Psychologist's lesson (development of cognitive processes) in kindergarten: “We are very attentive. Educational portal

Prepared by: educational psychologist S.E.Bronnikova Laishevo GAUSORTSDPOV


Development of auditory and visual perception.

Development of attention and observation

Development of auditory speech and visual memory

Learn to solve logic problems

Equipment: interactive board , ball, pieces of paper with a logic puzzle, nesting dolls made of paper.

1. Emotional attitude "I can do anything in the world"

I can do anything in the world

And build cities

And sail the ocean

Climb into the sails

I know how to love

And help a friend

And the younger ones to protect

And support the elders.

2. Playing in a circle with a ball "Analogies"

Guys, I'll tell you a couple of words, in the first pair it will sound completely, and in the second you will need to pick up the second word.


  1. bird - to fly; a fish -
  2. ball is a toy; the Rose -
  3. bread - to eat; books -
  4. sheep - lamb; bear -
  5. food - to eat; water -
  6. the elephant is big; mouse -
  7. the stone is solid; cotton wool -
  8. dog - cat; puppy -
  9. barking - a dog; quacking -
  10. tomato - red; banana -
  11. sugar - sweet; lemon -
  12. morning - early; evening -
  13. September is the month; Wednesday -
  14. the child is small; adult -
  15. slow - to go; quick -

3. Task for visual memory "Memories"

Guys, you need to carefully look at the picture for 30 seconds, and then answer my questions.

What holiday did the children come to? (birthday)

How many boys were there at the party (two)

How many chairs were there near the table (one)

How many cubes were on the floor? (four)

What kind of treat did mom make? (cake)

Children sit at tables

4. The game "Polymorphs" (the fairy "Logic" appears on the interactive whiteboard)

Guys in front of you the fairy "Logic", she again prepared her interesting logic puzzles for you. Let's remember what "conversions" we know and list: converting color, size, quantity, addition, subtraction, expansion, expansion, coup, scissors.

Each of you must determine which transforming game has played with the figure to sketch and follow the pattern to solve the problem.

5. Introspection. The tasks with the answer will appear on the interactive whiteboard.

Guys, let's check if we have decided correctly. Well done!

Children stand at their table.

6. Phys. a minute"Raccoon" (together with parents)

The hedgehog gave the raccoon a pair of leather boots.

Gave the raccoon a hedgehog a pair of leather (cotton)

Gave a raccoon a hedgehog a couple (2 claps)

Presented a hedgehog to a raccoon (3 cotton)

Gave a raccoon (4 cotton)

Donated (5 claps)

(6 claps)

7. Assignment for auditory speech memory "Matryoshka"

The text is dictated to the children three times, then they must arrange the matryoshka dolls in the desired sequence and decorate them.

We will arrange the matryoshkas:

One, two, three, four, five.

The first matryoshka of all:

Green kokoshnik sundress.

And behind her is the second sister

Performs in a yellow dress

Third smaller second

The sundress is blue.

The fourth matryoshka

A little less growth,

The sundress is blue,

Bright and beautiful.

The fifth matryoshka -

In red clothes.

Try to remember everyone

Get to work!

8. Self-analysis "Check" Children check the correctness of the assignment.

9. Finger gymnastics

I love my kindergarten

It's full of guys

One, two, three, four, five

Maybe a hundred, maybe two hundred.

It's good for us together!


  1. Gogoleva V.G. "Logic alphabet for children 4-6 years old"
  2. Tikhomirova L.F. "Cognitive abilities of children 5-7 years old"


  1. The development of thinking in the course of mastering such methods of mental activity as the ability to analyze, compare, synthesize, generalize, highlight the main thing, prove and disprove.
  2. Formation of various types of memory, attention.
  3. Development of the sensory sphere.
  4. Formation and development of general educational skills (the ability to work at a given pace independently, the ability to control and evaluate your work)

Course of the lesson

1. Warm up(creating a positive emotional background)

Your task is to give correct answers to the following questions as soon as possible. Keep in mind that many of them are tricky. Think.

  • What's the date today?
  • What vowel sounds do you know? (uh, oh, u, s, u, uh)
  • What is the name of the grandfather who gives out gifts? (Father Frost)
  • A bird has a wing - a man's…. (hand)
  • How much is 2 + 1 =? (3)
  • What is the name of the capital of Russia? (Moscow)
  • Dog baby? (puppy)

2. Search for patterns

Choose the desired cat from four numbered ones. Pay attention to the shape of the torso, the shape of the head, the number of whiskers and the shape of the tail. Write its number in the empty box.

