Creation of an interactive musical and didactic manual for preschoolers. Electronic didactic manual for preschoolers "Birthday at Katya's doll

During the period of active transformations in preschool pedagogy, the search for ways to humanize educational work with children and the construction of new models of interaction between an adult and a child, playful forms of learning, in particular, didactic games, acquire particular importance.

Didactic play educates, develops in the child memory, attention, observation, intellect and fantasy - in a word, everything that makes up the wealth of the human personality. So, didactic play contributes to: the development of cognitive abilities, the acquisition of new knowledge, their generalization and consolidation. In the course of the game, socially developed means and methods of mental activity are assimilated, many complex phenomena are divided into simple ones and vice versa, isolated ones are generalized; hence, analytical and synthetic activities are carried out. Some didactic games do not seem to bring anything new to the knowledge of children, but they are very useful in that they teach children to apply existing knowledge in new conditions.

In kindergarten, various types of didactic games are used, but in our modern time, preference is given to electronic didactic games. Since the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of a preschool institution is one of the newest and most pressing problems in domestic preschool education.

The use of a computer in the classroom raises the learning process to a qualitatively high level. Information is provided not by a static, not sounded picture, but with sound and animation, which significantly increases the efficiency of mastering the material. It allows you to expand the creative possibilities of the teacher and has a positive effect on various aspects of the mental development of preschoolers.

The significance of this work is to intensify the use of information and communication technologies in the play activities of children.

The work is based on conceptual provisions:

  • Information culture and computer literacy of teachers.
  • The principle of child health protection.
  • Informational approach to the pedagogical process.
  • Trinity of educational goals.
  • Pedagogical expediency.
  • The principle of multimedia.
  • Interactive character.

Purpose: Search and implementation of information and communication technologies in the play activities of preschool children.

  • Introduce ICT into the work of the game activity of preschool children;
  • Create and use in the work of the author's manuals on didactic games;
  • Create a media library of electronic didactic games at a preschool educational institution

Using a computer as a means of educating and developing a child's creative abilities, shaping his personality, enriching the intellectual sphere of a preschooler can expand the teacher's capabilities, quickly and effectively teach children to independently master the proposed material, make the educational process entertaining, and increase cognitive activity.

The electronic manual contains a figurative type of information that is understandable for children who do not yet perfectly master the technique of reading and writing. The computer is an excellent tool for solving learning problems.

The presentation of information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest in children. It is very convenient to use these electronic manuals in the classroom with a group of children and individually with one child, because a wide variety of tasks contributes to the development of their cognitive interests.

A media library of electronic didactic games has been created in the methodological office of our preschool institution. It contains games from both sites and author's didactic games. A large number of cognitive games are offered to the attention of preschool teachers: These are, for example, games from the VOLCHOK and WE PLAY sites. But the most often used games are made by the teachers themselves.

In our preschool institution has collected more than a hundred didactic games in the educational areas "Cognition", "Security", "Communication", "Fiction", "Artistic creation". More than 20 of them are copyright:

Educational area Name of electronic didactic games
"Security" "Name the road sign"
"Cognition" "Learn a geometric figure" (2 options)
“What first, what then” (4 options)
"Who looks like whom"
"Winter fun"
"Natural phenomena"
"Attractions of the city of Yakutsk"
"Learn the profession"
"What you can't go to the forest with"
"Wild and Domestic Animals"
"Wild and domestic birds"
"Communication" "Seasons" (4 options)
“One - many” (cubs of wild animals)
"One - many" (vegetables)
"One - many" (fruit)
"Fiction" "Learn a fairy tale"
"Literary quiz"
"Artistic creation" "Recognize the element of the pattern"
"Learn the painting" (khokhloma, haze, gzhel)

Making a game with Microsoft Office PowerPoint is easy when using animation. To do this, you do not need to know the elements of programming, but only have time and desire. When creating didactic games using a computer, we were guided by the need to increase the cognitive activity and interest of the preschooler. In playing with ICT, children are more willing to overcome difficulties, more freely enter into dialogue and express their thoughts.

