What to eat if on a diet. What can you eat while losing weight. Low calorie, low fat foods

"What would you like to eat to lose weight?" - there is no person who wants to lose extra pounds who would not be tormented by this issue. Believing that "food" and "weight loss" are incompatible concepts, you are deeply mistaken. Yes, do not be surprised, there are products that not only satisfy the feeling of hunger, but are also a real help on the difficult path of combating excess weight.

What to eat to lose weight: fruits

Some foods help to lose weight because they contain a large amount, which means that the body loses more by digesting them than it gains. In addition, such products contribute to and greatly reduce the feeling of hunger, literally filling the stomach. Others contain substances that burn and speed up metabolism. If there is no special reservation and individual contraindications, then you can eat (drink) it without restrictions.

So, what can and cannot be eaten while losing weight so that the process of losing excess weight is as effective as possible?

To begin with, about what you need to eat in order to lose weight from an assortment of fruits.

  • The first place in the ranking of what to eat to lose weight is pineapple. Pineapple contains a unique enzyme, bromelain, which can break down complex lipids and help the body absorb fats. Only available in the morning! The fact is that pineapple also contains glucose, which means that the pancreas reacts to it and insulin is released, which carries vital substances through the cells, but, alas, we don’t know which ones (for whom and when - how) . What about fat? So eat pineapple as much as you want, but only in the morning.
  • The second thing that is recommended to eat to lose weight is kiwi. A valuable quality of kiwi is the ability to burn fats that block arteries. This reduces the risk of blood clots and removes excess fat from the body. Kiwi also contains a lot of magnesium and potassium salts, fiber, which removes and helps normalize digestion. This fruit normalizes protein metabolism and promotes proper metabolism. As a concomitant pleasant effect of eating kiwi - the absence of a feeling of heaviness and belching after eating, if you eat a meal with one kiwi fruit. There are only in the morning.
  • Grapefruit closes the top three of the list of what you can eat to lose weight. This fruit perfectly lowers the level of insulin.

What to eat and drink to lose weight: drinks and vegetables

Speaking of what you need to eat to lose weight, you should not forget about drinks. So, what do modern nutritionists recommend drinking to lose weight?

  • . Drink as much as you want, but better - 2 liters per day (2 liters), and right in the morning at least 2-3 glasses. Just keep in mind: you should not drink water with porridge, but half an hour (or after half an hour) so that the porridge does not soak in your stomach. The same applies to all liquids.
  • . It is used as a means for weight loss, as it enhances metabolic processes and accelerates the removal of fat from the body. In addition, green tea is able to remove salts of heavy metals and other toxins from the body. It is rich in vitamins and kahetins, for example, fluorine, iodine, and many others, due to which it speeds up metabolism and also removes fats. In addition, it strengthens teeth and gums, acts as an excellent prophylactic against cancer (and is simply necessary for those who work a lot at the computer), strengthens the immune system.
  • Ginger. Rich in fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, amino acids. Ginger root is used to make a slimming drink, which is very good to take during the day before meals, as ginger tea dulls the feeling of hunger. Brew 2 tbsp. spoons for 1 liter of water.

And what should you eat to lose weight, from a wide range of vegetables?

  • . There is an incredibly low calorie content of celery with a very high nutritional value. 100 g of celery contains only 18 kcal, and you will be full immediately and for a long time thanks to the enormous amount of fiber. In addition, get a lot of vitamins and minerals, and it's just delicious.
  • Cabbage. A little more calories than celery (20 kcal per 100 g), there are many benefits (vitamins and trace elements), fiber is even more, that is, it cleans the intestines perfectly, and soothes hunger. In addition, cabbage (any) contains sulforaphene, a substance that has anti-carcinogenic properties (that is, it does not give cancer).
  • . It improves the composition of the blood, as well as the metabolism in the body, thereby helping to lose weight, activates digestion, accelerates the scarring of ulcers, has a calming effect on the nervous system, lowers high blood pressure, has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, removes harmful cholesterol from the body and prevents the deposition of salts in the body.

What else can you eat to lose weight

And a few more foods that you can eat to lose weight and not punish yourself for eating extra calories.

