Thematic week "Mother's holiday". Complex thematic planning in the middle group “Dear, beloved, my mommy. Calendar plan, middle group March 8

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Project in the senior group on the topic: "My mother is the best in the world!" (the project is timed to coincide with "Women's Day-March 8") Project author: Skornyakova E. M. educator of the I qualification category

Project type: creative, short-term

Problematic question: Why is mother the closest and dearest person to us?

Relevance of the project There are many mothers in this world. Children love them with all their hearts. Only mother is one, She is dearer to me than all. Who is she? I will answer: This is my mom. And indeed, because everyone in the world has one mother. And it is she who does everything to make us happy. We go to her with our problems. She will always understand everything, comfort and hope. No matter how much we talk about mom, this will not be enough. It is important that children understand what a mother means in the fate of each of them, what role she plays in the family. In addition, in a conversation with children, I managed to find out that almost all children know and can tell what their mothers are doing at home, about their joint activities with them, but 30% of children do not know where and by whom their mothers work, not all children can talk about mom's hobbies. The children were also very interested in what their mothers are fond of, what they like to do at their leisure, where they dream to visit….

Purpose: To foster a feeling of deep love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother. Objectives: - to deepen the knowledge of children about the role of mother in their life; - to promote the consolidation of parent-child relationships; - to contribute to the development of children's speech through the expressive reading of poems, proverbs, composing stories about mom; - develop the creative abilities of children; - to cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mom. Project participants: children, parents, educators, music director, head of the Art Studio.

Estimated results of the project. 1. Understanding by children that a mother is the most dear person in a child's life. 2. The ability of children to take care of their mother, to do good, positive deeds. 3. Formed friendly attitude towards mom. 4. Development of cognitive activity in children, creative abilities.

Project development. 1. To bring this problem to the participants of the project. 2. To pick up methodical and fiction literature (poems, proverbs), illustrated material on this topic. 3. Select materials, toys, attributes for play activities. 4. Pick up materials for productive activities. 5. Make a long-term plan of activities.

Project product: Exhibition of handicrafts "My mother is a needlewoman" Photo exhibition "Mother's smile"

Implementation of the project: The first stage is aimed at: Cognition of the quality of family relationships by children. Development of children's interest in mother's profession. Preliminary work: one-to-one conversations personal conversations examining illustrations

Form of activity Purpose Subject-developmental environment Integration of educational activity Conversation with children: “Our mothers”, “My mother’s profession” To help children understand how much time and effort mothers have to do around the house, tell them that mothers need help. To deepen and consolidate the knowledge of children about the profession of their mothers. Illustrations on the topic. Communication Didactic games "Profession", "Name affectionately" Role-playing game "Family", "Mom and children" Expand children's ideas about women's professions. To form the ability to affectionately address mother. Improve the relationship between mom and child. Cards depicting a person of a particular profession and cards with attributes that are necessary for this. Attributes for role-playing games. Socialization

The results of the first stage of the project implementation were children's drawings on the theme “Mothers are different, all the professions of mothers are important”, “Portrait of my mother” Design of the photo exhibition “Mother's Smile”.

The tasks of the second stage are aimed at: Fostering love and respect for mother through reading children's literature. On the development of the creative imagination of children, on the formation of aesthetic taste, the desire to do something pleasant for a loved one. Ability to expressively read poems and proverbs about mom, sing songs. Preliminary work: Preparing children for the "Women's holiday - March 8" matinee: memorizing poems, songs and dances.