We use didactic games in various competitions, quizzes and entertainment. This allows you to enhance the effect of "Surprise moments" during holidays and entertainment, to fully reveal the conceived topics of contests, quizzes and evenings.

The use of ICTs, with their enormous versatility in learning, is one such tool. The use of a computer in the classroom raises the learning process to a qualitatively high level. Presentation of information on a computer screen in a playful manner arouses great interest in children. The use of ICT methods in the classroom improves the activity of each child and thereby increases the interest in the activity of all children. The active introduction of a variety of electronic didactic games is one of the tasks of preschool teachers.

The media library of electronic didactic games in a preschool educational institution is a piggy bank of all didactic games in educational areas.

When organizing a media library, it is necessary to provide the following conditions for the effective work of all teachers.

a) availability of premises for storage and successful use of equipment and information facilities;
b) the availability of a fund of information media, equipment and furniture;
c) the presence of employees who provide support for the equipment in working order and the normal activities of all preschool teachers with it
e) financing focused on the development of the media library.

Our preschool has all the conditions for maintaining a media library. It meets such requirements as information content, accessibility, aesthetics, meaningfulness, providing motivation and activity in development. All stages of creating a media library in a preschool institution are reflected in the annual plan. Plans for the creation and improvement of the media library are reviewed and approved by the pedagogical council.

The use of information and communication technologies in a preschool institution is an enriching and transforming factor in the developing subject environment.

It is necessary to introduce modern information technologies into the system of kindergarten didactics for teaching preschool children

The creation of a media library of electronic didactic games in a preschool educational institution promotes the activation of cognitive activity, the realization of the child's creative potential, the formation of the spiritual world, raises the interest of children in acquiring knowledge to an immeasurably higher level.

(Presentation "Who looks like whom"
can be viewed by contacting the author of the article)

Master Class

"Creation of an interactive musical and didactic manual for older preschool children by means of the" Mimio Studio "program

Mukhtarova Rozalia Raufovna

Musical director

MOU "Child Development Center No. 7"

Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd

Musical director. Dear colleagues. My name is Mukhtarova Rozalia Raufovna, musical director of the highest category at the Center for Child Development No. 7.

I am glad to see you at my master class, I wish you a good mood and creative success.

Topic: "Creation of interactive musical and didactic manuals for older preschool children using the" Mimio Studio "program.

Purpose: to familiarize teachers with the possibility of using the program "Mimio Studio".

  • to provide teachers with detailed information and the opportunity to work out ways to create an interactive musical and didactic manual using the Mimio Studio software.
  • create conditions for fruitful creative activity of the participants of the master class;
  • to convey experience through direct and commented demonstration of the sequence of actions for creating a methodological product.

Today, perhaps, there is no person in our country who would not be interested in ICT, who did not think about the software of the educational process in accordance with new standards and new technical capabilities.

"Each participant in the educational process decides for himself whether to keep pace with the future, or to step back heels." I am very close to the words of Anatoly Gin, which, in my opinion, are consonant with the Teacher's standard.

The standard "Educator" of the preschool educational institution defines the basic requirements:

  • constantly improve their qualifications;
  • possess ICT - competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementing and evaluating educational work with children of early and preschool age;
  • develop information and communication technology (ICT) skills in children.

4 slide. Motivational picture.

Now a lot is said about the activity-based approach in education and you must agree that only what we have done ourselves, with our own hands, obeys us. It is we who are preschoolers who always know how to combine the interesting with the necessary. Today you will have a unique opportunity to combine the acquired knowledge with practical skills.

The following computer programs help me in my work: Movie Maker (a program for creating videos), Power Point (a program for creating presentations), Mimio Studio (a program for creating methodological multimedia aids).

Using MimioStudio Interactive Software:

  • allows you to quickly and easily create interesting multimedia products;
  • provides full compatibility with almost all popular applications, including Microsoft Office Word, Power Point, and Adobe Acrobat.
  • has endless informational possibilities;
  • replaces passive-contemplative types of educational activity, active-transformative.

