Topics for circle work in the middle group. Work program (middle group) on the topic: Circle work "Skillful hands" middle group


  1. To develop the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers through visual activity;
  2. To develop cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic abilities in the process of creating images using various materials and techniques.
  3. The development of a children's, close-knit team through the education of diligence, perseverance, patience, mutual assistance, mutual assistance.
  4. To develop in children fine motor skills of fingers, imagination, creative thinking, coordination of movements, eye.
  5. Teach patience and perseverance.

To the program of the circle "Masterilka" sections include:

Work with paper and cardboard.

Paper finds application in almost all areas of human activity. It is difficult to find a more suitable material for children's creativity than paper. Paper is one of the most accessible materials; it does not require a large set of tools when working with it. A very valuable quality of paper is the ability to retain the shape that it was given, which allows us to make various crafts, toys, as well as items that we can use in everyday life from it.

Both different types of paper and various ways of processing and using it are considered. The applique is made from cut out parts, the mosaic is made from elements obtained by cutting. Gradually, the interrupted application becomes more complicated. From the cut out details, children no longer make flat, but voluminous applications. Working with paper is a very exciting and useful activity - it develops fine motor skills, imagination and creative individuality. There are many types of paper art. A lot of famous people were engaged in various types of paper art, which are stored in museums in many countries of the world.

Working with natural material contains great opportunities for bringing the child closer to his native nature, cultivating a careful, caring attitude towards it and developing the first labor skills.

Having learned the rules of collection, drying and storage, children make flat applications on a paper basis from leaves, herbs and flowers, achieving a picturesque effect. Mosaics on flat and voluminous bases covered with plasticine are made from cereals, seeds, twigs, choosing colors, shape and size, striving to match the outlines. To create artistic images, materials of larger sizes are used - cones, branches - comparing their shapes with elements of a pictorial object, studying different types of compounds

Work with waste material.

“Junk material is everything that could be thrown away without pity, or you can use it, giving free rein to the boundless children's imagination” . O. Schloss.

Now it has become fashionable to talk about ecology, about new ways of using waste for the common good. But we will not talk about this at all, but about the great joy that creativity and needlework bring to children. Almost every day we throw away plastic bottles, disposable tableware, food packaging, all kinds of boxes, straws, old felt-tip pens, newspapers, bottle caps, candy wrappers, etc. And we hardly think that much of this garbage can get a new use, becoming the basis for an original children's craft or an exciting toy. Unnecessary things that we strive to get rid of as soon as possible carry many opportunities for such creativity.

Working with such materials contributes to the development of children's design activities. With the help of various tools, they learn to process and connect parts from various materials, learn their properties, which contributes to the development of their imagination, technical skills. Working with various kinds of materials expands the circle of children's knowledge about the world around them.

When working with waste material, children use various types of packaging - plastic and cardboard boxes, cups, matchboxes, various bottles, etc. Cardboard boxes of various shapes are used to create images of animals and fairy-tale characters. Children learn to combine them by matching sizes, pasting paper and adding the necessary details.

Expected Result


Get to know different materials and their properties.

Learn how to work with scissors and glue.

Learn some techniques for converting materials.

Learn to see the extraordinary in ordinary objects

Develop fine motor skills.

I will give some examples of outline plans for circle work "Masterilka" :

Outline on the topic "Hedgehogs on a walk" .

Tasks: to encourage children to cooperate in constructing from natural material when creating a plot united by a single content. Help create a common plan, distribute functions, select the necessary material and equipment. Develop cognitive activity, creativity in the design process.

Material: hedgehog toy, forest layout, painting "Hedgehogs" , cones, plasticine.

Motivation: let's show Hedgehog how her hedgehog children go for a walk.

  1. The game moment is the arrival of Hedgehogs to visit.
  2. Examining the painting "Hedgehogs" .
  3. Consider a sample craft.
  4. game task "Make a hedgehog" .
  5. The hedgehog admires the hedgehogs and thanks the guys.

Outline on the topic: "Trees in autumn dress" .

Tasks: to develop children's interest in crafts made from natural material, to teach how to use dry twigs in work, decorating them with paper leaves. To consolidate knowledge about the color and signs of autumn. Cultivate aesthetic taste.

Material: dry twigs, colored paper strips, scissors, plasticine, a picture of an autumn park (forests, a doll.

Motivation: let's make an autumn park for our doll.

  1. The arrival of Katya's doll, please, she wants to take a walk in the autumn park.
  2. Consider a picture about autumn.
  3. Reading a poem "Leaves are turning" .
  4. Children's work.
  5. Admire the autumn park, thanks to the Katya doll.

Outline on the topic: "Turtle" .

Tasks: continue to teach how to make a toy in a certain sequence according to a scheme, from natural material. To teach children to analyze it, highlight the main parts, select the appropriate material, use the addition. Develop the ability to draw conclusions, develop cognitive interest.

Material: pictures with the image of a turtle, schemes, sticks, nut shells, plasticine.

Motivation: let's make new residents in our pool.

  1. The game moment is the performance of the turtle song from the cartoon.
  2. Offer to make new residents to our pool.
  3. Consider a picture of a turtle and a sample craft.
  4. work done by children.
  5. Play crafts in the pool.

Outline on the topic: "Dragonfly" .

Tasks: to teach children to make a toy from natural material according to the model, to use plasticine to connect the parts of the toy. To form in children an interest in this type of work. Develop imagination.

Material: seeds (lionfish) ash, maple, apple, dry twig, plasticine, dragonfly diagram, subject picture depicting a dragonfly.

Motivation: according to Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant" .

  1. Riddle guessing.
  2. Look at the picture and sample.
  3. Determine the sequence of work.
  4. Help those who are in difficulty.
  5. Admire the crafts and praise the children.

Creativity is a special kind of activity,
it is self-satisfied.

Artistic manual labor- this is the creative work of a child with various materials, during which he creates useful and aesthetic significant objects and products for decorating everyday life (games, work and recreation). Such work is a decorative, artistic and applied activity of the child, since when creating beautiful objects, he takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on existing ideas, knowledge, practical experience acquired in the course of work and in art classes in kindergarten.

Adults surrounding the child should not only form and improve his labor skills, but also gradually expand the content of the child's labor activity, achieving awareness and purposefulness of labor motives. Therefore, it became necessary to teach children art work individually, that is, the creation of the “Very skillful hands” circle.

In the work of the circle, the necessary tasks for teaching children to design from paper, natural and waste materials, fabrics, paper, cereals. Encourage interest in visual activity; pay attention to the figurative expressiveness of various objects in the art of natural and everyday environment (things created by the hands of craftsmen, architectural structures); learn to notice the general outlines and individual details, contour, color, pattern. To acquaint with the color scheme, with options for compositions and different arrangements of the image on a sheet of paper. To create conditions for independent artistic creativity.

Another of the main tasks set by me is the development of fine motor skills. Since the development of fine motor skills of preschool children is one of the urgent problems, since the weakness and awkwardness of the movement of fingers and hands are factors that make it difficult to master the simplest skills and self-service skills necessary in life. In addition, the development of the hand is closely related to the development of speech and thinking of the child. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of readiness for schooling. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has developed memory, attention, coherent speech.