Reading fiction. A. Barto "Separation", "Mom sings" N. Sakonskaya "Talk about mom" V. Berestov "Feast of mothers" E. Blaginina "Mother's day" E. Uspensky "If I were a girl" B. Emelyanov "Mother's hands" Recall previously passed works with children and introduce them to new ones. To cultivate love and respect for mom through works of art. Illustrated books with works of the listed authors. Reading fiction

Making holiday handicrafts for mothers (origami and application "Flower-pincushion") To form the ability to create gifts for mothers with their own hands, not only beautiful but also useful in the household. Develop creative imagination, aesthetic taste. Colored paper, scissors, glue, colored pencils, foam rubber, felt-tip pens, colored threads. Artistic creativity. Labor Carrying out a matinee "Women's Day-March 8". Development of the ability to expressively read poetry, perform songs, dances. Poems and songs about mom. Reading fiction Music Communication

The third stage is aimed at: Strengthening the ability of children to compose short stories about their mother. On the development of the creative imagination of parents and on the joint activities of mothers and children. Raising a sense of pride and admiration in children for their mothers. Preliminary work: Announcement of the competition "My mother is a needlewoman" Offer to mothers, at home, to talk with children about their hobbies, their dreams ...

Design of the exhibition of creative works "My mother is a needlewoman" To foster a feeling of love for mother and pride in mother's "golden hands". Creative works of mothers Artistic creativity Children's stories about their mothers "My mother", "My mother's dream" To form the ability to compose stories of a creative nature, to foster a sense of pride and love for their mothers Mother's photo (optional Communication

The result of the third stage of the project was the exhibition of creative works "My mother is a needlewoman"

Results of the project implementation. During the conversations, we managed to make sure that now the children of our group can easily tell about why mom is the closest and dearest person to us, about who mom works, what her hobbies are. Thanks to joint activities with parents, children learned to admire their mothers, they had a desire to help and protect them. And we will not stop there, we will continue to look for new ways of cooperation between parents, children and kindergarten. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. What a person is - such is the world that he creates around him. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect their loved ones.

The purpose of the lesson:
Exercise children to count within five; to strengthen the knowledge of numbers from 1 to 5, the ability to correlate the number with the number; teach to classify objects by color.

Guys, we mark the weather on our calendar every day. Look out the window, what do you see? Is it cloudy or sunny today?
(note the weather).
- Who can tell what time of year is on the calendar?
- Spring.
- And what spring holiday awaits us?
- Feast of mothers, March 8.
- Do you love your mothers?

And what can you give mom for a holiday? What do moms love the most?
- Flowers.
- Multicolor. There are so many that I don't even know if there are enough vases for all colors. Let's find out?

Didactic game "Vases and flowers".

I show the number 4 and suggest to put the same number of colors on the top strip and the same number of vases on the bottom strip.
- How many vases? How many tulips?
- What can you say about vases and flowers? (equally, equally, four, as many - how many.)
- Put on another vase. How many vases are there now?
- What can you say about vases and flowers now?
- how to make them equal, five each?

Now let's take a little rest and play hide and seek. Take one geometric shape at a time. You will be hiding in a house with a circle of the same color as your figure.
- Maxim, what is your figure called?
-Makar, and yours ...

Didactic game "Find your house"

One fine spring day, you went for a walk. But suddenly it started raining, and you decided to hide in the houses in the meadow. The rain is over. Everyone went outside again. We walked until the evening, and then went home to sleep.
- Why did you hide in this house?

The holiday is coming. And together with flowers, we can give our mothers a musical gift. (theater corner)
- Who remembers the name of this musical instrument?
- Metallophone.
- The music of the metallophone is like spring drops. Now one of you will play a little song. And the other will count the beats and then pick the flowers. You need to collect as many flowers as there were blows

Didactic game. "Count the same amount"

One child will play, he also chooses the one who will listen to his melody. Cards with numbers lie behind the screen. The child chooses one card with a number and knocks on the metallophone the same number of times.
The second counts the blows, counts the flowers and puts the corresponding number next to it. Explain why they did this.
- Each of you has collected a bouquet of flowers. How many bouquets did we get?
(Many, five). And what should be done to get one big bouquet?
We connect the bouquets and put it in the basket. Let's put him in the waiting room for moms to be happy!

