It is worth marrying a Chechen. Marry a Chechen. Tips for creating a Russian-Chechen family

The wedding celebration according to Chechen traditions is very fun and unusual, with dances and songs. You can learn how Chechen women get married, what customs and rituals they observe from this article.

Acquaintance of the future bride and groom

For a Chechen guy, not every bride is suitable for the role of wife. You cannot marry a girl who bears the surname of her father and mother, even the grandmothers of her father and mother, inclusive, up to 3 generations.

Meetings of a guy with a girl are usually held secretly, it is desirable that this takes place in a place where their relatives will not see them. It is considered bad form to meet a guy in front of your parents or relatives. What can a guy do to invite his beloved to a meeting? He himself does not knock on the door of her house, but sends his best friend or neighbors child to do it so that he conveys his intentions to meet. Thus, the guy and the girl see each other for a while and then decide to get married. The guy gives the girl a ring or a handkerchief, which is considered as if they are engaged.

After that, the future spouses set a date for the celebration, and the guy consults on this topic with his mother or sister. By the way, discussing the topic of a wedding with a father or grandfather is considered indecent.

Then the guy with his family goes to the house of the future bride and talk about the upcoming wedding celebration. It is interesting that if a girl has brothers, then they do not climb into the conversations of the father and the groom's relatives.
The bride prepares for the wedding and collects things with which she will immediately move to her husband. She definitely takes a beautiful outfit for the second day of the festivities.

Bride ransom

The wedding ceremony begins at the groom's house. He and his relatives dress smartly and go to pick up their future spouse in a wedding cortege. The most beautiful car is prepared for the bride.

The newlywed must be already assembled by the time the groom arrives. As a rule, the future newlywed with tears says goodbye to the parental home. It is worth noting that Chechens treat girls, mothers, sisters with respect and will never force them to marry. Interestingly, the groom can go for his beloved, but he cannot enter the house himself. The groom's brother follows the bride, who can take her by the hand and lead her out of the room. A mullah goes along with him, who asks the bride's consent to marriage, then the groom's consent to marriage, reads lines from the Koran and thus declares them husband and wife. The sister of the bride may ask for a ransom from him. The groom's brother pays off and escorts the bride to the car.

The groom's relatives take away the wedding gifts that the bride has prepared for her new relatives. The best friend and sister of the future spouse can go with the bride.

The wedding procession begins to drive and a competition begins between the cars - who will take a place behind the bride's car. All this is not just because the winner is waiting for a reward - a carpet or a separate table with refreshments.

Meeting of the bride with the parents of the future husband

The future mother-in-law meets the bride on the threshold of the groom's house. According to custom, she treats the bride with candy or other sweets, and then she bites off a little herself. During this, machine gun shots sound for the solemnity of the moment. In a modern Chechen wedding, this has become a whole show, but earlier, with a loud sound, evil spirits were driven away from the house. To do this, fired a couple of times with a pistol.

The brother of the future spouse brings the young woman into the house, and there she stands in the corner and will stand there for almost the entire holiday until the mother-in-law allows her to sit down. There is a sign. If they want a boy to be born to the young, then a baby is brought to the newlywed, whom she picks up, kisses and lets go. In addition, the bride gives him money or sweets as a gift.

Wedding Chechen banquet

During the festive feast, congratulations are addressed to the parents of the newlywed with the wishes of many grandchildren and all the best. Anyone can come to the Chechen celebration, because there are no invitations.

Guests come with gifts, moreover, women - with the necessary bedding, dishes, and men traditionally give money. It is at the wedding that the bride has the opportunity to meet her husband's relatives.

Dancing is interesting. All dancers are divided into two separate semi-circles of men and women. The role of toastmaster is performed by a man from the side of the groom. He dances in the center of the dance floor. Clockwork music sounds and everyone performs incendiary dances.

Meanwhile, the young wife is standing in the corner of the room. She is supposed to behave quietly and modestly, not to raise her eyes and not talk to anyone. She can’t sit down - it will be disrespectful to the elders. Women can come up to her and look under the wedding veil.

Soon the mother-in-law removes the veil from the face of the bride. The best friend of the newlywed sits next to her until the end of the holiday and eats. Then she is given a gift and driven home.

The rite looks unusual, the essence of which is to talk the bride. It consists in the fact that during the wedding, men come up and ask the bride to give him water. The bride should not immediately, but say “pleasant drink”, and the men owe her money for this, and whoever does not give it, she may never speak to it again. The wedding event lasts for three days.