Classes in the circle interest and captivate the children with their unusualness, the ability to use fiction, fantasy, search for different techniques and methods of action, communicate creatively with each other, The children master the ability to repeatedly select and combine materials, it is advisable to use it, learn to comprehend the technique, the secrets of folk craftsmen . And this ultimately contributes to the artistic and creative development of preschoolers, the formation of a desire to engage in interesting and useful work.
The topics of my classes coincided with the lexical topics of the kindergarten. Various materials were used for classes in the circle: cotton wool, cereals, foam rubber, CD disks, cotton pads, napkins, etc.

The circle is designed for children from 4 to 7 years old.


Create favorable conditions for the development of children's creative abilities
Help your child feel like a master and a creator.

Circle tasks:

1. To develop the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers through visual activity;
2. To develop cognitive, constructive, creative and artistic abilities in the process of creating images using various materials and techniques.
3. The development of a children's, close-knit team through the education of diligence, perseverance, patience, mutual assistance, mutual assistance.
4. To develop in children fine motor skills of fingers, imagination, creative thinking, coordination of movements, eye.
5. Accustom to patience and perseverance.

Middle group.

1 week: Topic: "Vegetables".
Material: Plasticine, cardboard with a stencil.

Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate a desire to do crafts.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, paper napkin.

Week 3: Topic: "Fungus".
Target: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, grits.

Week 4: Topic: "Leaf fall".
Target: Teach children to work with paper napkins of different colors (yellow, green, orange, red). Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, napkins.


1 week: Topic: "Sheep".
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton wool.

Week 2: Topic: "Chicken".
Target: Learn to build simple crafts. Learn to use different materials. To form independence, to develop a sense of self-confidence. Cultivate independence.
Material: paper, bird stencil, millet, cotton wool, PVA glue, brush.

Week 3: Topic: "Hedgehog".
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, seeds. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, seeds.

Week 4: Topic: "Forest".
Collective work.
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, napkins. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, napkins, brush, cereals.


1 week: Topic: "Snowflake".
Target: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn the safety rules for working with glue, cereals. Learn to plan your work. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: pasta, cardboard, stencil, glue, brush.

Week 2: Topic: "Sweater".
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cereals.

Week 3: Topic: "Hat".
Target: Teach children to work with cotton wool and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.

4 week:
Theme: "Horse".
Target: Teach children to work with cotton wool and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton balls.


Week 2: Topic: "Bird on the feeder."
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, cereals.

Week 3: Topic: "Plate"
Material: plate stencil, PVA glue, brush, cereals, seeds.

Week 4: Topic: "Cookies".
Target: Teaching children how to work with salt dough. Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Salty dough.


1 week: Topic: "Sofa".
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, cardboard. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Cardboard, glue, brush.

Week 2: Topic: "Machine".
Target: Learn to convey the image, observing the relative value. Develop figurative, aesthetic perception. Cultivate independence.
Material: matchboxes, PVA glue, brush.

Week 3: Topic: "Cup for dad."
Target: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to build simple crafts. Develop compositional skills. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end.
Material: cardboard stencil, PVA glue, seeds, cereals.

Week 4: Topic: "House".
Target: Teach children to work with boxes of toilet water, colored paper, glue.
Material: cardboard, glue, brush, colored paper, toilet water boxes.


Target: Teach children how to work with paper towels and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, paper napkin, disposable plate.

Week 2: Topic: "Basket".
Target: Learn to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills, color perception. To form independence, a sense of self-confidence.
Material: a bottle of lemonade, scissors.

Week 3: Theme: "Giraffe".
Target: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, millet.

Week 4: Topic: "Snowdrop".
Target: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, paper. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Quilling paper, glue, brush.


1 week: Topic: Teamwork. "Migratory birds"
Target: To teach children to work with cotton wool and glue, cereals. Work collectively. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton pads, cereals.

Week 2: Topic: "Space"
Target: Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skills. Cultivate independence.
Material: Colored paper, cardboard, cereals, PVA glue, scissors, brush.

Week 3: Topic: "Fish".
Material: lid from under yogurt, plasticine, seeds, cereals, toothpick, scissors.

Week 4: Theme: "Flowers"


1 week: Topic: "Butterfly"

Week 2: Topic: "Postcard for veterans"

Week 3: Topic: "Summer".
Target: Learn to build simple crafts. Develop initiative. Cultivate independence, activity.
Material: colored paper, napkins, cereals, glue, brush.

4 week: Diagnostics. Exhibition of works.

Senior group.


1 week: Topic: "Our cheerful garden that just does not grow here ...".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with corrugated cardboard, folding the main elements and converting them into various crafts. Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skill, imagination, creative skills. Develop speech. Cultivate independence.
Material: Multi-colored cardboard (1/2 A4 sheet) for each child. Strips of green and orange corrugated cardboard, 1 cm wide. Green corrugated paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Orchard".
Tasks: To form the ability to make crafts from corrugated cardboard. To fix the technique of working with corrugated cardboard. Develop imagination, fine motor skills.
Material: Multi-colored cardboard (1/2 A4 sheet) for each child. Strips of green and cherry corrugated board, 1 cm wide. Green corrugated paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Theme: "Basket of mushrooms."
Tasks: To form the ability to make crafts from corrugated cardboard. Strengthen the ability to do the job accurately. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate aesthetic perception, interest in the occupation.
Material: The finished image of a wicker basket. White corrugated cardboard strips 20-30 cm long for mushroom legs, brown and orange strips 10-15 cm long. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Theme: "Golden Autumn".
Tasks: Continue to teach children how to use corrugated cardboard in their work. To form the ability to create plot compositions using various materials. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Tinted sheet of A3 paper, stripes.


Theme: "Flag of Russia".
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to work with napkins and glue. Fix the colors of the flag of Russia. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, PVA glue, brushes. Napkins of white, blue, red colors, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Pupa from a handkerchief."
Tasks: To form the ability of children to build a doll from a handkerchief. To form independence, to develop a sense of self-confidence. Cultivate independence. Develop motor skills.
Material: Handkerchief, cotton wool, thread.

Week 3: Topic: "Machine".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with different materials (matchboxes). Fix the rules of safe work with glue, scissors. Develop compositional skills. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: Colored paper, 3 matchboxes for each child, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 4: Topic: "Man".
Tasks: Learn the rules of safe work with acorns, matches. Develop compositional skills. Develop a desire to see things through to the end. Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: acorns, plasticine.


1 week: Topic: "Rowan branch".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials (napkin), plan their work. Fix the signs of winter. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: cardboard, stencil, white, red napkin, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Bullfinch".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of work. To fix the ability to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, painted millet, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Snowflake".
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials (semolina) Teach the safety rules for working with glue, cereals. Learn to plan your work. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: semolina, cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 4: Teamwork.
Theme: "Christmas Tree of Wishes".
Tasks: Develop the ability to work in a team. Strengthen the ability of children to work with paper and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: sheet of A3 paper, palm stencil, PVA glue, brush, colored paper, cotton wool.


Week 2: Topic: “Christmas present. Angel".
Tasks: Learn to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills, color perception. To form independence, a sense of self-confidence. To form a desire to make a gift for relatives. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: cardboard, cotton pads, scissors, PVA glue, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Sheep".
Tasks: Teach the rules of safe work with glue, cotton swabs. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate a desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, PVA glue, brush, cotton buds, scissors.