Cognitive development. Theme:"All sorts of mothers are needed." 20.02.2016 Target. Introduce the public holiday - March 8. To cultivate a good attitude towards mom, grandmother, the desire to take care of them, protect, help. Equipment. Photo albums, painting "Mother's helpers". Theme:"Mom's helpers". 02/29/2016 Target. Form the concept of "household appliances". Teach children to group objects by purpose. Foster a desire to help mom. Equipment. Folder "Household appliances", toys: vacuum cleaner, iron, washing machine, electric kettle. Theme:"On a visit to grandmother." 01.03.2016 Target. To develop the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one). Reinforce ways to compare items. Equipment. Tambourine handout. Development of speech. Theme:ЗКР - sounds "u - h". 02.24.2016 Purpose. Exercise children in the correct pronunciation of the sound "u" and the differentiation of the sounds "u - h". Equipment. Euler's Circles game. Introduction to fiction. 03/02/2016 Theme: Getting ready to meet spring and International Women's Day. Target. To acquaint with the new poem by A. Pleshcheev "Spring"; to exercise in the ability to congratulate women on the holiday. Equipment. The text of the poem "Spring" by A. Pleshcheev, doll. Application. Theme: "Flowers as a gift for mom, grandmother" .25, 03.03.2016 Target. Learn to cut and stick a beautiful flower: cut out parts of a flower (cutting corners by rounding or obliquely), make a beautiful image out of them. Develop a sense of color, aesthetic perception, imagery, imagination. To cultivate attention to family and friends. Equipment. Illustrations depicting beautiful flowers, white paper, a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, brush, napkin. Painting. Theme:"Beautiful flowers bloomed." Target. Learn to draw beautiful flowers using a variety of shaping movements, working with the whole brush and its end. To develop aesthetic feelings, a sense of rhythm, ideas of beauty. Equipment: album sheets, paints, gouache, brushes, napkins, coasters, a glass of water.

Theme:"Let's decorate a dress for mom." Target. Teach children to make a pattern from familiar elements (stripes, dots, circles). Develop creativity, aesthetic perception, imagination. Equipment. Dresses cut from white paper; paints, brushes, a glass of water, a napkin. Physical education. Theme:"We will go to the forest, pick flowers for mom." Target. Exercise in walking and running in a circle; crawling on a bench on palms and knees. Learn to throw the ball on the ground and catch with both hands. Equipment. Gymnastic bench, balls. Physical culture for a walk. Theme:"We are looking for a gift for mom." Target. Exercise in walking and running in a circle, climbing in a tunnel, walking on a snow shaft. Equipment. Cubes, wooden box, paper flowers. Music. According to the plan of a specialist.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 15"

Kursk Municipal District, Stavropol Territory

Short term creative project

in the middle group

Prepared by:

Antysheva V.S.

Shapovalova L.A.

March 2017

Project type: group, short-term.

Project type: informational, creative.

Project participants: educators, children of the middle group, their parents.

Location: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 15" Baltiyskiy settlement.

Dates: February 27 - March 3.

Objective of the project: Expanding children's knowledge about the origin of the 8 March holiday, deepening children's knowledge about the role of mothers in life.

The urgency of the problem :

We are accustomed to taking existing holidays as a matter of course, since there is a holiday, it means that we need to celebrate it, congratulate it, and give gifts. When preparing children for the holiday, the question arose: “Where did the holiday come from? Why exactly on March 8? " There was an idea to prepare for the holiday during the implementation of the project "March 8 - International Women's Day", to acquaint children with the history of the holiday and prepare a holiday for lovely mothers with children.

Project objectives:

    Teach children to analyze works about mothers.

    Develop literate speech, when drawing up a descriptive character about mothers.

    Arouse the desire of children to depict beautiful flowers for their mother in the picture.

    Arouse the desire of children to create gifts for the holiday with their own hands.

    The development of fine motor skills.

The project includes 3 stages:

Preparatory stage:

    Determination of goals and objectives of project activities.