  • Seaweed. Due to the high content of iodine and other useful substances in it, especially alginic acid, kelp, firstly, absorbs toxins and heavy metals, and secondly, speeds up metabolism.
  • Oatmeal. The soluble fiber contained in the cereal forms a kind of gel that slows down the emptying of the stomach.
  • Olive oil. contains, in addition to many vitamins, acids very useful for the body: oleic, palmitic and stearic. They lower the level of cholesterol in the body and prevent the formation of tumors. Olive oil has a beneficial effect on the work of the liver and pancreas. The acids that make up olive oil speed up the metabolism in the body and reduce the feeling of hunger.
  • Mushrooms. They have a lot of useful vitamins and minerals, but the main thing is fiber, which does not irritate the stomach. Mushrooms are a very satisfying food, you can eat them up quickly and for a long time, while they are very low in calories. Mushrooms are also great for cleansing the intestines.
  • Spicy condiments. Hot peppers and all its varieties, ground black pepper, mustard, horseradish, garlic help to burn fats well. Every time we add spicy seasonings to food, we lose weight, because such food speeds up energy production in the body (thermogenesis process) and burns excess fat cells, lowers insulin levels.
  • Lemon. Lemon releases fats, so it is recommended to include it in the diet during a weight loss course. This promotes weight loss also because the biologically active substances contained in it stimulate protein metabolism. Flavor with lemon juice.

What not to eat to lose weight: foods that absolutely can not be eaten when losing weight

In addition to fast food and sugary drinks, four foods are banned.

  • First on the list of what not to eat to lose weight, you can put sugar. The more sugar, the more insulin, and therefore fat (unless you play sports and do not solve difficult scientific or creative problems). In any case, instead of sugar - honey or dark chocolate, but not enough (1 teaspoon of honey or 1 slice of chocolate) in the morning. However, it lowers the pressure and soothes. So after dinner you can (precisely honey, not to be confused with chocolate!).
  • The second in the ranking of what you can’t eat on a weight loss diet is salt. If your salt intake is normal (about 15 grams per average adult), then there is no problem, but, alas, the vast majority of people eat much more salt. If you really want to lose 10 kg in a month, then for the first week of this month, eat everything without salt at all, and then add it to a minimum. And no saltiness! With an excess amount of salt, water-salt metabolism is disturbed, too much fluid begins to linger in the body, as a result of which the heart is subjected to excessive stress, pumping more blood than necessary, which creates high blood pressure, headaches begin, and later this can cause hypertension and development, various. Salt is deposited in the joints, this process occurs for a long time, without showing itself in any way, and often makes itself felt quite late: the joints begin to hurt, become less mobile and flexible, unexpected bouts of pain begin, the joints react to the weather and changes in atmospheric pressure, this is very common in older people. Often the joints are filled with fluid and swell, this is a kind of reaction of the body to the deposition of salts in the joints, which tend to dissolve them with the help of fluid. In addition, salty food awakens the appetite, so people who are obese or simply overweight are not recommended to eat salty food. For those who want to lose weight, salt-free diets are often prescribed.
  • In third place on the list of what not to eat to lose weight is wheat and any refined flour. It has a huge amount of calories. It is best to either not eat at all, or very rarely.
  • And finally, the white one closes the list of what not to eat when losing weight. Eat brown as it contains fiber.

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Weight loss has become more and more popular in recent years. After all, most girls dream of a perfect figure. And in order to achieve such forms, as a rule, they resort to dietary restrictions and diets. And what is better to eat? Diet products for weight loss, the list of which is presented below, will be an excellent basis for the diet. By eating healthy food, you can significantly improve your appearance. The health food store is where you can get the food you need. In many metropolitan areas such supermarkets open. You can find suitable products in them.

What components and dishes should be added to your diet to lose a couple of extra pounds? Now let's consider.

Diet products for weight loss: a list of the best

  • Eggs. It was previously claimed that they contain a lot of cholesterol. But it was a long time ago. New studies have shown that eggs do not affect blood cholesterol levels and therefore do not cause heart attacks. The product is suitable for those who want to lose weight. Eggs are rich in healthy fats and proteins.
  • Green leaves. These include spinach, and others. They are essential for weight loss. Green leaves are important in the process of losing weight. They contain few calories and carbohydrates. If you add green leaves to your diet, you can significantly increase the amount of servings. It won't go overboard with calories. This way of eating "retrains" the body to eat less in the future. Note that green leaves are rich in antioxidants, vitamins. They contain calcium, which is involved in the process of burning fat.
  • Chicken breasts and beef. Unfairly, nutritionists have turned meat into a real demon. Frozen, of course, is not useful. But fresh does not affect the occurrence of diabetes and heart disease. Meat is one of the main friends of the diet. It is full of protein.
  • Chili pepper. This product is useful, it has a special substance that increases fat burning and reduces appetite.
  • Tuna. This product is rich in proteins, but at the same time it is low in calories. Tuna is ideal for those who want to eat protein-rich foods but don't really like meat.
  • Chia seeds. They are very nutritious. Promotes rapid satiety.
  • Fruits. It is very Those who love vegetables and fruits are much healthier.


