Wash off the mascara if you forgot the special one. Rinse off waterproof mascara

Few people face such a task as washing mascara from a tube. The need for this process lies in the fact that the container in which the cosmetic is located is an incredibly convenient reservoir for storing oils that are applied to the cilia before going to bed. It’s not at all difficult to figure out how the easiest way to wash a tube of pigment residues is.

An easy way to clean a tube of mascara

In order to clean the bottle of dried mascara, you must perform the following simple manipulations:

How to clean a mascara bottle: use dishwashing detergent

Another effective way to clean an old tube of mascara is with dishwashing liquid. In this case, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Pour detergent into the tube and leave it in it for a whole day, be sure to close it with a cap.
  2. After the specified time, remove the cap made of rubber in the upper part of the bottle and try to wash the brush and the tank as well as possible.
  3. Moisten a small piece of cotton wool in water and place it inside the prepared tube.
  4. With the help of a crochet hook, you need to stir the cotton placed in the bottle and thus scrape off all the pigment from the walls.
  5. Finally, you need to remove the cotton ball and dry the tube.

How to wash off mascara from a brush

After the tube has been fully washed, it is necessary to get rid of the remnants of the pigment on the brush, otherwise all the work will be in vain. In doing so, you need to do the following:

Store the washed brush in a closed box as tightly as possible. Only in this way will it be possible to prevent the appearance of pathogenic bacteria on it.

There are several tricks with which it will be much easier to wash the bottle of mascara residue. Among the main ones are the following:

  • each jar of mascara is equipped with a dispenser pump, which is located at the top of the tank. It is designed to ensure that an excessively large amount of pigment does not fall on the brush. To make it easier to get to the inner walls of the bottle, you need to remove this pump. Often this part is simply unscrewed;

Benefits of storing the oil mixture in a mascara tube

Not unreasonably, many women of fashion devote a lot of time and effort to cleaning the bottle of mascara. It is this way of storing oils that is most convenient. Among its main advantages are the following:

eyelash mask recipe

When the tube and brush are already cleaned, it remains only to fill the container with a product that will give them volume and prevent falling out.

In this case, you will need a suitable container in which it will be most convenient to mix the components and just a few ingredients, including:

  • a couple of capsules of vitamin Aevit or separate capsules with vitamins E and A;
  • 1 pipette of burdock oil;
  • 1 pipette castor oil.

After everything you need is prepared, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Pour all the ingredients into a container and mix well.
  2. Using a syringe, pour the mixture into a clean and dried mascara tube.
  3. Using a brush, apply the product to the eyelashes.
  4. Keep the oil mixture on the cilia for about three hours.
  5. At the end of the procedure, remove the remnants of the product with a cotton sponge.

Such procedures should be performed daily in the evening and only after daytime makeup has been removed. After a fairly short time, the first results will be noticeable.

A mascara tube is a very convenient and practical thing that can be used in cosmetology even after all the pigment has dried up.

To do this, you just need to thoroughly wash the tube itself and the brush, after which you can already look for a worthy application for these things.

There can be a huge number of use cases for this. It is enough just to connect your imagination to decide what the compact tube is best suited for, for the purification of which a lot of effort, patience and time have been spent.


This video tells and explains all the subtleties of step-by-step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, then it is recommended for viewing.

Waterproof mascara helps to keep makeup in bad weather in the form of rain or snow. She can also make up eyelashes, going to the beach or to the pool. The name itself suggests that the cosmetic product does not react to water, i.e. does not wash off. But how then to remove it from the eyelashes, if not with water?

Special funds

In any store that sells cosmetics, you can buy a liquid lotion for removing waterproof mascara, thick milk or a special cream. It is better to buy these funds from well-known brands to be sure of their safety. These can be liquids or creams from Lancôme, Elizabeth Arden, Clarins, Belle Jardin, Daily Garden or others. Good waterproof mascara removers are not cheap, but they are hypoallergenic and do not irritate the skin at all.