    Development of a project implementation strategy

    Drawing up a plan for the main stage

    Selection of literary works about mom

    Selection of material on the topic "History of the origin of the holiday"

Basic stage:

    Examining pictures of moms

    Acquaintance with the history of the holiday

    Looking at books about moms

    Reading the work with further analysis S. Teterin poems for children "Mom will be very happy", My beloved mom (poems and stories), poems about mom "You are the best in the world", "My mom is the best"

    Consultation for parents "History of the 8 March holiday"

    Reading books about moms at home

    Compilation of descriptive stories "My Mom"

    Making a greeting card and a gift.

The final stage:

    Decoration of the exhibition of children's drawings "My dear MOMMA"

    Celebration of the "Magic Bell" holiday.

    Drafting a project

    Submitting a project to the website of a preschool institution

This project meaningful for all its participants:

Children : they will gain new knowledge about the origin of the holiday, learn many new works about the person closest to themselves - MAMA, learn to compose descriptive stories about their mother, please their mothers with creative successes, get joy from a joint holiday.

Educators : continuation of the development of the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers. They implement the task of interacting with parents in joint activities.

Parents : they will gain new knowledge, skills, spend creative time with their child in the implementation of project activities, receive gifts from their children, which they create with their own hands.

Estimated distribution of roles in the project group:

Educator : is engaged in the selection of the necessary material, organizes educational situations, reading works, effectively develops the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers

Children : participate in cognitive activities, applying the knowledge gained earlier, learn the proposed works, participate in the analysis of works and in productive activities.

Parents : read recommended and favorite books about mothers together with children; participate in project activities, take an active part in the life of the garden.

Estimated result of the project:

Building grammatically correct speech when writing descriptive stories.

Effective interaction with parents.

Carrying out the holiday "Kind Carlson has come to us".


"Bouquet for a sweet mother" Cards for mom

Drawing "Flowers for Mommy"

Scenario of the 8 March holiday in the middle group of the kindergarten "Magic Bell" (2017).

Characters (edit) : Leading - educator of the middle group, Baba Yaga - kindergarten staff. Starling - a child from an older or preparatory group

Children enter the hall to the music.

Leading: Dear guests, mothers and grandmothers! We congratulate you on the onset of spring, on the first spring holiday - International Women's Day on March 8!

1 child : March 8 is a solemn day,

Day of joy and beauty!

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!

2 child: Mom is an expensive word

There is warmth and light in that word!

Helmet for our mothers ...

Children: Hey!

3 child: Look out the window

It became a little warmer there.

Everyone is squinting from the sun

After all, spring is outside.

4 child: Festive morning

Knocking on the door for us.

Day of March 8

Together: Holiday of our mothers!

5 child: The sun is warming

It's warm outside.

From mom's smile

Joyfully, light!

6 child: The sun only warms us during the day,
Mom - seven days a week
And cares, cherishes,
And doves his children.
The moon only shines at night
Mom - loves all year round

Loves dearly, very tightly.
And love does not get tired!

7 child:

Celebration of grandmothers and mothers!

This is the kindest holiday

He comes to us in the spring! ...

8 child: I will go straight to my mother

And I'll tell you this secret:

My mother is dearer

There is no one in the world!

9 child: In the morning my mother told me:

“Put on a new dress! "

I immediately guessed -

10 child: Our dear mothers,

Mom's beloved!

Congratulations, relatives,

And kiss, dear! (children blow a kiss to moms ).

Song "Mother's Holiday" (music by Kartushina.)

Leading: Today, not only mothers, but also grandmothers came to our party! And we also want to congratulate them!

11 child: We are our lovely grandmothers

Congratulations on Women's Day.

So that it becomes fun for all of them,

We will read poems for them.

12 child: I congratulate granny

Happy Women's Day of Spring!

I adore granny

People need grandmothers!

13 child: Very my grandmother,

I love my mother!

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead a gray strand.

I just want to touch

And then kiss!

14 child: I, guys, am not rude to grandmother,

Because I love my grandmother!

We will help our grandmothers with you.

Smile, grandma! Always be young!

15 child: There are many friends around, but I will note -

That my best friend is my grandmother!

16 child: There are many different songs

In the world about everything.

And now we have a song for you

Let's sing about grandmother!

Performed "Congratulations to the grandmother" (music by Kartushina).