3. Development of logical thinking.

Consider each line. Find and color each item. Explain why it is superfluous. (The first line is a house, it is not furniture, or an armchair - it is not made of wood; the second line is a bird, not an insect, or a beetle, there are no wings; the third line is Cheburashka, he is not a toy, or Carlson, he flies.).

4. Phys. a minute

Try to perform the movements correctly:

  • If you hear the name of a flower, clap your hands,
  • If you hear the name of a bird - stomp your feet,
  • If you hear the name of the tree, sit down.

Woodpecker, chamomile, birch, sparrow, aspen, owl, dandelion, cornflower, dove, poplar, carnation, oak, spruce, swallow, rose, pine, snowdrop, stork, cornflower, palm, heron, bell.

5. Development of concentration of attention.

1) Help the car drive to your garage without moving your hand over the drawing.

2) Without running your hand along the lines, but only following your eyes, determine and name where, whose dog is.

6. Phys. a minute.

Once - got up, stretched.
Two - bent, unbent.
Three - three claps in your hands,
Head three nods.
Four arms wider.
Five - wave your hands.
Six - sit quietly at the desk.

7. Training of visual memory.

Installation: within 15 sec. look carefully at the numbered pictures, remember them along with the numbers. On your piece of paper, try to reproduce the desired drawings at the corresponding number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. Build a caterpillar. Hatching.

A) Guess the riddle:

Hairy, green
She hides in the leaves.
Although it has many legs,
Everything cannot run smoothly. (Caterpillar.)

B) Use a stencil of geometric shapes to build a caterpillar.

C) Make up a short story about the journey of a small caterpillar through the forest.

After the children have completed this task, invite them to rate their work and color the triangular flag with the appropriate color.

  • Red - everything turned out fine;
  • Yellow - everything worked out well;
  • Green - only part of the task was completed as desired;
  • Blue - didn't work out the way I wanted.


Improving self-esteem.

Development of fine motor skills of the hand.

Age range: 5-6 years old


1. To develop in preschoolers self-confidence, in their capabilities.

2. Develop the ability to listen to your interlocutor and respect his opinion.

3. Develop voluntary attention; the ability to use aids.

4. Form an arbitrary memory.

The course of a psychologist's lesson on the development of cognitive processes.

1. Greetings.

Purpose: creating psychological comfort in children.

Children, I am very glad to see you in my class. You know that everybody greets when they meet

Close your eyes. I will touch the one who sits on my right, he will accept my greeting and pass it on to his comrade. So the greeting will go through all of you and return to me again.

2. The game "Learning to praise ourselves."

Purpose: to improve self-esteem, overcome isolation, passivity. Foster a positive attitude towards yourself.

The psychologist starts the game by saying kind words about himself. Then he turns to the child who is sitting next to him and says: "Now say something good about yourself." And so on.

3. Play-staging "Fingers go to sleep."

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills of the hand.

(Alternate bending of the fingers, then their simultaneous straightening, accompanied by the reading of the poem.)

This finger wants to sleep

This one to go to bed,

This finger yawned

This finger has already fallen asleep.

Hush, finger, don't make a noise,

Do not wake your brothers up.

Fingers stood up, hurray!

It's time for you to go to the kindergarten!

4. Exercise "Geometric problem".

Purpose: to develop stability and attention shifting.

Equipment: a blank with the image of five figures (square, circle, cross, triangle, rhombus), pencil.

1 row of 10 figures is given. Above on the form is a sample with a legend. Children should consider the sample, name the figures and the symbols in them. Draw by reference.

5. Exercise "True or not?"

Purpose: Development of mental processes, raising the mood.

Snow covered the field,

Summer is red.

The cat slept soundly all evening,

During the day, he flew on a cloud.

The snow melted in March

This spring is calling everyone!

The rooster is walking around the yard

He leads his puppies.

The elephant has a long trunk,

This is his microphone.

6. Exercise "Training memory"

Purpose: training of short-term visual memory.

Equipment: 2 drawings depicting 4 to 6 familiar objects.

Children should consider and name the objects in Figure 1 and remember them; in Figure 2, paint over those objects that were not in Figure 1.

7. Psycho-gymnastic exercise "Who is this?"

Purpose: development of attention, consolidation of a positive mood at the end of the lesson.