This fish is incredibly useful. She is satisfying. Salmon, like seafood, contains a large amount of iodine. This fish contains omega-3 fatty acids. They help prevent inflammation. Fatty acids also play an important role in the fight against obesity. If salmon is not available, then trout or mackerel are also perfect.

cruciferous vegetables

If we talk about that, it is worth remembering about useful products. These include cruciferous vegetables (Brussels cabbage, white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli). They are rich in fibre. They also contain a large amount of vegetable protein.

The combination of fiber, protein and low calorie content makes this product ideal for those struggling with weight loss.

Boiled potatoes

It is the most nutritious and satisfying food of all. This means that by eating such potatoes, you will experience a feeling of fullness for a long time. After cooking, let the root crop cool slightly so that a fibrous substance forms in it.

Beans and other vegetables

Some legumes help you lose weight. These include beans, lentils, black beans and others. Legumes are high in fiber and protein. After eating such food, a feeling of satiety remains for a long time.

Cottage cheese

If we talk about dietary foods, then they, of course, include dairy. These foods are rich in protein. The best is cottage cheese. This is pure protein. Moreover, it contains negligible fats and carbohydrates. Want to increase your protein intake? Then eat more cottage cheese. It saturates the body with energy, while the person does not eat too much. When choosing cottage cheese, pay attention to the percentage of fat content.

All dairy products, including cottage cheese, are rich in calcium. And this is good for weight loss.


What other diet foods are available for weight loss? The list continues with a fruit called avocado. This is a unique product. It contains healthy fats. In addition to them, the fruit contains a lot of water. Therefore, it is not very nutritious. Avocados contain fiber and potassium.


Although these foods are saturated with fats, they lead to weight gain. Nuts are great for a snack. Only with these products it is worth knowing the measure, because they are high-calorie.


What other dietary products for weight loss are known? The list continues with grapefruit. It has a direct effect on weight loss. Grapefruit normalizes metabolic processes in the body.


Another indispensable dairy product is yogurt. It contains prebiotics, which greatly improve digestion. And the key to a healthy body is, of course, proper digestion.

A healthy diet is not a myth

There is a healthy diet for weight loss. What is she? What is its essence? During such a diet, simple principles of proper nutrition are observed. Such a system can become a way of life. Choose healthy recipes. The dishes prepared according to them are not only tasty, but also healthy.

You don't have to count calories while doing it. A healthy diet gives peace of mind. In one week of such nutrition, about one kilogram is lost. The main advantage of the diet is that muscle mass replaces fat. Especially if during such a period you still do fitness several times a week.

Main rules:

  1. At least five meals a day.
  2. Eat every three hours. If you get hungry earlier, you can have a snack.
  3. Try not to eat more than 300 grams of food at a time.
  4. Most of the daily calorie intake should be in the first half of the day (before 15:00).
  5. For breakfast, eat slow carbohydrates (cereals), for lunch - protein foods, fiber, and for dinner - proteins.
  6. As snacks, choose nuts, dried fruits (no more than fifty grams).
  7. Make your menu varied.

What to eat? Fruits, cereals, greens, dried fruits, nuts, meat, vegetables, mushrooms, dairy products.

Contraindications: diseases that require a certain diet.

Diet food: healthy recipes

Let's start with the meatloaf. This dish is not only tasty, but also healthy.

  • three eggs;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 600 g chicken fillet (or already prepared minced meat);
  • 50 g butter;
  • salt;
  • pepper.


  1. First, if you took the fillet, make the minced meat.
  2. Beat eggs with milk, add pepper, salt.
  3. After mixing the milk-egg mixture and minced chicken, add the oil (it should be at room temperature). Then mix thoroughly so that you get a homogeneous mass. You can use a blender for these purposes.
  4. Next, take a small form, grease it with oil, put the mass there, level it.
  5. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Bake until tender, about thirty to forty minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

When choosing healthy recipes, you should pay attention to this one. The traditional casserole uses wheat flour, but we will replace it with corn flour.

For cooking:

  • 150 ml sour cream;
  • three eggs;
  • 600 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 60 grams of sugar and the same amount of raisins;
  • 80 grams of cornmeal;
  • 50 grams of dried apricots or dried cherries.


  1. First beat eggs with sugar. Next, add cottage cheese and sour cream. Whisk.
  2. Then add flour. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Then add dried fruits.
  4. Next, take a baking dish, grease with oil, lay out the mass, level it.
  5. Preheat the oven, bake the casserole for forty minutes.

If you are interested in nutrition for weight loss, the recipes that will be presented below will interest you.