Week 4: Theme: "Giraffe".
Tasks: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, millet.


1 week: Topic: "In the kingdom of fish."
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials, disks. Fix the rules for safe work with glue, paper, scissors. Develop compositional skills, eye, sense of proportion. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones.
Material: Colored paper, PVA glue, brush, scissors, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "The Raft".
Tasks: Improve skills in working with various materials (cork, fabrics, toothpicks, rubber bands). Develop figurative, aesthetic perception. Cultivate accuracy, initiative.
Material: plastic corks (or regular corks), rubber bands, wooden toothpicks, a piece of full cloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Photo frame for dad."
Material: cardboard stencil, PVA glue, buttons of different sizes and colors.

Week 4: Topic: “Horseshoe for home
Material: salt dough, stack.


Week 1: Topic: "Mimosa sprig."
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities when working with corrugated cardboard. To consolidate the ability to work with a napkin, twist balls of the same size. Continue to learn how to create a composition together. Develop a sense of color and composition.
Material: Toned sheet of A3 paper. Green corrugated strips 0.5 cm wide, 15 cm and 3 cm long. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, scissors, yellow napkin.


Week 3: Topic: "Clothes".
Tasks: Plan the progress of work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.

Week 4: Topic: "Ice cream".
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities, working with different materials. To fix the rules of safe work with glue, cotton wool, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate independence.
Material: Cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth, napkin, cereals, cotton wool.


1 week: Theme: "Swallow"
Tasks: Teach kids how to work with paper and glue. Plan the progress of work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: white paper, black paper, stencil, PVA glue brush.

Week 2: Topic: "Flying Saucer"
Tasks: Develop the ability to plan your work. Develop children's creative imagination, manual skill. Cultivate independence.
Material: Disposable plates, colored paper, cardboard, cereals, PVA glue, scissors, brush, napkins, oilcloth.

Week 3: Theme: "Bear".
Tasks: Learn to build simple crafts. Develop initiative. Cultivate independence, activity.
Material: stencil, millet, PVA glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 4: Theme: "Flowers"
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Napkins, cardboard, colored paper, glue, brush, buttons of different sizes.


Tasks: Develop the ability to work in a team. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: PVA glue, brush, Pencils, napkins.

Week 2: Topic: "Butterfly"
Tasks: To form the ability to work with paper, to make blanks for work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: strips of colored paper, PVA glue, brush.

3 — 4 week Diagnostics Exhibition of works.

Preparatory group.


Week 1: Topic: “Bread is the head of everything”
Tasks: To develop the ability to work with salt dough. Learn to plan your work. Develop manual skill, imagination, creative skills. Develop speech. Cultivate independence.
Material: ready-made salt dough, molds, stacks, boards.

Week 2: Topic: "Fruit Basket".
Tasks: Continue to develop the ability to work with corrugated cardboard and quilling paper. Improve the ability to give crafts a resemblance to fruit. Develop fine motor skills, imagination.
Material: Cardboard basket blanks for each child. Toothpicks (pre-cut the sharp ends), strips of green paper, strips of corrugated cardboard in red, yellow, blue colors 0.7-1 cm wide, 10-15 cm long.

Week 3: Topic: "Bouquet for Autumn."
Tasks: To form the ability to make crafts from leaves. Strengthen the ability to do the job accurately. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate aesthetic perception, interest in work.
Material: Autumn leaves of different colors, threads.

Week 4: Teamwork.
Theme: "Swans in the pond."
Tasks: Continue to teach children to work together. To form the ability to create plot compositions using various materials. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Tinted sheet of A3 paper, Cotton pads, white napkins, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.


1 week: Collective work.
Theme: "Birch Grove".
Tasks: To develop in children the ability to work with paper and glue. Consolidate knowledge about Russia. Plan the progress of work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in work.
Material: cardboard, PVA glue, brushes. white, green, black paper, oilcloth.

Week 2: Topic: "Matryoshka from salt dough."
Tasks: Strengthen the ability of children to work with salt dough. To form independence, to develop a sense of self-confidence. Develop motor skills.
Material: Salt dough samples.

Week 3: Teamwork.
Theme: "Race".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with different materials. Fix the rules of safe work with glue, scissors. Develop compositional skills. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: Colored paper, cardboard roller, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 4: Topic: "Family Tree".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with paper, napkins, cotton pads. Develop compositional skills. Develop a desire to see things through to the end. Develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: A4 cardboard, colored paper, green napkin, cotton pads, PVA glue, scissors, brushes, napkins.


1 week: Collective work.
Theme: "Zoo".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials (cereals), to plan their work. To consolidate knowledge about wild animals and birds. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: sheet of A3 paper, stencils, cereals, PVA glue, brush, oilcloth.

Week 2: Teamwork.
Theme: "Birds at the feeder."
Tasks: Teach children to work with cereals and glue. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: cardboard, stencil, PVA glue, brush, cereals, dyed millet, oilcloth.

Week 3: Teamwork.
Theme: "Frost patterns".

Week 4: Teamwork.
Continuation of the lesson
Theme: "Frost patterns".
Tasks: Improve the ability to perform from paper for quilling. Develop a sense of color and artistic taste. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: Toned paper sheet of A3 format. Strips of white, blue quilling paper 0.5 and 0.7 cm wide. Toothpicks (sharp ends pre-cut). PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth.


Week 2: Topic: "Angel".
Tasks: To form the ability to plan the progress of work. Develop compositional skills. To form independence, a sense of self-confidence. To form a desire to make a gift for relatives. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: white paper, scissors, PVA glue, napkin, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Cat".
Tasks: Learn the rules of safe work with glue, thread, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate a desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: Cardboard with a stencil, PVA glue, a brush, knitting threads, cereals, scissors.

Week 4: Topic: "Zoo 2".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials (cereals), to plan their work. To consolidate knowledge about the animals of hot countries. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end.
Material: sheet of A3 paper, stencils, cereals, PVA glue, brush, cotton pads, oilcloth.


1 week: Topic: "Underwater Kingdom".
Tasks: Continue to teach how to create a collective composition, previously acquired skills and abilities in working with different types of paper. Develop a sense of form and composition. Cultivate an interest in nature.
Material: Tinted sheet of blue A3 paper. Corrugated cardboard strips of different colors, widths, lengths. Colored paper. PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, scissors.

Week 2: Topic: "Airplane".
Tasks: Improve skills in working with various materials. Develop figurative, aesthetic perception. Cultivate accuracy, initiative.
Material: colored cardboard, colored paper, PVA glue, stencil, yogurt bottle.

Week 3: Topic: "Postcard for dads."
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to build simple crafts. Develop artistic taste. Cultivate independence.
Material: cardboard stencil, PVA glue, buttons, cereals.

Week 4: Topic: "Horseshoe".
Tasks: To form the ability of children to work with different materials. To consolidate the ability to do the job carefully, to bring the work started to the end. Cultivate a desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: salt dough, stack.


1 week: Topic: "A flower for mom."
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities when working with paper, scissors, cereals. Continue learning how to compose. Develop a sense of color and composition. Cultivate a desire to do crafts with your own hands.
Material: A glass of yogurt, a piece of cloth, a ribbon (braid), colored paper.