The children sit down in their seats.

Leading: So the brightest holiday has come. (there is a knock on the door, a starling flies in)

Starling: Hello! I am the Starling

Creator of beautiful songs!

I've seen spring red

She sent word.

Leading: Hello Starling. You say you've seen Spring. Did she give us something?

Starling: Yes, here's the letter. Take it and read it. (hands over the letter)

Leading: Opens and reads:

“Happy Holidays, I congratulate

Grannies, girls, mothers!

Let the sun come through the window

Every day knocks on your door!

Be cheerful, beautiful,

Give everyone affection, light.

I wish you health

And live right up to a hundred years!

Take my bell

And call the magic to you!

Spring is red. "

Leading: Bell? And where he?

Starling: Now, I hid it under my wing (looking, but does not find) Ay-yay-yay, the bell is lost!

Leading: What to do? How to be?

Baba Yaga comes to the music, sings a ditty

Baba Yaga:

I walked through the forest past the bumps,

I found a bell there!

He started such a trill

And here he brought me! Wow!

I am the forest lag,

I'm a naughty girl!

I like to joke, laugh,

Amuse yourself in different ways! Wow!

I'm harmless, kind

I'm a girl - just a treasure!

I am smart and beautiful

Everyone is talking about it! Wow!

She dances to a musical role-playing, ringing a bell.

Baba Yaga: Oh, where did I go? My feet, where have you taken me?

Leading: Hello Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: Hello, hello everyone! What kind of fun is this?

Leading: You came to us for a holiday! Today guys congratulate all mothers, grandmothers and girls!

Baba Yaga: What are they congratulating on? What a holiday today? Why don't I know anything?

Leading: Today is the 8th of March holiday! Women's Day!

Baba Yaga: Oh, what happiness! After all, I, Yagulechka-beauty, am also a woman! So, they should congratulate me too! (Says it flirtatiously ).

Leading: Of course! Happy holiday to you! And the guys and I want to give you compliments - these are such pleasant, polite words.

Children take turns praising Babu Yaga. She gives the most polite one a prize (candy).

Baba Yaga: Oh, how pleased I am - I even wanted to dance.

Dancing. Rings a bell.

Starling: Guys, it seems to me that Spring-Red gave me just such a bell.

Leading: Maybe this is it? Grandma Yaga, where did you get this bell?

Baba Yaga: I found it, it's mine!

Leading: Do you know that he is unusual, but magical!

Baba Yaga: Truth!?(rejoices ) So you can conjure up different things with him! (slyly )

Leading: Well, Baba Yaga, again you are for your own! You have a holiday today, behave yourself, and you'd better give us the bell ...

Baba Yaga: ( thinks ) Do you think? Okay, so be it (gives the bell ).

Leading: You see how kind Baba Yaga is! Now let's check if the bell can really fulfill our desires? The first wish is from you, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Our bell, ring, and invite everyone to dance!

Children are performing a dance. "Funny heel".

Leading: Marvelous! The bell is really magical! (surprised) Let's guess the game! Merry!

Game "Competition on a broomstick"

2 children are invited, they must run a certain distance on a broomstick. Whoever comes running first is the winner. The game is also being played with Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Great! But my legs are tired ...

Leading: And you have a little rest, sit down, and the guys will recite poetry.

Children read poetry.

1 child: The sun only warms us during the day,
Mom - seven days a week
And cares, cherishes,
And doves his children.
The moon only shines at night
Mom - loves all year round

Loves dearly, very tightly.
And love does not get tired!

2 child: Today is a holiday, now is a holiday!

Celebration of grandmothers and mothers!

This is the kindest holiday

He comes to us in the spring! ...

3 child: I will go straight to my mother

And I'll tell you this secret:

My mother is dearer

There is no one in the world!

4 child: In the morning my mother told me:

“Put on a new dress! "

I immediately guessed -

Today is a holiday - Women's Day!

Baba Yaga: Well done! Do you like to sing songs?