Boats of avocado

This original healthy snack will appeal even to those who do not really like these healthy exotic fruits. Please note that this is an appetizer. For one boat you will need one avocado (two halves).

For cooking you will need:

  • one can of asparagus (canned);
  • avocado fruits (ripe);
  • lettuce leaves;
  • a piece of lightly salted salmon;
  • Red caviar;
  • pomegranate juice (for dressing);
  • olive oil;
  • vinegar for dressing.


  1. First cut the avocado in half and remove the pits.
  2. Next, carefully remove the pulp with a spoon, chop with a knife.
  3. Then cut the salmon (thinly) with a knife. Next, form decorative roses from these stripes.
  4. Thinly slice the asparagus.
  5. Next, prepare the dressing. To do this, mix the oil with pomegranate juice and vinegar.
  6. Then mix the avocado with the asparagus. Next, top with the sauce.
  7. Then put in halves on a dish, put a leaf of lettuce on top of each. After carefully put the stuffing inside.
  8. Decorate the dish with red caviar and salmon rosette.


Now you know the diet products for weight loss, the list of which is presented above. The article also discusses ways to prepare healthy dishes. If you choose diet food, the recipes that are described in the article will come in handy.

Forbidden foods for weight loss

The list of what is forbidden to eat during the diet is quite impressive. The predominant mass is high-calorie and fatty foods. If you do not remove this food from the diet, the diet will turn out to be ineffective, and you will not be satisfied with the result. Therefore, all the will must be gathered into a fist and purposefully bring the figure closer to the ideal, focusing on what you can’t eat when you lose weight.

So, the list of foods that you absolutely can not eat when losing weight:

  • sweet and flour;
  • alcohol, sweet soda and factory juices;
  • sweet fruits and starchy vegetables;
  • fast food, semi-finished products, snacks;
  • rice and semolina porridge;
  • fatty meat, fish and dairy products;
  • dried fruits, nuts, seeds;
  • canned and smoked food.

Such food is harmful to a slim figure and must be excluded from the diet if you want to get results from the diet.

Now let's take a closer look at what other foods you need to exclude from the diet in order to lose weight, and why this is so important.

Sugar containing products. The main cause of obesity, diabetes and problems with the heart and blood vessels is sugar. It also causes addiction to sugary foods. For those who eat a lot of sweets, it is difficult to give up these foods while on a diet. In extreme cases, eat sweets in a minimal amount, that is, once a day (preferably in the morning) in portions up to 100 g.

What can't you eat to lose weight?

  • Confectionery.
  • Candy, chocolate, ice cream.
  • Juice from stores.
  • Sweet sparkling water.
  • artificial sweeteners.
  • Muesli and flakes in glaze.

Bread and pastries. Care should be taken with products that use white flour. Sweet and flour has from 80 units of the glycemic index (GI) and at least 300 kcal. These 4 products are excluded from the diet for weight loss:

  • fresh wheat bread;
  • muffin;
  • cakes and pastries;
  • cookie.

Even if there is fat-free cottage cheese in the cheesecake, still refuse to eat it. In addition to extra pounds, she will not bring anything.

But still, in dietary nutrition there is a place for bread, only rye or with whole grains and bran. Cereal-based breads will not harm the dietary diet.

Sweet fresh and dry fruits, nuts and seeds

Sweet fruits. Despite the usefulness of fruits, they will not always help to get rid of extra pounds. Sometimes losing weight resort to fruit diets, but never achieve results. Depends on what fruit to include in it. Sweet fruits contain a high concentration of sugar. Therefore, they cause increased appetite due to the fact that blood sugar levels rise. For this reason, eating fruits at night when losing weight is undesirable. It is also not advisable to eat fruits in the evening, since unused fast carbohydrates will immediately turn into fat.

What fruits should not be eaten on a diet?

  • Banana, grapes, pomegranate.
  • Mango, persimmon.

Recently, the banana diet has become popular. It differs from others in its specificity. With bananas, they eat milk, kefir and low-fat cottage cheese three times a day. You can eat bananas while losing weight, but only if a person has no health problems.

Dried fruits and nuts. Dried fruits contain a number of calories - this is a dehydrated fresh fruit. When dried, fruits lose the bulk of their volume - water. Mostly fructose and a small amount of moisture remain. Therefore, if you eat 100 g of grapes, you will get 72 kcal, and if you eat raisins, then 265 kcal. The difference is significant.

Nuts and seeds are fatty foods. They contain poly- and monounsaturated fats, which makes these products both high-calorie and at the same time useful. Avoid cutting out nuts and seeds from your diet. You just need to limit yourself to 10-15 grams of these foods per day.