Week 2: Topic: "Furniture for dolls."
Tasks: Consolidate the ability to work with different materials (matchboxes) Learn to plan the progress of the work. To form independence, a sense of self-confidence. Achieve accurate and quality work.
Material: matchboxes, PVA glue, pieces of fabric.

Week 3: Topic: "Clothes".
Tasks: Plan the progress of work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: Stencil, cereals, PVA glue, brushes, oilcloth, napkins.

Week 4: Topic: "Pie".
Tasks: Continue to improve skills and abilities, working with different materials. Fix the rules of safe work with salt dough, buttons, cereals .. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate independence.
Material: Salt dough, cereals, buttons.


1 week: Collective work.
Theme: "Snowdrop on a thawed patch."
Tasks: Continue to learn how to work as a team. Improve skills and abilities in performing the basic elements of quilling. Continue to teach to convey the characteristic features of the structure and color of snowdrops. Cultivate an interest in wildlife.

Week 2: Topic: "Space"
Tasks: Improve the ability to work together, performing team work. To form the ability to negotiate with each other, to plan work. To expand cognitive interest in space. Cultivate artistic taste.
Material: Toned paper sheet of A3 format. Corrugated paper green, white. Colored paper, napkins, quilling strips in white, green, blue. Toothpicks. PVA glue, scissors, brushes, oilcloth.

Week 3: Topic: "Butterfly".
Tasks: To form the ability to work with different materials. Consolidate knowledge about insects. Continue to teach to convey the characteristic features of the structure and color of butterflies. Cultivate an interest in wildlife. Develop initiative. Cultivate independence, activity.
Material: Strips of different colors 0.7 cm wide. Toothpicks, PVA glue, brushes, scissors, oilcloths.

Week 4: Theme: "Flowers"
Tasks: Teach children to work with different materials. Learn to have fun while working with such material. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work.
Material: Napkins, cardboard, colored paper, glue, brush, buttons of different sizes.


1 week: Topic: "Postcard for veterans"
Tasks: Develop the ability to work in a team. Plan the progress of work. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: PVA glue, brush, Pencils, napkins.

Week 2: Topic: "Favorite craft"
Tasks: Develop fantasy, imagination. To form the ability to work with paper, to make blanks for work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity.
Material: strips of colored paper, PVA glue, brush., cereals, stencils, cotton wool, paper, cardboard, salt dough.

3rd week: Exhibition of works. Diagnostics.

Used Books:

1. "Colored palms" by E. Lykova.
2. Child in kindergarten” magazine
3. "Hoop" magazine edited by T. Doronova.
4. "Manual labor" edited by I. Klimova.
5. "From napkins to quilling" I.A. Cherkasova, V.Yu. Rusnak, M.V. Butov, Moscow, publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2013.
6. “Miracles for children from unnecessary things”, M.I. Nagibina, Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1998
7. "Mosaic of cereals and seeds" G.I. Pereverten, Publishing house "Stalker", 2006.
8. "Funny plastic toys", L.V. Kulikova, O.A. Solomennikova, Moscow "Mosaic-Synthesis"
9. “Making together with the children. Wonderful crafts from anything.” O.V. Poyda Publisher: "OlmaMediaGroup", 2013

Olga Milyutina
Circle "Skillful Hands". Plan of work in the middle group

Plan for circle work in the middle group"Chamomile" on the topic:

« skillful hands»

caregiver: Milyutina O. G.

1. Explanatory note

2. Relevance. Target. Tasks.

3. Shapes work. Implementation deadlines. Conduct mode. Expected results. Forms of carrying out the results of the program implementation.

4. Principles of constructing the program.

5. Age features of children 4-5 years old.

6. Promising plan.

7. List of used literature

Explanatory note

Preschool childhood is a very important period in the life of children. It is at this age that every child is a little explorer, with joy and surprise discovering an unfamiliar and amazing world. the world. The more diverse the children's activities, the more successful the versatile development of the child is, its potentialities and the first manifestations of creativity are realized. That is why one of the closest and most accessible types work in kindergarten is artistic manual labor, creating conditions for involving the child in their own creativity, in the process of which something beautiful, unusual is created.

This is what I want to teach my children. groups"Chamomile". Artistic manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor coordination in eye and hand work, improving coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making applications, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed. Manual labor has a great influence on the mental development of the child, on the development of his thinking.

Direct child's contact with paper, natural material, or paints, elementary experiments with them allow you to know their properties, qualities, capabilities, awaken curiosity, enrich with vivid images the world around. During the creative work a preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, analyze and draw conclusions. As practical experience shows work, productive activity not only optimizes the corrective impact on the development of the motor sphere, but also helps to eliminate the shortcomings of speech and non-speech mental functions in preschoolers.


Nowadays, the issue of developing the creative abilities of children is particularly acute. This is probably due to the fact that children began to spend more time with the computer and other means technical progress. Less and less attention is paid by parents to drawing, modeling, appliqué and manual labor with their child. Children are naturally endowed with bright abilities. And the task adults: both teachers and parents - to interest the child in artistic activities, arouse the desire to create various crafts, develop the most important mental processes: imagination, thinking, etc., help to master simple manual operations, prepare the child for schooling.

The development of intellectual and thought processes must begin with the development of hand movements, and in particular with the development of movements in the fingers. This is due to the fact that the development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain, its cognitive abilities, and the formation of speech. This means that in order for a child and his brain to develop, it is necessary to train his hands. “The sources of children's creativity and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. Others words: the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child, ”V. A. Sukhomlinsky said.

1. Develop thinking, imagination

2. Fine motor skills of the hands;

3. Cultivate independence, confidence, initiative.

1. To form in children an interest in the types of labor.

2. Introduce the properties of materials.

3. Develop the ability to use tools safely when work.

4. Contribute work skills with various materials.

5. Learn to stick ready-made forms, make images of finished objects from them, improving orientation on the plane.

6. Contribute to the development of constructive activities.

7. Develop hand strength, technical skills.

8. Promote the development of attention. Memory, imagination. Creative fantasy.

Basic forms

Subgroup of children(6-9 people).

Forms of conducting classes are different. There are both theoretical - the teacher's story, a conversation with children, children's stories, the teacher showing the mode of action - and practical classes: preparation and holding of exhibitions for children works, handing over ready works parents as gifts.

Holding mode: one lesson per week, in the afternoon lasting 20 minutes is designed for working with children 4-5 years old.

At the beginning of classes, it is recommended to carry out finger gymnastics; during the lesson, to relax muscles, relieve tension - physical minutes. Complexes of finger gymnastics, physical minutes, the educator selects independently, since the methodological literature on this issue is very diverse and informative.

Expected results.

After each stage mug work it is assumed that children will acquire certain knowledge, skills, abilities, the child will identify and realize his abilities, the formation of general labor and special skills, methods of self-control.

Children will get acquainted with various materials and their properties;

Master the skills work with scissors and glue;

Learn some techniques for converting materials;

Develop fine motor skills.