Children perform the song "We sang a song" (music by Rustamov)

Baba Yaga: Indeed, you sing very well! Guys, I forgot to ask, are you helping your parents at home?

Everything: Yes!

Baba Yaga : With what?

Leading : Our children are such good helpers not only for mothers, but also for grandmothers. Now you will be convinced of this!

Game "Helping Grandma"

Several children with their grandmothers collect "rubbish" in a basket, lay out the dishes on the table.

Host: And our children help to clean the apartment, cook and wash ...

Boys' comic dance "Washing" (music at the choice of the music director)

Baba Yaga: I don't want to sit, stand, I want to play fun!

Bell is our ring, and invite everyone to play!

Game "Collect a flower"

Children must collect the unfolded flower. Whoever collects faster wins.

Baba Yaga: Guys, how funny, good! Noah, it's time for me to go to my forest, a lot of things have been done since the morning ...

Children: Happy holiday, Baba Yaga! (Leaves).

All the children come out to the middle.

Leading: Guys, do you have any wishes for your mothers? If there is, then tell the magic bell, everything will come true.

1 child: We are completing our holiday

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old

Younger, prettier!

2 child: We wish our mothers

Never lose heart

Every year to be more beautiful

And scold us less.

3 child: We want for no reason

You would be given flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wondrous beauty.

4 child: Happy grandmothers, mothers, sisters,

Aunts, girlfriends and just girls!

I wish you always to be happy,

Delicate, kind, very beautiful!

5 child: The sun may always smile at you!

Let your dreams come true soon!

Well, we want to wish ourselves

To please you and help you in everything!

6 child: We've been waiting for this day for a long time

Spring, sonorous, bright.

And now it's time

Give gifts to mothers!

(Children give gifts to mothers).

Leading: Dear women, we also congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you all the best!

March 8 - the history of the holiday

In modern post-Soviet countries, it is customary to celebrateMarch 8 , Women's Solidarity Day, International Women's Day, Spring and Beauty Day. This day is marked in red on the calendar every year, and every self-respecting man hurries to the flower market in the morning to buy bouquets for his beloved woman, mother, sister, colleagues and girlfriends. And here the cost and size of the bouquet are not important, the main thing is attention, the recognition of the female essence by men. So what is this holidayMarch 8 ? How long has it been customary to celebrate it? Is it really international? Let's try to take an excursion tothe history of this holiday .

1857, March 8, New York , a strike of women workers in the light industry, called"March of empty pans" ... Women took to the streets because of low-paid and harsh working conditions. At that time, women had a 16-hour working day, while receiving scanty wages for their work. This meeting bore fruit, the working day was reduced to 10 hours.

1908, March 8, still the same New York , a rally for equality between men and women, demands for shorter working hours for women, equalizing wages for women and men, and granting suffrage to women.

1910, August 27, Copenhagen , Second International Socialist Women's Conference, Communist Clara Zetkin puts forward a proposal to establishinternational women's day , during which women could hold rallies, drawing public attention to their problems. First time being simultaneously celebratedWomen's Day 8 March in 6 countries of the world, dropped out in 1914, participating countries: Russia, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland.

In tsarist Russiaday 8 March had a political connotation, because in 1917, on this day in Petrograd, a decision was made

arrest the tsar and his entire family, thereby overthrowing the monarchy and coming to the dual power of the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies.

Since 1966 in the USSR, the day of March 8 lost its political overtones and, by decree of the government, it was decided to make it a day off, “the day of all women”.

Since 1975 the UN proclaimedMarch 8 International Women's Day, since then, all activities related to the fight for women's rights have been timed to coincide with this date.Officially recognized as a holiday on March 8 in the countries of the world : Armenia, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Vietnam, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Zambia, Georgia, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, China, Cuba, Costa Rica, Kiribati, Laos, Mongolia, Madagascar, Moldova, Nepal, Russia, Kazakhstan , Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Serbia, Uzbekistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Montenegro, Croatia, Eritrea.

Interesting facts about the holiday on March 8:

- It is noteworthy that before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in Russia, according to the old styleholiday of women's solidarity fell on now known as "men's day".