Foods containing starch

What you need to give up when losing weight is pasta, white rice, semolina, and also eat less potatoes. These products have a high GI, so they do not contribute to weight loss. Semolina and rice cereals have 60 GI units, and potatoes - over 80. If you do eat these foods, combine them with fresh vegetables. Of course, potatoes are considered our second bread. But eating potatoes while losing weight constantly is not the right decision. This vegetable contains a lot of carbohydrates. Therefore, if there are potatoes on a diet, then only 2 times a week and in the form of mashed potatoes.

Salt and semi-finished products

Salt. Salt has the ability to retain excess fluid in the body. Do not indulge in oversalted food. Sometimes the question arises, is it possible to lose weight by giving up salt? A salt diet will also not benefit a person who is losing weight, as the water-salt balance will be disturbed. Salt has a great effect on the human body. It takes part in the normal development of teeth and bone tissue. Without this mineral, the digestive tract will not work properly. Therefore, you need to eat salt with a diet for weight loss, only in small quantities (up to 3 g per day). Never replace salt with soy sauce, because 100 g of sauce contains several teaspoons of salt. There is nothing to gain by switching to this sauce instead of salt.

Semi-finished products. What else needs to be abandoned is fast food, convenience foods, smoked and canned. Sausages provoke the appearance of extra pounds, and canned food and smoked meats contain a lot of salt, which adversely affects the youth of the body. Therefore, it is better to make sausage at home, and avoid canned food altogether.

The fight against extra pounds for many girls has long become a favorite hobby. Of course, this is a joke. Keeping track of your weight and controlling your diet is not fun at all, and no one can like it. It would be nice to know once and for all what you can eat on a diet, and just eat foods from this list and lose weight.

There are many articles that tell you what you can and cannot eat on a diet. But keep in mind that the degree of their reliability can vary greatly. Very often, such lists are non-professionals or people who have managed to lose weight. But this does not mean that their weight loss was harmless to the body.

If in response to the question of what you can eat with a diet, you get a meager list of several or even one product - this is not a diet, this is another mockery of your body, which you should not resort to, especially for a long time.

In order to answer the most important question of what you can eat on a diet, you should understand what is the optimal diet for weight loss. The only diet that will help you lose weight effectively and safely is a balanced diet. If your weight is significantly higher than the norm, you can reduce portions and increase physical activity, but in no case should you refuse a certain group of products. Any diet based on the rejection of carbohydrates, proteins or fats is definitely harmful to health.

Since proper nutrition must necessarily include meat, dairy products, grains, vegetables, fruits, it is necessary to draw up a diet based on this. If you want to lose weight, it is advisable to choose diet foods with a minimum calorie content.

From meat products, you can safely eat skinless chicken, rabbit, veal and beef, turkey, low-fat lamb, even low-fat pork can be afforded. It is necessary to give up fatty duck, goose, pork, and you should also not eat offal and any smoked meats. It is better to limit the consumption of any sausages. Meat must be cooked correctly: boil or bake, but in no case fry. This rule also applies to any other products.

Most often, when asked what to eat on a diet, they answer that vegetables can be eaten without restrictions. But you need to remember that not all vegetables will help you lose weight - fried potatoes or french fries, chips, pickles, vegetables in high-calorie meat salads will not give you harmony at all.

It is best to eat a variety of raw vegetables, these are cucumbers, tomatoes, dill, cabbage, celery, onions. You can also eat boiled vegetables, such as zucchini, beets, cabbage, sometimes you can even afford some potatoes. From vegetables it is fashionable to prepare salads for appetizers or main courses, for example, stews or baked vegetables.

Very often they ask whether it is possible to eat bread during a diet. Indeed, there are restrictions: it is worth giving up white bread, buns and similar pastries. It is better to give preference to wholemeal bread with bran or rye bread. If you doubt whether it is possible to eat a certain type of bread during a diet, it is better to refuse it altogether.

Also, questions often arise about whether it is possible to eat porridge on a diet. Most cereals are low-calorie dishes, and if you cook them simply with water, you can eat them with almost no restrictions. There are even diets based on the consumption of cereals, so the question of whether it is possible to eat porridge on a diet is at least inappropriate. But, you can only eat porridge on the water. If you cook sweet porridge with milk or spicy porridge with rich broth, this completely changes the situation, the consumption of such porridges must be limited.

What can you eat on a diet if you want something tasty? Many people think that dieting is a boring undertaking, but in fact, diet meals can be delicious. You can cook a variety of dishes from vegetables, meat, fish, milk and fruits. A variety of fruit salads will decorate any table, but you should refrain from grapes and bananas.