How to make classes with children more interesting and fun, and games - brighter and more dynamic?

The recipe is simple: laptop + multimedia screen + Mimio Studio interactive set-top box (include hyperlink: symphony orchestra sounds).

What do you hear?

Answers of teachers.

Of course, it sounds like a symphony orchestra.

It all started with a small concert of a music school in our kindergarten. The preschoolers had a desire to learn more about the musical instruments the students played. Children practically do not visit concert halls, they cannot get acquainted with musical instruments, see them, play them.

I realized that in the MimioStudio program, I will be able to acquaint children with the history of musical instruments, their sound in the orchestra. And my first multimedia textbook was “Musical instruments of a symphony orchestra.

And now I already have more than 10 interactive products in my arsenal, which allow not only to acquaint children with the world of music, but also to develop their creative and musical abilities. And for me, as a teacher, to significantly diversify my activities, to make it interesting, visual and exciting, to increase the motivation of children. The presence of multimedia equipment in our kindergarten allowed me not only to create teaching aids, but also to actively use them in my work with children and teachers of the MOU and colleagues of the district.

Ø Tell me, which of you owns Word?

Ø Who creates teaching aids, PowerPoint games, raise your hands?

Ø And who can create videos in Movie Maker, are there such?

Ø Who knows how to work with Mimio Studio?

Ø And who wants to get acquainted with this program and learn more about its possibilities?

Answers of teachers.

I hope that you will become my helpers today. Please come to the tables.

Teachers sit at desks where there are six laptops connected to the network. They have Mimio Studio installed.

Attention to the screen. Find the "Master Class" folder on the desktop, open it and see the Mimio Studio program icon. Click on the icon with a double click.

A horizontal panel "Menu" appears, on which there are functional buttons: file, edit, view, insert, format, tools, help.

On the left you see the vertical toolbar of the program:

1. Tool "Selection" is an important part of the software environment "Mimio Studio", as it allows you to dynamically change the appearance and relative position of objects on the screen, which is necessary both during the preparation of training materials, and when working with ready-made materials.

2. The "Text" tool allows us to form any text on the screen.

blocks. To do this, just select it in the toolbar and type the desired text comment in the field that appears.

3. The "Pencil" tool is intended for drawing free-form lines of various thickness and color.

4. Tools "Rectangle", allows us to build the simplest geometric shapes.

5. Tool "Marker" allows you to highlight the most significant fragments of the text.

6. The "Insert" tool allows you to use various formats of external files to prepare materials for classes:

illustrations - bmp, gif, jpg, png, tif, wmf, etc.;

video files - avi, divx, fl v, m3v, m4v, etc.;

audio files - aif, avi, mp3, midi, etc .;

When you click on the "Insert" button, a standard dialog box opens, in which you are asked to select a file to be placed on the presentation page.

7. Tool "Eraser" allows you to erase lines and graphics from the page.

8. Tool "Fill object" allows you to fill (paint in any color) the background of the slide.

9. The Gallery Browser tool offers us a set of resources for creating tutorials.

An on-screen wizard demonstrates how the function buttons work and what capabilities they have.

I will now introduce you to the Mimio Studio Gallery. We find on the toolbar "Gallery Browser", which you have under the number "9".

Click on it and see on the right of you on the top panel several folders of different categories, for example "Geography", "Mathematics", etc. Each folder can contain five different types of objects:

· Click on the "+" icon next to the Gallery folder to view the folders, select the desired folder for work.

Mimio Studio Gallery allows users to add their own folders, images, templates, and media.

Now we will take a look at the bottom panel of our mimio Gallery. There are three folders here.

Images: open the folder and take out any picture. You can copy it, or immediately drag it onto the slide.

Templates: These are objects with background images or pre-built page layouts.

Multimedia: Multimedia objects include videos, animation, and sound.

This is the minimum knowledge that we need today.

Do you want to learn how to create didactic exercises yourself?

Answers of teachers.

Let's start then. We will create a didactic exercise "Guess the sound of a musical instrument with a test", "Sound of a symphony orchestra" (video file with a hyperlink).