Are Chechen-Russian and Chechen-Russian marriages possible?

Can a Chechen woman marry a Russian? In general, the church does not recognize the marriage of two people of different religions. If the future spouse accepts Islam, they can be recognized as husband and wife. Either the wife must accept Christianity and then they will be married. In principle, in order to sign in the registry office, you do not need to change your religion. So, if a Chechen woman decided to marry a Russian, then their marriage will be registered.

Is it worth it to marry a Chechen? Chechens treat women with great respect. Intercultural differences will make themselves felt. Marrying a Chechen is worth getting acquainted with the culture of this people and its values.

As experience shows, conflicts often arise in the family on issues of everyday life, raising children, and a different understanding of the role of men and women in the home.

If your intentions are serious and your feelings are sincere, then differences in nationalities and religions should not become an obstacle. You can get acquainted with the traditions of the Chechen wedding holiday in detail on the video.

I read stories about interethnic love. I want to tell you a little... My father is a Chechen, my mother is a Gagauz. I grew up, though not in Chechnya, but I was brought up in the Chechen way, I am a Muslim ...

Many of my friends met with Chechens, while I was an exemplary girl - I studied, studied and studied again, even in my thoughts it was not close to hold a pen with someone.

At first, my friends hovered in the clouds, praised their Vainakh boyfriends, but then ... Basically, they abandoned all of them and left to marry Chechens. And the most common excuse was "I'm sorry, but I'm a Chechen, and I can ONLY take a Chechen as a wife ".

This is the first excuse for a Chechen who does not want to marry a Russian girl. A Chechen can freely marry a girl of any nationality, a Chechen can also marry a non-Chechen, but basically the marriage of a Chechen with a foreigner is not welcome, often the family of such a girl even refuses her, sometimes it comes to revenge ... But that's another story.

Dear girls, if your nohcho k1ant told you that he can only marry a girl of his own nationality, then he simply does not love you, or, which happens less often, he is afraid of the reaction of the family. But then again, is a loving person afraid to do something for the sake of his beloved? Draw your own conclusions.

So, girls, know that a Chechen (who respects the traditions of his people, knows and honors them) will never hit a girl for anything in the world (I generally keep quiet about beating).

According to Chechen adats, a man has no right to raise his hand against a woman, and indeed against an old man, a child, a minor, a baby. And those who raise their hand against a woman are just people who do not respect themselves, their people, or religion.

However, this rule is not included in the rite of revenge, since if the family has been offended, then the person has the right to even kill the woman. A Chechen must protect his woman, and not only his own. Women are greeted only while standing, a man should be the first to greet them, among Chechens a woman is, first of all, someone's mother, sister, wife, daughter or bride.

If, God forbid, someone even touches a girl with a finger (for example, pushes), then not only a brother, but any Chechen who saw this will certainly intervene. Shame on a Chechen who raised his hand to a girl.

For an offense inflicted on his wife, the husband can kill the offender. But if a woman behaves inappropriately (cheating on her husband), then sometimes it comes to male lynching. Have you been hit? Get your feet up before it's too late.

I often hear that Chechens are often not restrained, quick-tempered. But according to adats (I forgot to say, these are not written rules), a Chechen must be restrained. He does not have the right to show his emotions, even smiling at his wife in front of strangers (especially with elders) is considered indecent (I am silent about screaming and public showdown).

A Chechen must be patient, laconic, reasonable, consistent in his actions and decisions, a Chechen who respects himself will not waste words. If he said something, or swore, he would definitely fulfill it, no matter what it cost him (even if he had to lay down his life).

Here are some other girls who speak of the Chechens, as if they consider all Russians, sorry, easy virtue. Complete nonsense. In fact, for a Chechen, it doesn’t matter what nationality the girl is, if she behaves inappropriately, then the attitude towards her is appropriate. Chechen girls are very modest, it will seem savagery to some, but earlier, even for the fact that a Chechen would take a girl by the hand (who is not married to him), he was killed.

Now, of course, this is not the case, but the honor of the girl is still inviolable. If a Chechen dishonored a girl, then the family of that Chechen woman can punish with blood, but more often they try to marry such girls.

One of my friends married a Chechen. He made her wear a headscarf. In fact, the girl must decide for herself whether she wants to wear a headscarf. This is a state of mind. You can wear a scarf, but in your soul remain a staunch atheist. But what's the point then?