What drinks can be on a diet

What you can eat on a diet, we have already figured out, but what about drinks? Most of the drinks everyone loves, like sodas, coffees with cream, and alcohol, are so high in calories that they count as food in dietary terms.

Alcohol should be limited completely, no beer or sweet liquors. Sometimes you can afford a little cognac or dry wine. It is also worth refusing from sweet sodas, as well as juices and nectars of industrial production with sugar. But natural juices in small quantities are even useful. Sweet coffee and cocoa are also banned.

The best drink for a person is plain pure water. If you want something tastier, you can drink unsweetened tea, black, green or herbal with a little honey. You can also cook natural fruit drinks or unsweetened compotes.

What can you eat on a diet if you need to lose weight quickly

Rapid weight loss is another sore point for our ladies. Everyone wants to have a tasty meal and lie on the couch, and then magically fit into a dress two sizes smaller. I would like to tell everyone - this does not happen. To be slim, you need to eat right and lead an active lifestyle, and those who say that you can lose 10 kilograms in a week are, to put it mildly, disingenuous.

Everything is good in moderation, and even on a diet, you can and should pamper yourself. What and how - read below.

Deciding once again to change their lives and their bodies for the better, many people make the same mistake, which quickly puts an end to all their efforts. They clamp themselves as much as possible into often insane frames, so to speak, "tighten all possible screws."

Yesterday, these citizens ate cookies, sweets, hamburgers, french fries and other food "pleasures" in kilograms, and today only chicken breast, buckwheat and cucumbers with tomatoes. A week, two, a maximum of a month passes, and with the approach described above, a breakdown occurs. No, it's not like that - BREAK!

A person falls into such a fierce intestinal fornication that he returns both the lost few kilograms, and rather quickly gains a heel or two from above. Often this is excess water, but there is nothing good in carbohydrate edema either. Especially against the background of the fact that they do not subside with an unbalanced diet and periodic overeating.

Yes, this is just one of the possible mistakes. It is also important to work with weights, a reasonable cardio load, a sufficient amount of sleep and other conditions, if not observed, there will be difficulties. But today I propose to focus on the topic of safe snacks and treats that will allow you to feel more or less comfortable even on a serious diet. Still, nutrition, plus the ability to maintain the selected regimen, is 70-80% of success. So we will help ourselves to keep the regime with the help of a few tricks and a reasonable selection of products.


Let's start with the products that are actively promoted on TV in the wake of the now fashionable theme of fitness and weight loss, which are supposedly healthy and at the same time tasty. Here are the perfect products. In fact, these are tricks that should not be consumed with a balanced diet (or zealous with them if the regime is not very strict).

Dry breakfasts

All sorts of cereal flakes, puffed rice and other things that fly well into the stomach both in dry form and with milk or juice. Often on the boxes with these mixtures Fitness is written in large letters. True, from fitness there is only a name.

If you look at the composition, you will find 70-80 percent of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (that is, fast), including sugar or even worse - corn syrup (GI is even higher than that of sugar), plus flavor enhancers. Don't be deceived by the fact that there are like a bunch of healthy cereals - they really are, but they are cleaned and ground to dust. There is little use left.

In addition, such breakfast cereals are very high in calories - 350–400+ kcal per 100 g. Moreover, after eating 150–200 g of cereal, you won’t feel particularly full, but in fact you have already consumed as many calories as there are in a full meal with meat, porridge and salad. But after the last one, you want to eat after 3-4 hours, and after the first one, after an hour, you are already ready to devour the elephant.

Diet bread

There is only a part of the trick here. You need to look at the composition and the bread itself. If there is only rye flour, no sugar and other strange additives, and the bread resembles a cracker - everything is ok. If it uses premium flour, and the product is similar in consistency to pressed corn sticks, there is zero benefit from it.

store juices

In general, there are also natural, even reconstituted juices, like apple or orange. But they are quite high in calories, plus fructose is not the best product for sports. It is stored in the form of glycogen only in the liver, but not in the muscles. And in the liver there is usually enough of it, so the excess is sent to fat.

Low-fat yoghurts and sweet curd masses

In general, any sweet store-bought yogurts can be attributed here, since they have an excess of sugar. But the so-called "light" fat-free ones are generally hellish hell. In addition to a solid dose of sugar, they also have a bunch of starch to compensate for the lack of fat and get a nice, thick texture.

As for sweet curd masses with raisins and dried apricots, in addition to the mentioned sugar, they add a lot of vegetable fat in the form of margarine, that is, this trans fat is a very harmful and dangerous product for the body.