10-11 slide.

Collaboration through direct and commented presentation:

We go to the Gallery by clicking on the icon. Find all the shadow pictures of musical instruments. You should have seven of them (double bass, trumpet, harp, French horn, tuba, timpani, bassoon), copy them or drag them onto the screen.

Then we find pictures of these musical instruments in a color image and also place them on the slide. You can arrange these pictures in any order so that the shadow of the musical instrument is slightly farther from its natural image.

After that, you must pin all the shadow pictures on the screen so that they do not move. By clicking on the shadow image with the right mouse button, you will see a window where you find the word "Block" and click on it. After that, the figure becomes motionless. Do this with all the shadow images.

For the children reading, we will sign the title of this slide. To do this, we must go to the tools of the program, the memo in front of you, and find the button "Text". By clicking on it, you swipe across the screen, and a window appears where you select a font, text size and type the name "Connect a musical instrument with its shadow."

To prevent the text from moving, we also block it. The exercise is ready and you can combine the pictures of a musical instrument with its shadow.

If you are interested, then we can try to perform one more didactic exercise "Guess the sound of a musical group of a symphony orchestra" and impose a self-test on it.

So, the "Gallery" is already open for us. We select pictures depicting groups of a symphony orchestra: strings, percussion, brass and woodwind. Drag them to the screen or copy them. We place them farther from each other. Then we need a third folder where we will find the music files, or as I call them "Surprise Windows". Click on it and copy the musical material onto the screen, after which we distribute them under the corresponding picture.

We go back to the “Gallery” and transfer the multimedia pictures “Blinds”, “Bubble” to the screen. Before we hide our pictures, we block them again. And then we place windows on top of the picture and block it again. These "surprise windows" are our self-test. By clicking on them, you will check the correct answer or not.

It remains only to place everything neatly, aesthetically and the exercise is ready. There is one moment left. This tool is Hyperlink. To do this, we will again use the tools of the program by pressing the button "6". A window comes out where we select the "Select file" function. Find a suitable image, for example the picture "Conductor" or "Thinking man", click on it.

At the bottom of the window there is a line "Open", click and the picture is transferred to the screen. Copy it and place it on two slides. You can place a picture "Conductor" on one slide, and "Thinking man" on the second slide, at your discretion. To move from one slide to another, you need to right-click on the picture. You will see a window. Find the "Hyperlink" function.

Click on the Hyperlink. The next window appears. In the window we find the line "Existing file or web with" click on the black inverted triangle. The next window appears, on which the pages of the slides are highlighted. Select the desired page and click on it. And in the end, click "OK".

The picture will appear in a blue frame, it must be locked again. The hyperlink is ready. Today we have introduced some of the tools in Mimio Studio.

Now let's try to transfer the video to the slide. And then our tutorial will be complete. To do this, we click on the "Multimedia" button, find the video file of Edvard Grieg and move it to the screen. Stretch the video as you need it. But you need to remember that without the "Hyperlink" you will not stop the video. Therefore, we go into the tools, click on the "Open" button, click "Insert file". Here is a folder with pictures. Select the "Conductor" picture and click on the "Open" button. We place our conductor in the lower right corner of the screen. Click on the picture, a window comes out. Click on "Hyperlink". In the window we find the line "Existing file or web with" click on the black inverted triangle. The next window appears, on which the pages of the slides are highlighted. Select the desired page and click on it. And in the end, click "OK". The picture will appear in a blue frame, it must be locked again. The hyperlink is ready. So we have finished with you a methodological guide.

And now I want to ask you to come up to the screen and leave your feedback on our joint work at the master class. There are notes on the screen. Let's place our notes on the staff so that you can hear what kind of melody we have with you.

  • I liked it, will I take note? (orange note).
  • Interesting, but difficult (multi-colored note).
  • Actually, I will use it (red note).
  • Didn't learn anything new (black note).

Our memory preserves:

10% of what we hear;

50% of what we see;

90% of what we do.

Thank you all for your attention and cooperation, I wish you all creative success!