Forms of carrying out the results of implementation programs:

Children's exhibitions work in kindergarten;

Children's Presentation Days work for parents(employees, kids)

Principles of building a program

1. From simple to complex.

2. Connection of knowledge, skills with life, with practice.

3. Scientific.

4. Availability.

5. Consistency of knowledge.

6. Educational and developing Wednesday.

7. Comprehensiveness, harmony in the content of knowledge, skills and abilities.

8. Activity and independence.

9. Accounting for age and individual characteristics.

Age features of children 4-5 years old.

The age of four to five years is a period of relative calm. The child came out and, on the whole, became calmer, more obedient, more accommodating. The need for friends is becoming stronger, the interest in the world around.

At this age, your child is actively appear:

Striving for independence. It is important for a child to do a lot on his own, he is already more able to take care of himself and needs less care from adults. The reverse side of independence is a statement about one's rights, needs, attempts to establish one's own rules in the world around him.

ethical ideas. The child expands the palette of conscious emotions, he begins to understand the feelings of other people, to empathize. At this age, basic ethical concepts begin to form, perceived by the child not through what adults tell him, but based on how they act.

Creative skills. The development of the imagination enters a very active phase. A child lives in a world of fairy tales, fantasies, he is able to create entire worlds on paper or in his head. In dreams, various fantasies, the child gets the opportunity to become the main character, to achieve the recognition he lacks.

Relationships with peers. The child develops a great interest in peers, and he moves more and more from intra-family relations to broader relations with the world. Joint play becomes more difficult, it has a variety of role-playing content (games in the hospital, in the store, in the war, playing favorite fairy tales). Children make friends, quarrel, make up, get offended, jealous, help each other. Communication with peers occupies an increasing place in the life of a child, the need for recognition and respect from peers becomes more and more pronounced.

Active curiosity, which causes children to constantly ask questions about everything they see. They are ready to talk all the time, to discuss various issues. But their arbitrariness, that is, the ability to do what they are not interested in, is still not sufficiently developed, and therefore their cognitive interest is best quenched in an exciting conversation or an entertaining game.

Perspective plan.

"Autumn Leaf"

(Plasticineography). Create an expressive image through transfer of volume and color. Strengthen skills work with plasticine: rolling, flattening, spreading the used material on the base, smoothing the finished surface. Plasticine, cardboard with a stencil

2 "Autumn forest". (Breaking application). Collective Work. To expand the knowledge of children about the signs of autumn; continue to learn to tear off small pieces from a sheet of paper, apply glue to them, stick them in the right place in the picture. Paper, glue

3 Theme: "Fungus". To teach children work with cereals and glue. . Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, grits.

4 "Lamb". To teach children work with cotton and glue. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton wool.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Chick". Learn to build simple crafts. Learn to use different materials. To form independence, to develop a sense of self-confidence. Cultivate independence. paper, bird stencil, millet, cotton wool, PVA glue, brush.

2 "Hedgehog". Teach safety rules work with glue, seeds. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones. Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, seeds.

3 "Bunch of grapes". To teach children to convey the shape of a bunch of grapes in a drawing, to form the ability to independently choose the color of the berries (light green or purple, fix the grape berries by drawing with a finger. Cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton wool.

4 "Cookies" Teaching children how to knead salt dough, develop the ability work with him. Cultivate a love of work. Flour, salt, water

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Snowflake". To teach children work with different materials. Teach safety rules work with glue, groats. Teach plan your work. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end. pasta, cardboard, stencil, glue, brush.

2 "Magical forest" Introduce children to a new way of drawing "paralon". Learn to draw fluffy snow on the branches of trees and Christmas trees, snowdrifts on the ground. Paint paper, steam lon

3 "Mittens" Teach safety rules work with glue, cardboard. Develop compositional skills. Cardboard, glue, brush.

4 "Snowmen" To teach children work with plasticine working with such material. work. plasticine.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Winter's Tale". Collective Work. Learn to create a picture of snow-covered trees. using cotton wool, salt. Styrofoam. Cardboard, cotton, polystyrene, salt

2 "Bunny". (Applique from cotton wool). Depict the silhouette of a cotton bunny, complementing the landscape with colored paper details. Colored paper, cotton

3 "Bird on the feeder". Teach safety rules work with glue, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones. Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, cereals.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Bullfinches on branches". (Plasticine mosaic). Develop the ability to pull details from a whole piece, form balls, press and stick them to paper. Plasticine, paper

2 "Car". Learn to convey the image, observing the relative value. Develop figurative, aesthetic perception. Cultivate independence. matchboxes, PVA glue, brush.

3 "Dad Cup". To teach children work with different materials. Learn to build simple crafts. Develop compositional skills. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end. cardboard stencil, PVA glue, seeds, cereals.

4 "Penguins on the Ice" continue to teach children work with plasticine. Learn to enjoy working with plasticine. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work. plasticine.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Flower for Mom". To teach children work with paper towel and glue. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, paper napkin, disposable plate.

2 "Giraffe". To teach children work with grits and glue. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, millet.

3 "Here's our bouquet." (Plasticineography). Learn to connect the ends of the column, rolled between the palms, in the form of a ring and attach them to the circle. Plasticine, paper

4 "Snowdrop". Teach safety rules work with glue, paper. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones. Quilling paper, glue, brush.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 Collective Work. "Migratory birds" To teach children work with cotton and glue, groats. Work collectively. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton pads, cereals.

2 "Space" Teach plan your work. Develop manual skill

3 "Willow twig" To develop the ability to roll small pieces of paper into a tight ball, tear off pieces from cotton wool, carefully stick them on cardboard. crumpled paper cotton

4 "Easter Eggs" Learn how to decorate eggs using a variety of techniques and materials of your choice. Egg, cereal

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Butterfly" Form skill work with paper to make preparations for work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. strips of colored paper, PVA glue, brush.

2 "Postcard for Veterans" Form skill work collectively. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. PVA glue, brush, Pencils, napkins.

3 "Apple trees in bloom". Collective Work. (application from napkins). Teach plan your work. Develop manual skill. Cultivate independence Colored paper, cardboard, cereals, PVA glue, scissors, brush.

4 "The world is like a colored meadow." Collective children's work.


To form the ability to stick plasticine to paper without going beyond the contours of the picture. Use in work plasticine 3 different colors. Paper, plasticine


1. "Colored palms" E. Lykova.

2. Child in kindergarten” magazine

3. "Hoop" magazine edited by T. Doronova.

4. "Manual labor" edited by I. Klimova.

5. "From napkins to quilling" I. A. Cherkasova, V. Yu. Rusnak, M. V. Butova, Moscow, publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2013

6. "Miracles for children from unnecessary things", M. I. Nagibina, Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1998

7. "Mosaic of cereals and seeds" G. I. Pereverten, Publishing House "Stalker", 2006

8. "Funny plastic toys", L. V. Kulikova, O. A. Solomennikova, Moscow "Mosaic-Synthesis"

9. “We make with the kids. Wonderful crafts from anything.” O. V. Poida publishing house: « OlmaMediaGroup» , 2013

Organization: MBDOU d / kindergarten No. 21 "Scarlet Flower"

Location: Republic of Khakassia, Sayanogorsk

The formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of preschool education at the present stage. The most effective means for this is the visual activity of the child. In the process of drawing, modeling, application, the child experiences a variety of feelings: he rejoices at the beautiful image he created, gets upset if something does not work out, strives to overcome difficulties or gives in to them. He acquires knowledge about objects and phenomena, about the means and methods of their transmission, about the artistic possibilities of fine arts. Children's ideas about the world around them deepen, they comprehend the quality of objects, remember their characteristic features and details, master visual skills and abilities, learn to use them consciously.