Muesli bars

Fitness is also often written on them, but, as in the case of dry breakfasts, there is no smell of fitness or benefit. In the composition of dried fruits and cereals, seemingly useful things. That's just grains again in a highly processed form and in the form of fast carbohydrates, plus it's all molded together with corn syrup or honey (also not the best thing on a diet). Yes, and dried fruits are not as harmless as it seems. The same dates or raisins differ little from sweets in terms of the effect on the body (insulin response, calorie content).

Classic sweets - choose the lesser evil

Also not the most useful things on a diet, but if the regime is not too strict or when you are in the form support stage, then you can please yourself with light carbohydrates. Let's choose from a bunch of evils the lesser and which is not disguised as a fitness theme.


The classic natural marshmallow consists of applesauce and molasses, as well as starch, egg white, and sugar, of course. Plus marshmallows - a relatively low calorie content against the background of other sweets, the absence of trans fats. But the glycemic index is quite high - 65 (like a muffin or white rice)


It is similar in its advantages to marshmallows, but the composition is slightly different: applesauce, gelatin, agar and pectins useful for digestion. It’s not worth tinkering with the quantity, since there is a lot of fructose in the marmalade (the GI of such marmalade is only 30), although there is also sugar (GI 65). In any case, good (tasty and sweet) should be a little bit.


An analogue of marshmallows with the difference that the amount of fruit puree is different, plus berries are often added. The base is also built on gelatin and egg whites.

Dried fruits

Dried apricots, raisins, dates are all better than sweets stuffed with sugar and trans fats, but you also need to be careful. Dried fruits are high in calories and contain a lot of fructose.

bitter chocolate

This is a chocolate in which from 70% cocoa and more. Very high-calorie, fatty, but cocoa fat is useful, and there is little sugar in such chocolate, as well as carbohydrates. So pay attention to the total calorie content so that the chocolate bar in the end does not turn out to be superfluous. 10-15 g of dark chocolate per day can be afforded even during a very strict diet.


Not quite sweet, but also very tasty. Contain a decent amount of protein and fat, plus there are carbohydrates too. Here it is worth paying attention to the total calorie content. For example, 100 g of peanuts contain 550 kcal, so you need to be careful with the amount of nuts in your diet.


They are different. It is important not to overdo it with the quantity. Green apples are great. Reds are also good, but the GI is higher. Greenish bananas are great, but in reasonable amounts. Ripe bright yellow bananas - the glycemic index is quite high, almost like a roll. Grapes - a lot of fructose, little benefit. Watermelon or melon - often almost pure fructose with water and nitrates. Especially at the beginning of the season with gourds, you need to be extremely careful.

Sports snacks

Sports nutrition is sweet and tasty, but without sugar and excess carbohydrates. Someone will remember the type of harmful sweeteners, but their harm is greatly exaggerated. You don’t have to look far for examples - did many people die from a sweetener? Google it, you won't find a single case. And from sugar, fast food and other food waste, people die the only way. Yes, not directly, but because of obesity and its consequences, including diabetes.

In general, a sports nutrition may well relieve cravings for sweet and tasty, if there are severe restrictions on such products.


Any whey, complex, casein. Most of this kind of products are sweet and with some taste, starting with the classic " Vanilla», « Chocolate», « Strawberry” and ending with various funny ones like “ Cream cookies», « banana coconut», « Strachitella" (remember to read "T" in the first half of the word and this is not what you thought, but " a combination of white creamy ice cream with pieces of dark Italian chocolate»).

True, there is a nuance - not all options are equally tasty. Naturally, there are no comrades for the taste and color, so before you buy a bag of protein, you should first try it by buying a disposable sampler.

In my experience, Optimum Nutrition Whey Gold Standart very high quality protein, but not very tasty. And here SAN Titanium Whey excellent (banana-coconut or cappuccino), although there is an important point - it must be whipped in a blender. In a shaker, it turns out to be watery and then it seems too sweet, with a frankly vigorous taste. In addition, I can recommend BSN Syntha 6 However, there are quite a lot of carbohydrates. not bad Syntraxx Whey And Matrix 5. Very tasty or, so to speak, neutral proteins from the British Protein Factory. In general, try. Having picked up a good and tasty protein, you can usefully replace sweets with it.

Protein Bars

Here it is important to pay attention to the composition. Very often they use maltodextrin and soy protein. But there are also quality options based on whey protein and good carbohydrates with a low GI.

For example, bars are very good Quest Bar from Quest Nutrition, but it is worth choosing the taste carefully. Some look like plasticine and are almost tasteless. Also worthy of taste and quality in composition Combat Crunch from Muscle Pharm.

Pay attention to the calorie content of protein bars. She's pretty big. But it's better to eat QuestBar or Combat Crunch than Snickers.