Chechens generally wear a headscarf as they wish, as they honor adats. Previously, if two men fought on the street, a woman who passed by to break them up ran up, and, taking off her scarf from her head, threw it between them. They had to stop fighting. No one can force you to wear a headscarf. It all comes from the heart. For example, no one forced me to cover my head, but when I turned 14, I myself came to this decision and tied a scarf. I have one friend, also a Chechen, wears a hijab, prays 5 times a day, and sits and swears on a dating site (by the way, it is unacceptable for a Chechen woman to use obscene language). This is how it happens.

Often our guys like to joke "I saw you today when you went to the store, tomorrow I'll steal it!". But this usually has nothing to do with the truth). A kind of entertainment - to intimidate a girl by stealing. I was often told before that they would steal, etc., but these are jokes.

In fact, the theft is planned in advance. And most often the bride is not warned about this (the bride can tell her brother, or father, then she is guaranteed complete safety, since they will not leave her alone, and stealing in the presence of brothers is very difficult, almost unrealistic).

Bride kidnapping most often occurs for the following reasons:

1) The girl's relatives are against her marriage, but she cannot go against their will, although she loves that young man.

2) The girl does not love him, and he wants to marry her, but he can not get her consent to marriage.

3) They love each other and the girl herself asks "steal me, otherwise they will give me for another." And finally:

4) Just keeping a beautiful tradition. Sometimes it happens that the groom dishonors his beloved when he stole, and she has no other choice but to marry him. Most often, stolen girls marry their captors. If your loved one tells you that he will steal, then most likely he is just joking. If you are still stolen, then again, the decision is yours, you can refuse and return home. But the guarantee that if you return, and your horseman will not steal you again, is small. My cousin stole the bride four times until she agreed)

Girls, if you are going to marry a Chechen, then I hope these couple of tips will help you.

Girls, never marry Chechens and Dagestanis, it will always end badly in 99% and you will be unhappy. It's a question of time. This applies to other Muslims as well. The only exceptions are Tatars, Bashkirs and Kazakhs. Here, the confession of a Chechen woman about the Chechen 3 months I live in Chechnya. Like a distant dream, I remember my hometown in Russia, graduated from a university with honors, a music school, a theater studio, friends, parents and my favorite job ... Now all this is gone. And the strangest thing is that I ended up here voluntarily: I got married. I just wanted to be happy, and sometimes I feel like I'm really happy. I like to think so, because otherwise I'll just go crazy here. Before the wedding, I knew my future husband for 2.5 years - for a Chechen couple, the period is simply fantastic, they get married here and get married a month after they met and get divorced, in principle, after the same amount. My husband is an educated 30-year-old man with modern views, who lived all his life in Moscow and ended up in a hole called Chechnya by the will of circumstances. For this reason, I chose him, with the expectation of a lifetime. Having lived all my life in Russia, having rather strict parents, I was horrified by Chechen husbands who have the audacity to text other women while lying in bed with their own wife, and I was no less surprised by these very wives, all-forgiving and enduring only from - in order not to get the nickname "zhero", which in Chechnya designates divorced women and which is tantamount to the stigma of an easily accessible woman. From the second day of the wedding in an average Chechen family, a young wife is traditionally obliged to turn into a submissive, faceless creature, always washing and cleaning something, she does not even have the right to call her own husband by name in the presence of any of his relatives, not to mention about sitting next to him at the table. She should get up in the morning before everyone else in the house (usually a young family lives with her husband's parents and his brothers-sisters-grandmothers-de darlings, etc.), this is about 6 in the morning and this is starting from the second day, after the wedding night when a girl is deprived of innocence!!! In the first month or two, all relatives and neighbors within a radius of 3 kilometers are waiting for some kind of blunder from the young wife, so that later they can discuss it for weeks, but they will call her a good wife for her kind heart, mind, education and sense of humor, but for the fact that that all day long she washes and feeds all her husband's relatives, goes after livestock (happiness if her husband does not have it! ) and humbly nods his head at the claims and dissatisfaction of all the above relatives. The wife cannot see her parents until the so-called "acquaintance of the son-in-law with the wife's parents" - also a kind of Chechen custom, according to which, 2 weeks after the wedding (by the way, the bride's parents should not be at the wedding), the mother-in-law, father-in-law, husband and the wife goes to the wife's relatives with gifts (the husband's side must buy a "decent" suit for his daughter-in-law and a couple of small things for her parents) and only after this trip does the wife have the right to go to her parents, having previously asked for leave from everyone and everything and, most interestingly, in Husband last! A small correction: in a good way, as I said, the acquaintance should take place in 2 weeks, but some of the husband’s families deliberately delay this process (like, for example, the family I got into) for various reasons: greed or, as a rule, unwillingness to let the daughter-in-law go home, losing in her face a round-the-clock lackey. P.S. Probably, I shouldn’t tell all this, spoil, so to speak, the “face of the nation”, but this is really true, and if the Cosmo editors are also interested in the further family life of a young Chechen woman, I will continue to talk about it with pleasure. 1 comment) The author is right. The life of a woman in Chechnya is a hell that everyone is trying to hide. And sms and even calls in the presence of his wife, there are many cases. And the nickname of Jero is already a blatant disrespect for a woman whose fate did not work out. A woman in Chechnya is a slave, without any rights. Accept the truth. After all, you can’t deceive yourself 2 comments) This girl is the author, she wrote the whole truth, and the Chechen who wrote here - you are wrong friend. If a person speaks the truth, it must be acknowledged. This people (Vainakhs) have a HORRIBLE attitude towards women (namely, wives). In the vast majority of cases. But sometimes there are happy exceptions. This people does not live according to Islam, including the issue of attitude towards women, if in Islam a woman is commanded to be treated as a Pearl, then this people treat her as an expendable material, an allegedly low being, unworthy of seeing such a man. Just know people Islam is the truth, but it is alien to people. And in this very Islam, a woman is in a great position. See how the Prophet, sallallahu aleikhi wa salam, lived with his wives. And you will understand everything. Read the originals. I myself am an Ingush and I really hate the attitude of my people towards women. And much more.