Even Aristotle emphasized that classes in drawing, manual labor contribute to the versatile development of the child's personality.

“Junk material is everything that could be thrown away without pity, or can be used, giving free rein to the boundless children's imagination.” O. Schloss.

Now it has become fashionable to talk about ecology, about new ways of using waste for the common good. But we will not talk about this at all, but about the great joy that creativity and needlework bring to children. Almost every day we throw away plastic bottles, disposable tableware, food packaging, all kinds of boxes, straws, old felt-tip pens, newspapers, bottle caps, candy wrappers, etc. And we hardly think that much of this garbage can get a new use, becoming the basis for an original children's craft or an exciting toy. Unnecessary things that we strive to get rid of as soon as possible carry many opportunities for such creativity.

Working with such materials contributes to the development of children's design activities. With the help of various tools, they learn to process and connect parts from various materials, learn their properties, which contributes to the development of their imagination, technical skills. Working with various kinds of materials expands the circle of children's knowledge about the world around them.

When working with waste material, children use various types of packaging - plastic and cardboard boxes, cups, matchboxes, various bottles, etc. Cardboard boxes of various shapes are used to create images of animals and fairy-tale characters. Children learn to combine them by matching sizes, pasting paper and adding the necessary details. Due to the age characteristics of children, the lack of formation of fine motor skills of the hand, graphic skills and abilities prevents the child from expressing his plans in crafts, adequately depicting objects of the objective world. The program of this circle was drawn up taking into account the age characteristics of children for the implementation of the tasks of the artistic and creative development of children 4-5 years old.

Target. Formation of sensorimotor skills of children based on the use of various materials (waste material) and non-traditional techniques when working with them.


  • Create conditions for children to master the properties and capabilities of visual materials and tools (gouache, colored pencils, plasticine, clay, paper, fabric, waste materials), their properties, methods of work
  • develop fine motor skills and the ability to use various tools and materials
  • develop creative abilities in pupils, fine motor skills of hands.
  • develop the ability to create simple images, accept the idea proposed by an adult
  • ensure the development of methods for creating an image, transferring a form, building an elementary composition
  • encourage self-selection of image methods based on mastered techniques
  • contribute to the education of aesthetic taste, interest in manual labor
  • to develop in children the desire to participate in visual situations and games of an aesthetic orientation, to draw, sculpt, glue together with an adult and independently

The working curriculum is designed for children 4 - 5 years old (middle group) and is designed for 16 weeks.

Program implementation period: 2017-2018.

Forms and circle work mode:

Working with children includes both joint educational activities and independent activities of children:

  • game;
  • cognitive;
  • communicative;
  • pictorial;
  • perception of fiction;

The educational activity of the circle is carried out 2 times a month, up to 20 minutes, 16 times a year.

Planned results of the program development

The preschooler will know :

  • ways of creating an image, transferring a form, building an elementary composition using waste materials
  • Different types of materials and their properties
  • primary colors and some shades, 3-4 forms of magnitude manifestation, spatial relationships
  • pictorial and graphic images (illustrations, recognize the objects and phenomena depicted in them)

The preschooler will be able to:

  • create the simplest images (subject, plot and decorative) using various materials
  • use some visual-expressive and technical skills (according to the section of the program), ways to create an image, convey similarity with real objects, enrich the image with expressive details

A preschooler can solve the following vital practical tasks:

  • Apply sensory experience in practical life
  • To be able to see images of objects in a little - designed material



Number of hours

Introductory lesson

Waste material handling


Final lesson



Calendar - thematic planning



Program content

Equipment and material



Our circle "Masterilka"

To acquaint children with the features of the circle, different types of materials, teach them to observe order in the workplace, safety rules, arouse interest in creativity

Illustrations of various crafts made from waste material


"Funny buttons" Application from buttons

Learn to create a pattern from buttons by gluing. Develop children's creative imagination. Cultivate independence

Buttons, colored paper, glue, sample pictures


"Octopus" Application from threads.

Introduce children to the technique of making applications from threads. Learn to separate part of the threads and weave pigtails from them.

Develop fantasy, imagination

Colored cardboard, multi-colored threads, glue


Animals from Kinder

To teach children how to make a toy from kinders, use plasticine to connect the parts of the toy. To form in children an interest in this type of creativity. Develop imagination.

Multi-colored plastic "kinders", plasticine


Christmas tree decorations

"Snow Gnome"

Teach children to roll balls of cotton. Learn how to glue parts. Encourage to be careful in the process of activity. Continue to teach how to make toys based on three-dimensional forms.

Cotton wool, glue, colored paper


"Christmas tree made of fabric" Cut thread appliqué

Continue to acquaint children with the technique of making applications from threads. Learn to evenly smear small areas of the image and sprinkle them with threads finely chopped by the teacher, corresponding to the image area in color.

Cardboard, glue, finely chopped thread


Christmas gifts for family and friends "New Year's boot"

Learn how to glue parts. To encourage to be careful in the process of activity, to teach how to compose a composition, to develop an aesthetic taste.

Colored cardboard, New Year cards, scissors, glue



Introduce children to the various uses of pasta by creating various objects out of them. To teach how to make beautiful things (beads) out of them, causing an emotional response from the result of the product. R develop creativity, imagination, sense of rhythm, learn to compose a composition

Threads, pasta, gouache, brushes



To teach children how to make an airplane out of cardboard and a matchbox. Raise interest in the use of a variety of materials. Develop independence at work

Cardboard, glue, scissors, a matchbox, a subject picture - an airplane, a toy - Carlson.

Feb ral


To teach children to make a tank out of the box, to get satisfaction from their work, to develop attention, accuracy, visual memory. To consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes.

Boxes, caps from plastic bottles, caps from felt-tip pens, cardboard, glue, plasticine, colored paper.


To teach children to independently cut the petals from a square of colored paper, fold and glue, making a flower out of them. Use non-traditional materials in work - sweets

Cardboard, colored paper, glue, candy, double-sided tape


"Trees in early spring" Application using tea leaves (collective)

To introduce children to a new kind of manual labor for them. Learn to gently spread glue on the required area of ​​work, carefully cover this area with tea leaves. Learn to evenly distribute your work area on a common image, create a composition

Album sheet A-3, tea leaves, glue


"Basket of flowers"

Teach children to work with different materials. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work

Colored paper, stencil, glue, brush, disposable plate


"Mustachioed - Striped"

Continue to involve children in working with waste material. Learn how to glue parts. Encourage to be careful in the process of activity.

Colored cardboard, woolen threads, glue, scissors.

Organization of the exhibition "Our furry friends"


"Easter Chicken"

Learn the rules of safe work with glue, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Cultivate the desire to do crafts

Colored cardboard, colored paper, millet, scissors, glue



Develop ingenuity and creativity in the process of making crafts. To form dexterity and accuracy in work.