Tactile counting cards.
Much has been written about sensory development in the writings of Maria Montessori, who taught children to distinguish materials by touch and memorize adjectives that describe tactile sensations - smooth, rough, rough, slippery, ribbed, etc.
Such tactile cards can be easily made at home from their improvised material without spending money.
"Touching game" (from the word touch) is a set of 10 cards with different surfaces and numbers from 1 to 10.
Tactile cards develop the child's sensory perception, tactile memory, fine motor skills of fingers, and as a result, they have a beneficial effect on the mental potential of the baby, contribute to the learning of counting from 1 to 10.
- cardboard for the base;
- glue "Moment";
- scissors;
- numbers made of velvet paper
- materials with different surfaces (sandpaper, felt, satin ribbon, pieces of leather, wood, plastic, buttons, the prickly part of the Velcro, etc.)
When making the second set of cards, the variations of the games can be different, for example:
we take several pairs of cards, turn them face down, then in turn each player opens two cards, if they match, then the player takes the cards for himself, and if not, then puts them in their place;
take one card at a time, slide it along the arm (leg), the child needs to guess what the card is, but first, of course, you need to say the name of each material and touch everything carefully;
find identical cards;
just interesting to touch.

Developing toy for children: "Box with cups - inserts".
The essence of the game is simple and obvious to any adult, but the little crumb has yet to master this "so simple, difficult" task!
Making a toy is really easy. We take any cardboard box, preferably more durable. Next, glue the box with colored paper.
It is imperative to put something rattling and ringing in the glasses, so that along with the flowers, the children also develop sound perception. You need to try to make the clink of the cups different. To do this, put buckwheat in one glass, rice in another, semolina in the third, seeds in the fourth.
Close the cups with cardboard and glue them with glue, not forgetting to attach a loop to each.
We make a delimiter inside the box, and inside each hole (by color) we add pebbles of a certain color.
Consolidation of knowledge of size; colors; development of hand motor skills, counting skills.
Variations of games can be different, for example:
arrange the pebbles by color;
count how many pebbles of one color or another;
guess what is in the glass, remember the sound and try to determine what is in the glass by the sound;
just interesting to touch.

Sorter: "Flower Bank".
Sorter is a developmental toy for children, the main purpose of which is to sort items according to one or several criteria. These features are usually shape, size, or color. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is the main, but far from the only purpose of the sorter. Sorters develop the child's logical thinking, coordination of movements, sensing, form the skills of analysis, the ability to compare and find cause-and-effect relationships, acquaint the child with the shapes of various objects, teach colors. What is a sorter?
Description of the manual: This is a jar in which there are holes of various shapes: these are rectangular holes in basic colors for large beads from old ones painted in a certain color, holes for pushing counting sticks in the same colors, holes for laces (lacing), and screwing lids of a certain color to the flower. In these holes you need to put figures corresponding in shape.
Screwing the middle to a certain color of the flower;
Pushing specific items by color

Dry aquarium. (for children 2-7 years old).

"Dry aquarium" - a set of eggs from under the kinder, collected in a plastic bowl or box, can be offered to the child at any time: when he is in a bad mood, or, on the contrary, he is too excited, or he simply has nothing to do. The main value of this manual is that the baby is not afraid to break or lose something. Plunging as deep as possible into the filler of the "aquarium" (eggs), the child's hands are massaged, the fingers become more sensitive, and their movements are coordinated.

Self-massage of hands and fingers in a "dry aquarium" ("pool") contributes to:
- normalization of muscle tone;
- stimulation of tactile sensations;
- an increase in the volume and amplitude of movements of the fingers;
- the formation of arbitrary, coordinated movements of the fingers.

Option 1. "Bathing" of hands in a "dry aquarium", immersion in the covers of the hands, arms to the elbows, to the shoulders, rustling eggs. Self-massage in the "dry pool" can be performed to music or accompanied by a poetic text: Put your hands in the "pool", stir the eggs, simultaneously squeezing and unclenching your hands, saying: In the "pool" eggs are different: green and red. We decided to look at them and started our fingers, Arranging a commotion there, so that the fingers would not be sad.

