero of the occasion. May there always be such a woman in his life who would tell others that she is not looking for a prince on a white horse, because she already has her own king! Be always the king not only in the material component but also in the breadth of your soul!