SD disk, glue, cardboard, colored paper, scissors, picture of the sun, Ushinsky's story "Morning Rays"

Child development monitoring

Pedagogical diagnostics is carried out 2 times a year (October, May)

Table 1. Pedagogical diagnostics

List of children

Knowledge of certain types and properties of materials

Mastering how to work with


The development of fine motor skills of the hands

Development of constructive abilities and artistic taste









Approximate grade levels


  1. The main educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" ed. N.E.Veraksy, T.S.Komarova, M.A.Vasilyeva, M., 2016
  2. I. A. Lykova “I make applications”, Karapuz, 2008
  3. I. A. Lykova “I create crafts”, Karapuz, 2008
  4. L. V Kutsakova "Design and artistic work in kindergarten", shopping center "Sphere", 2005

Explanatory note

“The world surrounding the child is, first of all, the world of nature, with an unlimited wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind.

V. Sukhomlinsky.

The circle "Ekolozhka" has an ecological focus, which is determined by the special relevance of environmental education in modern conditions. With the beginning of the third millennium, the environmental problems that had arisen earlier not only did not disappear, but continue to deepen. In the 21st century, their solution acquires the character of a factor in the survival of mankind.

Since environmental problems have come to the fore in recent years, it is necessary to deepen children's knowledge in this area. Introducing children to ecological culture must begin from childhood, since at this age it is easiest to introduce children to nature, teach them to love and protect nature. Children learn to observe changes in nature and draw conclusions.

Being engaged in a circle, children enrich their stock of knowledge with new knowledge about natural phenomena. This instills in them curiosity, respect for nature, the desire to know more. When studying the topics provided for by the circle, figurative and concrete thinking develops; visual and auditory memory; speech, attention, perception.

The main purpose of the circle - to form elements of ecological consciousness in children, the ability to understand and love the world around them and nature.

The work of the circle "Ekolozhka" is designed to solve the following tasks:

1. The development in children of the subjective experience of emotional and sensory generalization with nature and the socio-cultural environment, ideas and elementary concepts about the world around, relationships and relationships in it, as the basis for the development of environmental consciousness and ecological culture of the individual.

2. Education of emotional and valuable attitude to the natural environment.

3. Development of experience in practical and creative activities in the implementation and consolidation of knowledge and emotional and sensory impressions obtained in interaction with the natural environment, as well as in the reproduction and preservation of the natural environment.

Methods used to implement the work of the circle:

1. Visual methods:

Excursions, targeted walks;


Showing fairy tales (teacher, children);

Examination of book illustrations, reproductions;

Conducting didactic games;

2. Verbal Methods:

Reading literary works;

Conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing the stories of the educator.

3. Game Methods:

Conducting a variety of games (sedentary, role-playing, didactic, games -

dramatizations, etc.);


Conducting quizzes, contests, theme evenings.

4. Practical Methods:

Organization of productive activities of children;

Registration of a herbarium of plants, a collection of seeds, fruits;

Staging fairy tales, excerpts from literary works;

Making visual aids with children.

When building a system for the work of an ecological circle, I paid special attention to the following main directions.

1. The cognitive and entertaining direction aims to introduce children to the components of animate and inanimate nature, the impact of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining way.

2. Practical direction - the study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, associated with practical matters (environmental actions, work in the garden, feeding birds, planting flower beds, etc.).

3. The research direction is carried out within the framework of productive activities, excursions, observations, experiments.

Work schedule

The circle works during the academic year (September - May inclusive), once a week. The circle plan is designed for a year. The number of children attending the circle "Ekolozhka" - 10 people. Age of children: from 4 to 5 years.

Expected result of interaction with children:

1. Must know and follow the elementary rules of behavior in nature (the way to safely interact with plants and animals)

2. Showing interest, kindness to natural phenomena and objects;

3. Help each other, careful, benevolent attitude towards nature, manifestation of creativity.

Perspective work plan of the circle "Ecolozhka"





"Flowers on the site in autumn"

To consolidate children's knowledge about autumn garden flowers: the difference in appearance, the stage of seed ripening. Clarify children's ideas about gardening in the fall. Activate the children's vocabulary with words meaning the names of garden flowers.

Guessing riddles, the game "Guess by description", observation.

What did autumn give us?

Strengthen children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Clarify children's knowledge about caring for vegetables. Cultivate industriousness. Activate the vocabulary of children with words denoting vegetables and labor activities.

Reading the poems "Hello, autumn!" E. Blaginina, observation, conversation “What grows in the garden?”

"Autumn in white fog"

Clarify children's knowledge about such a natural phenomenon as fog. Develop cognitive activity. Activate children's vocabulary: fog, damp, wet, thick cover.

Conversation “What is fog?”, poetry reading, riddles, observation.

“The birch, the mountain ash”

Continue to introduce children to the characteristic features of trees, seasonal changes. Cultivate love for nature.

Reading poetry: "Birch", "Ryabinka", the game "Describe the tree", guessing riddles, observation


"Good, good sun"

Clarify children's knowledge about the sun in autumn. To form the ability to determine the weather by signs. Activate children's vocabulary: water, heat, light, earth.

Reading poetry: "Four treasures ..." M. Makhaneva. Observation, experience "Ladoshki",

"Tell Piggy about houseplants"

Clarify the children's ideas about the plants in the group, about the living conditions necessary for them. Introduce new plants. Learn to recognize and name the parts of a plant (root, stem, leaf, flower). Raise interest in research activities. Encourage the desire to care for plants, treat them with love and tenderness.

Articulation gymnastics, the game "Find a plant", physical education "flowers", did-kai, etc. “What plant did Piggy hide behind?”, abstract

"Autumn Tree"

To form the ability of children to observe natural phenomena, analyze and draw conclusions about some relationships and patterns.

Non-traditional drawing technique: blotography - experimentation


To form generalized ideas about pets in children: how to take care of them, what benefits they bring, what conditions are needed for life.

Conversation, use of a bad word, “Clouds” finger game, “Remember and name” game


How much rain do I know

To develop children's ability to observe seasonal phenomena and their changes. To form skills to highlight the characteristic signs of autumn and summer rain. Activate the vocabulary of children: drizzling, shallow, cold.

Communicative game-dance "Waltz of Friends"

Singing "Cloud", "Cap, cap ..." music. I. "Sunny bunnies and a cloud" finger and. "Clouds", abstract


Introduce children to wintering birds: sparrows. (Clarify with the children how changes in nature have affected the sparrow's life). Develop an interest in bird watching.
Activate the vocabulary of children: wintering, migratory.

Mobile game "Who lives in the house?". natural omens. Finger massage "Rooks". Bird calls. Speech game "Who is this?" (abstract)

To form in children a desire to be kind to wildlife. Learn to organize your own feeding of birds regularly.

Conversation "Guess what bird", observation, use of the artistic word, sub. game "Fox and Birds"

"Wild Animals in Winter"

Continue to form knowledge about forest dwellers. To develop in children ideas about the sequence of events in the life of forest animals.

Reading poems, creative tasks, sub. game "Hares and the wolf", conversation.



To develop the ability to observe seasonal phenomena and their changes, attention and memory, to see the beauty of nature. Activate children's vocabulary: first snow.

Observation, conversation, reading informative stories, problem situation.