Option 2. At the bottom of the "pool" hide toys from kinder surprises. Put your hands in the "pool", stir the eggs, then find and get the toys.

Games will give an idea of ​​size, will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, teach to solve logical problems, and develop creativity.

Didactic guide "Arrange pencils in cups".
develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
logical thinking.
to form the ability to distinguish colors;
learn to combine a pencil with a glass; act purposefully, consistently: from left to right
Description of the manual: Cut out rectangles and pencil figures from the ceiling tiles. Glue the rectangles to the middle with squares made of self-adhesive foil of different colors. We glue the pencils with the appropriate colors. Fast, beautiful, economical!
Variability: invite the children to find the error (put one of the pencils in the wrong color or shade), and correct it, while pointing out the error.

Didactic guide "Put the testicles in your houses"

Description of the manual: We paint over the cells of the container for eggs with the main colors, cover with varnish. We tie the capsules from the kinder surprise with the appropriate color.
The result is a bright and beautiful textbook.
Children should arrange the testicles in houses according to their color.
If possible, name the color of the testicles and the color of the houses.

find identical testicles
count how many eggs of a certain color
arrange the testicles by color in plates

The game "Geokont" is a wooden field with "carnations" fixed on it, on which multi-colored elastic bands are stretched during the game. each "carnation" has its own coordinates (for example, Zh-2 - yellow "ray", the second "carnation").
Geokont is an original designer. With the help of multi-colored elastic bands on the playing field, you can create geometric shapes of various sizes, multi-colored outlines of object forms of the surrounding world, symmetrical asymmetrical patterns.
The set of the game "Geokont" includes the methodical work "Skillful paws". this is a fabulous story about the Spider Yucca and his grandchildren - spiders, game tasks, schemes.
The methodical tale "Kid Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava" opens the cycle of fairy tales of the Purple Forest. In it, "Geokont" becomes a Wonderful Field of Golden Fruits. The fairy tale "revives" geometric concepts, makes them interesting and understandable for preschoolers. Its plot is structured in such a way that the child, completing tasks, helps the fairy tale to overcome obstacles that arise in their path.
Developing the essence of the game.
The game "Geokont" develops the sensory and cognitive abilities of preschoolers. The independent construction of geometric shapes, when visual and tactile analyzers are involved, contribute to the formation of ideas about form standards. In game activity, fine motor skills of fingers, memory, speech, spatial thinking and creative imagination, the ability to coordinate their actions, analyze, and compare are developed. Preschoolers get acquainted with such a property as elasticity (elastic bands stretch and return to their original position). The use of schemes in play activities contributes to the formation of the symbolic function of consciousness. The construction of figures on a sheet of paper according to the coordinates of the playing field prepares children for mastering the simplest programming. With the help of a coordinate grid, preschoolers can draw a plan of the playing field and figure schemes using a verbal formula.
The game "Geokont" and the fairy tale "Kid Geo, Raven Meter and I, Uncle Slava" immerse the child in the world of geometry, he masters the basic geometric concepts: "ray", "line", "point", "segment", "angle", "Polygon", etc.
The game "Geokont" is used for the mathematical development of preschoolers, their acquaintance with the objective world, the formation of construction skills and solving creative problems. In addition, the fairy-tale environment helps preschoolers mediate the perception of the main learning task. For example, in the process of playing a "obstacle" appears in front of the children (task, question, task, etc.). The embodiment of this obstacle is an elastic band (“cobweb”) of any color stretched in the “Geoconta” field. If the problem is solved correctly, it “disappears”.
Younger preschool age. Mastering the game "Geokont", children of younger preschool age simply pull elastic bands on "carnations". Then they construct simple geometric shapes, elementary contours of object forms and create images of objects according to their own design. The kids are introduced to the characters of the fairy tale and told its simplified version.
Senior preschool age. Children of older preschool age not only construct geometric shapes or object forms, but also perform more complex developmental game tasks, get acquainted with the concept of "ray", "straight", "curve", "segment". Preschoolers draw a plan of the playing field, memorize the coordinates of the points, transfer the figures invented and built on the "GeoConte" to the plan. Game activity with "Geokont" is built on the basis of a fairy tale plot.