- The overthrow of Nicholas II from the throne and the socialist revolution of 1917 began with women's protests against the waron women's day (February 23rd then still).

- Even in ancient Rome, there was a day of women's solidarity, when slaves received a day off and mistresses on that day allowed them not to work, and wives received gifts from their husbands that day.

In many countriesInternational Women's Day March 8 has the status of a public holiday. This day is declared a day off. Close and familiar women are congratulated on March 8, and female colleagues or employees of state institutions (teachers, educators) are usually congratulated on the eve, occasionally on the next working day after the holiday.

Happy March 8, dear women!

Consultation for parents

"History of the origin of the holiday"

Ah, women! And beauty and celebration,
And the heroines of youthful dreams.
From birth to daughters of beautiful spring
Our hope, faith and love!
(A. Dementyev)

It is difficult to choose the best time for the 8 March holiday! At this time, nature awakens from winter sleep, the sun begins to shine like a spring, and the first flowers - snowdrops - bloom.

Spring is coming. And let it not be hot
But together with her, like a shadow of summer,
Comes to us on March 8-
International Women's Day!

Our children are passionate about drawing postcards to their beloved mothers and grandmothers. Men rack their brains to give their dear women. They rush to the shops. They are looking for their wives and daughters. They compose poems ... For example:

My wife is a charm!
Lord, thank you for your wife!
She's a heavenly creature
As they used to say in the old days.
She is kind, gentle, beautiful,
Everything suits her resolutely ...
I try to say something else-
She's gonna break my head!
(V. Mishin)

This day has become for all of us - a wonderful spring holiday, where all attention is paid to the woman. We do not think at all how this holiday came about. Let's take a look with you into world history….

It all started in early spring, back in 1857. This year, about 150 women - textile workers marched "empty pans "In Manhattan. They demanded higher wages, better working conditions and equal rights with men. It was a shock for the government! The police, of course, dispersed this demonstration, but they made a lot of noise.

Another 50 years have passed! On the last Sunday in February 1908, 1,000 women took to the streets of New York. They again began to demand an electoral vote, opposed the terrible working conditions, especially the work of children. The police broke up the demonstration again. Hoses filled with ice water were used! This procession ended so deplorably, but the wheel of history has already turned and rolled. The process of women's struggle for their rights could no longer be stopped.

Inspired by the example of American friends, women from many countries began to go out with protests. And it was always at the beginning of spring.

The story of March 8 is closely related to the name of the German socialist Clara Zetkin. This woman created a revolutionary female squad to fight inequality. In 1910, at the 2nd International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin suggested choosing a “day to fight for women's rights”. Clara's proposal was approved. Since then, the International Women's Solidarity Day has emerged, although there has not yet been an exact date.

In 1911 it was held on March 19, in 1912 it was celebrated on May 12, and only since 1914 it was spontaneously celebrated on March 8! So this date was fixed in history.

In Russia, for the first time, International Women's Day was celebrated in St. Petersburg in 1913. The petition addressed to the mayor announced the organization of a "scientific morning on the women's issue." On March 2, about one and a half thousand people gathered on Poltavskaya Street, where women expressed their claims about the high cost of living and inequality. They demanded decent motherhood, the right to vote, and much more.

From the first years of Soviet power, March 8 became a state holiday in our country. In March 1917, women in Russia received the right to vote, and the 1918 Constitution enshrined the policy of equal rights for women in Russia in state power. As V.I. Lenin (Ulyanov) "now every cook can run the state." By the way, the Soviet idea of ​​"gender equality" led us in Russia to the emergence of such a "purely female" profession as "asphalt paver". These are the miracles!

Since 1965, this day was declared non-working, and gradually International Women's Day lost its political color.

Our dear women have proved that they can defend their rights on an equal basis with men, can defend their homeland and their homeland. A striking example of this is the participation of women at the fronts and in the rear during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

On all fronts, in battles big and small,
In the sky, on the ground and on the water,
In all the victories gained in the war
Their feminine feat of arms is everywhere!
With them, the soldier in battle was brave,
With them, it is a sin for a soldier to retreat ...
And about the fact that the rear held on to them
The volumes were written a long time ago.