Experience of life with a Chechen husband: "I am for blood feud"
Galina from Moscow described her marriage to Alikhan from Grozny
Elena Svetlova, August 21, 2018

Galina does not feel like a slave Izaura.
As a rule, Russian-Chechen marriages are between men from the North Caucasus and Russian women. The opposite is almost never the case. Chechen women extremely rarely marry Russians and, in general, non-Christians - this will never be allowed by a Muslim family.

At forums dedicated to such interethnic and interfaith family relations, there is traditionally a lot of negativity. Love boats are wrecked, crashing against a different mentality.

Fortunately, there are a lot of happy couples too. Chechen Alikhan Dzhamulaev and his Russian wife Galina Gaynanova have been together for almost fifteen years.

... Once upon a time, many years ago, at the very end of the eighties, we lived in the neighborhood and were familiar with each other. The whole house knew Galina: she confidently rolled out on a burgundy "seven". At that time, not everyone had private cars, and even young women behind the wheel generally attracted everyone's attention. Galina was 25 years old. She worked as the director of a large grocery store and led a large team. Her voice was always commanding.

This spring, we accidentally bumped into each other on the street. We met like old friends. "I'm going on vacation!" - shared Galina. - "Long away?" - "To Grozny!" - "In Grozny ?!" - I thought I misheard. - “My husband is a Chechen! she explained. And then she suddenly added: - Chechens and Ingush should marry their women!

They are very different. He is calm, reasonable, dreamy, with a quiet voice. She is a living fire, ball lightning. Noisy, fast, soul wide open. He flares up on every occasion and immediately departs, says what he thinks. This is about people like Galina, Nekrasov wrote: “There are women in Russian villages ...” I could not imagine her as the obedient wife of a Muslim.

They met in adulthood, when people usually do not commit rash acts and do not make hasty decisions.

He is three years older. For both, this is not the first marriage, and not even the second. He has three children, she has two. In general, five for two. Galina's Russian granddaughter loves her Chechen grandfather.

The first time I was in Grozny in 1988, at the wedding of friends, - recalls Galina. - A lot of things struck me then. In a Chechen house, when guests come, women are always separated from men. Even the newlyweds did not sit together, it is not accepted there. The young wife stood modestly in the corner of the room and behaved very quietly, without raising her eyes and not talking to anyone. It was impossible for her to sit down - it would look like disrespect for the elders. And, of course, I could not think that someday I myself would marry a Chechen. But after 16 years, life nevertheless brought me together with Alikhan.

A few months before their meeting, Galina became a widow - her husband, with whom they lived twenty happy years, died tragically. Home - work, everything else remained outside the brackets.

They met Alikhan in 2004, during the second Chechen war. He has long lived and worked in Moscow. He did not feel any hostility towards himself: he was never taken for a “person of Caucasian nationality”.