Decoration - decoupage technique. We train our fingers and hang fleece, paper, felt (whichever you like best) clothes on strings using clothespins!

Tactile pillow. Training of fastening different types of fasteners.

Didactic guide "Put pebbles in your houses"
to form the ability to distinguish and correctly name the 4th primary colors;
to learn to combine the testicle with the cell, to perform correlating actions (guideline by color); act purposefully, consistently: from left to right, without skipping cells; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
Children should arrange pebbles in houses according to their color.
If possible, name the color of the stones and the color of the houses.
When making the second manual and using disposable plates of 4 basic colors, variations can be different, for example:
teach children to distinguish colors and use the name of colors in speech.
develop fine motor skills of hands
find identical testicles
count how many stones of a certain color
arrange pebbles by color in boxes

Irina Fedorenko

Explanatory note.

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education reveal new directions and opportunities in organizing the comprehensive development of preschool children. The main task of any educator is the all-round development of children. The full implementation of this goal is the formation by the end of preschool age of a universal ability and skill, logical thinking and speech of the baby, readiness for school.

FSES of preschool education determines the following directions of the child's development:

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic - aesthetic;

Physical development.

Cognitive development is a complex complex phenomenon that includes the development of cognitive processes (perception, thinking, attention, imagination, which are different forms of a child's orientation in the world around him, in himself and regulates his activity.

Speech development is the development of free communication with adults and children, mastering constructive ways and means of interacting with the environment.

Thus, these two processes are closely related. Currently, teachers are faced with the most important task: the all-round development of children. The task is to create conditions for the successful all-round development of the preschooler.

The ideology of the FSES is aimed at forming a fundamentally new view of the education system. It is necessary to be able to navigate in a variety of interactive approaches to child development, in a wide range of modern technologies.

Innovative technologies are a system of teaching methods and techniques aimed at achieving positive results through dynamic changes in the personal development of a child in modern conditions. In modern educational technologies, knowledge transfer takes place in the form of permanent problem solving. It is important to remember that the child is not a vessel, but a torch that must be lit. Currently, there are different programs and technologies where it is offered


Currently, cognitive and speech development falls on the shoulder of preschool institutions. Cognitive - research activity is the basis of human existence. From an early age, the child acts as a researcher, learning about the world around him: objects, their properties, actions with them, as well as nature and its phenomena. He gets acquainted with the speech concept of objects and phenomena.

Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people get ample opportunities for communication with each other. Speech connects people in their activities, helps to understand each other, forms views and beliefs, and provides a great service in understanding the world. Nature assigns preschool age to the emergence and formation of speech. During the period of preschool development, all attention is paid to the development of all components of oral speech. The process of teaching speech and developing thinking is one inseparable beginning of the preschooler. Obviously, in order to talk about something coherently, you need to be able to analyze an object, highlight its properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect and other relationships between objects and phenomena.

One of the conditions for the cognitive-speech development of children provides for the provision of a developing subject-spatial environment, which provides a variety of activities and enrichment of speech experience. When saturating the group space, it is important to remember that an enriched developmental environment is a unity of objective and social means of ensuring the various activities of the child. An important task is to involve the parents of the pupils in this process. Pedagogy has long been looking for ways to achieve high and stable results in working with children. Reacting to all changes in social conditions and requirements, pedagogy creates more and more new approaches to education. First of all, we pay attention to their effectiveness. It is generally accepted that technological processes (including the pedagogical process based on technological principles) should be highly effective. Therefore, we strive to improve the quality of training and education. That is why the idea of ​​creating a multifunctional manual - the Luboznayka developmental cube - appeared. This guide attracts and motivates children.


development of sensory abilities, speech, attention, fine motor skills, communication skills.