Calorie-free sauces and jams

Water, some kind of thickener and sweetener, plus a flavoring additive - that's the whole composition. According to manufacturers there 0 calories. I don’t know what food “chemistry” is used to achieve this, but the body perceives it normally. Tried different jams from Walden Farms- very pleasant. For example, stir with cottage cheese - an excellent substitute for jam.

The main thing is not to compare with ordinary jam, condensed milk, honey or something else natural, which is called head-to-head. You will immediately feel the "chemical" taste of jam and you will not get any pleasure. But when there is no pure sugar and products based on it in the diet, calorie-free jams are an excellent substitute for sweets. In reasonable amounts, of course.

I usually order protein bars and jams on iHerb.com (there is delivery to the Russian Federation and Ukraine). I will take advantage of the position and publish my referral code, which gives a tangible discount on the first order of $40: SJW536.

What I use from yummy on a diet, plus a few recipes

I wrote above about calorie-free jams and protein bars, but now they are not in my diet.

Within the framework of the current period, I allow myself dark chocolate (78%) 20–30 g per day. I also actively use sweetener. The best one I've tried is sukrin, he is erythritol. Natural, similar to sugar and used in the same quantities. But dear.

So far I have settled on classic tableted sweeteners based on sodium cyclamate. Yes, "chemistry", but in minimal quantities and taste is very close to sugar. A tablet replaces 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, in such proportions I count when preparing any sweet food.

I tried another type of more natural sucrasite, but this sweetener did not impress me because of the soda in the composition, which gives bitterness.

I drink tea and coffee not sweet - they taste so much better. I use a sweetener, for example, in morning cottage cheese dessert:

  • 300 g fat-free cottage cheese (you can use any fat content, but at the moment I use fat-free);
  • 70–80 g of Bifilife (or any unsweetened yogurt, you can use sour cream);
  • 30 g of protein (1 scoop or "stingy", as fitness gurus now call them);
  • 2 sweetener tablets diluted in 10-15 g of water;
  • mix it all up and grind it well in a blender.

The result is a very tasty and sweet thing in the manner of store-bought desserts, but without starch, trans fats and other unnecessary things. With coffee and hard cheese flies for one or two.

I also add sweetener to cheesecakes or casseroles. casserole recipe:

  • Grind/stir 70 g of Hercules-type oatmeal in a blender with 30 g of protein (any flavor) and 30-50 g of vegetable fiber.
  • Add the powder obtained above to 700 g of cottage cheese;
  • in a blender, beat 3 whole eggs mixed with 300 g of fruit sourdough, bifilife or sugar-free yogurt, plus a sweetener to taste (I use 15-17 Huxol tablets diluted in 50 ml of hot water, this is the equivalent of 100 g of sugar). You can also use kefir or 200 ml of milk if the products mentioned above are not available.
  • Add cottage cheese with oat-protein powder to the resulting mass and mix it all well again / beat in a blender until smooth.
  • Optionally, add 50–100 g of raisins, nuts (50 g) or coconut flakes (30–50 g).
  • If you cook in the oven, then, having greased the form with butter, set for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C.
  • If you cook in a slow cooker, then for an hour we put the casserole in the baking mode with the lid closed (also pre-greasing the pan with butter), and then for another 15–20 minutes the baking mode, but with the lid open, so that excess liquid evaporates.

  • We mix 0.5 kg of cottage cheese in a combine with 500 g of sour cream and 2 g of vanillin.
  • Pour 20 g of gelatin into 300 ml of boiled water at room temperature and leave to swell for 10 minutes. Then put this mass on fire for a couple of minutes, so that the water warms up to a warm state, remove from heat, leave for 5 minutes. Heat up again and remove from heat. In about 20 minutes, the gelatin will completely dissolve.
  • Dissolve 15 sweetener tablets in a little water (or add it to the dissolved gelatin). Or you can use 150 g of sucrine.
  • Mix everything in a blender at low speed (as for kneading dough).
  • Pour the resulting mass into molds and refrigerate.
  • After a couple of hours, the jelly-curd dessert will be ready.

In addition, from fruits at the current stage of drying, I allow myself only green apples("Simirenka", "Golden") is a good option if you want something tasty to eat. Sometimes I eat some peanuts.

In general, I don’t suffer much on the current diet. There is no craving for sweets at all. Unless there are moments of severe hunger due to a small calorie deficit. For example, when you go home after strength training or cardio. But this is not critical. But the brutal appetite and simple buckwheat with chicken breast, tomato paste and salad with lemon juice and soy sauce dressing deliver simply indescribable gastronomic pleasure.