Chechens are the most just people, - says Alikhan. - But just a little - the Chechens are always to blame here. We are independent, and that's why they don't like us. But who would have thought that there would be a war between our peoples?

He recalls how in 1996 he received a call from his old friend Alexander Pantukhov, the former first deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Smolensk Region. In the first Chechen campaign, he headed the criminal police of the temporary department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Chechen Republic.

I was in Moscow, and he was in Grozny. He called: “Alikhan, are you going home? When you arrive, let me know - there is a conversation. I went to Grozny to pick up my family. The son was already in our village, and the daughters and his wife lived in the city. We had an apartment in Chernorechye. Early in the morning, before dawn, there is a knock on the door. I open it: there are militants: “Go away, the war begins!” We jumped out of the house and went to the other end of the village. On the way I met a friend, he called to the basement. And that's how it started! They bombed so that we could not leave the basement for 18 days. It is good that people had stocks of food, otherwise they would have died of hunger. When the opportunity arose, he took his family to the village, and he returned to the city and met with Pantukhov. He asked: “Will you help to pull out Russian prisoners?”

Alikhan was given a pass for unimpeded passage through all checkpoints.

I went to the mountains and saved people, he says simply. “Many people owe me their lives. I never paid money, because I consider it humiliating to give a ransom for a person. It was not always possible to reach an agreement. They told me: “What are you doing? You are a Chechen! These are soldiers, they have come to kill us!” I explained: “Yes, they are soldiers, but they fight on orders. They have no other choice." He took the prisoners, brought Sasha and handed over the act that the soldiers were healthy, not beaten.

And the Chechens were also rescued from captivity?

Saved. It often happened when young guys who were just standing at the house were grabbed by Russian soldiers and taken away only because they did not have documents with them. The mothers of these captives came to me and begged me to help for the sake of Allah...

Galina and Alikhan. Feelings are not customary to flaunt: in public you can neither hug nor kiss each other ...
■ ■ ■

Alikhan was brought to Galina by a mutual friend. Went to visit for a cup of tea and stayed forever. It was love. The one that happens at first sight and that sweeps away all obstacles. For the sake of Galina, Alikhan left his family.

The family was and is, - Alikhan does not agree with me. - I didn't leave my family. Fully provided, visited. My family is with me all my life. As long as I'm alive, it will be.

How did you announce to your wife that you would no longer live with her?

She was in the know, I did not hide anything from the first day.

Did your Chechen wife meekly accept the departure of her husband to another woman?

Yes, everything was civilized, calm. I didn't throw them away.

While we are talking, Galina now and then erases non-existent dust with a rag. But, upon hearing the words of her husband, she instantly explodes: “Calm down?! His wife called and cursed me! But now we are like friends. I really wanted her youngest daughter Amina to stay with us, but they returned home to Chechnya.”

... Many of Galina's friends and acquaintances were wary of her choice. If they were invited to visit, then one, without Alikhan. Those who knew her from her former husband turned away altogether.

We didn't have a wedding. His family did not immediately accept me. And my family was against it. My daughter met Alikhan with hostility and even stopped communicating with me. My son did not support me either, - Galina recalls the difficult beginning of her family life. - And my mother almost fainted when I said that I was marrying a Chechen. The fact is that my mother is a deeply religious person, she goes to church, observes fasts. My mother repeated to me: “Daughter, God forbid, he will offer you to convert to Islam!”

My opinion is this: for the right person, religious and national affiliation does not matter, - Alikhan remarks philosophically. Everyone is like a brother or sister to him. I have many friends of different nationalities, they know me first of all not as a Chechen, but as a person.

He never demanded that I become a Muslim, - confirms Galina.

But customs, perhaps, have to be observed?

At first, Alikhan made remarks to me: “Change your clothes!” I switched to long skirts, I completely forgot about trousers, because this is out of the question. Bare hands are also not allowed, the blouse should only be with sleeves, - Galina shares. - In my wardrobe there are no open, tight-fitting outfits. When she visited his village, she never took off her headscarf. There, every woman has a whole collection of scarves.

What else have you adjusted?

They have a different way of receiving guests. If people come to the house, I have to set the table. At first, only men eat. And only then women can sit down at the table. Even in Moscow I follow this order: I serve food and go out. Such traditions. But I can’t say that I feel like a “slave Izaura”. Chechens treat a woman with respect, because she is, first of all, someone's mother, sister, wife, daughter or bride. Women are greeted only while standing, the man greets first.

Who in your family usually cooks?