Many doubted that this holiday was truly International. Let's turn to the facts. In 1977, the UN adopted resolution 32/142, urging all countries to proclaim March 8 - the day of the struggle for women's rights - International Women's Day!

Our contemporaries do not particularly think about the origins of the celebration of March 8th, and simply perceive it as a wonderful holiday for women. Indeed, our dear, wonderful, lovely mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives and daughters deserve to be given special attention at least once a year.

Therefore, our dear men, give women flowers! Compliment them, write poems, sonnets, songs for them! Talk to your wives about love, don't be afraid to seem stupid. They will definitely appreciate it!

Happy Spring Day to all of you, dear women! Happy International Women's Day!

Theme: March 8.
Target: Organize all kinds of children's activities around the theme of family, love for mom, grandmother. Foster respect for educators. Involve children in making gifts for mom, grandmother, educators.
Final event: "March 8" matinee. Exhibition of children's creativity.
Planning educational activities for March. Topic: "Mother's Day".
Week 1

1. 1. Communication. Preparation for the holiday.
Develop attention, thinking, teach to describe pictures.
2. Music: Matinee "Mother's Day"
3. Artistic creativity: drawing "Mother's portrait" (to convey in the drawing the image of your mother)
(group, subgroup, individual)
The first half of the day:
1. Conversation with all children: the topic "International Women's Day".
2. Individual work with children: articulatory gymnastics "Mom shreds cabbage".
1. Artistic creativity: productive activity (postcard as a gift to grandmother).
2. Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children: games "Find drawings related to spring", "Say kindly."
3. Interaction with parents: invite parents to bring photos for the photo exhibition "The most charming and attractive".
2 week
Directly educational activities
1. Cognition: game - lesson "Our mothers". Computer presentation "Mothers and children".
Reading poems by S. Mikhalkov "And what have you?" Examination of photographs of the families of pupils. Repetition of poems about mother.
2. Physical culture: sports competitions "Come on, girls."
Educational activities in times of security

The first half of the day:
1. Conversation with all children: topic "My mother".
2. Individual work with children: learning poems about mom.
1. Consideration of the "Spring Flowers" photo album. Listening to the audio recording "Mama", music. Tchaikovsky
2. Productive activities: gifts for mothers and grandmothers.
3. Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children: didactic games: "Whose mother?"
4. Interaction with parents: consultation for parents "Traditions of the holiday on March 8".
3 week
Directly educational activities
1. Cognition: taking care of mom (to bring up a kind, attentive attitude towards mom, the desire to help her)
2. Music: lesson "Musical gift for mom".
3. Artistic creation: application of candy wrappers "Photo frame".
Educational activities in times of security
(group, subgroup, individual)

The first half of the day:
1. Conversation with all children: theme "International Women's Day".
2. Pronunciation, repetition of nursery rhymes (tongue twisters, poems).
Repetition of poems about mom.
3. Work on fostering a culture of behavior at the table during lunch: game situation "Dolls have lunch with us."
1. Productive research activities: comparison of winter and spring characteristics.
2. Artistic creativity: productive activity "Postcard as a gift to grandmother"
3. Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children: plot - role-playing games: "Family"
(Situational conversations with children about caring for their mother)
4. Interaction with parents: family photography competition.
4 week
Directly educational activities
1. Cognition: conversation "Women's professions".
2. Physical culture: attractions on March 8.
Educational activities in times of security
(group, subgroup, individual)

The first half of the day:
1. Individual conversations: "Day of mothers and grandmothers"
2. Conversation with all children: “Why do we need to help girls and protect them?”, “How do we help grandmother and mother”.
1. Artistic creation: "Beads for Mom".
2. Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children: game situation "Doll Masha congratulates mom on the holiday."
3. Interaction with parents: family photography competition "The Professions of Our Mothers".