"Protect the spruce and pine"

Introduce children to the concept that the cones contain the seeds of coniferous trees. To form the ability of children to distinguish between a spruce and a pine cone. Activate children's vocabulary: spruce, pine.

Observation, conversation, game "Find by description"

"Clouds floated across the sky"

Expand children's ideas about the phenomena of inanimate nature: tell children what clouds are.
The development of observation.
Activate children's vocabulary: pinnate, stratus, cumulus.

Conversation "What are the clouds", observation, use of the artistic word.

"Snow Dance"

Continue to teach children to observe natural phenomena: snowfall and see the beauty of the world around.
Activate children's vocabulary: cool, white, sparkling, fabulous, etc.

Observation, viewing the picture "Winter", productive, experimental (snowballs) activity.


beauty - spruce "

Attach to the desire to enjoy the smell of coniferous wood. to promote the development of the ability to name the characteristic features of the structure of spruce, the signs that distinguish it from other trees, the formation of the ability to see the difference between a toy spruce and a real one; to cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards wildlife.

A game surprise moment, compiling a story-description about a spruce based on a plan, an imitation game "Collect cones, a conversation" Should a person protect the beauty of nature? Creative work, abstract

"Watching Snow and Ice"

To form a realistic understanding of inanimate nature; to consolidate the knowledge that water can be in a solid state (snow, ice).

Conducting experiments, outdoor games "Entertainers", "Firefighters for training", the use of an artistic word.

"Bird Life in Winter"

To teach children to consider birds, to distinguish them by size, color of plumage, sounds made. Get to know their names.

Conversation, game "Feed the bird", did. and. "Fly away - do not fly away."

Frost is an amazing artist

To arouse in children an interest in winter natural phenomena. Develop visual observation, the ability to notice the unusual in the world around you and the desire to reflect what you see in your work. Develop imagination and creativity.

Riddles, observations on a walk, the use of a bad word, practical work (compendium)


"Growing onions in the window"

Arouse interest in growing a garden on the window, the desire to observe changes in the bulbs. Learn to create a situation of experience.

Conversation with the elements of labor.

"Wild Animals in the Forest in Winter"

Contribute to: enriching and deepening children's knowledge of wild animals in the winter, developing the ability to establish links between winter conditions and the behavior of animals.

A conversation about a squirrel, a hedgehog, a hare, a fox, a bear. Completing a creative task. the game "We are little bunnies", the game "Finish the sentences".

"Laboratory of good deeds"

To form the concept of kindness, the habit of doing good deeds; educate interest in experimental activities; to teach to put forward hypotheses, assumptions; analyze phenomena, draw conclusions; develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, speech of children; evoke a sense of joy in children.

Conversations about natural phenomena, cataclysms (earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods), experiments with water, air; reading educational literature; conversations about good and evil.

"Observing Seasonal Changes"

form ideas about changes in nature; to learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the end of winter (the first drop); to consolidate the ability to perceive the poetic description of winter.

Use of a bad word, Outdoor games: “Sly fox”, “Who will make fewer jumps?”.


“Spring is coming to us with quick steps”

Continue to learn to remember the names of the spring months; give an idea of ​​the changes that take place in early spring in nature. Develop basic research skills, logical thinking.

Reading the verse “March”, “Spring is coming”, d.i. “Find the mood. Show the mood”, observation.

"Our four-legged friends are dogs"

To form in children the idea that a dog is a smart pet, devoted to a person, it can be trained and used in various useful services.

Observation, Outdoor games

"Friendly couples", "Disperse - do not fall."

"Health Care"

Encourage children to take care of their own health; to form ideas that vitamin food (green onions, etc.) and the sun are especially useful in spring; develop in children the ability to take care of their health; to cultivate feelings of care for a sick comrade.

The game “Rejoice in the sun”, “What is good for health, what is bad”, a conversation about vitamin food.

"First flowers in nature"

Encourage children to enjoy the first spring flowers, continue to acquaint them with the names, with the features of the structure.

Comparative story about coltsfoot and dandelion, riddles, poetry reading.



Teach children to be mindful of the world around them. Raise interest in natural phenomena, clarify ideas about the external features of the bug.

Watching a ladybug. Learning nursery rhymes, productive activities, finger gymnastics "Ladybugs".

"Russian birch"

To form ideas in children about Russian birch. Expand knowledge about conservation. To instill in children an interest and respect for nature.

Riddles, round dance, productive activity

"Feathered Guests"

Contribute to the generalization of ideas about birds in the spring: a change in their behavior - they bask in the sun, on trees, chirp, nest, hatch chicks, etc .; cultivate curiosity, a desire to take care of birds.

Conversation, making birdhouses, birdwatching in the kindergarten area, looking at illustrations (different types of nests, the appearance of chicks and

"Spring landscape"

To consolidate the ideas of children about spring, about the characteristic features of this season. Draw children's attention to the first signs of spring. To instill in children a love for their native land. To develop in children an interest in wildlife, emotional responsiveness.

Conversation, artistic word, examination and comparison of paintings on the theme "Spring", a riddle, turning children into artists, listening to the melodies of "The Seasons".

"Sunshine on the Grass"

Clarify children's knowledge of a flower, the ability to find it by leaves, the shape of an inflorescence, to form children's interest in working with paint. Continue to arouse children's interest in fresh flowers.

Reading poetry, finger gymnastics, productive activity (compendium)

"Who lives in the pond?"

To acquaint children with a pond - a natural reservoir, its inhabitants, plants, to form knowledge that the pond should not be clogged; generalize ideas about the main factors of the aquatic environment: the natural layer of soil, water, stones, plants that have adapted to live in water.

Examination of the picture "Reservoir", the game "Create your own reservoir." conversation, the game "Imitation", the contest "Who is ready to save the pond?"..

"Blooming trees"

To help familiarize children with the peculiarities of the spring state of fruit trees, to form the ability to establish the simplest connections: changing environmental conditions, to cultivate interest in plants, respect and care.

conversation about apple trees, cherries, lilacs. The game "From what tree is the flower, the game is an imitation" Collect nectar "

“What are clouds, rain, thunderstorm?”

Give the concept of water evaporation, cloud formation, electrical discharges in an accessible form. Introduce children to the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.

Observation, viewing illustrations, reading, abstract.

"Sand Fantasies"

To broaden the horizons of children: to introduce the modern trend in fine arts. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand. Exercise children in working with models. Develop imaginative and logical thinking. Develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands. Enrich the emotional sphere of children

Reading riddles, the game "Sand telegraph", musical and rhythmic exercise "Wave", finger gymnastics "I'm sitting on the sea sand", independent activities of children.


    Nikolaeva S.N. Young Ecologist: Program for Ecological Education of Preschool Children / S.N. Nikolaev - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2002. - 128 p.

    Ecological education of preschool children: A manual for specialists in preschool education / Author compiled by Nikolaeva S.N. - M .: LLC Firm AST Publishing House - 1998. - 320 p.

    Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education in kindergarten: Working with children of middle and senior groups of kindergarten: A book for kindergarten teachers / S.N. Nikolaev.- M.: Enlightenment - 1999. - 207 p.

    Organization of activities for children on a walk. Senior group / bus. T. G. Kobzeva, I. A. Kholodova, G. S. Alexandrova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 330 p.