Baby shampoo

If you are currently out of a special product or are experiencing financial difficulties, use a mild shampoo. Best suited for children marked “No Tears”. Its composition is such that the shampoo takes care of the delicate skin of the child, which is very similar to the thin skin around the eyes.


Waterproof mascara dissolves well with liquid oils. It is better to use those that are used in the manufacture of cosmetics:

  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • castor.

Instead of these oils, you can also use Johnsons Baby oil or similar.

Fat cream

A thick face cream will also help remove waterproof mascara from your lashes. The cream always contains oils and emulsions that can dissolve mascara.


In extreme cases, you can use pharmacy petroleum jelly, but it is not recommended to do this too often. Vaseline is a petroleum product, so the delicate skin around the eyes may become irritated or dry.

home combination remedy

To remove waterproof mascara, you can use homemade lotion or milk, but they must first be done:

  • Biphasic lotion. Mix 50 ml of almond oil, 50 ml of castor oil and 100 ml. Shake the bottle well before use to mix the mass.
  • Milk on cream. Mix 250 ml of heavy cream and one fresh egg yolk. Store milk in the refrigerator, but no more than 3-4 days. To prepare a small portion, take 100 ml of cream and quail egg yolk.

How to remove waterproof mascara correctly

To remove any mascara from the eyelashes, prepare the selected product and several pieces of cotton cosmetic pads. Then proceed like this:

  1. Gently apply lotion, shampoo or cream to your eyelashes, being careful not to get the product in your eyes.
  2. Leave on lashes for 1-2 minutes to soften the mascara.
  3. Take a cotton pad in your hand and squeeze the eyelashes between it so that they are between the thumb and forefinger.
  4. Wipe the eyelashes with a “away from you” movement so that the mascara remains on the disc.
  5. Throw away the dirty disk and repeat the procedure as many times as the eyelashes are clean.

When removing mascara from the eyelashes, first remove it from the top, and then from the bottom. You can remove the mascara from the lower ones by placing one cotton pad under them, and removing makeup with the other.

For the safe removal of cosmetics, it is recommended to use. They not only carefully remove makeup, but also care for the skin, replenishing the necessary components in it. In addition, a special tool will help to act carefully and not wash off the cilia along with the mascara.

What to do if there is no eye makeup remover at home?

The main thing is not to try to act on the principle of "patience and work will grind everything." Soap (and in fact, alkali) and water waterproof makeup will not give up so easily. Not only is this remedy extremely ineffective, but it is also dangerous for the health and youth of the skin around the eyes and the eyelashes themselves. Soap dries out the surface of the skin and contributes to the formation of wrinkles, and the zeal with which you rub your eyes will cause you to lose at least a few precious cilia.

Sometimes they try to remove waterproof mascara with alcohol. This is not only ineffective, but also downright dangerous. You can burn the skin around the eyes, eyelashes, and with careless movement, alcohol can get on the mucous membrane of the eyes, which is extremely dangerous.

As a rule, the composition of waterproof cosmetics includes fat-soluble components (vegetable or beeswax, paraffin, silicone, etc.).

How can I wash off waterproof mascara at home?

Any oil. You must act without haste. You can lightly warm vegetable oil (such as olive, sunflower, castor, or baby oil) to bring it to body temperature, then apply it to cotton pads and apply them to your eyelashes for a few minutes. You need to wait until the mascara dissolves, and gently remove makeup.

Cosmetologists warn: - not for daily use. It is good for celebrations and special occasions, but you should not use it regularly. A dense silicone film that surrounds the eyelashes completely covers the eyelashes from environmental influences. Eyelashes stop breathing, receive moisture and nutrients and may eventually crumble.

Waterproof mascara is in every girl's makeup bag. This is a universal tool that allows you to look attractive at any time, weather. To wash off cosmetics before going to bed, you will have to work hard, ordinary cleansers may not be able to cope.

This mascara has a water-repellent effect due to the components that make up:

  • solvents;
  • paraffin;
  • wax;
  • silicone;
  • stearin.