1. To develop the cognitive activity of the preschooler.

2. To form the ability to convey information through the word.

3. To enrich the emotional-sensory experience of the preschooler.

4. Expand knowledge about the world, form ideas about its integrity.

5. To create conditions for the manifestation of independent cognitive activity of the preschooler.

6. Development of fine motor skills of hands.

7. To create conditions for the development of cognitive interests in different types of activities and on different contents.

Destination: children 3 - 7 years old.

Forms of work: organized educational activities, free activities of children. Expected results:

Formation of the skill of quantitative and ordinal counting;

Development of attention, memory, thinking;

Development of visual and auditory attention in a child;

The development of his ability to navigate in space;

Development of fine motor skills;

Replenishment and expansion of the child's vocabulary;

Formation of coherent speech;

Development of imagination.

Didactic games for cognitive development:

"One - many"

"Count and answer"

"Set aside as much"

"Make a pattern"

"Alone at home"

"Caution fire"

"Dangerous situations"

"Day Night"

"When it happens"


"Magic arrows"

"Count and remember"

Didactic games for speech development:

"My phone rang"

"Tell us about your mood"

"Guess who I'm talking about"

"Who screams like"

"A guest is on the doorstep"

Articulation gymnastics

"Learning to answer questions"

"Tell me what you are doing"

"You can do it yourself - teach a friend"

"YES, no - don't talk"

The teacher is a direct active participant in the work with the manual - he charges children with his positive emotions, makes them want to take part, sets patterns for performing actions.

You should not evaluate children, seek the only correct, in your opinion, action or answer, since in this case the children will only repeat what is required of them and will not be able to show their own spontaneous, lively and natural reactions.

In the process of practical work, it is permissible to make various additions, in accordance with the age, condition, needs and individual characteristics of children. Parents can be encouraged to participate in classes, it is useful to recommend them to play at home and to consolidate the same material with the child.

We hope that the tips, exercises and games offered in the program will help to organize the communication of teachers, children and parents correctly.

Lyubov Semenova
Electronic didactic manual in mathematics for older preschool children

Electronic didactic guide for older preschool children.

Compiled by: Semenova Lyubov Petrovna

This electronic didactic manual is intended for older preschool children, can be used by teachers of preschool educational institutions in the framework of direct educational activities, circle work. The manual consists of five didactic games, aimed at cognitive development... Games can be conducted in a group, subgroup and individual form.

Relevance: electronic didactic guide is a new and relevant tool in the development children. The manual promotes expressing interest and activates intellectual activity children.

Target: to consolidate and generalize elementary mathematical representations.


To develop the ability to highlight the essential, main features of objects;

Develop, shape attention children;

Acquaintance with the signs of objects using an illustrative example;

Contribute showing interest in electronic didactic guide;

To intensify intellectual activity children.

Structure electronic manual:

1 slide - title page.

Slide 2 - List of games. By clicking on the name of the game, we go to the game itself.

3 slide - Game "Who flies?"... Target games: the formation of attention, the development of the ability to highlight the main, essential features of objects.

subjects: chair, snake, sheep, tree, sofa, butterfly, eagle, swallow, beetle. Children are given the task to choose those objects that can fly. When choosing the correct answer, the object should increase, if the object becomes transparent, the answer is not correct.

4 slide - Riddles. Target: introduce children with signs of objects using riddles.

Images with cards of riddles are given - when you click on the card, the answer to the riddle appears.

5,6,7 slide - Game "Stripped by attributes" Goals: 1) choose metal objects; 2) choose edible items; 3) choose wooden items.

Various subjects: key, handkerchief, sugar, bread, cutting board, nails, bag, cup, towels, rolling pin, fork, spoon, plate. When choosing the right object, the image is enlarged, when choosing the wrong one, the object becomes transparent.

8 slide - Game "The fourth extra" Target games: Find an extra item.

Various subjects: chair, bed, kettle, table. Children are given the task of choosing an extra item. When choosing the correct answer, the object should disappear, if the object simply starts to wobble, then the answer is not correct.

9 slide - Game "Make a square of three objects" Target games: make a square with three items.

When you click on a shape, it falls into place while making a square.

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