Children stand in a circle. In the center is a blindfolded child. Others go in a circle, saying: "Guess, guess who called you to find out?" The children stop, one of them turns to the player in the circle: "Guess my name." If the name is guessed, the children change places and the game continues.

8. Farewell "Smile in a circle".

After completing all the exercises, the children join hands and "transmit" a smile in a circle. Each child turns to his friend on the right and smiles.


Did you enjoy the lesson, did you like doing the exercises?

The psychologist thanks for the work in the lesson, praises each preschooler.

Main part

1) Warm up.

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week brothers are around

Brothers walk one after another.

The last will say goodbye -

Front appears (Days of the week)

The elder brother loves to study,

But I'm glad Sunday too.

There are six school days in a week.

And there is also a day to rest.

How many days in a week? (seven)

How many weeks in a month? (4)

What do the week and the rainbow have in common? (Number 7)

There are five simple sheets in the book, but two gold ones? (Working days and weekends)

What day does the week start from? (monday)

Today. And the day before? (Yesterday)

Today. And two days earlier? (the day before yesterday)

Today. A day later? (Tomorrow)

Today. And two days later? (Day after tomorrow)

2) Now let's play. Now I will give you drawings of a locomotive and carriages. The days of the week are abbreviated on the trailers, they are usually designated by two letters in the calendars: Mon - Monday, Tue - Tuesday, Wed - Wednesday, Thu - Thursday, Fri - Friday, Sat - Saturday, Sun - Sunday.

I have in my hands a drawing of a little train with the word "week" written on it. You have pictures of trailers with signed days of the week. As soon as I say, "Build a week," you have to place the trailers in the order of the days of the week.

3) Each trailer brought you a task.

The first task , it is from a trailer named PN. Using the hint, i.e. looking at the drawings of the train and trailers

If today is Wednesday, what day of the week was yesterday?

If today is Thursday, what day of the week will it be tomorrow?

If today is Sunday, what day of the week was the day before yesterday?

If today is Saturday, what day of the week will be the day after tomorrow?

What day of the week comes after Tuesday?

What day of the week before Friday?

Which day of the week is between Monday and Wednesday?

Name the neighbors of Monday

Physical education

Second task, from the trailer with the name VT. Listen to the names of the days of the week and find the pattern:

Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun (call every other day)

Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat (consecutive days)

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri (working days)

Sun, Sat, Fri, Thu, Wed, Tue, Mon (days of the week in reverse order)

The third task , from a trailer named SR. You need to listen to a couple of words, try to mentally link them together in a sentence. Then I will say the first word and you will say the second.

God is Sunday

Mid - Wednesday

Start - Monday

Fourth - Thursday

End - Saturday

Deuce - Tuesday

Excellent student - Friday

The fourth task from the trailer with the name ... He prepared puzzles for you. Answers: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

What is the pattern of answers to puzzles manifested in? (these names of the days of the week follow each other)

Physical education

Fifth task from the trailer with the name…. Listen carefully to P. Bashmakov's poem "Days of the Week"

Monday - tangerine

And on Tuesday - an orange

Wednesday - chocolate

Thursday - marmalade

Friday - grapes

Cookies on Saturday.

Jam on Sunday.

On Monday I washed

Sweeping the floor on Tuesday

On Wednesday I baked a roll,

I was looking for the ball all Thursday

I washed the cups on Friday,

And on Saturday I bought a cake.

All girlfriends on Sunday

Called for my birthday.

Now finish the missing words:

Monday - tangerine

And on Tuesday - ……… ..,

Wednesday - chocolate

On Thursday - …………,

On Friday - ………….,

Cookies on Saturday.

On Sunday - ……………

On Monday I washed

Paul on Tuesday ……… ..,

On Wednesday I baked a roll,

All Thursday I was looking for …………,

I washed the cups on Friday,

And on Saturday the cake …………… ..

All girlfriends on Sunday

Called ………………… ..

The sixth task from the trailer with the name…. ... You need to combine numbers with the name of the days of the week:

Wed Tue Mon Sun Sat Fri Thu

Seventh task prepared a trailer with the name ... ВС. We are going to play with a balloon.

Game conditions: children stand in a circle. The first player names the day of the week and throws the ball to any player. He, in turn, first continues to name the days of the week, starting from this one and ending with Sunday, then throws the ball to the next player, naming any other day of the week. Etc.