Substances carefully envelop the cilia, covering them with a protective film. The tool gives girls, women an expressive look, but it will not work to wash it off with water and soap.

If you wipe your eyes with a cotton pad soaked in liquid, the mascara will smear. Cosmetologists do not advise removing makeup in this way, the skin around the organs of vision is thin, easily injured, loses elasticity, becomes covered with wrinkles, it must be cleaned carefully.

Pros of mascara with a water-repellent effect:

  1. Provides protection and hydration for lashes.
  2. Contains vitamins.
  3. Does not spread from water, sweat, precipitation.

The downsides are that waterproof mascara:

  • does not fit well with contact lenses;
  • causes allergies, eye irritation;
  • poorly washed off;
  • some brands contain mercury, formaldehyde.

Expensive, high-quality cosmetics rarely cause side effects; for daily use, it is worth purchasing products from well-known manufacturers.

How to quickly wash

A large number of beauty products have been developed to remove a cosmetic product from the eyes, but they may not always be at hand. You can’t sleep with painted eyelashes, you should try to erase cosmetics at home with what is on the shelves of cabinets or in the refrigerator.

Beauticians and dermatologists do not recommend removing cosmetics from eyelashes with improvised substances; if necessary, this is allowed.


To wash off waterproof mascara quickly from eyelashes at home will help oil, which gently cleanses the hairs on the eyelids, restores them. You can wash decorative products with olive, sea buckthorn, burdock, almond, castor. Cleanse your eyes with natural remedies in the following way:

  1. Any oil is taken, applied to cotton pads, which are applied to closed eyes.
  2. If the product is applied abundantly, the discs are kept on the eyelids for five minutes. Decorative cosmetics are removed from the tips, gradually moving to the cilia growth line, cotton wool is changed regularly.

In addition to natural oils, a greasy baby cream widely used among the masses can cope with a cosmetic water-repellent product. It is used in the same way as oil.

Shampoo for children

Baby shampoo will help to get rid of decorative cosmetics on the eyes. It gently and effectively cleanses the delicate skin around the eyelids, has a soft, natural, caring composition that eliminates strong impurities. Apply according to instructions:

  • a little shampoo is applied to the hands, slightly foaming;
  • fingertips are pressed against the cilia, which need to be rubbed lightly. The substance remains on the hairs for 3 to 5 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Some brands of shampoos are not able to cope with waterproof mascara the first time, the process of removing cosmetics is carried out again.


Makeup artists do not advise using the method of using Vaseline to remove waterproof mascara, its composition is not useful, the substances included in it can damage eyelashes. If there are no special products for washing on hand, Vaseline is suitable for a single use.

  1. An allergy test is carried out, the substance is applied to the skin area under the eyes for 20 minutes, if swelling, redness, irritation do not appear, then it is allowed to apply.
  2. Vaseline is thickly smeared with cotton pads, which are applied to the upper and lower cilia for 30 seconds.
  3. Wash your face with warm water.

Vaseline should not get into the eyes, if this happens, they are washed with plenty of water, milk for daily use. If eye damage is noticeable, irritation has appeared, you need to drip drops that relieve symptoms.

Micellar water

Many girls use micellar water for make-up removal, suitable for cleansing. The composition includes non-aggressive components that gently cleanse the skin. To remove waterproof mascara, cotton swabs are moistened, the eyelids are soaked with them, the decorative agent is removed in lumps. After the procedure, the face is washed, a light moisturizing, nourishing cream is applied to the skin.


Girls who prefer natural eyelashes to extensions actively use mascara with a water-repellent effect. They know that you can remove it with chamomile lotion. The tool is prepared like this:

  • dry flowers of the plant in the amount of 20 grams are brewed with boiling water in a thermos, infused for an hour, filtered;
  • 45 ml of almond oil, 35 ml of castor oil are added to the broth, the composition is mixed, poured into a glass bottle, stored in the refrigerator;
  • the product is applied to the sponges, which are applied to the eyes, remain there for five minutes;
  • after the process, the mascara dissolves, the face is washed with water.