We do not have such a division. Sometimes me, sometimes my husband. By the way, Alikhan is a great cook. On the table is usually fish or beef. Pork and alcohol are completely excluded.

It seems to me that Chechens show their feelings very reservedly. Here Alikhan is ready to talk about various topics, but not about family relationships ...

Yes, this topic is taboo. Chechens never flaunt their feelings. What - kiss? You can't even touch people. Hand in hand with her husband is not supposed to go. Alikhan never told me that he loved me. This is not accepted by them. I know one thing: if he was ill, he would not live with me.

Can you stop him from doing something?

I can’t forbid him anything, he will do it his own way anyway. I can only advise.

Alikhan, have you been offered to marry a Chechen?

They asked: "Why don't you get married?" Answered: "I'm married." I had to come visit, show myself. So she arrived, and I was not asked such questions again.

In her husband's homeland, in the village of Khambi-Irzi, in the Achkhoi-Martan district of the Chechen Republic, the Russian daughter-in-law was greeted very kindly. Galina brought gifts: a vacuum cleaner for someone, a service for someone. The main thing is not to forget anyone.

Everyone rejoiced: “Oh! Our Moscow daughter-in-law!” I arrived in Ramadan - the month of fasting. Tables began to be laid an hour before sunset. It was possible to eat until three o'clock in the morning, and then all day long - abstinence from food and drink. When the holiday of Eid al-Fitr began, the guests came in a stream. In the yards, the gates open at 7 am and do not close until the evening. No outdoor cameras, and a sense of security. I was not afraid to let my little granddaughter go for a walk, she got to know almost the whole village in two days.

What surprised?

It was striking that for a month I had not met a single dog. No one walks with dogs, even in the yard no one has. Here are a lot of cats. But even they know their place!

The villagers were not surprised that Alikhan had a Russian wife?

No, there are many marriages with Russian women in Chechnya, but now it often happens: he has a wife in Russia and a wife in his homeland, and they both know about it. He does not hide the fact that he has, for example, five children and two wives. His sisters told him: “Marry here!” I know that brides were taken to him. There are many single women in Chechnya who are 15 years younger than my husband. I immediately told Alikhan: “Marry if you want, but I will never be a second wife!”

Are divorces not uncommon in Chechnya?

There are many divorces. It happens that after two or three months they return the wife back. She, of course, can remarry, but the children, especially boys, remain with their fathers.

Since there are few men, it is necessary to marry two, and three, and four times, - Alikhan says calmly. - It does not violate anything in life, on the contrary, it helps. Of course, there are men and women who don't think like me.

Do you think this is your last marriage?

We don't know that yet," he says with a barely perceptible smile.

Now you will talk, - Galina immediately reacts. - I'll pack my suitcase - and forward, on the Moscow-Grozny train. Alikhan is assigned to me, like land to a collective farm. (Laughs.)

So far, I have no thoughts of divorce, ”he continues calmly. - I have never regretted that I married Galina, although she is a complex person. She is very impulsive. If there was someone else in my place, they would have already killed each other.

Because I think what I say, - says Galina.

This is what destroys people, - Alikhan argues. - She has an explosive character, and such moments ruin everything: both family and friendship ties. If I said what I think, with many there would be other relations. You can't tell a man that he's a fool. He is not a fool, he was brought up incorrectly and simply does not understand how to behave in the family and in society.

Galya, could you move to Chechnya forever?

I could, but I have parents, children, a granddaughter here. Where am I without them? I like Chechnya a lot. For example, I am for blood feud. A Chechen, before doing something, will think a thousand times, because the whole family will be responsible for his deed. They do not have such that brother and sister sued because of the living space: all issues are decided by the clan. If a Chechen child is left without parents, his relatives will certainly take him. There are no nursing homes. If someone becomes seriously ill, all relatives take turns taking care of them. Chechens are very respectful of their elders. Parents enter the house, children stand up as a sign of respect. When someone dies, all the women of the family gather and bring food. It is customary to offer condolences for three days after death. All Chechens who die in Russia are taken to be buried in a family cemetery in their village.

I think you have a happy family. Do you still think that Chechens should only marry their women?

Yes, although I was lucky that I met a person like Alikhan. But, to be honest, we, who have never known the traditional restrictions for this people, find it difficult to live by their strict rules. Not to sit down at the table at which men eat, not to wear open clothes, to get up when the elders enter, to reckon with the opinion of the husband's relatives - it seems to be trifles, but in fact it is a completely different world ...