Overview of specialized mascara removers

Makeup artists, cosmetologists often make ratings of substances for removing waterproof mascara. Women and girls choose a waterproof make-up remover considering many factors, including the price. Inexpensive, but high-quality mass-market products include:

  1. Nivea.
  2. L'oreal.
  3. diademine.
  4. Black Pearl.
  5. Garnier.

They have a nourishing, moisturizing, cleansing, refreshing effect, suitable for the care of laminated eyelashes. From the means of the mass market, hydrophilic oil for washing Magic Morocco, which is produced by Belita-Vitex, is popular. It contains grape seed oil, sesame oil, it tones, cleanses, moisturizes the skin of the face.

Some prefer luxury make-up remover cosmetic products, these include:

  • Lancome;
  • Dior;
  • Chanel;
  • Estee Lauder.

Luxury cosmetics cope with the removal of persistent makeup, have a beneficial effect on cilia, skin in the area of ​​​​the organs of vision.

Makeup artists advise clients to use professional products from Bobbi Brown, Urban Decay, Inglot, Mac to remove waterproof cosmetics. Each removes makeup of any complexity, provides the skin around the eyes, eyelashes with care and nutrition.

Cosmetics elimination products are sold in pharmacies:

  1. Vichy.
  2. Ducray.
  3. Algotherm.
  4. La Roche Posay.
  5. noreva.

You can wash off the cosmetic product from the eyelashes with natural-based cosmetics from Levrana, Weleda, Natura Siberica, Spivak.

Any brand can wash off mascara. Choose a tool from financial opportunities, components in the product. Cosmetics should not contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction.

What means will cause irritation

Dermatologists believe that cleansers in the form of gels, milk, tonic rarely cause skin irritation, allergies. Makeup artists advise women and girls prone to allergic reactions not to use mass-market cosmetic products, use pharmacy, luxury or cosmetics made from natural ingredients. In the mass market, there are low-quality components that cause dryness, tightness, and irritation.

Waterproof mascara has many advantages, but it must be removed from the eyelashes correctly so as not to cause irritation, redness of the eyes, and not to provoke premature wrinkles. For make-up removal of waterproof products, you need to choose the right tool to avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction, to prolong the beauty, youthfulness of the skin.

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Many of us prefer to use waterproof mascara. It is well suited for those who quickly get oily eyelids, and also simply cannot do without it in rain and fog (unless you like Kiss makeup). But removing makeup with waterproof mascara is not an easy task. Especially if you have sensitive eyes. But this is not a reason to refuse such a good and useful tool. We will teach you how to gently remove mascara from your eyelashes.

Method 1: Using Eye Makeup Remover

There are many different cosmetic products on the market that are designed specifically for removing waterproof makeup. A good product will remove mascara quickly, safely and effectively. If you use waterproof mascara a lot, don't hesitate to invest in a good eye makeup remover. Make sure that the product is hypoallergenic, because the skin under the eyes is very sensitive.

Method 2: Use baby shampoo

Baby shampoo can be effective in removing waterproof mascara. These products are generally safe enough to use on the sensitive eye area, as most are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.

Squeeze a small amount of baby shampoo onto your fingers and apply it to your lashes. Avoid direct contact with eyes. Wait a minute, then rinse. Never use regular shampoo as this will irritate the skin around the eyes.

Method 3. Use a fat cream

Oily cream is also good for removing waterproof mascara (and the rest of the cosmetics). Wash your face with your regular makeup remover, pat dry, and then apply a rich cream. Let the cream soak into the skin for a few minutes before wiping it off with a warm damp sponge.

Method 4. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a very effective remedy that can simultaneously remove waterproof mascara and take care of the delicate skin around the eyes. It also moisturizes the skin well and fights the first signs of aging. Put some coconut oil on a cotton pad and put it on your eyes. Then carefully remove the mascara with it. Wash your face with your regular makeup remover.

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